May 2014, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 199-202 Frank Biermann and Philipp Pattberg (eds): Global Environmental Governance Reconsidered
by Nina Hissen
March 2014, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Joyeeta Gupta & Agni Kalfagianni - 5-24 International environmental law as a complex adaptive system
by Rakhyun Kim & Brendan Mackey - 25-46 Addressing cross-border environmental displacement: when can international treaties help?
by Narayan Subramanian & Johannes Urpelainen - 47-64 The environment as a strategic priority in the European Union–Brazil partnership: is the EU behaving as a normative power or soft imperialist?
by Stavros Afionis & Lindsay Stringer - 65-81 Regional cooperation, patronage and the ASEAN Agreement on transboundary haze pollution
by Helena Varkkey - 83-100 China, the United States, bargaining, and climate change
by Robert Shum
November 2013, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 411-423 International energy lending: who funds fossil fuels, who funds energy access for the poor?
by Sung Kim & Johannes Urpelainen - 425-440 Why negotiate a legally binding mercury convention?
by Steinar Andresen & Kristin Rosendal & Jon Skjærseth - 441-459 The role of principles for allocating governance levels in the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development
by Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen - 461-479 Is the risk of North–South technology transfer failure an obstacle to a cooperative climate change agreement?
by Michael Hübler & Michael Finus - 481-496 Enforcing compliance with international environmental agreements using a deposit-refund system
by David McEvoy - 497-499 Frank Biermann and Philipp Pattberg (ed.): Global environmental governance reconsidered, MIT Press 2012
by Stefano Nespor
September 2013, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 225-249 Bounded rationality and social interaction in negotiating a climate agreement
by Elisabeth Gsottbauer & Jeroen den Bergh - 251-270 A contingency theory of policy innovation: how different theories explain the ratification of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol
by Yoshiki Yamagata & Jue Yang & Joseph Galaskiewicz - 271-290 The Nagoya–Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: An analysis and implementation challenges
by Gurdial Nijar - 291-305 China and climate justice: moving beyond statism
by Paul Harris & Alice Chow & Rasmus Karlsson - 307-320 Carbon emission right as a new property right: rescue CDM developers in China from 2012
by Qing Pei & Lanlan Liu & David Zhang - 321-342 The use of “security” jargon in sustainable development discourse: evidence from UN Commission on Sustainable Development
by Itay Fischhendler & David Katz - 343-367 The effectiveness of international environmental agreements
by Jürg Vollenweider - 369-386 Climate justice and bargaining coalitions: a discourse analysis
by René Audet - 387-403 The political economy of international environmental agreements: a survey
by Leo Wangler & Juan-Carlos Altamirano-Cabrera & Hans-Peter Weikard - 405-408 Mark Swilling and Eve Annecke: Just transitions: explorations of sustainability in an unfair world
by Lucy Baker - 409-410 Gary Bryner, Robert J. Duffy: Integrating climate, energy, and air pollution policies
by Elizabeth DeSombre
May 2013, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 107-125 A model of dynamic climate governance: dream big, win small
by Johannes Urpelainen - 127-151 The impact of environmental interest groups in international negotiations: Do ENGOs induce stronger environmental commitments?
by Tobias Böhmelt & Carola Betzold - 153-176 The promise of new institutionalism: explaining the absence of a World or United Nations Environment Organisation
by Marjanneke Vijge - 177-196 Domestic biodiplomacy: navigating between provider and user categories for genetic resources in Brazil and French Guiana
by Geoffroy Filoche - 197-217 From struggle in responsible investment to potential to improve global environmental governance through UN PRI
by Riikka Sievänen & John Sumelius & K. Islam & Mila Sell - 219-223 Steinar Andresen, Elin Lerum Boasson, and Geir Hønneland (Eds): International environmental agreements: an introduction
by Stavros Afionis
March 2013, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-14 Oran Young and international institutions
by Ronald Mitchell - 15-30 Meeting common environmental challenges: the co-evolution of policies and practices
by Arild Underdal - 31-48 Governance by EU emissions trading: resistance or innovation in the oil industry?
