March 2003, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 76-85 Beyond the Blue Banana?
by Gert-Jan Hospers - 86-93 EU enlargement and governance of the Common Agricultural Policy
by Bernhard Brümmer & Ulrich Koester - 94-101 German public banks under the pressure of the EU subsidy proceedings
by Thomas Döring - 102-108 Regulatory competition between company laws in the European Union: The Überseering case
by Klaus Heine - 109-112 Oil prices decline as concerns about supplies lessen
by Klaus Matthies
January 2003, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 2-3 Regionalism going global
by Georg Koopmann - 4-7 The Stability and Growth Pact neglects the policy mix between fiscal and monetary policy
by Peter Bofinger - 7-10 What to do with the Stability Pact
by Barry Eichengreen - 10-15 How can the Stability and Growth Pact be improved to achieve both stronger discipline and higher flexibility?
by Sylvester Eijffinger - 15-18 Credible at last? Reforming the Stability Pact
by Carsten Hefeker - 19-30 Agriculture in the EU’s Eastern enlargement
by Derek Baker - 31-37 How competitive are Europe’s economies?
by Michael Frenkel & Isabell Koske & Christoph Swonke - 38-50 Unwarranted final demand shocks of public deficits reductions in Germany
by Georg Erber - 51-56 Hesitant recovery in the world economy
by Günter Weinert
November 2002, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 282-283 Stability Pact in need of reform?
by Hans-Eckart Scharre - 284-287 Environmental effects of EU enlargement—Short-term gains and medium-term losses?
by Margareta Kulessa - 287-292 The benefits from the implementation of the EU environmental acquis in the candidate countries
by Patrick Brink - 293-297 The impact of enlargement on EU environmental governance
by Ingmar Homeyer - 298-299 Where to now? A look at likely new developments in EU policy on the Environment
by Caroline Jackson - 300-314 How will EMU affect cohesion?
by Brian Ardy & Iain Begg & Waltraud Schelkle & Francisco Torres - 315-320 Monetary policy in a Union of 27: Enlargement and reform options
by Carsten Hefeker - 321-327 ECB monetary policy during the “Weak Euro” period of 1999/2001
by Hansjörg Herr
September 2002, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 230-231 Can Eastern Europe catch up without structural funds?
by Konrad Lammers - 232-234 The EU Commission's proposals for reform of the CAP
by Franz Fischler - 234-237 The ghost of “old policies” still lingers on
by Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Barindorf - 238-241 Possibilities and risks arising from fischler's path of reform
by P. Schmitz - 241-243 CAP pseudo-reforms: A Penelopean web
by Secondo Tarditi - 244-252 The EU's evolving stance on the international dimension of competition policy: A critical commentary
by Leigh Davison & Debra Johnson - 253-262 A legally binding EU charter of fundamental rights?
by Lothar Funk - 263-269 FDI as a multiplier of modern technology in Hungarian industry
by Jutta Günther - 270-275 Rio+10—Much talk, little action
by Axel Michaelowa & David Lehmkuhl - 276-280 Steep increase in oil prices as gulf crisis lingers on
by Klaus Matthies
July 2002, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 178-179 Capping the CAP?
by Carsten Hefeker - 180-183 Special challenges and tasks of “Eastern” enlargement
by András Inotai - 183-188 Strategy of Poland's membership in the European Union
by Andrzej Stepniak - 190-197 The new frontier in state aid control
by Phedon Nicolaides - 198-203 The franc zone of West and Central Africa
by Heiko Körner - 204-211 Why does redistribution not shrink when equality is high?
by Michael Groemling - 212-222 Growth policies in developing countries
by Jürgen Zattler - 223-228 The US current account deficit: A fundamentally flawed development?
by Christiane Brück
May 2002, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 122-123 European integration under pressure
by Carsten Hefeker - 124-127 A new transatlantic trade war?
by Richard Senti - 127-131 Transatlantic trade under fire
by Georg Koopmann - 131-135 WTO dispute settlement system in need of change
by Claude Barfield - 135-137 We have little to gain from trade disputes, but very much to lose
by Wolfgang Ischinger - 138-149 European water infrastructures: Regulatory flux void of reference?
by Ralf Boscheck - 150-155 Economic insights and deficits in European biotechnology patent policy
by Bernard Gilroy & Tobias Volpert - 156-161 The Russian tax reform
by Alexander Pogorletskiy & Fritz Söllner - 162-171 Reconciling globalisation and technological change: Growing income inequalities and remedial policies
by Serge Svizzero & Clem Tisdell
March 2002, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 66-67 Single market or national industrial policies?
