2025, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-18 How overconfidence and mental accounting influence investments? The moderating role of financial literacy
by Johny Budiman & Jason Yodiputra & Candy Candy & Isnaini Nuzula Agustin - 19-34 The effect of financial literacy, financial self-efficacy, financial technology literacy, and risk perception on stock investment decisions: Millennials preferences
by Cahyo Sunarko & Sutrisno Sutrisno - 35-46 Temporal preferences for ambiance: A study of tourist expectations across the day
by Rischa Agustina & Budhi Sholeh Wibowo - 47-59 Does motivation theory really play any significant role on explaining university teachers’ performance: Understanding Bangladeshi context
by Rebaka Sultana & Mohammad Faruk & Md. Saiful Islam & Md. Asif Khaled - 60-73 Green strategy for gaining competitive advantage in pharmacy: Exploring the role of green and social innovation
by Budi Nur Siswanto & Irayanti Adriant & Rizqi Permana Sari & Agus Rahayu - 74-89 Abusive leadership and turnover intention: How employee and work engagement act as shields
by Syamsul Hadi & Eni Sulistyawati & Kusuma Chandra Kirana & Cindy Alfianuri Imas Dianti & Eni Purnasari & Felix Onoriode Ashakah - 90-106 Toward the development of dynamic innovation capabilities in a hospitality industry: A case study in glamping service provider
by Anjar Priyono & Siti Nurulhuda Binti Nordin & Syadiyah Abdul Shukor - 107-127 Investigative model of repurchase intention on boycott brand of multinational franchise food and beverage in Indonesia
by Mohamad Rizan & Agung Kresnamurti & Farah Chalida Hanoum & Raka Pria Anugrah & Heri Prabowo & Qristin Violinda & Guruh Ghifar Zalzalah & Hapsari Dyah Herdiany - 128-142 How do social entrepreneurship factors influence sustainable business development? The mediating role of social network
by Titik Kusmantini & Heru Tri Sutiono & Anis Siti Hartati & Anidah Robani & Aris Kusumo Diantoro & Ashila Metta Rahmadati - 143-159 Environmentally specific empowering leadership and organizational citizenship behavior toward the environment: The roles of green work engagement, psychological ownership, and environmental concern
by Khutso Pitso Mankgele & Olawale Fatoki - 160-177 The role of artificial intelligence in recruitment: Examining candidate experience as a mediator and organizational culture as a moderator in quality of hires
by Jamaluddin & Roslina Alam & Niniek Lantara & Andi Rosdianti Razak & St Hatidja - 178-195 More than a paycheck: How non-financial incentives shape employee motivation in public administration
by Andi Irwan & Vebby Anwar & Cakra Zaitun - 196-215 A scientometric review of the relationship between learning agility and work engagement in modern management context
by Farira Nareswari & Rini Juni Astuti - 216-230 Understanding turnover intention in Gen Z: Servant leadership and ethical climate in organization
by Safira Dwi Tyas Putri & Alice Salendu & Aditya Wira Pahlawan - 231-245 Service-dominant logic in the hotel industry: Pathway to brand awareness and loyalty
by Tanty Sondari & Nur Zeina Maya Sari & Ayke Nuraliati
2024, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 173-186 The role of religious brand community support to increase value co-creation in market religio-centric
by Ken Sudarti & Hendar Hendar & Nabila Tharrazana - 187-204 Evaluation of Instagram’s popularity: Brand cue and message appeal as explanatory variables
by Putri Anggraini & Muji Gunarto - 205-220 Collaborative marketing innovation: How to energize social capital to enhance MSME’s performance?
