November 2024, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 769-770 Editorial
by Vincent Reina & Rebecca Yae - 771-792 Mortgage Costs as a Share of Housing Costs—Placing the Cost of Credit in Broader Context
by Jaclene Begley & Mark Palim - 793-813 Different Data, Different Measures: Comparing Alternative Indicators of Changes in Neighborhood Home Values
by Dan Immergluck & Adria Hollis - 814-833 Mortgage Loan Costs: Magnitude and Drivers of Variation
by Arthur Acolin & Rebecca J. Walter - 834-850 Ethno-Racial Disparities in Adverse Experiences at Mortgage Closing: Evidence From the National Survey of Mortgage Originations
by José Loya - 851-869 Who Benefits From Homeowner Tax Preferences?
by Casey J. Dawkins - 870-890 Judged by Their Deeds: Outcomes for Properties Acquired by Contract Sellers Following the Foreclosure Crisis in Detroit
by Eric Seymour & Joshua Akers - 891-917 Shifting the Redlining Paradigm: The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation Maps and the Construction of Urban Racial Inequality
by Alan Mallach - 918-945 Financing Housing Development in an Underdeveloped Financial Market: Learning from Developers’ Financing Adaptations?
by Godwin Kavaarpuo & Kwabena Mintah & Kenneth Appiah Donkor-Hyiaman - 946-961 Affordable Housing Through Community Land Trusts (CLTs): Examining Factors Associated with the Number of Units in CLTs
by C. Aujean Lee & Shakil Kashem & Dwayne Baker - 962-984 How Does Real Estate Investor Ownership Mediate Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Asking Rents? Evidence from Austin, TX
by Jenna Davis - 985-1011 Property Tax, Levy Expectations and Housing Asset Allocation: Evidence from Chinese Households
by Youmeng Wu & Hongliang Sun & Xianzhu Wang & Mengkai Chen & He Huang & Meng Li - 1012-1031 “Demolition Planning” in a U.S. Legacy City: Using Stakeholder Input to Plan for the Demolition of Blighted, Vacant Properties in Flint, Michigan
by Victoria Morckel & Melissa Hertlein & Christina Kelly
September 2024, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 603-619 The Complexities of Student Housing
by Meagan M. Ehlenz & Sarah L. Mawhorter & Rolf Pendall - 620-643 The Politics of Studentification: An Analysis of the Student Housing Debate in Boston
by Arushi Sood & Thomas J. Vicino - 644-667 University Student Housing as Business Proposition and Entrepreneurial Activity: The Canadian Case
by Ashish K. Pillai & Marcelo A. Vieta & Luisa Sotomayor - 668-694 Land-Use Planning Approaches to Near-Campus Neighborhoods and Student Housing Development Patterns in Ontario, Canada
by Nick Revington & Alexander James David Wray - 695-721 Who Drinks Bubble Tea? Coethnic Studentification in Toronto’s Chinatown
by Luisa Sotomayor & Corals Zheng - 722-745 A New Skyline for Champaign: An Urban Dormitory Transformed
by Rolf Pendall & Natalie Prochaska & Dustin Allred & Caitlin Hillyard - 746-768 Exploring Student Housing Demand, Supply Side and Planning Policy Responses in a Small University City: Studentification in Durham, UK
by Christopher Wilkinson & Paul Greenhalgh
July 2024, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 441-442 Editorial
by Vincent Reina & Claudia Aiken - 443-468 Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Case Positivity and Social Context: The Role of Housing, Neighborhood, and Health Insurance
by Warren Lowell & Sarah Dickerson & Anna Gassman-Pines & Elizabeth Gifford & Marcos Rangel - 469-488 Exchanging Housing Dollars for Health Care Savings: The Impact of Housing First on Health Care Costs
by Kevin Brennan & Singumbe Muyeba & Kathryn Buggs & Alexis Henry & John Gettens & Parag Kunte - 489-507 Do Publicly Funded Neighborhood Investments Impact Individual-Level Health-Related Outcomes? A Longitudinal Study of Two Neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, PA from 2011 to 2018
by Rebecca B. Smith & Matthew D. Baird & Gerald P. Hunter & Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar & Andrea S. Richardson & Jonathan H. Cantor & Tamara Dubowitz - 508-537 Does Poor Health Influence Residential Selection? Understanding Mobility Among Low-Income Housing Voucher Recipients in the Moving to Opportunity Study
by Theresa L. Osypuk & Samantha Gailey & Nicole M. Schmidt & Dolores Acevedo Garcia - 538-551 Health and Healthcare Access Among Adults Living in Affordable Housing: National Estimates for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
by Sarah G. Gensheimer & Matthew D. Eisenberg & Albert W. Wu & Craig Evan Pollack - 552-573 Does Subsidized Housing Facilitate More Sustainable Commute Patterns? Insights From Canadian Metropolitan Areas
by Skye Collishaw & Markus Moos & Tara Vinodrai - 574-601 Do Long Commutes Discourage Fertility Intentions Among Young Public Housing Renters in Guangzhou, China?
