July 2004, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 439-450 Some results on optimality in models with heteroscedastic errors from partial optimum designs
by Carmelo Rodríguez & Isabel Ortiz & Ignacio Martínez - 451-456 Problemsection
by Heinz Neudecker & Götz Trenkler - 457-460 Book reviews
by Philipp Sibbertsen & Roland Schultze & Ricardo Maronna
April 2004, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 139-173 Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for interval-censored data
by Guadalupe Gómez & M. Calle & Ramon Oller - 175-190 New biased estimators under the LINEX loss function
by Fikri Akdeniz - 191-210 Plug-in bandwidth choice for estimation of nonparametric part in partial linear regression models with strong mixing errors
by Germán Aneiros-Pérez - 211-229 A bias analysis of Weibull models under heaped data
by Thomas Augustin & Joachim Wolff - 231-248 Improving ratio-type quantile estimates in a finite population
by M. Rueda & A. Arcos - 249-266 Implementing unit roost tests in ARMA models of unknow order
by Ismael Sánchez - 267-278 Simple detection of outlying short time series
by Vassiliki Karioti & Chrysseis Caroni - 279-286 Estimation of a normal mean relative to balanced loss functions
by N. Farsipour & A. Asgharzadeh - 287-295 Simple random sample equivalent survey designs reducing undesirable units from a finite population
by Horng-Jinh Chang & Chih-Li Wang & Kuo-Chung Huang - 297-301 Problemsection
by Heinz Neudecker - 303-307 Book reviews
by Ricardo Maronna & Christian Kleiber & Olaf Schoffer
January 2004, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-14 Global and multiple test procedures using ordered p-values—a review
by Gudrun Bernhard & Markus Klein & Gerhard Hommel - 15-31 Measuring robustness for weighted distributions: Bayesian perspective
by Younshik Chung & Chansoo Kim - 33-50 Bayesian methods for contingency tables using Gibbs sampling
by Paul Green & Taesung Park - 51-66 A cautionary note on the analysis of randomized block designs with a few missing values
by Devan Mehrotra - 67-80 On geometry of the set of admissible invariant quadratic estimators in balanced two variance components model
by Konrad Neumann & Stefan Zontek - 81-95 A triparametric discrete distribution with complex parameters
by José Rodríguez-Avi & Antonio Conde-Sánchez & Antonio Sáez-Castillo & María Olmo-Jiménez - 97-109 Identification of models using failure rate and mean residual life of doubly truncated random variables
by P. Sankaran & S. Sunoj - 111-122 The geometrical interpretation of statistical tests in multivariate linear regression
by Øyvind Langsrud - 123-131 Alternative boundaries for CUSUM tests
by Achim Zeileis - 133-135 Book reviews
by Sibylle Sturtz & Ricardo Maronna & Peter Hackl
October 2003, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 455-468 Nonparametric confidence and tolerance intervals from record values data
by J. Ahmadi & N. Arghami - 469-482 The finite-sample performance of robust unit root tests
by Kai Carstensen - 483-497 An approximation to the generalized hypergeometric distribution
by Eisuke Hida & Masafumi Akahira - 499-518 General affine transform families: why is the Pareto an exponential transform?
