December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 37-48 Challenges in Creating Transformative Growth for Companies In Digital Economy
by Mašić Branislav & Vladušić Ljubiša & Nešić Sandra - 49-56 Investment Management Strategy in Financial Markets
by Vunjak Nenad & Vitomir Jelena & Antonijević Tamara & Stojanović Petra - 57-70 Which Sectors Drive Egypt’s Growth And Employment?
by Kamal Azza Mohmed - 71-77 Violence Against Female Citizens and Female Immigrants in Some Countries Worldwide: Challenges and Solutions
by Koshulko Oksana - 79-85 Innovative Policy Reforms for Sustainable Development: Empirical Evidence from PICs
by Amaradasa Dr Ranasinghe M.W. - 87-94 Fuzzification - Decision Making in Terms of Uncertainty
by Račić Željko V.
June 2018, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 4-6 Why do We Deal with the Economics of Innovation in Such an Uncertain Period at the Global Level?
by Đukić Petar - 7-15 Innovative Approach to Measuring the Impact of FDI on Some Macroeconomic Indicators in B&H
by Subotić Slobodan & Erceg Živko & Marković Vladimir & Mitrović Goran - 17-31 Local Contributions of Forests to Economic Growth of Peru: A Case of Pinus radiata Plantations
by Canchari Nadia Nora Urriola & Baral Pradeep & Wang Lanhui - 33-43 Methods of Controlled Transactions and the Behavior of Companies According to the Public and Tax Policy
by Challoumis Constantinos - 45-61 Innovative Economy in the Light of Reforms and Busssiness Modernization
by Đukić Petar - 63-80 Importance and Impact of Foreign Investment on the Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Šušićv Milan - 81-90 International Application Model Short-Long Term Between GDP and Consumption : Case Study Indonesia
by Sugiarto Teguh & Madu Ludiro & Subagyo Ahmad & Sugiyanto & Achmadi - 91-102 Value of the Firm in Capital Structure Perspective: (Case study of tourism companies in IndonesiaStock Exchange)
by Ngatemin & Maksum Azhar & Erlina & Sirojuzilam - 103-111 Competitiveness and Development of Local Communities in the Republic of Srpska
by Rebić Mladen & Bojat Milica & Šarenac Nemanja - 113-124 Ecological Development Impact on Tourism in Pavlodar Region
by Isiksal Aliya Zhakanova & Isiksal Huseyin & Zhakanovna Rakhmetullina Shynar & Sagatbayevna Savanchiyeva Armanay & Zhakanov Alibek - 125-139 The Effect of Allowance for Bad Debt Loss to the Level of Profitability: (Case Study in Local Bank Indonesia)
by Nurdiansyah Dian Hakip & Manda Gusganda Suria
December 2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 5-9 Will the Global Economy Use the Opportunity for Reforms, and the World for Peace and Cooperation?
by Đukić Petar - 11-17 Economic Freedom and Entrepreneurial Activity: Evidence from EU 11 Countries
by Mandić Dragan & Borović Zoran & Jovićević Mladen - 19-32 Position of the European Union in the Global Trade System
by Jovićević Mladen & Janjetović Željko - 33-46 Perspectives and Problems of Harmonizing Energy Legislation of Ukraine with the European Union Standards
by Volodymyrivna Komelina Olha & Adamivna Shcherbinina Svitlana - 47-53 Correlation and Relationship Analisys for Business Risk and Company Assets: (Case Study of Food and Beverage Companies in Indonesia)
by Subagyo Ahmad - 55-68 The Impact of the Applied Exchange Rate Regimes on the Internal Balance of Transition Countries
by Vujanić Vlado & Gligorić Dragan - 69-81 The Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On Turkish Economy 2010–2016
by Isiks Aliya Zhkanova & Isiksal Huseyin & Jalali Hala - 83-101 Analysis of the Banking Sector Performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia Before and After the Global Financial Crisis
by Bošnjak Antonija & Hassan Abeer & James Kieran - 103-115 The Implications of Saving and Investment Balance on Economic Growth of the Republic Of Moldova
by Perciun Rodica & Petrova Tatiana & Gribincea Corina - 117-123 Impact of Some Overseas Monetary Variables on Indonesia: SVAR Approach
by Subagyo Ahmad & Witjaksono Armanto - 125-133 Reforms of the Community Agrarian Policy: Misconception or New Agricultural Architecture?
