December 1962, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 291-307 International communication and legislative behavior: the Senate and the House of Commons 1
by Bruce M. Russett - 308-318 Arms agreement: a model of stalemate
by Robert A. Levine - 319-334 Effects of cross-cultural experience on national images: a study of Scandinavian students in America1
by Herbert C. Kelman & Lotte Bailyn - 335-340 Induced collaboration in some non-zero-sum games
by Alvin Scodel - 341-354 The relevance of Pareto optimality
by James M. Buchanan - 355-358 Discussions and Reviews : Problems of inter-American neighborliness: a review Bryce Wood, The Making of the Good Neighbor Policy William Manger, Pan America in Crisis: The Future of the OAS
by Inis L. Claude Jr - 359-367 Discussions and Reviews : Convergence and cleavage in the study of international politics and foreign policy: a review Klaus Knorr and Sidney Verba (eds.), The International System: Theoretical Essays
by James N. Rosenau - 368-373 Discussions and Reviews : The politics of national defense: a review Samuel P. Huntington, The Common Defense
by Glenn H. Snyder - 374-381 A review : John J. Johnson (ed.), The Role of the Military in Underdeveloped Countries Edwin Lieuwen, Arms and Politics in Latin America P. J. Vatikiotis, The Egyptian Army in Politics: Pattern for New Nations?
by Martha Derthick - 382-386 A review : James W. Kuhn, Bargaining in Grievance Settlement: The Power of Industrial Work Groups
by HY Kornbluh - 387-389 Frequency of wars and geographical opportunity
by James Paul Wesley
September 1962, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 197-200 Decision-making in crisis: an introduction
by Robert C. North - 201-213 Decisional opportunity and political controversy: the Quemoy case
by Charles A. McClelland - 214-221 Calculation and emotion in foreign policy: the Cuban case
by Richard R. Fagen - 222-235 Situational determinants of leadership structure
by David C. Korten - 236-243 Hostility in international decision-making
by Dina A. Zinnes - 244-252 The belief system and national images: a case study
by Ole R. Holsti - 253-268 Pattern analysis of variables within the international system: the Sino-Soviet example
by M. George Zaninovich - 269-276 Discussions and Reviews : U.S. and U.N.; contributions to a 'great debate': a review
by Leon Gordenker - 277-281 Discussions and Reviews : The military mind versus the civilian mind: a review
by Elton B. McNeil - 282-289 Discussions and Reviews : Nuclear attack and civil defense: a review
by Eugene Feingold
June 1962, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 103-115 Some difficulties of self-enforcing arms agreements
by Paul Y. Hammond - 116-124 Defense of what?
by Robert C. Angell - 125-142 A theory of catalytic war
by Donald H. Kobe - 143-148 National myth, national character, and national policy: a psychological study of the U-2 incident
by William H. Blanchard - 149-153 The influence of competitively vested interests on judgments
by Jane Srygley Mouton & Robert R. Blake - 154-159 Discussions and Reviews : Military policy analysis and the art of the possible: a review
by Bernard C. Cohen - 160-165 Discussions and Reviews : A review
by Paul Y. Hammond - 166-168 Discussions and Reviews : Conflict, cooperation, and consensus— the role of the U.N.: a review
by Inis L. Claude JR - 169-174 Discussions and Reviews : Manichaeism at the foreign policy research institute: a review
by Harold Swayze - 175-182 The influence of social values on public policy determination
by Hedvah L. Shuchman & Allen Grimshaw & George Levine & Henry Mahler & Ray Murray & Alex Rabinowitch & Marc Ross & Owen Thomas & Michael Wolff - 183-191 Comment on Non-Resolution Consequences of the United Nations and their Effect on International Conflict by Chadwick F. Alger
by Leon Gordenker
March 1962, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Game theory and models of negotiation
by Harold W. Kuhn - 5-18 An analysis of responsiveness between nations
by Dean G. Pruitt - 19-28 Political negotiation as a process of modifying utilities
by Fred Charles Iklé & Nathan Leites - 29-38 Bargaining in ignorance of the opponent's utility function
by John C. Harsanyi - 39-41 War and peace: a fantasy in game theory?