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 68-71 Enlargement and the EU budget: The battles ahead
by Barbara Lippert & Wolfgang Bode - 71-77 Financing enlargement: The case of agriculture and rural development
by Klaus Frohberg & Monika Hartmann - 77-79 The EU budget must get rid of the distribution burden
by Friedrich Heinemann - 80-83 Merits and shortcomings of the Commission's financial framework for Eastward enlargement
by Elżbieta Kawecka-Wyrzykowska - 85-90 The integration of accession countries into EMU—Concerns about convergence
by Rainer Schweickert - 91-100 The firm's location in the home country and internationalisation: Some evidence from Greek smaller firms
by Pavlos Dimitratos - 101-109 EU preferential market access conditions for the least developed countries
by Matthew McQueen - 110-115 Currency board, dollarisation or flexible exchange rates for emerging economies? Reflections on Argentina
by Gerhard Aschinger - 117-120 Commodity prices starting to recover
by Klaus Matthies
January 2002, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 2-3 Reform of EC competition policy: Decentralisation and effective enforcement in an enlarged European Union
by Phedon Nicolaides - 4-11 The new EC vertical restraint block exemption
by Valentine Korah - 12-18 Unfinished business: The new approach to assessing vertical restraints
by Simon Bishop - 19-27 Modernisation of EC competition law, economy and horizontal cooperation between undertakings
by Floris Vogelaar - 28-35 The “new” horizontal agreements approach in the EU: An “economic” assessment
by Hans Maks - 36-41 Decentralisation of enforcement of EC competition law
by A. Kist - 41-51 Development of a system for decentralised enforcement of EC competition policy
by Phedon Nicolaides - 52-58 The enforcement of competition policy in the candidate countries
by Anna Fornalczyk - 59-64 Global economy in the doldrums
by Günter Weinert
November 2001, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 277-278 From the virtual to the tangible Euro
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 279-281 Time to consider alternatives to the Stability and Growth Pact
by Ray Barrell - 281-285 Avoiding excessive deficits with fiscal coordination light
by Thomas Uril - 286-288 The European stability pact under scrutiny
by Friedrich Sell - 289-297 State aid control in the European Union— Rationale, stylised facts and determining factors
by Ioannis Ganoulis & Reiner Martin - 298-304 New risks ahead: The eastward enlargement of the Eurozone
by Michael Bolle & Hanns-Dieter Jacobsen - 305-314 Foreign direct investment in the privatisation of the Polish economy
by Elżbieta Wojnicka - 315-323 Regional trade agreements and WTO accession of CIS countries
by Michael Roberts & Peter Wehrheim
September 2001, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 221-222 War for brains
by Thomas Straubhaar - 223-225 Does the EU need a tax of its own?
by Michaele Schreyer - 226-228 More fairness, democracy and transparency!
by Jutta Haug - 228-230 The case for an EU tax is not convincing
by Leif Mutén - 231-233 An EU tax?—Not a good idea
by Rolf Caesar - 235-243 Double talk—The political economy of eastward enlargement of the EU
by László Csaba - 244-254 Double income taxation as a response to tax competition in the EU
by Lüder Gerken & Jörg Märkt & Gerhard Schick - 255-263 The EU public procurement regime— Does it work?
by Jørgen Nielsen & Lars Hansen - 264-271 Revisiting capital account convertibility in the aftermath of the currency crises
by Neil Karunaratne - 272-276 Production cuts to support oil prices
by Klaus Matthies
July 2001, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 165-166 Transatlantic irritations in competition and trade policy
by Georg Koopmann - 167-170 East-West migration: Will it be a problem?
by Thomas Straubhaar - 171-174 Increasing coordination of migration policies
by Gudrun Biffl - 174-178 Migration effects of Poland's EU membership
by Zenon Wisniewski & Jaroslaw Oczki - 180-190 Economy and “New Economy” in the United States and Germany
by Phillip Bryson - 191-195 Lesser duty rule and community interest in anti-dumping proceedings
by Thinam Jakob - 196-207 The European Union's Balkan development policy
by Angelos Kotios - 208-214 Fair trading in markets for credence goods
by Gilles Grolleau & Sandoss BenAbid - 215-220 German economy in an unfavourable light
by Eckhardt Wohlers
May 2001, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 113-114 Turmoil in international climate policy—Can Kyoto be saved?