by Haitao Du & Eddie Chi-man Hui & Lin Chen
May 2024, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 267-268 Editorial
by Vincent Reina & Claudia Aiken - 269-285 Housing Assistance, Poverty, and Material Hardships
by Julie Cai - 286-304 The Relationship Between Exits From Federally Subsidized Housing and Wages, King County, WA
by Danny V. Colombara & Emilee L. Quinn & Annie Pennucci & Andy Chan & Tyler Shannon & Samuel Havens & Amy A. Laurent & Megan Suter & Alastair I. Matheson - 305-325 Using Medicaid to Fund and Shape Tenancy Support Services: Key Considerations From Research in North Carolina and Louisiana
by Mina Silberberg & Donna J. Biederman & Emily Carmody - 326-352 The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: A Multicity Rent Savings Analysis
by Uche Oluku & Shaoming Cheng - 353-371 Examining the Potential Impact of Restricting Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Housing for Individuals With Certain Criminal Convictions in Texas
by Laura Witte & Jack Tsai & Paula Cuccaro & Andrea Link & Vanessa Cox & Vanessa Schick - 372-395 A Missed Opportunity? The 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
by Yiwen Kuai - 396-418 Responding to the Challenges of Preserving Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects: Lessons From New York City
by Euna Kim - 419-440 The Nonimpact of Opportunity Zones on Home and Business Lending
by Michael Snidal & Guanglai Li
March 2024, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 157-157 Editorial
by Vincent Reina - 158-179 In Search of the Missing Middle: Historical Trends in and Contemporary Correlates of Permitting of 2–4 Unit Structures
by Daniel Kuhlmann & Seva Rodnyansky - 180-206 The Race to Exclude: Residential Growth Controls in California Cities, 1970–1992
by Joe LaBriola - 207-227 Inclusionary Housing Policy in Cities of the South: Navigating a Path Between Continuity and Disruption
by Ivan Turok & Margot Rubin & Andreas Scheba - 228-241 Land as Airspace: How Rezoning Privatizes Public Space (and Why Governments Should Not Give It Away for Free)
by Cameron K. Murray & Joshua C. Gordon - 242-245 Airspace Rights and Affordable Housing Supply
by Casey J. Dawkins - 246-251 The Case for Mass Upzoning
by Minjee Kim - 252-256 An Unpersuasive Argument for Selling Development Rights: Commentary on the Article “Land as Airspace: How Rezoning Privatizes Public Space (and Why Governments Should Not Give It Away for Free)”
by Paavo Monkkonen - 257-260 Response: It’s Always About the Context
by Harley F. Etienne - 261-266 Pricing Upzoning: A Reply to Critics
by Cameron K. Murray & Joshua C. Gordon
January 2024, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Claudia Aiken & George Galster - 3-24 Quantifying Doubled-Up Homelessness: Presenting a New Measure Using U.S. Census Microdata
by Molly K. Richard & Julie Dworkin & Katherine Grace Rule & Suniya Farooqui & Zachary Glendening & Sam Carlson - 25-38 Who Lives in Vehicles and Why? Understanding Vehicular Homelessness in Los Angeles
by Christopher Giamarino & Evelyn Blumenberg & Madeline Brozen - 39-69 Housing and Homelessness in Indigenous Communities of Canada’s North
by Sandeep K. Agrawal & Celine Zoe - 70-78 Income and State Benefits for Women Living Homeless in Madrid, Spain
by José Juan Vázquez & Sonia Panadero - 79-89 Expert Perspectives on Service User Transitions Within and From Homeless Service Programs
by Emmy Tiderington & Robin Petering & Minda Huang & Taylor Harris & Jack Tsai - 90-107 Supporting the Housing Needs of Domestic Violence Shelter Residents: Considerations for Survivors With and Without Disabilities
by Michelle Ballan & Molly Freyer & Meghan Romanelli - 108-131 Supportive Housing for Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals With Criminal Justice Histories: Challenges and Opportunities Identified by Providers and Clients
by Alex R. Dopp & Sean McKenna & Marylou Gilbert & Sarah B. Hunter - 132-147 Developing an Implementation Typology of Moving On Initiatives
by Emmy Tiderington & Amanda Aykanian & Daniel Herman - 148-155 Do Medicaid Expenditures Increase After Adults Exit Permanent Supportive Housing?
