2009, Issue 113-114
- 35-39 Features of sale policy of companies are from life-insurance
by Trynchuk V. V. - 39-42 The perspectives of the insurance market development of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization
by Prikazyuk N. V. - 42-45 Influence of financial mediators is on the unevenness of allocation of profits in society
by Ignatiuk A. О. - 45-47 Life-insurance of borrowers of mortgage credits: problems and prospects of Development are in Ukraine
by Marchenko A. Y. - 47-50 Insurance market as alternative direction of investment of money of population
by Motashko T. P. - 50-51 To the question of the legal adjusting of reinsurance in the modern terms
by Nechiporenko V. V. - 51-56 Theoretical Fundamentals are to the analysis of quality of the economy growing
by Pikus A. Y. - 56-60 Features stress-testing of insurance companies
by Vnukova N. M. & Smoliak V. A. & Аchkasova S. A. - 60-64 Corporate social responsibility as constituent of increase of efficiency of the corporate management system
by Baiura D. O. - 64-67 The modelling of medical insurance with use of system and structural functional approach
by Yevtushenko T. P. - 67-71 About the financial market infrastructure improvement
by Zheleznyak V. Y. - 71-75 Cooperation of insurance and Bank market: world experience and Ukraine
by Klymenko V. V. - 75-79 State regulation of the insurance reserves distribution in Ukraine
by Kovalenko Y. M. - 79-80 Domestic market development of insurance services in the conditions of globalization
by Mikryukova A. V. - 80-84 Income taxation insurant: practice and the purpose of implementation
by Ostroverkha R. Е. - 84-87 Prospects of development of new types of insurance at the insurance market of Ukraine
by Rudik V. K. - 87-91 Methodical approaches to the analysis of financial reliability of insurance companies: advantages and disadvantages
by Malynych A. M. - 91-94 Financial basics of effective health protection system construction on the insurance basis
by Stetsiyk T. І. - 94-96 Reform of system of pension providing is in Ukraine
by Tretyakova G. N. - 96-99 The improvement of legislative norms of the vehicles owners'' civil liability insurance in Ukraine in accordance with International legislative norms
by Libih K. - 99-100 National insurance market in global conditions of development
by Olkhovska O. L. - 100-103 The concerted action of practice on insurance market effect to the development of the competition on the market
by Shevchuk О. S.
2009, Issue 112
- 4-6 Оцінка Банківського Бізнесу: Діючі Методи Та Досвід
by Криклій А. - 6-10 Інформаційне Забезпечення Формування Фінансової Стратегії Держави
by Плескач В. - 10-12 Причини Та Особливості Кризових Явищ На Ринку Цінних Паперів
by Грищенко Т. & Івахненко І. - 12-14 Державні Фінанси України В Умовах Світової Глобалізації
by Кучер Г. - 14-16 Зміст Та Фактори Глобальної Фінансової Кризи
by Шевченко B. - 16-19 Концептуальні Основи Фінансування Рівня Життя Населення
by Гордей О. - 19-21 Особливості Планування І Реалізації Організаційних Змін У Процесі Управлінського Консультування
by Ковальська К. & Рак Р. - 22-24 Проблеми Та Ефективні Шляхи Реформування Медичного Страхування В Україні
by Гришан Ю. - 25-27 Грошові Заощадження Домашніх Господарств Як Інвестиційний Ресурс Для Національної Економіки
by Моторина І. - 27-29 Фінансовий Механізм Інноваційної Діяльності У Корпоративному Секторі Економіки України
by Лагутіна К. - 29-31 Роль Наукової Та Науково-Дослідної Діяльності В Забезпеченні Інноваційного Розвитку Економіки України
by Ільїна К. - 32-33 Проблеми І Перспективи Формування Акціонерного Капіталу Вітчизняних Підприємств В Умовах Світової Економічної Кризи
by Никитюк Т. - 33-36 Грошово-Кредитна Політика Нбу Та Її Вплив На Інфляцію Та Стабільність Споживчих Цін В Україні
by Продан Т. - 36-39 Іноземний Капітал У Системі Фінансової Безпеки України
by Балануца О. - 39-43 Реструктуризація Банківської Системи України У Контексті Стратегії Подолання Наслідків Світової Фінансової Кризи
by Батковський В. - 43-46 Зарубіжний Досвід Формування Бюджету Та Можливості Його Використання В Україні
by Рожко Д. - 46-48 Роль Нбу У Системі Антиінфляційного Регулювання
by Каленська В. - 48-52 Особливості Проведення Статистичного Моніторингу Ліквідності Банківської Системи України
by Висоцька Л. - 52-55 Особливості Реалізації Податкової Політики Місцевих Органів Влади У Зарубіжних Країнах
by Сошка Н. - 55-58 Освітні Кредити Як Форма Фінансування Вищої Освіти
by Драган О. - 58-62 Фінансові Механізми Та Практика Залучення Заощаджень Населення Як Джерела Капітальних Інвестицій
by Паливода К. - 62-65 Вплив Міжбюджетних Трансфертів На Розвиток Територій
by Цехановський І. - 65-68 Формування Методологічних Засад Аналізу Фінансового Стану Емітентів Цінних Паперів В Умовах Фінансової Кризи
by Мисака Г. В.