by Jon Skjærseth - 49-63 Climate change and adaptive capacity in fisheries management: the case of Norway
by Øistein Harsem & Alf Hoel - 65-85 Regime interplay in Arctic shipping governance: explaining regional niche selection
by Olav Stokke - 87-105 Sugaring off: enduring insights from long-term research on environmental governance
by Oran Young
November 2012, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 309-325 Signaling in international environmental agreements: the case of early and delayed action
by Michael Jakob & Kai Lessmann - 327-342 Multi-level and multi-arena governance: the limits of integration and the possibilities of forum shopping
by Aynsley Kellow - 343-360 Supply and demand structure for international offset permits under the Copenhagen Pledges
by Peter Heindl & Sebastian Voigt - 361-374 The role of the G20 in governing the climate change regime
by Joy Kim & Suh-Yong Chung - 375-389 Geoengineering and global warming: a strategic perspective
by Johannes Urpelainen - 391-392 Lars H. Gulbrandsen: Transnational environmental governance: the emergence and effects of the certification of forests and fisheries
by Karen Anderton - 393-395 Pamela S. Chasek, and Lynn M. Wagner (eds): The Roads from Rio: lessons learned from twenty years of multilateral environmental negotiations
by Suzanne Verhoog
September 2012, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 215-229 Hegemony and asymmetry: multiple-chessboard games on transboundary rivers
by Jeroen Warner & Neda Zawahri - 231-250 The struggle over Turkey’s Ilısu Dam: domestic and international security linkages
by Jeroen Warner - 251-268 Governing Iberian Rivers: from bilateral management to common basin governance?
by Paula Lopes - 269-298 Domestic environmental activists and the governance of the Ganges and Mekong Rivers in India and China
by Neda Zawahri & Oliver Hensengerth - 299-308 Process-focused analysis in transboundary water governance research
by Diana Suhardiman & Mark Giordano
May 2012, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 111-127 Dealing with the temporal domain of regime effectiveness: A further conceptual development of the Oslo-Potsdam solution
by Frank Grundig - 129-144 Strategies in international regime negotiations: reflecting background conditions or shaping outcomes?
by Arild Underdal - 145-163 Technology investment, bargaining, and international environmental agreements
by Johannes Urpelainen - 165-186 Venturing into uncharted financial waters: an essay on climate-friendly finance
by J. Hourcade & B. Perrissin Fabert & J. Rozenberg - 187-210 A community in the Orange: the development of a multi-level water governance framework in the Orange-Senqu River basin in Southern Africa
by Inga Jacobs - 211-214 Kerri Woods: Human rights and environmental sustainability
by Josh Gellers
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-21 Building better science-policy interfaces for international environmental governance: assessing potential within the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
by Thomas Koetz & Katharine Farrell & Peter Bridgewater - 23-39 Transitions in the negotiations on climate change: from prisoner’s dilemma to chicken and beyond
by Karen Pittel & Dirk Rübbelke - 41-61 Genesis of the CDM: the original policymaking goals of the 1997 Brazilian proposal and their evolution in the Kyoto protocol negotiations into the CDM
by John Cole - 63-84 Border carbon adjustments, WTO-law and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
by Sarah Davidson Ladly - 85-103 Analysis of the governance architecture to regulate GHG emissions from international shipping
by Bernd Hackmann - 105-107 Deepak Rajagopal and David Zilberman: Environmental, economic, and policy aspects of biofuels
by Mairon Bastos Lima - 109-110 JoAnn Carmin and Julian Agyeman (eds): Environmental inequalities beyond borders: local perspectives on global injustices
by Luke Boughen
November 2011, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 275-295 Preparing the design of robust climate policy architectures
by Aviel Verbruggen - 297-319 National institutional response to climate change and stakeholder participation: a comparative study for Asia
by Xin Zhou & Hideyuki Mori - 321-339 Subnational governments in transnational networks for sustainable development
by Sander Happaerts & Karoline Van den Brande & Hans Bruyninckx - 341-360 The European Union as a negotiator in the international climate change regime
by Stavros Afionis - 361-377 The role of justice in the North–South conflict in climate change: the case of negotiations on the Adaptation Fund
by Marco Grasso - 379-380 Afshin Akhtarkhavari: Global governance and the environment: environmental principles and change in international law and politics
by Candice Carr Kelman - 381-383 Luca Tacconi, Sango Mahanty and Helen Suich (eds): Payments for environmental services, forest conservation and climate change: livelihoods in the REDD?
