May 1947, Volume 251, Issue 1
- 190-191 ANDREWS, WAYNE. Battle for Chicago. Pp. x, 358. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1946. $3.75
by Robert W. Twyman - 191-191 WHITTLESEY, CHARLES R. National Inter est and International Cartels. Pp. 172. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946. $2.50
by John Parke Young - 191-192 STOCKING, GEORGE W., and MYRON W. WATKINS. Cartels in Action. Pp. xii, 533. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1946. $4.00
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 192-193 MULLER, CHARLOTTE F. Light Metals Monopoly. Pp. 279. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1946. $3.00
by K.E. Knorr - 193-193 CONDOIDE, MIKHAIL V. Russian-American Trade. Pp. xiii, 160. Columbus: Bu reau of Business Research, Ohio State University, 1946. $2.50
by E.C. Helmreich - 193-194 FISHER, ALLAN G. B. International Im plications of Full Employment in Great Britain. Pp. vii, 202. New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1947. (London, 1946.) $3.50
by Mary E. Murphy - 194-195 WHITAKER, ARTHUR P. (Ed.). Inter- American Affairs, 1945. Pp. 328. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. $3.75
by Austin F. Macdonald - 195-196 WESTCOTT, ALLAN (Ed.). American Sea Power Since 1775. Pp. ix, 609. Phila delphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1947. $5.00
by Ralph Adams Brown - 196-196 DUMBAULD, EDWARD. Thomas Jefferson, American Tourist. Pp. xvi, 266. Nor man, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1946. $3.00
by Claude G. Bowers - 196-197 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. Thurlow Weed: Wizard of the Lobby. Pp. x, 403. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1947. $4.00
by Roy F. Nichols - 197-198 THOMPSON, D. G. BRINTON. Ruggles of New York: A Life of Samuel B. Rug gles. Pp. 222. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. $2.75
by Jeannette P. Nichols - 198-199 JOHNSON, WALTER (Ed.). Selected Let ters of William Allen White, 1899-1943. Pp. viii, 460. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1947. $3.75
by Ralph Adams Brown - 199-199 CHASE, THOMAS G. The Story of Lithu ania. Pp. xiii, 392. New York: Strat ford House, 1946. $3.50
by Bjarne Braatoy - 199-200 LAZARSFELD, PAUL F., and HARRY FIELD. The People Look at Radio. Pp. ix, 158. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1946. $2.50
by Kenneth G. Bartlett & Eugene S. Foster - 200-201 WHYTE, WILLIAM F. (Ed.). Industry and Society. Pp. vi, 211. New York: Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., 1946. $2.50
by C. Wright Mills - 201-202 DUBLIN, LOUIS I., and ALFRED J. LOTKA. The Money Value of a Man. Rev. Ed. Pp. xvii, 214. New York: Ronald Press, 1946. $6.00
by E.P. Hutchinson - 202-203 ENGLE, EARL T. (Ed.). The Problem of Fertility. Pp. viii, 2 54. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1946. $3.75
by Clyde V. Kiser - 203-203 THOMAS, DOROTHY SWAINE, and RICHARD S. NISHIMOTO. The Spoilage: Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement. Pp. xv, 388. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1946. $3.75
by Constantine Panunzio - 203-204 LIND, ANDREW W. Hawaii's Japanese : An Experiment in Democracy. Pp. 246. Princeton: Princeton University Press (in co-operation with Institute of Pacific Relations), 1946. $3.00
by William C. Smith - 204-205 MUKERJEE, RADHAKAMAL. Races, Lands, and Food: A Program for World Sub sistence. Pp. 107. New York: Dryden Press, 1946. $2.25
by Frank H. Hankins - 205-206 LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Food, Famine and Relief, 1940-1946. Pp. 162. New York : International Document Service, Colum bia University Press, distributor, 1946. $1.50
by Harold S. Jacoby - 206-206 HARRISON, SHELBY M., and F. EMERSON ANDREWS. American Foundations for Social Welfare. Pp. 249. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1946. $2.00