by Evan S. Cole & Mara A. G. Hollander & Molly Ennis & Julie M. Donohue & A. Everette James & Eric T. Roberts
November 2023, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1269-1271 Editorial
by Claudia Aiken & George Galster - 1272-1292 “The Rent Eats First”: Rental Housing Unaffordability in the United States
by Whitney Airgood-Obrycki & Alexander Hermann & Sophia Wedeen - 1293-1312 Measuring America’s Affordability Problem: Comparing Alternative Measurements of Affordable Housing
by Matthew M. Brooks - 1313-1332 Rental Affordability, Coping Strategies, and Impacts in Diverse Immigrant Communities
by Jovanna Rosen & Victoria Ciudad-Real & Sean Angst & Gary Painter - 1333-1367 Renter Nonpayment and Landlord Response: Evidence From COVID-19
by Michael Manville & Paavo Monkkonen & Michael C. Lens & Richard Green - 1368-1389 Corporate Landlords and Pandemic and Prepandemic Evictions in Las Vegas
by Eric Seymour - 1390-1414 COVID-19 Housing Policy: State and Federal Eviction Moratoria and Supportive Measures in the United States During the Pandemic
by Emily A. Benfer & Robert Koehler & Alyx Mark & Valerie Nazzaro & Anne Kat Alexander & Peter Hepburn & Danya E. Keene & Matthew Desmond - 1415-1442 Shelter From the Storm: State Eviction Moratoria, Implementation Context, and Eviction Filings During the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Vincent Fusaro & Rebekah Levine Coley & Naoka Carey - 1443-1462 Eviction Court Outcomes and Access to Procedural Knowledge: Evidence From a Tenant-Focused Intervention in New Orleans
by AJ Golio & Grace Daniels & Russell Moran & Y. Frank Southall & Tricia Lamoza - 1463-1483 The Racially Disparate Influence of Filing Fees on Eviction Rates
by Henry Gomory & Douglas S. Massey & James R. Hendrickson & Matthew Desmond - 1484-1510 Which Information Matters? Measuring Landlord Assessment of Tenant Screening Reports
by Wonyoung So - 1511-1535 Segmented Information, Segregated Outcomes: Housing Affordability and Neighborhood Representation on a Voucher-Focused Online Housing Platform and Three Mainstream Alternatives
by Chris Hess & Rebecca J. Walter & Ian Kennedy & Arthur Acolin & Alex Ramiller & Kyle Crowder - 1536-1553 The Prevalence, Profitability, and Risks of Milking Among Low-End Small Rental Properties
by Nathaniel Decker - 1554-1568 Who Represents the Renters?
by Katherine Levine Einstein & Joseph T. Ornstein & Maxwell Palmer
September 2023, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 1027-1028 Editorial
by Claudia Aiken & George Galster - 1029-1054 Climate Change, Aging, and Well-being: How Residential Setting Matters
by Jennifer Molinsky & Ann Forsyth - 1055-1077 Resident-Owned Resilience: Can Cooperative Land Ownership Enable Transformative Climate Adaptation for Manufactured Housing Communities?
