April 2012, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 45-46 Corporate Governance: A Multi-Theoretical Approach to Recognizing the Wider Influencing Forces Impacting on Organizations
by Dominic S. B. Soh - 46-47 The Nature, Use and Impression Management of Graphs in Social and Environmental Accounting
by Giovanna Michelon - 49-51 Why We Disagree about Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity
by Nick Barter - 51-52 Accounting and Distributive Justice
by David Collison - 52-53 Corporate Impact: Measuring and Managing Your Social Footprint
by Rob Gray - 54-54 Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?
by Matias Laine
September 2011, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 117-123 Permeating Boundaries: Accountability at the Nexus of Water and Climate Change
by Linda Lewis & Shona Russell - 125-137 CSR in the UK Water Industry: ‘Doing the Right Thing’? A Case Study
by Moritz Von Schwedler - 139-153 Stakeholder Management for Sustainable Development Implementation: The Case of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System
by S. Kennedy - 155-165 ‘Our Water Supply is being Managed like a Rumshop’: Water Governance in Barbados
by Adrian Cashman - 167-168 Initiating Sustainable Development Reporting: Evidence from New Zealand
by Massimo Contrafatto - 168-169 Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: Fad or Trend?
by Anna Young - 169-170 Accounting for the Environment: Towards a Theoretical Perspective for Environmental Accounting and Reporting
by Dianne McGrath - 170-171 Socioemotional Wealth and Corporate Responses to Institutional Pressures: Do Family-Controlled Firms Pollute Less?
by Jason Chen - 171-171 Content Analysis in Environmental Reporting Research: Enrichment and Rehearsal of the Method in a British-German Context
by Yaning Du - 171-172 Shifting Paradigms in Corporate Environmentalism: From Poachers to Gamekeepers
by James Hazelton - 172-173 Governance from Below: Contesting Corporate Environmentalism in Durban, South Africa
by Shane Leong - 173-174 Carbon Tax: Challenging Neoliberal Solutions to Climate Change
by Cary di Lernia - 174-175 The Rise of the Global Reporting Initiative: A Case of Institutional Entrepreneurship
by Jeffrey Unerman - 175-176 Towards Sustaining the Status Quo: Business Talk of Sustainability in Finnish Corporate Disclosures 1987--2005
by Rob Gray - 176-177 GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Public and Third Sector Organizations
by Donna Mangion - 179-179 Freefall: Free Markets and the Sinking of the Global Economy
by Nick Barter - 180-181 STATE OF THE WORLD 2010: Transforming Cultures from Consumerism to Sustainability
by Sue Gray - 181-182 The Water Footprint Assessment Manual. Setting the Global Standard
by Matthew Egan
April 2011, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-6 The Importance of Peer-Reviewed Social and Environmental Accountability Research in Advancing Sustainability
by Jan Bebbington & Jeffrey Unerman - 7-24 Building Bridges to the Future: Mapping the Territory for Developing Social and Environmental Accountability
by Lee D. Parker - 25-47 PLEASE CITE THIS: An Exploratory Paper on Citations, Impacts and the Social Accounting Literature
by Rob Gray & Andreas G.F. Hoepner - 49-62 Unveiling Social and Environmental Accounting Research in Spain: A Narrative of the Mobilisation of the Spanish Academic Community
by Carmen Correa - 63-72 Developments in Social Impact Measurement in the Third Sector: Scaling Up or Dumbing Down?
by Jane Gibbon & Colin Dey - 73-84 An Empirical Investigation into the Boundary of Corporate Social Reports and Consolidated Financial Statements
by Caterina Pesci & Paolo Andrei - 85-95 The Genesis of an ‘Interesting’ and Important Social and Environmental Accounting Conversation: Celebrating the Contribution of Professor David Owen to Social and Environmental Accounting and Auditing (SEAA) Research and Practice
by Brendan O'Dwyer - 97-97 Stakeholder Inclusivity in Social and Environmental Report Assurance
by Angela Hecimovic - 98-98 Corporate Social Disclosures in the Context of National Cultures and Stakeholder Theory
by John Ferguson - 99-99 Smoke and mirrors: Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance
by Matias Laine - 99-100 Is Accounting for Sustainability Actually Accounting for Sustainability… and How Would We Know? An Exploration of Narratives of Organisations and the Planet
by Ian Thomson - 100-101 Some Theories for Social Accounting? A Review Essay and a Tentative Pedagogic Categorization of Theoretisations around Social Accounting
by Matias Laine - 101-102 Conceptions of the business-society-nature interface: Implications for management scholarship
by John Ferguson - 102-103 Creating institutional meaning: Accounting and taxation law perspectives of carbon permits
by Thereza R.S. de Aguiar - 103-104 Role of Analogy in the Institutionalization of Sustainability Reporting
by John Ferguson - 105-105 Good Cop Bad Cop: Environmental NGOs and their Strategies towards Business
by Niamh O'Sullivan - 105-106 Managing without Growth: Slower by Design, Not Disaster
by Matias Laine - 106-107 A New Era of Sustainability: CEO Reflections on Progress to Date, Challenges Ahead and the Impact of the Journey toward a Sustainable Economy
by Matias Laine - 107-108 Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability
by Sue Gray - 109-109 Social And Environmental Accountability Journal
by Nola Buhr - 111-111 Social And Environmental Accountability Journal
by Jan Bebbington