September 2023, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 1506-1527 Beyond crisis? Using rent theory to understand the restructuring of publicly funded seniors’ care in British Columbia, Canada
by Kendra Strauss - 1528-1547 Beyond rentiership: Standardisation, intangibles and value capture in global production
by Elena Baglioni & Liam Campling & Gerard Hanlon - 1548-1564 Rentiers of the low-carbon economy? Renewable energy's extractive fiscal geographies
by Sarah Knuth - 1565-1580 Turning land into capital? The expansion and extraction of value in Laos
by Miles Kenney-Lazar - 1581-1599 Balancing equity-based goals with market-driven forces in land development: The case of density bonusing in Toronto
by Jeffrey Biggar & Abigail Friendly - 1600-1617 The political economy of land value capture in the UK: Rent and viability in Salford’s new municipalist turn
by Thomas F. Purcell & Callum Ward - 1618-1627 The economic geographies of mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
by Liam Keenan & Dariusz Wójcik
August 2023, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 1091-1113 Background check: Spatiality and relationality in Nancy Fraser's expanded conception of capitalism
by William Conroy - 1114-1130 ‘Going Karura’: Colliding subjectivities and labour struggle in Nairobi's gig economy
by Gianluca Iazzolino - 1131-1149 Ethical product havens in the global diamond trade: Using the Wayback Machine to evaluate ethical market outcomes
by Trina Hamilton & Seth Cavello - 1150-1170 Gift giving in the neoliberal city: Polanyi's substantivism and the exchange of density for affordable housing in Vancouver
by Zachary Hyde - 1171-1189 The socio-spatial politics of royalties and their distribution: A case study of the Surat Basin, Queensland
by Neil Argent & Sean Markey & Greg Halseth & Laura Ryser & Fiona Haslam-McKenzie - 1190-1206 Gendered dispossession and women’s changing poverty by slum/squatter redevelopment projects: A case study from Turkey
by Imren Borsuk - 1207-1217 Making space for the new state capitalism, part III: Thinking conjuncturally
by Adam D Dixon & Jamie Peck & Ilias Alami & Heather Whiteside - 1218-1238 Gillian Hart in Beijing: Negotiating capitalist models at the World Bank–China nexus
by Chris Meulbroek - 1239-1254 Locating state capitalism: Financial centres and the internationalisation of Chinese banks in London
by Sarah Hall - 1255-1280 The US–China rivalry and the emergence of state platform capitalism
by Steve Rolf & Seth Schindler - 1281-1304 State, capitalism and infrastructure-led development: A multi-scalar analysis of the Belgrade-Budapest railway construction
by Linda Szabó & Csaba Jelinek - 1305-1324 Financialisation, central banks and ‘new’ state capitalism: The case of the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England
by Martin Sokol - 1325-1334 Taking the spatialization of heterodox economics to the next level. States, cities and money
by Jeroen Klink
June 2023, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 795-809 Who builds Shanghai's fiber-optic network? Thinking urban infrastructure through migrant construction labor
by Leif Johnson - 810-827 Quantifying state-led gentrification in London: Using linked consumer and administrative records to trace displacement from council estates
by Jonathan Reades & Loretta Lees & Phil Hubbard & Guy Lansley - 828-849 From homes to assets: Transcalar territorial networks and the financialization of build to rent in Greater Manchester
by Richard Goulding & Adam Leaver & Jonathan Silver - 850-870 Territorial stigmatization and housing commodification under racial neoliberalism: The case of Denmark's ‘ghettos’
by Bjarke Skærlund Risager - 871-889 Punish, protect or redirect? Synthesising workfare with ‘spatially Keynesian’ labour market policies in times of job loss
by Tom Barnes - 890-904 Territorial development in Bavaria between spatial justice and austere federalism: A historical-materialist policy analysis of Bavarian regional development politics and policies, 2008–2018
by Simon Dudek & Hans-Martin Zademach - 905-922 Broadening equitable planning: Understanding indirect displacement through seniors’ experiences in a resurgent Downtown Detroit
by Julie Mah - 923-930 The changing spatial arrangements of global finance: Financial, social and legal infrastructures