by Arnold Zellner - 42-51 Utility, subjective probability, their interaction, and variance preferences
by Ward Edwards - 52-76 Studies of interpersonal bargaining
by Morton Deutsch & Robert M. Krauss - 77-81 Discussions and Reviews : Waging experimental war: a review
by Elton B. McNeil - 82-87 Discussions and Reviews : How united is which Europe? a review
by Peter H. Rohn - 88-95 Discussions and Reviews : The reorientation of the sociology of conflict: a review
by Charles A. McClelland - 96-99 Discussions and Reviews : A review
by Marion J. Levy JR
December 1961, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 347-353 The termination of conflict
by Lewis A. Coser - 354-365 Utility interactions in a two-person world
by Lee E. Preston - 366-368 Sex role, cooperation and competition in a two-person, non-zero sum game
by Daniel R. Lutzker - 369-378 Bargaining strategy and union-management relationships
by Paul Diesing - 379-389 Majority rule and allocation
by Benjamin Ward - 390-394 Discussions and Reviews : A review
by Lincoln E. Moses - 395-402 Discussions and Reviews : A South African contribution to the study of nonviolent action: a review
by Gene Sharp - 403-406 The social behavior of a rational animal: a review
by Arthur Gladstone - 407-410 The new geopolitics: a critique
by Lewis Alexander - 411-412 Europe at sixes and sevens: a review
by George Kish - 413-417 Decision processes and defense policies in Great Britain and the United States: a review
by James A. Robinson - 418-428 Conflict and integration in the communist bloc: a review
by Jan F. Triska
September 1961, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 223-229 Problems of perception and the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union
by Raymond A. Bauer - 230-253 European community deterrence: its organization, utility, and political feasibility
by Charles G. McClintock & Dale J. Hekhuis - 254-273 Macrogeography and the realms of influence in Asia
by David S. Neft - 274-278 Resolving "hopeless" conflicts
by Thomas E. Phipps JR - 279-290 Personal hostility and international aggression
by Elton B. McNeil - 291-303 The strategy of protest: problems of negro civic action
by James Q. Wilson - 304-310 Comprehension of own and of outgroup positions under intergroup competition
by Robert R. Blake & Jane Srygley Mouton - 311-319 Discussions and Reviews : Arms control and beyond : a review
by J. David Singer - 320-325 Nonviolence as national policy : a review
by George Levinger - 326-335 The end of politics? a review
by Christian Bay - 336-339 A critique of approaches: a review
by Robert I. Crane - 340-340 On deterrence
by William Paul Livant - 341-344 Current Literature
by N/A
June 1961, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 119-127 The future development of the United Nations: some suggestions for research
by Elmore Jackson - 128-145 Non-resolution consequences of the United Nations and their effect on international conflict
by Chadwick F. Alger - 146-166 Nuclear weapons and limited war
by Morton H. Halperin - 167-178 A structural analysis of the situation in the Middle East in 1956
by Frank Harary - 179-196 On the rationality postulates underlying the theory of cooperative games
by John C. Harsanyi - 197-205 Discussions and Reviews : The strategic dilemma: probability versus disutility A review of Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War
by J. David Singer - 206-211 The politics of management: a review of Dalton's Men Who Manage
by Ross Stagner - 212-218 To prevent another world war : truth detection
by Ralph W. Gerard
March 1961, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 2-2 Form and Style for Submission of Manuscripts to THE JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION
by N/A - 3-15 Anthropology and the study of of conflict: an introduction
by Robert A. Levine - 16-26 Land shortage, social change, and social conflict in East Africa
by P.H. Gulliver - 27-34 Cleavage and internal conflict: an example from India
by Alan R. Beals - 35-42 Conflict, parochialism and social differentiation in Portuguese society
by Bernard J. Siegel - 43-54 Feuding and social change in Morocco
by William H. Lewis - 55-60 Intergenerational conflict among the Mossi: father and son
by Elliott P. Skinner - 61-69 Extension of conflict as a method of conflict resolution among the Suku of the Congo
by Igor Kopytoff - 70-74 Magic, sorcery, and football among urban Zulu: a case of reinterpretation under acculturation
by N.A. Scotch - 75-81 Negative ethnocentrism
by Marc J. Swartz - 82-108 A proposal for cooperative cross-cultural research on ethnocentrism
by Donald T. Campbell & Robert A. Levine - 109-116 Current Literature
by N/A
December 1960, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 385-410 Observations on the European integration process
by Jan J. Schokking & Nels Anderson - 411-420 On the causes of war and the conditions of peace
by Werner Levi - 421-425 The "Theory of ends" of Arnold Wolfers
by Ronald J. Yalem - 426-430 Internationalism as a predictor of cooperative behavior
by Daniel R. Lutzker - 431-442 Discussions and Reviews : Theorizing about theory in international politics
by J. David Singer - 443-457 Deterrence strategies: An annotated bibliography
by Richard A. Brody - 458-467 A broad orientation to research on international attitudes: a review and discussion