by Zachary Lamb & Linda Shi & Stephanie Silva & Jason Spicer - 1078-1099 Housing and Urban Heat: Assessing Risk Disparities
by C. J. Gabbe & Evan Mallen & Alexander Varni - 1100-1123 Disaster Preparedness and Housing Tenure: How Do Subsidized Renters Fare?
by Sarah McCarthy & Samantha Friedman - 1124-1145 Perceptions of Local Leaders Regarding Postdisaster Relocation of Residents in the Face of Rising Seas
by Omur Damla Kuru & N. Emel Ganapati & Matthew Marr - 1146-1166 Who Gets Emergency Housing Relief? An Analysis of FEMA Individual Assistance Data After Hurricane María
by Deepak Lamba-Nieves & Raúl Santiago-Bartolomei - 1167-1186 A Narrative Literature Review: What Is the Ideal Density for Environmentally Sustainable Urban Growth?
by Natalia Bliznina - 1187-1205 Housing Affordability and Economic Growth
by Jerry Anthony - 1206-1227 Shaping a Healthier LIHTC Housing Stock: Examining the Role of States’ Qualified Allocation Plans
by Sherry Ahrentzen & Lynne Dearborn & Ali Momen-Heravi & Arezou Sadoughi - 1228-1248 Public Opinion About Visitability Mandates in the United States: Favorable but Divisible
by Jacqueline Chattopadhyay - 1249-1268 Light Rail and Neighborhood Change: Comparative Perspectives of Residents, Local Media, and Other Stakeholders
by J. Claire Schuch & Tonderai Mushipe
July 2023, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editor’s Introduction to the Forum: Beyond Opportunity Hoarding
by George Galster - 767-769 Editorial
by George Galster & Claudia Aiken - 770-788 Beyond Opportunity Hoarding: Interrogating Its Limits as an Account of Urban Inequalities
by David Imbroscio - 789-792 A Response to David Imbroscio: Neighborhoods Matter, and Efforts to Integrate Them Are Not Futile
by Ingrid Gould Ellen - 793-796 Bringing Institutions Into the Opportunity Hoarding Debate
by Casey J. Dawkins - 797-801 What is an Opportunity Enthusiast to Do?
by Michael C. Lens - 802-805 A Research Agenda Pending Revolution
by Lisa K. Bates - 806-811 Follow the Money (Deeper)—A Clinical Diagnosis of Opportunity Hoarding
by Andrew J. Greenlee - 812-820 Toward a New Project for Equality and Justice—In Housing, and Beyond: A Rejoinder
by David Imbroscio - 821-843 Single-Family Zoning and Race: Evidence From the Twin Cities
by Salim Furth & MaryJo Webster - 844-864 Liberals and Housing: A Study in Ambivalence
by Michael Manville - 865-890 Yes or Not in My Backyard (YIMBY vs. NIMBY)? The Impact of New Social Housing Construction on Single-Family House Prices in Quebec City (Canada)
by Jean Dubé & François Des Rosiers & Nicolas Devaux - 891-908 Effects of Proximity to Multifamily Housing on Property Values in Little Rock, Arkansas, 2000–2016
by Michael Craw - 909-940 Did HOPE VI Move Communities to Opportunity? How Public Housing Redevelopment Affected Neighborhood Poverty, Racial Composition, and Resources 1990–2016
by Rebekah Levine Coley & Bryn Spielvogel & Dabin Hwang & Joshua Lown & Samantha Teixeira - 941-962 Advancing Choice in the Housing Choice Voucher Program: Source of Income Protections and Locational Outcomes
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Katherine M. O’Regan & Katharine W. H. Harwood - 963-982 The Geography of Absence: Cities, Towns, and Suburbs with No LIHTC Housing
by Alex Schwartz & Kirk McClure - 983-1001 Locked Out: The Systematic Exclusion of Poor Renters From Federally Subsidized Housing
by Megan C. Smith & Thomas H. Byrne - 1002-1026 Interrupting Inequality Through Community Land Trusts
by Jakob Kendall Schneider & Mary Clare Lennon & Susan Saegert
May 2023, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 503-505 Editorial
by George Galster & Claudia Aiken - 506-532 Exploring Housing and Transportation Affordability in Jeddah
by Mohammed Aljoufie & Alok Tiwari - 533-552 Transit-Oriented Development and Suburban Gentrification: A “Natural Reality” of Refugee Displacement in Metro Vancouver