by Sarah Hall & Adam Leaver & Leonard Seabrooke & Daniel Tischer - 931-948 Anticipating Sino-UK fintech networks and the changing geographies of money as infrastructure
by Sarah Hall - 949-968 FX swaps, shadow banks and the global dollar footprint
by Yannis Dafermos & Daniela Gabor & Jo Michell - 969-996 How financial products organize spatial networks: Analyzing collateralized debt obligations and collateralized loan obligations as “networked productsâ€
by Jonathan Beaverstock & Adam Leaver & Daniel Tischer - 997-1019 A double-edged sword: The conditional properties of elite network ties in the financial sector
by Kevin L Young & Timothy Marple & James Heilman & Bruce A Desmarais - 1020-1040 The new luxury freeports: Offshore storage, tax avoidance, and ‘invisible’ art
by Oddný Helgadóttir - 1041-1061 Arbitrage spaces in the offshore world: Layering, ‘fuses’ and partitioning of the legal structure of modern firms
by Ronen Palan & Hannah Petersen & Richard Phillips - 1062-1079 Legal affordances in global wealth chains: How platform firms use legal and spatial scaling
by Maj Grasten & Leonard Seabrooke & Duncan Wigan - 1080-1088 A borderland analytic: Thinking uneven development from the U.S.–Mexico borderlands
by Nina Ebner
May 2023, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 527-543 (Re)building first Nations community economies: From forest to frame
by Anthony W Persaud & Jonaki Bhattacharyya & Russell Myers Ross - 544-561 ‘Commodification of everything’ arguments in the social sciences: Variants, specification, evaluation, critique
by Derek Hall - 562-582 An antitrust framework for housing
by Renee Tapp & Richard Peiser - 583-601 Duplicitous debtscapes: Unveiling social impact investment for microfinance
by W. Nathan Green - 602-620 School regime restructuring in Western China: From archetypal to multi-scale and variegated political–economic embeddedness
by Mengzhu Zhang - 621-635 Making space for the new state capitalism, part II: Relationality, spatiotemporality and uneven development
by Ilias Alami & Heather Whiteside & Adam D Dixon & Jamie Peck - 636-654 State Capitalism and Spanish port development along the Maritime Silk Road
by Federico Jensen - 655-672 Authoritarian state capitalism: Spatial planning and the megaproject in Russia
by Nadir Kinossian & Kevin Morgan - 673-696 A very British state capitalism: Variegation, political connections and bailouts during the COVID-19 crisis
by Geoffrey T Wood & Enrico Onali & Anna Grosman & Zulfiquer Ali Haider - 697-715 Capital accumulation, territoriality, and the reproduction of state sovereignty in China: Is this “new†state capitalism?
by Xiaobo Su & Kean Fan Lim - 716-741 Hybrid governance and extraterritoriality: Understanding Singapore's state capitalism in the context of oil global production networks
by Neil McGregor & Neil M. Coe - 742-759 State capitalism, capitalist statism: Sovereign wealth funds and the geopolitics of London’s real estate market
by Callum Ward & Frances Brill & Mike Raco - 760-763 Wrestling with “the new†state capitalism
by Jamie Peck - 764-769 Ten theses on the new state capitalism and its futures
by Ilias Alami - 770-773 Where is the world in the new state capitalism?
by Jennifer Bair - 774-781 State capitalism, imperialism and China: Bringing history back in
by Isabella M. Weber - 782-787 Reorienting new state capitalism to food and agriculture
by Marion Werner - 788-792 State capitalism as Lazarus meets Loch Ness: Insights from the Asiatic mode of production
by Heather Whiteside
March 2023, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 237-254 Temporary markets: Market devices and processes of valuation at three Basel art fairs
by Tina Haisch & Max-Peter Menzel - 255-273 The ontological politics of kosher food: Between strict orthodoxy and global markets
by John Lever & James S Vandeventer & Mara Miele - 274-302 EU integration and the geographies of economic activity: 1985–2019
by Eleonora Cutrini & Ben Gardiner & Ron Martin - 303-319 The trauma of exploitation: Emotional geographies of temporary migration and workplace unfreedom
by Francis L Collins & Christina Stringer - 320-338 When smooth space becomes turbulent: The collapse of Hanjin Shipping and the immobilisation of ships, containers, goods and people
by Jason Monios - 339-358 Rental proptech platforms: Changing landlord and tenant power relations in the UK private rental sector?
