2010, Volume 62, Issue 10
- 1683-1705 Defiance or Strategic Compliance? The Post-Tuđman Croatian Democratic Union and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
by Christopher Lamont - 1707-1740 Croatia, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and General Gotovina as a Political Symbol
by Vjeran Pavlaković - 1741-1759 Popular Music and Political Change in Post-Tuđman Croatia: ‘It's All the Same, Only He's Not Here’?
by Catherine Baker - 1761-1762 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2010, Volume 62, Issue 9
- 1427-1452 Russian Local Politics in the Putin–Medvedev Era
by Joel Moses - 1453-1478 Political Identity, Public Memory and Urban Space: A Case Study of , Bucharest from 1906 to the Present
by Duncan Light & Craig Young - 1479-1501 Exiles and Pioneers: Oral Histories of Greeks Deported from the Caucasus to Kazakhstan in 1949
by Violetta Hionidou & David Saunders - 1503-1525 Between Euroscepticism and Eurosupport: The Attitudes of Urban and Rural Populations in Poland 2000–2008
by Izabela Surwillo & Karen Henderson & Gabriella Lazaridis - 1527-1554 East Side Story: How Transnational Coalitions Contested EU Conditionality
by Cristina Parau - 1555-1578 Soviet Industry in the World Spotlight: The Domestic Dilemmas of Soviet Foreign Economic Relations, 1955–1965
by Oscar Sanchez-Sibony
2010, Volume 62, Issue 8
- 1239-1266 Regionalisation as a Driving Force of EU Widening: Recovering from the EU ‘Carrot Crisis’ in the ‘East’
by Attila Ágh - 1267-1289 Moldova's European Choice: ‘Between Two Stools’?
by Elena Korosteleva - 1291-1309 The EU's Relations with Moldova: Governance, Partnership or Ignorance?
by Giselle Bosse - 1311-1338 Reconstructing Galicia: Mapping the Cultural and Civic Traditions of the Former Austrian Galicia in Poland and Ukraine
by Andrew Drummond & Jacek Lubecki - 1339-1361 Good Neighbours?: Dominant Narratives about the ‘Other’ in Contemporary Polish and Russian Newspapers
by Ekaterina Levintova - 1363-1381 Czech and Slovak Relations with China: Contenders for China's Favour
by Rudolf Fürst & Gabriela Pleschová - 1383-1402 The Reform of the Russian Power Sector: The Rhetoric and Reality
by Louis Skyner - 1403-1419 Reviews
by Diana Digol & Noor Borbieva & Michael Carley & Ingmar Bredies & Julia Kusznir & Kirby Liu & Ion Marandici & Matthew Schaaf & Mustafa Muneer & Dmitry Shlapentokh - 1421-1421 Erratum
by The Editors - 1423-1424 Books Received
by The Editors - 1425-1426 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2010, Volume 62, Issue 7
- 1045-1050 Introduction: The Yugoslav Communist Legacy
by Cathie Carmichael - 1051-1072 Yugoslavs in Arms: Guerrilla Tradition, Total Defence and the Ethnic Security Dilemma
by Tomislav Dulić & Roland Kostić - 1073-1106 Kosovo, 1944–1981: The Rise and the Fall of a Communist ‘Nested Homeland’
by Aleksandar Petrović & ĐorĐe Stefanović - 1107-1133 Velež Mostar Football Club and the Demise of ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ in Yugoslavia, 1922–2009
by Richard Mills - 1135-1152 Why Kosovar Albanians Took Up Arms against the Serbian Regime: The Genesis and Expansion of the UÇK in Kosovo
by Keiichi Kubo - 1153-1174 Bleiburg: The Creation of a National Martyrology
by Pål Kolstø - 1175-1191 Twilight of the Revolutionaries: ‘’ and the End of Yugoslavia
by Vjeran Pavlaković - 1193-1214 Genocide in the Former Yugoslavia Before and After Communism
by Marko Hoare - 1215-1234 The Communist Legacy of the Former Yugoslavia in Photographs
by Richard Mills - 1235-1237 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2010, Volume 62, Issue 6
- 885-914 An Analysis of Reconciliatory Mediation in Northern Albania: The Role of Customary Mediators
by Ayse Celik & Alma Shkreli - 915-931 Regional Influences on the Formulation and Implementation of NKVD Order 00447
by Michael Ellman - 933-957 The Evolution of the Market of the Hungarian Printing Industry after 1989: The End of a Success Story?
