January 2023, Volume 38, Issue 1
November 2022, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 1115-1146 Urbanism of zines: the potential of environmentalist zines as sources for planning history
by Andrea Gimeno-Sánchez - 1147-1178 Planning versus reality: building ‘native’ housing estates in Lomé and Douala, late nineteenth century till 1940
by P. M. Bezemer & A. M. Martin - 1179-1203 From sparse to compact city – shifting notions of nature in post-war residential landscapes in the Helsinki region
by Ranja Hautamäki - 1205-1230 Advocacy planning: were expectations fulfilled?
by Tore Sager - 1231-1259 The enduring importance of strategic vision in planning: the case of the West Midlands Green Belt
by Charles Edward Goode - 1261-1262 Editorial
by Carola Hein - 1263-1268 Report from the 19th International Planning History Society Conference: July 5–6 2022, Delft, The Netherlands
by Stephen J. Ramos - 1269-1284 Gordon Cherry memorial lecture 2022: the design-politics of planning equitably resilient capital cities
by Lawrence J. Vale - 1285-1299 Protecting the historical city – urban regeneration in Eastern Germany during the 1990s as a starting point for a sustainable urban development?
by Jana Breßler - 1301-1309 19th IPHS Conference, 5–6 July 2022 (Delft, The Netherlands) prizes and awards
by Nuran Zeren Gülersoy - 1311-1313 Post-war architecture between Italy and the UK: exchanges and transcultural influences
by Alan Powers - 1313-1315 The Routledge handbook of infrastructure design: global perspectives from architectural history
by John R. Gold - 1315-1317 Oil Spaces: Exploring the Global Petroleumscape
by Leyla Sayfutdinova - 1317-1319 Košice, Bratislava, Prague. De la planification urbaine à la ville-région
by Isabelle Gournay - 1319-1320 Informal Urbanization in Latin America. Collaborative Transformations of Public Spaces
by Kathrin Golda-Pongratz - 1321-1322 Fabricating Lureland - a history of the imagination and memory of Peacehaven, a speculative interwar garden city development by the sea
by Dennis Hardy
September 2022, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 871-887 Experts, export, and the entanglements of global planning
by Filippo De Dominicis & Ines Tolic - 889-920 Imperial spectacle and emergency shelters: the American Red Cross programmes presented at the Panama–Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco, 1915
by Theodossis Issaias - 921-948 Rehearsing experts and ‘inperts’: crossing transnational housing narratives in West Africa
by Mónica Pacheco - 949-971 Foreign aid for rural development: village design and planning in post-independence Morocco
by Michele Tenzon & Axel Fisher - 973-999 News from the Modern Front: Constantinos A. Doxiadis’s Ekistics, the United Nations, and the post-war discourse on housing, building and planning
by Ines Tolić - 1001-1027 Ford’s network: the American-Yugoslav project and the circulation of urban planning expertise in the Cold War
by Vladimir Kulić - 1029-1049 The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) experts’ contribution in the establishment of the University of Patras
by Vassiliki Petridou - 1051-1072 Global experts for historic towns: Leonardo Benevolo and Giorgio Lombardi’s contributions to UNDP/UNESCO Andean region programme
by Anna-Paola Pola - 1073-1095 The post-war rebirth of Yokohama: the planner Akira Tamura’s contributions to municipal reform
by Toshio Taguchi - 1097-1102 Replanning and rebuilding cities damaged by catastrophe: the Planning Perspectives contribution
by Peter J. Larkham - 1103-1104 Electrifying Mexico: technology and the transformation of a modern city
by S. Yohad Zacarías - 1104-1106 The Roots of Educational Inequality: Philadelphia’s Germantown High School, 1907-2014
by Cristina Viviana Groeger - 1106-1107 The bonds of inequality: debt and the making of the American city
by Timothy J. Lombardo - 1108-1109 Le prolétariat ne se promène pas nu. Moscou en projets [The proletariat does not walk naked. Moscow through its projects]
by Alessandro De Magistris - 1109-1112 Photographs and the practice of history: a short primer
by Laura Bowie - 1112-1114 Building colonial Hong Kong: speculative development and segregation in the city
by Zhigang Li
July 2022, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 659-683 The Olympic Effect in strategic planning: insights from candidate cities
