2011, Issue 124-125
- 43-45 Social responsibility as a factor of the Ukrainian business competitiveness
by Galushka Z. & Gruntkovskiy V. - 46-49 Competitiveness increasing factors in the operation management. Japanese experience
by Prazyan M. - 49-52 Competitiveness as a category of market economy
by Kirilenko L. - 52-54 State adjusting as a factor of enterprise modern development: world experience
by Ignatovich N. & Vetchinov O. - 55-57 Some aspects of state checking system improvement after the economic concentration of business in Ukraine
by Lozova G. - 57-60 Corruption counteraction in the regulatory system of business activities in Ukraine
by Mazur I. & Raditsa O. - 60-62 Innovative activity of small and middle enterprise: theoretic-methodological and the applied aspects
by Mokiy A. & Polyakova Y. & Slyusarchuk Y. - 62-65 Social package as an attribute of the modern enterprise
by Barannik L. - 65-68 Social tendency of concentration and integration in the Ukrainian diary market
by Skopenko N. - 68-70 Mechanism state support of small and middle enterprise in the conditions of world financial crisis: the French lessons for Ukraine
by Verizhenko I. - 71-73 Institutional reformation is a key factor of economy innovative development
by Dovzhenko O. - 73-76 Guaranteeing financial safety of business
by Berdar M. - 76-78 An innovative-investment activity in the ecological sphere
by Selezneva L. - 78-81 Specific features of business realization in Ukraine
by Boguslavskiy O. - 81-84 Providing problems of the Ukrainian economic security in the world crisis conditions
by Burkalceva D. - 84-87 State adjusting of small and middle business in Ukraine in the crisis period
by Blavdzevich O. - 87-89 Small enterprise development in the context of Tax code acceptance in Ukraine
by Naumova L. - 89-91 Entrepreneurship as a special type of economic thinking
by Rudkovska V. - 92-94 Institucional principles of enterprises competitiveness providing at the ICT market
by Kristyuk O. - 94-97 Methodologic aspects of forming fictitious capital
by Sapachuk Y. - 97-102 Tendencies and contradictions of industrial activity development in Ukraine
by Kovtun N. & Ignatyuk A. - 103-103 Risks assessment of collective monopolization on the domestic sunflower oil market
by Gerasimenko A.
2011, Issue 123
- 5-11 Інститут Довіри В Сфері Забезпечення Якості Споживання Та Захисту Споживчих Прав Населення
by Мандибура В. & Батажок С. - 11-15 Методи Індикативної Оцінки Можливого Шахрайства У Фінансовій Сфері
by Ковтун Н. - 15-18 Конкурентно-Монопольні Тенденції В Глобальній Економіці
by Филюк Г. - 19-24 Інституційно-Організаційна Система Регулювання Світових Галузевих Ринків
by Ігнатюк А. - 24-29 Теорія Інформаційного Суспільства Як Методологічна Основа Теорії Інформаційної Економіки
by Маслов А. - 29-32 Самозаперечення Країнової Економіки: Особливості Та Результат-Наслідок
by Кондрашова-Діденко В. & Діденко Л. - 32-35 Процеси Глобалізації Світового Ринку Рекламних Послуг Та Їх Вплив На Розвиток Національного Ринку Реклами України
by Вітренко А. - 35-39 Роль Акціонерної Власності В Сучасній Системі Економічних Відносин
by Вірченко В. - 39-42 Методика Контролю В Управлінні Фінансовими Ресурсами Підприємства
by Бердар М. - 42-45 Фінансовий Лізинг Як Форма Залучення Інвестиційних Ресурсів На Підприємствах
by Овчаренко Т. - 45-49 Обґрунтування Доцільності Формування Та Розвитку Інтегрованих Об'Єднань В Апк України
by Скопенко Н. - 49-52 Розвиток Кластерів В Національній Економіці Як Ефективний Механізм Підвищення Конкурентоспроможності
by Мицюк С. - 52-55 Іван Вернадський Та Розвиток Українського Банківництва У Другій Половині Хіх Ст
by Новікова І. - 55-60 Теоретико-Методологічні Засади Концентрації Ринків
by Филюк В. - 60-64 Ринок Нерухомого Майна Як Економічна Категорія Та Об'Єкт Статистичного Дослідження
by Шибіріна С. - 64-68 Форми Участі Держави У Проектному Фінансуванні На Основі Розвитку Державно-Приватного Партнерства
by Овсянникова Я.
