January 2025, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1-5 Urban planning in the Americas during the Cold War
by Katharina Schembs - 7-20 An Americas story: hemispheric perspectives on postwar urban renewal
by Lizabeth Cohen - 21-38 Limits of inter-American cooperation: large dams and urban planning in Latin America after 1945
by Frederik Schulze - 39-51 Conjectures on an absence: Latin American planning thought, seen in the mirror of Revolutionary Cuba
by Adrián Gorelik - 53-78 Two technical assistance methods: the activity of the Ford Foundation in Chile and Argentina, 1960–1972
by Alejandra Inés Monti - 79-96 From Model Reform Country to Critic: Chile and its cooperation with the USA in urban planning and housing under Eduardo Frei Montalva (1964–1970)
by Katharina Schembs - 97-115 The assembly of locally rooted industrial networks in the Pearl River Delta region: insights for the regeneration of industrial land
by Mingmin Pan & Mee Kam Ng - 117-144 Paternal partnerships: how Aramco transformed Saudi environments, bodies, minds, and homes, c. 1930–1970s
by Dalal Musaed Alsayer - 145-163 Eforie Sud from glory to oblivion - a historical and urbanistic overview of the first balneoclimatic resort of Romania. 1898–2024
by Daniela-Ioana Guju & Gabor-Giovani Luca & Anca-Roxana Strugariu & Bogdan-Laurențiu Petric - 165-184 Beyond the curtain: the impact of political non alignment on the urban reconstruction of Skopje
by Elena Andonova & María Cristina García González - 185-189 Report on the XXXI International Seminar on Urban Form Conference, São Paulo, Brazil, 16–20 September 2024
by Karin Schwabe Meneguetti & Renato Leão Rego - 191-192 Imagining Manila: literature, empire, and orientalism
by Mar Lorence G. Ticao - 192-194 Community green: rediscovering the enclosed spaces of the garden suburb tradition
by Bruce Stephenson - 194-196 Ebenezer Howard: inventor of the garden city
by Stephen V. Ward - 196-197 Le shrinking cities nella Germania Est riunificata [Shrinking Cities in Reunified East Germany]
by Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi - 197-200 Urban surfaces, graffiti, and the right to the city
by Emma Arnold
November 2024, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 1207-1239 Wilful ignorance at Waterloo: public housing quality and political stigma in Sydney's largest estate renewal
by Michael Zanardo & Alistair Sisson & Cameron Logan & Rebecca McLaughlan - 1241-1266 Formation and transformation of critical modern rural architecture: the case of the Göl Village Institute Campus in Kastamonu, Türkiye
by Saadet Gündoğdu & Figen Kıvılcım Çorakbaş - 1267-1286 Overlapping modernity and tradition: rethinking the danwei as a basic urban unit in modern China
by Junxian Wu & Gang Yu - 1287-1308 Standardizing play in the century of the car: the building information cards as shapers of the ideal urban childhood in Finland in the 1960s and 1970s
by Veera Moll - 1309-1329 Stabilization and change under planning and everyday practices – the politics of becoming public space in Dharavi, Mumbai
by Min Tang & Viviana d’Auria - 1331-1357 Controversies surrounding Japan’s ‘flexible’ urban planning: a comparative analysis of consensus-building and public engagement in Tokyo’s redevelopment projects
by Jessica Ilunga & Jorge Almazán & Seishi Shikida & Errita Zuna - 1359-1380 Urban green spaces of İstanbul: from ‘beautifying’ efforts to ‘mega-projects’
by Esra Sert - 1381-1396 Spatial planning in post-colonial Morocco: an institutional design for decolonization
by Noussayba Rahmouni & Izuru Saizen - 1397-1399 President’s address
by Carola Hein - 1401-1415 20th Biennial Conference of the International Planning History Society 2–5 July 2024 (Hong Kong) prizes and awards
by Nuran Zeren Gülersoy - 1417-1425 20th IPHS biennial conference report
by Renato Leão Rego - 1427-1435 A plan to guide rather than to master: the urbanism of negotiation on the Île de Nantes
by Valéry Didelon - 1437-1439 Queer premises: LGBTQ + venues in London since the 1980s