by Ewan Clague - 206-207 EGERTON, ROBERT. Legal Aid. Pp. xvi, 160. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1945. $3.75
by Geoffrey May - 207-208 TEETERS, NEGLEY K. Penology from Panama to Cape Horn. Pp. xiii, 269. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press for Temple University Publica tions, 1946. $3.50
by Edwin H. Sutherland - 208-208 TRECKER, HARLEIGH. Group Process in Administration. Pp. 127. New York: Woman's Press, 1946. $2.75
by Marietta Stevenson - 208-209 VANCE, RUPERT B., and GORDON W. BLACK- WELL. New Farm Homes for Old: A Study of Rural Public Housing in the South. Pp. 245. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1946. $3.00
by Russell Lord - 209-209 HEDLEY, GEORGE. The Christian Heritage in America. Pp. x, 177. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946. $2.00
by William W. Sweet - 209-210 COHEN, ISRAEL. The Zionist Movement. Pp. 400. Rev. Ed. New York: Zionist Organization of America, 1946. $3.00
by John R. Randall - 210-211 ADLER, CYRUS, and AARON M. MARGALITH. With Firmness in the Right. Pp. xxvii, 489. New York: American Jewish Com mittee, 1946. $4.00
by James Burnham - 211-211 AYDELOTTE, FRANK. The American Rhodes Scholarships: A Review of the First Forty Years. Pp. xvi, 208. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1946. $2.00
by Charles W. David - 211-212 REID, J. T. It Happened in Taos. Pp. 118, 63 plates. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press, 1946. $2.50
by Florence Greenhoe Robbins - 212-213 WERTENBAKER, THOMAS JEFFERSON. Princeton 1746-1896. Pp. v, 424. Prince ton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1946. $3.75
by G.W. Pierson - 213-213 MARTIN, LOWELL (Ed.). Personnel Ad ministration in Libraries. Pp. xi, 168. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1946. $3.00
by Herbert Goldhor
March 1947, Volume 250, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by W. Hayes Yeager & William E. Utterback - 1-11 Safeguarding Channels of Communication
by Arleigh B. Williamson - 12-16 The Language Barrier to International Understanding
by Mortimer Graves - 17-25 Psychological Barriers to Communication
by Daniel Katz - 26-31 Government Control of Sources of Information
by Karl E. Mundt - 32-40 Political Significance of Group Discussion
by William E. Utterback - 41-52 New Avenues of Classroom Communication
by Magdalene E. Kramer - 53-58 The Labor-Management Conference as an Aid to Collective Bargaining
by George W. Taylor - 59-69 Communication in the Legislative Assembly
by Harvey Walker - 70-75 Effectiveness of the Public Platform
by W. Norwood Brigance - 76-81 Action From the Pulpit
by Roy A. Burkhart - 82-88 Position of the Press in a Free Society
by Alan Barth - 89-97 Social Impact of the Radio
by Kenneth G. Bartlett - 98-104 Social Uses of the Motion Picture
by Arch A. Mercey - 105-112 Molding Public Opinion Through Advertising
by Drew Dudley - 113-120 The Engineering of Consent
by Edward L. Bernays - 121-129 The Measurement of Public Opinion
by Elmo C. Wilson - 130-132 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of the American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1946
by N/A - 133-133 INGLIS, RUTH A. Freedom of the Movies, A Report on Self-Regulation from the Commission on Freedom of the Press. Pp. x, 241. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1947. $3.00
by Ray H. Abrams - 133-134 MERTON, ROBERT K. Mass Persuasion: The Social Psychology of a War Bond Drive. Pp. xiii, 210. New York: Har per & Brothers, 1946. $2.50
by Hadley Cantril - 134-135 RANULF, SVEND. Hitlers Kampf gegen die Objektivität. Pp. 120. Acta Jutlandica. Copenhagen, Denmark: Aarskrift for Aarhus Universitet, 1946. No price
by William Ebenstein - 135-136 MORGENTHAU, HANS J. Scientific Man vs. Power Politics. Pp. ix, 245. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1946. $3.00
by William Anderson - 136-137 NAMIER, L. B. 1848: The Revolution of the Intellectuals. Pp. 124. Oxford: Ox ford University Press, 1946. $2.50
