March 1999, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 101-104 Raw materials prices remain low
by Klaus Matthies
January 1999, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-2 EU: Pressing tasks
by Klaus Kwasniewski - 3-9 The economics of enlarging the European Union: Policy reform versus transfers
by Phedon Nicolaides - 10-18 Europe and the crisis
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 19-26 The Asian miracle and crisis
by Neil Karunaratne - 27-38 International investment rules and capital mobility
by Brigid Gavin & Jerôme Haegeli - 39-45 ‘New economics’?
by Jørgen Nielsen - 47-52 World economic situation remains precarious
by Günter Weinert
November 1998, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 249-250 IMF under fire
by Otto Mayer - 251-259 Climate policy and interest Groups—A Public choice analysis
by Axel Michaelowa - 260-273 The political economy of climate policy-making in the European Union
by Alexandra Böckem - 274-288 Asymmetric shocks and EMU: Is there a need for a stability fund?
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 289-293 Currency board and crawling peg
by Axel Jochem - 294-298 Budget surpluses and social security reform: U.S. fiscal policy issues in 1998
by Jan Walliser - 299-304 Problems of measuring money supply in the Euro Area
by Ulrike Dennig
September 1998, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 201-202 Russia—A prosperous country, but when?
by Andreas Polkowski - 203-211 The deceptive allure of a Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement: A US perspective
by Claude Barfield - 212-222 How tensions between specific Chinese and American interests affect China's entry into the WTO
by Indira Gurbaxani & Sonja Opper - 223-229 The economic and currency crisis in South-East Asia
by Marcus Cieleback - 230-237 A politico-economic view of the debt-servicing capacity of emerging economies
by Arno Bäcker - 238-244 The East Asian model and the Baltic states
by George Viksnins - 245-248 Commodity prices continue to fall
by Klaus Matthies
July 1998, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 153-154 Critical developments in Japan
by Günter Weinert - 155-163 The Euro's place in the world monetary system
by Henrik Müller & Thomas Straubhaar - 164-170 Globalisation and the competitiveness of regional blocs
by Bernhard Fischer - 171-176 Trade policy and human rights
by Michael Leicht - 177-185 Aid and the real exchange rate: Dutch disease effects in African countries
by Isabell Adenauer & Laurence Vagassky - 186-194 Environmental policy and the inward investment position of US “dirty” industries
by Johan Albrecht - 195-200 Upturn overshadowed by asian crisis
by Eckhardt Wohlers
May 1998, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 101-102 Tasks facing the EMU eleven
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 103-111 Financing EU cohesion policy in Central and Eastern Europe
by Reiner Martin - 112-117 Facing the Euro: Prospects for growth or stagnation?
by Paul Welfens - 118-125 North Atlantic trade and investment links: For internal and external openness
by Georg Koopmann - 126-135 Goals, decision-making mechanisms and instruments in the Japanese-American trade conflict
by Gunther Schnabl & Indira Gurbaxani - 137-145 Waste without frontiers?
by Dieter Hecht & Nicola Werbeck - 146-152 Problems of international labour cost comparisons
by Jörg Hinze
March 1998, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 53-54 The transformation of financial landscapes
by Beate Reszat - 55-63 An economic analysis of the East Asia crisis
by Gerhard Aschinger - 64-72 Dealing with the Asian crisis
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 73-82 Sovereign credit ratings, emerging market risk and financial market volatility
by Helmut Reisen & Julia Maltzan - 83-85 Sovereign credit ratings, emerging market risk and financial market volatility: A commentary
by Bernd Schnatz - 86-92 Has the decline in the productivity of capital been halted?
by Thomas Weiß - 93-100 Regional development of German foreign trade in the 1990s
by Jörg Hinze
January 1998, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-2 Fifty years of GATT
by Harald Großmann - 3-10 The role of member states as rule-makers in the European Union
by Phedon Nicolaides - 11-19 Eastward enlargement—Benefits and costs of EU entry for the transition countries
by Patricia Bauer - 19-25 The explanatory value of neo-institutionalism: Some examples from development financing
by Bernd Zattler - 26-29 The “brain drain” from developing countries — An enduring problem
by Heiko Körner - 30-40 Partial privatisation: The caveats and expriences
by Piotr Jasiński - 41-45 Western privatisation assistance in the Russian Federation
by Harald Sondhof - 46-52 Increased risks for the world economy
by Günter Weinert
November 1997, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 257-258 Higher risks for the world economy
by Günter Weinert - 259-263 Nobel contingencies
by Beate Reszat - 264-271 Are trade and industrial policies still economically justifiable?