by Torsten Lange - 1439-1441 Pensando as Favelas Cariocas: Memória e Outras Abordagens Teóricas [Thinking the favelas of Rio de Janeiro: memory and other theoretical approaches]
by Leandro Benmergui - 1441-1443 Local governance of peatland restoration in Riau, Indonesia – a transdisciplinary analysis
by Lupi Nugraheni
September 2024, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 967-981 A place to remain in the village. Dutch planning cultures and rural housing policies from 1945 onwards
by Marijn Molema & Timo Clemens - 983-1006 The Human Settlement: Erwin Anton Gutkind's fascination with Africa and critique of modern design
by Elisa Dainese - 1007-1028 Place renaming, jurisdictional integration, and political representation: lessons from South Africa
by Stefan Chavez-Norgaard - 1029-1045 Garden suburb: path and reinterpretations of an ideal: London, Paris and São Paulo
by José Geraldo Simões Junior - 1047-1082 Planning and construction of the British concessions and settlements in modern East Asia (1845–1876): Shanghai, Yokohama, and Tianjin
by Shuting Sun & Nobuo Aoki & Subin Xu - 1083-1114 The park built by the modern Wuxi gentry (1905–1930): a special space under local power interaction
by Peiqiang Chen & Yong Zhang - 1115-1143 Unveiling the neo-Moroccan city: a historical exploration of Casablanca's Habous district (1917-1926)
by Rim Yassine Kassab - 1145-1169 ‘The first rearguard battle’: an analysis of the autarkic (re)planning for Spanish grain agriculture, 1937–1959
by Isabel Rodríguez De la Rosa - 1171-1178 Architectural history, planning history, and the environmental perspective: a report from Iceland
by Filippo De Pieri - 1179-1194 Reassembling Marseille’s mosaic: urban planning in service of a post-World War II imagined identity
by Eliane Schmid - 1195-1199 Plus ça change? Recent sources on architectural modernism, urbanism and the city
by John R. Gold - 1201-1202 Atlas histórico del urbanismo español
by Federico Camerin - 1202-1204 Colonial toxicity: rehearsing French radioactive architecture and landscape in the Sahara
by Clarence Hatton-Proulx - 1204-1206 CINVA: un proyecto latinoamericano 1951-1972
by Rafael Soares Gonçalves
July 2024, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 757-759 Undertows and evolutions
by Ian Morley - 761-791 The Curtis Report as a critical juncture in Canadian urbanism
by David L. A. Gordon - 793-814 A century of urban planning for Zanzibar’s other side, 1923–2023
by Garth Andrew Myers - 815-833 From HURPI to community corridor: the evolution of the central linear axis in South Korean new towns
by Sanghoon Jung & Nami Hong - 835-851 Clean water supply and urban hygiene control in colonial Semarang, Indonesia
by Mutiah Amini - 853-880 The establishment process of Türk Traktör between 1948 and 1963: a critique of ‘modernization’ as development in Early Cold War Turkey
by Murat Iplikci & Gülşah Aykaç - 881-901 Vision and practice: the 1967 Robson Report on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
by Benjamin Bansal - 903-923 Theorizing the postcolonial city of Kuching: the socio-spatial production of colonial logistics
by Azmah Arzmi & Julaihi Wahid - 925-943 Development of cultural heritage conservation planning in China
by Songsong Li & Nobuo Aoki & Ruoran Wang & Subin Xu - 945-962 Tiexi Workers’ Village: shaping collective life in socialist China from the 1950s to the 1970s
by Yiping Zhang & Yidan Liu & Yves Schoonjans & Gisèle Gantois - 963-964 Political postmodernisms – architecture in Chile and Poland, 1970-1990
by Florian Urban - 964-966 Bauhaus 100+1: reverberaciones latinoamericanas / edición académica
by Eduardo Verri Lopes
May 2024, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 487-499 Olympic urbanism: past, present and future
by Andrew Smith & John R. Gold & Margaret M. Gold - 501-530 The Olympic gap: planning and politics of the Helsinki Olympics
by Kristo Vesikansa & Laura Berger - 531-550 Environmental changes and the first Olympic Winter Games. Infrastructure projects for ‘Chamonix 1924’
