June 2018, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 73-88 The contribution of J.R. Commons to migration analysis
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 89-111 Profit sharing, labour share and financial structure
by Kenshiro Ninomiya & Hiroyuki Takami - 113-137 Labour union strategy and non-regular worker unionisation: an institutionally adjusted insider–outsider model for Japan
by Nicolo Rosetti - 139-166 Effective extension of trading hours
by Kotaro Miwa - 167-187 The past and future of evolutionary economics: some reflections based on new bibliometric evidence
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson & Juha-Antti Lamberg - 189-202 Hodgson’s bibliometric report and the reconstruction plan of economics
by Yuji Aruka - 203-211 What methodology is suitable to describe diversity found in the course of history of economics as well as evolutionary economics?
by Makoto Nishibe
December 2017, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 311-333 Aggregate implications of lumpy investment under heterogeneity and uncertainty: a model of collective behavior
by Yoshiyuki Arata & Yosuke Kimura & Hiroki Murakami - 335-349 Controllability analyses of nation-wide firm networks
by Hiroyasu Inoue - 351-362 Dependence of the decay rate of firm activities on firm age
by Atushi Ishikawa & Shouji Fujimoto & Takayuki Mizuno & Tsutomu Watanabe - 363-395 Income distribution management to sustain long-term economic growth: does the equalization of income distribution contribute to long-term economic growth?
by Shungo Sakaki - 397-408 Quantized price volatility model for transaction data
by Hiroyuki Moriya - 409-414 Special feature: preliminaries towards ontological reconstruction of economics—theories and simulations
by Yuji Aruka - 415-430 Complexity and institutional evolution
by J. Barkley Rosser & Marina V. Rosser - 431-449 Influential factors responsible for the effect of tax reduction on GDP
by Shigeaki Ogibayashi & Kosei Takashima - 451-465 Investigation of the rule for investment diversification at the time of a market crash using an artificial market simulation
by Isao Yagi & Atsushi Nozaki & Takanobu Mizuta - 467-498 Some new perspectives on the inter-country analysis of the world production system
by Yuji Aruka - 499-500 Special feature: Professor Masahiko Aoki’s conception of economics and institution
by Kiichiro Yagi - 501-522 Institutional naturalism: reflections on Masahiko Aoki’s contribution to institutional economics
by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath - 523-540 Masahiko Aoki’s conception of institutions
by Hirokazu Takizawa - 541-554 Professor Aoki when he was interested in dynamic processes in the market economy
by Yoshinori Shiozawa
June 2017, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-27 Theoretical model of institutional ecosystems and its economic implications
by Takashi Hashimoto & Makoto Nishibe - 29-59 Revisiting the existing notion of continuous improvement (Kaizen): literature review and field research of Toyota from a perspective of innovation
by Shumpei Iwao - 61-78 Limited access states and elections: an unexpected economic consequence
by Richard Grabowski - 79-99 Property bubble in Hong Kong: A predicted decade-long slump (2016–2025)
by Peter Richmond & Bertrand M. Roehner - 101-116 The mutual effects between the fiscal relations of central and local governments and economic growth in post-reform China
by Zhongren Zhang - 117-130 Relationship between population density and population movement in inhabitable lands
by Shouji Fujimoto & Takayuki Mizuno & Takaaki Ohnishi & Chihiro Shimizu & Tsutomu Watanabe - 131-132 Special feature: the global energy transformation and human survivability
by Yuichi Ikeda & Dimiter Ialnazov - 133-140 Fourth International Symposium on Human Survivability: the global energy transformation: a quest for solutions from the perspective of human survivability
by Dimiter Ialnazov & Yuichi Ikeda & Shuichi Kawai & Eiichi Yamaguchi & Yosuke Yamashiki - 141-169 Energy transition in Germany: a case study on a policy-driven structural change of the energy system
by Felix Christian Matthes - 171-192 Economic hazards of a forced energy transition: inferences from the UK’s renewable energy and climate strategy
by John Constable & Lee Moroney - 193-206 The analyses on the economic costs for achieving the nationally determined contributions and the expected global emission pathways
by Keigo Akimoto & Fuminori Sano & Bianka Shoai Tehrani - 207-224 The paradigm disruptive new energy storage Shuttle Battery™ technology
by Ryo Tamaki & Tomohiko Matoba & Naoyoshi Kachi & Hisashi Tsukamoto - 225-229 Special feature: Computational and simulation paradigms for evolutionary and institutional economics
by Shu-Heng Chen - 231-252 Information aggregation and computational intelligence
by Shu-Heng Chen & Ragupathy Venkatachalam - 253-293 Transitional student admission mechanism from tracking to mixing: an agent-based policy analysis
by Connie H. Wang & Bin-Tzong Chie & Shu-Heng Chen - 295-310 The decomposition and policy meaning of China’s carbon emission intensity
by Jinhe Jiang
December 2016, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 269-295 Comparing the effectiveness of collusion devices in first-price procurement: an auction experiment
by Jeannette Brosig-Koch & Werner Güth & Torsten Weiland - 297-322 Capital theory ‘paradoxes’ and paradoxical results: resolved or continued?