by Rasul Shams - 272-280 The end of financial services liberalisation as we know it
by Welf Werner - 280-292 Operationalization and priority of joint implementation projects
by ZhongXiang Zhang - 293-300 Right to work: Job creation New Zealand style
by Wolfgang Kasper - 301-304 Sedate price trends on world raw
by Klaus Matthies
September 1997, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 209-210 Reform of Europe's agricultural policy?
by Klaus Kwasniewski - 211-219 Sources of increasing systemic risk in international financial markets
by Beate Reszat - 220-224 The Euro and the World Monetary system
by Franz-Josef Rose - 225-229 Reasons for regional integration agreements
by Peter Moser - 230-241 Reducing working hours in the context of growing real capital mobility
by Gerhard Rübel - 242-250 The “socialist” market economy in a communist system
by Armin Bohnet - 251-256 Expansion of the world economy continues apace
by Günter Weinert
July 1997, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 157-158 Reviving the Spirit of Rio
by Christoph Kreienbaum - 159-169 European environmental policy between decentralisation and uniformity
by Helmut Karl & Omar Ranné - 170-173 Differing degrees of labour market regulation in Europe
by Diana Winkler-Büttner - 174-180 Globalisation, internal labour markets and the migration of the highly skilled
by Thomas Straubhaar & Achim Wolter - 181-186 Trade policies and the environment— Subsidies, taxes and border adjustments
by Rudolf Adlung - 186-192 The role of the private and public sector in human capital formation
by Rainer Thiele - 193-202 Assessment of trade liberalisation in sub-Saharan Africa
by Andri Kopperschmidt & Jacint Matutes - 203-208 Germany: Gradual revival in domestic demand
by Eckhardt Wohlers
May 1997, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 105-106 Western Europe in need of structural reform
by Günter Weinert - 107-115 Economic and political risks of European Monetary Union
by Horst Feldmann - 115-125 Competition versus social responsibility in the European Union
by Phedon Nicolaides - 126-133 The future of cooperation between the EU and ACP countries
by Susanna Wolf - 134-143 Regional dimensions of structural adjustment in West Africa
by Uka Ezenwe - 144-151 Possible effects of EMU on German long-term interest rates
by Carsten Hefeker & Mathias Moersch - 152-156 HWWA raw materials price index on a new basis
by Klaus Matthies & Hans-Joachim Timm
March 1997, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 57-58 China facing growing problems
by Klaus Bolz - 59-66 Joint implementation
by Harald Kotsch - 67-73 How many Deutschmarks are held abroad?
by Franz Seitz - 74-86 Techno-globalism and industrial policy responses in the USA and Europe
by Peter Weiss - 87-92 Should all the world be taxed?
by Hanno Beck & Aloys Prinz - 93-98 Shareholders’ rights in the European Union
by Brigid Gavin - 99-104 German economy without momentum
by Eckhardt Wohlers
January 1997, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 CIS—Cooperation à la Carte
by Dieter Lösch - 3-7 Common European monetary policy with different financial structures
by Torsten Gruber & Renate Ohr - 7-13 Economic relations between the EU and East Asia: Past, present and future
by Christopher Dent - 14-22 Do “blacklists” enhance aviation safety?
by Andreas Knorr - 23-35 Human capital and economic development: A macroeconomic assessment
by Erich Gundlach - 35-40 Coherence between development policy and agricultural policy
by Evita Schmieg - 41-50 After the presidential elections: Will the US “open door” trade strategy continue?
by Frans Buelens - 51-56 Lasting recovery in the world economy
by Günter Weinert
November 1996, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 265-266 Economic prospects after the US election
by Christiane Brück - 267-276 Current issues in European migration
by Thomas Straubhaar & Achim Wolter - 277-281 A new exchange rate mechanism for the Euro age
by Christa Randzio-Plath - 281-282 Is there a causal relationship between exchange rate volatility and unemployment?