by Craig E. Jones - 553-572 A People-Centered Perspective on Slum Formalization Policy
by Ziming Li & Abhinav Alakshendra & Suzanna Smith - 573-596 A Contemporary Review of Residential Parking Lessons for Indian Cities
by B. Anirudh & Tarak Nath Mazumder & Arup Das - 597-618 Young Land Occupations and the Failure of Housing Policy in Brazil
by Ana Paula Pimentel Walker & María Arquero de Alarcón & Caio Santo Amore & Nunes Lopes dos Reis & Neetu Rajkumar Nair & Jessica Yelk & Yunsong Liu - 619-640 Household Formation in Canada and the United States: Insights Into Differences by Race, Ethnicity, Immigrant Populations, and Country
by Michael Haan & Zhou Yu & Elena Draghici - 641-661 Expatriates’ Housing Dispersal Outlook in a Rapidly Developing Metropolis Based on Urban Growth Predicted Using a Machine Learning Algorithm
by Hatem Ibrahim & Ziad Khattab & Tamer Khattab & Revina Abraham - 662-680 From Shelters for Numbers to Shelters for Welfare: Rectifying the Social Housing Provision Programme in Jakarta
by Joko Adianto & Rossa Turpuk Gabe & Rini Kurniawati & Suciyhuma Armenda - 681-698 Policy-Induced Suburbanization: Mass-Produced Housing and Location Choices in Tijuana, Mexico
by Dinorah Judith González-Ochoa - 699-723 The Influence of China’s Local Fiscal Revenue Targets on House Price Growth
by Yongmin Luo & Xiaotong Wang & Lujun Wang - 724-745 Will We Realize the Decentralization of Affordable Housing Provision? Critical Reflections on English and Chinese Land Governance for Housing Contexts
by Bingzi He - 746-766 How Accommodative Are Houses in Trinidad? Implications for Older Persons With Disabilities
by Bephyer Parey & Leeann Sinanan
March 2023, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 331-333 Editorial
by George Galster & Claudia Aiken - 334-357 Does Demolition Lead to a Reduction in Nearby Crime Associated With Abandoned Properties?
by Hye-Sung Han & Scott Helm - 358-378 Obstructing the American Dream: Homeownership Denied and Neighborhood Crime
by Eileen M. Kirk - 379-395 Evaluating Exposure to Crime Among LIHTC Building Types and Characteristics in Ohio
by Katherine F. Fallon & Cody R. Price - 396-413 Perceived Safety of LIHTC Residents in Ohio: Impacts of Building Design
by Cody R. Price & Katherine F. Fallon - 414-428 Improving Safe Housing Access for Domestic Violence Survivors Through Systems Change
by Shanti Joy Kulkarni & Suzanne Marcus & Cristina Cortes & Carielle Escalante & Leila Wood & Rachel Fusco - 429-452 Historical Redlining and Contemporary Federal Place-Based Policy: A Case of Compensatory or Compounding Neighborhood Inequality?
by Cassandra Robertson & Emily Parker & Laura Tach - 453-486 Evaluating Contradictory Experimental and Nonexperimental Estimates of Neighborhood Effects on Economic Outcomes for Adults
by David J. Harding & Lisa Sanbonmatsu & Greg J. Duncan & Lisa A. Gennetian & Lawrence F. Katz & Ronald C. Kessler & Jeffrey R. Kling & Matthew Sciandra & Jens Ludwig - 487-502 Coresidency of Immigrant Groups in a Diverse Inner-City Neighborhood of Whitechapel, London
by Shlomit Flint-Ashery & Erez Hatna
January 2023, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-1 To Review is to Win, Win, Win
by George Galster - 2-5 Special Issue Introduction: Gentrification, Housing, and Health Outcomes
by Joseph Gibbons & Derek Hyra - 6-29 Gentrification, Health, and Intermediate Pathways: How Distinct Inequality Mechanisms Impact Health Disparities
by H. Shellae Versey - 30-46 Interrogating the Importance of Collective Resources for the Relationship of Gentrification With Health
by Michael S. Barton & Frederick D. Weil & Nicholas Van De Voorde - 47-71 Is Gentrification a Carcinogen? Neighborhood Change and Cancerous Vehicle Emissions in Los Angeles County
by Jared N. Schachner - 72-84 Does Inclusionary Housing Alleviate the Negative Health Impacts of Gentrification?