by Werner Hürlimann - 521-534 A test for uniformity based on informational energy
by M. Pardo - 535-554 R-charts for the exponential, Laplace and logistic processes
by C. Sim & W. Wong - 555-579 Imputation by power transformation
by Sarjinder Singh & Balbinder Deo - 581-595 On dependency in double-hurdle models
by Murray Smith - 601-604 Book reviews
by Ricardo Maronna & Philipp Sibbertsen & Olaf Hübler
July 2003, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 301-313 UMVU estimation of the reliability function of the generalized life distributions
by Ajit Chaturvedi & Sanjeev Tomer - 315-334 Estimators of the multiple correlation coefficient: Local robustness and confidence intervals
by Cristophe Croux & Catherine Dehon - 335-348 Identification of outliers in a one-way random effects model
by Jürgen Wellmann & Ursula Gather - 349-366 Asymptotic approximations for the distributions of the Kø-divergence goodness-of-fit statistics
by T. Pérez & J. Pardo - 367-382 Estimation of the mean of the exponential distribution using moving extremes ranked set sampling
by Mohammad Al-Saleh & Said Al-Hadhrami - 383-396 Tests for the order of integration against higher order integration
by Dong Shin & Man-Suk Oh - 397-419 On conditional sampling strategies
by Janusz Wywiał - 421-432 Relative efficiency of OLSE and COTE for seasonal autoregressive disturbances
by Roland Jeske & Seuck Song - 433-442 A family of shrinkage estimators for the square of mean in normal distribution
by Housila Singh & Sushil Shukla - 443-446 Problem section
by Norbert Schmitz - 447-450 Book reviews
by Christian Kleiber & Ricardo Maronna & Hans Daduna
April 2003, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 151-167 Higher order moments of order statistics from INID exponential random variables
by Aaron Childs - 169-182 Nonsense regressions due to neglected time-varying means
by Uwe Hassler - 183-201 Strong convergence rate of the least median absolute estimator in linear regression models
by W. Ip & Ying Yang & P. Kwan & Y. Kwan - 203-216 Estimation of unimodal densities based on the FQ-System
by Axel Scheffner & Ralf Runde - 217-232 Estimation of regression models with equi-correlated responses when some observations on the response variable are missing
by H. Toutenburg & Shalabh - 233-248 A modified generalized mixed regression estimator when disturbances are nonnormal
by Sanjay Verma & R. Singh - 249-256 Admissibility of estimators in the non-regular family under entropy loss function
by N. Farsipour - 257-266 On best affine prediction
by Heinz Neudecker & Albert Satorra - 267-278 Estimation of finite population parameters with several realizations
by M. Espejo & M. Pineda & S. Nadarajah - 279-288 A note on closure of the ILR and DLR classes under formation of coherent systems
by Manuel Franco & M. Ruiz & José Ruiz - 289-289 Redundant observations at testing i.i.d. random variables
by Jörg Konopka & Norbert Schmitz - 293-296 Book reviews
by Christian Kleiber & Heinz Skala & Götz Trenkler
January 2003, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-22 Size and power of some cointegration tests under structural breaks and heteroskedastic noise
by Rune Höglund & Ralf Östermark - 23-45 On influence diagnostic in univariate elliptical linear regression models
by Manuel Galea & Gilberto Paula & Miguel Uribe-Opazo - 47-65 Maximum likelihood estimators in regression models with infinite variance innovations
by Vygantas Paulaauskas & Svetlozar Rachev - 67-88 A new class of discrete distributions with complex parameters
by José Rodríguez-Avi & Antonio Conde-Sánchez & Antonio Sáez-Castillo - 89-105 The effects of different choices of order for autoregressive approximation on the Gaussian likelihood estimates for ARMA models
by M. Salau - 107-115 Relative squared error prediction in the generalized linear regression model
by Bernhard Arnold & Peter Stahlecker - 117-124 On the use of the Stein variance estimator in the double k-class estimator when each individual regression coefficient is estimated
by Akio Namba - 125-130 A generalized Pearson system useful in reliability analysis
by P. Sankaran & N. Nair & T. Sindhu - 131-140 Conditional moments of record times
by A. Stepanov - 144-146 Book reviews
by Peter Hackl & Krämer & Ricardo Maronna
October 2002, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 467-506 Invariant tests for multivariate normality: a critical review
by Norbert Henze - 507-523 Forecasting a class of doubly stochastic Poisson processes
by P. Bouzas & A. Aguilera & M. Valderrama - 525-536 Estimation of the correlation coefficient in probability proportional to size with replacement sampling
by Jai Gupta - 537-550 The product and quotient of general beta distributions
by T. Pham-Gia & N. Turkkan - 551-566 BLUP in the panel regression model with spatially and serially correlated error components
by Seuck Song & Byoung Jung - 567-577 Is a small Monte Carlo analysis a good analysis?
by Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza - 579-585 Statistical inference for two Markov binomial models with applications
by Monica Dumitrescu - 587-593 Bayesian prediction for progressively censored data from the Burr model
by M. Mousa & Z. Jaheen - 595-602 Redundant observations at testing i.i.d. random variables
by Jörg Konopka & Norbert Schmitz - 607-609 Book reviews
by Jürgen Groβ & Olaf Schoffer & Christian Kleiber
July 2002, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 311-322 Critical time distribution of the mixture inverse Gaussian hazard rate
by Olcay Akman & Prashant Sansgiry - 323-336 Reliability estimation of a repairable standby redundant system
by Pradip Bhuyan & Pranita Sarmah - 337-347 Simultaneous prediction intervals for multiple comparisons with a standard
by Siu Cheung & Ka Wu & Siok Lim - 349-359 The construction of data to reflect the research objective, and how randomisation tests make such data usable
by T. Hutchinson & D. Cairns & E. Chekaluk - 361-377 ASN-minimax double sampling plans for variables
by Benno Feldmann & Wolf Krumbholz - 379-399 Indirect estimation of (latent) linear models with ordinal regressors A Monte Carlo study and some empirical illustrations
by Martin Kukuk - 401-422 Nonparametric monitoring of financial time series by jump-preserving control charts
by Ansgar Steland - 423-433 Prediction of response values in linear regression models from replicated experiments
by H. Toutenburg & Shalabh - 435-443 Cointegration in VAR(1) process: Characterization and testing
by Umberto Triacca - 445-452 A note on LeCam’s bound for the distance between the Poisson binomial and the Poisson distribution
by Michael Weba - 459-462 Book reviews
by Götz Trenkler & Christian Kleiber & Peter Hackl & Ricardo Maronna
April 2002, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 161-175 Mean square prediction error for long-memory processes
by Luisa Bisaglia & Silvano Bordignon - 177-196 Properties of Honda’s test of random individual effects in non-linear regressions
by Erling Häggström - 197-235 Small sample properties of tests on homogeneity in one—way Anova and Meta—analysis
by Joachim Hartung & Dogan Argaç & Kepher Makambi - 237-255 Parameter estimation with grouped data according to the linearization method — a comparison with alternative approaches
by Max Jöhnk & Stefan Niermann - 257-271 Testing homogeneity of control and treatment populations — local optimality and related issues
by K. Raman & T. Surairajan - 273-284 Confidence intervals for the difference of means: application to the Behrens-Fisher type problem
by Masafumi Akahira - 285-290 Point and interval estimators in a binomial-Poisson compound distribution
by José Ocerin & José Pérez - 291-299 Improved estimators for the selected location parameters
by P. Vellaisamy & Abraham Punnen - 303-306 Book reviews
by Gabriele Widmann & Peter Hackl & Ricardo Maronna & Christian Kleiber
January 2002, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-3 General introduction to this special issue on Choquet integral and applications
by Alain Chateauneuf & Michéle Cohen & Dieter Denneberg - 5-22 Expected utility within a generalized concept of probability — a comprehensive framework for decision making under ambiguity
by Thomas Augustin - 23-35 Max-min (σ-)additiye representation of monotone measures
by Martin Brüning & Dieter Denneberg - 37-52 The symmetric and asymmetric Choquet integrals on finite spaces for decision making
by Michel Grabisch & Christophe Labreuche - 53-73 Using Choquet integral in economics
by Stanislaw Heilpern - 75-93 Exact functionals and their core
by Sebastian Maaβ - 95-110 Tools for decision making under imprecise risk
by Fabrice Philippe - 111-125 Information and capacities
by Jean-Christophe Vergnaud - 127-136 Sharing beliefs and the absence of betting in the Choquet expected utility model
by Antoine Billot & Alain Chateauneuf & Itzhak Gilboa & Jean-Marc Tallou - 137-142 A Lusin theorem for a class of Choquet capacities
by Adriana Castaldo & Massimo Marinacci - 143-151 Learning from ambiguous urns
by Massimo Marinacci - 153-156 Book reviews
by Ricardo Maronna & Leonhard Knorr-Held
October 2001, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 423-436 Out-of-sample forecast errors in misspecific perturbed long memory processes
by Miguel Arranz & Francesc Marmol - 437-450 A compound Rayleigh survival model and its application to randomly censored data
