December 2006, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 423-428 Water and merit goods
by J. (Hans) Opschoor - 429-433 Water as a multi-dimensional value: implications for participation and transparency
by Helen Ingram - 435-458 Making the investment provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty sustainable development friendly
by James Chalker - 459-466 Investment arbitration and sustainable development: good intentions—or effective results?
by Thomas Wälde
September 2006, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 231-248 The European Union in international environmental negotiations: a legal perspective on the internal decision-making process
by Tom Delreux - 249-270 An Ethics-based Climate Agreement for the South Pacific Region
by Marco Grasso - 271-287 Enhancing the clean development mechanism through sectoral approaches: definitions, applications and ways forward
by Wolfgang Sterk & Bettina Wittneben - 289-304 Climate change and the credibility of international commitments: What is necessary for the U.S. to deliver on such commitments?
by Kentaro Tamura - 305-316 The East Asian Seas UNEP Regional Seas Programme
by Hugh Kirkman - 317-320 Ken Conca, Governing Water: Contentious Transnational Politics and Global Institution Building
by Brian Gareau & Ben Crow - 321-322 Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Law in the European Union, edited by Michael Faure and Gunter Heine
by David Driesen
June 2006, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 113-135 Flexibility provisions in multilateral environmental treaties
by B. Boockmann & Paul Thurner - 137-155 Cap-and-trade or carbon taxes? The feasibility of enforcement and the effects of non-compliance
by Jon Hovi & Bjart Holtsmark - 157-171 The nature, origin and impact of legally binding consequences: the case of the climate regime
by Anita Halvorssen & Jon Hovi - 173-186 Carbon dioxide capture and storage—liability for non-permanence under the UNFCCC
by Sven Bode & Martina Jung - 187-207 The Design of Environmental Regimes: Social Construction, Contextuality, and Improvisation
by Raul Lejano - 209-230 Shared Waters—shared Responsibility. Application of the Principles of Fairness for Burden Sharing in the Mediterranean
by Areti Kontogianni & Michalis Skourtos & Andreas Papandreou
March 2006, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-28 Multi-Stage: A Rule-Based Evolution of Future Commitments under the Climate Change Convention
by Michel Elzen & Marcel Berk & Paul Lucas & Patrick Criqui & Alban Kitous - 29-38 Distributional Conflicts and the Timing of Environmental Policy
by Minoru Nakada - 39-61 Introducing Value Chain Stewardship (VCS)
by Pontus Cerin - 63-89 ‘US, China and the Economics of Climate Negotiations’
by Barbara Buchner & Carlo Carraro - 91-108 Norway and Emissions Trading: From Global Front-Runner to EU Follower
by Ingvild Sæverud & Jørgen Wettestad - 109-111 Book Review: Conca, Ken, and Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Eds. Environmental Peacemaking. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Press, 2002
by Hilary Nixon
December 2005, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 377-379 Is Anyone Listening? The Impact of Research on Global Environmental Practice
by Paul Steinberg - 381-386 Speaking Their Language: How to Communicate Better with Policymakers and Opinion Shapers – and Why Academics Should Bother in the First Place
by Geoffrey Dabelko - 387-393 Academic Research In a Small Country: Called to Serve!
