August 2020, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 120-121 Climate Change and Ocean Governance: Politics and Policy forThreatened Seas
by Elizabeth Nyman - 121-123 Beyond Greenwash? Explaining Credibility in TransnationalEco-Labeling
by Thomas Hickmann
May 2020, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-2 Introduction
by Steven Bernstein & Matthew Hoffmann & Erika Weinthal - 3-11 Shadows of Divestment: The Complications of Diverting Fossil Fuel Finance
by Kate J. Neville - 12-36 Which Way Forward in Measuring the Quality of Life? A Critical Analysis of Sustainability and Well-Being Indicator Sets
by Doris Fuchs & Bernd Schlipphak & Oliver Treib & Le Anh Nguyen Long & Markus Lederer - 37-56 Capitalism and Earth System Governance: An Ecological Marxist Approach
by Michael J. Albert - 57-82 Political Perspectives on Geoengineering: Navigating Problem Definition and Institutional Fit Abstract: Geoengineering technologies are by definition only effective at scale, and so international policy development of some sort will be unavoidable. It is therefore important to include governability as a dimension when assessing the technologies’ feasibility and potential role in addressing climate change. The few existing studies that address this question indicate that for some technologies, policy development at the international level could be exceedingly difficult. This study provides an in-depth, theoretically informed analysis of the obstacles that policymakers face when addressing geoengineering governance. Using data in the form of negotiation proceedings, observations, and interviews with government officials from seven different countries, it argues that a significant part of the challenge lies in dissonances between problem definitions that are widely used in the geoengineering governance debate and the structures and expectations that shape environmental policy making. These include a lack of institutional fit between the process-based differentiation of geoengineering technologies (carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management) and the international legal architecture, a lack of fit between the urgency of demanded governance action and prevalent scientific and political uncertainties, and a lack of fit between risk–risk trade-off narratives and the precautionary norms of environmental governance
by Ina Möller - 83-104 Under What Conditions Will the Paris Process Produce a Cycle of Increasing Ambition Sufficient to Reach the 2°C Goal?
by Håkon Sælen - 105-127 Brokering Climate Action: The UNFCCC Secretariat Between Parties and Nonparty Stakeholders
by Barbara Saerbeck & Mareike Well & Helge Jörgens & Alexandra Goritz & Nina Kolleck - 128-156 Political Economy Determinants of Carbon Pricing
by Sebastian Levi & Christian Flachsland & Michael Jakob - 162-164 The Paradox of Scale: How NGOs Build, Maintain, and Lose Authority in Environmental Governance
by Craig N. Murphy - 164-166 Africa’s Gene Revolution: Genetically Modified Crops and the Future of African Agriculture
by Robert L. Paarlberg - 166-168 Ecomodernism: Technology, Politics and the Climate Crisis
by Peter Howson
February 2020, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Steven Bernstein & Matthew Hoffmann & Erika Weinthal - 3-10 Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Learning from CITESCoP17
by Alfie ChristopherByron Gaffney & Darrick Evensen - 11-37 A Multiscalar and Justice-Led Analysis of REDD+: A Case Study of theNorwegian–Ethiopian Partnership
by David Brown & Marion MacLellan - 38-59 Between the Global Commodity Boom and Subnational State Capacities:Payment for Environmental Services to Fight Deforestation inArgentina
by Isabella Alcañiz & RicardoA. Gutierrez - 60-81 Public Opinion and the Legitimacy of Global Private EnvironmentalGovernance
by FabianG. Neuner - 82-102 Go Means Green: Diasporas’ Affinity for EcologicalGroups
by Anca Turcu & R. Urbatsch - 103-121 What We Know (and Could Know) About International EnvironmentalAgreements
by RonaldB. Mitchell & LilianaB. Andonova & Mark Axelrod & Jörg Balsiger & Thomas Bernauer & JessicaF. Green & James Hollway & RakhyunE. Kim & Jean-Frédéric Morin - 122-126 Utopia and the Anthropocene
by J.Samuel Barkin - 127-129 The Governance of Solar Geoengineering: Managing Climate Changein theAnthropocene
by Simon Nicholson - 129-130 Energy and Climate Policies in China and India: A Two-LevelComparativeStudy
by Anthony Szczurek - 131-133 Mindmade Politics: The Cognitive Roots of International ClimateGovernance
by Matto Mildenberger
November 2019, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-2 Introduction
by Matthew Hoffmann & Steven Bernstein & Erika Weinthal - 3-13 The Climate Vulnerabilities of Global Nuclear Power
by SarahM. Jordaan & Afreen Siddiqi & William Kakenmaster & AliceC. Hill - 14-44 When Do International Treaties Matter for Domestic EnvironmentalLegislation?