by G. Lopes dos Santos & J. Gonçalves - 685-712 Planning a Christian campus in Quasi-colonial China: Lingnan University, Guangzhou, 1904–1931
by Yinrui Xie & Paul Walker - 713-733 Urban planning history of Malawi: case study of the capital Lilongwe
by Evance Mwathunga & Ronnie Donaldson - 735-759 Housing the nascent middle class: the first high-rise planned community in post-war Hong Kong
by Carmen C. M. Tsui - 761-793 Planning at the edge: urbanism and socio-political transition in Chelas, Lisbon
by João Cunha Borges & Sara Silva Lopes & Rui del Pino Fernandes & Teresa Marat-Mendes - 795-814 The making of Canberra as captured on film (1900–1945)
by Lauren Pikó & Hannah Lewi - 815-839 Soviet specialists’s urban planning technical assistance to China, 1949–1959
by Hao Li - 841-857 The role of urban landscapes in the formation of urban identity and urban memory relations: the case of Van/Turkey
by Feran Aşur & Elif Akpinar Kulekci & Muhsine Perihan - 859-860 Arquitetura Evanescente, o desaparecimento de edifícios cariocas em perspectiva histórica [Evanescent architecture, the disappearing of Rio de Janeiro buildings from a historical perspective]
by Leandro Benmergui - 860-862 Urban legends: the South Bronx in representation and ruin
by Noël K. Wolfe - 862-864 八大重点城市规划——新中国成立初期的城市规划历史研究 (第二版) [The Planning of Eight Key New Industrial Cities: Urban Planning History of the People's Republic of China in the 1950s (Second Version)]
by Shulan Fu - 864-865 Urban lowlands: a history of neighborhoods, poverty, and planning
by Claire Campbell - 866-867 Trophy cities: a feminist perspective on new capitals
by Alan Mabin - 868-869 Postmodern architecture in socialist Poland: transformation, symbolic form and national identity
by Piotr J. Leśniak
May 2022, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 433-444 The art of preserving and building cities in Italy (1860–1930): legacies and actors
by Heleni Porfyriou & Guido Vittorio Zucconi - 445-475 Building Roma Capitale: knowing and interpreting the city of the past (1870–1925)
by Elisabetta Pallottino - 477-495 L’architetto integrale and Gustavo Giovannoni’s role in education and cultural dissemination
by Giuseppe Bonaccorso - 497-527 Building the capital city: Maria Ponti Pasolini, the Passeggiata Archeologica and the planning of Rome (1887-1917)
by Maria Grazia Turco - 529-550 For the defence of Florence: site-specific urbanism versus sanitary planning
by Thomas Renard - 551-581 Shaping early twentieth century Rome: the AACAR and the contributions of Filippo Galassi and Gustavo Giovannoni
by Francesca Romana Stabile - 583-614 Planning Venice after the Italian Unification: The Development of a Space-based Identity
by Guido Zucconi - 615-627 Retrospect and prospect: a review of research contributions on China’s planning history (2011-2020)
by Mengfei Tong & Baihao Li & Zhao Li - 629-639 The Hispanic International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF-H). A platform for dialogue between urban planners and urban form researchers in Spanish-speaking countries
by Javier Monclús - 641-654 A 90th birthday tributeAnthony D. King: an appreciation
by Abidin Kusno - 655-656 Asuntos y debates en torno a las instalaciones militares en abandon. Una reseña en perspectiva internacional [Questions and debates around the military installations in abandonment. An international overview]
by Caterina Quaglio - 656-657 Landscapes of housing: design and planning in the history of environmental thought
by Filippo De Pieri
March 2022, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 217-242 ‘Beyond repair’: modernism, renewal and the conservation of Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Market, 1967–76
by James Lesh & Kali Myers - 243-265 A New Town and a numbers game: Runcorn, Merseyside, and Liverpool
by Salvatore Dellaria - 267-292 Yaba housing scheme and the colonial ‘re-planning’ of Lagos, 1917–1952
by Lanre Davies - 293-317 Housing Haussmann’s Paris: the politics and legacy of Second Empire redevelopment
by Yonah Freemark & A. Bliss & Lawrence J. Vale - 319-339 Planning capital cities: a cultural district in Canada’s capital region
by Eleonora Redaelli & Guy Chiasson - 341-368 Skelmersdale: design and implementation of a British new town, 1961–1985
by Thomas Szydlowski - 369-399 The shape of things to come, Hong Kong's infrastructural city fabric: 1989–2020
