September 2019, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 361-378 A systemic perspective on socioeconomic transformation in the digital age
by Rita Strohmaier & Marlies Schuetz & Simone Vannuccini - 379-389 Fourth industrial revolution concepts in the automotive sector: performativity, work and employment
by Tommaso Pardi - 391-402 Industry 4.0: revolution or hype? Reassessing recent technological trends and their impact on labour
by Armanda Cetrulo & Alessandro Nuvolari - 403-414 A policy for a new industrial revolution
by Rafael Myro - 415-430 A fourth industrial revolution? Digital transformation, labor and work organization: a view from Spain
by Francisco-Javier Braña
June 2019, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 137-146 Grand challenges and new avenues for corporate governance research
by Marc Goergen & Laura Rondi - 147-156 Corporate governance: what we know and what we don’t know
by Julie Elston - 157-189 Dividend policy, corporate control and the tax status of the controlling shareholder
by Christian Andres & André Betzer & Inga Bongard & Marc Goergen - 191-227 The role of venture quality and investor reputation in the switching phenomenon to different types of venture capitalists
by Annalisa Croce & Elisa Ughetto - 229-250 The changing patterns of venture capital investments in Europe
by Fabio Bertoni & Massimo G. Colombo & Anita Quas & Francesca Tenca - 251-281 Voting rights delivery in investment-based crowdfunding: a cross-platform analysis
by Alice Rossi & Silvio Vismara & Michele Meoli - 283-312 The impact of governance signals on ICO fundraising success
by Giancarlo Giudici & Saman Adhami
March 2019, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-24 Improving the developmental impact of multinational enterprises: policy and research challenges
by Rajneesh Narula & André Pineli - 25-43 Behavioral barriers and the energy efficiency gap: a survey of the literature
by Laura Abrardi - 45-64 Necessary demand and extra demand of public utility product: identification using the stochastic frontier model
by Eri Nakamura & Fumitoshi Mizutani - 65-81 Investment and market power in mobile mergers
by Georges V. Houngbonon & Francois Jeanjean - 83-115 The determinants of corporate profitability in the Italian domestic appliances industry
by Fabio Pieri & Riccardo Verruso - 117-135 Digital piracy in Asian countries
by Koji Domon & Alessandro Melcarne & Giovanni B. Ramello
December 2018, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 443-473 KIBS for public needs
by Dmitri Vinogradov & Elena Shadrina & Marina Doroshenko - 475-491 Spatial autocorrelation and clusters in modelling corporate bankruptcy of manufacturing firms
by M. Simona Andreano & Roberto Benedetti & Andrea Mazzitelli & Federica Piersimoni - 493-518 Time allocation behaviours of entrepreneurs: the impact of individual entrepreneurial orientation
by Evila Piva - 519-532 Mixed duopoly and the indirect effect in linear supply function competition
by Keita Yamane - 533-554 Industrial spatial dynamics, financial health and bankruptcy: evidence from Italian manufacturing industry
by Greta Falavigna & Roberto Ippoliti - 555-564 Outside (option) in the orchard: lemons or peaches?
by Christian Pietro & Marco Maria Sorge
September 2018, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 311-334 High-tech entrepreneurial ventures seeking external equity: whether, when, where… and why not?
by Anita Quas & Diego D’Adda - 335-360 Are Italian firms performances influenced by innovation of domestic and foreign firms nearby in space and sectors?
by Anna M. Ferragina & Giulia Nunziante - 361-386 The geography of technology-intensive start-ups and venture capital: European evidence
by Massimiliano Guerini & Francesca Tenca - 387-401 A stochastic frontier estimator of the aggregate degree of market power exerted by the US meat packing industry
by Dimitrios Panagiotou & Athanassios Stavrakoudis - 403-424 Analysis of the relevance of China’s development for main European automotive manufacturing countries
by Andoni Maiza & Ricardo Bustillo - 425-442 Anthropogenic influence on global warming for effective cost-benefit analysis: a machine learning perspective
by C. Orsenigo & C. Vercellis
June 2018, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 109-109 In memory of a friend and distinguished scholar: Luigi Orsenigo (1954–2018)
by Giovanni Dosi & Franco Malerba - 111-142 Does university prestige foster the initial growth of academic spin-offs?