by Caterina Franco - 551-573 Tokyo as an Olympic city across modern history: planning culture as the intangible heritage from a century of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games
by Raphaël Languillon-Aussel - 575-594 The transformation of Beijing as a dual Olympic city: growth, post-growth, and the reimagining of the capital
by Richard Hu - 595-613 The achievement of sustainability and legacies by the host cities of the Summer Olympiads, 2012–2024
by Stephen Essex & Renata Latuf de Oliveira Sanchez - 615-636 Have the Olympics outgrown cities? A longitudinal comparative analysis of the growth and planning of the Olympics and former host cities
by Gabriel Silvestre & David Gogishvili & Sven Daniel Wolfe & Martin Müller - 637-657 Evolving security motifs, Olympic spectacle and urban planning legacy: from militarization to security-by-design
by Jon Coaffee - 659-674 The aftermath of failure. Paris, 1992–2012: the urban economy of a host Olympic City
by Ulf Strohmayer - 675-700 Is urban planning returning to the past in search of a sustainable future? Exploring the six Paris and London Olympic Games (1900–2024)
by Cécile Doustaly & Geneviève Zembri-Mary - 701-719 Replacing place with space: the influences and the challenges of the new norm on the Milan-Cortina Winter Games 2026
by Mike Raco & Stefano Di Vita - 721-724 VI International Seminar on Urban Form – Hispanic (ISUF-H) 2022. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
by Kathrin Golda-Pongratz - 725-745 Planning ports in proximity: Koper and Trieste after 1945
by Martin Valinger Sluga & Lucija Ažman Momirski - 747-748 Tripoli coloniale. Histoire sociale et économique d’une ville sous domination italienne [Colonial Tripoli: social and economic history of a city under Italian Rule]
by Nora Lafi - 748-750 Il senso delle donne per la città. Curiosità, ingegno, apertura. [Women’s sense for the city. Curiosity, ingenuity, opening]
by Valeria Casali - 750-751 A research agenda for US land use and planning law
by Carlos Nunes Silva - 752-753 Architecture and Urbanism in a contact zone: histories of difference migrancy and dwelling in Kolkata
by Himadri Chatterjee - 753-756 Charles Rice, Atrium
by Andrea Vesentini
March 2024, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 215-243 ‘Living beyond its present means’: World Bank push and local pushback over lowest-cost housing for postcolonial Dakar
by Helen Gyger - 245-258 Local planning in the national provisions of the Polish Building Code of 1928 - a forgotten legacy
by Wojciech Korbel - 259-283 Israel’s largest landfill rehabilitation: creative landscape design as a catalyst for a functioning metropolis
by Galia Limor-Sagiv & Nurit Lissovsky & Naomi Angel - 285-317 Taming ‘wild’ Vienna? The handling of informal settlements by the planning authorities – perspectives, discourse, (counter)actions in the interwar and post-war periods
by Andre Krammer & Friedrich Hauer - 319-345 How did the idea of the garden suburb emerge in the 1970s? An analysis based on the performance of the City of São Paulo Company in São Paulo
by Sidney Piochi Bernardini & Ana Carolina Capelozza Mano - 347-369 The other Tianjin and its concession culture: local residents’ perception of the postcolonial identity of Minyuan Stadium
by Yanning Xiang & Yat Ming Loo & Jonathan Hale - 371-403 Behind the metropolis: understanding Grand Paris through the history of its regional plans
by Frédéric Pousin & Nathalie Roseau - 405-439 Conformity and variety: city planning in Taiwan during 1683–1895
by Shimeng Sun - 441-457 Unplanned rapid urban growth in Birjand, Iran (1986–2022)
by Mahdi Gheitasi & Ali Maddahi & Newsha Salari - 459-476 The urban planning transformation of Jaffa: pre and post-1948 perspectives
by Tony Rantissi - 477-478 Historia de las Villas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Desde los orígenes hasta nuestros días [History of the shantytowns in the city of Buenos Aires: from the origins to the present]
by Claudia Gabriela Reta - 478-480 Frederick Law Olmsted. Architecte du paysage [Frederick Law Olmsted: architect of landscape]