by Kurt H. Wolff - 137-138 REICH, WILHELM. The Mass Psychology of Fascism. (Revised edition.) Pp. xxiv, 344. New York: Orgone Institute Press, 1946. $4.50
by Clifford Kirkpatrick - 138-139 TIMASHEFF, NICHOLAS S. Three Worlds: Liberal, Communist, and Fascist Society. Pp. xi, 263. Milwaukee: Bruce Publish ing Co., 1946. $2.75
by Kurt H. Wolff - 139-139 GALLOWAY, GEORGE B. Congress at the Crossroads. Pp. ix, 374. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1946. $3.50
by W. Reed West - 139-140 MARX, FRITZ MORSTEIN (Ed.). Elements of Public Administration. Pp. xxiv, 637, New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946. $6.65
by Charles S. Ascher - 140-141 DIMOCK, MARSHALL E., and GLADYS O. DIMOCK. American Government in Ac tion. Pp. xii, 946. New York: Rinehart & Co., 1946. $4.50
by Edward W. Carter - 141-141 POST, C. GORDON, FRANCES P. DE LANCY, and FREDRYC R. DARBY (Eds.). Twenty Cases on the Constitution. Pp. 299. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.: Vassar College, 1946. $3.95
by Arnold Tilden - 141-142 DANIELS, JONATHAN. Frontier on the Po tomac. Pp. 262. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1946. $2.75
by Charles S. Ascher - 142-142 MACFADDEN, CLIFFORD H., HENRY MADI SON KENDALL, and GEORGE F. DEASY. Atlas of World Affairs. Pp. 179. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1946. Cloth $5.00; paper $2.50
by J.H. Landman - 142-143 ZIFF, WILLIAM B. Two Worlds: A Real istic Approach to the Problem of Keep ing the Peace. Pp. 335. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946. $3.00
by Charles P. White - 143-144 BONSAL, STEPHEN. Suitors and Suppli ants : The Little Nations at Versailles. Pp. xiii, 301. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946. $3.50
by Johannes Mattern - 144-145 PAPI, GIUSEPPE UGO. Introduction to Post-War Reconstruction Programmes. Pp. xii, 265. Rome: International In stitute of Agriculture, 1944. 60 Lire
by J. Clyde Marquis - 145-145 SOUTHARD, FRANK A. The Finances of European Liberation. Pp. x, 206. New York: Kings Crown Press for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1946. $3.00
by William J. Ronan - 145-146 NOTESTEIN, WALLACE. The Scot in His tory. Pp. v, 371. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1946. $4.00
by Leonidas Dodson - 146-147 SCHULZ, FRITZ. History of Roman Legal Science. Pp. xvi, 358. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1946. $7.50
by George L. Haskins - 147-148 SCHLESINGER, RUDOLF. Soviet Legal Theory: Its Social Background and De velopment. Pp. viii, 299. New York: Oxford University Press, 1945. $5.00
by Charles Prince - 148-149 SOMERVILLE, JOHN. Soviet Philosophy: A Study of Theory and Practice. Pp. xi, 269. New York: The Philosophical Library, 1946. $3.75
by Paul B. Anderson - 149-150 LORIMER, FRANK. The Population of the Soviet Union. Pp. xiv, 289. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. $4.00
by N.S. Timasheff - 150-150 BAYKOV, ALEXANDER M. Soviet Foreign Trade. Pp. vii, 100. Princeton: Prince ton University Press, 1946. $2.00
by Harry Schwartz - 150-151 DEANE, JOHN R. The Strange Alliance: The Story of our Efforts at Wartime Co-operation with Russia. Pp. viii, 344. New York: Viking Press, 1947. $3.75
by D. Fedotoff White - 151-152 SCHLESINGER, RUDOLF. Federalism in Central and Eastern Europe. Pp. x, 533. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947; London: Routledge, 1945. $6.00
by William Anderson - 152-152 JEDRZEJEWICZ, WACLAW (Compiler and Ed.). Poland in the British Parliament, 1939-1945. Vol. I. Pp. xxix, 495. New York: Jozef Pilsudski Institute of America, 1946. $5.00
by Oscar Halecki - 152-153 MARTIN, DAVID. Ally Betrayed: The Un censored Story of Tito and Mihailovich. Pp. xvi, 372. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946. $3.50
by Oscar Halecki - 153-154 HOURANI, A. K. Syria and Lebanon. Pp. x, 402. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. $5.00
