1998, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 335-353 The Scope of Technological Globalisation
by Simona Iammarino & Jonathan Michie - 355-368 Technological Convergence in the IT Industry: The Role of Strategic Technology Alliances and Technological Competencies
by Geert Duysters & John Hagedoorn - 369-381 The Management of Cooperative Strategies in R&D and Innovation Programmes
by Peter Buckley & Malcolm Chapman - 383-408 MNCs, Technological Innovation and Regional Systems in the EU: Some Evidence in the Italian Case
by John Cantwell & Simona Iammarino - 409-414 Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance - A Review of Daniele Archibugi and Jonathan Michie, eds, Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance
by Nicholas Oulton
1998, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 133-140 Economic Issues in the Antitrust Assessment of Hospital Competition: Overview
by Monica Noether - 141-157 Do Nonprofit Hospitals Exercise Market Power?
by John Simpson & Richard Shin - 159-180 The Effects of Market Concentration and Horizontal Mergers on Hospital Costs and Prices
by Robert Connor & Roger Feldman & Bryan Dowd - 181-202 Antitrust Issues in Defining the Product Market for Hospital Services
by Seth Sacher & Louis Silvia - 203-221 Are Patients Traveling Further?
by William White & Michael Morrisey - 223-245 Unrestricted Entry and Nonprice Competition: The Case of Technological Adoption in Hospitals
by Joy Grossman & Dwayne Banks - 247-251 Health Benefits at Work-A Review of Mark V. Pauly's, Health Benefits at Work. An Economic and Political Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance
by Peter Zweifel
1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-27 Communication Costs and the Boundaries of the Firm
by Mark Casson & Nigel Wadeson - 29-46 Mixed Strategy Pricing Behaviour in the UK Package Tour Industry
by Peter Taylor - 47-55 The Pro-competitive Effect of Two-Part Tariffs
by Tommy Staahl Gabriel & Lars Sorgard - 57-75 Who A dvertises Prices? A Firm Level Study Based on Survey Data
by David Paton - 77-96 Do Stringent Environmental Regulations Reduce International Competitiveness? Evidence from an Inter-industry A nalysis
by Ravi Ratnayake - 97-118 Industrial Organization of Banking: A Review
by Doris Neu Berger - 119-127 Market Dominance: Competing Theories and A ntitrust Policy. A Review of Michael Utton, Market Dominance and Antitrust Policy
by Clement Krouse
1997, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 237-238 Introduction
by H. E. Frech - 239-256 How US Antitrust Can Go Astray: The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation
by F. M. Scherer - 257-264 How US Antitrust Can Be On Target: The Brand-Name Prescription Drug Litigation
by Roy Weinstein & John Culbertson - 265-270 The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation:Comments on Scherer
by Jeffery Harrison - 271-275 Comment on: F.M. Scherer, "How US Antitrust Can Go Astray: The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation
by Henry Zaretsky - 277-278 Comment on: F.M. Scherer, "How US Antitrust Can Go Astray: The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation"
by Peter Zweifel - 279-285 Cartels, Spontaneous Price Discrimination and International Pharmacy Retailing
by W. Duncan Reekie - 287-300 The Distribution and Pricing of Prescription Drugs
by Kenneth Elzinga & David Mills - 301-322 Price Discrimination for Pharmaceuticals: Welfare Effects in the US and the EU
by Patricia Danzon - 323-334 Competition in Health Care: Is it Working?
by W.Duncan Reekie
1997, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 109-127 When Will an Airline Stand Its Ground? An Analysis of Fare Wars
by Leola Ross - 129-154 Corporate Bureaucracies and United States Competitiveness
by Hans-Jurgen Engelbrecht - 155-172 Testing for Asymmetric Information Effects in Failed Mergers
by Peter Holl & Xeni Dassiou & Dimitris Kyriazis - 173-188 External Effects as a Microeconomic Determinant of Innovation Efficiency
by Hariolf Grupp - 189-202 Asymmetric Information and Debt Financing: Hie Empirical Importance of Size and Balance Sheet Factors
by Rajeev Dhawan - 203-214 Persuasive Advertizing and Socialization
by Li Way Lee - 215-227 What Can Economics Offer Strategy? A Review of: D. Besanko, D. Dranove and M. Shanley Economics of Strategy
by P. A. Geroski
1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-20 Minimal Differentiation at the Top
by Timothy Sorenson - 21-31 Production, Quality and Markets
by Donald George - 33-50 The Nonequivalence of Vertical Merger and Exclusive Dealing
by H. E. Frech - 51-61 Monitoring within the Firm and Manager Relations
by Gil Epstein & Uriel Spiegel - 63-69 Nonprofit Hospital Mergers: What can we Learn from Financial Markets?
by Kenneth Danger - 71-95 Does Manufacturing Matter?