by Clara Brandi & Dominique Blümer & Jean-Frédéric Morin - 45-62 Make Fossil Fuels Great Again? The Paris Agreement, Trump, and the USFossil Fuel Industry
by Lukas Hermwille & Lisa Sanderink - 63-84 What Drives Norm Success? Evidence from Anti–Fossil FuelCampaigns
by Mathieu Blondeel & Jeff Colgan & Thijs Van deGraaf - 85-117 Making REDD+ Transparent: Opportunities for MobileTechnology
by Adam Bumpus & Thu-Ba Huynh & Sophie Pascoe - 118-132 On Growth Projections in the Shared SocioeconomicPathways
by Halvard Buhaug & Jonas Vestby - 133-138 “Climate Refugees”—A UsefulConcept?
by Gregory White - 139-141 The Concept of Climate Migration: Advocacy and ItsProspects
by Saleh Ahmed - 141-143 Transboundary Environmental Governance Across theWorld’s LongestBorder
by AndrewB. Kirkpatrick - 143-145 Subnational Hydropolitics: Conflict, Cooperation, andInstitution-Building in Shared RiverBasins
by V.Miranda Chase
August 2019, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 1-15 Transformative Water Relations: Indigenous Interventions in Global Political Economies
by Kate J. Neville & Glen Coulthard - 16-32 (En)gendering Shoreline Law: Nishnaabeg Relational Politics Along the Trent Severn Waterway
by Madeline Whetung - 33-56 Engaging Colonial Entanglements: “Treatment as a State” Policy for Indigenous Water Co-Governance
by Sibyl Diver & Daniel Ahrens & Talia Arbit & Karen Bakker - 57-76 “Our Winters’ Rights”: Challenging Colonial Water Laws
by Andrew Curley - 77-97 Finding Common Ground: Negotiating Downstream Rights to Harvest with Upstream Responsibilities to Protect—Dairies, Berries, and Shellfish in the Salish Sea
by Emma S. Norman - 98-119 Rendering Technical, Rendering Sacred: The Politics of Hydroelectric Development on British Columbia’s Saaghii Naachii/Peace River
by Caleb Behn & Karen Bakker - 120-132 Including Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Environmental Assessments: Restructuring the Process
by Rachel Arsenault & Carrie Bourassa & Sibyl Diver & Deborah McGregor & Aaron Witham - 133-138 Rare Earth Politics across Time, Space, and Scale
by Stacy D. VanDeveer - 139-141 Rules without Rights: Land, Labor, and Private Authority in the Global Economy
by Graham Bullock - 141-143 International Organizations and Environmental Protection: Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century
by Swapna Pathak - 143-145 Regulating the Polluters: Markets and Strategies for Protecting the Global Environment
by Adriana Gama
May 2019, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-3 Introduction
by Matthew Hoffmann & Steven Bernstein & Erika Weinthal - 4-13 Being There: International Negotiations as Study Sites in Global Environmental Politics
by Kate O’Neill & Peter M. Haas - 14-37 Weighting the World: IPBES and the Struggle over Biocultural Diversity
by Hannah Hughes & Alice B. M. Vadrot - 38-60 Making Influence Visible: Innovating Ethnography at the Paris Climate Summit
by Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya & Laura Zanotti - 61-80 Deliberative Ecologies: Complexity and Social–Ecological Dynamics in International Environmental Negotiations
by Jonathan Pickering - 81-92 Using Negotiation Sites for Richer Collection of Network Data
by Matthew Paterson - 93-103 Catastrophic Climate Risk and Brazilian Amazonian Politics and Policies: A New Research Agenda
by Joana Castro Pereira & Eduardo Viola - 104-126 Discourses of Resilience in the Climate Security Debate
by Peter Ferguson - 127-148 The Political Economy of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Adoption
by Elena V. McLean & Tatyana Plaksina - 149-168 Coal, Climate Justice, and the Cultural Politics of Energy Transition
by Benjamin Brown & Samuel J. Spiegel - 169-174 Global Governance in the Age of the Anthropocene: Are Sustainable Development Goals the Answer?