by Alice Civera & Michele Meoli - 143-173 The effect of information asymmetries on serial crowdfunding and campaign success
by Vincenzo Butticè & Carlotta Orsenigo & Mike Wright - 175-213 Collecting data on TMTs’ organizational design: good practices from the StiMa project
by Paola Rovelli & Cristina Rossi-Lamastra - 215-242 Non-traditional business models for city-scale energy storage: evidence from UK case studies
by Andrew Burlinson & Monica Giulietti - 243-278 Dark fiber price regulation in the absence of facilities-based competition
by Vitor Miguel Ribeiro - 279-310 Mobile telephony, economic growth, financial development, foreign direct investment, and imports of ICT goods: the case of the G-20 countries
by Rudra P. Pradhan & Mak B. Arvin & John H. Hall & Sara E. Bennett
March 2018, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction to the special issue: Public Procurement—new theoretical and empirical developments
by Stéphane Saussier & Paola Valbonesi - 5-16 Implications of Third Parties for Contract Design
by Marian W. Moszoro & Pablo T. Spiller - 17-36 Procuring price and quality using scoring auctions: where do we stand?
by Riccardo Camboni Marchi Adani - 37-53 Green public procurement and multiple environmental objectives
by Sofia Lundberg & Per-Olov Marklund - 55-84 Is competition able to counteract the inefficiency of corruption? The case of Italian public works
by Massimo Finocchiaro Castro & Calogero Guccio & Giacomo Pignataro & Ilde Rizzo - 85-107 Barriers towards foreign firms in international public procurement markets: a review
by Chiara Carboni & Elisabetta Iossa & Gianpiero Mattera
December 2017, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 391-392 Introduction to the special issue on Giacomo Becattini, industrial economics, and local development
by Marco Bellandi & Joan Trullen - 393-410 Co-operation and competition in production and exchange: the “district” form of industrial organization and development
by Sue Konzelmann & Frank Wilkinson - 411-427 New forms of industrial districts
by Marco Bellandi & Lisa De Propris - 429-447 Districts, multinationals and global/digital networks
by Davide Castellani & Enzo Rullani & Antonello Zanfei - 449-456 The Marshallian industrial district and inclusive urban growth strategy
by Joan Trullén-Thomas & Rafael Boix-Domenech - 457-472 Cluster policies and cluster institutions: an opportunity to bind economic and social dimensions?
by Anastasiia Konstantynova & James R. Wilson - 473-480 System-based, light and complex: industrial and local development policies in the thought of Giacomo Becattini
by Annalisa Caloffi
September 2017, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 267-289 How do governance factors affect inefficiency? Stochastic frontier analysis of public utility firms in Japan
by Fumitoshi Mizutani & Eri Nakamura - 291-314 Comparing feed-in tariffs and renewable obligation certificates: the case of repowering wind farms
by Teresa Romano & Tim Mennel & Sara Scatasta - 315-325 Unilateral effects of partial acquisitions: consistent calculation of GUPPI under horizontal merger guidelines within the EU
by Panagiotis N. Fotis & Michael L. Polemis & Konstantinos Eleftheriou - 327-343 Innovation, skills and investment: a digital industrial policy for Europe
by Harald Gruber - 345-369 SMEs’ growth in international markets: export intensity, export diversification and distribution strategies
by Eleonora Di Maria & Roberto Ganau - 371-390 Corporate social responsibility in a game-theoretic context
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella
June 2017, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 145-159 The market power requirement in antitrust enforcement and its usefulness
by V. Bageri & Y. Katsoulacos - 161-174 Price variability, generic substitution, market size and multimarket contacts in the Finnish beta blocker market
by Mikael Linden - 175-197 Traditional banks, online banks, and number of branches
by Stefano Colombo - 199-220 The importance of trademark protection for product differentiation and innovation
by Dirk Crass & Franz Schwiebacher - 221-243 Clustering strategy and development of subsidiaries in China