by Philip K. Hitti - 154-155 MILLSPAUGH, ARTHUR C. Americans in Persia. Pp. ix, 293. Washington : Brookings Institution, 1946. $3.00
by Halford L. Hoskins - 155-155 LI, K. C. (Ed.). American Diplomacy in the Far East: 1942-1943. Pp. lix, 911. New York: K. C. Li, 1946. $8.00
by Paul H. Clyde - 155-156 AYRES, C. E. The Divine Right of Capi tal. Pp. viii, 214. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946. $3.00
by Archibald M. McIsaac - 156-157 GAMES, JOHN S. Beyond Supply and De mand. Pp. 105. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. $1.60
by Herbert F. Fraser - 157-158 KUZNETS, SIMON. National Income: A Summary of Findings. Pp. 144. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 1946. $1.50
by Ralph Carr Fletcher - 158-159 CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN INCOME AND WEALTH. Studies in Income and Wealth. Vol. 8. Pp. xiv, 297. New York: Na tional Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. $3.00
by Henry H. Villard - 159-159 KIDNER, FRANK L. California Business Cycles. Pp. xiv, 131. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1946. $2.50
by Carl Landauer - 159-160 OWEN, W. V. Labor Problems. Pp. xv, 570. New York: Ronald Press Com pany, 1946. $4.50
by Jerome H. Bentley - 160-161 BUREAU OF DEMOBILIZATION. Labor Poli cies of the National Defense Advisory Commission and the Office of Produc tion Management: May 1940 to April 1942. Pp. 247. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1946 (Spe cial Study No. 23, Historical Reports on War Administration: War Production Board)
by Charles Aikin - 161-162 WYCKOFF, VIOLA. The Public Works Wage Rate and Some of Its Economic Effects. Pp. 313. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1946. $3.00
by Z. Clark Dickinson - 162-162 WILSON, CHARLES MORROW. Oil Across the World: The American Saga of Pipe lines. Pp. ix, 318. New York: Long mans, Green and Co., 1946. $3.50
by Eliot Jones - 162-164 NATESAN, L. A. State Management and Control of Railways in India. Pp. xxiii, 495. Calcutta, India: University of Calcutta, 1946. 12 Rs
by Taraknath Das - 164-164 CRESSON, W. P. James Monroe. Pp. xiv, 577. Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1946. $5.00
by Dexter Perkins - 164-165 DYER, BRAINERD. Zachary Taylor. Pp. viii, 455. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1946. $4.00
by O.P. Chitwood - 165-166 STODDARD, HENRY LUTHER. Horace Gree ley, Printer, Editor, Crusader. Pp. xiv, 338. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1946. $3.50
by Alphonse B. Miller - 166-167 MOWRY, GEORGE E. Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement. Pp. 405. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1946. $4.00
by William Draper Lewis - 167-167 MOHR, ROBERT LANDIS. Thomas Henry Burrowes, 1805-1871. Pp. xi, 271. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1946. $4.00
by Zora Klain - 167-168 FLEXNER, ABRAHAM. Daniel Coit Gilman: Creator of the American Type of Uni versity. Pp. ix, 173. New York: Har court, Brace and Co., 1946. $2.00
by Harold Benjamin - 168-169 ROBINSON, EDGAR EUGENE. The New United States. Pp. vii, 141. Stanford University, California: Stanford Univer sity Press, 1946. $2.50
by W. Seward Salisbury - 169-170 BOWKER, BENJAMIN C. Out of Uniform. Pp. xiii, 259. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1946. $2.75
by Raymond H. Ambron - 170-170 ABRAMS, CHARLES. The Future of Hous ing. Pp. xix, 428. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946. $5.00
by Henry M. Muller - 170-171 PORTERFIELD, AUSTIN L. Youth in Trou ble. Pp. 132. Fort Worth, Texas: The Leo Potishman Foundation Publications in the Social Sciences, 1946. $1.50
by Mabel A. Elliott - 171-172 GREENE, HARRY WASHINGTON. Holders of Doctorates Among American Negroes. Pp. 275. Boston: Meador Publishing Co., 1946. $3.00
