May 2017, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 149-150 Differences in Auditor’s Materiality Assessments When Auditing Financial Statements and Sustainability Reports
by Andrea M. Romi - 150-151 Strategic Cost Management and Performance: The Case of Environmental Costs
by Clémence Stanley - 151-152 Strategies of Legitimacy Through Social Media: The Networked Strategy
by Pablo Gomez-Carrasco
January 2017, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-5 Social Enterprise, Accountability and Social Accounting
by Hannele Mäkelä & Jane Gibbon & Ericka Costa - 6-17 What’s So Social About Social Return on Investment? A Critique of Quantitative Social Accounting Approaches Drawing on Experiences of International Microfinance
by Pål Vik - 18-32 Sense-making Accountability: Netnographic Study of an Online Public Perspective
by May Aung & Sina Bahramirad & Ruben Burga & Mychal-Ann Hayhoe & Shuyue Huang & Joshua LeBlanc - 33-58 Cattle, Land, People, and Accountability Systems: The Makings of a Values-based Organisation
by Jesse Dillard & Madeleine Pullman - 59-65 Contemporary Challenges Facing Social Enterprises and Community Organisations Seeking to Understand Their Social Value
by Alan Kay & Lisa McMullan - 66-72 Moving on from Scaling Up: Further Progress in Developing Social Impact Measurement in the Third Sector
by Colin Dey & Jane Gibbon - 73-74 After Greenwashing: Symbolic Corporate Environmentalism and Society
by Osamuyimen Egbon - 75-76 The Political Dynamics of Sustainable Coffee: Contested Value Regimes and the Transformation of Sustainability
by Diane-Laure Arjaliès - 76-77 Being business-like While Pursuing a Social Mission: Acknowledging the Inherent Tensions in US Non-profit Organizing
by Ericka Costa - 77-78 Managing Biodiversity Through Stakeholder Involvement: Why, Who and for What Initiatives?
by Anna Heikkinen - 78-79 The Sustainability Balanced Scorecard: A Systematic Review of Architectures
by Marc Journeault - 79-80 The Association between Sustainability Governance Characteristics and the Assurance of Corporate Sustainability Reports
by Adriana Rossi
September 2016, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 167-169 Editorial
by Matias Laine & Carlos Larrinaga - 170-187 The Accounting and Accountability Practices of Fairtrade International (FLO)
by Homaira Semeen & M. Azizul Islam & Annette Quayle - 188-202 Crisis Narratives and the Abandonment of CSR during the Financial Crisis: Notes from Systems Integrated
by Ken Weir - 203-204 ‘What if Technology Worked in Harmony with Nature?’ Imagining Climate Change Through Prius Advertisements
by Juergen H. Seufert - 204-205 Enhancing Stakeholder Interaction Through Environmental Risk Accounts
by Sarah Boyar - 205-206 Sustainable Development and Industry Self-regulation: Developments in the Global Mining Sector
by Abby Hilson - 206-207 Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria: Where do Responsibilities End?
by Matthew Scobie - 207-208 The Co-Construction of NGO Accountability. Aligning Imposed and Felt Accountability in NGO-Funder Accountability Relationships
by Kirsty Munro - 209-210 The utopia of rules. On technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy
by Carlos Larrinaga
May 2016, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 103-123 Measuring and Reporting on Social Performance: From Numbers and Narratives to a Useful Reporting Framework for Social Enterprises
by Belinda Luke - 124-152 The Joint Influence of Evaluation Mode and Benchmark Signal on Environmental Accounting-Relevant Decisions
by Hank C. Alewine & Dan N. Stone - 153-161 Reading for Displeasure: Why Bother with Social Accounting at All?