by Ruoniu Wang & Courtnee Melton-Fant - 85-106 The Link between Gentrification, Children’s Egocentric Food Environment, and Obesity
by Christopher Rick & Jeehee Han & Brian Elbel & Amy Ellen Schwartz - 107-128 Determining Gentrification’s Relationship to Birth Outcomes in Metropolitan California
by Audrey N. Beck & Kyla Thomas & Brian K. Finch & Joseph Gibbons - 129-163 While Some Things Change, Do Others Stay the Same? The Heterogeneity of Neighborhood Health Returns to Gentrification
by Jennifer Candipan & Alicia R. Riley & Janeria A. Easley - 164-193 Shared and Crowded Housing in the Bay Area: Where Gentrification and the Housing Crisis Meet COVID-19
by Jackelyn Hwang & Bina Patel Shrimali - 194-223 Gentrification, Mobility, and Exposure to Contextual Determinants of Health
by Arthur Acolin & Kyle Crowder & Ari Decter-Frain & Anjum Hajat & Matt Hall - 224-250 The Impact of Housing Experience on the Well-Being of 1.5-Generation Immigrants: The Case of Millennial and Gen-Z Renters in Southern California
by Claudia Maria López & R. Varisa Patraporn & Suzie Weng - 251-268 Can Gentrification Battles Promote Civic Health? A Case Study Analysis in San Antonio, Texas
by Francine Sanders Romero & Patricia A. Jaramillo - 269-289 Using the Moving to Opportunity Experiment to Investigate the Long-Term Impact of Neighborhoods on Healthcare Use by Specific Clinical Conditions and Type of Service
by Craig Evan Pollack & Debra G. Bozzi & Amanda L. Blackford & Stefanie DeLuca & Rachel L. J. Thornton & Bradley Herring - 290-305 How Housing Conditions Affect Health: Findings From the Turkish National Household Panel Survey
by Işıl Şirin Selçuk & Egemen İpek & Altuğ Murat Köktaş - 306-330 Effects of Assisted Housing on Children’s Healthy Development
by Sandra Newman & C. Scott Holupka
November 2022, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 819-822 Introduction to Keeping America Housed, a Special Edition of Housing Policy Debate
by Mary Cunningham & Samantha Batko - 823-836 Estimated Revenue of the Nonprofit Homeless Shelter Industry in the United States: Implications for a More Comprehensive Approach to Unmet Shelter Demand
by Dennis P. Culhane & Seongho An - 837-852 “You Have a Place to Rest Your Head in Peace”: Use of Hotels for Adults Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Leah Robinson & Penelope Schlesinger & Danya E. Keene - 853-875 Hotels as Noncongregate Emergency Shelters: An Analysis of Investments in Hotels as Emergency Shelter in King County, Washington During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Gregg Colburn & Rachel Fyall & Christina McHugh & Pear Moraras & Victoria Ewing & Samantha Thompson & Taquesha Dean & Sarah Argodale - 876-895 Coordinated Access and Coordinated Entry System Processes in the Housing and Homelessness Sector: A Critical Commentary on Current Practices
by John Ecker & Molly Brown & Tim Aubry & Katherine Francombe Pridham & Stephen W. Hwang - 896-914 Can Emergency Rental Assistance Be Designed to Prevent Homelessness? Learning from Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
by Claudia Aiken & Ingrid Gould Ellen & Isabel Harner & Tyler Haupert & Vincent Reina & Rebecca Yae - 915-939 Periodic Evaluations of Risk Assessments: Identifying Families for Homelessness Prevention Services
by Erica Jade Mullen & Angela Ghesquiere & Kinsey Dinan & Molly Richard & Edith Kealey & Sara Zuiderveen & Marybeth Shinn - 940-967 Racialized Homelessness: A Review of Historical and Contemporary Causes of Racial Disparities in Homelessness
by Matthew Z. Fowle
July 2022, Volume 32, Issue 4-5
- 573-573 Editor’s Note
