2010, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 263-279 Labour Supply, Employment and Unemployment in Macroeconomics: A Critical Appraisal of Orthodoxy and a Heterodox Alternative
by Malcolm Sawyer & David Spencer - 281-299 Inflation in Argentina during the Second Peronist Period (1973-76): A Post-Keynesian Interpretation
by Jonathan Marie - 301-304 The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics. The Core Contributions of the Pioneers
by Angelo Reati - 304-306 Toward Globalization with a Human Face
by Collin Matton - 306-309 Keynes and his Battles
by Dany Lang - 309-311 Poverty, Work and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order
by Robert Scott - 311-313 Ideology and the International Economy. The Decline and Fall of Bretton Woods
by Maria Alejandra Madi & Jose Ricardo Goncalves
2010, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-17 One Small Step for Man: Paul Krugman, the 2008 Nobel Laureate in Economics
by Bruce Elmslie - 19-40 Pricing Behaviour and the Cost-Push Channel of Monetary Policy
by Gilberto Tadeu Lima & Mark Setterfield - 41-56 The Relative Permanent Income Theory of Consumption: A Synthetic Keynes-Duesenberry-Friedman Model
by Thomas Palley - 57-73 Starvation and Social Class: Amartya Sen on Markets and Famines
by Mark Peacock - 75-96 Auguste Ott on Commercial Crises and Distributive Justice: An Early Input-Output Scheme
by Daniele Besomi & Giorgio Colacchio - 97-117 Transformational Growth in the 1990s: Government, Finance and High-tech
by Davide Gualerzi & Edward Nell - 119-125 Cycles and Growth: A Source of Demand-Driven Endogenous Growth
by Pierangelo Garegnani & Attilio Trezzini - 127-140 Pecuniary External Economies, Economies of Scale and Increasing Returns: A Note of Dissent
by Roy Grieve - 141-150 Reply to Roy H. Grieve on Increasing Returns
by Ramesh Chandra & Roger Sandilands - 151-160 The Fault Line between Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians: A Review Essay
by M. G. Hayes - 161-164 A Measure of Fairness: The Economics of Living Wages and Minimum Wages in the United States
by J. E. King - 165-168 Reinventing Functional Finance: Transformational Growth and Full Employment
by Christopher Niggle - 168-170 Rethinking Pension Reform/What You Need to Know about the Economics of Growing Old (But Were Afraid to Ask): A Provocative Reference Guide to the Economics of Aging
by Robert Whaples - 170-174 In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State
by Karl Widerquist - 174-176 The Cambridge Companion to Hayek
by Guinevere Liberty Nell - 177-180 The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences
by Matt Vidal
2009, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 515-536 Retirement Policies and the Life Cycle: Current Trends and Future Prospects
by William Jackson - 537-547 The Tragedy of the Commons: Institutions and Fisheries Management at the Local and EU Levels
by Rouba Al-Fattal - 549-566 Method, Structure and Argument in Edith Penrose's Theory of Growth
by Carol Connell - 567-588 The Impact of Unions on Labor's Share of Income: A Time-Series Analysis
by Rudy Fichtenbaum - 589-619 RICARDO: Standard Commodity : : MARX: ?
by Bruce Roberts
2009, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 339-339 Introductory Note
by John King & Gary Mongiovi - 341-368 Adjusting Theory to Reality: The Role of Aggregate Demand in Kaldor's Late Contributions on Economic Growth
by Antonella Palumbo - 369-391 Cadrisme within a Post-Keynesian Model of Growth and Distribution
by Marc Lavoie - 393-401 A Centre-Periphery Framework on Kaldorian Lines
by Prabirjit Sarkar - 403-421 Global Imbalances and the Key Currency Regime: The Case for a Commodity Reserve Currency
by Leanne Ussher - 423-445 A 'New Bretton Woods': Kaldor and the Antipodean Quest for Global Full Employment
by Sean Turnell & Leanne Ussher - 447-461 Kaldor on Debreu: The Critique of General Equilibrium Reconsidered
by Thomas Boylan & Paschal O'Gorman - 463-480 Nicholas Kaldor and Critical Realism
by Therese Jefferson & John King - 481-496 Cambridge Economics, Heterodoxy and Ontology: An Interview with Tony Lawson
by Stephen Dunn - 497-500 Economists in Cambridge. A Study through their Correspondence, 1907-1946
by Esteban Perez-Caldentey - 500-502 Recent Developments in Institutional Economics
by Ferudun Yilmaz - 502-505 Altruistically Inclined? The Behavioral Sciences, Evolutionary Theory, and the Origins of Reciprocity
by Alain Marciano - 505-507 Marx's Theory of Money. Modern Appraisals
by Stavros Mavroudeas - 508-509 The Political Economy of the Living Wage: A Study of Four Cities
by J. E. King - 510-511 Changing the Guard: Private Prisons and the Control of Crime
by Robert Whaples - 511-514 How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor
by Orly Lobel
2009, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 191-193 John Derek Pheby, October 24, 1949-October 21, 2008
by Gary Mongiovi & Steven Pressman & John Smithin - 195-211 Global Capitalism and Imperialism Theory: Methodological and Substantive Insights from Rosa Luxemburg
by Roberto Veneziani - 213-225 Neoliberalism, EU and the Evaluation of Policies
by Kurt Rothschild - 227-244 The World Bank's Early Reflections on Development: A Development Institution or a Bank?