by William A. Scott - 468-470 Northwestern University's program of graduate training and research in international relations
by N/A - 471-479 Current Literature
by N/A - 480-480 To the Editors
by Glenn H. Snyder
September 1960, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 263-265 Introduction
by Inis L. Claude JR. - 266-291 Communist ideology and international affairs
by Zbigniew Brzezinski - 292-302 A philosopher looks at political science
by John G. Kemeny - 303-336 The function of theory in international relations
by Charles A. McClelland - 337-354 Some basic theoretical concepts about international law: a policy-oriented framework of inquiry
by Myres S. McDougal - 355-374 The integrative functions of conflict
by Robert C. North & Howard E. Koch JR. & Dina A. Zinnes - 375-382 Current Literature
by N/A
June 1960, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 163-178 Deterrence and power
by Glenn H. Snyder - 179-184 The role of myth systems in American-Soviet relations
by Harvey Wheeler - 185-192 "Ego-involved world-mindedness," nationality images, and methods of research: a methodological note
by Ã…ke Bjerstedt - 193-197 Some descriptive aspects of two-person non-zero-sum games. II
by J. Sayer Minas & Alvin Scodel & David Marlowe & Harve Rawson - 198-208 Contradictory functional requirements and social systems
by Gideon Sjoberg - 209-219 Resolving family conflicts
by Robert O. Blood JR - 220-224 Discussions and Reviews : A note on conflict choice in economics and psychology
by Carl M. Stevens - 225-228 Law and politics in international relations; reflections of a politics-oriented reader on a law-oriented book: a review : Wallace McClure, World legal order
by Inis L. Claude JR - 229-233 The lawyer's role in treaty-making: a review : Philip C. Jessup and Howard J. Taubenfeld, Controls for outer space and the Antarctic analogy Louis Henkin, Arms control and inspection in American law
by Edwin C. Hoyt - 234-242 Public opinion research for peace: a review and discussion : William A. Scott and Stephen B. Withey, The United States and the United Nations: the public view, 1945-1955
by Theodore F. Lentz - 243-244 The conflict study project at Stanford University
by N/A - 245-256 Political aspects of conflict
by N/A - 257-258 New organizations
by N/A - 259-261 Books Received
by N/A
March 1960, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-3 The geography of conflict: introduction
by J. David Singer - 4-14 Some theoretical notes on geography and international conflict1
by Howard E. Koch JR & Robert C. North & Dina A. Zinnes - 15-51 The origins and evolution of geopolitics
by Ladis K.D. Kristof - 52-66 Political geography in the modern world
by Richard Hartshorne - 67-82 Climate and society: a review of the literature
by Captain Charles Konigsberg & Henry David Thoreau - 83-95 Economic conflicts in South Asia
by Rhoads Murphey - 96-105 Problems of partition and segregation in Northern Ireland
by Emrys Jones - 106-122 American dependence on materials imports the world-wide resource base1
by John M. Dunn - 123-137 Some bases of West German military policy
by Wallace C. Magathan JR - 138-144 A tentative evaluation of world power
by F. Clifford German - 145-161 Geography and international politics in an era of revolutionary change
by Harold Sprout & Margaret Sprout - 162-162 Erratum
by N/A
December 1959, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 295-325 Suggestions for winning the real war with communism
by Charles E. Osgood - 326-342 A graphical approach to some problems of the arms race
by Arthur Lee Burns - 343-352 Modes of resolution of belief dilemmas
by Robert P. Abelson - 353-360 Is war a social problem?
by Joseph Schneider - 361-382 The foreign-policy consensus: an interim research report
by Roger Hilsman - 383-390 Discussion and Reviews : Political equilibrium
by Sten S. Nilson - 391-393 Remarks on "Political equilibrium" by Sten S. Nilson
by Anatol Rapoport - 394-400 Scholarship and security policy: a review of recent literature
by Harold Karan Jacobson - 401-410 A review of Joan V. Bondurant, Conquest of violence: the Gandhian philosophy of conflict
by Gene Sharp - 411-416 A review of recent books on the formation of foreign policy: Holbert N. Carroll, The House of Representatives and foreign affairs Bernard C. Cohen, The political process and foreign policy Cecil V. Crabb, Jr., Bipartisan foreign policy, myth or reality
by James A. Robinson - 417-419 Referees in the armaments race: international inspection teams
by Robert H. Cory JR - 420-429 Anti-European violence in Africa: a comparative analysis
by Robert A. Levine - 430-430 Current Research and Research Proposals
by N/A - 430-434 A proposed barometer of international tensions
by Stuart C. Dodd - 436-438 Announcements and News
by N/A
September 1959, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 195-293 Psychology and aggression
by Elton B. McNeil
June 1959, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 101-101 Game theory: an editorial note
by N/A - 102-113 Bargaining behavior. I. "Prominence" as a predictor of the outcome of games of agreement
by Richard H. Willis & Myron L. Joseph - 114-119 Some descriptive aspects of two-person non-zero-sum games
by Alvin Scodel & J. Sayer Minas & Philburn Ratoosh & Milton Lipetz - 120-131 National images and international systems
by K.E. Boulding - 132-137 The conception of the enemy
by Arthur Gladstone - 138-145 What constitutes effective deterrence?