by Hans Bruyninckx - 395-404 Bringing Political Science to Bear on Tropical Conservation
by Paul Steinberg - 405-414 Distributed Generation of Electricity: The Role of Academic Research and Advice in California’s “Clean DG” Policy Network
by Juliann Allison - 415-427 Descriptive or Conceptual Models? Contributions of Economics to the Climate Policy Debate
by Stephen DeCanio - 429-431 Book Review
by Michele Betsill - 433-435 Book Review
by Harro Asselt - 437-439 Book Review
by Kyla Tienhaara - 441-442 Book Review
by Jamie Morgan
September 2005, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 211-226 The Effectiveness and Legitimacy of International Environmental Institutions
by Steinar Andresen & Ellen Hey - 227-263 The Role of UNEP and UNDP in Multilateral Environmental Agreements
by Laurence Mee - 265-302 Financial Institutions between Effectiveness and Legitimacy – A Legal Analysis of the World Bank, Global Environment Facility and Prototype Carbon Fund
by Nele Matz - 303-321 Developing Countries and Global Environmental Governance: From Contestation to Participation to Engagement
by Adil Najam - 323-348 Performance of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) in China: Achievements and Challenges as Seen by the Chinese
by Gørild Heggelund & Steinar Andresen & Sun Ying - 349-376 Global Environment Threats and a Divided Northern Community
by Miranda Schreurs
June 2005, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 105-124 Challenges and Outcomes at the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
by Suraje Dessai & E. Schipper & Esteve Corbera & Bo Kjellén & María Gutiérrez & Alex Haxeltine - 125-149 The Effectiveness of Non-State Governance Schemes: A Comparative Study of Forest Certification in Norway and Sweden
by Lars Gulbrandsen - 151-173 Foreign Aid and Global Public Goods: Impure Publicness, Cost Differentials and Negative Conjectures
by Dirk Rübbelke - 175-189 What Role for Private Rule-Making in Global Environmental Governance? Analysing the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
by Philipp Pattberg - 191-210 Biotic Carbon Sequestration and the Kyoto Protocol: The Construction of Global Knowledge by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
by Cathleen Fogel
March 2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-3 Scenario Analyses for the Future Climate Regime
by Taishi Sugiyama - 5-24 Issues and Options for the Post-2012 Climate Architecture – An Overview
by Axel Michaelowa & Kristian Tangen & Henrik Hasselknippe - 25-46 Graduation and Deepening: An Ambitious Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenario
by Axel Michaelowa & Sonja Butzengeiger & Martina Jung - 47-64 Converging Markets
by Kristian Tangen & Henrik Hasselknippe - 65-88 Orchestra of Treaties: A Future Climate Regime Scenario with Multiple Treaties among Like-minded Countries
by Taishi Sugiyama & Jonathan Sinton - 89-104 Meeting Human Development Goals with Low Emissions : An Alternative to Emissions Caps for post-Kyoto from a Developing Country Perspective
by Jiahua Pan
December 2004, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 303-305 Transition, Introspection, and Challenges at INEA
by Joyeeta Gupta & Richard Howarth & Peter Sand & Oran Young - 307-326 The Future Climate Regime: A Regional Comparison of Proposals
by Yasuko Kameyama - 327-337 Fighting Windmills: The Coalition of Industrialists and Environmentalists in the Climate Change Issue
by Urs Steiner Brandt & Gert Tinggaard Svendsen - 339-357 Trade Measures and Climate Compliance: Institutional Interplay Between WTO and the Marrakesh Accords
by Olav Schram stokke - 359-381 Reforming International Environmental Governance: An Institutionalist Critique of the Proposal for a World Environment Organisation
by Sebastian Oberthür & Thomas Gehring
September 2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 229-251 Accountability in Governance: The Challenge of Implementing the Aarhus Convention in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
by Tatiana Zaharchenko & Gretta Goldenman - 253-277 Attainability of International Environmental Agreements as a Social Situation
by Wietze Lise & Richard Tol - 279-302 Sectoral Opposition to Carbon Taxes in the EU – a Myopic Economic Approach
by Camilla Froyn & H. Aaheim
June 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 105-109 Introduction
by Syma Ebbin - 111-127 Nobody Knows Best: Alternative Perspectives on Forest Management and Governance in Southeast Asia
by Louis Lebel & Antonio Contreras & Suparb Pasong & Po Garden - 129-141 The Institutional Dimensions of Fisheries Stock Assessments
by Frank Alcock - 143-158 Black Box Production of Paper Fish: An Examination of Knowledge Construction and Validation in Fisheries Management Institutions
by Syma Ebbin - 161-177 Competing Knowledge Systems in the Management of Fish and Forests in the Pacific Northwest
by Leslie King - 179-193 Civil Society, Environmental Security and Knowledge: Forest Governance in Thailand and the Philippines in the Context of ASEAN
by Antonio Contreras - 195-213 Institutionalized Knowledge Challenges in Pesticide Governance: The End of Knowledge and Beginning of Values in Governing Globalized Environmental Issues
by Sylvia Karlsson - 215-228 Institutions and the Growth of Knowledge: Evidence from International Environmental Regimes
by Oran Young
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-26 Enforcing the Climate Regime: Game Theory and the Marrakesh Accords
by Jon Hovi & Ivar Areklett - 27-46 The Role of Flexibility Mechanisms in EU Climate Strategy: Lessons Learned and Future Challenges?