2009, Issue 111
- 4-6 The problems of taxation reorganization in context of joining Ukraine to WTO
by Ivanov Y. B. - 6-8 Progress of process of financing of social sphere under increase of regions independence
by Smirnov S. O. & Bobir O. І. - 8-10 Problems of forming the effective instruments of tax adjusting in the conditions of integration the states
by Сalinescu T. V. - 11-13 An investment policy of Ukraine is in the conditions of modern financial crisis
by Osetskiy V. L. & Branovitskiy V. V. - 13-15 Banking crisis in the reproductive processes of the globalize economy
by Reverchuk S. К. & Kovalyuk A. - 15-17 Financial interventions on the ecosystem services markets
by Duchinska N. I. & Osaul A. O. - 17-20 Financial strategy and dividend politics as compound corporate financial management of the enterprise
by Danilova L. I. & Kulik I. N. - 20-22 Speculative capital markets: problems financially-legal adjusting
by Kovalchuk А. Т. - 22-26 The priorities of the current budgetarian policy of Ukraine
by Lysiak L. - 26-29 Social dominants of fiscal policy of Ukraine under globalization
by Tropina V. B. & Gordienko G. L. - 30-33 Features and prospects of foreign investing in economy of Ukraine
by Krupka I. M. - 33-37 Insurance market of Ukraine: problems and prospects of development
by Prikazyuk N. V. - 37-41 The security of monetary system and the method to overcome threats to system development
by Batkovskyi V. A. - 41-44 Inflation as factor of macroeconomic stability
by Kalenska V. V. - 44-51 Social-economic development of Ukraine and efficiency of taxation of profits of physical persons
by Krivtsov О. О. - 51-54 Influence of public policy is on development of asset securitization in the USA
by Perepaddya I. M. - 54-58 Coordination of monetary and budgetary policy and their influence on efficiency of macroeconomic growth
by Prodan Т. Y. - 58-60 Functioning problems of national depositary system
by Rozynka O. O. - 60-62 Price increases and methods of providing housing to disadvantaged strata
by Palivoda K.
2009, Issue 110
- 4-6 Specific practice of implementing DCF model for the project's investment implimantating in Ukraine
by Stupnitsky A. - 6-12 Кризисология: Системно-Управленческий Подход
by Глущенко В. - 12-14 Evolution of accounting control in Ukraine
by Golovko V. & Orlova E. - 15-18 Information Systems for Business Management Based on the Service Oriented Architecture
by Kosynsky V. - 18-23 Estimation of the advertising effectiveness: the methods of defining the customer loyalty
by Kochkina N. & Stavytskyy A. - 24-27 Enterprise risk management: subjective factors
by Kravchenko V. - 27-30 Psychological aspects is probed registration-analytical of activity
by Sharmanska V. & Golovko Z. - 30-33 Improving quality management system in conditions of the market globalization
by Anisimova L. - 34-36 Synergetic approach in economic researches
by Virchenko V. & Kuzmenko А. - 36-39 The regional integration as the main vector to the world multicurrency system
by Bulkot О. - 40-42 Modern lines of management of gold and exchange currency reserves of the central bank
by Karakulova I. - 42-45 Structural analysis of Ukrainian transit system
by Piontkovskaya О. - 46-50 Problems of the Ukrainian banking system competitive capacity
by Primierova O. - 50-53 Kondratieff Long Wave Theory: Tendencies and Contradictions
by Myagkiy M. - 54-56 Theory and problems of determination of essense "budget"
by Rozhko D. - 56-61 Value Added Tax and its role in creation of returns of State Budget
by Barvinko T.