by Spasojević Boris & Đukić Aleksandar & Stanković Dragan - 135-147 Digital Transformation and Its Influence on GDP
by Mićić Ljubiša - 149-161 Relations of Tourism and Hotel Management with Respect to GDP Growth of Republic of Srpska
by Lazarević Momir
June 2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 14-35 The Globar War: The EU’s Apple Tax Case
by Rougé Jean-François - 36-51 Impact of the Enlargement of the European Union on the Foreign Trade and Development of the New Members
by Krajišnik Milenko & Žutić Aleksandra - 52-71 Nominal and Real Convergence as a Determinant for Joining the European Monetary Union
by Kasumović Merim & Heric Erna - 72-93 Analysis of the Labor Market in the Republic of Srpska
by Petrović Dragan & Duronjić Dijana & Mandić Dragan - 94-106 Fiscal Decentralization - World Experience and Our Practice
by Stojanović Aleksandar - 107-124 Tourist Evaluation of Religious Buildings in Montenegro
by Popović Maria - 125-136 Model of Consumer Behaviour - Feminine Hygiene
by Rihtaršič Tanja & Rihtaršič Matjaž - 137-150 Influence of Tourism on the Environment
by Lazarević Momir - 151-164 Presence of Corporate Frauds at a Global Level
by Vranješ Svjetlana
December 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 9-27 Economic Crisis and Macro-economic Status of Small and Medium Enterprises
by Lukić Zoran & Petrović Dragan & Marelj Rankica - 29-56 Effects of the Washington Consensus on the Macroeconomic Stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Kasumović Merim & Hadžialić Dino - 57-74 European Monetary Integration as a Development Factor of Eurocurrency Market
by Ćurić Predrag & Petrović Dragan & Marelj Rankica - 75-93 Hypercompetition & Fiscal Attractiveness
by Rougé Jean-François & Chopov Borislav - 95-112 Contemporary Aspects of Correlation between Agriculture and Rural Development
by Rodoljub Topić & Boris Spasojević - 113-132 Tourists and Local Stakeholders Attitudes Towards Offer and Market Position of Tourist Destination Budva
by Marković Ana Tripković & Rađenović Miško & Murić Anisa - 133-141 Electronic Commerce
by Slavko Đerić - 143-152 More Efficient Operations of the Company with the Help of Communication Technologies
by Tešić Mirjana
June 2016, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-36 Sweet Sweatshops - A Reflexion about the Impact of Sweatshops on Countries’ Competitiveness
by Rouge Jean-François - 37-44 Ratings of Investment Appeal of Regions of Russia as a Tool of Assessment of Region Management Efficiency
by Bondarenko Irina - 45-58 Banking Sector of the Republic of Serbian in Terms of Transition
by Ćurić Predrag & Topić Rodoljub & Vilendečić Bojana - 59-72 Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Optimization of Relationship between Economic Potential and Sources for Public Needs Settlement
by Stojanović Aleksandar - 73-88 Rural Policy of the European Union - Experiences and Lessons for Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Lukić Miodrag - 89-106 Significance and Role of Small and Middle Entreprises in Economic Development
by Bandur Miodrag - 107-118 Employee Reward Systems in Organizations
by Došenović Dragana - 119-136 Stakeholder Colaboration in Tourism Destination Planning – The Case of Montenegro
by Pjerotić Ljiljana & Rađenović Miško & Tripković-Marković Ana - 137-150 Economic Effects Real Estate Tax
by Tadić Milan - 151-164 Tourist Destination Strenghts and Opportunities: Is Montenegro Ready for Chinese Tourists?