by Theodore Mariolis & Lefteris Tsoulfidis - 323-362 Alternative monetary policies and economic stability in a medium-term Keynesian model
by Hiroki Murakami - 363-379 Accounting for structural changes in demand for foods in the presence of age and cohort effects: the case of fresh fish in Japan
by Hiroshi Mori & Toshio Inaba & John Dyck - 381-382 Special feature on new directions in econophysics
by Wataru Souma & Yoshi Fujiwara - 383-396 Analyses of aggregate fluctuations of firm production network based on the self-organized criticality model
by Hiroyasu Inoue - 397-408 Large directed-graph layout and its application to a million-firms economic network
by Yuji Fujita & Yoshi Fujiwara & Wataru Souma - 409-422 Long-term firm growth properties derived from short-term laws of sales and number of employees in Japan and France
by Atushi Ishikawa & Shouji Fujimoto & Takayuki Mizuno & Tsutomu Watanabe - 423-436 Constructing of network from topics and their temporal change in the Nikkei newspaper articles
by Shinya Kawata & Yoshi Fujiwara - 437-444 Trading strategy of a stock index based on the frequency of news releases for listed companies
by Yoshifumi Tahira & Takayuki Mizuno - 445-454 Power laws in market capitalization during the dot-com and Shanghai bubble periods
by Takayuki Mizuno & Takaaki Ohnishi & Tsutomu Watanabe - 455-468 Dynamical cross-correlation of multiple time series Ising model
by Tetsuya Takaishi - 469-480 A model of transaction signs with order splitting and public information
by Joshin Murai - 481-496 Investment time horizon and multifractality of stock price process
by Koji Kuroda
June 2016, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-21 J. M. Keynes on probability versus F. H. Knight on uncertainty: reflections on the miracle year of 1921
by Yasuhiro Sakai - 23-36 Financial structure, financial instability, and inflation targeting
by Kenshiro Ninomiya - 37-56 Net worth ratio, bank lending and financial instability
by Toshio Watanabe - 57-91 A comparative analysis of export growth in Turkey and China through macroeconomic and institutional factors
by Emre Ünal - 93-112 The emergence and the development of the Achaean federation: lessons and institutional proposals for modern societies
by Emmanouil Marios L. Economou & Nicholas Kyriazis - 113-116 Spiteful behavior can make everybody better off
by Robert Philipowski - 117-120 Special feature: evolving diversity of firms and industries and dynamics of economic structures: the régulationist and institutionalist approach to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
by Hiroyasu Uemura & Yuji Harada - 121-149 Diversification of Japanese firms: how hybrid organizations evolved through corporate governance reform
by Mitsuharu Miyamoto - 151-163 The collapse of Japanese companyist regulation and survival of the upstream industry: developing East Asian production linkage
by Mayumi Tabata - 165-182 The Korean exception: service outsourcing by manufacturing firms and the role of institutions
by Wooseok Ok - 183-215 Structural change and transformation of growth regime in the Japanese economy
by Hiroshi Nishi - 217-237 Long-term transformation of the economy–environment nexus in Japan: a historical analysis of environmental institutions and growth regimes based on the régulation theory
by Kazuhiro Okuma - 239-268 Diversity of institutional architectures underlying the technological system in Asian economies
by Hironori Tohyama & Yuji Harada