by Axel Michaelowa - 115-118 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
by Franz Fischler - 118-122 Encouraging competitiveness based on quality
by Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf - 122-125 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy from the German perspective
by Gerald Thalheim - 125-129 How good are the prospects for a genuine policy reform?
by Ulrich Koester - 131-140 EU telecommunications and electricity markets—Heading towards price convergence?
by Reiner Martin & Isabel Vansteenkiste - 141-152 Protectionism in the European Union: Implications for Latin America
by Carlos Rozo - 152-159 Why do currency crises arise and how could they be avoided?
by Gerhard Aschinger
March 2001, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 57-58 Ireland out of step
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 59-61 EMU: Experiences to date and challenges for the future
by Willem Duisenberg - 62-68 EMU after two years — Have critics been confirmed?
by Hans-Helmut Kotz - 68-71 The European Union, EMU and enlargement
by Pedro Solbes - 72-76 Eastern enlargement and Monetary Union
by Christa Randzio-Plath - 77-86 Enlarging the EU: How can the costs be minimised?
by Philipp Carlowitz - 87-97 EU accession: Negotiating “environmental dumping”?
by Ingmar Homeyer & Axel Klaphake & Hans-Dieter Sohn - 98-108 The WTO and the rights of the individual
by Steve Charnovitz - 109-112 Steadying of oil prices
by Klaus Matthies
January 2001, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-2 East-West migration: Will it be a problem?
by Thomas Straubhaar - 3-7 Perspectives of EU enlargement after nice
by Günter Verheugen - 7-10 Post-nice state of the preparations for EU enlargement
by Elmar Brok - 10-14 Federation and a wider union
by Jan Kulakowski - 14-19 The problem of effective implementation of EU rules: An institutional solution
by Phedon Nicolaides - 19-24 The European Union after nice: Ready or not, here they come!
by Edward Best - 25-33 Taxation of interest in the European Union
by Leif Mutén - 34-43 Structural revolution: The interaction of product and labor markets
by Ronald Schettkat - 44-50 The European dimension of the digital economy
by Raphael L'Hoest - 51-56 Weaker world economy
by Günter Weinert
November 2000, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 257-258 The seattle syndrome hits international climate policy
by Axel Michaelowa - 259-263 The future of European integration: Visions, challenges, perspectives
by Klaus Hänsch - 264-273 EU integration of transition countries: Overlap of requisites and remaining tasks
by Daniel Piazolo - 274-281 Estonian foreign trade on the threshold of joining the EU
by Janno Reiljan & Anneli Ivanov - 282-287 Trade, competition and antidumping—Breaking the impasse!?
by Ralf Boscheck - 288-298 Does globalization restrict budgetary autonomy?
by Friedrich Heinemann
September 2000, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 205-206 Reasons for the weak Euro
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 207-213 The “end game” of the enlargement of the European Union
by Phedon Nicolaides - 213-218 Baltic monetary regimes in the XXI st century
by George Viksnins - 219-230 EU enlargement and labour markets in the CEECs
by Ansgar Belke & Martin Hebler - 231-242 CAP reform, the Berlin summit, and EU enlargement
by Jörg-Volker Schrader - 243-252 Inter-nation divergence within the EU and options for a progressive revenue system
by Margit Schratzenstaller - 253-256 Tight supply keeps oil prices soaring
by Klaus Matthies
July 2000, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 153-154 The hub and spoke approach of EU trade policy
by Matthias Busse - 155-161 Value added taxes on electronic commerce: Obstacles to the EU Commission’s approach
by Jens Bleuel & Marcus Stewen - 162-169 One fits all in the EMU? One monetary policy for eleven countries
by Andreas Rees - 170-176 Coming home to Europe: Greece and the Euro
by Bernhard Herz & Angelos Kotios - 176-182 Estonia’s monetary integration into EMU
by Armin Rohde & Ole Janssen - 183-190 Does a weak Euro signify poor competitiveness of the Euro zone?
by Jörg Hinze - 192-197 Challenges and perspectives for a single market for financial services in Europe
by Christa Randzio-Plath - 198-204 Strong economic upturn in Germany
by Eckhardt Wohlers
May 2000, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 105-106 Is transition over?
by Marc Suhrcke - 107-113 An analysis of competing IMF reform proposals
by Michael Frenkel & Lukas Menkhoff - 114-118 Globalization: Economic challenges and the political response
by Erich Gundlach - 119-126 Measuring corporate internationalisation
by Christoph Dörrenbächer - 127-136 International maritime transport and climate policy
by Axel Michaelowa & Karsten Krause - 137-145 Privatisation and local governments in Mainland China: A critical assessment
by Jacint Soler-Matutes
March 2000, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 53-54 The IMF debate
by Otto Mayer - 55-63 Competition among the regions in Euroland
by Andreas Rees & Michael Sonnenholzner - 64-71 Bailing in the private sector
by Gerhard Illing - 72-80 Are changes in spreads of external-market debt also induced by contagion?