by Thomas Wainwright - 359-366 Unleashing speculative urbanism: Speculation and urban transformations
by Helga Leitner & Eric Sheppard - 367-387 Speculative urbanism and the urban-financial conjuncture: Interrogating the afterlives of the financial crisis
by Michael Goldman - 388-406 Everyday speculation in the remaking of peri-urban livelihoods and landscapes
by Helga Leitner & Samuel Nowak & Eric Sheppard - 407-427 Articulation work: Value chains of land assembly and real estate development on a peri-urban frontier
by Vinay Gidwani & Carol Upadhya - 428-444 Dispossession without displacement: Producing property through slum redevelopment in Bengaluru, India
by Carol Upadhya & Deeksha M Rao - 445-470 Financializing urban infrastructure? The speculative state-spaces of ‘public-public partnerships’ in Jakarta
by Dimitar Anguelov - 471-489 The social lives of network effects: Speculation and risk in Jakarta's platform economy
by Samuel Nowak - 490-510 A political ecology of speculative urbanism: The role of financial and environmental speculation in Jakarta’s water crisis
by Emma Colven - 511-516 Speculative urbanism
by Desiree Fields - 517-523 Living otherwise in uncertain and speculative times
by Carolyn Prouse
February 2023, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 3-21 An economy in the making: Negotiating capitalist and beyond-capitalist ontologies and relations in makerspaces
by Olga Vincent - 22-45 Multiple logics in financialisation? Moving to carbon sustainability in build-to-rent development
by Thomas Wainwright & Pelin Demirel - 46-62 The multiple-theories problem: The case of spatial industrial clustering
by Caterina Marchionni & Päivi Oinas - 63-71 Making space for the new state capitalism, part I: Working with a troublesome category
by Heather Whiteside & Ilias Alami & Adam D Dixon & Jamie Peck - 72-99 Uneven and combined state capitalism
by Ilias Alami & Adam D Dixon - 100-121 Reluctant state capitalism: Antipathy, accommodation and hybridity in Irish telecommunications
by Donal Palcic & Eoin Reeves & Heather Whiteside - 122-142 The distinctiveness of state capitalism in Britain: Market-making, industrial policy and economic space
by James Silverwood & Craig Berry - 143-164 State capitalism and capital markets: Comparing securities exchanges in emerging markets
by Johannes Petry & Kai Koddenbrock & Andreas Nölke - 165-183 The return of the local state? Failing neoliberalism, remunicipalisation, and the role of the state in advanced capitalism
by Franziska Christina Paul & Andrew Cumbers - 184-200 Uncovering the City of London Corporation: Territory and temporalities in the new state capitalism
by Matthew Eagleton-Pierce - 201-221 The new whole state system: Reinventing the Chinese state to promote innovation
by Lin Zhang & Tu Lan - 222-234 Grasping transformative regional development – Exploring intersections between industrial paths and sustainability transitions
by Camilla Chlebna & Hanna Martin & Jannika Mattes
November 2022, Volume 54, Issue 8
- 1489-1509 Infrastructure-as-a-service: Empty skies, bad roads, and the rise of cargo drones
by Rene Umlauf & Marian Burchardt - 1510-1531 Capital flows and geographically uneven economic dynamics: A monetary perspective
by Karsten Kohler - 1532-1550 Financial discipline through inter-sectoral mergers and acquisitions: Exploring the convergence of Global Production Networks and the Global Financial Network
by Liam Keenan & Timothy Monteath & Dariusz Wójcik - 1551-1568 Immaterial animals and financialized forests: Asset manager capitalism, ESG integration and the politics of livestock
by Jeremy Brice & George Cusworth & Jamie Lorimer & Tara Garnett - 1569-1585 The blockchain challenge for Sweden's housing and mortgage markets