by Elham Seyedsayamdost - 175-177 Governance Entrepreneurs: International Organizations and the Rise of Global Public-Private Partnerships
by Thomas Hickmann - 177-179 Green Grades: Can Information Save the Earth?
by Tim Bartley - 179-181 China’s Role in Reducing Carbon Emissions: The Stabilisation of Energy Consumption and the Deployment of Renewable Energy
by Rajiv Ranjan
February 2019, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 4-11 Dangerous Incrementalism of the Paris Agreement
by Jen Iris Allan - 12-33 Pursuing an Indigenous Platform: Exploring Opportunities and Constraints for Indigenous Participation in the UNFCCC
by Ella Belfer & James D. Ford & Michelle Maillet & Malcolm Araos & Melanie Flynn - 34-52 How Rising Powers Create Governance Gaps: The Case of Export Credit and the Environment
by Kristen Hopewell - 53-76 Deforestation and the United States–Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
by Clint Peinhardt & Alisha A. Kim & Viveca Pavon-Harr - 77-98 South–South Transnational Advocacy: Mobilizing Against Brazilian Dams in the Peruvian Amazon
by Paula Franco Moreira & Jonathan Kishen Gamu & Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue & Simone Athayde & Sônia Regina da Cal Seixas & Eduardo Viola - 99-122 Private Governance in Developing Countries: Drivers of Voluntary Carbon Offset Programs
by Liliana B. Andonova & Yixian Sun - 123-128 Finding Order in Chaos: Grappling with the Policy and Politics of Sustainable Energy Transition
by Nina Kelsey - 129-130 Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change
by Noriko Kusumi - 131-132 The Evolution of Carbon Markets: Design and Diffusion
by Siddhartha Dabhi - 132-133 A Farewell to Ice: A Report from the Arctic
by Eleni Kavvatha
November 2018, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 4-24 Renegotiating the Columbia River Treaty: Transboundary Governance and Indigenous Rights
by Alice Cohen & Emma S. Norman - 25-42 Worlding the Study of Global Environmental Politics in the Anthropocene: Indigenous Voices from the Amazon
by Cristina Yumie Aoki Inoue - 43-62 Constructing Rights of Nature Norms in the US, Ecuador, and New Zealand
by Craig M. Kauffman & Pamela L. Martin - 63-84 International Water Cooperation and Environmental Peacemaking
by Tobias Ide & Adrien Detges - 85-106 The Shifting Context of Sustainability: Growth and the World Ocean Regime
by Peter J. Jacques & Rafaella Lobo - 107-126 Environmental Mobilities: An Alternative Lens to Global Environmental Governance
by Ingrid Boas & Sanneke Kloppenburg & Judith van Leeuwen & Machiel Lamers - 127-131 Wildlife Crime: Politics, People, and Prevention
by William Moreto - 132-134 The Global Emergence of Constitutional Environmental Rights
by David R. Boyd - 134-136 Enterprising Nature: Economics, Markets, and Finance in Global Biodiversity Politics
by Rebecca Pearse - 136-138 Towards a Cultural Politics of Climate Change: Devices, Desires, and Dissent
by Sandeep Kandikuppa
August 2018, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 5-24 Solar Geoengineering and Democracy
by Joshua B. Horton & Jesse L. Reynolds & Holly Jean Buck & Daniel Callies & Stefan Schäfer & David W. Keith & Steve Rayner - 25-46 Transnational Support for Urban Climate Adaptation: Emerging Forms of Agency and Dependency
by Eric K. Chu - 47-65 Southern Agency: Navigating Local and Global Imperatives in Climate Research
by Ralph Borland & Robert Morrell & Vanessa Watson - 66-85 How Do States Benefit from Nonstate Governance? Evidence from Forest Sustainability Certification
by Jesse Abrams & Erik Nielsen & Diana Diaz & Theresa Selfa & Erika Adams & Jennifer L. Dunn & Cassandra Moseley - 86-105 The New Regionalism in Global Organic Agricultural Governance Through Standards: A Cross-Regional Comparison
by Sandra Schwindenhammer - 106-129 Perceptions of Corruption, Political Distrust, and the Weakening of Climate Policy
by Ryan Rafaty - 130-150 The Transformative Capability of Transparency in Global Environmental Governance
by David Ciplet & Kevin M. Adams & Romain Weikmans & J. Timmons Roberts - 151-156 Wildlife, Conservation and Conflict in the Anthropocene: New Forms of Stewardship?