2009, Issue 109
- 4-7 Modern tendencies of audit services market development
by Doroch N. - 7-9 Merchandizing as a condition of success enterprise commercial activity
by Komarnitsky I. & Farat O. - 9-13 The reasons of the financial crisis under globalization
by Mazur I. & Sapachuk Y. - 13-16 The peculiarities of implementation of the capital markets modernization and reconstruction strategy in Ukraine
by Naumenkova S. - 16-19 Industrial aspects of innovative activities financial at Ukrainian industrial enterprises in general, and at coal-mining enterprises in particular
by Zhilinska O. & Petrovska T. - 19-23 Vertically integrated structures in industry markets of Ukraine
by Ignatyuk A. - 23-27 The International migration of the labor force and its influence on the State migration policy in Ukraine
by Kochergina N. - 27-29 Life insurance as the tool of risks minimization
by Lozova G. - 29-32 Financial reporting issuers in the information services of the securities market participants
by Mysaka A. V. - 32-36 Identification of main stages to choose the enterprise for the investment
by Ovcharenko T. - 36-39 The particularities of the shaping investment resource within industrial-financial group
by Rak R. & Netesany Y. - 39-43 Problems of bringing of foreign capital in the Ukraines banking system
by Rozhko O. - 43-47 The competitive policy of the State in conditions of globalization
by Filuk G. - 47-51 Impact of legal regulation on efficiency of the domestic financial market
by Virchenko V. - 51-54 State credit in providing of socio-economic development of the market economy countries
by Prikazyuk N. & Motashko T. - 54-56 Programs of financing of foreign trade ebrr and their implementation in Ukraine
by Kovtonyuk O. - 56-59 Intellect oriented Economics
by Kondrashova-didenko V.
2009, Issue 107-108
- 6-10 Contribution of slytskyi Ye. Ye. Into creation of economic-mathematic modeling
by Chernyak O. & Chornous G. - 10-15 Dynamics of main assets and the change in their structure in the bakery field
by Shegda A. & Pashnuk L. - 15-17 Factors of energy security formation in Ukraine
by Yevtushevskiy V. & Kochedikova G. - 17-20 Models of the financial providing of development higher education in foreign countries
by Markina I. & Dragan O. - 20-23 International experience of insuring agents'' activity
by Pikus R. & Tereshchenko O. - 23-29 Tendences of creative activity in global context
by Zhilinska O. - 29-34 Freedom in Ukrainian economy
by Firsova S. & Kornilova I. - 34-37 Protective functions of credit unions in conditions of getting over the sequences of financial crisis in Ukraine
by Duka A. - 37-42 Stochastic modeling of developing and introduction process of Balanced indices system in banking sphere
by Balan V. - 42-46 Methodical approaches to arrangement of competitive advantages of the enterprise
by Butenko N. & Krivenko M. - 46-50 Economical attraction of Ukraine for direct foreign investments: problems of formation and means for improvement
by Ovcharenko T. - 50-53 Theoretical and methodic basis for formation and functioning of product quality management at the enterprise
by Makhinich G. - 53-56 Peculiarities of project financing at the space activities
by Marosina N. - 56-59 Legislative constituent of innovative development institutional provision in Ukraine
by Kolomoyets D. - 59-63 Current State and problems of product quality provision at domestic enterprises
by Yevtushevskiy V. & Makhinich G. - 63-66 Innovative factors for intensification of competitiveness in Ukraine in conditions of world economic crisis
by Chervanyov D. & Avdyeyeva N. - 66-68 Information in the system of state administration
by Kalytych G. & Litosh G. - 68-70 Communicative part of the manufacturer''s activity
by Bayura D. & Khalkovska А. - 70-74 Theoretical-methodical Fundamentals of industrial marketing research
by Butenko N. - 74-78 Institutional aspects realization of tax regulating function in social sphere
by Gatska L. - 78-80 Synergic aspects of science-technical sphere development
by Shapovalova L. A. - 80-85 Funds value conception in estimation of perspectives of investment activity development in Ukrainian enterprises
by Kukhta P. - 85-87 Innovative technologies in human resources management at the enterprise
by Bilorus T. - 87-90 Characteristic features of dividend policy formation in joint-stock corporations
by Kovalska K. - 90-93 Mechanism for introduction of GMP international standards into the pharmaceutical sector of Ukrainian economy