by Michele Alacevich - 245-272 Distribution and Growth in France and Germany: Single Equation Estimations and Model Simulations Based on the Bhaduri/Marglin Model
by Eckhard Hein & Lena Vogel - 273-289 The Effects of Employment Insecurity on Demand, Productivity and Employment Levels
by Andrea Pacella - 291-297 Entanglement throughout Economic Science: The End of a Separate Welfare Economics
by Hilary Putnam & Vivian Walsh - 299-307 In Defense of Deontology and Kant: A Reply to van Staveren
by Mark White - 309-312 A Response to Mark D. White
by Irene van Staveren - 313-315 The Constitution of Capital: Essays on Volume I of Marx's Capital
by Scott Carter - 315-317 Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits
by Robert Whaples - 317-320 Coal: A Human History
by Robert Whaples - 320-322 A Poverty of Reason: Sustainable Development and Economic Growth
by Robin Neill - 322-324 Institutional Change and Globalization
by Stefan Kesting - 324-326 IMF Essays from a Time of Crisis
by Mathew Bradbury - 326-329 Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
by Oren Levin-Waldman - 329-331 Ethical Codes and Income Distribution: A Study of John Bates Clark and Thorstein Veblen
by Oren Levin-Waldman - 332-333 The First Crash
by Brad Andrew - 334-335 The Economist's Tale: A Consultant Encounters Hunger and the World Bank
by Brad Andrew - 336-337 Political Economy from Below. Economic Thought in Communitarian Anarchism, 1840-1914
by Michel Bauwens
2009, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-22 Effective Demand and Short-term Adjustments in the General Theory
by Olivier Allain - 23-49 Capital Accumulation, Technical Progress and Labour Supply Growth: Keynes's Approach to Aggregate Supply and Demand Analysis Revisited
by Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 51-83 Marx and Schumpeter: A Comparison of their Theories of Development
by Eric Rahim - 85-100 Sraffa's Interpretation of Marx's Treatment of Fixed Capital
by Fred Moseley - 101-122 The 2000-2001 Financial Crisis in Turkey: A Crisis for Whom?
by Mathieu Dufour & Ozgur Orhangazi - 123-143 Political Economy and Organizational Leadership: A Hope-based Theory
by Joe Wallis & Brian Dollery & Lin Crase - 145-155 A Conversation with Kurt Rothschild
by Kurt Rothschild & John King - 157-161 Enigma in the Origins of Paul Sweezy's Political Economy
by Ben Fine - 163-189 Book Reviews
by Paul Lewis & Elisabeth Allgoewer & Paul Zarembka & Jurriaan Bendien & John Lodewijks & J. E. King & William Tabb & William Tabb & Tae-Hee Jo & Martin Gregor
2008, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 475-489 John Kenneth Galbraith and the Post Keynesian Tradition in Economics
by Steven Pressman - 491-499 The Abiding Economics of John Kenneth Galbraith
by James Galbraith - 501-526 J.K. Galbraith and the Nature of Modern Money
by Paul Davidson & Stephen Dunn - 527-550 The Dependence Effect, Consumption and Happiness: Galbraith Revisited
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 551-568 John Kenneth Galbraith's Contributions to the Theory and Analysis of Speculative Financial Markets
by Charles Leathers & J. Patrick Raines - 569-593 The Theory of Price Controls: John Kenneth Galbraith's Contribution
by Stephanie Laguerodie & Francisco Vergara - 595-611 Galbraith on Advertising, Credit, and Consumption: A Retrospective and Empirical Investigation with Policy Implications
by Douglas Lamdin
2008, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 307-318 Self-Flagellation and Utility Maximization
by Robert Jerome & Kristina Terkun & Robert Horn & Bridget Butkevich - 319-331 A Post-Keynesian Model of Accumulation with a Minskyan Financial Structure
by Sebastien Charles - 333-340 Josef Steindl and the Instability of Capitalism
by J. E. King - 341-348 The Trade Cycle
by Josef Steindl - 349-366 Foreign Banks and Political Sovereignty: The Case of Argentina
by Wesley Marshall - 367-391 The Emergence of the Law of Value in a Dynamic Simple Commodity Economy
by Ian Wright - 393-403 Can We Meaningfully Speak of Changes in Price under the Regime of Changes in Techniques?