by Francisco Puig & Borja Portero & Miguel González-Loureiro - 245-257 The intensity of business R&D in Italy: why reducing the gap with the EU is possible and worthwhile
by Alessandro Sterlacchini - 259-266 The effects of corporate social responsibility on entry
by Luciano Fanti & Domenico Buccella
March 2017, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-2 Obituary: Giacomo Becattini (1927–2017)
by Marco Bellandi - 3-22 International perspectives on venture capital and bank finance for entrepreneurial firms
by Joern H. Block & Douglas J. Cumming & Silvio Vismara - 23-49 Financing R&D investments: an analysis on Italian manufacturing firms and their lending banks
by Giacinto Micucci & Paola Rossi - 51-75 Smart finance for smart places to foster new venture creation
by Erik E. Lehmann & Nikolaus Seitz & Katharine Wirsching - 77-102 Complementary or conflictory?: the effects of the composition of the syndicate on venture capital-backed IPOs in the US stock market
by Sunny Hahn & Jina Kang - 103-117 A drop in an empty pond: Canadian public policy towards venture capital
by Douglas Cumming & Sofia Johan & Jeffrey G. MacIntosh - 119-144 Financial constraints in family firms and the role of venture capital
by Annalisa Croce & José Martí
December 2016, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 355-356 Public sector entrepreneurship: introduction to the special section
by Albert N. Link - 357-381 Public cluster policy and new venture creation
by David B. Audretsch & Erik E. Lehmann & Matthias Menter - 383-408 Publicly funded principal investigators allocation of time for public sector entrepreneurship activities
by James A. Cunningham & Paul O’Reilly & Brendan Dolan & Conor O’Kane & Vincent Mangematin - 409-448 Creativity for invention insights: corporate strategies and opportunities for public entrepreneurship
by John T. Scott - 449-462 Universities as partners in research joint ventures
by Dennis Patrick Leyden - 463-489 The determinants of open access publishing: survey evidence from countries in the Mediterranean Open Access Network (MedOANet)
by Thomas Eger & Marc Scheufen & Daniel Meierrieks - 491-502 Industrial policy and the future of manufacturing
by Antonio Andreoni & Ha-Joon Chang
September 2016, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 231-232 Perspectives on industrial policies in Italy and in Europe: a forum
by Mario Pianta & Antonello Zanfei - 233-260 Industrial policy and technology in Italy
by Matteo Lucchese & Leopoldo Nascia & Mario Pianta - 261-264 Beyond the ‘magic of the market’. The slow return of industrial policy (but not yet in Italy)
by Giovanni Dosi - 265-271 From manufacturing nostalgia to a strategy for economic transformation
by Bengt-Åke Lundvall - 273-280 Science policy as a prerequisite of industrial policy
by Stefano Bianchini & Patrick Llerena - 281-289 Industrial policy options for sustaining growth in Italy
by Harald Gruber - 291-304 Industrial policy in Italy and Germany: yet another look
by David B. Audretsch & Erik E. Lehmann - 305-313 Industrial policy in France: in search of lost time
by Philippe Mustar - 315-322 A polarized country in a polarized Europe: an industrial policy for Italy’s renaissance
by Dario Guarascio & Annamaria Simonazzi - 323-330 Innovation policies: the national and regional dimensions
by Philippe Laredo - 331-336 Southern Europe in crisis: industrial policy lessons from Italy and Portugal
by Manuel Mira Godinho & Ricardo Paes Mamede - 337-344 The bumpy ride to the knowledge economy
by Cristiano Antonelli - 345-353 Lost in transition: systemic innovations and the new role of the state in industrial policy
by Enzo Rullani & Claudio Cozza & Antonello Zanfei
June 2016, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 105-126 Public engagement in electricity network development: the case of the Beauly–Denny project in Scotland
by Wenche Tobiasson & Christina Beestermöller & Tooraj Jamasb - 127-155 CEO incentives in European energy utilities: evidence from regulated versus unregulated firms
by Carlo Cambini & Sara De Masi & Laura Rondi - 157-174 Regulatory biases under local partial privatization
by Margherita Boggio - 219-230 The dark side of social media game: the addiction of social gamers