by Rob Gray - 162-163 (Re)presenting ‘Sustainable Organizations’
by Evangeline O. Elijido-Ten - 163-164 Rhetoric and Argument in Social and Environmental Reporting: The Dirty Laundry Case
by Elisa Breuer Vasco - 164-164 Developing a Reporting and Evaluation Framework for Biodiversity
by Gunnar Rimmel - 165-165 Accounting and Sustainable Development: An Exploration
by Moritz von Schwedler - 165-166 Tools of Legitimacy: The Case of the Petrobras Corporate Blog
by Petros Vourvachis
April 2016, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-9 EU Regulation of Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting
by Thomas Riise Johansen - 10-33 Mandatory Disclosure about Environmental and Employee Matters in the Reports of Italian-Listed Corporate Groups
by Ericka Costa & Marisa Agostini - 34-55 Environmental Reporting Regulations and Reporting Practices
by Even Fallan - 56-75 Reporting Models do not Translate Well: Failing to Regulate CSR Reporting in Spain
by Mercedes Luque-Vílchez & Carlos Larrinaga - 76-89 The ‘Coalition of the Unlikely’ Driving the EU Regulatory Process of Non-Financial Reporting
by David Monciardini - 90-92 A Reply to Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Aggressiveness: A Test of Legitimacy Theory
by Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 92-93 Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting in China
by Shan Zhou - 94-94 Responsible Tax as Corporate Social Responsibility: The Case of Multinational Enterprises and Effective Tax in India
by Oana Apostol - 95-95 A Genealogy of Accounting Materiality
by Rebecca Bolt - 95-97 Just A Passing Fad?: The Diffusion and Decline of Environmental Reporting in the Finnish Water Sector
by Caterina Pesci - 98-101 On The Government of the Living: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1979--1980
by Leonardo Rinaldi
December 2015, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 139-141 Editorial
by John Ferguson & Carlos Larrinaga - 142-156 Evolution of the New Zealand Voluntary Carbon Market: An Analysis of CarboNZero Client Disclosures
by S. Jeff Birchall & Maya Murphy & Markus J. Milne - 157-175 Demand for CSR: Insights from Shareholder Proposals
by Giovanna Michelon & Michelle Rodrigue - 176-193 A New Era - Extending Environmental Impact to a Broader Sustainability Agenda: The Case of Commercial Group
by Suzana Grubnic & Christian Herzig & Jean-Pascal Gond & Jeremy Moon - 194-195 (Re)presenting Sustainable Organizations
by Colin Higgins - 195-195 Water Management Accounting and the Wine Supply Chain: Empirical Evidence from Australia
by Nicholas Pawsey - 196-197 Incorporating Citizens: Corporate Political Engagement with Climate Change in Australia
by Edward Tello - 197-198 W(h)ither Ecology? The Triple Bottom Line, The Global Reporting Initiative, and Corporate Sustainability Reporting
by Nick Barter - 198-200 Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Aggressiveness: A Test of Legitimacy Theory
by Even Fallan - 200-201 An Exploration of NGO and Media Efforts to Influence Workplace Practices and Associated Accountability Within Global Supply Chains
by Roel Boomsma - 202-204 Can Green Sustain Growth? From the Religion to the Reality of Sustainable Prosperity
by Jeremy Morrow - 204-205 Six Capitals - The Revolution Capitalism Has to Have - Or Can Accountants Save the Planet?