by Mihály Laki - 959-971 Russian and Caspian Hydrocarbons: Energy Supply Stakes for the European Union
by Catherine Locatelli - 973-997 The Politics of Soviet and Nazi Genocides in Orange Ukraine
by Ivan Katchanovski - 999-1025 Parliamentary Oversight in Putin's Neo-patrimonial State. Watchdogs or Show-dogs?
by Sarah Whitmore
2010, Volume 62, Issue 5
- 721-747 Penal Units in the Red Army
by Alex Statiev - 749-778 Uses and Abuses of Sexuality in Social Interactions: Empirical Evidence from Russia
by Anton Oleinik - 779-805 Industrial Restructuring in Romania from a Bilateral Trade Perspective: Manufacturing Exports to the EU from 1995 to 2006
by Laura Haar - 807-827 The Nationalisation of Post-Communist Party Systems
by Daniel Bochsler - 829-852 The Structure and Culture of Post-Communist Civil Society in Latvia
by Anders Uhlin
2010, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 547-569 Conflicting Patterns of Thought in the Russian Debate on Transition: 2003–2007
by Joachim Zweynert - 571-595 The Battle over Privileges and Pension Reform: Evidence from Legislative Roll Call Analysis in Poland
by Oana Armeanu - 597-614 Sources of Income, Mental Health and Quality of Life in Rural Russia
by David O'Brien & Stephen Wegren & Valery Patsiorkovsky - 615-645 Forewarned is Forearmed: How the Hungarian Crisis of 1956 Helped the Romanian Leadership
by Johanna Granville - 647-669 Space, Kinship Networks and Youth Transition in Provincial Russia: Negotiating Urban–Rural and Inter-Regional Migration
by Charles Walker - 671-694 Religion and Reconciliation in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Are Religious Actors Doing Enough?
by Janine Natalya Clark
2010, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 389-420 The Russian Civil War in Chinese Turkestan (Xinjiang), 1918–1921: A Little Known and Explored Front
by Michael Share - 421-441 Europeanisation Before and After Accession: Conditionality, Legacies and Compliance
by Arista Maria Cirtautas & Frank Schimmelfennig - 443-460 Legacies and Leverage: EU Political Conditionality and Democracy Promotion in Historical Perspective
by Frank Schimmelfennig & Hanno Scholtz - 461-479 Monitoring, Money and Migrants: Countering Post-Accession Backsliding in Bulgaria and Romania
by Philip Levitz & Grigore Pop-Eleches - 481-501 How EU Integration and Legacies Mattered for Foreign Direct Investment into Central and Eastern Europe
by Nina Bandelj - 503-522 Contesting Europe: Strategies and Legacies in Polish Political Competition
by Peter Vermeersch
2010, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 211-234 Enduring Repression: Narratives of Loyalty to the Party Before, During and After the
by Nanci Adler - 235-269 A Tale of Two Kazakhstans: Sources of Political Cleavage and Conflict in the Post-Soviet Period
by Barbara Junisbai - 271-292 Institutions and Ethnic Trust: Evidence from Bosnia
by Sam Whitt - 293-327 The Politics of Dominant Party Formation: United Russia and Russia's Governors
by Ora Reuter - 329-350 The Europeanisation of International Development Policies: The Case of Central and Eastern European States
by Simon Lightfoot - 351-365 Farm Expansion in Lithuania after Accession to the EU: The Role of CAP Payments in Alleviating Potential Credit Constraints