by Mehrnaz Kalhour & Jhony Choon Yeong Ng
March 2016, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-9 Resources (mis)allocation, innovation and the competitiveness of Europe
by Chiara Criscuolo & Angelo Secchi - 1-9 Resources (mis)allocation, innovation and the competitiveness of Europe
by Chiara Criscuolo & Angelo Secchi - 11-24 R&D as an investment in knowledge based capital
by Albert N. Link & Christopher A. Swann - 11-24 R&D as an investment in knowledge based capital
by Albert Link & Christopher Swann - 25-65 FDI and heterogeneous performance of European enterprises
by Valeria Gattai & Giorgia Sali - 25-65 FDI and heterogeneous performance of European enterprises
by Valeria Gattai & Giorgia Sali - 67-83 Ownership, productivity and firm survival in China
by David Audretsch & Xiaodan Guo & Adrian Hepfer & Hugo Menendez & Xingzhi Xiao - 67-83 Ownership, productivity and firm survival in China
by David Audretsch & Xiaodan Guo & Adrian Hepfer & Hugo Menendez & Xingzhi Xiao - 85-103 The impact of patenting on the size of high-tech firms: the role of venture capital and product market regulation
by Massimo Colombo & Kourosh Shafi - 85-103 The impact of patenting on the size of high-tech firms: the role of venture capital and product market regulation
by Massimo G. Colombo & Kourosh Shafi
December 2015, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 371-394 How much are flexibility and uncertainty worth in patent licensing?
by Maria Isabella Leone & Raffaele Oriani & Toke Reichstein - 395-440 Agglomeration economies in Italy: impact on heterogeneous firms’ exit in a multilevel framework
by Anna Ferragina & Fernanda Mazzotta - 441-454 Price distortion under fixed-mobile substitution
by Marc Bourreau & Carlo Cambini & Steffen Hoernig - 455-473 Unionized duopoly, market competition with differentiated products, and welfare
by Domenico Buccella - 475-509 Internationalisation and performance at the firm-level: what we learn from Italy
by Valeria Gattai
September 2015, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 245-276 Contract and procurement design for PPPs in highways: the road ahead
by Elisabetta Iossa - 277-296 What causes the megabyte price drop in the mobile industry?
by François Jeanjean - 297-321 Measuring the economic landscape of Italy: target efficiency and control effectiveness
by Yousaf Ali & Maurizio Ciaschini & Rosita Pretaroli & Claudio Socci - 323-341 How do new entrepreneurs innovate?
by Gabriele Pellegrino & Mariacristina Piva & Marco Vivarelli - 343-370 Multinational enterprises from emerging economies: what theories suggest, what evidence shows. A literature review
by Alessia Amighini & Claudio Cozza & Elisa Giuliani & Roberta Rabellotti & Vittoria Scalera
June 2015, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 117-155 Will the U.S. and EU telecommunications policies converge? A survey
by I. Vogelsang - 157-162 Special section: Offshoring, immigration and the labour market: a micro-level perspective
by Davide Castellani & Maria Mancusi & Grazia Santangelo & Antonello Zanfei - 163-187 Immigration and manufacturing in Italy: evidence from the 2000s
by Giuseppe Arcangelis & Edoardo Porto & Gianluca Santoni - 189-216 Offshoreability and wages. Evidence from German task data
by Tobias Brändle & Andreas Koch - 217-244 The governance of offshoring and its effects at home. The role of codetermination in the international organization of German firms
by Alessandro Bramucci & Antonello Zanfei
March 2015, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-7 Exploring the links between offshoring and innovation
by Davide Castellani & Maria Mancusi & Grazia Santangelo & Antonello Zanfei - 9-31 The effects of production offshoring on R&D and innovation in the home country
by Bernhard Dachs & Bernd Ebersberger & Steffen Kinkel & Oliver Som - 33-60 On the R&D giants’ shoulders: do FDI help to stand on them?
by Sandro Montresor & Antonio Vezzani - 61-91 The neglected effects of R&D captive offshoring in emerging countries on the creation of knowledge at home
by Lorena D’Agostino - 93-116 Inward greenfield FDI and innovation
by Roberto Antonietti & Raffaello Bronzini & Giulio Cainelli