December 2013, Volume 65, Issue 10
- 1912-1930 Policing the Party: Conflicts between Local Prosecutors and Party Leaders under Late Stalinism
by Edward D. Cohn - 1931-1953 Giving Peace a Chance: Croatia's Branitelji and the Imperative of Reintegration
by Janine Natalya Clark - 1954-1977 Russia, Chechnya and Strasbourg: Russian Official and Press Discourse on the ‘Chechen Cases’ at the European Court of Human Rights
by Eleanor Bindman - 1978-1993 ‘Conflict Over Property’: Lodging in Times of Displacement, Poland 1944–1946, the Case of Zielona Góra
by Christopher Lash - 1994-2013 The International Politics of Water Security in Central Asia
by Leila Zakhirova - 2014-2022 Social and Cultural Obstacles to Russian Modernisation
by Mikhail Maslovskiy - 2023-2024 The Great War in Russian Memory
by Robert Dale - 2024-2026 Ethnic Belonging, Gender, and Cultural Practices. Youth Identities in Contemporary Russia
by Félix Krawatzek - 2026-2027 Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
by Michael Rochlitz - 2027-2029 Portrait of a Russian Province: Economy, Society, and Civilization in Nineteenth-Century Nizhnii Novgorod
by Jonathan Oldfield - 2029-2030 Chinese Migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
by Yuliya Zabyelina - 2030-2032 Learning to Labour in Post-Soviet Russia. Vocational Youth in Transition
by Suvi Salmenniemi & Zhanna Chernova & Larisa Shpakovskaya - 2032-2033 The European Union and Central Asia
by Aijan Sharshenova - 2033-2035 Russia's Frozen Frontier: A History of Siberia and the Russian Far East 1581–1991
by Ivan R. Sokolovskii - 2035-2036 Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. Does EU Membership Matter?
by Dragomir Stoyanov - 2036-2038 Chaos, Violence, Dynasty: Politics and Islam in Central Asia
by Yuliya Zabyelina - 2039-2040 Books Received
by The Editors - 2041-2042 List of Contributors
by The Editors
November 2013, Volume 65, Issue 9
- 1691-1699 Introduction: Reflections on Villains, Victims and Violence
by Steve Smith - 1700-1715 Knowing Russia's Convicts: The Other in Narratives of Imprisonment and Exile of the Late Imperial Era
by Sarah J. Young - 1716-1736 From Villains to Victims: Experiencing Illness in Siberian Exile
by Sarah Badcock - 1737-1754 Villain or Victim? The Faith-Based Sobriety of the Factory Worker Petr Terekhovich in Soviet Russia, 1925–1929
by Page Herrlinger - 1755-1770 Russia's Red Revolutionary and White Terror, 1917–1921: A Provincial Perspective
by Liudmila G. Novikova - 1771-1788 Defining the ‘Political’ Crime: Revolutionary Tribunals in Early Soviet Russia
by Matthew Rendle - 1789-1806 Controlling Revolution: Understandings of Violence through the Rural Soviet Courts, 1917–1923
by Aaron B. Retish - 1807-1826 Cleansing NEP Russia: State Violence Against the Russian Orthodox Church in 1922
by James Ryan - 1827-1847 The Process of Collectivisation Violence
by Tracy McDonald - 1848-1851 Afterword
by Gerald D. Surh - 1852-1854 List of Contributors
by The Editors
October 2013, Volume 65, Issue 8
- 1499-1501 Between Growth and Cohesion: New Directions in Central and East European Regional Policy
by Martin Ferry & Irene McMaster - 1502-1528 Cohesion Policy and the Evolution of Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe
by Martin Ferry & Irene McMaster - 1529-1554 Regional Disparities in Central and Eastern European Countries: Trends, Drivers and Prospects
by Maciej Smętkowski - 1555-1577 Administrative Reform and Regional Development Discourses in Hungary. Europeanisation Going NUTS?
by Aron Buzogány & Umut Korkut - 1578-1598 Implementing Regional Policy in Poland: A New Era?