by Stranjančević Ana & Bulatović Iva & Lacmanović Darko & Raspor Andrej - 165-180 Marketing Communications as Important Segment of the Marketing Concept
by Mirković Milena & Kulina Dejana
December 2015, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 7-18 Sectoral Structure Change Modeling of European Oil and Gas Producing Country’S Economy
by Perepelkin Viacheslav Alexandrovich & Perepelkina Elena Viacheslavovna - 19-26 Wages Inequality in the Republic of Macedonia in a Post Crisis Period
by Trpeski Predrag - 27-32 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Albania
by Kraja Boriçi Ylvije & Osmani Elezi - 33-54 Mixed Use Rezorti u Kontekstu Održivog Razvoja Turizma (Primjer: Crna Gora) /Mixed Use Resorts in the Context of Sustainable Tourism Development (Case: Montenegro)
by Ratković Rade & Šoć Milica - 55-72 Prag Ekonomičnosti i Njegova Primjena u Poslovnoj Politici Preduzeća/ Economical Threshold and its Use in the Business Policies of Companies
by Berberović Šefkija & Bandur Miodrag - 73-88 Internet Transparentnost u Finansijskom Sektoru Bosne i Hercegovine/ Internet Transparency in Financial Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Zlatković Matea - 89-108 Instrumenti Međunarodnog Platnog Prometa - Bankarske Garancije/ Instruments of Payment - Bank Guarantees
by Mičić Nataša
June 2015, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-20 Preduzetničko Okruženje i Konkurentnost u Bih i Srbiji / Business Environment and Competitiveness in Bih and Serbia
by Mićić Jelena & Šarčević Marko - 21-35 Analiza Strukture Nezaposlenosti Visokoobrazovanih Kadrova u Republici Srpskoj i Mjere za Njezino Smanjenje / Analysis Of the Unemployment Structure of Highly Educated Personnel in the Republic of Srpska and Measures for its Reduction
by Mastilo Zoran - 37-66 Značaj Strateškog Upravljanja za Rast iBB Razvoj Poslovnih Sistema / The Importance of Strategic Management for Growth and Development of Business Systems
by Lukić Zoran & Mustafić Amela - 67-78 Menadžment i Liderstvo / Management and Leadership
by Lukić Zoran & Mustafić Amela & Došenović Dragana - 79-87 Uloga Banke na Tržištu Hartija od Vrednosti / Function of Banks on the Securities Market
by Prodanović Vladimir - 89-97 Vrednovanje Dobara pri Ocjeni Društvene Opravdanosti Investicionih Projekata / Evaluation of Goods in Assessment of Social Justification of Investment Projects
by Čoprka Miodrag - 99-107 Upravljanje Rizicima Osiguravajućih Kompanija / Risk Management of Insurance Companies
by Zeljić Danijela - 109-124 Kulturne Determinante Globalizacije i Održivi Razvoj / Sustainable Development and Cultural Determinants of Globalization
by Đukić Petar - 125-133 Specifičnosti e – Uprave: Ekonomsko - Finansijske Konsekvence / Specifics E – Governance: Economic - Financial Consequences
by Spasojević Nenad - 135-147 Intelektualni Kapital u Digitalnoj Ekonomiji / Intellectual Capital in Digital Economy
by Stanivuk Mihaela - 149-161 Koncept E-Demokratije - Osnova I/Ili Poboljšanje Digitalnog Uređenja Društva / E-Democracy Concept – Basis And/Or Enhancement of Digital Organization of Society
by Pilipović Dragoljub & Mirković Bogdan - 163-173 Međunarodni Transferi Tehnologije i Znanja Kao Podsticajnih Faktora Razvoja Preduzeća / International Transfer of Technology and Knowledge as a Factor Stimulating Enterprise Development
by Mirković Milena & Milovanović Ljubica - 175-194 Procesno Funkcionisanje Lokalne Samouprave / Process Operation of Local Self-Government
by Jekić Cviko