2010, Issue 121-122
- 4-7 Risks of investment funds in the Ukrainian corporate scope
by Yevtushevskiy V. & Bukalo А. - 7-10 Forming enterprises’ integrated groups in industry
by Chervanyov D. & GORBAS - 10-16 Process of technical performance: essential features and their economic view
by Zhylinska O. - 16-19 Regularities of innovation processes’ implementation in a postindustrial society
by Kornilova I. - 19-22 Methodical maintenance of evaluation of domestic enterprises’ investment attractiveness
by Balan V. - 22-25 Investment development’s contradictions of National economy in the globalization conditions
by Duka A. - 25-29 Peculiarities of support for management information process
by Chornous G. - 29-33 Interpretation the term "investments": classic and modern approaches
by Kukhta P. - 33-38 Investment strategies of insurance companies and their prospects for implementation
by Ovcharenko T. - 38-41 Discordant and perspectives of taxation Code’s project of Ukraine
by Sitnitskiy M. - 41-44 An international competitiveness management of Ukrainian cranebuilding enterprises in the conditions of globalization
by Nazvanova L. - 44-48 Іndustry of hospitality is in the context of euro–2012
by Davydova O. - 48-52 Investment problems and the basic sources of financing of electric power industry of Ukraine
by Kochedykova A. - 52-55 Concession as a form of investments attraction into the coal mining
by Petrovska Т. - 55-58 The problems of Ukrainian competitive market environment’s development in the context of the National economy’s investment attractiveness''s formation
by Tkachenko U. - 58-60 Improvement of portfolio companies business
by Shehda A. & Chulak O. - 60-62 Prospects of using various organizational-economical forms of transferring technologies in Ukraine
by Egorov V. & Lykholet S. - 62-66 The forms of knowledge transmission on the example of building organizations
by Buszko А. - 66-73 Strategy of KM-oriented organizational change
by Pryimak V. - 73-76 Business social responsibility in Ukraine: the marketing aspect
by Firsova S. - 76-81 Middle class in Ukraine: essence and classification’s signs
by Krasota O. - 81-84 Principles and objectives for enterprise pricing policies
by Svyatnenko V. - 84-86 Social enterprise certification
by Bilorus T. - 86-89 The essence and particularities of managing the interest’s conflicts in Corporation
by Kovalska K. - 89-94 Features of market economic processes modeling
by Anisimova L. - 94-98 National innovation system’s parts and the degree of their development in Ukraine
by Shapovalova L. - 98-103 Government control of innovative development of pharmaceutical industry is in context of world experience
by Yermolayeva V. - 103-108 State corporative rights’ management: estimation effectiveness
by Solovyan U. - 108-110 Kazakhstan innovation infrastructure development: problems and prospects
by Urban M. - 110-113 The theoretical and practical aspects of Internet business developing in Ukraine
by Kuznietsova N. - 113-116 Reorganization of the enterprises: essence, direction and efficiency indicators
by Tverdomed O. - 116-119 Processing approach to introduction of the information systems management at the machine building enterprises
by Netreba I.