by Nathalie Roseau - 401-414 From monumentality to diversity – Lourenço Marques between the urban plans of Aguiar and Azevedo (1950-1970)
by Paulo Tormenta Pinto & Ana Vaz Milheiro & Elisiário Miranda & Pedro Luz Pinto - 415-425 Recent evolution of housing finance policy and development agendas in Mexico
by Alejandra Reyes - 427-429 A queer New York: geographies of lesbians, dykes, and queers
by Davy Knittle - 429-430 How cities matter
by Federico Camerin - 430-432 Pensando as favelas cariocas: história e questões urbanas (volume 1) [Reflecting on Rio’s Favelas: history and urban questions]
by Marcos Burgos
January 2022, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-8 Epidemics, Planning and the City: A Special Issue of Planning Perspectives
by Juliet Davis - 9-26 Epidemics, the issue of control and the grid: a nineteenth-century perspective from Buenos Aires
by Antonio Carbone - 27-52 Unsettling a sanitary enclave: malaria at Mian Mir (1849–1910)
by Nida Rehman - 53-76 Influenza pandemic and the development of public health infrastructure in Bombay city, 1919–1935
by Mrunmayee Satam - 77-102 Consumption crusade: the influence of tuberculosis on the emergence of town planning in South Australia, 1890–1918
by Julie A. Collins & Peter Lekkas - 103-126 Hypochondria as a form factor: The role of colonial anxieties as shapers of buildings and urban spaces in British Africa
by Jacopo Galli - 127-147 The cleanliness of otherness: epidemics, informal urbanization and urban degeneration in early twentieth-century Madrid
by Noel A. Manzano Gómez - 149-168 The pathogenic city: disease, dirt and the planning of Dublin’s Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Markets
by Samantha Martin - 169-189 The biogeopolitics of cities: a critical enquiry across Jerusalem, Phnom Penh, Toronto
by Giorgio Talocci & Donald Brown & Haim Yacobi - 191-203 The past, present and future of African cities: commemorating the life and work of Bill Freund
by Alan Mabin - 205-209 Planning history and everyday urban change: an appreciation of J.W.R. Whitehand (1938–2021)
by Peter J. Larkham - 211-212 Mass housing: modern architecture and state power – a global history
by Ke Song - 212-214 Biagio Rossetti secondo Bruno Zevi [Biagio Rossetti according to Bruno Zevi]
by Filippo De Pieri - 214-216 规画:中国空间规划与人居营建
by Yuan Gao
November 2021, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 1103-1121 On Foucault and Brazilian Urbanismo: a genealogy of city planning in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (c. 1850s–1945)
by Joel Outtes - 1123-1147 ‘University in the city’: Percy Johnson-Marshall and the reconstruction of Edinburgh’s South Side, 1961–76
by Alistair Fair - 1149-1171 ‘Third Front’ construction in China: planning the industrial towns during the Cold War (1964–1980)
by Gangyi Tan & Yizhuo Gao & Charlie Q. L. Xue & Liquan Xu - 1173-1194 Transformation of urban green spaces from a historical perspective in Veszprém, Hungary
by Vera Iváncsics & Krisztina Filepné Kovács - 1195-1223 Protecting neighbourhood character while allowing growth? Pike/Pine Conservation Overlay District, Seattle, Washington
by Naoko Kuriyama & Jeffrey Karl Ochsner - 1225-1248 Unpacking the intricacies of urban development in Eswatini: from fragmentation to integration
by Mfaniseni Fana Sihlongonyane - 1249-1268 Managed retreat in response to flooding: lessons from the past for contemporary climate change adaptation
by Fiadh Tubridy & Mark Scott & Mick Lennon - 1269-1292 The urban parks in Nanjing, 1900s–2000s: a brief introduction
by Zhen Xu - 1293-1295 All cities should have a dream: in memoriam Jaime Lerner
by Renato Leão Rego - 1297-1304 Interrogating voices from the past: making use of oral testimony in planning historical research
by Christine Garnaut & John R. Gold - 1305-1306 Metropolis: a history of the city, humankind’s greatest invention
by Marton Gera - 1306-1309 Neighborhood
by Zhen Xu - 1309-1311 Review of Marcel Smets, Fondements du Projet Urbain, translation from the Dutch ‘Fundamenten van het stadsontwerp’, 2020
by Cristina Purcar - 1311-1313 Cities for profit: the real estate turn in Asia’s urban politics
by Dallas Rogers - 1313-1316 Ströme und Zonen: Eine Genealogie der ‘funktionalen Stadt’
by Katharina Borsi - 1316-1319 London’s global office economy: from clerical factory to digital hub
by Michael Collins - 1319-1322 Festival cities – culture, planning and urban life
by Sophia Psarra