by Delphine Gibassier
September 2015, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 77-85 Economic Democracy: Exploring Ramifications for Social and Environmental Accountants
by Jan Bebbington & David Campbell - 86-95 Employee Voice through Open-Book Accounting: The Benefits of Informational Transparency
by Andrew R. Timming & Ross Brown - 96-112 Credit Unions as Cooperative Institutions: Distinctiveness, Performance and Prospects
by Donal G. McKillop & John O.S. Wilson - 113-122 Social Accounting for Inequality: Applying Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by Dale Tweedie & James Hazelton - 123-123 Drought Resettlement and Accounting
by Matthew Egan - 124-125 Hybrid Accountabilities: When Western and Non-western Accountabilities Collide
by Osamuyimen Egbon - 125-126 How Constructions of the Future Shape Organizational Responses: Climate Change and the Canadian Oil Sands
by Anna Heikkinen - 126-127 Firm-Value Effects of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Disclosures
by Shawn Ho - 127-128 Corporate Accountability and Human Rights Disclosures: A Case Study of Barrick Gold Mine in Tanzania
by Barbara de Lima Voss - 128-129 The International Integrated Reporting Council: A Story of Failure; 'But Does Sustainability need Capitalism or an Integrated Report' a Commentary on 'The International Integrated Reporting Council: A Story of Failure' by Flower, J.; The International Integrated Reporting Council: A Call to Action
by Michelle Rodrigue - 129-131 Disclosure on Climate Change: Analysing the UK ETS Effects
by Mohamed Saeudy - 131-132 Accounting for Suffering: Calculative Practices in the Field of Disaster Relief
by Bryan Bo Cheng Yan - 133-135 What Has Nature Ever Done for Us? How Money Really Does Grow on Trees; What Nature Does for Britain
by Aideen O'Dochartaigh
April 2015, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-16 Volume and Tone of Environmental Disclosure: A Comparative Analysis of a Corporation and its Stakeholders
by Michelle Rodrigue & Charles H. Cho & Matias Laine - 17-31 Standalone Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China: An Exploratory Analysis of its Relation to Legitimation
by Dennis M. Patten & Yi Ren & Na Zhao - 32-48 Exploring Shadow Accountability: The Case of James Hardie and Asbestos
by Lee Moerman & Sandra van der Laan - 49-61 Entitlements and Time: Integrated Reporting's Double-edged Agenda
by Dale Tweedie & Nonna Martinov-Bennie - 62-63 Changes to the SEAJ Reviews Editorial Team
by Conny Beck & Helen Tregidga - 64-65 Governmentality in Accounting and Accountability. A Case Study of Embedding Sustainability in a Supply Chain
by Oana Apostol - 65-66 Legitimizing Negative Aspects in GRI-Oriented Sustainability Reporting: A Qualitative Analysis of Corporate Disclosure Strategies
by Annika Beelitz - 66-67 Environmental Management Control Systems: The Role of Contextual and Strategic Factors
by Lies Bouten - 67-68 Accounting and Networks of Corruption
by Conor Clune - 68-69 Evaluating Social and Environmental Issues by Integrating the Legitimacy Gap with Expectational Gaps: An Empirical Assessment of the Forest Industry
by Even Fallan - 70-70 Exploring Accounting-Sustainability Hybridisation in the UK Public Sector
by Sara Moggi - 71-71 Much Ado about Nothing? How Banks Respond to Climate Change
by Patricia T. Strong - 72-73 Accounting for Biodiversity
by Matias Laine - 73-75 This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate
by Matthew Scobie
December 2014, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 131-133 Editorial
by John Ferguson & Carlos Larrinaga - 134-156 Implications of Managerial Framing of Stakeholders in Environmental Reports
by Tiina Onkila & Kristiina Joensuu & Marileena Koskela - 157-171 Content Analysis of Social and Environmental Reports of Italian Cooperative Banks: Methodological Issues
by Caterina Pesci & Ericka Costa - 172-186 Incorporating Materiality Considerations into Analyses of Absence from Sustainability Reporting
by Jeffrey Unerman & Franco Zappettini - 187-188 Defining and Measuring Corporate Sustainability: Are We There Yet?