by Bruce Rocheleau - 157-159 Grassroots Global Governance: Local Watershed Management Experiments and the Evolution of Sustainable Development
by Tabitha M. Benney & Stacy D. VanDeveer - 159-161 Global Carbon Pricing: The Path to Climate Cooperation
by Cary Y. Hendrickson - 161-163 Linking EU Climate and Energy Policies—Decision-making, Implementation and Reform
by Qing Li
May 2018, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-11 The Global Environmental Politics of Food
by Jennifer Clapp & Caitlin Scott - 12-33 Mega-Mergers on the Menu: Corporate Concentration and the Politics of Sustainability in the Global Food System
by Jennifer Clapp - 34-52 The Global Politics of the Business of “Sustainable” Palm Oil
by Peter Dauvergne - 53-71 Governing Food and Agriculture in a Warming World
by Peter Newell & Olivia Taylor & Charles Touni - 72-92 The Global Environmental Politics and Political Economy of Seafood Systems
by Liam Campling & Elizabeth Havice - 93-113 Sustainably Sourced Junk Food? Big Food and the Challenge of Sustainable Diets
by Caitlin Scott - 114-133 Beekeepers Versus Biotech: Commodity Characteristics and Regulatory Interdependence in the Global Environmental Politics of Food
by Shana M. Starobin - 134-142 Ghosts and Things: Agriculture and Animal Life
by Tony Weis - 143-150 Toward Multipurpose Agriculture: Food, Fuels, Flex Crops, and Prospects for a Bioeconomy
by Mairon G. Bastos Lima - 151-155 Change and Resilience in Melanesian Societies
by Fengshi Wu - 156-158 Climate Diplomacy from Rio to Paris: The Effort to Contain Global Warming
by Jen Iris Allan - 158-160 Rethinking Authority in Global Climate Governance: How Transnational Climate Initiatives Relate to the International Climate Regime
by Laura Iozzelli - 160-162 Climate Justice and Geoengineering. Ethics and Politics in the Atmospheric Anthropocene
by Angèle Minguet
February 2018, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-12 Individual Behavior and Global Environmental Problems
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre - 13-32 The (Dis)empowering Effects of Transparency Beyond Information Disclosure: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Myanmar
by Marjanneke J. Vijge - 33-51 Climate Change and the Politics of Military Bases
by Jeff D. Colgan - 52-75 The Comparative Politics of Climate Change Mitigation Measures: Who Promotes Carbon Sinks and Why?