by Laure Latruffe & Sophia Davidova & Elodie Douarin & Matthew Gorton - 367-383 Reviews
by Mohira Suyarkulova & Kenneth Wilson & Oleksandr Svyetlov & Alastair Kocho-Williams & Laura Cashman & Randall E. Newnham & Jennifer Yuan-Jean Hsu & Ulrike Ziemer & Kristie Thomas & Sabrina Luk & George O. Liber - 385-385 Books Received
by The Editors - 387-388 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2010, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-33 Patriotic Discourses in Russia's Penal Peripheries: Remembering the Mordovan
by Judith Pallot & Laura Piacentini & Dominique Moran - 35-62 A Comparative Study of Resource Nationalism in Russia and Kazakhstan 2004–2008
by Paul Domjan & Matt Stone - 63-97 The Thawing of a Frozen Conflict: The Internal Security Dilemma and the 2004 Prelude to the Russo-Georgian War
by Cory Welt - 99-123 From Conflict to Autonomy: The Making of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region 1918–1922
by Arsène Saparov - 125-143 The Effect of Governor Support on Legislative Behaviour in the Russian
by Frank Thames - 145-171 Transferring Corporate Governance Codes: Form or Substance? Corporate Governance in Hungary
by Roderick Martin - 173-177 The Teaching of History in Present-Day Russia
by David Wedgwood Benn - 179-203 Reviews
by David Lane & Lars Kristensen & Aaron Retish & Kristof Van Assche & James Brown & Sabrina Ramet & Alexander Tymczuk & Sarah Badcock & George Gömöri & Oksana Morgunova & Peter Hill & Alexander Pershái & Umut Korkut & Anastassia Obydenkova & Michael Mahoney - 205-206 Books Received
by The Editors - 207-208 List Of Contributors
by The Editors - 209-210 Acknowledgement of Reviewers
by The Editors
2009, Volume 61, Issue 10
- 1685-1687 Introduction: The European Union, Russia and the Shared Neighbourhood
by Jackie Gower & Graham Timmins - 1689-1713 Competing Rationalities: Russia, the EU and the ‘Shared Neighbourhood’
by Derek Averre - 1715-1734 EU Governance and the European Neighbourhood Policy: A Framework for Analysis
by Stefan Gänzle - 1735-1755 The Contribution of the Visegrad Group to the European Union's ‘Eastern’ Policy: Rhetoric or Reality?
by Martin Dangerfield - 1757-1775 Lost in Translation? Why the EU has Failed to Influence Russia's Development
by Hiski Haukkala - 1777-1803 ‘Bashing about Rights’? Russia and the ‘New’ EU States on Human Rights and Democracy Promotion
by Rick Fawn - 1805-1823 Power without Influence? The EU and Trade Disputes with Russia
by Tuomas Forsberg & Antti Seppo - 1825-1847 Diversionary Role of the Georgia–Russia Conflict: International Constraints and Domestic Appeal
by Mikhail Filippov - 1849-1850 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2009, Volume 61, Issue 9
- 1517-1541 Realigning Religion and Power in Central Asia: Islam, Nation-State and (Post)Socialism
by Chris Hann & Mathijs Pelkmans - 1543-1555 Post-Communism and Female Tobacco Consumption in the Former Soviet States
by Brian Hinote & William Cockerham & Pamela Abbott - 1557-1577 Battlefields of Ethnic Symbols. Public Space and Post-Soviet Identity Formation from a Minority Perspective
by Alexander Danzer - 1579-1601 What did the Soviet Rulers Maximise?