by Nalal Muna & I Made Sukresna & Aflit Nuryulia Praswati - 221-240 Emotional and spiritual intelligence impacts on entrepreneurial intention: Serial mediation of creativity and proactive attitude
by Radiman Radiman & Sukiman Sukiman & Rizal Agus - 241-259 Enhancing energy-efficient home appliance adoption: Media publicity strategies and planned behavior theory
by Andika Andika & Muinah Fadhilah & Della Nanda Luthfiana & Nadia Nadia & Malik Abd Karim Amirullah - 260-275 The antecedents of purchase intention of local brands: A systematic literature review
by Emilia Septiani & Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa & Ni Wayan Ekawati & I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja - 276-292 Why millennials and gen Z are silently leaving their jobs? Unraveling the ‘quiet quitting’ trend
by Nuryanti Taufik & Agi Rosyadi & Muhammad Aliyuddin - 293-307 Fostering innovation through green HRM: The mediating role of organizational support and green commitment
by Ani Yunaningsih & Ahmad Johan & Rima Rahmayanti - 308-323 Engagement in student organizations and graduates’ readiness to enter the job market
by Baiq Sinar Mulyana & Jaya Addin Linando - 324-339 Navigating regulatory sandbox initiatives for innovation diffusion in fintech lending: A systematic review
by Rahardito Dio Prastowo & Dana Indra Sensuse & Sofian Lusa & Prasetyo Adi Wibowo Putro - 340-357 Determinant factors of procrastination behavior at work: A case study in the university context
by Sunarta & Muafi - 358-375 Knowledge sharing and sustainable competitive advantage: Mediating role of innovation culture and MSMEs business performance
by Meyna Cinta Ratulian & Sabihaini Sabihaini & Fauzilah Salleh & Januar Eko Prasetio - 376-393 Green threads: Unveiling sustainable fashion preferences among Indonesian gen Z consumers
by Tiara Nur Anisah & Della Nanda Luthfiana & Vikas Kumar & Gesty Ernestivita & Bimo Harnaji & Mohamad Najmudin - 394-412 Exploring the influence of ‘Korean Wave’ on brand loyalty: The moderating role of product type
by Lady & Lara Meilani & Fendy Cuandra & Bai Na - 413-431 Can environmental transformational leadership shape organizational citizenship behavior toward the environment in Indonesia?
by Diah Retno Wulandaru & Anidah Binti Robani & Zaqiah Vivi Putri
2024, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 16-31 Conceptual review of global outsourcing-offshoring in the last 20 years: Notes on systematic literature review
by Arie Indra Gunawan & Andrieta Shintia Dewi & Elvira Azis - 32-54 Shockwaves in consumer minds: The thunderous role of media in sculpting brand popularity
by Hafizh Fitrianna - 55-72 Muslim fashion dynamics: The mediating role of positive emotion in elucidating impulsive buying behavior
by Andhy Tri Adriyanto & Ayu Nurafni Octavia & Ahmad Sahri Romadon - 73-89 Unraveling the complexity of the organic food market: Indonesian consumer perspective on price and product knowledge
by Della Nanda Luthfiana & Andika Andika & Utik Bidayati - 90-104 Describing the employer’s satisfaction on college of business education graduates employed in banking institutions
by Ritchie Jean Jie Lizza Benitez & Reycillame Balmadres & Zaldie Boy II Panoril & Mylene Alfanta & Janus Naparan - 105-121 Does user-generated content trigger university graduates’ online purchase intention? Mediating role of brand image
by Md. Ashraful Islam & Md. Abdul Kaium & Ishrat Zahan & Md. Shahinur Rahman - 122-136 Does tourism experience matter in cultural tourism destinations? Predicting future tourist behavior
by Ardiwansyah Nanggong & Ali Mohammad - 137-152 Will you purchase what I recommend? The role of interaction orientation, parasocial relation, and product involvement
by Adjeng Mariana Febrianti & Nurul Hermina & Maman Suratman - 153-172 Memorable tourism experience of heritage-local food on tourist behavior: Mediating role of destination image and satisfaction
by Indra Iryanto Nur Hidayat & Nur Zakiyah Mukarromah & Windi Mahendra Putri & Nurhandini & Devi Meidawati - v:4:y:2024:i:1:id:30199 Financial system stability in Indonesia and its relationship with economic growth before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