2010, Issue 120
- 4-7 Страхові Послуги Населенню України В Умовах Економічної Кризи: Стан Та Перспективи
by Zaletov O. V. - 7-12 Міжнародний Досвід Управління Активами Страхової Компанії
by Pikus R. V. - 12-16 Побудова Системи Управління Добровільним Медичним Страхуванням В Умовах Економічної
by Grishan U. P. - 16-18 Проблеми Розвитку Тарифної Політики З Обов’Язкового Страхування Автоцивільної Відповідальності
by Masharo O. V. - 18-24 Взаємодія Банків Та Страхових Компаній При Транспортному Страхуванні
by Trinchuk V. V. - 24-27 Стратегії Поведінки Страхових Організацій На Сучасному Страховому Ринку
by Prykaziuk N. V. & Marchenko A. Y. - 27-30 Інформаційне Забезпечення Прозорості Діяльності На Ринку Страхових Послуг
by Golubnycha G. P. - 30-32 Іпотечне Страхування В Україні
by Yanul I. E. - 32-35 Перспективи Розвитку Системи Страхування Кредитів В Україні
by Karakulova I. S. - 35-38 Соціально-Економічна Сутність Страхового Захисту Підприємницької Діяльності
by Lobova O. M. - 38-40 Джерела Виникнення Нових Видів Фінансових Ризиків
by Legka Y. I. - 40-43 Інвестиційна Діяльність Страхових Компаній В Україні: Проблеми Та Перспективи
by Makarenko E. V. - 43-46 Міжнародний Досвід Врегулювання Збитків У Страхуванні Цивільної Відповідальності Власників Автотранспортних Засобів
by Libih K. O. - 46-49 Сутність Управління Ризиками В Банківській Діяльності
by Prut M. O. - 49-52 Реформування Системи Медичного Страхування В Україні
by Dyachenko E. V. - 52-54 Ринок Платіжних Карток В Україні: Розвиток Та Страхування
by Volosovych S. V. - 54-56 Роль Страхового Ринку У Вирішенні Проблеми Забезпечення Державою Права Громадянина На Підприємницьку Діяльність
by Kopyshynska N. V. - 56-59 Роль Державного Бюджету України У Фінансуванні Соціальних Гарантій
by Suhovoy D. I. - 59-62 Домогосподарства Як Джерело Інвестицій В Україні
by Belov D. O.
2010, Issue 119
- 4-7 Capital movement as a factor of accounting systems development under globalization
by Golubnitcha G. - 7-10 Determination of quantitative criteria of estimation efficiency of state borrowings using
by Rozhko O. - 10-13 The portfolio investing as a form of investment functioning banks in Ukraine
by Zhukova N. - 13-16 Сетевое Взаимодействие Как Фактор Интеграции Стран Снг
by Логинова Е. - 16-20 Financing of agricultural producers is in the conditions of crisis
by Prikazyuk О. - 20-22 The market of economic information: classification features and organizational prerequisits of its formation
by Marko Ye - 22-25 The anti-crisis budgetary policy of Ukraine in context of International experience
by Dyshleva A. - 25-28 Mergers and acquisitions in the context of the development of corporate Finance in Ukraine
by Lagutina K. - 28-31 Particularities of venture capital market formation and development
by Pilipenko B. - 31-35 Financial institutions and credit exposure in the context of the global financial crisis
by Koreniako M. - 35-37 Financial stimulation of the professional training of Personals as a constituent of social economic growth of the State
by Koval N. - 37-43 Social-economic nature of community property
by Bovsynivska I. - 43-46 Interbudget transfers as the balance instrument of the profits and expenses of the local budgets
by Sagaidak I. - 46-49 Financial crisis in Ukraine as a phase of monetary cycle
by Myagkiy M. - 49-51 Fiscal policy of the State in the period of world economic crisis and directions of increase of its efficiency
by Zhilyaeva N. - 51-55 Historical conditions and peculiarities of advertising development in Ukraine
by Vitrenko A. - 55-58 Crisis aspects of world countries' monetary policy
by Moisienko B. - 58-63 Inflation and its influence on financial market development
by Krupka I. - 63-67 Introduction of principles of sustainable development in the banking sector's of economy in Ukraine
by Huliayeva L. - 67-69 Foreign exchange deposit operations of a commercial Bank
by Delas V.