by Romain Pirard
September 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 205-208 Editorial
by Carlo Carraro & Emanuele Massetti - 209-227 Carbon tax scenarios for China and India: exploring politically feasible mitigation goals
by Emanuele Massetti - 229-243 Climate agreements and India: aligning options and opportunities on a new track
by P. Shukla & Subash Dhar - 245-259 In what format and under what timeframe would China take on climate commitments? A roadmap to 2050
by Zhongxiang Zhang - 261-273 China and India’s participation in global climate negotiations
by Sean Walsh & Huifang Tian & John Whalley & Manmohan Agarwal
May 2011, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 99-116 Food security and access and benefit sharing laws relating to genetic resources: promoting synergies in national and international governance
by Gurdial Nijar - 117-137 Multicriteria Decision Aid to support Multilateral Environmental Agreements in assessing international forestry projects
by Rocío Cóndor & Antonino Scarelli & Riccardo Valentini - 139-157 International water negotiations under asymmetry, Lessons from the Rhine chlorides dispute settlement (1931–2004)
by Carel Dieperink - 159-178 Transboundary water interaction II: the influence of ‘soft’ power
by Mark Zeitoun & Naho Mirumachi & Jeroen Warner - 179-199 Water resources data and information exchange in transboundary water treaties
by Andrea Gerlak & Jonathan Lautze & Mark Giordano - 201-203 M. Faure and S. Ying: China and International Environmental Liability: legal remedies for transboundary pollution
by Alexis Hickman
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-6 Editorial
by Michele Betsill & Philipp Pattberg & Eleni Dellas - 7-22 Wine, fruit, and emission reductions: the CDM as development strategy in Chile
by Teresia Rindefjäll & Emma Lund & Johannes Stripple - 23-42 Networking for climate change: agency in the context of renewable energy governance in India
by Elisabeth Benecke - 43-61 Exploring the agency of global environmental consultancy firms in earth system governance
by Sofie Bouteligier - 63-83 Social entrepreneurs as change agents: a case study on power and authority in the water sector
by Lena Partzsch & Rafael Ziegler - 85-98 Agency in earth system governance: refining a research agenda
by Eleni Dellas & Philipp Pattberg & Michele Betsill
December 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 273-276 Editorial
by Frank Biermann & Ruben Zondervan - 277-298 Earth system governance: a research framework
by Frank Biermann & Michele Betsill & Joyeeta Gupta & Norichika Kanie & Louis Lebel & Diana Liverman & Heike Schroeder & Bernd Siebenhüner & Ruben Zondervan - 299-315 Allocation and architecture in climate governance beyond Kyoto: lessons from interdisciplinary research on target setting
by Norichika Kanie & Hiromi Nishimoto & Yasuaki Hijioka & Yasuko Kameyama - 317-332 Agency in international climate negotiations: the case of indigenous peoples and avoided deforestation
by Heike Schroeder - 333-353 The role of social learning in adaptiveness: insights from water management
by Louis Lebel & Torsten Grothmann & Bernd Siebenhüner - 355-375 Pursuits of adaptiveness in the shared rivers of Monsoon Asia
by Louis Lebel & Jianchu Xu & Ram Bastakoti & Amrita Lamba - 377-395 Access and allocation in earth system governance: water and climate change compared
by Joyeeta Gupta & Louis Lebel - 397-416 Filling the gap? An analysis of non-governmental organizations responses to participation and representation deficits in global climate governance
by Kathrin Dombrowski
September 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 165-186 Are international environmental agreements enforceable? implications for institutional design
by Daniel Matisoff - 187-208 High level Antarctic EIA under the Madrid Protocol: state practice and the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation process
by Alan Hemmings & Lorne Kriwoken - 209-231 A critical review of the successful CFC phase-out versus the delayed methyl bromide phase-out in the Montreal Protocol
by Brian Gareau - 233-248 An analysis of the relationship between the additionality of CDM projects and their contribution to sustainable development
by Johannes Alexeew & Linda Bergset & Kristin Meyer & Juliane Petersen & Lambert Schneider & Charlotte Unger - 249-266 Challenges and prospects of implementing the access and benefit sharing regime of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Africa: the case of Ethiopia
by Fikremarkos Birhanu - 267-271 Michael M. Gunter, Jr.: Building the next ark: how NGOs work to protect biodiversity
by Rodrigo Pinto
June 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 89-91 Services, the environment and the NAFTA
by Zhongxiang Zhang - 93-105 Pollution and international trade in services
by Arik Levinson - 107-131 NAFTA, tourism, and environment in Mexico
by Luz-Aída Martínez Meléndez - 133-145 Environmental implications of trade liberalization on North American transport services: the case of the trucking sector
by Linda Fernandez - 147-164 The evolution of the environmental industry in the post-NAFTA era in Mexico
by Grant Ferrier
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-14 Exploring the consequences of soft law and hard law: implementing international nutrient commitments in Norwegian agriculture
by Jon Skjærseth - 15-27 Civil liability in the context of the Cartagena Protocol: to be or not to be (binding)?