by Paul Cockshott & Ajit Sinha - 405-420 Why Economists should Choose their Inheritance: Physics and Path-independence in Economic Systems
by Dany Lang - 421-432 Finance and the Cambridge Equation: A Comment
by Man-Seop Park - 433-441 Finance and the Cambridge Equation: Again on the Rate of Profits of Financial Intermediaries
by Giuseppe Ciccarone - 443-453 The Organizational Approach of Capability Theory
by Giampaolo Garzarelli
2008, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 159-161 Introduction to the Special Issue on Ethics and Economics
by Irene Van Staveren - 163-180 The 'Dismal Science' - Still? Economics and Human Flourishing
by Mark Lutz - 181-197 Not by P Alone: A Virtuous Economy
by Deirdre Mccloskey - 199-232 Freedom, Values and Sen: Towards a Morally Enriched Classical Economic Theory
by Vivian Walsh - 233-256 From 'Hume's Law' to Problem- and Policy-Analysis for Human Development. Sen after Dewey, Myrdal, Streeten, Stretton and Haq
by Des Gasper - 257-274 The Efficiency of Equity
by Stephan Klasen - 275-291 Two Views of Corruption and Democracy
by Mozaffar Qizilbash
2008, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-22 Has Growing Inequality Contributed to Rising Household Economic Distress?
by Heather Boushey & Christian Weller - 23-39 Edmund Phelps and Modern Macroeconomics
by Robert Dimand - 41-58 The Structure of Social Capital: An Austrian Perspective on its Nature and Development
by Emily Chamlee-Wright - 59-77 Was Frank Knight an Institutionalist?
by Pier Francesco Asso & Luca Fiorito - 79-93 Classical Theory and Exhaustible Natural Resources: Notes on the Current Debate
by Fabio Ravagnani - 95-110 The Political Economy of Monetary Institutions in Brazil: The Limits of the Inflation-targeting Strategy, 1999-2005
by Matias Vernengo - 111-125 The Monetization of Profits in a Monetary Circuit Framework
by Eladio Febrero - 127-145 The Optimal Lifetime of Capital Goods: a Restatement of Sraffa's Analysis of Fixed Capital
by Giuseppe Vitaletti
2007, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 449-473 Are PAYG and FF Pension Schemes Equivalent Systems? Macroeconomic Considerations in the Light of Alternative Economic Theories
by Sergio Cesaratto - 475-496 On the Contributions of Barbara Bergmann to Economics
by Paulette Olson - 497-512 Redistributive Policy: Capacity and Outcomes over the Business Cycle
by Sharon Mastracci - 513-537 Life beyond the Washington Consensus: An Introduction to Pro-poor Macroeconomic Policies
by Alfredo Saad-Filho - 539-554 Central Banking and Post-Keynesian Economics
by Louis-Philippe Rochon & Sergio Rossi - 555-562 Thinking of Sylos Labini (or Sylos Labini's Thinking)
by Marcella Corsi - 563-573 Asset-based Reserve Requirements: Some Reservations
by Jan Toporowski - 575-578 Asset-based Reserve Requirements: A Response
by Thomas Palley
2007, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 297-316 Aumann's and Schelling's Game Theory: The Nobel Prize in Economic Science, 2005
by S. Abu Turab Rizvi - 317-345 On the Rental Price of Capital and the Profit Rate: The Perils and Pitfalls of Total Factor Productivity Growth
by Jesus Felipe & J. S. L. Mccombie - 347-367 Free Trade: A Dead End for Underdeveloped Economies
by Rune Skarstein - 369-386 The New Consensus and Post-Keynesian Interest Rate Policy
by Claude Gnos & Louis-Philippe Rochon - 387-404 The New Consensus on Monetary Policy and its Post-Keynesian Critique
by Peter Kriesler & Marc Lavoie - 405-418 Is There a Stabilizing Role for Fiscal Policy in the New Consensus?