by Vincent J. Reina - 574-578 Special Issue on the Dynamics and Consequences of Recent Shifts in Chinese Housing Policy: An Introduction
by Zhilin Liu & Lan Deng - 579-606 Moving Toward an Inclusive Housing Policy?: Migrants’ Access to Subsidized Housing in Urban China
by Youqin Huang & Jianyu Ren - 607-621 No Place in the City: The Segregation of Affordable Formal Private Rentals in Beijing
by Yi Wang & Edward G. Goetz - 622-641 Impact of Governments’ Commitment to Housing Affordability Policy on People’s Happiness: Evidence from China
by Jie Chen & Xin Qi & Zhenguo Lin & Yidong Wu - 642-660 The Sense of Community in Homeowner Association Neighborhoods in Urban China: A Study of Wenzhou
by Tingting Lu & Fangzhu Zhang & Fulong Wu - 661-677 Neighborhood Characteristics, Deprivation, and Attachment: Evidence From Guangzhou, China
by Jiang Chang & Tingting Lu & Dixiang Xie & Zihan Lin - 678-696 Housing the Poor? A Comparative Study of Public Housing Provision in New York, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen
by Xin Li & Shomon Shamsuddin - 697-712 Buying Citizenship: A Boon to District-Level House Prices in Istanbul
by Lokman Gunduz & Ismail H. Genc & Ahmet Faruk Aysan - 713-729 Understanding the Digital Platform Economy: Effect of Airbnb on Housing in Indian Cities
by Kala Seetharam Sridhar - 730-749 Zoning Out Robbery? An Empirical Study in Mexico City
by Gerardo Bonilla Alguera & Raúl Gutiérrez Meave - 750-766 “That’s the Area of Affluent People Where We Have No Access”: Spatial Inequality, Gated Communities, and the End of Public Space in Dhaka, Bangladesh
by Lutfun Nahar Lata - 767-788 Conceptualizing the Rental Housing Market Structure in Ghana
by Emmanuel Kofi Gavu - 789-801 The Role of Housing Policy in Long-Term Care in Poland
by Zuzanna Rataj & Rafał Iwański - 802-818 The Beijing Dream: Housing Differentiation and Experiences of Young Professional Beijingers
by Hongping Lian
May 2022, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 411-412 Editor’s Introduction
by Vincent J. Reina - 413-432 Housing Cost Burden, Material Hardship, and Well-Being
by Shomon Shamsuddin & Colin Campbell - 433-455 The Relationship Between Legal Status and Housing Cost Burden for Immigrants in the United States
by Ryan Allen - 456-472 The Effects of Rental Assistance on Housing Stability, Quality, Autonomy, and Affordability
by Rebecca Schapiro & Kim Blankenship & Alana Rosenberg & Danya Keene - 473-490 “When We Do Evict Them, It’s a Last Resort”: Eviction Prevention in Social and Affordable Housing
by Damian Collins & Esther de Vos & Joshua Evans & Meryn Severson Mason & Jalene Anderson-Baron & Victoria Cruickshank & Kenna McDowell - 491-505 Does Public Housing Increase the Risk of Child Health Problems? Evidence From Linked Survey-Administrative Data
by Andrew Fenelon - 506-532 Toward Affordable Cities? Critically Exploring the Market-Based Housing Supply Policy Proposition
by Steffen Wetzstein - 533-548 Regulating Demand or Supply: Examining Israel’s Public Policy for Reducing Housing Prices During 2015–2019
by Erez Cohen - 549-572 Housing Finance Strategies for Low-Income Households in Secondary Cities: Contextualization Under Customary Tenure in Ghana
by David Adade & Elias Danyi Kuusaana & Walter Timo de Vries & Emmanuel Kofi Gavu
March 2022, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 247-248 Editor’s Introduction
by Vincent J. Reina - 249-274 Legacies of Institutionalized Redlining: A Comparison Between Speculative and Implemented Mortgage Risk Maps in Chicago, Illinois
by Wenfei Xu - 275-336 The Role of Credit Attributes in Explaining the Homeownership Gap Between Whites and Minorities Since the Financial Crisis, 2012–2018