by Dire Tladi - 29-44 How efficient can international compensation regimes be in pollution prevention? A discussion of the case of marine oil spills
by Julien Hay - 45-63 Russia’s role in UNFCCC negotiations since the exit of the United States in 2001
by Stavros Afionis & Ioannis Chatzopoulos - 65-84 Better science and worse diplomacy: negotiating the cleanup of the Swedish and Finnish pulp and paper industry
by Matthew Auer - 85-87 Oran R. Young, Leslie A. King, and Heike Schroeder, Eds., Institutions and Environmental Change: Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers
by Josh Gellers
November 2009, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 337-350 International regimes and environmental policy integration: introducing the special issue
by Måns Nilsson & Marc Pallemaerts & Ingmar Homeyer - 351-369 Environmental policy integration and the architecture of global environmental governance
by Frank Biermann & Olwen Davies & Nicolien Grijp - 371-391 Interplay management: enhancing environmental policy integration among international institutions
by Sebastian Oberthür - 393-408 Interaction between EU carbon trading and the international climate regime: synergies and learning
by Jørgen Wettestad - 409-429 Environmental policy integration and bilateral development assistance: challenges and opportunities with an evolving governance framework
by Åsa Persson
August 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 195-211 Introduction: exploring and explaining the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
by Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen & Harro Asselt - 213-238 The role of the Asia Pacific Partnership in discursive contestation of the international climate regime
by Jeffrey McGee & Ros Taplin - 239-262 Friendly neighbor or Trojan Horse? Assessing the interaction of soft law initiatives and the UN climate regime
by Antto Vihma - 263-280 An agenda for change in U.S. climate policies? Presidential ambitions and congressional powers
by Tora Skodvin & Steinar Andresen - 281-299 Australian climate policy and the Asia Pacific partnership on clean development and climate (APP). From Howard to Rudd: continuity or change?
by Peter Lawrence - 301-317 China in the Asia–Pacific Partnership: consequences for UN climate change mitigation efforts?
by Gørild Heggelund & Inga Buan - 319-336 Japan’s position in international climate policy: navigating between Kyoto and the APP
by Harro Asselt & Norichika Kanie & Masahiko Iguchi
May 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 95-111 A Clean Development Mechanism with global atmospheric benefits for a post-2012 climate regime
by Lambert Schneider - 113-133 The limits of regulatory convergence: globalization and GMO politics in the south
by Robert Falkner & Aarti Gupta - 135-151 Global principles for sustainable biofuel production and trade
by Eero Palmujoki - 153-171 Business to the rescue: private sector actors and global environmental regimes’ legitimacy
by Amandine Bled - 173-190 Lessons learned from the World Commission on Dams
by Ryo Fujikura & Mikiyasu Nakayama - 191-194 Shawkat Alam, Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches
by Md. Rizwanul Islam
February 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-21 An overview of the content and historical context of the international freshwater agreements that South Africa has entered into with neighbouring countries
by E. Kistin & P. Ashton & A. Earle & D. Malzbender & M. Patrick & A. Turton - 23-38 Restricting the import of ‘emission credits’ in the EU: a power struggle between states and institutions
by Karoline Flåm - 39-62 Environmental effectiveness and economic consequences of fragmented versus universal regimes: what can we learn from model studies?
by Andries Hof & Michel Elzen & Detlef Vuuren - 63-80 A review of the CDM literature: from fine-tuning to critical scrutiny?
