July 1994, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 176-183 International environmental standards: Considerations on principles and procedures
by Jörn Altmann - 184-193 How to manage tropical forests more sustainably: The case of Indonesia
by Rainer Thiele - 194-198 The sustainable development approach
by Günter Vornholz - 199-206 Multinational companies in the EU and European Works Councils
by Christoph Dörrenbächer & Michael Wortmann
May 1994, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 105-106 Quo vadis EU?
by Otto Mayer - 107-115 The new World Trade Organization: Pacemaker for world trade?
by Harald Großmann & Georg Koopmann & Axel Michaelowa - 115-121 South Africa’s economic prospects after the elections
by Bernd Schnatz - 122-130 The end of full employment? On economic development in industrialized countries
by Eileen Appelbaum & Ronald Schettkat - 131-138 The internationalization of emerging stock markets
by Peter Cornelius - 139-146 Export promotion in the context of technical cooperation
by Stephan Opitz - 147-156 Trends, economic policies and systemic changes in the three Baltic states
by Klaus Bolz & Andreas Polkowski
March 1994, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 53-54 The mixed blessings of enlargement
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 55-58 Reforming the European Monetary System
by Manfred Neumann - 59-67 The single market and EMS instability
by Paul Welfens - 68-74 The EMS crisis and the prospects for European Monetary Union
by Adalbert Winkler - 75-77 “Damocles shadowing”
by Heinrich Matthes - 78-83 A European perspective on public debt
by Winfried Horstmann - 84-91 Trade and competition policies in an increasingly integrated world economy
by Phedon Nicolaides - 92-97 The “Third World” in the 1990s
by Heiko Körner - 98-102 German direct investment: Marked structural change
by Axel Halbach
January 1994, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-2 Uruguay Round: All well that ends well?
by Harald Großmann - 3-10 Germany's international competitiveness
by Erhard Kantzenbach - 10-17 Germany's international competitive position under siege
by Michael Frenkel - 18-25 Options in foreign economic relations for Central and Eastern Europe
by Michael Dauderstädt - 26-32 Not tax havens, havens for transnational invisible trade enterprise
by Anthony Johns - 33-37 The crazy economics of air freight
by Jack Eaton - 37-42 Can the international debt strategy use the concept of corporate compositions?
by Jochen Böhmer - 43-48 Adjustment in Eastern Europe to EU environmental requirements
by Alexi Danchev - 49-52 World economy taking a turn for the better
by Günter Großer & Günter Weinert
November 1993, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 261-262 Development policy lessons for Eastern Europe
by Bernhard Fischer - 263-268 Unilateral action by the EC against unfair trade practices
by Harald Großmann - 269-278 Future prospects for the CFA Franc Zone
by Robert Kappel - 279-284 The North American trade region
by Harald Proff - 285-292 The role of NGOs in development cooperation
by Rodger Wegner - 293-301 Adjusting adjustment
by Jürgen Zattler - 302-308 The liberalization in the EC’s telecommunications sector and its effects
by Christine Borrmann
September 1993, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 205-206 From the old to the new EMS
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 207-214 The US-EC confrontation in the GATT from an EC perspective
by Eckart Guth & Tonia Pankopf - 215-221 Barriers in services trade: The state of negotiations and prospects
by Siegfried Schultz - 222-230 A second look at the Maastricht Treaty
by Klaus Reeh - 231-240 System transformation and environmental policy
by Maria Welfens - 241-250 Financial liberalisation and sustained interest differentials
by Bernhard Fischer - 251-258 The German economy in international competition with other locations
by Michael Heise
July 1993, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 157-158 Glimmer of hope for the Uruguay Round
by Harald Großmann - 159-169 Ecological aspects of structural change
by Martin Jänicke & Harald Mönch & Manfred Binder - 170-177 Old habits die hard
by Martin Raiser - 178-182 The Black Sea economic cooperation zone
by Werner Gumpel - 183-187 The liberalisation of air transport: Lessons from the USA
by Sabine Cornelius & Wilhelm Pfähler - 188-190 How companies overcome barriers to overseas business
by Murray Weidenbaum - 191-197 China’s open-door policy and its significance for transformation of the economic system
by Armin Bohnet & Zhong Hong & Frank Müller - 198-202 Latin America’s Competitive edge in Europe
by Bernhard Fischer
May 1993, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 105-106 World economy still in the doldrums
by Günter Großer - 107-110 Twenty years of flexible exchange rates: Experiences and developments
by Beate Reszat - 111-117 The financing of the community after the Edinburgh European Council
by Peter Zangl - 118-125 Recent trends in foreign direct investment
by Rolf Jungnickel - 126-131 Foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe
by Rolf Alter & Frédéric Wehrlé - 132-137 Financing the global environment
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 138-143 Factors influencing price developments of commodities
by Evita Schmieg - 144-152 Russia’s foreign trade and the economic reforms
by Klaus Werner
March 1993, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 53-54 Another lap in the international subsidy race?