by Gaia Caramellino - 480-482 Jakarta: the city of a thousand dimensions
by Christopher Silver - 483-485 Im Gleichschritt. Der Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin im Nationalsozialismus
by Karl Friedhelm Fischer
January 2024, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-5 Model Cities at fifty: afterlives
by Susanne Schindler - 7-30 Marshall Plan or neocolonization? The Model Cities Program and Black planning criticism
by Jeremy Lee Wolin - 31-57 Product and process: New York’s Model Cities vest-pocket housing and rehabilitation programme
by Susanne Schindler - 59-84 Broker power: real estate brokers in the St. Louis Model Cities program, 1966–1975
by Morris Speller - 85-107 Black Arts/West and the ironies of development in Seattle’s ‘Other America’
by Mark Krasovic - 109-129 Layers of reconstruction: the planning history of disaster-prone Kamaishi
by Naoto Nakajima - 131-152 Plague, quarantine, and environmental design in nineteenth century Odesa
by Maya Gervits - 153-177 The emergence and evolution of workers’ villages in early New China
by Yiping Zhang & Yves Schoonjans & Gisèle Gantois - 179-194 Naples: a city away from water
by Paolo De Martino - 195-204 On the police as infrastructure and managers in the African city
by Wangui Kimari - 205-206 States of cultivation: imperial transition and scientific agriculture in the Eastern Mediterranean
by Zeead Yaghi - 206-208 Routledge handbook of Asian cities
by Creighton Connolly - 208-210 Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s historic peninsula: musealization and urban conservation
by Mesut Dinler - 210-213 Concrete city: material flows and urbanization in West Africa
by Maren Larsen
November 2023, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 1143-1162 The post-war reconstruction planning of London
by Peter J. Larkham & David Adams - 1163-1184 Corridors as empty signifiers: the entanglement of Mozambique’s colonial past and present in its development corridors
by Joshua Kirshner & Idalina Baptista - 1185-1212 Institutionalization of Transit-Oriented Development in Tokyo 1868–1945
by Yudi Liu & Ryoichi Nitanai & Rikutaro Manabe & Akito Murayama - 1213-1232 Petroleumscapes and the urban fabric: a study of hinterland development in Cepu, Indonesia
by Hajar Ahmad Chusaini & Imam Buchori & Jawoto Sih Setyono - 1233-1255 Agricultural land change, planning and urbanisation: a case study from Erzurum, Türkiye (1940–2022)
by K. Cihangir-Çamur & D. Dursun & A. B. Kaya - 1257-1280 Minimum government assistance: planning cottage resettlement areas in post-war Hong Kong
by Carmen C. M. Tsui - 1281-1300 The social psychologist as planner: the pioneering work of Oscar Oeser in urban and rural communities in mid-twentieth century Australia
by Marco Amati & Roderick D. Buchanan - 1301-1325 An analysis of the small planned towns built for the workers of the Badajoz Plan dams in Spain
by Pedro Plasencia-Lozano & Marina Bargón-García - 1327-1342 Obituary: Jean-Louis Cohen (20 July 1949–7 August 2023)
by Hartmut Frank - 1343-1363 The planning of the Beijing Legation Quarter and the multiple identities of post-colonial heritage (1950s–2010s)
by Ding He & Lin Yuan & Wenting Chen - 1365-1376 A review of housing policy in post-war Yugoslavia and Kosovo
by Gazmend Uka - 1377-1378 Historia y memoria de villas y favelas
by Leandro Benmergui - 1378-1380 Tra simili, Storie incrociate dei quartieri italiani del secondo dopoguerra [Of the same type: connected stories of Italian neighbourhoods since the Second World War]
by John Foot - 1380-1382 Unabhängige Historikerkommission “Planen und Bauen im Nationalsozialismus” [Independent Commission of Historians “Planning and Construction during National Socialism”
by Victoria Grau & Max Welch Guerra - 1382-1384 Against the commons: a radical history of urban planning
by John R. Gold - 1385-1386 In the Skin of the City. Spatial transformation in Luanda
by Carlos Nunes Silva
September 2023, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 925-928 Planning, history … and the environment?