by Matias Laine - 188-189 Towards a Legitimate Compromise? An Exploration of Integrated Reporting in the Netherlands
by Matias Laine - 189-190 Does Environmental Management Improve Financial Performance? A Meta-Analytical Review
by Ryan Peng - 190-191 The Unintended Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value
by Jon D. Perkins - 191-192 Politicizing the Expertise of the Accounting Industry in the Realm of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Wendy Shelton - 193-194 Accountability, Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Accounting for Society and the Environment
by Suzana Grubnic
September 2014, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 67-73 Celebrating the Intellectual Contribution of Professor Rob Gray: The Past, Present and Future of Social and Environmental Accounting Research
by John Ferguson & Carlos Larrinaga - 74-74 Professor Tony Lowe (1928-2014)
by Rob Gray - 75-80 The Evolution of Social Reporting: The 'Early Days'
by Dave Owen - 81-86 Rob Gray, Social and Environmental Accounting and Organisational Change
by Richard Laughlin - 87-92 Constructing a Research Field: A Reflection on the History of Social and Environmental Accounting
by Lee Parker - 93-96 Rob Gray: A View from a Friend but an Outsider
by Jane Broadbent - 97-105 Ambidexterity , Puzzlement, Confusion and a Community of Faith? A Response to My Friends
by Rob Gray - 106-116 Plotting the Contours of an Emerging Field: An Essay and Research Note Concerning British Academic Social and Environmental Accountants
by Rob Gray - 117-123 Raising our Collective Game: CSEAR Future(s)
by Nola Buhr & Shona Russell - 124-124 Why Do Companies Not Produce Sustainability Reports?
by Sumit Lodhia - 125-125 Sustainability Reporting and Assurance: A Historical Analysis on a World-Wide Phenomenon
by Dominic S. B. Soh - 126-126 Impression Management, Myth Creation and Fabrication in Private Social and Environmental Reporting: Insights from Erving Goffman
by Doris M. Merkl-Davies - 127-127 Conformance and Deviance: Company Responses to Institutional Pressures for Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
by Susan Wild - 127-128 A Template for Integrated Reporting
by Pieter Conradie - 128-129 Contrasting Realities: Corporate Environmental Disclosure and Stakeholder-Released Information
by Steven Burch
April 2014, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-5 Carbon Accounting and Carbon Governance
by Carlos Larrinaga - 6-28 A Review of Carbon Accounting in the Social and Environmental Accounting Literature: What Can it Contribute to the Debate?
by Francisco Ascui - 29-44 Mandated Climate Change Disclosures by Firms Participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
by Martin Freedman & Jin Dong Park - 45-51 Accounting for Emission Trading Schemes: A Still Open Debate
by Bego�a Giner - 52-52 Time, Gender and Carbon: A Study of the Carbon Implications of British Adults' Use of Time
by Michele Andreaus - 53-53 A Climate for Change? Critical Reflections on the Durban United Nations Climate Change Conference
by Matias Laine - 54-54 Convergence in Environmental Reporting: Assessing the Carbon Disclosure Project
by Jamie O'Neill - 54-56 The Cost of Carbon: Capital Market Effects of the Proposed Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
by Andrea M. Romi - 56-56 A Matter of Time: The Temporal Perspectives of Organisational Responses to Climate Change
by Thomas Schneider - 57-58 Justifying Business Responses to Climate Change: Discursive Strategies of Similarity and Difference
by Matias Laine - 58-59 Information Warfare and New Organizational Landscapes: An Inquiry into the ExxonMobil-Greenpeace Dispute over Climate Change
by Petros Vourvachis - 59-60 Addressing the Climate Change-Sustainable Development Nexus: The Role of Multistakeholder Partnerships
by Yara Cintra - 61-62 Enterprising Communities: Grassroots Sustainability Innovations
by Aideen O'Dochartaigh - 62-65 Flourishing: A Frank Conversation about Sustainability
by Katrin Herdering & Kate Kearins
December 2013, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 131-133 Social and Environmental Accounting Research: Homogeneity, Faddishness and Herding at the Expense Social Significance?
by John Ferguson & Jeffrey Unerman - 134-144 Struggling Against Like-Minded Conformity in Order to Enliven SEAR: A Call for Passion
by Carmen Correa & Matias Laine - 145-148 Punk Rock, Festival Fringes and Football Fanzines: A Future for Social and Environmental Accounting Research?
by Ian Thomson - 149-152 Taking a 'Parallax View' on What We Now Know about CSEAR?-super-†
by Colin Dey - 153-155 Rejoinder: Respecting the Past, Celebrating the Present, Shaping the Future
by Carmen Correa Ruiz & Matias Laine - 156-176 GRI Application Levels and Disclosure on Specific Environmental Activities: An Empirical Investigation of Industry Membership and Geographical Region of Top European Companies
by Abeer Hassan & Colette Hunter & Ayodele Asekomeh - 177-177 Is Earnings Quality Associated with Corporate Social Responsibility?