September 2021, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 881-902 Vienna’s planning history: periodizing stable phases of regulating urban development, 1820–2020
by Johannes Suitner - 903-922 Hebei New Area in Tianjin, 1902–1912 – implementing Japanese commercial and industrial urban planning ideas in China
by Yichi Zhang - 923-948 The patchwork planning of a welfare landscape: reappraising the role of leisure planning in the Swedish welfare state
by Johan Pries & Mattias Qviström - 949-974 Rödabergsområdet: a verdant small town idyll within the city
by Chiara Monterumisi - 975-998 Global ideas and cultural responsiveness: why new towns in Israel and Brazil are not the same
by Renato Leão Rego - 999-1023 Revisiting the Australian Government’s Growth Centres programme 1972–1975
by Julian Bolleter & Robert Freestone & Robert Cameron & George Wilkinson & Paula Hooper - 1025-1051 ‘Between the devil and the Bay of Bengal’: the Ford Foundation and the politics of planning in post-Independence Calcutta
by Andrew Rumbach - 1053-1067 Planning and damming: know-how, logistics, and organization of Italian corporates in Africa
by Filippo De Dominicis & Cristina Pallini - 1069-1090 Spatial Transformation of Tehran between two political upheavals (1953-1979); an analytical approach to making a middle eastern metropolitan region
by Mousa Pazhuhan - 1091-1093 Bangkok utopia: modern architecture and Buddhist felicities, 1910–1973
by Sidh Sintusingha - 1093-1095 Il progetto del mondo. Doxiadis, città e futuro 1955–65 (The project of the world. Doxiadis, city and future 1955–65)
by Gaia Caramellino - 1095-1097 Race, Faith and Planning in Britain
by Katie McClymont - 1097-1099 Bratislava (un)planned city
by Martin Pekár - 1099-1101 El urbanismo de la Transición. El Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid de 1985, (The Urbanism of Transition: The Master Plan of Madrid 1985)
by Javier Monclús
July 2021, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 643-666 L’Enfant’s Washington: the figure of the President in the capital of the Republic
by Ingrid Schroder - 667-687 Thinking relationally about socialist cities: cross–border connections in Czechoslovak post-war urban planning and housing construction
by Slavomíra Ferenčuhová - 689-717 Development cooperation and national planning: analysing Finnish complicity in postcolonial Tanzania’s decentralization reform and regional development
by Essi Lamberg - 719-739 Grid orientation and natural ventilation in Cerdà’s 1860 urban plan for Barcelona
by Montserrat Pallares-Barbera & Meritxell Gisbert & Anna Badia - 741-760 Evolution of the administrative entities of urbanistic licenses in the town hall of Madrid: adaptation to the development of the metropolis
by Adolfo García Ruiz-Espiga & Manuel José Soler Severino - 761-787 Factors, mechanisms and challenges of planning in Cyprus: a historical narrative of Limassol’s urban development
by Ilaria Geddes & Byron Ioannou & Michalis Psaras - 789-811 Colonial planning of Nairobi airports, 1933–1953
by Gordon Pirie - 813-846 Parallel and overlapping temporalities of city fabric, the New York Parkway Odyssey: 1870s–2000s
by Nathalie Roseau - 847-857 Typology of medieval urban layouts in historic Lesser Poland and their protection
by Dominika Kuśnierz-Krupa & Justyna Kobylarczyk & Małgorzata Lisińska-Kuśnierz & Michał Krupa & Kazimierz Kuśnierz - 859-872 Suburban gardens in the interwar planning agenda: London’s Becontree vs. Frankfurt’s Rörmerstadt
by Marta García Carbonero - 873-874 Interurban knowledge exchange in Southern and Eastern Europe, 1870–1950
by Kathrin Golda-Pongratz - 874-876 Ciudad de bloques. Reflexiones retrospectivas y prospectivas sobre los polígonos de vivienda ‘modernos’ [City of Slabs. Retrospective and Prospective Reflections on ‘Modern’ Housing Estates]
by Filippo De Pieri - 876-877 The invention of public space: designing for inclusion in Lindsay's New York
by Suchismita Gangopadhyay - 877-880 Out of stock: the warehouse in the history of capitalism
by Sara Stevens
March 2021, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 215-236 Shantytowns, housing and state order: the Plan de Emergencia in 1950s Argentina
by Adriana Laura Massidda - 237-257 The community settlement: a neo-rural territorial tool
by Gabriel Schwake - 259-283 Expressway urbanism: highway planning and the reimagining of Tel Aviv-Jaffa