by Manfred Weilepp - 55-60 Lessons from three oil shocks
by Klaus Matthies - 61-68 Sustainability of national debt in Europe
by Friedrich Heinemann - 69-73 The effects of Turkish accession to the EC on population and the labour market
by Elmar Hönekopp - 73-78 Credibility of government policy: Lessons for economies in transition
by Norbert Funke - 79-86 Multilateral rules on foreign direct investment
by Phedon Nicolaides - 87-94 Aspects of regional rural development
by Karl Fasbender - 95-102 The reality and the rhetoric of free trade in services
by Neil Karunaratne
January 1993, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-2 The single market — A case of mislabelling?
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 3-10 Europeanizing the labour market: Employee mobility and company recruiting methods
by Ulrich Walwei & Heinz Werner - 11-16 Credibility, currency convertibility and the stabilisation of the rouble
by Volker Hofmann & Friedrich Sell - 16-21 Eastern Germany's quality as a business location
by Michael Krakowski & Dirk Lau & Andreas Lux - 22-30 The increasing role of the private sector in Asian industrial development
by Wilfried Lütkenhorst & Jürgen Reinhardt - 30-34 The case for debt-forgiveness for Latin America and the Caribbean countries
by Ramesh Garg - 35-43 The african debt crisis and the challenge of development
by Uka Ezenwe - 44-48 Financial opening in developing countries
by Bernhard Fischer & Helmut Reisen - 49-52 The world economy still at risk
by Günter Großer & Günter Weinert
November 1992, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 253-254 Final curtain for the Uruguay round?
by Georg Koopmann - 255-260 The road to a market economy
by Dieter Lösch - 261-268 The financial system in post-communist countries: the Polish lessons
by Zbigniew Polański - 269-273 Industrial policy in an interdependent world
by Phedon Nicolaides - 274-281 Regional bloc formation and world trade
by Diana Brand - 282-288 Foreign investment as a factor in Asian Pacific integration
by Axel Borrmann & Rolf Jungnickel - 289-300 Theoretical and empirical foundations of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s monetary targeting
by Otmar Issing
September 1992, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 201-202 Lessons from the currency storms
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 203-209 Full currency convertibility in Eastern Europe?
by Bernhard Fischer & Helmut Reisen - 210-214 Management buy-outs as an instrument of privatization in Eastern Europe
by Harald Sondhof & Markus Stahl - 215-222 Agriculture in Europe: New challenges ahead
by Eckart Guth - 223-229 Conflicts between antidumping and antitrust law in the EC
by Ingo Schmidt & Sabine Richard - 230-236 Global financial liberalisation GATT, EC and OECD approaches
by Ulrike Dennig - 237-240 The world economy at the crossroads
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 241-244 Finance for development and islamic banking
by David Cobham - 245-250 Euro-Asian trade: The stepchild in triadic relations takes over
by Friedrich Kirchbach
July 1992, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 149-150 A chance lost
by Günter Weinert - 151-156 EC Agricultural reform ad infinitum?
by Ulrich Koester & Stephan Cramon-Taubadel - 157-164 Environmental damage and the question of liability
by Cora Wacker-Theodorakopoulos & Christoph Kreienbaum - 165-173 Free trade and protection of the environment: Is the GATT in need of reform?
by Margareta Kulessa - 174-181 German unification in perspective
by Paul Welfens - 182-189 Strategic trade policy for Eastern Europe
by Franz Lang - 190-198 Management strategies of multinationals in developing countries
by Eberhard Liebau & Philipp Wahnschaffe
May 1992, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 101-102 EC: Challenge from the East
by Otto Mayer - 103-107 Do we need a strategic high technology policy?