by Ovcharenko T. & Yermolayeva V. - 93-96 Formation of modern intellectual property conception
by Martynuk L. & Nevinchanyi I. - 96-100 Strategic flexibility management stages of the enterprise
by Sitnitskiy M. - 100-103 Informational provision as the factor of effective cooperation between the subject and object in the system of business management
by Netreba I. - 103-106 Peculiarities of HR-management at home enterprises in chemical field based on marketing
by Paschuk L. - 106-109 Estimation of development and introduction system of new technological complexes in the process of field innovational systems
by Storozhyk V. - 109-112 Regulation of external corporative relations in Ukraine
by Yevtushevska O. - 112-114 Development of normative provision in Ukrainian corporative sector
by Solovyan J. - 114-117 Application of financial and monetary policy''s instruments in Ukraine and its estimation
by Sheludko V. & Virchenco O.
2008, Issue 106
- 4-9 Investment activity of insurance companies in Ukraine: problems and prospects
by Lutyj I. & Makarenko E. - 9-12 Financial aspects of improvement of social insurance from accidents on manufacture
by Nikiforov P. & Volska A. - 12-13 Directions of development of insurance system of Ukraine
by Baranova V. - 13-18 Development of the European single insurance market: problems and prospects
by Bogomaz N. - 18-21 Impact of deposit insurance on the stability of financial market
by Virchenko V. - 21-23 Theoretical principles of insurance in the field of foreign economic activity
by Zhukova N. - 23-26 The Medical insurance of workers: accounting and taxation
by Melnik T. - 26-30 The State regulation of insurance market in Ukraine under global development conditions
by Plysa V. - 30-32 Integration of the insurance companies and banks: strategically Association
by Prikazyuk N. - 32-35 Necessity of transformation of domestic insurance market in the conditions of European integration
by Rozhko O. & Rak R. - 35-38 Economic and regulatory nature of conflict of interests in insurance intermediary service
by Rasshyvalov D. - 38-40 Prospects of investment processes development in insurance field
by Tatarina T. - 40-44 Contradictions of operating method of extra charge of pensions in system of obligatory social pension security and directions of its improvement
by Botvynovska О. - 44-46 Factors of the influence upon development of the disproportionate insurance in Ukraine as systems of financial protection to insurance company
by Veretnov V. - 46-50 Management of reinsurance with the purpose of financial stability maintenance of the insurer
by Dyachkova J. - 50-53 Psychological dimension of activity of the insurance agent
by Tsentelevych J. - 53-57 Insurance as a stability basis of investment activity at the real estate market
by Pikus R.
2008, Issue 105
- 4-8 Цикличность Развития Страхового Рынка Как Фактор Изменения Организационной Структуры Страховых Компаний
by Журавин С. & Теренина Н. - 8-12 To the question of evaluation of condition of management in insurance Ukraine comppanies
by Bigdash V. D. - 12-14 Insurance protection as a quasisociety good
by Bazilevich K. - 14-17 The approaches to estimation of the financial consistency of the insurance companies in Ukraine
by Vremenko L. & Korvat O. - 17-21 Systematization of risks of agricultural enterprises
by Navrotsky S. - 21-24 Decision of the problem of usage insurance market of Ukraine for minimization of taxation by subjects of the real sector of economy
by Kopyl O. - 24-29 Role of the disproportionate insurance in provision of financial stability to companies
by Pikus R. - 29-33 Atomation of the insurance business
by Pryimak V. & Ermolenko O. - 33-38 Strategic priorities of cooperation of Bank institutes and insurance companies
by Trynchuk V. - 38-41 Insurance in financial system: International and National aspects of development
by Shevchenko V. - 41-44 Pace of insurance Medicine in security system of health
by Rak R. & Kovalska K. - 44-46 The role of the State in development of insurance of vehicles owners civil liability and in providing the full-rights membership of Ukraine in the International motor insurance system “Grenn Card”
by Libih K. О. - 46-49 Foreign experience of credit risk insurance at the housing mortgage crediting
by Marchenko A. - 49-54 Cooperation with assets management companies as the investment activity of insurance companies
by Sinitsyna T.