by Martin Ferry - 1599-1620 National Subversion of Supranational Goals: ‘Pork-Barrel’ Politics and EU Regional Aid
by Stephen Bloom & Vladislava Petrova - 1621-1641 Cross-border Cooperation in Central Europe: A Comparison of Culture and Policy Effectiveness in the Polish–German and Polish–Slovak Border Regions
by Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt & Urszula Roman-Kamphaus - 1642-1666 Mechanisms Shaping an Evaluation System—A Case Study of Poland 1999–2010
by Karol Olejniczak - 1667-1669 The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State/The Politics of Imagining Asia
by Emilian Kavalski - 1669-1671 Engineer of Revolutionary Russia: Iurii V. Lomonosov (1876–1952) and the Railways
by Julia Fein - 1671-1672 Central and Eastern European Media under Dictatorial Rule and in the Early Cold War/Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective: Politics, Economy and Culture
by Sabrina P. Ramet - 1672-1673 The Dictatorship of Sex: Lifestyle Advice for the Soviet Masses
by Jonathan Waterlow - 1674-1675 Embracing Democracy in the Western Balkans: From Post-Conflict Struggles toward European Integration
by Andrew Konitzer - 1675-1676 Propaganda State in Crisis: Soviet Ideology, Indoctrination, and Terror under Stalin, 1927–1941
by Peter Whitewood - 1676-1678 Face to the Village: The Riazan Countryside under Soviet Rule, 1921–1930
by Christopher Lash - 1678-1680 Manufacturing a Socialist Modernity: Housing in Czechoslovakia, 1945–1960
by Daria Bocharnikova - 1680-1681 Church, State, and Democracy in Expanding Europe
by Ovidiu Creangă - 1681-1682 Albania's Greatest Friend. Aubrey Herbert and the Making of Modern Albania. Diaries and Papers 1904–1923
by Gëzim Krasniqi - 1683-1684 Nikola Pašić and Ante Trumbić: Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
by Tom Hashimoto - 1684-1685 The Nation and Nationalism in Europe: An Introduction
by Yannis Sygkelos - 1686-1686 Books Received
by The Editors - 1687-1689 List of Contributors to Special Section
by The Editors - 1690-1690 List of Contributors to Review Section
by The Editors
2013, Volume 65, Issue 7
- 1243-1254 Neoliberal Doctrine Meets the Eastern Bloc: Resistance, Appropriation and Purification in Post-Socialist Spaces
by Sonia Hirt & Christian Sellar & Craig Young - 1255-1274 Geostrategic Interest and Democracy Promotion: Evidence from Post-Soviet Space
by Grigory Ioffe - 1275-1294 Situating Property in Transformation: Beyond the Private and the Collective
by Peter Lindner - 1295-1323 Between Neoliberalism and Difference: Multiple Practices of Property in Post-Soviet Russia
by Marianna Pavlovskaya - 1324-1343 Silicon Valley in Eastern Slovakia? Neoliberalism, Post-Socialism and the Knowledge Economy
by Martin Sokol - 1344-1363 Performing New Values: Fashion Brands in Post-Socialist Bulgaria
by Ulrich Ermann - 1364-1376 Corrupt Intermediaries in Post-Socialist Russia: Mutations of Economic Institutions
by Irina Olimpieva & Oleg Pachenkov - 1377-1395 The EU–Russia Strategic Partnership: Challenging the Normative Argument
by Tom Casier - 1396-1416 Conformism and Agency: Model Young Communists and the Press in the Later Khrushchev Years, 1961–1964
by Gleb Tsipursky - 1417-1443 Language Policy in the Ukrainian Media: Authorities, Producers and Consumers
by Volodymyr Kulyk - 1444-1465 Controlling Immigration Manually: Lessons from Moscow (Russia)
by Caress Schenk - 1466-1478 Things Can Only Get Better? Changing Views of the Past, Present and Future in the Former Soviet Union
by Rebecca Mckee & Erica Richardson & Bayard Roberts & Christian Haerpfer & Martin Mckee - 1479-1480 ‘Okna otkroi!’—‘Open the Windows!’ Transcultural Flows and Identity Politics in the St Petersburg Popular Music Scene
by Joshua First - 1480-1482 Drafting the Russian Nation. Military Conscription, Total War, and Mass Politics. 1905–1925
by Steven Main - 1482-1483 Russia's Encounter with Globalization: Actors, Processes and Critical Moments