by Jaya Dey & Lariece M. Brown - 337-368 The Racial Landscape of Fintech Mortgage Lending
by Tyler Haupert - 369-385 Failing the Least Advantaged: An Unintended Consequence of Local Implementation of the Housing Choice Voucher Program
by Huiyun Kim - 386-409 Exploring the Heterogeneous Effects of Ecological and Structural Factors on Intensifying Neighborhood Economic Polarization
by Jongho Won
January 2022, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-13 Exploring Climate Change in U.S. Housing Policy
by Carlos Martín - 14-34 Deemed Ineligible: Reasons Homeowners in Puerto Rico Were Denied Aid After Hurricane María
by Ivis García - 35-51 Preventing Evictions After Disasters: The Role of Landlord-Tenant Law
by E. L. Raymond & T. Green & M. Kaminski - 52-83 A Perfect Storm? Disasters and Evictions
by Mark Brennan & Tanaya Srini & Justin Steil & Miho Mazereeuw & Larisa Ovalles - 84-101 Getting By and Getting Out: How Residents of Louisiana’s Frontline Communities Are Adapting to Environmental Change
by Marla Nelson & Renia Ehrenfeucht & Traci Birch & Anna Brand - 102-127 Understanding the Pace of HUD’s Disaster Housing Recovery Efforts
by Carlos Martín & Daniel Teles & Nicole DuBois - 128-151 Weather or Not: Tracking Hurricanes and Changes to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Plans
by Shomon Shamsuddin & Ginger Leib - 152-170 From Hazard Mitigation to Climate Adaptation: A Review of Home Buyout Program Literature
by Alex Greer & Sherri Brokopp Binder & Elyse Zavar - 171-189 Unequal Retreats: How Racial Segregation Shapes Climate Adaptation
by Kevin Loughran & James R. Elliott - 190-210 Naturally Resilient to Natural Hazards? Urban–Rural Disparities in Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Assistance
by Kijin Seong & Clare Losey & Donghwan Gu - 211-245 “They Didn’t See It Coming”: Green Resilience Planning and Vulnerability to Future Climate Gentrification
by Galia Shokry & Isabelle Anguelovski & James J. T. Connolly & Andrew Maroko & Hamil Pearsall
November 2021, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 835-836 Editor Notes
by Vincent J. Reina - 837-861 Homeownership and Community Involvement: Results From the 2019 Metro Atlanta Speaks Survey
by Ramesh Ghimire - 862-874 Home Modification and Health Services Utilization by Rural and Urban Veterans With Disabilities
by Luz Mairena Semeah & Shanti P. Ganesh & Xinping Wang & Diane C. Cowper Ripley & Zaccheus James Ahonle & Mi Jung Lee & Tatiana Orozco & Jennifer Hale-Gallardo & Huanguang Jia - 875-890 Mortgage Broker Loan Pricing Leading Up to the Financial Crisis: Were Yield Spread Premiums the Only Problem?
by M. Cary Collins & Keith D. Harvey & Peter J. Nigro - 891-923 Leaving the Old Neighborhood: Shifting Spatial Decisions by Black Home Buyers and Their Implications for Black Urban Middle Neighborhoods in Legacy Cities
by Alan Mallach & Austin Harrison - 924-946 Are Foreclosure Spillover Effects Universal? Variation Over Space and Time
by Yung Chun & Stephanie Casey Pierce & Andrew J. Van Leuven - 947-966 Aging, Property Taxes, and Housing Adjustments: Lessons From the Health and Retirement Study
by Jinyhup Kim & Casey Dawkins - 967-987 How Private Housing Buyers Respond to Housing Policy: Evidence from Xi’an, China
by Honghao Ren & Fengyun Liu - 988-1008 Homeownership and Students’ Achievement in Public Schools in the U.S. State of Georgia
by Ramesh Ghimire - 1009-1031 Investigating the Influence of Associated Risks, Rewards, and External Intervention on Homeownership in Hong Kong, China
by Timo Olugbenga Oladinrin & Oluwole Abayomi Soyinka & Jayantha Wadu Mesthrige