by Vladimir Kontorovich & Alexander Wein - 1603-1625 The Determinants of the Success of Transitions to Democracy
by Danica Fink-Hafner & Mitja Hafner-Fink - 1627-1644 Patterns of Romanian and Bulgarian Migration to Spain
by Mikołaj Stanek - 1645-1657 A Reassessment of the Burden of Eastern Europe on the USSR
by Dina Rome Spechler & Martin Spechler - 1659-1680 Reviews
by Sarah Badcock & Luca Anceschi & Tuomas Forsberg & Kelly Hignett & Arolda Elbasani & Elena Korosteleva-Polglase & Mark B. Smith & Michael Mahoney & Gabriela Walker & Anastassia Zabrodskaja & Stephan Stach & Timofey Agarin & Roman Solchanyk & Georg Wurzer - 1681-1681 Books Received
by The Editors - 1683-1684 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2009, Volume 61, Issue 8
- 1341-1370 Ethnic Identification in the Former Soviet Union: Hypotheses and Analyses
by Enzo Loner & Pierangelo Peri - 1371-1392 For Business, for Pleasure or for Necessity? The Czech Republic's Choices for Europe
by Tim Haughton - 1393-1414 Subsoil Law Reform in Russia under the Putin Administration
by Yuko Adachi - 1415-1440 Anti-Russian and Anti-Soviet Subversion: The Caucasian–Japanese Nexus, 1904–1945
by Hiroaki Kuromiya & Georges Mamoulia - 1441-1459 Some Scenarios for Russian Oil Exports up to 2020
by Rafael Fernández - 1461-1482 Citizenship, Identity and Foreign Policy: The Contradictions and Consequences of Russia's Passport Distribution in the Separatist Regions of Georgia
by Scott Littlefield
2009, Volume 61, Issue 7
- 1083-1093 Inscapes, Landscapes and Greyscapes: The Politics of Signification in Central Asia
by Sally Cummings - 1095-1121 Legitimising Central Asian Authoritarianism: Political Manipulation and Symbolic Power
by Anna Matveeva - 1123-1136 Nation Branding in Central Asia: A New Campaign to Present Ideas about the State and the Nation
by Erica Marat - 1137-1150 Searching for : Political Patronage and Youth Politics in Uzbekistan
by Eric McGlinchey - 1151-1166 Michael Romm's : A Soviet Landscape?
by Stuart Horsman - 1167-1187 The Art of the Impossible: Political Symbolism, and the Creation of National Identity and Collective Memory in Post-Soviet Turkmenistan
by Michael Denison - 1189-1206 Promising Futures? Education as a Symbolic Resource of Hope in Kyrgyzstan
by Sarah Amsler - 1207-1228 Identity, Symbolism, and the Politics of Language in Central Asia
by William Fierman - 1229-1248 The Invention of Legitimacy: Struggles in Kyrgyzstan to Craft an Effective Nation-State Ideology
by Asel Murzakulova & John Schoeberlein - 1249-1276 Mass Spectacle and Styles of Governmentality in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
by Laura Adams & Assel Rustemova - 1277-1313 Materialising State Space: ‘Creeping Migration’ and Territorial Integrity in Southern Kyrgyzstan
by Madeleine Reeves - 1315-1336 Tajikistan's Virtual Politics of Peace
by John Heathershaw
2009, Volume 61, Issue 6
- 913-919 Introduction: A Europe Integrated and United—But Still Diverse?
by Gabriella Ilonszki - 921-941 History Matters: Dimensions and Determinants of National Identities among European Populations and Elites
by Heinrich Best - 943-966 Identity and Representation in the Perceptions of Political Elites and Public Opinion: A Comparison between Southern and Post-Communist Central-Eastern Europe
by Miguel Jerez-Mir & José Real-Dato & Rafael Vázquez-García - 967-985 Threat Perception and European Identity Building: The Case of Elites in Belgium, Germany, Lithuania and Poland
by Irmina Matonytė & Vaidas Morkevičius - 987-1001 The Nation State and the EU in the Perceptions of Political and Economic Elites: The Case of Serbia in Comparative Perspective
by Mladen Lazić & Vladimir Vuletić - 1003-1020 Explaining the Attitudes of Parliamentarians towards European Integration in Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia: Party Affiliation, ‘Left–Right’ Self-placement or Country Origin?