by Atle Christiansen - 47-63 The Effectiveness of the EU's Ozone Policy
by Tom Næss - 65-91 An Evaluation of Pre-Kyoto Differentiation Proposals for National Greenhouse Gas Abatement Targets
by Asbjørn Torvanger & Odd Godal - 93-95 Jochem Wiers, Trade and Environment in the EC and the WTO – A Legal Analysis
by Geert van Calster - 95-96 Nicolas de Sadeleer, Environmental Principles
by Geert van Calster - 96-100 Carolyn L. Deere and Daniel C. Esty (Eds.), Greening the Americas: NAFTA's Lessons for Hemispheric Trade
by Pamela Doughman - 100-102 Science and Regime Formation
by David Driesen
December 2003, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 299-321 Economic Analysis, Environmental Policy, and Intergenerational Justice in the Reagan Administration The Case of the Montreal Protocol
by Stephen DeCanio - 323-348 Baselines for Clean Development Mechanism Projects: The Marrakesh Accords and Beyond
by Jyoti Painuly - 349-376 Increasing Participation and Compliance in International Climate Change Agreements
by Scott Barrett & Robert Stavins - 377-393 Environmental Governance: The Role of Institutions in Causing and Confronting Environmental Problems
by Oran Young
September 2003, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 195-198 Editorial Introduction Russian Carbon and Europe's Climate
by Onno Kuik & Frans Berkhout & Anna Wieczorek - 199-219 Carbon Flows between the EU and Eastern Europe: Baselines, Scenarios and Policy Options
by Frans Berkhout & Adrian Smith - 221-242 Climate Change Policies, Energy Security and Carbon Dependency Trade-offs for the European Union in the Longer Term
by Onno Kuik - 243-267 Russia: A Country with an Unpredictable Past
by Nina Poussenkova - 269-292 Can the Czech Republic Participate in Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading?
by Josef Sejak & Martin Kupka - 293-295 Neil Hawke, Environmental Policy: Implementation and Enforcement
by Bryan McDonald - 296-298 George A. Bermann, Matthias Herdegen and Peter L. Lindseth (Eds), Transatlantic Regulatory Co-operation: Legal Problems and Political Prospects
by Peter Muchlinski
June 2003, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 97-135 Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Africa:Efforts and Problems in Implementation
by Kevin Jones - 137-166 Scientific Uncertainty and Science-Based Precaution
by Charles Weiss - 167-190 Managing North Sea Pollution Effectively:Linking International and Domestic Institutions
by Jon Skjærseth - 191-194 Young, O. R., The Institutional Dimensions of Environmental Change: Fit, Interplay, and Scale
by Ronald Mitchell
March 2003, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-16 Emissions Rights and their Transferability: Equity Concerns over Climate Change Mitigation
by Jiahua Pan - 17-42 Science, Politics, and Persistent Organic Pollutants: The Role of Scientific Assessments in International Environmental Co-operation
by Henrik Selin & Noelle Eckley - 43-57 Perception Gaps among Stakeholders Regarding the WCD Guidelines
by Ryo Fujikura & Mikiyasu Nakayama - 59-86 Will International Investment Rules Obstruct Climate Protection Policies? An Examination of the Clean Development Mechanism
by Jacob Werksman & Kevin Baumert & Navroz Dubash - 87-89 Eric W. Orts and Kurt Deketelaere (eds.) 2001. Environmental Contracts: Comparative Approaches to Regulatory Innovation in the United States and Europe. The Hague: Kluwer Law
by Stefano Nespor - 89-92 Patricia Birnie and Alan Boyle, International Law & the Environment (second edition) Oxford University Press, 2002
by Joseph DiMento
December 2002, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 293-296 Improving Global Environmental Governance
by Pier Vellinga & Richard Howarth & Joyeeta Gupta - 293-296 Improving Global Environmental Governance
by Pier Vellinga & Richard Howarth & Joyeeta Gupta - 297-315 Strengthening Green Global Governance in a Disparate World SocietyWould a World Environment Organisation Benefit the South?
by Frank Biermann - 297-315 Strengthening Green Global Governance in a Disparate World SocietyWould a World Environment Organisation Benefit the South?
by Frank Biermann - 317-340 Clustering of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Potentials and Limitations
by Sebastian Oberthür - 317-340 Clustering of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Potentials and Limitations
by Sebastian Oberthür - 339-357 Governments and International Civil Society inSustainable Development: A Framework
by Konrad Von Moltke - 341-357 Governments and International Civil Society inSustainable Development: A Framework
by Konrad Von Moltke - 361-388 Global Sustainable Development Governance: Institutional Challenges from a Theoretical Perspective
by Joyeeta Gupta - 361-388 Global Sustainable Development Governance: Institutional Challenges from a Theoretical Perspective
by Joyeeta Gupta - 389-401 Policy Coherence, Global Environmental Governance, and Poverty Reduction
by Tom Jones - 389-401 Policy Coherence, Global Environmental Governance, and Poverty Reduction
by Tom Jones
September 2002, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 217-219 Outlook for the International Climate Policy Regime– Revolution or Reform?