by Thomas W. Milburn - 146-152 The application of social system analysis to a labor-management conflict: a consultant's case study
by Delbert C. Miller - 153-161 Research project on "Totalitarianism and non-violent resistance"
by Gene Sharp - 162-171 Interstate competition and survival-potential
by B. Landheer - 172-181 Reviews and Critiques : The process of integration: a critique of four recent books on European unification
by Henry L. Mason - 182-183 A review of Alix Strachey, The unconscious motives of war
by George Levinger - 184-187 Current Research
by N/A - 188-193 Current Literature
by N/A
March 1959, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-5 Toward an international program of research on the handling of conflicts: introduction
by Erik Rinde & Stein Rokkan - 6-27 Decisional conflicts: a theoretical analysis
by Irving L. Janis - 28-40 Consistent reactive participation of group members and reduction of intergroup conflict
by Daniel Katz - 41-64 The meanings of non-violence: a typology (revised
by Gene Sharp - 67-84 Pacifism from a sociological point of view
by Johan Galtung - 85-100 The reduction of intergroup hostility: Research problems and hypotheses
by Irving L. Janis & Daniel Katz
December 1958, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 265-279 Trust and suspicion
by Morton Deutsch - 280-309 The anatomy of American "isolationism" and expansionism. II
by Bernard Fensterwald Jr - 310-320 Theories of choice and conflict in psychology and economics
by Mathilda Holzman - 321-328 Political power, technology, and total war: Two French views
by Roy Pierce - 329-334 Theoretical systems and political realities: a review of Morton A. Kaplan, System and process in international politics
by K.E. Boulding - 335-347 Toward a theory of international politics: Quincy Wright's Study of international relations and some recent developments
by Morton A. Kaplan - 348-354 A review of Victor H. Wallace, Paths to peace: a study of war, its causes and prevention
by Quincy Wright - 355-356 Proposal for a project on a theory of interdependence between libertarian and equalitarian processes and its application to international conflict resolution
by William J. Mackinnon - 357-363 Current Literature
by N/A - 364-364 Department of Psychiatry and Neurology Tulane University School of Medicine 1430 Tulane Avenue New Orleans 12, Louisiana
by Harold I. Lief - 364-365 946 Goodfellow Boulevard St. Louis 12, Missouri
by Theo F. Lentz
September 1958, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 203-264 The strategy of conflict . Prospectus for a reorientation of game theory
by Thomas C. Schelling
June 1958, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 111-139 The anatomy of American "isolationism" and expansionism. Part I
by Bernard Fensterwald JR - 140-155 A systematization of Gandhian ethics of conflict resolution
by Arne Naess - 156-169 The resolution of conflict when utilities interact
by Stefan Valavanis - 170-183 Toward a theory of social conflict
by Ralf Dahrendorf - 184-187 Discussion and Reviews : Conflict resolution in the United Nations: a review of three studies by the Brookings Institution
by Robert H. Cory JR - 188-193 Theory-making in international politics: a review of George Liska, International equilibrium: a theoretical essay on the politics and organization of security
by Kenneth W. Thompson - 194-198 A review of Jessie Bernard, T. H. Pear, Raymond Aron, and Robert C. Angell, The nature of conflict: studies of the sociological aspects of international tensions
by Charles Boasson - 199-201 Current Literature
by N/A
March 1958, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction
by Herbert C. Kelman - 8-16 Rationality and non-rationality of international attitudes
by William A. Scott - 17-28 Threat-related attitudes and reactions to communications about international events
by Arthur I. Gladstone & Martha A. Taylor - 29-42 Personality and sociocultural factors in intergroup attitudes: a cross-national comparison
by Thomas F. Pettigrew - 43-50 The cold war and the modal philosophy
by Ralph K. White - 51-60 Compliance, identification, and internalization three processes of attitude change
by Herbert C. Kelman - 61-66 Cross-cultural experience as a source of attitude change
by Jeanne Watson & Ronald Lippitt - 67-77 The communicator and the audience
by Raymond A. Bauer - 78-89 Political policy and persuasion: the role of communications from political leaders
by M.D. Feld - 90-105 Threat-perception and the armament-tension dilemma
by J. David Singer - 106-110 Current Literature
by N/A
December 1957, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 309-328 Environmental factors in the study of international politics
by Harold Sprout & Margaret Sprout