by Jo-Kristian S. Røttereng - 76-98 Norms, Incentives, or Deadlines? Explaining Norway’s Noncompliance with the Gothenburg Protocol
by Andreas Kokkvoll Tveit - 99-121 Toward Environmental Democracy? Procedural Environmental Rights and Environmental Justice
by Joshua C. Gellers & Chris Jeffords - 122-139 Mapping the Trade and Environment Nexus: Insights from a New Data Set
by Jean-Frédéric Morin & Andreas Dür & Lisa Lechner - 140-145 China’s Environment: Views from Above, Below, and Beyond
by Mark Henderson - 146-148 Collecting Food, Cultivating People: Subsistence and Society in Central Africa
by Amy Freitag - 148-150 Management of Transboundary Water Resources under Scarcity
by Theresa Jedd - 150-152 Environmentalism of the Rich
by Robin Broad
November 2017, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-8 Toward Sustainable Peace: A New Research Agenda for Post-Conflict Natural Resource Management
by Florian Krampe - 9-27 Macropolitics of Micronesia: Toward a Critical Theory of Regional Environmental Governance
by Rebecca L. Gruby - 28-47 Leaders and Laggards: Climate Policy Ambition in Developed States
by Paul Tobin - 48-66 Business Conflict and Risk Regulation: Understanding the Influence of the Pesticide Industry
by Kees Jansen - 67-87 The Media and the Major Emitters: Media Coverage of International Climate Change Policy
by Chandra Lal Pandey & Priya A. Kurian - 88-105 Process Tracing in the Study of Environmental Politics
by Lisa Vanhala - 106-126 The Power of Social Networks: How the UNFCCC Secretariat Creates Momentum for Climate Education
by Nina Kolleck & Mareike Well & Severin Sperzel & Helge Jörgens - 127-146 Tracing Failure of Coral Reef Protection in Nonstate Market-Driven Governance
by Michael J. Bloomfield & Philip Schleifer - 147-152 The Contradictions of the Neoliberal Global Agri-Food System
by Alessandro Bonanno - 153-155 Consensus and Global Environment Governance: Deliberative Democracy in Nature’s Regime by Walter F. Baber, and Robert V. Bartlett. 2015. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Elizabeth Mendenhall - 155-157 Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico by Prakash Kashwan. 2017. Oxford: Oxford University Press
by Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya - 157-159 Giving Aid Effectively: The Politics of Environmental Performance and Selectivity at Multilateral Development Banks by Mark T. Buntaine 2016. New York: Oxford University Press
by Jonathan Rosenberg
August 2017, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-11 A Global Turn to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading? Experiments, Actors, and Diffusion
by Katja Biedenkopf & Patrick Müller & Peter Slominski & Jørgen Wettestad - 12-30 California’s Cap-and-Trade System: Diffusion and Lessons
by Guri Bang & David G. Victor & Steinar Andresen - 31-50 Designing New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme
by Tor Håkon & Jackson Inderberg & Ian Bailey & Nichola Harmer - 51-68 The Politics of Learning: Developing an Emissions Trading Scheme in Australia
by Patrick Müller & Peter Slominski - 69-90 The New (Fragmented) Geography of Carbon Market Mechanisms: Governance Challenges from Thailand and Vietnam
by Mattijs Smits - 91-114 Policy Infusion Through Capacity Building and Project Interaction: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in China
by Katja Biedenkopf & Sarah Van Eynde & Hayley Walker - 115-133 Emissions Trading and Policy Diffusion: Complex EU ETS Emulation in Kazakhstan
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen & François Sammut & Jørgen Wettestad - 134-140 Carbon Trading: Who Gets What, When, and How?
by Markus Lederer - 141-146 Complicating Carbon Markets
by J. Samuel Barkin - 147-149 Corridors of Power: The Politics of Environmental Aid to Madagascar
by Merrill Baker-Médard - 149-151 The Mekong: A Socio-Legal Approach to River Basin Development
by Joshua C. Gellers - 151-152 Concentration and Power in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?
by Jennifer Clapp
May 2017, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-20 Climate Change and the UN Security Council: Bully Pulpit or Bull in a China Shop?