by Siswantoro Siswantoro
2023, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 107-120 Community development and social welfare through entrepreneurship management training
by Nanis Hairunisya & Sulastri Rini Rindrayani & Hari Subiyantoro - 121-137 HEISQUAL – ACSI – IPA – PGCV: Synthesis of higher education service satisfaction measurements
by Teguh Hardi Raharjo & Kemal Budi Mulyono & Ismiyati Ismiyati & Ahmad Jaenudin - 138-154 The mompreneurs and its contribution on family prosperity: Insight from women empowerment of Payungi community
by Dwi Nugroho - 155-166 Causality analysis in corporate social responsibility and financial performance: Evidence from Indonesia
by Bagas Ardhi Yoga Satria & Tri Gunarsih - 167-183 The antecedence of green supply chain management and its impact on business performance in the traditional fashion industry
by Farah Muhammad Hadjar & Titik Kusmantini & Sabihaini Sabihaini - 184-198 The effect of organizational culture, supervision, and punishment on work discipline (Case study on official motorcycle dealers in Madiun City)
by Robby Sandhi Dessyarti & Putri Oktaviana - 199-209 How to improve brand image: The role of customer attitude, brand familiarity, brand awareness, and brand extension
by Yazid Yazid & Helmidhia Kawiryan - 210-226 The effect of personal factors and situational factors on impulse buying on users in Indonesia
by Fatharani Aghnia Fitri & Heppy Millanyani
2023, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-13 AMOBA: Innovation barriers of the millennial generation
by Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono Putra & Awanis Linati Haziroh & Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro & Selvia Puji Lestari & Tiara Daffa Arsanda - 14-23 The effect of free cash flow and leverage on earnings management: Moderating role of good corporate governance
by Aprih Santoso - 24-35 Analysis of supply chain management system using lean six sigma: Balanced scoredcard parameters approach
by Wahyu Eko Prasetyo - 36-47 The effect of Covid-19 pandemic on regional financial performance in Indonesia: Meta-analysis
by Darus Altin & Vebtasvili Vebtasvili & Idel Eprianto - 48-59 The role of integrated marketing communication, ecological knowledge and co-creation of value toward visitor satisfaction in the hotel industry
by Antonius Satria Hadi - 60-73 The role of work engagement in mediating the effect of job characteristics and compensation on performance
by Muktar Redy Susila - 74-89 Analysis of factors influencing youth entrepreneurial decisions in Yogyakarta Special Regency
by Suci Hidayati Boru Siahaan - 90-106 Halal industries growth in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia
by Arna Asna Annisa
2022, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 103-120 Islam in human resources management and organizational behavior discourses
by Jaya Addin Linando - 121-138 Determinant factors of hospital service quality and patient satisfaction: Hospital logistics management approach
by Muhammad Alfarizi & Ngatindriatun - 139-146 Impact of business ethics on employee’s productivity and organization growth: Case study at Emaar Properties Corporation, Dubai, UAE
by Ayman Al Armoti & Hamad Abdullah Al Meqbali & Abdullah Saleh Noor - 147-161 Ethical decision intention of first-line managers: Case study in Malaysia hotel industry
by Thamil-Durai Chelliah & Ling-Meng Chan - 162-175 Determinant factors of repurchase interest of buying fashion products online in e-commerce
by M. Andi Alwi Nopreza & Sumadi - 176-192 The effect of work from home toward work-life balance and productivity with work stress as a mediating variable: Study on employees of Financial Services Authority (OJK RI)
by Rizki Vina Yurinta Subari & Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri - 193-206 The effect of product quality and price toward repurchase intention at Taco Casa Bali during Covid-19 pandemic
by Putu Ema Werdiastuti & Agustiono Agustiono - 207-219 Does audit quality, managerial reports, audit committee affect financial report quality? Case of companies listed on Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) 2018-2020