by Anetta Proskurovska & Sabine Dörry - 1586-1603 Unbuilding the city: Deconstruction and the circular economy in Vancouver
by Nicholas Lynch - 1604-1622 The economic returns of decentralisation: Government quality and the role of space
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Vinko MuÅ¡tra - 1623-1640 Priced out? Household migration out of “superstar†US city-regions
by Maximilian Buchholz - 1641-1668 Whither hydrocarbons? The rescaling of global oil and gas markets amidst COVID-19 and a contested transition
by Gabe Eckhouse & Anna Zalik & Gabe Eckhouse & Michael Watts2 & Angus Lyall & Gaby Valdivia & Anna Zalik & Matt Huber
October 2022, Volume 54, Issue 7
- 1299-1322 Follow the money
by Sarah Hughes-McLure - 1323-1340 Global locational inequality: Assessing unequal exchange effects
by Andrea Ricci - 1341-1367 Firm decline and the mobility of US inventors, 1976–2015
by Melissa Haller - 1368-1390 From policy to institution: Implementing land reform in Dar es Salaam’s unplanned settlements
by Martina Manara - 1391-1410 Territorial stigmatisation beyond the city: Habitus, affordances and landscapes of industrial ruination
by Stephen Hincks & Ryan Powell - 1411-1431 The spatiality of collective action and organization among platform workers in Spain and Chile
by Karol Morales-Muñoz & Beltran Roca - 1432-1449 The proximity and dynamics of intercity technology transfers in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area: Evidence from patent transfer networks
by Haitao Ma & Yehua Dennis Wei & Liang Dai & Xuanfang Xu - 1450-1459 Writing geography: Teaching research writing and storytelling in the discipline
by Robert M Wilson - 1460-1474 Writing our way to sustainable economies? How academic sustainability writing engages with capitalism
by Simon Mair - 1475-1485 Multiple binds and forbidden pleasures: Writing as poaching at French universities
by Renaud Le Goix & Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch & Camille Noûs
September 2022, Volume 54, Issue 6
- 1069-1085 Placing the Foundational Economy: An emerging discourse for post-neoliberal economic development
by Bertie Russell & David Beel & Ian Rees Jones & Martin Jones - 1086-1111 Microfoundations of global value chain research: Big decisions by small firms
by Giulio Buciuni & Jacopo Canello & Gary Gereffi - 1112-1129 Class monopoly rent and the urban sustainability fix in Seattle's South Lake Union District
by Matthew B. Anderson & Elijah C. Hansen & Jason Y. Scully - 1130-1146 Understanding social class in place: Responding to supergentrification in Aspen, Colorado
by Jenny Stuber & Krista E Paulsen - 1147-1164 Can gentrification theory learn from Airbnb? Airbnbfication and the asset economy in ReykjavÃk
by Anne-Cécile Mermet - 1165-1183 ‘Demarginalising’ a territorially stigmatised neighbourhood?: The relationship between governance configurations and trajectories of urban change
by Hannah Holmes - 1184-1199 When large-scale regeneration becomes an engine of urban growth: How new power coalitions are shaping Milan's governance
by Veronica Conte & Guido Anselmi - 1200-1218 The structural deficit of the Olympics and the World Cup: Comparing costs against revenues over time
by Martin Müller & David Gogishvili & Sven Daniel Wolfe - 1219-1235 Critical realist perspectives on the urban growth system
by David Waite - 1236-1255 Power couples, cities, and wages
by Richard Florida & Charlotta Mellander & Karen King - 1256-1276 Institutional incongruence, the everyday, and the persistence of street vending in Lagos: a demand-side perspective
by Eghosa Igudia & Robert Ackrill & Michael Machokoto - 1277-1296 Mutable mobiles? Making space for an access-based car sharing market
by Gianluca Chimenti & Hans Kjellberg