by Neta Feniger & Roy Kozlovsky - 285-308 Pulo Mas: Jakarta’s failed housing experiment for the masses
by Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan & Christopher Silver & M. Nanda Widyarta & Elita Nuraeny - 309-335 Remaking the border: the proposed border expansion of Canberra in the 1960–70s revisited in the planning and development context of the 21st century
by Richard Hu - 337-362 Urban conservation legacy of the Turkish planning system: tracing spatial change in the Ankara Acropolis, from 1923 onwards
by Merve Demiröz & Neriman Şahin Güçhan - 363-391 Urban resilience and sustainability of the city of Gondar (Ethiopia) in the face of adverse historical changes
by Mulatu Wubneh - 393-409 Evaluating nineteenth-century urbanization in the Galata neighbourhood of İstanbul using the maps by Huber, d’Ostoya, and Goad
by Merve Özbay Kınacı & Nuran Zeren Gulersoy - 411-420 The anniversaries of the Ecole d’urbanisme de Paris (1919–1969–2019)
by Clément Orillard - 421-422 Cairo Collage. Everyday life practices after the event
by Nora Lafi - 422-424 Urban heritage along the silk roads: a contemporary reading of urban transformation of historic cities in the middle east and beyond
by Maryam Abdollahpour & Sara Abbaszadeh - 424-426 Rebuilding Britain’s Blitzed Cities: Hopeful Dreams, Stark Realities
by Wesley Aelbrecht - 426-428 China’s architecture in a globalising world: between socialism and market
by Yat Ming Loo - 428-430 Airbnb, short-term rentals and the future of housing
by Florian Urban - 430-432 New York Recentered: Building the Metropolis from the Shore
by Steven T. Moga
January 2021, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-19 Fritz Schumacher – Neglected German town planner and urban reformer in Hamburg and Cologne
by Dirk Schubert - 21-48 Power, conflict and negotiation between the agents: an alternative vision for contestation on the public space in the late Ottoman empire
by Ahmet Erdem Tozoglu - 49-74 The persistent reinvention of state-led planning policies in Argentina: exploring path dependencies and policy ruptures
by Rodrigo Hernán Alves Rolo - 75-93 Designing disorder: spatial ordering and ethno-religious conflicts in Jos metropolis, North-Central Nigeria
by Onyekachi E. Nnabuihe & Ifeanyi Onwuzuruigbo - 95-123 Planning a ‘Regional breathing space’: the ecological shift in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the New Jersey Meadowlands, 1970
by Şevin Yıldız - 125-145 From ‘minimum dwelling’ to ‘functional city’: reappraising scale transitions in the early history of CIAM (1928–33)
by Aristotle Kallis - 147-182 From prophecy to projection: the New York Metropolitan Region Study and the rescaling of the urban future, 1956–1968
by Peter Ekman - 183-194 An officer and a bourgeois: Israeli military personnel, suburbanization and selective privatization
by Gabriel Schwake - 195-205 Designing the 2018 Urbanism places exhibition and public planning history
by Naoto Nakajima - 207-208 A Maravilhosa Fábrica de Virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711–1822)
by Fernando Atique - 208-209 Torino 1914–1976: La costruzione della città dalla prima guerra mondiale alla guerra fredda/Turin 1914–1976: building the city from World War I to the Cold War [in Italian and English]
by Filippo De Pieri - 210-212 Designing San Francisco: art, land, and urban renewal in the city by the Bay
by Rachel Brahinsky - 212-213 Of greater dignity than riches: austerity and housing design in India
by Yingchun Li
November 2020, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 927-953 Evaluating the contribution of planning gain to an inclusive housing legacy: a case study of London 2012
by Penny Bernstock - 955-968 The historical development of the housing policy of Russian cities from pre-industrialization period to free real estate market
by Olga Siegmunt - 969-1004 Spaces of transition: testing high standard housing in late-socialist Belgrade
by Dalia Dukanac & Ljiljana Blagojević - 1005-1030 Dublin's twentieth-century social housing policies: tenure, ‘reserved areas’ and housing type
by Joseph Brady & Ruth McManus - 1031-1053 Planning Aarhus as a welfare geography: urban modernism and the shaping of ‘welfare subjects’ in post-war Denmark
by Mikkel Høghøj - 1055-1080 Urban planning in ancient cities of Iran: understanding the meaning of urban form in the Sasanian city of Ardašīr-Xwarrah