by Zulifa Ivada Asikin & Faris Shalahuddin Zakiy & Wahab Zaenuri & Najim Nur Fauziah
2022, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-12 The relationship between consumer buying behavior, social aspects, and technostress on smartphone
by Antonius Satria Hadi - 13-23 Implementation of Islamic corporate governance and competitive advantage in SMEs: A systematic literature review approach
by Reza Widhar Pahlevi - 24-38 Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk model for export micro, small, and medium enterprises financing affected by Covid-19 pandemic: Indonesian study
by Siswantoro Siswantoro - 39-52 Building supply chain resilience amid Covid-19: Post-Pandemic strategies for hotel industry
by Poppy Laksita Rini & Muhammad Ali Fikri - 53-62 Stock return content analysis based on ratio method: Case study on infrastructure, utilities and transportation companies listed on IDX in 2018-2020
by Sisca Dian Rahmawati & Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono Putra - 63-73 The efficiency of Malaysian Islamic banks: Intermediation, production and operating approach
by Mohammad Abdul Matin Chowdhury & Razali Haron - 74-89 Determinants of firm value with profitability as intervening variables
by Ratih Hapsari Handayani & Indarto Indarto & Aprih Santoso - 90-102 The effect of good corporate governance on the financial performance of property and real estate sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
by Muhammad Fuad Alamsyah & Yulianti Yulianti
2021, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 81-94 Application of green marketing mix of beauty products on sales through purchase decisions as intervening variable
by Danang Satrio & Siti Yunitarini & Nila Rizqiani - 95-104 The influence of product attribute, promotion mix, distribution channel, and price toward repurchase intention on iPhone
by Antonius Satria Hadi - 105-115 Role of Customer in Marketing and Development (RCMD) – a literature review
by Ehsanullah Oria & Mirwan Surya Perdhana - 116-127 The effect of leadership style and IT support on lecturer performance during e-learning program with work environment as mediating variable
by Awanis Linati Haziroh & Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono Putra & Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro - 128-143 The role of financial knowledge in realizing financial behavior: is it any mediating effect of financial attitudes and self-efficacy?
by Ardiana Nur Maulida H & Indarto Indarto & Aprih Santoso - 144-154 Women and scientist: the yellow light on the ivory tower
by Zarra Zettina Wiji Riniardi & Trias Setiawati - 155-164 Analysis toward purchase decision determinant factors
by Aprih Santoso & Audi Redha Sispradana - 165-175 Investment decision by using Capital Asset Method Pricing Model (CAPM) (Case studies on five automotive companies listed in stock exchange)
by Ahmad Musodik & Arrum Puspita Sari & Ida Nur Fitriani
2021, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-13 Implications of the triple track strategy policy on poverty alleviation
by Susi Astuti - 14-26 Stock performance based on sharia stock screening: Comparasion between syariah stock indices of Indonesia and Malaysia
by Jeihan Ali Azhar & Resti Wulandari - 27-34 Mutual performance assessment model: Comparative analysis
by Bazfa Azzah Zhorifah & Dwipraptono Agus Harjito - 35-45 Leverage, profitability, corporate governance mecanism and earning management: cases in manufacturing company in Indonesia Stock Exchange
by Novria Prawida & Sutrisno Sutrisno - 46-56 Comparison of volatility and performance of shares in Indonesia, Malaysia, China and America (Study on the content, FBMS, DJICHKU and DJIMI)
by Resti Wulandari - 57-67 Do Islamic stock indexes integrated with conventional stock indexes?: Evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia
by Sylva Alif Rusmita & Putri Swastika - 68-79 Determining brand strenghth against WOM with the mediation of customer satisfaction and business loyalty of Garuda Indonesia aircraft flight
by Dean Pratiwi Iriawan & Sumadi Sumadi