by Catherine Owen - 1483-1485 In the Shadow of Russia: Reform in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
by Aijan Sharshenova - 1485-1486 Reassessing Security in the South Caucasus. Regional Conflicts and Transformation
by Licínia Simão - 1486-1488 The Orthodox Church and Russian Politics
by George Soroka - 1488-1489 Gulag Boss: A Soviet Memoir
by Brigid O'Keeffe - 1490-1491 After Defeat: How the East Learned to Live with the West
by Ismail Numan Telci - 1491-1492 Local Economies and Global Competitiveness
by Monika Mura - 1492-1494 Semi-Presidentialism: Sub-Types and Democratic Performance
by Mladen Joksić - 1495-1495 Books Received
by The Editors - 1496-1497 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2013, Volume 65, Issue 6
- 1021-1054 Energy Efficiency as a New Paradigm of the European External Energy Policy: The Case of the EU–Russian Energy Dialogue
by Anatole Boute - 1055-1079 , Informal Networks and the Countering of Elite Instability in Kazakhstan: Bringing the ‘Formal’ Back In
by Rico Isaacs - 1080-1111 GPU Repressions of Zionists: Ukraine in the 1920s
by Olga Bertelsen - 1112-1135 Secrecy, Fear and Transaction Costs: The Business of Soviet Forced Labour in the Early Cold War
by Mark Harrison - 1136-1153 ‘She's Like a Daughter to Me’: Insights into Care, Work and Kinship from Rural Russia
by Rebecca Kay - 1154-1170 Russian Policy Concerning the Black Sea Fleet and its Being Based in Ukraine, 2008–2010: Three Interpretations
by Rasmus Nilsson - 1171-1191 Controlling Resources in the Ukrainian SSR during the Reform (1957–1965): Testing the Idea of Decentralisation
by Nataliya Kibita - 1192-1216 Norm Entrepreneurs and Atlanticist Foreign Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Missionary Zeal of Recent Converts
by Kristina Mikulova & Michal Simecka - 1217-1218 Property of Communists. The Urban Housing Program from Stalin to Khrushchev
by Nick Baron - 1218-1220 ‘Sovetskoe nasledstvo’, Ostrazhenie proshlogo v sotsial'nykh i ekonomicheskikh praktikakh sovremennoi Rossii
by Dmitry Shlapentokh - 1220-1222 Democracy Building and Civil Society in Post-Soviet Armenia/Women's Social Activism in the New Ukraine: Development and the Politics of Differentiation
by Jackie Kirkham - 1223-1224 Imagining the West in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
by Samantha Sherry - 1224-1225 Urban Cultures in (Post)Colonial Central Europe
by Nora Radó - 1225-1227 Tsentral'naya Aziya segodnya: vizovi i ugrozy/Tsentral'naya Aziya v zarubezhnoi politologii i mirovoi geopolitike. Tom IV. Geopolitika XXI veka
by Rafis Abazov & Zhanar Aldubasheva - 1227-1228 Citizens in the Making in Post-Soviet States
by Alexander Bor - 1228-1229 The Hour of Europe. Western Powers and the Breakup of Yugoslavia
by Alexander Kleibrink - 1230-1231 Mapping Central Asia. Indian Perceptions and Strategies
by Roza Smolinska - 1231-1232 Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia
by Timothy Nunan - 1232-1233 Terror in Chechnya: Russia and the Tragedy of Civilians in War
by Simon Cosgrove - 1233-1235 Under Siege: Inter-Ethnic Relations in Abkhazia
by Karin Traunmüller - 1235-1236 Vaterland, Sprache, Glaube: Orthodoxie und Nationenbildung am Beispiel Georgiens
by Babak Rezvani - 1236-1237 Religion and Politics in Russia: A Reader
by Sabrina Ramet - 1238-1239 Books Received
by The Editors - 1240-1241 List of Contributors
by The Editors
July 2013, Volume 65, Issue 5
- 799-822 Self-Determination After Kosovo
by Stefan Wolff & Annemarie Peen Rodt - 823-836 Kosovo, Self-Determination and the International Order
by Spyros Economides - 837-856 Preventing the Emergence of Self-Determination as a Norm of Secession: An Assessment of the Kosovo ‘Unique Case’ Argument
by James Ker-Lindsay - 857-873 Mass Violence and the Recognition of Kosovo: Suffering and Recognition
by Philippe Roseberry - 874-888 Discourse in Bosnia and Macedonia on the Independence of Kosovo: When and What is a Precedent?