by Ben Jacobsen - 178-179 The Practice Turn in Environmental Reporting: A Study into Current Practices in Two Australian Commonwealth Departments
by Matias Laine - 179-179 Understanding Syrian Accountants' Perceptions of, and Attitudes Towards, Social Accounting
by Donna Mangion - 179-180 Ethos, Logos, Pathos: Strategies of Persuasion in Social/Environmental Reports
by Yanwen Shao - 180-181 Nonfinancial Disclosure and Analyst Forecast Accuracy: International Evidence on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure
by Philipp Schreck - 181-182 Private Standards in the Climate Regime: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol
by Delphine Gibassier - 183-183 The Emergence of Triple Bottom Line Reporting in Spain
by Matias Laine - 183-184 Governance, Media and the Quality of Environmental Disclosure
by Juergen H. Seufert - 185-186 What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets
by John Ferguson - 186-188 The Organization of Hypocrisy: Talk, Decisions and Actions in Organizations
by Diane-Laure Arjali�s
September 2013, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 69-70 Editorial
by John Ferguson & Jeffrey Unerman - 71-90 Making Sense of Accountability in Baltic Agro-Environmental Governance: The Case of Denmark's Green Growth Strategy
by Rasmus Kl�cker Larsen & Neil Powell - 91-103 An Empirical Investigation of the Extensiveness of Stand-Alone Environmental Reporting in South Korea
by Charles H. Cho & Jong-Seo Choi & Young-Min Kwak & Dennis M. Patten - 104-112 The Emergence of Stand-Alone Social and Environmental Reporting in Mainland China: An Exploratory Research Note
by Yaning Du & Rob Gray - 113-114 Water Footprint: Help or Hindrance?
by Matthew Egan - 114-115 Accounting as a Human Right: The Case of Water Information
by Shona Russell - 115-116 Open for Business or Opening Pandora's Box? A Constructive Critique of Corporate Engagement in Water Policy: An Introduction
by Barbara Lynch - 116-117 From Risks to Shared Value? Corporate Strategies in Building a Global Water Accounting and Disclosure Regime
by Edward Tello - 117-118 Regulatory Theory Insights into the Past, Present and Future of General Purpose Water Accounting Standard Setting
by James Hazelton - 118-119 Water Futures: Reviewing Water-Scenario Analyses through an Original Interpretative Framework
by Bob Miller - 120-120 Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Aggressiveness: An Empirical Analysis
by Wes Hamilton-Jessop - 121-121 Impression Management: Developing and Illustrating a Scheme of Analysis for Narrative Disclosure -- A Methodological Note
by Rob Gray - 121-122 Re-Conceiving Managerial Capture
by Helen Tregidga - 122-123 How a Two-Step Approach Discloses Different Determinants of Voluntary Social and Environmental Reporting
by Rob Gray - 124-125 Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy
by Eija Vinnari - 125-126 Social and Sustainable Enterprise Changing the Nature of Business
by Hannele M�kel� - 126-128 Intrinsic Sustainable Development: Epistemes, Science, Business and Sustainability
by Rob Gray
April 2013, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-4 As a Matter of Policy
by Jan Bebbington - 5-19 Social Norms and Disclosure Policy: Implications from a Comparison of Financial and Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
by Cynthia Jeffrey & Jon D. Perkins - 20-32 Valuing Desistence? A Social Return on Investment Case Study of a Throughcare Project for Short-Term Prisoners
by Cara Jardine & Bill Whyte - 33-50 Actor-Network Theory: A Briefing Note and Possibilities for Social and Environmental Accounting Research
by Nick Barter & Jan Bebbington - 51-51 Uncertainty Markets and Carbon Markets: Variations on Polanyian Themes
by Jane Andrew - 51-52 Accounting for Climate Change and the Self-regulation of Carbon Disclosures
by Ian Thomson - 53-53 Accounterability and the Problematics of Accountability
by Moritz von Schwedler - 53-55 ‘Breaking up the Sky’: The Characterisation of Accounting and Accountants in Popular Music