by Ken Conca & Joe Thwaites & Goueun Lee - 21-44 Transnational Public-Private Partnerships as Learning Facilitators: Global Governance of Mercury
by Yixian Sun - 45-64 A Polycentric Approach to Global Climate Governance
by Marcel J. Dorsch & Christian Flachsland - 65-83 Sensing Reality? New Monitoring Technologies for Global Sustainability Standards
by Fred Gale & Francisco Ascui & Heather Lovell - 84-104 The European Commission’s Shifting Climate Leadership
by Jon Birger Skjærseth - 105-124 Ratcheting Up Carbon Trade: The Politics of Reforming EU Emissions Trading
by Torbjørg Jevnaker & Jørgen Wettestad - 125-143 Consensus, Certainty, and Catastrophe: Discourse, Governance, and Ocean Iron Fertilization
by Kemi Fuentes-George - 144-151 Beyond Biodiversity Conservation: Why Policy Needs Social Theory, Social Theory Needs Justice, and Justice Needs Policy
by Garrett Graddy-Lovelace - 152-154 Kuch, Declan. 2015. The Rise and Fall of Carbon Emissions Trading. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen - 154-156 Cramb, Rob A., and John F. McCarthy, eds. 2016. The Oil Palm Complex: Smallholders, Agribusiness and the State in Indonesia and Malaysia. Singapore: NUS Press
by Philip Schleifer - 156-158 Death, Carl. 2016. The Green State in Africa. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
by Larry Swatuk
February 2017, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-20 Valuing the Contributions of Nonstate and Subnational Actors to Climate Governance
by Hamish van der Ven & Steven Bernstein & Matthew Hoffmann - 21-39 Fighting for King Coal’s Crown: Business Actors in the US Coal and Utility Industries
by Christian Downie - 40-58 Indigenous Belief Systems, Science, and Resource Extraction: Climate Change Attitudes in Ecuador
by Todd A. Eisenstadt & Karleen Jones West - 59-76 Stakeholder Engagement in the Making: IPBES Legitimization Politics
by Alejandro Esguerra & Silke Beck & Rolf Lidskog - 77-98 Institutional Mechanisms and the Consequences of International Environmental Agreements
by Yoomi Kim & Katsuya Tanaka & Shunji Matsuoka - 99-120 Regulatory Institutions and Market-Based Climate Policy in China
by Coraline Goron & Cyril Cassisa - 121-124 Protecting the Environment of the Final Frontiers: Howkins, Adrian. 2016. The Polar Regions: An Environmental History. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pincus, Rebecca, and Saleem H. Ali, eds. 2015. Diplomacy on Ice: Energy and the Environment in the Arctic and the Antarctic. New Haven: Yale University Press. Stone, David P. 2015. The Changing Arctic Environment: The Arctic Messenger. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
by Timo Koivurova - 125-126 Bennett, Brett. 2015. Plantations and Protected Areas: A Global History of Forest Management. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Gabriela Bueno Gibbs - 127-129 Markham, William T., and Lotsmart Fonjong. 2015. Saving the Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Organizational Dynamics and Effectiveness of NGOs in Cameroon. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Steffi Hamann & Brendan Schwartz & Adam Sneyd - 129-131 Nicholson, Simon, and Sikina Jinnah, eds. 2016. New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Fariborz Zelli
November 2016, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-11 Toward the Green Comfort Zone: Synergy in Environmental Official Development Assistance
by Jeongwon Bourdais Park - 12-31 Splitting the South: China and India’s Divergence in International Environmental Negotiations
by Leah C. Stokes & Amanda Giang & Noelle E. Selin - 32-49 Investor-State Arbitration in Domestic Mining Conflicts
by Zoe Phillips Williams - 50-69 Energy Technology, Politics, and Interpretative Frames: Shale Gas Fracking in Eastern Europe
by Andreas Goldthau & Benjamin K. Sovacool - 70-89 Leadership and the Energiewende: German Leadership by Diffusion
by Karoline Steinbacher & Michael Pahle - 90-110 Ecosystem Service Commodification: Lessons from California
by Marissa Bongiovanni Schmitz & Erin Clover Kelly - 111-129 Framing Climate Change Loss and Damage in UNFCCC Negotiations
by Lisa Vanhala & Cecilie Hestbaek - 130-135 Book Review Essay: Power and Authority in Global Climate Governance