August 2022, Volume 54, Issue 5
- 841-844 Winners of the Ashby prizes
by Gabriella Y Carolini & Katie J Wells & Kafui Attoh & Declan Cullen - 845-866 Mega-urban politics: Analyzing the infrastructure turn through the national state lens
by Gavin Shatkin - 867-910 Between the colossal and the catastrophic: Planetary urbanization and the political ecologies of emergent infectious disease
by Neil Brenner & Swarnabh Ghosh - 911-929 Platform capitalism and cloud infrastructure: Theorizing a hyper-scalable computing regime
by Devika Narayan - 930-948 Circulation and containment in the knowledge-based economy: Transnational education zones in Dubai and Qatar
by Tim Rottleb & Jana M. Kleibert - 949-965 Waiting for the market? Microinsurance and development as anticipatory marketization
by Nick Bernards - 966-983 Debtor spaces: Austerity, space, and dispossession in Michigan’s emergency management system
by Melissa Heil - 984-1004 Financializing nursing homes? The uneven development of Health Care REITs in France, the United Kingdom and Japan
by Natacha Aveline-Dubach - 1005-1021 Bringing borders back into cross-border regional innovation systems: Functions and dynamics
by Francesco Cappellano & Christophe Sohn & Teemu Makkonen & Virpi Kaisto - 1022-1066 Symposium – Built Up: An Historical Perspective on the Contemporary Principles and Practices of Real Estate Development, by Patrice Derrington. London: Routledge (2021)
by Lawrence H Summers & Gordon L Clark & Richard Florida & Gordon L Clark & Richard Florida & Manuel B Aalbers & Dariusz Wójcik & Janelle Knox-Hayes & Sam Chandan & Rachel Weber & Richard K Green & Ashby HB Monk & Jerry Nickelsburg & Patrice Derrington
June 2022, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 595-610 Platformed professionalization: Labor, assets, and earning a livelihood through Airbnb
by Jelke R. Bosma - 611-633 Multiple entrepreneurial ecosystems? Worker cooperative development in Toronto and Montréal
by Jason Spicer & Michelle Zhong - 634-652 Post-great recession municipal budgeting and governance: A mixed methods analysis of budget stress and reform
by Mark Davidson & Kevin Ward - 653-675 The uneven geography of real estate investment by Mainland Chinese state-owned and private enterprises in the U.S.: Local market conditions, migration, and ethnic networks
by Lisha He & Mia M Bennett & Ronghao Jiang - 676-692 Skill-relatedness and employment growth of firms in times of prosperity and crisis in an oil-dependent region
by John-Erik Rørheim & Ron Boschma - 693-701 Remittances, development and financialisation beyond the Global North
by Rahel Kunz & Julia Maisenbacher & Lekh Nath Paudel - 702-721 The financialization of remittances and the individualization of development: A new power geometry of global development
by Hannes Warnecke-Berger - 722-743 Diaspora engagement policies and transnational financialisation in Colombia
by Gisela P Zapata - 744-760 Racial capitalism, coloniality and the financialization of Caribbean remittances
by Beverley Mullings - 761-778 Challenging the financialization of remittances agenda through Indigenous women’s practices in Oaxaca
by Araby Smyth - 779-799 ‘Cambiando el chip’: The gendered constellation of subjectivities of the financialisation of remittances in Mexico
by Rahel Kunz & Brenda RamÃrez - 800-821 Contesting the financialisation of remittances: Repertoires of reluctance, refusal and dissent in Ghana and Senegal
by Vincent Guermond - 822-838 Remittances and the reconfiguration of rural finance in Nepal (1900–1960)
by Lekh Nath Paudel
May 2022, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 433-436 Revisiting the valuable locales in our cities? Visualizing social interaction potential around metro station areas in Wuhan, China