by José Wong - 81-89 Speculative attacks in emerging markets: The role of macroeconomic fundamentals
by Bernd Schnatz - 89-93 Are trade restrictions to protect the Balance of payments becoming obsolete?
by Karen McCusker - 94-101 Price-quality competition in the exports of the Central and Eastern European Countries
by Jørgen Nielsen - 102-104 Relaxation on the oil market
by Klaus Matthies
January 2000, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-2 The Euro\rss start-up phase is a success
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 3-8 Is the EU's labour market threatened by a wave of immigration?
by Elmar Hönekopp & Heinz Werner - 9-22 Exchange rate volatility effects on labour markets
by Claudia Stirböck & Herbert Buscher - 23-30 Towards a new international financial order: Why reform progress is so slow
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 31-37 The future of the ACP countries
by Heiko Körner - 38-45 Explaining economic performance during transition: What do we know?
by Hans Pitlik - 46-52 Marked economic recovery in the EMU
by Günter Weinert
November 1999, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 265-266 International climate negotiations gather new momentum
by Axel Michaelowa - 267-278 National and international developments in technology
by Georg Koopmann & Felix Münnich - 279-285 Effects of the euro on trade, capital markets and the international monetary system
by Ralf Zeppernick - 286-296 From dollarisation to euroisation
by Henrik Müller - 297-302 Efficiencies in merger analysis
by Konstanze Kinne - 303-316 High growth in China—Transition without a transition crisis?
by Hansjörg Herr & Jan Priewe
September 1999, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 209-210 IMF reform: Sticking to the essentials
by Manfred Holthus - 211-222 Liberalizing trade in services: from Marrakech to Seattle
by Rudolf Adlung - 223-232 After Lomé IV: ACP-EU trade preferences in the 21 st century
by Matthew McQueen - 233-240 Privatisation policy in Russia
by Harald Sondhof - 241-254 Convertibility of the rouble — Monetary integration of the Russian Federation
by Rainer Lenz - 255-259 Evaluating development co-operation
by Axel Borrmann - 260-264 Commodity markets: Supply cuts drive up the price of oil
by Klaus Matthies
July 1999, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 157-158 The Euro — Cause for concern?
by Hans-Eckart Scharrer - 159-170 Small economy macroeconomics
by Ronald Schettkat - 170-176 Eu widening to the East: Must latin America be concerned?
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 177-183 The Asian Crisis, the IMF and Dr Mahathir
by Hans Visser & Jan Wengel - 183-186 Do we need a new financial architecture?
by Christa Randzio-Plath - 187-191 Are we living at the expense of the developing countries?
by Gerhard Pfister - 192-200 Is Vietnam the youngest goose in Japan's flight formation?
by Tim Goydke - 201-208 The HWWA econometric model for economic forecasts
by Rudolf-Ferdinand Danckwerts & Marion Danckwerts
May 1999, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 105-106 Do we need a supranational competition watchdog?
by Hans-Hagen Härtel - 107-115 The impact of the introduction of the Euro on firms' expectations
by Ulrich Kaiser & Claudia Stirböck - 115-123 How important is foreign direct investment for late industrialising countries?
by Bettina Burger - 124-135 Will the People's Republic of China trigger off the next Asian crisis?
by Nicolas Schlotthauer - 135-143 The stability of the Renminbi in the wake of the Asian financial crisis
by Francois Gurtner - 144-151 Overcoming the Russian transformation crisis
by Paul Welfens - 152-156 Slow recovery in world trade
by Wolfgang Crinius & Günter Weinert
March 1999, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 53-54 Transatlantic irritations
by Georg Koopmann - 55-63 EMU calls for comprehensive labour market reform
by Dirk Dohse & Christiane Krieger-Boden & Rüdiger Soltwedel - 64-71 Currency trading and international financial instability
by Beate Reszat - 72-83 More leeway for unilateral trade measures?
by Omar Ranné - 83-90 The WTO and the trade-environment conflict
by Klaus Liebig - 91-100 Financial liberalization and money demand in Peru: Implications for monetary policy
by Christopher Blevins & Laurence Vagassky & José Carlos Wong