by Hamish van der Ven - 136-137 Book Review: Steinberg, Paul. 2015. Who Rules the Earth? How Social Rules Shape Our Planet and Our Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press
by Heike Schroeder - 138-139 Book Review: Webster, D. G. 2015. Beyond the Tragedy in Global Fisheries. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir - 139-141 Book Review: Mirumachi, Naho. 2015. Transboundary Water Politics in the Developing World. Abingdon, UK: Routledge
by Anne J. Kantel
August 2016, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-11 The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Behind Closed Doors
by Radoslav S. Dimitrov - 12-22 “All Hands on Deck”: The Paris Agreement and Nonstate Climate Action
by Thomas Hale - 23-30 Institutional Control and Climate Change Activism at COP 21 in Paris
by Shannon K. Orr - 31-40 Teaching and Learning from Environmental Summits: COP 21 and Beyond
by Noelle E. Selin - 41-61 Diffusion Through Issue Linkage: Environmental Norms in US Trade Agreements
by Sikina Jinnah & Abby Lindsay - 62-88 Minilateralism or the UNFCCC? The Political Feasibility of Climate Clubs
by Robert Gampfer - 89-105 Nanotechnology and Global Environmental Politics: Transatlantic Divergence
by Kirsten Rodine-Hardy - 106-126 Governing Oligopolies: Global Regimes and Market Structure
by Alexander Ovodenko - 127-150 Unpacking Brazil’s Leadership in the Global Biofuels Arena: Brazilian Ethanol Diplomacy in Africa
by Stavros Afionis & Lindsay C. Stringer & Nicola Favretto & Julia Tomei & Marcos S. Buckeridge - 151-156 Book Review Essay: The Hydropolitics of the Nile Revisited: Elites, Experts, and Everyday Practices in Egypt and Sudan
by Dustin Evan Garrick - 157-159 Book Review: Conca, Ken. 2015. An Unfinished Foundation: The United Nations and Global Environmental Governance. New York: Oxford University Press
by Maria Ivanova - 159-161 Book Review: Lo, Alex. 2016. Carbon Trading in China: Environmental Discourse and Politics. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
by Yixian Sun - 161-163 Book Review: Edwards, Guy, and J. Timmons Roberts. 2015. A Fragmented Continent: Latin America and the Global Politics of Climate Change. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Matías Franchini
May 2016, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-21 Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action?
by Teresa Kramarz & Susan Park - 22-32 The Analytic Utility (and Practical Pitfalls) of Accountability
by Matthew Hoffman - 33-41 Accountability of Environmental Impact Bonds: The Future of Global Environmental Governance?
by Cristina M. Balboa - 42-60 Contested Accountability Logics in Evolving Nonstate Certification for Fisheries Sustainability
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen & Graeme Auld - 61-81 Accountability and Representation: Nonstate Actors in UN Climate Diplomacy
by Jonathan W. Kuyper & Karin Bäckstrand - 82-100 The Politics of Accountability in Networked Urban Climate Governance
by David J. Gordon - 101-109 Governing the Depths: Conceptualizing the Politics of Deep Sea Resources
by Scott Moore & Dale Squires - 110-129 Africa’s Regional Powers and Climate Change Negotiations
by Michael Byron Nelson - 130-135 Book Review Essay: The Political Economy of Sustainable Energy Transitions
by Espen Moe - 136-138 Book Review: Hadden, Jennifer. 2015. Networks in Contention: The Divisive Power of Climate Change. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press
by Craig M. Kauffman - 138-139 Book Review: Goldin, Ian, ed. 2014. Is the Planet Full? Oxford: Oxford University Press
by Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba - 140-142 Book Review: Jörgens, Helge, Andrea Lenschow, and Duncan Liefferink, eds. 2014. Understanding Environmental Policy Convergence: The Power of Words, Rules and Money. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
by Yuliya Rashhchupkina
February 2016, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-12 Researching Global Environmental Politics in the 21st Century
by Peter Dauvergne & Jennifer Clapp - 13-20 Questioning the Diffusion of Resilience Discourses in Pursuit of Transformational Change
by Ross Gillard