by John R. Gold & Margaret M. Gold - 929-947 Taking critical junctures seriously: theory and method for causal analysis of rapid institutional change
by Andre Sorensen - 949-974 The water heritage of China: the polders of Tai Lake Basin as continuing landscape
by Yi-Wen Wang & John Pendlebury & Christian Nolf - 975-994 Construction and clearance in Israel, 1960–1975: between the local and the international
by Elia Etkin & Paula Kabalo - 995-1018 Immigration, employment, and new town initiatives in Hong Kong
by Junwei Li - 1019-1040 Replanning the central area of Wakefield, West Yorkshire: culture and regeneration, 1990–2021
by Barry Goodchild - 1041-1077 From zeilenbau slabs to community-building clusters. The contribution of Seoul to the planning of mass housing estates, 1962–2008
by Marc Brossa - 1079-1102 Holy green: silwan, design knowledge, and the 1967 making of Jerusalem's Old City Walls National Park
by Shira Wilkof & Alona Nitzan Shiftan - 1103-1117 Critical cartographies for assessing and designing with planning legacies: the case of Jaap Bakema’s Open Society in ‘t Hool, the Netherlands
by Juan Sanz Oliver & Gregory Bracken & Víctor Muñoz Sanz - 1119-1131 Housing low-income populations as a Cold War geostrategic tool. The case of the Instituto de Credito Territorial’s Ciudad Kennedy in Colombia
by Victoria Eugenia Sanchez Holguin - 1133-1135 A Construção do Algarve. Arquitectura Moderna, Regionalismo e Identidade no Sul de Portugal, 1925–1965 [Algarve Building. Modernism, Regionalism and Architecture in the South of Portugal, 1925–1965]
by Carla Garrido de Oliveira - 1135-1136 Avenue of the Americas. New York, biografia di una strada. [Avenue of the Americas. New York, biography of a street]
by Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi - 1136-1138 On balance: architecture and vertigo
by Amy Butt - 1138-1140 Cities alive: Jane Jacobs, Christopher Alexander, and the roots of Urban Renaissance
by Javier Monclús - 1140-1142 Manila’s Architectural Heritage 1571-1960. Volume 1 The Center: Intramuros, Binondo, San Nicolas, Tondo
by Ian Morley
July 2023, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 731-735 The Regional Planning Association of America at 100: a new exploration
by Stephen J. Ramos - 737-739 The Regional Planning Association of America: Past and Future
by Lewis Mumford - 741-757 From the RPAA to the RDCA – communitarian regionalism as a consistent theme
by Kristin Larsen - 759-777 Bioregional urbanism: reflecting on the legacy of the RPAA through the lens of Jaqueline Tyrwhitt
by Ellen Shoshkes - 779-797 A century of regionalisms: the Regional Plan Association of New York and the Regional Planning Association of America in comparative perspective
by Robert Fishman - 799-817 Southern regionalism: social science and regional-national planning in the interwar U.S. South
by Stephen J. Ramos - 819-829 What would the RPAA do?