by Jiangyue Wu & Jiangping Zhou & Hanxi Ma - 437-440 The unequal commute: Comparing commuting patterns across income and racial worker subgroups
by Yujie Hu - 441-445 Four reasons why data centers matter, five implications of their social spatial distribution, one graphic to visualize them
by Desmond Bast & Constance Carr & Karinne Madron & Ahmad Mafaz Syrus - 446-448 Summer suburbanization in Moscow Region: Investigation with nighttime lights satellite imagery
by Alexander Sheludkov & Alexandra Starikova - 449-453 Shrinking cities in China: Evidence from the latest two population censuses 2010–2020
by Xiangfeng Meng & Ying Long - 454-460 Cyberspace-based urban networks: Visualising and exploring China's intercity interaction from a new perspective
by Zuo Zhang & Zhe Wang - 461-476 The ontological politics of freshness: Qualities of food and sustainability governance
by David M. Evans & Peter Jackson & Monica Truninger & João A. Baptista - 477-492 Affective life of financial loss: Detaching from lost investments in the wake of the gig economy
by David Bissell - 493-507 The accountancy of marketisation: Fictional markets in housing land supply
by Quintin Bradley - 508-532 Institutional conformity, entrepreneurial governance and local contingency: Problematizing central-local dynamics in localizing China's low-income housing policy
by Li Yu & Wei Xu - 533-553 Global destruction networks and hybrid e-waste economies: Practices and embeddedness in Guiyu, China
by Kun Wang & Junxi Qian & Shenjing He - 554-571 Theorizing nation-building through high-speed rail development: Hegemony and space in the Basque Country, Spain
by Diego GarcÃa-Mejuto - 572-592 Ridesourcing and urban inequality in Chicago: Connecting mobility disparities to unequal development, gentrification, and displacement
by Rachel G McKane & David J Hess
March 2022, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 215-218 Visualising rural access index and not served rural population in Africa
by Wanjing Li & Qi Zhou & Yuheng Zhang & Yijun Chen - 219-221 Economic resilience during COVID-19: An insight from permanent business closures
by Wei Zhai & Haoyu Yue - 222-225 Visualizing clustering characteristics of multidimensional arable land quality indexes at the county level in mainland China
by Sijing Ye & Changqing Song & Peichao Gao & Chenyu Liu & Changxiu Cheng - 226-246 The world’s number 1 real estate development exporter? Assessing announced transnational projects from the United Arab Emirates between 2003–2014
by Jorn Koelemaij - 247-264 “They had already sold†: Uncovering relations among the local state, the market and the public in the case of municipal housing privatization in Rosengård, Sweden
by Jennie Gustafsson - 265-294 The shape of neighborhoods to come: Examining patterns of gentrification and holistic neighborhood change in Los Angeles County, 1980–2010
by Seth A. Williams & John R. Hipp - 295-310 Inscriptions of resilience: Bond ratings and the government of climate risk in Greater Miami, Florida
by Savannah Cox - 311-329 Crowding Out Development: Fiscal Federalism after the Great Recession
by Yuanshuo Xu & Mildred E. Warner - 330-346 The spectral scientists of corridor B: Neoliberalization and its ghosts in higher education
by Kerry Holden - 347-369 Listening to the buzz: Exploring the link between firm creation and regional innovative atmosphere as reflected by social media
by Carlo Corradini & Emma Folmer & Anna Rebmann - 370-381 Writing economies and economies of writing
by Rae Dufty-Jones & Chris Gibson & Trevor Barnes - 382-391 More-than-human economies of writing
by Emma Waight - 392-404 From crisis to the everyday: Shouldn't we all be writing economies?