2010, Issue 118
- 4-5 Preconditions of origin, essence and assignment of strategic managerial accounting
by Boiko I. - 5-9 Information-analytical support of management company cash flow
by Golovko V. & Mysaka G. - 9-12 Disclosing the registration information and maintenance of a transparency of activity in the conditions
by Golubnicha G. - 12-13 Statistical providing of management reproduction of population is in region
by Gorobets E. - 14-16 А construction of management of enterprises charges is in chemical industry
by Gura N. & Radchenko K. - 16-19 The role of hedge analyses in the system of decision making management at the enterprises of processing industry
by Drozd I. & Boiko K. - 19-21 Features of taxation of credit unions
by Ivanenko O. - 21-24 Assessment of public internal financial control and ways to reform it
by Kaliyga Е. - 25-26 Organization of accounting and internal check cash flow and payment on base business of automobile maintenance servicing
by Kashchenko O. - 27-28 The statistical estimation of the Ukraine's insurance companies activity during 2000-2008 years
by Kovtun N. & Nagorna T. - 29-31 Іmpact of accounting information about financial instruments and hedging on the world economy
by Kuzminskiy Yu - 31-34 Regulatory and legal support of taxes-and-duties liabilities accounting and audit under the conditions of financial and economic crisis
by Kupalova G. & Matvienko T. - 35-37 The concept of managerial accounting for business clothing industry
by Luchko М. - 37-41 Private pension securement: accouting, taxation and control
by Melnyk T. & Melnyk M. - 41-43 Licensing in tourist industry of Ukraine as factor of government control of its development
by Roshko N. - 44-45 Actuality of use of statistical methods in economic activities of the Ukrainian enterprise
by Sydorenko M. - 46-48 Harmonization and standardization of accounting and reporting of the liabilities accordance to the IFRS and IAS
by Travinska . - 48-50 Information sources of company's competitive environment statistical analysis
by Khvostenko O. - 50-52 General trends of state financial control in modern conditions
by Chechulina О. - 53-55 Irreversible assets are in the system to circulation of capital of enterprise
by Shvets V. & Borisiyk O. - 55-57 Historical background of formation of financial control in Ukraine
by Shvets V. & Radylytskyy Yu - 57-60 Information support of real estate market statistical research
by Shibirina S. - 60-63 Investigation methods of inflation and price behavior in financial statements analysis
by Smorgun N. - 63-66 Improving regulatory support of accounting in Ukraine
by Lovinska L.
2010, Issue 117
- 4-7 Cluster methods of multidimensional division into periods and types in the investigation of the worlds Globalization process
by Grazevskaya N. & Kovtun N. - 7-12 Special features of modern transformation of social structure Ukraines population
by Mandubura V. & Batagok S. - 12-16 The mechanism of influencing of State institutsiy is on adjusting of processes of labours in the motivational system
by Osetsky V. & Tutomir I. - 16-20 Optimization methods application for rationalizing the product line
by Kochkina N. & Malchikov V. - 20-23 Introduction of International financial reporting standards in Ukraine
by Koblyanska O. & Ogreba S. - 23-26 Global industrial markets: determination approaches and characteristics
by Ignatyuk A. - 26-30 The intellectual capital: concepts vs constructs
by Kondrashova-didenko V. & Didenko L. - 30-33 Macro and microeconomic determinants of public sector
by Bаlаstryk L. - 34-37 Innovative aspects of International cooperation of CIS countries
by Zhilinska O. & Urban M. - 37-40 Small entrepreneur: the economic essence and its part in the get over of crisis
by Krasota O. - 40-44 Competition policy of Germany in condition of economic crisis
by Lozova G. - 44-46 Present situation and prospects of Ukraine under conditions of world financial crisis
by Dmytrenko L. - 46-49 Migrant networks for human capital forming in Ukraine
by Kharlamova G. & Taran K. - 49-52 Investments of innovative projects at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine
by Ovcharenko T. - 52-55 The securitization of mortgage assets: problems and development prospects
by Moshkova M. - 55-58 Basel II: Bank Risk estimation and managemen
by Ursulenko G. - 58-61 Business Intelligence approach: realities and perspectives
by Chornous G.