by Spyridoula Nezi & Dimitri Sotiropoulos & Panayiota Toka - 1021-1040 Identity Formation of Elites in Old and New Member States (with a Special Focus on the Czech Elite)
by Zdenka Mansfeldová & Barbora Špicarová Stašková - 1041-1057 National Discontent and EU Support in Central and Eastern Europe
by Gabriella Ilonszki - 1059-1077 Elites' Pragmatic and Symbolic Views about European Integration
by György Lengyel & Borbála Göncz - 1079-1081 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2009, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 743-758 Evaluating 's Sustainability: Autonomy, Agency and Activism
by Maya Atwal - 759-778 State Weakness in Perspective: Strong Politico-Economic Networks in Georgia's Energy Sector
by Stacy Closson - 779-796 Institutional Trust in Contemporary Moscow
by Andrew Stickley & Sara Ferlander & Tanya Jukkala & Per Carlson & Olga Kislitsyna & Ilkka Mäkinen - 797-812 Keynes and the Non-neutrality of Russian War Finance during World War One
by Vincent Barnett - 813-831 A Soviet Humanitarian Action?: Centre, Periphery and the Evacuation of Refugees to the North Caucasus, 1941–1942
by Kiril Feferman - 833-856 Gas Supply and EU–Russia Relations
by Evert Faber Van Der Meulen - 857-874 An Electorate Adrift: Refugees and Elections in post-Milošević Serbia
by Andrew Konitzer & Jelena Grujić - 875-880 Pynsent's Representative Publication
by Jiří Holý - 881-885 Science, Technology and Politics in the GDR
by Per Högselius
2009, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 565-591 Explaining Support for Non-nationalist Parties in Post-conflict Societies in the Balkans
by Paula Pickering - 593-619 Who is to Blame? Agency, Causality, Responsibility and the Role of Experts in Russian Framings of Global Climate Change
by Elana Wilson Rowe - 621-650 Research and Development, Competitiveness and European Integration of South Eastern Europe
by Slavo Radosevic - 651-668 Status Shift and Ethnic Mobilisation in the March 1956 Events in Georgia
by Timothy Blauvelt - 669-683 The Soviet Agricultural Surplus: A Retrospective
by Paul Gregory - 685-709 A Survey of Perspectives on Intergovernmental Relations: A Comparative Analysis of the Czech and Slovak Republics
by Phillip Bryson & Scott Smith & Gary Cornia - 711-737 Reviews
by Mark Sandle & Neil Robinson & Sabrina Ramet & Geoffrey Swain & Patricia Leon & Jane Nolan & Michael Westrate & Josephine von Zitzewitz & Andreas Umland & Grant Weller & Neil Munro & José Saiz-Álvarez & Wim van Meurs & Kerstin Zimmer & Kelly Hignett & Michael Mahoney & Corina Filipescu - 739-739 Books Received
by The Editors - 741-742 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2009, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 385-407 Oil and Gas: A Blessing for the Few. Hydrocarbons and Inequality within Regions in Russia
by Tullio Buccellato & Tomasz Mickiewicz - 409-433 Narratives of Translocation, Dislocation and Location: Armenian Youth Cultural Identities in Southern Russia
by Ulrike Ziemer - 435-456 National Minorities and International Change: Being Ukrainian in Contemporary Poland
by Peter Vermeersch - 457-482 The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: ‘Tackling the Three Evils’. A Regional Response to Non-traditional Security Challenges or an Anti-Western Bloc?
by Stephen Aris - 483-504 Reference Group Perspective on State Behaviour: A Case Study of Estonia's Counterterrorism Policies
by Mariya Omelicheva - 505-518 Ethnic Issues in the Famine of 1932–1933 in Ukraine
by David Marples
2009, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 187-211 Implementation without Coordination: The Impact of EU Conditionality on Ukraine under the European Neighbourhood Policy
by Kataryna Wolczuk - 213-248 Public Opinion in Russia on the Politics of Human Trafficking
by Mary Buckley - 249-281 Economic and Security Regionalism among Patrimonial Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Central Asia
by Kathleen Collins - 283-311 The Case of : Dubrovka and the Search for Answers
by Alan Holiman - 313-336 Criminalising the Past and Reconstructing Collective Memory: The Romanian Truth Commission
by Monica Ciobanu - 337-356 EU–Russian Relations and Turkey's Role as an Energy Corridor
by Ali Tekin & Paul Williams - 357-380 Reviews
by The Editors - 381-381 Books Received
by The Editors - 383-384 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2009, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-28 National Identity: Civic, Ethnic, Hybrid, and Atomised Individuals