by Mark Setterfield - 419-434 Planning and Know-how: The Relationship between Knowledge and Calculation in Hayek's Case for Markets
by Dan Greenwood - 435-440 Technology as Transsubjective Structural Context: The Uncertainty of Investor Expectations
by Mathew Forstater
2007, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 139-164 The Meaning of Social Efficiency
by Louis Lefeber & Thomas Vietorisz - 165-180 Thinking Things Through: The Value and Limitations of James Buchanan's Public Choice Theory
by Bart Engelen - 181-202 Facts, Theories, Values and Destitution in the Works of Sir Partha Dasgupta
by Hilary Putnam & Vivian Walsh - 203-217 Are Functional Relations Always the Alter Ego of Humean Laws?
by Mark Setterfield - 219-220 Classical Theory and Policy Analysis: A Roundtable Discussion
by Enrico Sergio Levrero - 221-242 Professor Foley and Classical Policy Analysis
by Pierangelo Garegnani - 243-247 Distribution, Inflation and Policy Analysis
by Massimo Pivetti - 249-261 Reviewing a Review
by Fernando Vianello - 263-268 Response to Garegnani, Pivetti and Vianello
by Duncan K. Foley
2007, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-20 A Random Walk Down Maple Lane? A Critique of Neoclassical Consumption Theory with Reference to Housing Wealth
by Greg Hannsgen - 21-35 Beyond Utilitarianism and Deontology: Ethics in Economics
by Irene Van Staveren - 37-53 Ethics, Ontology and Capabilities
by Nuno Martins - 55-80 The Point of Effective Demand
by Mark Hayes - 81-113 A Comprehensive Incentives Analysis of the Potential Performance of Market Socialism
by James Yunker
2006, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 449-467 Capitalists, workers, and the burden of debt
by Thomas Michl - 469-496 What do we know about the real exchange rate? A classical cost of production story
by John Sarich - 497-508 A note on the long-run behaviour of Kaleckian models
by Mario Cassetti - 509-520 Merit goods in a utilitarian framework
by Stefan Mann - 521-546 Paradigms and pluralism in heterodox economics
by Robert Garnett - 547-559 The neglect of replacement investment in keynesian economics
by Michael Perelman - 561-569 Harrod's interwar papers and correspondence: a review essay
by Esteban Perez Caldentey
2006, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 295-299 Pensions in an ageing society: a symposium
by Sergio Cesaratto - 301-315 Demography, the cost of pensions and the move to pension funds
by Pierre Concialdi - 317-334 Private and public pension systems compared: an evaluation of the Latin American experience
by Carmelo Mesa-Lago - 335-357 Pay-As-You-Go versus funded systems. Some critical considerations
by Eladio Febrero & Maria-Angeles Cadarso - 359-378 From work to retirement: a tale of bumpy routes
by Bruno Contini & Roberto Leombruni - 379-390 The 'principle of scarcity', pension policy and growth
by Massimo Pivetti - 391-411 Social security in an aging society
by L. Randall Wray - 413-425 Viability of Pay-As-You-Go pension systems: a demand side perspective
by Aldo Barba - 427-448 Caught between virtue and ideological necessity. A century of pension policies in the UK
by Alan Walker & Liam Foster
2006, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 147-171 'Marxism Gone Mad': Tugan-Baranovsky on crises, their possibility and their periodicity
by Daniele Besomi - 173-191 Effective demand in a stylised Keynesian model of growth
by Keiran Sharpe - 193-208 The role of pecuniary external economies and economies of scale in the theory of increasing returns
by Ramesh Chandra & Roger Sandilands - 209-222 Profit-sharing versus interest-taking in the Kaldor-Pasinetti theory of income and profit distribution
by Usamah Uthman - 223-233 Real wages, productivity and economic growth in the G7, 1960-2002
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu & John Smithin - 235-252 A Kantian critique of neoclassical law and economics
by Mark White - 253-264 Stiglitz and his discontent
by Timothy Koechlin - 265-269 Screpanti versus Marx on exploitation: a comment
by Andrew Kliman