2009, Issue 116
- 4-7 Current state and the risks of public external debt growth in Ukraine
by Subbotovych Y. & Pilkevych K. - 7-9 Government bonds in sphere of Ukraine’s state borrowing
by Rak R. & Kovalska K. - 9-12 Social constituent of the system of the financial providing of standard of living of population
by Gordei O. - 12-14 Capital market in countries with a transformation economy
by Belinska Y. - 14-17 Registration-analytical maintenance and methodological features of construction of the financial account
by Kraevskyy V. - 17-20 Problems and prospects of foreign exchange loans in Ukraine
by Delas V. - 20-22 Bringing money incomes of population by the issue of state securities: world experience
by Motashko T. - 22-27 The concept and types of financial intermediaries, their role in the modern market economy
by Ignatyuk A. - 27-30 Methods of the estimation of credit status of the borrower in the mechanism of consumer crediting
by Harabara V. - 30-33 The securitization of mortgage assets: problems and development prospects
by Moshkova M. - 33-38 Financial engineering on the corporate debt securities market of Ukraine
by Bui T. G. - 38-41 Risks in models extraoffice banking
by Kolechko D. - 41-45 Role of the International monetary Fund in providing of currency regulation in Ukraine
by Iaremenko O. - 45-47 Necessity and methods of government regulation of prices during the world economic crisis
by Voloshenko A. - 47-49 Theoretical aspects of forming tax receipts of local budgets
by Soshka N. - 49-52 Main stages of international syndicated lending development and its peculiarity as a part of international trade financing
by Kovtonyuk O. - 52-55 Diversification as way of the reduction of the risk of the eventual losses contribution physical entities in terms of the financial crisis
by Motoryna I. - 55-59 Evolution of the forming of the methodological approaches concerning Banking Capital regulation in the International practice
by Borovikova M. - 59-62 Development of financial control of the budgetary facilities usage: modern tendencies and prospects
by Kostirko L. & Razumtsev V. - 62-68 Analysis of domestic banks'' competitive position
by Matvienko S.
2009, Issue 115
- 4-6 The currency-course policy and its influence on the monetary circulation organisation
by Lutiy I. & Prodan T. - 6-10 Мировой Опыт Развития Сельского Хозяйства И Продовольственная Безопасность Государства
by Кулиев Р. - 10-14 Modern money as a basic investment tool
by Palivoda K. - 14-19 Problems of tax administration in Ukraine and necessity of codification of tax legislation
by Romanyuk K. - 19-22 Resource potential as factor of efficiency of adjusting of bank liquidity
by Vogjov S. - 22-25 Use of different ways of improvement of the financial State of problem banks in the period of world economic crisis
by Shvec' N. - 25-28 Scenarios of realisation IT-outsourcing in optimisation retailing infra-structures of Bank business
by Solodka O. - 28-32 Integration and harmonisation of regulating functions of the State into financial sphere
by Lazebnyk L. - 33-35 Institutional contradictions of the financial system and their influence on structural deformations of the Ukrainian financial services market in the conditions of the world economic crisis
by Kolyada T. & Prozorov Yu - 35-37 The problems of positioning of products by subjects of financial market in crisis
by Hudzynska L. - 37-40 Evolution of marketing concept development of countries from industrial enterprise
by Butenko N. - 41-43 System analysis institutional risks to the second level of pension reform in Ukraine
by Nebava M. & Shiyan A. - 44-47 Determination of role of innovative factor n the theories of the economy growing
by Sokirko O. & Yafinovich O. - 47-49 Financial aspects of intensive development of innovative sphere of Ukraine
by Gayduk L. - 49-51 Payment systems optimization amid the global financial crisis
by Luk'yanov V. - 52-54 Information support of globalization transformations and their influence on the development of financial economic system of Ukraine
by Marko E. - 54-56 Change of structure mortgages in conditions of financial crisis
by Kalivoshko O. - 57-59 Restructuring of National economy as factor of forming of the state budget in Ukraine
by Rozhko D. - 59-62 Current State of the market of financial capital development in the world
by Drozd N. - 63-66 Theoretical basics of the research of structural adjustments mechanism in economy
by Pikus A.
2009, Issue 113-114
- 4-7 The methodical going is near the estimation of financial reliability of insurers
by Vnukova N. M. & Pritula N. I. - 7-11 Investment activity of insurance companies
by Trydid O. M. & Orehova K. V. - 11-14 Enterprise risks and the State regulator policy
by Starostina A. O. & Kravchenko V. - 14-19 Becoming of market relations in the field of insurance in Ukraine and role of the State is in adjusting of these processes
by Gamankova О. О. & Gamankov D. - 19-23 Insurance against floods: condition and prospects of the development
by Zaletov A. - 23-27 Insurance against floods: condition and prospects of the development
by Nechiporenko V. I. - 27-32 The insurance of ecological risks in Ukraine
by Pikus R. V. & Lobova O. M. - 32-35 Not state pension provision in Ukraine
by Rak R. V. & Kovalska K. V.