by Holley Hansen & Vicki Hesli - 29-49 Gender and Perceived Control in the Russian Federation
by Jennifer Barrett & Cynthia Buckley - 51-84 Securing the Only Game in Town: The EU's Political Conditionality and Democratic Consolidation in Post-Soviet Latvia
by Geoffrey Pridham - 85-108 Making a Difference? NGOs and Civil Society Development in Russia
by Jo Crotty - 109-140 Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan as Post-Soviet Rentier States: Resource Incomes and Autocracy as a Double ‘Curse’in Post-Soviet Regimes
by Anja Franke & Andrea Gawrich & Gurban Alakbarov - 141-156 Illegal Economic and Transit Migration in the Czech Republic: A Study of Individual Migrants' Behaviour
by Dušan Drbohlav & Eva Janská - 157-162 The Search for Internal Enemies
by Sarah Badcock - 163-178 Reviews
by The Editors - 179-181 Books Received
by The Editors - 183-184 List of Contributors
by The Editors - 185-186 Acknowledgement of Reviewers
by The Editors
2008, Volume 60, Issue 10
- 1645-1658 Remembering 1948 and 1968: Reflections on Two Pivotal Years in Czech and Slovak History
by Laura Cashman - 1659-1676 Dimensions of the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1967–1970
by Vilém Prečan - 1677-1696 1938 and 1968, 1939 and 1969, and the Philosophy of Czech History from Karel H. Mácha to Jan Patočka
by Stefan Auer - 1697-1715 New Research on February 1948 in Czechoslovakia
by Martin Myant - 1717-1734 The Scheming of the Prague Spring
by Mary Heimann - 1735-1747 French Responses to the Prague Spring: Connections, (Mis)perception and Appropriation
by Maud Bracke - 1749-1766 The Prague Spring of Science: Czechoslovak Natural Scientists Reconsidering the Iron Curtain
by Riikka Nisonen-Trnka - 1767-1782 The Limits of Thought?: The Regulatory Framework of Social Sciences and Humanities in Czechoslovakia (1968–1989)
by Libora Oates-Indruchová - 1783-1804 Prelude to a Divorce? The Prague Spring as Dress Rehearsal for Czechoslovakia's ‘Velvet Divorce’
by Scott Brown - 1805-1825 The Normalisation Regime and its Impact on Slovak Domestic Policy after 1970
by Juraj Marušiak - 1827-1845 Criticism and Destiny: Kundera and Havel on the Legacy of 1968
by Charles Sabatos
2008, Volume 60, Issue 9
- 1463-1465 Editor's Introduction
by Anne White - 1467-1502 Polish ‘Temporary’ Migration: The Formation and Significance of Social Networks
by Anne White & Louise Ryan - 1503-1517 The Influence of Migration on Origin Communities: Insights from Polish Migrations to the West
by Tim Elrick - 1519-1537 The Contested Terrain of the Parallel Society: The Other Natives in Contemporary Greece and Germany
by Christin Hess - 1539-1574 Under the Kremlin's Thumb: Does Increased State Control in the Russian Gas Sector Endanger European Energy Security?
by Andreas Heinrich - 1575-1600 Which Minority is Appeased? Coalition Potential and Redistribution in Latvia and Ukraine
by Stephen Bloom - 1601-1622 The European Union as a Regional Normative Hegemon: The Case of European Neighbourhood Policy
by Hiski Haukkala - 1623-1630 Putin's Russia and the ‘New Cold War’: Interpreting Myth and Reality
by David Galbreath - 1631-1640 Reviews
by The Editors - 1641-1642 Books Received
by The Editors - 1643-1643 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2008, Volume 60, Issue 8
- 1299-1319 Social Capital and Community Participation in Post-Soviet Armenia: Implications for Policy and Practice
by Babken Babajanian - 1321-1344 Catching the ‘Shanghai Spirit’: How the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Promotes Authoritarian Norms in Central Asia
by Thomas Ambrosio - 1345-1369 Generational Differences in Russian Attitudes towards Democracy and the Economy
by Jeffrey Hahn & Igor Logvinenko - 1371-1396 Technical Efficiency, Allocative Efficiency and Profitability in Hungarian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Model with Frontier Functions
by Iván Major - 1397-1418 Scientific, Institutional and Personal Rivalries among Soviet Geographers in the Late Stalin Era
by Denis Shaw & Jonathan Oldfield - 1419-1433 The National Ideology and the Basis of the Lukashenka Regime in Belarus
by Natalia Leshchenko - 1435-1458 Reviews
by The Editors - 1459-1459 Books Received
by The Editors - 1461-1462 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2008, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 1125-1149 The Internet and Anti-military Activism in Russia
by Markku Lonkila - 1151-1175 Minority Political Inclusion in Mikheil Saakashvili's Georgia
by Julie George