by Axel Michaelowa & Richard Tol - 221-235 Criteria for Evaluation of Burden-sharing Rules in International Climate Policy
by Asbjørn Torvanger & Lasse Ringius - 237-260 The Clean Development Mechanism: A Bane or a Boon for Developing Countries?
by Kim Olsen & Jyoti Painuly - 261-273 Improving Cost-effectiveness and Facilitating Participation of Developing Countries in International Emissions Trading
by Peter Bohm - 275-290 The Scope for Joint Implementation in the EU Candidate Countries
by Wytze van der Gaast
June 2002, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 105-108 Editorial
by Nico Schrijver & Friedl Weiss - 109-133 International Law-Making in the Field of Sustainable Development:The Unequal Competition Between Development and the Environment
by Ximena Fuentes - 135-150 The Role of the State and International Organizations inReconciling Sustainable Development and Globalization
by Duncan French - 151-170 Some Aspects of the Principle of "Common butDifferentiated Responsibilities"
by Yoshiro Matsui - 171-192 The Right to a Healthy Environment, Human Rights andSustainable Development
by Sueli Giorgetta - 193-208 The International Regulation of Trade in Wildlife: Institutional and Normative Considerations
by Peter Stoett
March 2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-22 Burden Sharing and Fairness Principles in International Climate Policy
by Lasse Ringius & Asbjørn Torvanger & Arild Underdal - 23-48 Equity, international trade and climate policy
by Claudia Kemfert & Richard Tol - 49-68 The Netherlands in the UNFCCC Process –Leadership between Ambition and Reality
by Magnus Andersson & Arthur Mol - 69-98 The Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in a Non-Party State: Taiwan
by Wen-Chen Shih
December 2001, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 405-425 Science and Policy in International Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the European experience on Transboundary Air Pollution
by Nuria Castells & Jerry Ravetz - 427-446 Market Darwinism vs. Market Creationism: Adaptability and Fairness in the Design of Greenhouse Gas Trading Mechanisms
by Brent Haddad & John Palmisano - 447-468 Overlapping International Regimes: The Case of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) between Climate Change and Biodiversity
by G. Rosendal - 469-476 The Bonn Agreement to the Kyoto Protocol – Paving the Way for Ratification
by Hermann Ott
July 2001, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 305-325 The New Water Legislation of Zimbabwe and South Africa – Comparison of Legal and Institutional Reform
by Frank Jaspers - 327-336 Convergence Criteria for Participation in the Flexible Mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol
by Axel Michaelowa & Michael Dutschke & Marcus Stronzik - 337-356 Norwegian Climate Policy: From Pusher to Laggard?
by Steinar Andresen & Siri Butenschøn - 357-377 Linkages between the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols – Enhancing Synergies between Protecting the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate
by Sebastian Oberthür - 379-395 Emission Trading Restrictions with Endogenous Technological Change
by Paolo Buonanno & Carlo Carraro & Efrem Castelnuovo & Marzio Galeotti - 397-399 International Environmental Agreements on Climate Change. Edited by Carlo Carraro, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999
by Wietze Lise
April 2001, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 163-165 Editorial: From Kyoto to The Hague: European Perspectives on Making the Kyoto Protocol Work
by Bert Metz - 167-185 How Can the European Union Contribute to a COP-6 Agreement? An Overview for Policy Makers
by Bert Metz & Marcel Berk & Marcel Kok & Jelle van Minnen & Andre de Moor & Albert Faber - 187-218 Kyoto Mechanisms: Key Issues for Policy-makers for COP-6
by Farhana Yamin & Jean-Marc Burniaux & Andries Nentjes - 219-242 An Economic Analysis of Flexible Permit Trading in the Kyoto Protocol
by Adam Rose & Brandt Stevens - 243-265 The Role of EU Internal Policies in Implementing Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options to Achieve Kyoto Targets
by Terry Barker & Tom Kram & Sebastian Oberthür & Monique Voogt - 267-279 Implications of EU Enlargement on the EU Greenhouse Gas 'Bubble' and Internal Burden Sharing
by Axel Michaelowa & Regina Betz - 281-299 The EU's Climate Leadership: Reconciling Ambition and Reality
by Joyeeta Gupta & Lasse Ringius