by Michael Kitson & Jonathan Michie - 97-104 Rivalry and Anticompetitive Practices
by Derek Bosworth
1996, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 269-293 Determinants of the Use of Advanced Technologies
by Derek Bosworth - 295-306 Business Conditions and Business Starts
by Jose Mata & Banco de Portugal - 307-330 Information Strategies and the Theory of the Firm
by Mark Casson & Nigel Wadeson - 331-341 The Dynamics of Firm Growth and Survival Under Alternative Forms of Control
by Kimya Kamshad - 343-350 Vertical Relationships in the Automotive Industry: Do They Matter?
by Hans Gersbach - 351-366 Quality, Prices and Hedonics
by Mick Silver - 367-378 Selling Privatization Politically
by Nemat Shafik - 379-384 Regulation and Competition in Electricity: A Review of M. A. Einhorn, ed., From Regulation to Competition: Nezv Frontiers in Electricity Markets
by Roger Clarke
1996, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 125-143 Viability of Traditional Banking Activities: Evidence from Shifts in Conduct and Excess Capacity
by Sherill Shaffer - 145-164 Cable Television Rate Deregulation
by Thomas Hazlett - 165-184 The Determinants of Outcome in UK Take-over Bids
by Peter Holl & Dimitis Kyriaziz - 185-200 The Dynamics of Oligopoly Behavior: A Study of the US Cigarette Industry, 1955-90
by Donald Smythe - 201-212 Durable Goods and Switching Costs
by Gregory Goering & Michael Pippenger - 213-226 Choice of Distribution System in the New Zealand Life Insurance Industry
by Mike Adams - 227-248 Advertising, Price and Quality in Self-regulating Professions: A Survey
by James Love & Frank Stephen - 249-260 The Economics of Trust
by Neil Kay
1996, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-24 The Economics of Business Process Design: Motivation, Information and Coordination Within the Firm
by Peter Buckley & Martin Carter - 25-42 Is Cost-of-Service Regulation Worth the Cost?
by Timothy Brennan - 43-55 Selective Distribution, Refusal to Sell and the Monopolies and Mergers Commission
by Michael Utton - 57-67 An Empirical Analysis of Competition in Brand Differentiated Oligopoly
by Gianni De Fraja & Alessandra Staderini - 69-82 Are Mergers Beneficial or Detrimental? Evidence from Advertising Agencies1
by Julian Simon & Manouchehr Mokhtari & Daniel Simon - 83-105 The Use of the Logit Model in Applied Industrial Organization
by Gregory Werden & Luke Froeb & Timothy Tardiff - 107-112 Ownership and Control: A Review
by Harold Demsetz
1995, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 367-391 Sustainable Asset Growth and the Accounting Rate of Return in Not-For-Profit Organizations: Theory and Evidence
by Gerard Wedig & Soonman Kwon - 393-407 The Shifting Sands of Merger Enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission
by Malcolm Coate - 441-452 Price Discrimination with One-way Separated Markets
by Paroush Jacob & Spiegel Uriel - 453-463 The Convergence of Labour Productivity in British and German Industries
by Peter Hart - 465-483 Diffusion of Hospital Innovations in Different Institutional Settings
by Peter Zweifel - 485-495 Executive Pay and Performance: The Empirical Importance of the Participation Constraint
by Ron Smith & Stefan Szymanski - 497-500 The Mainspring of Institutional Change?
by David Collard
1995, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 167-170 Technology, Antitrust and Structural Change: Essays in Honor of Merton J. Peck
by Robert Wilson - 171-184 Co-evolution of Industry Structure, Technology and Supporting Institutions, and the Making of Comparative Advantage
by Richard Nelson - 185-198 Exclusive Licensing in a Sequence of Innovations
by Sharon Oster - 199-200 Comments on: Exclusive Licensing in a Sequence of Innovations
by Paul Macavoy - 201-219 R&D Costs, Innovative Output and Firm Size in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Joseph Dimasi & Henry Grabowski & John Vernon - 221-222 Comments on: R&D Costs, Innovative Output, and Firm Size in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by PAUL Macavoy - 223-240 Feasibility of Effective Public-Private R&D Collaboration: the Case of Cooperative R&D Agreements
by Linda Cohen & Roger Noll - 241-262 Riding the Wave: Exclusionary Practices in Markets for Microprocessors Used in IBM-Compatible Personal Computers
by Robert Wilson & Frederick Warrwn-Boulton - 263-290 Rewriting History: the Early Sherman Act Monopolization Cases
by William Comanor & F. M. Scherer - 291-295 Comments on: Rewriting History: the Early Sherman Act Monopolization Cases and Riding the Wave: Exclusionary Practices in Markets for Microprocessors Used In IBM-Compatible Personal Computers
by Robert Litan - 297-327 Privatization in Russia: What Should be a Firm?