by Sherrill Stroschein - 889-911 Kosovo and the Framing of Non-Secessionist Self-Government Claims in Romania
by Zsuzsa Csergő - 912-928 Crimea: Competing Self-Determination Movements and the Politics at the Centre
by Tetyana Malyarenko & David J. Galbreath - 929-945 The South Caucasus after Kosovo: Renewed Independence Hopes?
by Nina Caspersen - 946-964 The EU's Response to the International Court of Justice's Judgment on Kosovo's Declaration of Independence
by Etain Tannam - 965-991 The Notion of Kosovo as a Precedent and the Impact of the Hungarian Minority Issue on Slovakia's Policy towards Kosovo's Independence
by Katarína Lezová - 992-1016 Russia and the Secession of Kosovo: Power, Norms and the Failure of Multilateralism
by James Hughes - 1017-1020 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2013, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 571-580 Introduction: Explaining Policy Change in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood
by Julia langbein & Tanja Börzel - 581-608 Migration, Energy and Good Governance in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood
by Esther Ademmer & Tanja Börzel - 609-630 Selective Adoption of EU Environmental Norms in Ukraine. Convergence
by Aron Buzogány - 631-657 Unpacking the Russian and EU Impact on Policy Change in the Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Ukraine's Telecommunications and Food Safety
by Julia Langbein - 658-681 Shaping Convergence with the EU in Foreign Policy and State Aid in Post-Orange Ukraine: Weak External Incentives, Powerful Veto Players
by Antoaneta Dimitrova & Rilka Dragneva - 682-716 Differing Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on the Central Asian Countries: Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan
by Kobil Ruziev & Toshtemir Majidov - 717-736 The Preponderance and Effects of Sectoral Ties in the State
by Paul Chaisty - 737-752 Sub-National Elections in Russia: Variations in United Russia's Domination of Regional Assemblies
by Petr Panov & Cameron Ross - 753-772 Spark of Revolution? Railway Disorganisation, Freight Traffic and Tsarist Russia's War Effort, July 1914–March 1917
by Anthony Heywood
2013, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 383-410 The Political Economy of Crisis Management in East–Central European Countries
by Martin Myant & Jan Drahokoupil & Ivan Lesay - 411-425 Avoiding the Economic Crisis: Pragmatic Liberalism and Divisions over Economic Policy in Poland
by Gavin Rae - 426-449 The Baltic Republics and the Crisis of 2008–2011
by Rainer Kattel & Ringa Raudla - 450-472 Russia's Response to Crisis: The Paradox of Success
by Neil Robinson - 473-488 Belarus' Anti-Crisis Management: Success Story of Delayed Recession?
by Dzmitry Kruk - 489-507 Crisis and Upgrading: The Case of the Hungarian Automotive and Electronics Sectors
by Magdolna Sass & Andrea Szalavetz - 508-527 Actions and Reactions of Russian Manufacturing Companies to the Crisis Shocks from 2008–2009: Evidence from the Empirical Survey
by Ksenia Gonchar - 528-547 Central and East European Bank Responses to the Financial ‘Crisis’: Do Domestic Banks Perform Better in a Crisis than their Foreign-Owned Counterparts?