by Emily Talen - 831-833 The modernity of the Regional Planning Association of America
by Peter G. Rowe - 835-854 The pursuit of permanence: regulating land for socio-economic stability in a colonial Massachusetts town
by Andrew H. Whittemore - 855-876 Through the bridges: the Black Cultural Association in São Paulo, urban planning and the contours of the white city
by Ana Barone - 877-889 The location of a railway station and its impact on urban planning in colonial Lahore 1846–1947
by Naubada Ali & Zhou Qi - 891-900 Habitat. Towards an ecological urban lexicon
by Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi - 901-911 Ngā pūtahitanga/Crossings: the 2022 joint conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand and the Australasian Urban History/Planning History Group
by Laura Dunham - 913-914 Urban design in the 20th century: a history
by Peter J. Larkham - 915-917 Heritage conservation in postcolonial India: approaches and challenges
by Neel Kamal Chapagain - 917-918 The grid and the park: public space and urban culture in Buenos Aires, 1887–1936
by Filippo De Pieri - 919-920 Lorraine Leu, defiant Geographies: race and urban space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro
by Leandro Benmergui - 920-922 Reshaping the frontier landscape: Dongchuan in 18th-century Southwest China
by Yonggu Li - 922-924 Dwelling on the green line: privatize and rule in Israel/Palestine
by Yael Allweil
May 2023, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 467-497 The making of a model town: planning in a Princely city and the All-India Sanitary Conferences
by Sonali Dhanpal - 499-524 A hole in the wall: French colonial planning approaches and the building of the Central Market in Rabat, Morocco (1922–1925)
by Rim Yassine Kassab - 525-557 ‘The core’: the centre as a concept in twentieth-century British planning and architecture. Part two: the realization of the idea
by Elizabeth Darling & Alistair Fair - 559-580 The manufacture of heritage in the face of the diktats of authenticity: the case of the Algerian medinas from the beginning of the French occupation to the present
by Hana Salah-Salah - 581-602 Port-railway connection in Setúbal (Portugal) – an understanding of the past for a sustainable future
by Fernanda de Lima Lourencetti - 603-641 Peripheralization through mass housing urbanization in Hong Kong, Mexico City, and Paris
by Anne Kockelkorn & Christian Schmid & Monika Streule & Kit Ping Wong - 643-669 Path dependency in aesthetic control management within Turkish planning history
by Azadeh Rezafar & Sevkiye Sence Turk - 671-693 Working-class suburban housing, homeownership and urban social movements during Francoism in Barcelona, 1939–1975
by Manel Guàrdia & José Luis Oyón & Maribel Rosselló & David H. Falagán - 695-708 Fire in the port city: the impact of different population groups on the destruction and revival of Canton city in the nineteenth century
by Xueping Gu & Carola Hein - 709-720 Tracking the morphology of building types and site planning layouts within Seoul’s reconstructed and redeveloped apartment complexes
by Soe Won Hwang & Hangyu Oh & Jae Woo Kim - 721-722 Urbanistica comparada en los albores de la modernidad. Burguesia, Espacio Urbano y Proyecto de Ciudad [Comparative urbanism at dawn of modernity. Bourgeoisie, Urban Space and Project of the City]
by Gaia Caramellino - 722-724 Urban design in the 20th century. A history
by Pierre-Alain Croset - 724-726 State of the legacy: reviewing a decade of writings on the regeneration promises of London 2012
by John R. Gold - 726-728 Résonnances oasiennes. Approches sensibles de l’urbain au Sahara [Resonances from the Oases. Sensitive approaches to the urban in the Sahara]
by Nora Lafi - 728-729 À Beira da Cidade: Política e Poética do Loteamento [On the edge of the city: politics and poetics of land subdivision]
by Rafael Soares Gonçalves
March 2023, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 231-251 Serving the public interest? Towards a history of private sector planning expertise in England