by Paul Joskow & Richard Schmalensee - 329-340 Restructuring Soviet Transport: a Study in Similarities and Contrasts
by John Meyer - 341-343 Comments on: Privatization in Russia: What Should be a Firm? and Restructuring Soviet Transport: a Study in Similarities and Contrasts
by John Tilton - 345-357 The Economic Theory of Crime and the Problems of a Society in Transition
by Alvtn Klevorick
1995, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-30 Firm Size and Cooperation: The Determinants of Cooperative Agreements in Information Technology Industries
by Massimo Colombo - 31-50 Neural Network Simulation and the Prediction of Corporate Outcomes: Some Empirical Findings
by Nicholas Wilson & Kwee Chong & Michael Peel & A. N. Kolmogorov - 51-64 The Effects of UK Pharmaceutical Policy on Government Drug Expenditure: Cost Control and Incentives for R&D
by Mary K. Olson - 65-86 Most-Favored Treatment Provisions as Nondiscrimination Guarantees
by David Butz - 87-101 Market Structure, Learning and Product Innovation: Evidence for the EPROM Market
by Harald Gruber - 103-121 Heterogeneity and Share Contracting in Medical Group Practices
by Steven Hackett - 123-132 Board of Director Quality and Firm Performance
by Richard Dowen - 133-150 The Business of Training: Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Considerations
by Robert McNabb & Keith Whifield - 151-154 International Competition: Winning the War or Sharing the Wealth?
by David Heathfield
1994, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 323-338 Competition in the Canadian Personal Finance Sector
by Shelagh Heffernan - 343-353 Intellectual Property and Unfair Trade: Market Response to ITC Actions
by Richard Harper - 355-376 Entry and Component Pricing in Regulated Markets
by M. Dobbs Ian & Paul Richards - 377-385 Mergers and Excess Deposits: Some Evidence for the UK
by Roger Clarke & Christos Ioannidis - 387-403 Risk, Liability, and Monopoly
by James Boyd - 405-419 Small Firms and the Strategy of the First Mover
by Julian Lowe & M. H. Atkins - 423-437 Double Deflation and the Measurement of Output and Productivity in UK Manufacturing 1979-89
by Paul Stoneman & Nathan Francis - 439-453 Competitive Tendering and Contracting in the Public Sector: A Survey
by Simon Domberger & Stephen Rimmer - 455-459 Geroski's Market Dynamics and Entry: A Review
by Roger Clarke
1994, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 163-178 Product Regulation and Stock Prices: The Case of the US Food and Drug Administration
by Archana Hingorani & Karen Shastri & Kuldeep Shastri - 179-198 Towards a Single European Market? The Evolution of the Leasing Industry
by Duncan Matthews & David Mayes - 199-216 Host-Country Determinants of the Market Strategies of US Companies' Overseas Subsidiaries
by Marina Papanastassiou & Robet Pearce - 219-232 Is Scale and Cost Inefficiency in the Swiss Bus Industry a Regulatory Problem? Evidence from a Frontier Cost Approach
by Massimo Filippini & Paola Prioni - 233-246 The Determinants of New Firm Formation in UK Construction: Evidence from Quarterly VAT Registrations
by Martin Robson - 247-270 The Costs of Arbitrage and Futures Market Trading Activity
by Michael Bowe - 271-282 Managerial Incentives and Durable Goods Monopoly
by Gregory Goering - 283-290 A Survivor Test of the American Agency System of Distributing Property Liability Insurance
by Roger Blair & Jill Herndon - 291-306 US Antidumping Law and Competition in International Trade
by Clement Krouse - 307-314 What Can Microeconomics Teach Business?
by Michael Waterson
1994, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 9-10 Supply of Proprietary Technology: A Neglected Line of Research on Business
by William Baumol - 11-14 Game Theory, Industrial Organization, and Business Strategy
by Richard Caves - 15-17 A More Creative Role for Industrial Policy
by Keith Cowling - 19-22 Empirical Research: The Future
by Stephen Davies - 23-26 The Role of Technology in Business Economics
by Edwin Mansfield - 27-30 Business and Industrial Organization Research: Synergy or Shotgun Marriage?
by Dennis Mueller - 31-33 On Models for Product Markets
by Louis Phlips - 35-40 The Role of Location in Competition
by Michael Porter - 41-44 History Matters. So What?
by John Sutton - 45-46 Research Needs and Opportunities in Transaction Cost Economics
by Oliver Williamson - 47-76 Why are Firms Hierarchical?
by Mark Casson - 77-93 Firm Growth and Failure in Increasingly Competitive Markets Theory and Application to Hospital Markets
by Lee Rivers Mobley & H. E. Frech - 95-104 International Business Versus International Management? International Strategic Management from the View of point of Internalisation Theory
by Peter Buckley - 105-124 Agency and Control Problems in US Corporations: The Case of Energy-efficient Investment Projects
by Stephen Decanio - 125-137 Business Survival and the Decision to Exit
by David Audretsch - 139-150 The Auto Industry in Transition: From Scale to Process
by Daniel Jones - 151-157 America's High-Tech Industries: Tyson's Policy Proposals
by Ronals Jones