by Konrad Seitz - 107-111 Do we need a strategic industrial policy à la MITI?
by Michael Glos - 111-117 Should Europe provide selective assistance for key industries?
by Dietmar Keller - 119-123 The EBRD: Redundant, or an important actor in the transformation of Eastern Europe?
by Cord Jakobeit - 124-132 The creation of regional blocs in the world economy
by Frans Buelens - 133-138 New technologies and developing countries: Prospects and potential
by Katherin Marton & Rana Singh - 139-144 The drugs economy and anti-drug policy in developing countries
by Rasul Shams
March 1992, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 49-50 CIS: A new challenge for the IMF
by Petra Pissulla - 51-56 Europe after Maastricht— Have the monetary questions been settled?
by Norbert Berthold - 57-61 Is the European Community facing a fresh financial crisis?
by Gerhard Stahl - 62-69 The 1992 Community budget — A sound basis for Community finances?
by Walter Deffaa - 70-74 The future of value-added taxation in the European Community
by P. Spahn - 75-85 Poverty, environment and development
by Udo Simonis - 86-93 Environmental protection and economic policy decisions in developing countries
by Christian Uhlig - 94-98 Tax reforms in developing countries
by Karl Menck
January 1992, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-2 Russia and the CIS in danger?
by Klaus Bolz - 3-8 UNCED: No consensus on combating the greenhouse effect?
by Harald Sondhof - 9-15 Debt-for-nature swaps: Axing the debt instead of the forests
by Antonie Bauer & Gerhard Illing - 16-19 The new challenge in Eastern Europe: Investment and restructuring
by Rolf Alter - 20-27 The role of the IMF and the World Bank in the former Eastern Bloc countries
by Karl-Heinz Kleine & Ernst Thien - 28-33 “Good governance”, democracy and development paradigms
by Hans Repnik & Ralf-Matthias Mohs - 34-37 Structural adjustment and African alternatives
by Bettina Musiolek - 38-44 Scandinavia's monetary convergence with the European Community
by Bernhard Duijm & Bettina Nürk - 45-48 Delayed recovery of the world economy
by Günter Großer & Günter Weinert
November 1991, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 257-258 A (West) European Economic Area
by Georg Koopmann - 259-264 European Monetary Union: No field for political compromise
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 264-273 Economic Policy within a European Monetary Union
by Alfred Pfaller - 274-280 Import market penetration in services
by Rolf Langhammer - 281-286 The development finance challenges facing Latin America in the 1990s
by Jürgen Westphalen - 286-295 Free trade in Latin America: A successful way out of crisis?
by Diana Brand - 296-304 The economics of German Unification reconsidered
by Ullrich Heilemann
September 1991, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 205-206 USSR in need of Western aid
by Klaus Bolz - 207-213 Regional disintegration in the Soviet Union: Economic costs and benefits
by Daniel Gros - 214-222 Economic reforms in Eastern Europe: Basic problems, options and opportunities
by Paul Welfens - 223-229 Short-run effects of economic reforms in Eastern Economies
by Franz Lang - 230-235 Least developed countries—Newly defined
by Udo Simonis - 236-243 The human development index—A new development indicator?
by Harald Trabold-Nübler - 244-247 Fairness and the EC budget: Is Spain tilting at windmills?
by Roger Bowles & Philip Jones - 248-254 Job placement in Europe
by Ulrich Walwei
July 1991, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 149-150 A victory for economic reason
by Dieter Lösch - 151-158 The road to European Economic and Monetary Union
by Helmut Schlesinger - 159-166 The hard ECU — A substitute for the D-Mark or a trojan horse?
by Rolf Hasse & Thomas Koch - 167-172 A “hard” or “hardened” ECU for Europe?
by Wolfgang Filc - 173-176 Anti-competitive effects of trade policy
by Phedon Nicolaides - 177-186 Traded services in the GATT — What’s all the fuss about?