by Andy Inch & Matthew Wargent & Malcolm Tait - 253-279 Who owns public spaces? The trailblazer exhibition on women’s everyday life in the City of Vienna (1991)
by Oliwia Jackowska & María Novas Ferradás - 281-304 The Sharon Plan reconsidered: how Eliezer Brutzkus’ pre-1948 separatism shaped Israel’s New Towns
by Shira Wilkof - 305-327 The dialogic constitution of model cities: the circulation, encounters and critiques of the Barcelona model in Latin America
by Gabriel Silvestre & Guillermo Jajamovich - 329-352 Deconstructing Cerdá: historical approaches in his three urban planning theories (1855–1867)
by María A. Castrillo Romón & Víctor Pérez-Eguíluz - 353-373 Quartering as an aspect of Italy’s post-unification urban development: the case of Milan’s parade ground
by Federico Camerin - 375-396 Housing matters in the 1970s: foundations, legacies, and impacts from the national laboratory for civil engineering’s research in Portugal
by Patrícia Bento d’Almeida & Teresa Marat-Mendes - 397-420 Military or trade port cities? About the form and function of the Hispanic colonial cities in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Luis Rubén Pérez Pinzón & Narcís Bassols I Gardella - 421-435 Dourgouti and Tavros: the development of two Athenian neighbourhoods with social housing estates
by Nikolina Myofa - 437-451 A 2200-year-old document of planning history: the border city planning system in Chao Cuo’s memorials to the throne
by Lu Guo & Tinghai Wu - 453-456 Nonprofit neighborhoods: an urban history of inequality and the American state
by Dan Holland - 456-457 Landed internationals. Planning cultures, the academy and the making of the modern Middle East
by Nora Lafi - 457-460 Non-Design: Architecture, Liberalism and the Market
by Tahl Kaminer - 460-462 La ciudad latinoamericana: una figura de la imaginación social del siglo XX
by Leandro Benmergui - 462-464 Everyday sectarianism in urban Lebanon: infrastructures, public services, and power
by Zeead Yaghi - 464-466 Diverging space for deviants: the politics of Atlanta’s public housing
by Candace Borders
January 2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-24 Not wholly belonging: British planning’s uncertain European connections
by Stephen V. Ward - 25-47 The persistence and rise of master planning in urban Africa: transnational circuits and local ambitions
by Philip Harrison & Sylvia Croese - 49-68 The Dutch ‘Gateway to Europe’ spatial policy narrative, 1980–2020: a systematic review
by Merten Nefs & Wil Zonneveld & Paul Gerretsen - 69-98 ‘The core’: the centre as a concept in twentieth-century British planning and architecture.Part one: the emergence of the idea
by Elizabeth Darling & Alistair Fair - 99-125 The Datong City Plan (1938): the three week-process of organizing planning ideas and techniques towards the construction of a new urban area under Japanese occupation
by Naoto Nakajima - 127-143 From home to work to shop to home: the planned retail chain in Soviet Lithuania, 1960s–1980s
by Brigita Tranavičiūtė - 145-171 Davids and the Goliath at Downtown: why central Auckland’s largest post-war urban renewal scheme could not be stopped
by Elizabeth Aitken Rose & Julia Gatley & Luciana Mota - 173-196 Colonial legacies and contemporary urban planning practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh
by Gideon Baffoe & Shilpi Roy - 197-211 ‘Captains of industry’ of the metropolitan nexus: private mass housing development in twentieth-century Belgium
by Laurence Heindryckx & Michiel Dehaene - 213-222 Seminars on urban design and the constitution of the discipline in mid-1980s Brazil
by Maria Cristina da Silva Leme & Renato Leão Rego & Carolina Pescatori Cândido da Silva & Dinalva Derenzo Roldan - 223-225 Merlin Chowkwanyun, All Health Politics is Local
by Jennifer Whittaker - 225-227 The new urban aesthetic: digital experiences of urban change
by Günter Gassner - 227-228 Instituições de Urbanismo no Brasil, 1930-1979 [Institutions of Urbanism in Brazil 1930-1979]
by Leandro Benmergui