by Emma Paulsson - 81-83 Gert Spaargaren, Arther P. J. Mol and Frederick H. Buttel (eds.): Governing Environmental Flows: Global Challenges to Social Theory
by Susan Park - 85-87 Kevin P. Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky, The Enclave Economy: Foreign Investment and Sustainable Development in Mexico’s Silicon Valley
by Kyla Tienhaara - 89-93 Michael Faure and Nicole Niessen (eds.): Environmental Law in Development: Lessons from the Indonesian Experience
by Candice Carr
December 2008, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 297-316 Transboundary water interaction I: reconsidering conflict and cooperation
by Mark Zeitoun & Naho Mirumachi - 317-341 The formation of an international environmental agreement as a two-stage exclusive cartel formation game with transferable utilities
by Porchiung Chou & Cheickna Sylla - 343-365 Technology spillovers and stability of international climate coalitions
by Miyuki Nagashima & Rob Dellink - 367-388 Beyond the public and private divide: remapping transnational climate governance in the 21st century
by Philipp Pattberg & Johannes Stripple - 389-408 International environmental agreements between developing countries only: learning from the Brazil–Uruguay case over the suspicion of acid rain
by Daniel Rótulo Decuadra & Jose Puppim de Oliveira - 409-412 J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks, A Climate of Injustice: Global Inequality, North–South Politics, and Climate Policy
by Jörg Balsiger - 413-415 J. J. Kirton and M. J. Trebilcock 2004, Hard Choices, Soft Law: Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social Governance
by Sylvia Karlsson - 417-417 From a law for greed to a law for need: the underlying importance of prof. Sornarajah’s paper
by Howard Mann
September 2008, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 187-206 A taxonomy of collaborative governance: a guide to understanding the diversity of international and domestic conservation accords
by Charles Chester & William Moomaw - 207-226 Institutional interplay and effectiveness: assessing efforts to conserve western hemisphere shorebirds
by Jeremy Wilson - 227-248 The civil liability of European nuclear operators: which coverage for the new 2004 Protocols? Evidence from France
by Michael Faure & Karine Fiore - 249-274 Land use and forestry based CDM in scientific peer-reviewed literature pre-and post-COP 9 in Milan
by Matilda Palm & Madelene Ostwald & John Reilly - 275-290 Implementing EU emissions trading: success or failure?
by Jon Skjærseth & Jørgen Wettestad - 291-293 Carlo Carraro and Christian Egenhofer (eds): Climate and Trade Policy: Bottom-up Approaches Towards Global Agreement
by Pamela Doughman - 295-296 Elizabeth R. DeSombre, Global Environmental Institutions
by Hilary Nixon
June 2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 95-112 UNFCCC negotiations (pre-Kyoto to COP-9): what the process says about the politics of CDM-sinks
by Emily Boyd & Esteve Corbera & Manuel Estrada - 113-127 The Group of 77 in the international climate negotiations: recent developments and future directions
by Sjur Kasa & Anne Gullberg & Gørild Heggelund - 129-142 Financially sustainable investments in developing countries water sectors: what conditions could promote private sector involvement?
by Nadia Tecco - 143-159 Shipping hazardous waste: implications for economically developing countries
by Sangeeta Sonak & Mahesh Sonak & Asha Giriyan - 161-178 Rational lobbying and EU climate policy
by Anne Gullberg - 179-181 Sumudu A. Atapattu, Emerging Principles of International Environmental Law
by Stefano Nespor - 183-186 Edward A. Page, Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations
by Marco Grasso
March 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-16 Local causes, regional co-operation and global financing for environmental problems: the case of Southeast Asian Haze pollution
by Luca Tacconi & Frank Jotzo & R. Grafton - 17-34 Trade and environment negotiations in the WTO: Asian perspectives
by Yohei Harashima - 35-49 European air pollution assessments: co-production of science and policy
by Willemijn Tuinstra - 51-77 Drivers for adopting environmental management systems in the post-Soviet mining industry
by Olli Salmi - 79-81 Scott Barrett, Environment & Statecraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making
by Jamie Morgan - 83-85 Philippe G. Le Prestre (ed.), Governing Global Biodiversity: The Evolution and Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
by Pamela McElwee - 87-90 Carraro, Carlo and François Lévêque (Eds), Voluntary Approaches in Environmental Policy
by Lada Dunbar - 91-94 Jon Birger Skjærseth and Tora Skodvin, Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problem, Varying Strategies
by Jerry Hinkle & Armin Rosencranz
December 2007, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 317-336 The effectiveness of UN environmental institutions
by Steinar Andresen - 337-361 Designing the United Nations Environment Programme: a story of compromise and confrontation
by Maria Ivanova - 363-387 U.S. policy in the UN environmental arena: powerful laggard or constructive leader?