by Stefan Voigt - 187-191 Competitive prospects in Eastern Europe
by Jan Winiecki - 192-202 Southern Europe facing the single market’s completion
by Heinz-Jürgen Axt
May 1991, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 97-98 World economic recovery on the horizon
by Günter Großer - 99-102 The path to European Monetary Union
by Siegfried Utzig - 103-107 Issues in privatisation
by Holger Schmieding - 108-114 Monetary policy in the transition to a market economy: The case of Hungary
by Thomas Apolte - 115-121 Exchange-rate strategies in developing countries
by Renate Ohr - 122-127 Political conditions attached to development aid for Africa
by Rolf Hofmeier - 128-138 National differences in telecommunications R&D in Europe
by Thomas Schnöring - 139-144 The internationalization of corporate research and development
by Christoph Dörrenbächer & Michael Wortmann
March 1991, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 49-50 Oil price surprises
by Klaus Matthies - 51-57 Trade as an engine of growth: The lewis versus riedel controversy revisited
by Ivar Bredesen & Susann Strobel - 58-63 Old wine in new bottles: Agricultural protectionism in the EC
by Monika Hartmann - 64-67 The advantages of a small European Monetary Union
by Lukas Menkhoff & Friedrich Sell - 69-73 The Brady Plan and adjustment incentives
by Helmut Reisen - 74-81 The creditworthiness and international payment ability of sovereign states
by Anton Müller - 82-87 Debt-for-nature swaps: A review of the first experiences
by Jens Rosebrock & Harald Sondhof - 88-94 Restoring the growth potential of formerly centrally planned economies
by Hubert Gabrisch
January 1991, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-2 Doubts about help for the Soviet Union
by Klaus Bolz - 3-10 Regionalisation versus regionalism— Problems of change in the world economy
by Detlef Lorenz - 10-18 International effects of German unification
by Paul Welfens - 19-24 Does EMU need stage two?
by Stefan Hack & Wolfgang Maennig - 25-31 Fixed-term contracts in EC countries
by Ulrich Walwei - 32-40 The external debt situation of the least developed countries
by Piritta Sorsa - 41-44 Future trends in international migration
by Heiko Körner - 45-48 World economic slowdown
by Günter Großer & Günter Weinert
November 1990, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 265-266 A second attempt at Economic and Monetary Union
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 267-273 The economics of antidumping and the Uruguay Round
by Michael Davenport - 273-279 Anti-dumping measures as safeguards: the case of the EC
by Phedon Nicolaides - 280-288 Turning point for European Agricultural Policy?
by Stephan Cramon-Taubadel & Ralf Kühl - 289-292 The social charter as a counterpart to the single European market?
by Dirk Meyer - 293-299 The social market economy: an export for the Third World?
by Karl Fasbender & Manfred Holthus - 300-306 Socialism in Africa
by Dieter Lösch - 307-312 International competition between stock exchanges
by Bernd Walgenbach
September 1990, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 213-214 European Monetary Union—Why, when and how?
by Otto Mayer - 215-219 Mutual recognition of national regulations in the EC
by Jochen Michaelis - 220-228 Liberalization strategies for free trade in services
by Henning Knorr & Andreas Tegge - 229-237 Are EC-Japan-US Trade relations at the crossroads?
by Radha Sinha - 238-241 International financial markets: Control or liberalization?
by Gerhard Maier - 242-247 Is there a transfer of resources from developing to industrial countries?
by Rigmar Osterkamp - 248-252 Can the German “Economic Miracle” be repeated?
by Franz Lang - 253-256 The OPEC after thirty years
by Klaus Matthies - 257-262 Special economic zones in the People’s Republic of China
by Petra Pissula & Dieter Lösch
July 1990, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 161-162 Massive Western aid for the USSR?
by Dieter Lösch - 163-170 Policy dialogue between multilateral institutions and developing countries
by Otto Mayer - 171-175 Textiles and clothing in the Uruguay Round: Current situation and future perspectives
by Konrad Neundörfer - 176-178 The first stage of European Economic and Monetary Union
by Heinrich Matthes - 179-184 No significant impetus to greater economic policy co-ordination
by Bernhard Herz & Bettina Nürk - 185-192 Telecommunications in the Uruguay Round
by Christoph Dörrenbächer & Oliver Fischer - 193-201 The EC internal market, Lomé IV and the ACP countries
by Stefan Brüne - 202-204 On the problem of negative net financial transfers to developing countries: A reply
by Manfred Holthus - 205-210 Energy and oil in Eastern Europe— Status and prospects
by Jochen Mohnfeld - 211-212 The world economy in the summer of 1990
by Günter Großer