by Hossein Maroufi - 1081-1095 The birth of Mass transit system or the imperative of technology: a look back at the design of suburban train stations in the 1970s
by Elise Avide - 1097-1105 An archive of anxiety: the papers of E. A. A. Rowse
by Adam Page - 1107-1115 Edge conditions: invented peripheries, hidden centres: the 2020 Australasian urban history/planning history conference
by Nicola Pullan - 1117-1118 Design DNA of Mark I – Hong Kong’s public housing prototype
by Miles Glendinning - 1118-1120 Favelas de Río de Janeiro: historia y derecho
by María Cristina Cravino - 1120-1122 Taking the land to make the city: a bicoastal history of North America
by Sarah Lopez - 1122-1124 Improvised City: Architecture, and Governance in Shanghai, 1843–1937
by Liu Yishi - 1124-1126 The architecture of Scotland, 1660–1750
by Deborah Howard - 1126-1128 The New Enclosure: The Appropriation of Public Land in Neoliberal Britain
by Günter Gassner
September 2020, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 753-777 Conservation logics that reshape mega-event spaces: San Antonio and Brisbane post expo
by Jennifer Minner & Martin Abbott - 779-804 Major events and urban development: exploring the spatial impact of China's expositions in the early twentieth century
by Zhe Liu & Pieter M.K.J. Uyttenhove & Luce Beeckmans & Xin Zheng - 805-826 An ‘ordinary modernist’? Empire and nation in Ariel Kahane’s large-scale planning
by Shira Wilkof - 827-848 Avoiding white elephants? The planning and design of London’s 2012 Olympic and Paralympic venues, 2002–2018
by Juliet Davis - 849-872 Street names in Dakar-Plateau: a colonial and post-colonial perspective
by Krzysztof Górny & Ada Górna - 873-894 Dalian’s unique planning history and its contested heritage in urban regeneration
by Yang Liu & Karine Dupre & Xin Jin & David Weaver - 895-907 The natural environment in socialist modernity: three case studies of new urban areas in Czechoslovakia (1966–1991)
by Jan Dostalík - 909-914 4th Urbanism and urban planners in Brazil seminar (4thSUUB), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2019. Ideas, practices and institutions in the formation of urbanism and urban planners in Brazil. CONFERENCE REPORT
by Elisângela de Almeida Chiquito & Rita Velloso - 915-916 Glasgow high-rise homes, estates and communities in the post-war period
by Ambrose Gillick - 916-918 Il mito dell’equilibrio. Il dibattito anglo-italiano per il governo del territorio negli anni del dopoguerra [The myth of balance. The Anglo-Italian debate on urban and regional planning after World War II]
by Filippo De Pieri - 918-920 Architecture of counterrevolution: the French army in Northern Algeria
by Nora Lafi - 920-921 Große Pläne für Kassel. 1919 bis 1949. Projekte zu Stadtentwicklung und Städtebau
by Karl Friedhelm Fischer - 922-923 Hidden London: discovering the forgotten underground
by Michael Hebbert - 923-925 Power Moves: Transportation, Politics, and Development in Houston
by Robert W. Pfaff
May 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 401-431 Cities and memory: a history of the role of memorials in urban design from the Renaissance to Canberra
by Quentin Stevens - 433-455 The ‘desiccator difficulty’: surprise, indignation and the local politics of planning for sanitary technology in nineteenth century Melbourne
by Elizabeth Jean Taylor - 457-476 Regional cities: international references in Brazilian regional planning in the 1950s and 1960s
by Gislaine Elizete Beloto - 477-504 Kuy-e Narmak (1952–1958): the growth and change of an urban community in Tehran
by Mohamad Sedighi & Nelson Mota - 505-523 Whose master plan? Kisho Kurokawa and ‘capital planning’ in post-Soviet Astana, 1995–2000
by Nari Shelekpayev - 525-547 Shankland and Cox at Cergy-Pontoise. Passing on British town planning working practices in France
by Anne Portnoï - 549-560 An infrastructure of light and darkness: in visual conversation with Baudouin Mouanda
by Liora Bigon - 561-564 8th PNUM conference, Maringá, Brazil, 21–23 August 2019
by Renato Leão Rego - 565-567 Contested City: Art and Public History as Meditation at New York’s Seward Park Urban Renewal Area
by Karilyn Crockett - 567-568 Lizabeth Cohen, Saving America’s Cities: Ed Logue and the Struggle to Renew Urban America in the Suburban Age
by David Hochfelder - 568-570 Seismic City: An Environmental History of San Francisco's 1906 Earthquake
by Pollyanna Rhee