by Chris Poullaos - 55-56 Ambiguous but Tethered: An Accounting Basis for Sustainability Reporting
by Rob Gray - 56-56 Lifting the Lid on the Use of Content Analysis to Investigate Intellectual Capital Disclosures
by Rob Gray - 56-57 A Methodology for Analysing and Evaluating Narratives in Annual Reports: A Comprehensive Descriptive Profile and Metrics for Disclosure Quality Attributes
by Rob Gray - 57-58 Climate Change Performance Measurement, Control and Accountability in English Local Authority Areas
by Ericka Costa - 58-59 Understandings of Accountability: An Autoethnographic Account Using Metaphor
by Nick Barter - 59-60 Configuring Management Control Systems: Theorizing the Integration of Strategy and Sustainability
by Lies Bouten - 61-63 The Oxford Handbook of Business and the Natural Environment
by Matias Laine - 63-65 Being Alive -- Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description
by Nick Barter - 65-66 Treasure Islands. Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World
by Matias Laine
September 2012, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 59-63 Indigenous Peoples: Accounting and Accountability
by Nola Buhr - 65-77 Collaborative and Participative Research: Accountability and the Indigenous Voice
by Bronwyn Rossingh - 79-93 Accounting and Accountability of Eastern Highlands Indigenous Cooperative Reporting
by Alistair M. Brown & Cheow Wing Wong - 95-107 Barriers to Accounting: Australian Indigenous Students' Experience
by Hassan Ibrahim Rkein & Gweneth Norris - 109-110 The Institutionalisation of Unaccountability: Loading the Dice of Corporate Social Responsibility Discourse
by Oana Apostol - 110-111 Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Innovation: Categories and Interactions
by Lies Bouten - 111-112 Do Corporations Invest Enough in Environmental Sustainability?
by Jason Chen - 112-113 Environmental Management Accounting and Innovation: An Exploratory Analysis
by Delphine Gibassier - 113-114 Disability and the Socialization of Accounting Professionals
by Puja Ladva - 114-114 The Case of Sustainability Assurance: Constructing a New Assurance Service
by Carlos Larrinaga - 115-115 Stakeholders' Influence and Contribution to Social Standards Development: The Case of Multiple Stakeholder Approach to ISO 26000 Development
by Donna Mangion - 115-116 Seeking Legitimacy for New Assurance Forms: The Case of Assurance on Sustainability Reporting
by Nonna Martinov-Bennie - 116-117 Anglo-American Capitalism: The Role and Potential Role of Social Accounting
by Robin Roberts - 117-118 The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World: A Review of a New Perspective on CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy
by Ken Yeoh - 119-121 The End of the Wild
by Nick Barter - 121-123 The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill
by Nick Barter
April 2012, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by John Ferguson & Jeffrey Unerman - 3-16 Agonistic Pluralism and Imagining CSEAR into the Future
by Jesse Dillard & Judy Brown - 17-25 White Tigers, Zoos and Sustainability Reporting: A Cynical Reflection
by Dennis M. Patten - 39-39 Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: The Trade-Offs of Sustainability Ratings
by Jieun Chung - 40-40 The Brave New World of Carbon Trading
by Cornelia Beck - 40-41 How Well Do Social Ratings Actually Measure Corporate Social Responsibility?
by Den Patten - 41-42 Class, Social Deprivation and Accounting Education in Scottish Schools: Implications for the Reproduction of the Accounting Profession and Practice
by Chris Poullaos - 42-43 Analysing the Role of Sustainable Development Indicators in Accounting for and Constructing a Sustainable Scotland
by Leonardo Rinaldi - 43-44 The Views of Managers from a Local Coastal Council on Sustainability Reporting Issues: An Australian-Based Case Study
by Moritz von Schwedler - 44-45 Sustainability Practices: Trends in New Zealand Businesses
by Edward Tello