by Priti Narayan & Emily Rosenman - 405-412 “Writing's intimate spatialities: Drawing ourselves to our writing in self-caring practices of loveâ€
by Dydia DeLyser - 413-421 Labour, Efficiency, Critique: writing the plantation into the technological present-future
by Stefan Ouma & Saumya Premchander - 422-429 Rentierism and the commons: A critical contribution to Brett Christophers’ Rentier Capitalism
by Emrah Karakilic
February 2022, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 3-6 Visualising global currents of international students between 1999 and 2018
by Hengyu Gu & Zhibin Xu & Jiansong Zheng & Tiyan Shen - 7-10 The uneven geography of innovation in Turkey: Visualizing the geography and regional relatedness of patent production
by Umut Erdem & K. Mert Cubukcu - 11-14 Visualizing China’s river network
by Fang Wang & Fangqu Niu - 15-32 Neoliberal disease: COVID-19, co-pathogenesis and global health insecurities
by Matthew Sparke & Owain David Williams - 33-49 Negotiating the Wild West: Variegated neoliberalisation of the Swedish labour migration regime and the wild berry migration industry
by Charlotta Hedberg & Irma Olofsson - 50-66 A critique of innovation districts: Entrepreneurial living and the burden of shouldering urban development
by Carla M. Kayanan - 67-83 A win-win situation? Urban regeneration and the paradox of homeowner displacement
by Yinnon Geva & Gillad Rosen - 84-104 Can economic development policy trigger gentrification? Assessing and anatomising the mechanisms of state-led gentrification
by Renan Almeida & Pedro PatrÃcio & Marcelo Brandão & Ramon Torres - 105-121 ‘The whole of Shirebrook got put on an ASBO’: The co-production of territorial stigma in a former colliery town
by James Pattison - 122-135 The consequences of timing norms and term limits on local agency
by Lucinda David - 136-143 Variegated intersections of neoliberalism and financialization
by Chris Muellerleile & Shaun French - 144-159 Financialization and non-disposable women: Real estate, debt and labour in UK care homes
by Amy Horton - 160-181 Automated landlord: Digital technologies and post-crisis financial accumulation
by Desiree Fields - 182-198 Housing market financialization, neoliberalism and everyday retrenchment of social housing
by Michael Byrne & Michelle Norris - 199-203 Commentary on Financialisation Theme Issue Papers
by Ben Fine - 204-212 The university and the city: Spaces of risk, decolonisation, and civic disruption
by Donald McNeill & Michael Mossman & Dallas Rogers & Mark Tewdwr-Jones
November 2021, Volume 53, Issue 8
- 1851-1854 Multi-occupation segregation through London's tube network
by Yao Shen & Yiyi Xu & Zhuoya Huang - 1855-1858 Population mobility, urban centrality and subnetworks in China revealed by social sensing big data
by Hongwei Guo & Ji Han & Jian Wang - 1859-1861 The relationship between historical redlining and Census Bureau Community Resilience Estimates in Columbus, Ohio
by Lila Asher - 1862-1878 Democratizing finance with Robinhood: Financial infrastructure, interface design and platform capitalism
by Gordon Kuo Siong Tan - 1879-1895 What is hiding behind the money accumulating in Utah?
by Howard Tenenbaum - 1896-1914 Ecologies of green finance: Green sukuk and development of green Islamic finance in Malaysia
by Felicia HM Liu & Karen PY Lai - 1915-1934 Southern actors and the governance of labour standards in global production networks: The case of South African fruit and wine
by Matthew Alford & Margareet Visser & Stephanie Barrientos - 1935-1951 The company is here to do goodness to us: Imaginaries of development, whiteness, and patronage in Sierra Leone's agribusiness investment deals
by Jules Bakker & Caitlin Ryan - 1952-1973 Learn from elsewhere: A relational geography of policy learning in Bangkok’s Creative District
by Napong Tao Rugkhapan - 1974-1992 Business improvement areas and the socio-cultural power of lobbying: Imposing market interests to affordable housing development
by Daniel Kudla - 1993-2011 Tenure transitions at the edges of ownership: Reinforcing or challenging the status quo?
by Rachel Ong ViforJ & William A.V. Clark & Susan J. Smith & Gavin A. Wood & William Lisowski & N.T. Khuong Truong & Melek Cigdem - 2012-2032 Searching for housing in the digital age: Neighborhood representation on internet rental housing platforms across space, platform, and metropolitan segregation
by Chris Hess & Arthur Acolin & Rebecca Walter & Ian Kennedy & Sarah Chasins & Kyle Crowder - 2033-2049 Imagining a future in the austerity city: Anticipated futures and the formation of neoliberal subjectivities of youth in Ireland
by Sander van Lanen - 2050-2067 Disparities by deprivation: The geographical impact of unprecedented changes in local authority financing on the voluntary sector in England
by David Clifford
October 2021, Volume 53, Issue 7
- 1591-1593 Visualizing the regional patterns of two crises: The COVID-19 outbreak and decreasing MSME sales during three different phases of 2020 in Korea
by Donghyun Kim - 1594-1597 Population density, activity centres, and pandemic: Visualizing clusters of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong
by Jiangping Zhou & Sam KS Ho & Shuyu Lei & Valarie CK Pang - 1598-1600 (No) City for old men
by Carolina Foglia & Nicola Pontarollo