by Alexander Jung - 283-290 Restructuring Russia's industry — Taking stock of the first five years of transition
by Harald Sondhof - 291-300 International trade regulation and sustainable development: An outlook
by Karl Steininger - 301-306 Tourism and developing countries
by Susanne Iwersen-Sioltsidis & Albrecht Iwersen - 307-312 Economic growth in South East Asia and its consequences for the environment
by Axel Michaelowa
September 1996, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 213-214 EU finances in need of reform
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 215-220 Financial market volatility
by Nobert Funke & Andrea Goldstein - 221-228 Is there a new reforming spirit at international organisations?
by Berend Diekmann - 229-236 Trade policy in developing countries
by Jürgen Zattler - 236-240 Germany’s stake in exchange rate stability
by Daniel Gros - 241-247 Direct investment in Asia by German small and medium-sized enterprises
by Axel Borrmann - 248-260 Globalisation and its policy repercussions
by Neil Karunaratne & Clem Tisdell
July 1996, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 157-158 New initiatives for development cooperation?
by Bernhard Fischer - 159-165 Is greater flexibility in the labour market the answer to the unemployment crisis?
by Ulrich Walwei - 166-169 A two-speed Europe: How (un)stable would such a solution be?
by Friedrich Sell - 170-180 Western European integration and Eastern European transformation
by Karl Hartwig & Paul Welfens - 181-188 Globalisation: Exodus of German industry?
by Rolf Jungnickel - 189-196 Balance of trade and government intervention — Japan as a role model?
by Gunther Schnabl - 197-208 Energy, carbon dioxide emissions, carbon taxes and the Chinese economy
by ZhongXiang Zhang
May 1996, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 105-106 Western Europe: Hard decisions ahead
by Günter Weinert - 107-121 Slow adjustment to shocks or true hysteresis?
by Wim Kösters & Ansgar Belke - 122-131 The Tobin tax: A tool for allocative or distributional policies?
by Margareta Kulessa - 131-138 A currency board for European Monetary Union outsiders
by Matthias Sutter - 139-146 Social policy as an institutional transformation problem
by Wilfried Boroch - 147-152 Flying the flag for subsidies—Prospects for Airline Deregulation in Europe
by Jack Eaton
March 1996, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 53-54 Russia—A partner sui generis for the IMF?
by Klaus Bolz - 55-61 Generational accounting: an international comparison
by Willi Leibfritz - 62-67 European experience in the solution of cross-border environmental problems
by Rainer Durth - 68-72 Corporate integration in the EU: Recent developments
by A. Millington & F. Bowen & B. Bayliss - 73-83 European telecommunications markets
by Cornelius Graack - 84-94 Effects of world market oriented regional integration on developing countries
by Heike Proff & Harald Proff - 95-102 The integration of foreign employees in the labour market
by Heinz Werner
January 1996, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-2 The west needs to take a closer look at China
by Dieter Lösch - 3-8 A new chance for trade and investment
by Christa Randzio-Plath - 9-20 The economic and political arguments for and against social clauses
by Christoph Scherrer - 21-26 Intellectual property protection and the globalization of the world economy
by Matthias Zeeb - 27-32 Industrial development and international cooperation
by Herman Muegge - 33-42 Africa's marginalisation in world trade
by Robert Kappel - 43-48 Energy policy constraints and perspectives in Russia
by Werner Gumpel - 49-52 No momentum in the world economy
by Günter Großer & Günter Weinert
November 1995, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 265-266 Postponement is no answer
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 267-275 Maastricht II: Reviewing European integration
by Henry Krägenau & Wolfgang Wetter - 277-284 Eastward enlargement of the EU: Will agricultural policy be an obstacle?
by Stefan Tangermann - 285-293 East-West economic cooperation
by Patricia Bauer - 294-300 East Asian FDI in Europe and Germany
by Siegfried Schultz - 301-304 Inflation and growth
by Malte Krüger - 305-312 Foreign direct investment in Central Europe
by Artur Dmochowski
September 1995, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 209-210 Multimedia, vertical concentration, and the free market system
by Reinald Krüger - 211-220 Maastricht II: Are real convergence criteria needed?