by Rachel Epstein - 548-566 The Return of Political Risk: Foreign-Owned Banks in Emerging Europe
by Zdenek Kudrna & Daniela Gabor
2013, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 184-185 Preface
by Stanislav Kirschbaum - 186-197 : A Reassessment
by Leslie Holmes - 198-220 Did Gorbachev as General Secretary Become a Social Democrat?
by Archie Brown - 221-243 The Representation of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Twenty-first Century Russian Media
by Marjatta Vanhala-Aniszewski & Lea Siilin - 244-263 Political Symbolism and the Fall of the USSR
by Graeme Gill - 264-289 On the Verge of the Collapse of Empire: Images of Alexander Kerensky and Mikhail Gorbachev
by Nadezhda Lipatova - 290-320 Gorbachev, Mitterrand, and the Emergence of the Post-Cold War Order in Europe
by Julie Newton - 321-346 Russia in the European Home? Convergence, Cosmopolitanism and Cosmism in Late Soviet Europeanisation
by Kristian Petrov - 347-369 The 1989 Revolutions in Retrospect
by Adrian Pop - 370-372 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2013, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-25 Russia, the West and the 2007–2008 Electoral Cycle: Did the Kremlin Really Fear a ‘Coloured Revolution’?
by Peter Duncan - 26-44 Social Inequality and Assessments of Democracy and the Market: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
by Stephen Whitefield & Matthew Loveless - 45-74 The Development of Pensioners’ Interest Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe: A Comparison of the Czech and Slovene Cases
by Seán Hanley - 75-101 Principal, Agent or Bystander? Governance and Leadership in Chinese and Russian Villages
by Fumiki Tahara - 102-126 The Russian March: Investigating the Symbolic Dimension of Political Performance in Modern Russia
by Denis Zuev - 127-146 Reckoning with the Communist Past in Romania: A Scorecard
by Lavinia Stan
2012, Volume 64, Issue 10
- 1811-1821 Introduction to Special Section ‘Location, Agency and Change in Provincial Russia’
by Francesca Stella & Sophie Mamattah & Vikki Turbine - 1822-1846 The Politics of In/Visibility: Carving Out Queer Space in Ul'yanovsk
by Francesca Stella - 1847-1869 Locating Women's Human Rights in Post-Soviet Provincial Russia
by Vikki Turbine - 1870-1892 Young Married Women in the Russian Countryside: Women's Networks, Communication and Power
by Irina Kosterina - 1893-1910 Russian Educational Reform and the Introduction of the Unified State Exam. A View from the Provinces
by Evgeniya Luk'yanova - 1911-1937 Locating Ethnic Identity: Russian German Identity Construction in Ul’yanovsk
by Sophie Mamattah
2012, Volume 64, Issue 9
- 1611-1624 Many Faces of the Caucasus
by Nino Kemoklidze & Cerwyn Moore & Jeremy Smith & Galina Yemelianova - 1625-1649 The Origins and Trajectory of the Caucasian Conflicts
by Vicken Cheterian - 1650-1666 Securing the South Caucasus: Military Aspects of Russian Policy towards the Region since 2008
by Tracey German - 1667-1683 Young Soldiers' Tales of War in Nagorno-Karabakh
by Nona Shahnazarian & Ulrike Ziemer - 1684-1708 Co-optation or Empowerment? The Fate of Pro-Democracy NGOs after the Rose Revolution
by Brian Grodsky - 1709-1723 A Broken Region: The Persistent Failure of Integration Projects in the South Caucasus
by Thomas De Waal - 1724-1738 Re-thinking Citizenship in the South Caucasus
by Lale Yalçin-Heckmann - 1739-1757 Re-making a Frontier Community or Defending Ethnic Boundaries? The Caucasus in Cossack Identity
by Anton Popov - 1758-1779 Post-Soviet Ethnic Relations in Stavropol'skii , Russia: ‘A Melting Pot or Boiling Shaft’?