2006, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-28 Kydland and Prescott's Nobel Prize: the methodology of time consistency and real business cycle models
by James Hartley - 29-48 A through-time framework for producer households
by S. Charusheela & Colin Danby - 49-70 Immigration as industrial strategy in American meatpacking
by Dell Champlin & Eric Hake - 71-78 On the Tobin Tax
by Korkut Erturk - 79-90 Does the market self-correct? Asymmetrical adjustment and the structure of economic error
by Peter Leeson & Christopher Coyne & Peter Boettke - 91-104 Political rights, civil liberties, and the black market premium on foreign exchange: Evidence from developing countries
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Gour Goswami - 105-112 Eriksson on critical realism: a comment
by Andrew Mearman - 113-118 Eriksson on Critical Realism: a rejoinder
by Ralf Eriksson
2005, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 489-511 The Role of credit in a Keynesian monetary economy
by Giancarlo Bertocco - 513-531 Can Recession Feed Inflation? A Conflicting Claims Framework
by Leonardo Vera - 533-547 Confidence and alternative Keynesian methods of asset choice
by David Dequech - 549-569 The Emergence of Money in Commodity Exchange, or Money as Monopolist of the Ability to Buy
by Costas Lapavitsas - 571-586 Psychology, social evolution and liberalism: a Hayekian trinity
by G. R. Steele - 587-600 A critical realist reply to Walters & Young
by Steve Fleetwood - 601-607 Further Reflections on Critical Realism
by Bernard Walters & David Young - 609-617 Value and exploitation: a comment
by Angelo Reati - 619-619 Value and Exploitation: a Rejoinder
by Ernesto Screpanti
2005, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 345-348 Introduction
by Neri Salvadori - 349-358 Sraffa's lectures on Continental banking: A preliminary appraisal
by Marcello De Cecco - 359-380 Piero Sraffa's lectures on the advanced theory of value 1928-31 and the rediscovery of the classical approach
by Rodolfo Signorino - 381-406 Sraffa and Wittgenstein: Physicalism and constructivism
by Mathieu Marion - 407-412 Sraffa and Gramsci: A recollection
by Giorgio Napolitano - 413-441 Representing the production and circulation of commodities in material terms: On Sraffa's objectivism
by Heinz Kurz & Neri Salvadori - 443-464 Bringing the edition of Ricardo's works to completion: The making of the General Index, 1951-73
by Christian Gehrke - 465-470 The comparative statics of industry-level produced-input-use in HOS trade theory
by Ian Steedman - 471-487 Reflections on Sraffa's Legacy in Economics: A review essay
by Sergio Nistico & Giorgio Rodano
2005, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 161-209 The Economic Contributions of John Kenneth Galbraith
by Stephen Dunn & Steven Pressman - 211-230 The politics of social accounting: public goals and the evolution of the national accounts in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States
by Mark Perlman & Morgan Marietta - 231-252 Paths of accumulation and growth: Towards a Keynesian long-period theory of output
by Oscar de-Juan - 253-267 A Kaleckian model of business cycle synchronization
by Ghassan Dibeh - 269-290 Marx's analysis of the falling rate of profit in the first version of Volume III of capital
by Howard Petith - 291-316 Structure, agency and causality in post-revival Austrian economics: tensions and resolutions
by Paul Lewis - 317-329 Stiglitz on Globalization and Development with an Eye to Keynes
by Davide Gualerzi
2005, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-28 Paradise lost and found? The econometric contributions of Clive W. J. Granger and Robert F. Engle
by Peter Hans Matthews - 29-43 Pasinetti, Keynes and the multiplier
by Andrew Trigg & Frederic Lee - 45-61 Uncertainty, financial fragility and monitoring: Will Basle-type pragmatism resolve the Japanese banking crisis?
by Yasushi Suzuki - 63-78 Austrian economics and value judgments: a critical comparison with Neoclassical Economics
by Sandye Gloria-Palermo & Giulio Palermo - 79-105 Mises, bastiat, public opinion, and public choice
by Bryan Caplan & Edward Stringham