January 2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by Pier Vellinga & Joyeeta Gupta & Richard Howarth - 9-29 The Behavioral Effects of Environmental Regimes: Collective-Action vs. Social-Practice Models
by Oran Young - 31-32 Commentary: In Response to the Paper by Oran R. Young, How Can International Regimes Solve Environmental Problems? (see pp. 9–29)
by Daniel Bromley - 33-72 A Century of Green Lessons: The Contribution of Nature Conservation Regimes to Global Governance
by Peter Sand - 73-74 Commentary: In Response to the Paper by Peter. H. Sand, A Century of Green Lessons: The Contribution of Nature Conservation Regimes to Global Governance (see pp. 33–72)
by Patricia Birnie - 75-100 The Climate Change Regime: An Enviro-Economic Problem and International Administrative Law in the Making
by Ellen Hey - 101-102 Commentary: In Response to the Paper by Ellen Hey, The Climate Change Regime Sustainable Development and International Administrative Law in the Making (see pp. 75–100)
by William Moomaw - 103-119 Misappropriation of Institutions: Some Lessons from the Environmental Dimension of the NAFTA Investor-State Dispute Settlement Process
by Konrad von Moltke & Howard Mann - 121-123 Commentary: In Response to the Paper by Konrad von Moltke and Howard Mann, Misappropriation of Institutions: Some Lessons from the Environmental Dimension of the NAFTA Investor-State Dispute Settlement Process (see pp. 103–119)
by Jacob Werksman - 125-153 Negotiating Effective International Environmental Agreements: Is an Objective Approach to Differential Treatment Possible?
by Timothy Swanson - 155-157 Commentary: In Response to the Paper by Timothy Swanson, Negotiating Effective International Environmental Agreements: Is an Objective Approach to Differential Treatment Possible? (see pp. 125–153)
by Harmen Verbuggen
- 1-5 Editorial Access and Allocation in Earth System Governance
by Joyeeta Gupta & Louis Lebel - 1-13 Explicit targets and cooperation: regional fisheries management organizations and the sustainable development goals
by Bianca Haas & Marcus Haward & Jeffrey McGee & Aysha Fleming - 1-15 What goes around, comes around? Access and allocation problems in Global North–South waste trade
by Benedetta Cotta - 1-15 Climate mitigation policies and actions: access and allocation issues
by Antonina Ivanova & Asim Zia & Paiman Ahmad & Mairon Bastos-Lima - 1-15 The global governance of water, energy, and food nexus: allocation and access for competing demands
by Pritee Sharma & Salla Nithyanth Kumar - 1-16 Access and allocation in climate change adaptation
by Kevin Grecksch & Carola Klöck - 1-16 International aid, trade and investment and access and allocation
by Michelle Scobie - 1-16 Access and allocation in food governance, a decadal view 2008–2018
by Dona Azizi - 1-17 Access and allocation in global biodiversity governance: a review
by Brendan Coolsaet & Neil Dawson & Florian Rabitz & Simone Lovera - 1-17 Green building in China
by Yayun Shen & Michael Faure - 1-18 Access and allocation in earth system governance: lessons learnt in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals
by Joyeeta Gupta & Louis Lebel - 1-19 Transforming our world? Discursive representation in the negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals
by Carole-Anne Sénit - 1-19 Hybrid transnational advocacy networks in environmental protection: banning the use of cyanide in European gold mining
by Alexandra-Maria Bocse - 1-19 Determinants of successful delivery by non-state actors: an exploratory study
by Daniel Puig & Fatemeh Bakhtiari - 1-20 Access and allocation: the role of large shareholders and investors in leaving fossil fuels underground
by Joyeeta Gupta & Arthur Rempel & Hebe Verrest - 1-20 The effectiveness of soft law in international environmental regimes: participation and compliance in the Hyogo Framework for Action
by Maximilian S. T. Wanner - 1-20 Access and allocation: rights to water, sanitation and hygiene
by Margot Hurlbert - 1-23 New alliances in global environmental governance: how intergovernmental treaty secretariats interact with non-state actors to address transboundary environmental problems
by Thomas Hickmann & Joshua Philipp Elsässer - 1-24 Moral duties, compliance and polycentric climate governance
by Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 1-28 The Sustainable Development Goals viewed through Gross National Happiness, Ubuntu, and Buen Vivir
by Dorine E. Norren - 1-33 Limits to learning: the struggle to adapt to unintended effects of international payment for environmental services programmes
by Dirk-Jan Koch & Marloes Verholt