by Pamela Chasek - 389-413 The European Union in global environmental governance: Leadership in the making?
by John Vogler & Hannes Stephan - 415-438 China and UN environmental policy: institutional growth, learning and implementation
by Gørild Heggelund & Ellen Backer - 439-455 Norway in UN environmental policies: ambitions and influence
by G. Rosendal - 457-468 Key actors in UN environmental governance: influence, reform and leadership
by Steinar Andresen
September 2007, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 209-235 Managing global change for sustainable development: technology, community and multilateral environmental agreements
by Duncan French - 237-261 Transboundary river basin agreements in the Mekong and Zambezi basins: Enhancing environmental security or securitizing the environment?
by Coleen Fox & Chris Sneddon - 263-280 Is EU enlargement bad for environmental policy? Confronting gloomy expectations with evidence
by Jon Skjærseth & Jørgen Wettestad - 281-300 The legal regime for application of the precautionary principle in India: future directions for the GM regulatory regime
by Nupur Chowdhury & Santanu Sabhapandit - 301-303 John J. Kirton and Peter I. Hajnal (eds): Sustainability, Civil Society and International Governance: Local, North American and Global Contributions
by Pamela Doughman - 305-311 Rüdiger Wolfrum and Nele Matz, Conflicts in International Environmental Law
by Harro Asselt - 313-315 Hakan Seckinelgin, The Environment and International Politics: International Fisheries, Heidegger and Social Method
by D. Webster
June 2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 105-107 Trade and the environment in North America
by Zhongxiang Zhang & Chantal Carpentier - 109-135 The maquiladora electronics industry on Mexico’s northern border and the environment
by Claudia Schatan & Liliana Castilleja - 137-169 Scale, technique and composition effects in the Mexican agricultural sector: the influence of NAFTA and the institutional environment
by Silvina Vilas-Ghiso & Diana Liverman - 171-201 Environmental policy implications of investor-state arbitration under NAFTA Chapter 11
by Sanford Gaines - 203-204 Donald K. Anton, Penelope Mathew, and Wayne Morgan, International Law: Cases and Materials
by William Burns - 205-207 Frank Biermann and Steffen Bauer (eds): A world environmental organization: solutions or threat for effective international environmental governance?
by Marco Grasso
March 2007, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-15 The price of non-compliance with the Kyoto Protocol: The remarkable case of Norway
by Steffen Kallbekken & Jon Hovi - 17-34 Unilateral CDM—can developing countries finance generation of greenhouse gas emission credits on their own?
by Axel Michaelowa - 35-71 Greening the security council: climate change as an emerging “threat to international peace and security”
by Christopher Penny - 73-97 Measures to enhance the success of global climate treaties
by Johan Eyckmans & Michael Finus - 99-103 From resource scarcity to ecological security: exploring new limits to growth, by Dennis Pirages and Ken Cousins, The MIT Press, 2005, ISBN-10: 0-262-66189-6
by Joseph DiMento
December 2006, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 323-327 Investment for sustainable development: panacea, placebo or problematic?
by Joyeeta Gupta & Kyla Tienhaara - 329-357 A law for need or a law for greed?: Restoring the lost law in the international law of foreign investment
by M. Sornarajah - 359-363 From a law for greed to a law for need: the underlying importance of prof. Sornorajah’s paper
by Howard Mann - 365-369 The international law of foreign investment in the age of globalization: from panic to panacea
by A. Maniruzzaman - 371-394 Mineral investment and the regulation of the environment in developing countries: lessons from Ghana
by Kyla Tienhaara - 395-399 From regulatory chill to deepfreeze?
by Lyuba Zarsky - 401-406 Sustainable investment in the minerals sector: re-examining the paradigm
by Elizabeth Bastida - 407-421 Water as a political good: implications for investments
by Marco Schouten & Klaas Schwartz