by Andrew Foxall - 1780-1807 Suicide Bombing: Chechnya, the North Caucasus and Martyrdom
by Cerwyn Moore - 1808-1810 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2012, Volume 64, Issue 8
- 1349-1355 Introduction: New Media in New Europe-Asia
by Jeremy Morris & Natalia Rulyova & Vlad Strukov - 1356-1374 Mundane Citizenship: New Media and Civil Society in Bulgaria
by Maria Bakardjieva - 1375-1394 The Role of Social Networking Sites in Civic Activism in Russia and Finland
by Boris Gladarev & Markku Lonkila - 1395-1414 From Blogging Central Asia to Citizen Media: A Practitioners’ Perspective on the Evolution of the Blog Project
by Cai Wilkinson & Yelena Jetpyspayeva - 1415-1434 Blog Medvedev: Aiming for Public Consent
by Dmitry Yagodin - 1435-1459 Blogging for the Sake of the President: The Online Diaries of Russian Governors
by Florian Toepfl - 1460-1485 Political Challengers or Political Outcasts?: Comparing Online Communication for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the British Liberal Democrats
by Sarah Oates - 1486-1504 Contesting Bulgaria’s Past Through New Media: Latin, Cyrillic and Politics
by Orlin Spassov - 1505-1523 Ukrainian Nation Branding Off-line and Online: Verka Serduchka at the Eurovision Song Contest
by Galina Miazhevich - 1524-1545 Blogging the Other: Construction of National Identities in the Blogosphere
by Natalia Rulyova & Taras Zagibalov - 1546-1564 Learning How to Shoot Fish on the Internet: New Media in the Russian Margins as Facilitating Immediate and Parochial Social Needs
by Jeremy Morris - 1565-1583 Co-opting Transmedia Consumers: User Content as Entertainment or ‘Free Labour’? The Cases of . and
by Natalia Sokolova - 1584-1604 Spatial Imagining and Ideology of Digital Commemoration (Russian Online Gaming)
by Vlad Strukov - 1605-1607 List of Contributors
by The Editors
2012, Volume 64, Issue 7
- 1165-1189 Writing Russia's Future: Paradigms, Drivers, and Scenarios
by Edwin Bacon - 1191-1218 Legacies of EU Conditionality: Explaining Post-Accession Adherence to Pre-Accession Rules on Roma
by Melanie Ram - 1219-1237 Who’s Socialising Whom? Regional Organisations and Contested Norms in Central Asia
by David Lewis - 1239-1270 Before National Communism: Joining the Latvian Komsomol under Stalin
by Geoffrey Swain - 1271-1296 Parent States Secessionist Entities: Measuring Political Legitimacy in Cyprus, Moldova and Bosnia & Hercegovina
by Eiki Berg - 1297-1322 Russia’s Climate Policy: International Bargaining and Domestic Modernisation
by Laura Henry & Lisa Sundstrom - 1323-1324 Politics, Murder, and Love in Stalin's Kremlin: The Story of Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina
by Anders Åslund - 1324-1325 Communism in Russia: An Interpretive Essay
by Luke March - 1326-1327 The EU–Russia Strategic Partnership: The Limits of Post-Sovereignty in International Relations
by Anna Krózser - 1327-1329 Constructing Grievance: Ethnic Nationalism in Russia's Republics
by Raymond Taras - 1329-1330 Sovereignty After Empire: Comparing the Middle East and Central Asia
by Alexander Wolters - 1331-1332 The New Central Asia: The Regional Impact of International Actors
by Dilshod Achilov - 1332-1334 All This is Your World: Soviet Tourism at Home and Abroad After Stalin
by Rasa BaloČkaitĖ - 1334-1335 Death and Redemption: The Gulag and the Shaping of Soviet Society
by Elena Katz - 1335-1337 Russian Imperialism and Naval Power: Military Strategy and the Build-up to the Russo-Japanese War
by Steven Main - 1337-1338 Erinnern an den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Mahnmale und Museen in Mittel- und Osteuropa
by Felix Münch - 1339-1340 Dacha Idylls: Living Organically in Russia's Countryside
by Irina Mukhina - 1340-1342 The European Union and Interregionalism: Patterns of Engagement
by Lena Sucker - 1343-1344 List of Contributors
by The Editors - 1345-1345 Books Received
by The Editors