2008, Issue 104
- 4-11 World insurance market
by Bazilevich V. - 11-14 State regulation of insurance services market with the use of International standards of IAIS
by Filonuk O. - 14-16 Risk to activity and value of the branch insurance of the company
by Daviduk S. & Mazyr P. K. - 16-20 Insurance services as a product of business activity of insurance companies in the conditions of market
by Gamankova О. - 20-25 Theoretical and methodological bases to integrations Bank and insurance Institute
by Pikus R. - 25-29 Insurance Medicine in Ukraine: role and prospects of the development
by Prikazuk N. - 29-33 Cooperation of insurance companies and bank institutes is in industrially-financial groups
by Rak R. & Netesanyi Y. - 33-35 Отработка Навыков Невербального Общения В Процессе Подготовки Аквизиторов Страховика
by Анисимова Ю. - 35-37 Sages of strategic management and standard mistakes under modern strategic management in Ukraine
by Bogdan T. - 37-40 Social insurance in financial system of a country
by Dymnich O. - 40-44 Possibilities of insurance company are at the market of mortgage bonds in Ukraine
by Dronik I. - 44-47 Ratings agencies and their influence on insurance market
by Zaletov A. - 47-51 Essence and role of insurance sales management
by Karlova N. - 51-53 Some methodological and practical questions to actualizations demand for insurance facilities for people
by Kostenko S. - 53-55 The sign to strategies of the blue ocean U. Ch. Kim and R. moborn in development of modern Ukrainian insurance market
by Nechiporenko V.
2008, Issue 103
- 4-10 Specifics of the internationalization processes on the current stage and geo-economic dimensions of the foreign policy of Ukraine
by Novizkiy V. - 10-15 Global and European aspects of the financial integration: factors and results
by Shevchenko V. - 15-20 Civilization aspects of financial globalization in context of its influence on Ukraine
by Plotnikov O. - 20-24 Regional cooperation and processes of national financial market capitalization
by Sofischenko O. - 24-29 Motivations and models of multinational economic development
by Rokocha V. - 29-34 Integration processes and creating an innovative model of economic development of Ukraine
by Nagachevska T. - 34-39 Economic premises and options to formation of integration model of Ukraine
by Krylova N. - 39-46 Opportunities and risks of the realization of the multi-vector integration strategy of Ukraine
by Kuzioma O. - 46-52 Commonwealth of independent states in regional and economic dimensions
by Budkin V. - 52-55 Influence of integration processes on development of International business
by Kochergina N. - 55-57 Employment of strategic marketing methods for the analysis of Ukraine''s integration environment
by Dligach A. - 57-59 Mortgage in the system of mortgage credit refinancing
by Moshkova M.
2008, Issue 102
- 4-6 State fiscal policy and its impact on social-economic development of regions
by Lunina I. O. - 6-9 New priorities of fiscal policy of Ukraine
by Kudryashov V. P. - 9-13 Theoretical and organizational conditions of tax management
by Romanyuk M. V. - 13-17 Migratory transfers in the system of International financial streams
by Schevchenko V. Yu - 17-19 Development of the financial system of Ukraine in the process of world globalization
by Kucher G. V. - 19-22 The estimation of macroeconomic and branch risks in the system of defence of banks capital
by Savluk S. M. - 22-25 Fiscal policy is in providing of socio-economic development
by Subbotovich Yu L. & Demidenko L. M. & Artamonova G. V. - 25-30 Features of forming and taxation of profits of insurer: realities and prospects of development
by Cheberyako O. V. & Kolyada T. A. - 30-33 Features of forming of resource base of commercial Bank in the conditions of globalization of the financial system of Ukraine
by Dmitrieva O. A. & Lyubkina O. V. - 33-38 Essence, functions and structure of modern financial markets, in the context of harmonization of the National financial systems of EU countries and Ukraine
by Moshenskiy S. Z.