by M. Ghitany - 451-473 On the comparison of the pre-test and shrinkage estimators for the univariate normal mean
by Shahjahan Khan & A. Saleh - 475-487 Some statistical properties of Hadamard products of random matrices
by Heinz Neudecker & Shuangzhe Liu - 489-503 A note on determining the number of outliers in an exponential sample by least squares procedure
by Jong-Wuu Wu - 505-515 On constructing almost unbiased estimators of finite population mean using transformed auxiliary variable
by Horng-Jinh Chang & Kuo-Chung Huang - 517-527 Note on the bias in the estimation of the serial correlation coefficient of AR(1) processes
by Manfred Mudelsee - 529-533 Statistical properties of the Hadamard product of random vectors
by Heinz Neudecker & Shuangzhe Liu - 537-541 Book reviews
by Christian Kleiber & Gabriele Widmann & Walter Krämer & Christian Kleiber
July 2001, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 283-283 Editorial
by H. Neudecker & Risto Heijmans - 285-299 An approximate confidence interval for the scale parameter of the gamma distribution based on grouped data
by Zhenmin Chen & Jie Mi - 301-312 Precedence tests and Lehmann alternatives
by Paul Laan & Subha Chakraborti - 313-328 Csiszar’s ϕ-divergences for testing the order in a Markov chain
by M. Menéndez & J. Pardo & L. Pardo - 329-351 Mixed linear regression with equi-cross-correlated errors
by Egmar Rödel - 353-373 Generalized minimum distance estimators of a linear model with correlated errors
by J. Fernández & W. Manteiga - 375-386 Comparison of regression estimators using Pitman measures of nearness
by Eshetu Wencheko - 387-393 On characterizing mixtures of some life distributions
by Bovas Abraham & N. Nair - 395-402 Characterizations through reliability measures from weighted distributions
by J. Navarro & Y. Aguila & J. Ruiz - 403-411 Estimation of mean and variance of stigmatized quantitative variable using distinct units in randomized response sampling
by Sarjinder Singh & Munir Mahmood & D. Tracy - 415-418 Book reviews
by Iris Pigeot & Götz Trenkler & Götz Trenkler
April 2001, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 143-169 The quincunx: history and mathematics
by Joachim Kunert & Astrid Montag & Sigrid Pöhlmann - 171-185 On distributions of exceedances associated with order statistics and record values for arbitrary distributions
by Ismihan Bairamov & Samuel Kotz - 187-206 Order statistics from non-identical right-truncated Lomax random variables with applications
by Aaron Childs & N. Balakrishnan & Mohamed Moshref - 207-223 The EWMA-X-S-control chart and its performance in the case of precise and imprecise data
by Dietmar Stemann & Claus Weihs - 225-242 On the characterization of generalized extreme value, power function, generalized Pareto and classical Pareto distributions by conditional expectation of record values
by Jong-Wuu Wu & Wen-Chuan Lee - 243-252 The 50% breakdown point in simultaneous M-estimation of location and scale
by Despina Dasiou & Chronis Moyssiadis - 253-263 The equality of OLS and GLS estimators in the linear regression model when the disturbances are spatially correlated
by Butte Gotu - 265-273 Error rates in classification consisting of discrete and continuous variables in the presence of covariates
by Chi-Ying Leung - 274-278 Book reviews
by Siegfried Heiler & Wolfgang Polasek & Christian Kleiber & Gerd Ronning
January 2001, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-52 Nonparametric methods in factorial designs
by Edgar Brunner & Madan Puri - 53-79 Estimating the locations and number of change points by the sample-splitting method
by Terence Chong - 81-96 MSE performance of the 2SHI estimator in a regression model with multivariate t error terms
by Akio Namba - 97-99 Pooling states in the multinomial logit model: degrees of freedom. A correction
by Jan Cramer & G. Ridder - 101-110 Characterizations of discrete distributions based on conditional expectations of record values
by Manuel Franco & José Ruiz - 111-122 Estimating functions in the Bayesian paradigm
by Martin William & T. Durairajan - 123-133 Characterizations of generalized mixtures of geometric and exponential distributions based on upper record values
by Jong-Wuu Wu - 134-138 Book reviews
by Michael Hauser & Götz Trenkler & Ricardo Maronna & Walter Krämer & Peter Hackl & Walter Krämer