by Christian Schmidt & Thomas Straubhaar - 221-233 Strengthening the international employment regime
by Steve Charnovitz - 235-246 Re-integrating the central Asian republics into the world economy
by John Henley & George Assaf - 247-252 Five challenges for China in the 1990s
by James Dean - 253-262 The transformation of the eastern German economy
by Amy Houpt
July 1995, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 161-162 Convergence, credibility and the welfare effects of EMU
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 163-171 Joint implementation: a promising instrument for climate protection
by Axel Michaelowa - 171-176 The Human Development Index revisited
by Irmgard Nübler - 177-186 The fight against money laundering
by Johannes Dumbacher - 187-192 Challenges on the way to stage three of European Monetary Union
by Christa Randzio-Plath - 193-199 Banking reforms in East Central Europe
by Klaus Schröder - 200-206 Economic upheaval in the Gulf region
by Marc Piazolo
May 1995, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 109-110 From international trade policy to international competition policy
by Georg Koopmann - 111-116 De facto Monetary Union through forward interventions
by Robert Vehrkamp - 126-132 Searching for credible exchange rate regimes in the former Soviet Union
by Rainer Schweickert - 133-142 The choice of policy instruments for the control of carbon dioxide emissions
by ZhongXiang Zhang & Henk Folmer - 143-149 Eco-labelling and environmental policy efforts in developing countries
by Rasul Shams - 150-156 Steel: A new round of protectionism in American trade
by Christian Conrad
March 1995, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 57-58 Social dimension in the limelight
by Manfred Holthus - 59-65 New developments in international agricultural trade
by Monika Hartmann - 65-69 TRIPs as an adjustment mechanism in North-South trade
by Gerhard Fisch & Bernhard Speyer - 70-76 NAFTA: Results after one year
by Judith Jütte-Rauhut - 77-86 Endogenous tariffs and economic transformation
by Rolf Langhammer - 87-95 Special economic zones: Shortcut or roundabout way towards capitalism?
by Joachim Ahrens & Astrid Meyer-Baudeck - 96-106 Old structures versus new logic in the electronics industry
by Jörg Meyer-Stamer
January 1995, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-2 The EU after the Northern enlargement
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 3-8 The socio-political system and development
by Klemens Sand - 9-15 The fourth première of the Human Development Index
by Guido Lüchters & Lukas Menkhoff - 16-24 Environmental policy and interest groups in developing countries
by Rasul Shams - 25-30 Unified structural adjustment policy in Europe?
by Wolfgang Maennig & Helmut Wagner - 31-35 Stabilizing the rouble: Is there a case for a new Fisher rule?
by Friedrich Sell - 36-43 Foreign direct investment in Central Eastern Europe
by Csilla Hany - 44-52 The transition process in Eastern Europe: European security policy redefined
by Kai Hirschmann - 53-56 Upswing in the world economy
by Günter Großer & Günter Weinert
November 1994, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 261-262 SDRs, the IMF and the future
by Otto Mayer - 263-268 EU agriculture: Reduced protection from exchange rate instability
by Stephan Cramon-Taubadel & Holger Thiele - 269-277 International trade and social standards
by Wilhelm Adamy - 277-283 Minimum social standards for international trade?
by Harald Großmann & Georg Koopmann - 284-291 The EC-US trade conflict over film and television software
by Jörn Kruse - 292-302 International trade in waste materials
by Johannes Hackmann - 303-308 Do nations compete economically?
by Malcolm Dunn
September 1994, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 209-210 A hard core for the European Union?
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 211-218 Why multilateral rules on competition are needed
by Phedon Nicolaides - 219-225 Trends in protectionism: Anti-dumping and trade related investment measures
by Norbert Funke - 225-233 Structural adjustment programmes and industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa
by Heike Proff - 234-238 International commodity policy in transition
by Katharina Michaelowa - 239-243 Tax reforms and equity in ACP countries
by Manfred Holthus & Rasul Shams - 244-252 Stabilization and real adjustment in emerging market economies
by Rainer Schweickert - 253-258 Trans-European networks: The white paper and beyond
by Colin Turner
July 1994, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 161-162 New trends in development cooperation
by Bernhard Fischer - 163-170 Regionalisation and regionalism in world trade
by Axel Borrmann & Georg Koopmann - 171-175 Exchange rates and the volume of trade—The case for fixed exchange rates
by Christa Randzio-Plath