by Charles S. Johnson - 172-172 JELLINEK, E. M. Phases in the Drinking History of Alcoholics. Pp. 88. New Haven, Conn.: Hillhouse Press, 1946. $1.00. CUSHMAN, JANE F., and CARNEY LANDIS (Eds.) Studies of Compulsive Drinkers. Pp. 90. New Haven, Conn.: Hillhouse Press, 1946. $1.00
by Stuart A. Queen - 172-173 WERTHEIMER, MAX. Productive Thinking. Pp, viii, 224. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1945. $3.00
by C. West Churchman
January 1947, Volume 249, Issue 1
- 1-1 Leo Stanton Rowe
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 1-1 Foreword
by Harold M. Dorr - 1-8 Recent Advance in the Physical Sciences
by H.R. Crane - 9-19 The Atomic Crusade and Its Social Implications
by Arthur H. Compton - 20-31 Some Social Implications of Natural Resources
by Howard A. Meyerhoff - 32-41 The Atomic Dilemma
by Bernard Brodie - 42-53 World Government and the Control of Atomic Energy
by Herbert W. Briggs - 54-65 Civil Liberties in the Atomic Age
by Robert E. Cushman - 66-74 Total War and the Preservation of Democracy
by Arthur W. Bromage - 75-80 Psychology of Social Change
by Donald G. Marquis - 81-88 How Technology Changes Society
by William Fielding Ogburn - 89-98 Law and Atomic Energy
by E. Blythe Stason - 99-110 Some Economic Consequences of Science
by Sumner H. Slichter - 111-118 The Impact of Science on Population Growth
by Warren S. Thompson - 119-125 Nutrition
by Howard B. Lewis - 126-134 The Political Impact of Modern Science on Public Health
by Gaylord W. Anderson - 135-142 Secondary Education for a New World
by John W. Studebaker - 143-151 Responsibility of Social Science
by Louis Wtrth - 152-159 Security, Freedom, and Modern Technology
by William Haber - 160-168 The Humanities in a Scientific World
by Hayward Keniston - 169-176 Good, Evil, and Beyond
by George N. Shuster - 177-212 Book Department
by N/A
November 1946, Volume 248, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Herman Feldman - 1-5 The American Federation of Labor's Wage Policy
by William Green - 6-10 Labor's Recent Demands
by Katherine Pollak Ellickson - 11-19 Industry's Viewpoint on Labor's Demands
by Herman W. Steinkraus - 20-30 Public Interest in Current Wage Issues
by Dexter Merriam Keezer - 31-36 Union Finances and Elections
by Theresa Wolfson - 37-43 Jurisdictional Disputes
by Philip Taft - 44-53 Interfederation Warfare and Its Prospects
by Aaron Levenstein - 54-61 Union Administration and Civil Liberties
by Roger N. Baldwin - 62-69 Union Security and Its Implications
by Louis Stark - 70-75 Union Participation in High Productivity
by William Gomberg - 76-81 Better Management and Better Union Leadership
by C.F. Mugridge - 82-90 The National Labor Relations Act
by Elinore M. Herrick - 91-96 The Voluntary Umpire System
by Theodore W. Kheel - 97-109 Picketing: Its Use and Abuse
by Herman Feldman & Harry P. Bell - 110-119 Keeping the Peace in Railroad Transportation
by Robert L. Glenn & G. Lloyd Wilson - 120-129 Conciliation Services in Labor Relations
by Edgar L. Warren - 130-137 State Experiments in Labor Relations Legislation
by Dale Yoder - 138-145 Experience with Strike Legislation Abroad
by Edwin E. Witte - 146-153 Collective Bargaining in the Public Service
by Sterling D. Spero - 154-160 Has Collective Bargaining Failed?
by George W. Taylor - 161-167 Public-Mindedness Through Co-operation
by Ordway Tead - 168-172 The Dilemma of Labor Relations Control
by William L. Batt - 173-184 Requirements of a National Labor Policy
by Ludwig Teller - 185-194 Proposed Federal Labor Legislation
by Joseph H. Ball - 195-198 A Reading List on Labor and the Public
by Helen Baker - 201-201 Foreword
by Dean E. McHenry - 203-208 California in Perspective
by Rockwell D. Hunt - 209-213 Culture and Society in Southern California
by Carey Mcwilliams - 214-219 Place of Central Valley in the Social Prospect of Southern California
by Paul S. Taylor - 220-225 Housing Problems of Minority Groups in Los Angeles County
by Charles B. Spaulding - 226-231 Cross Filing of Political Candidates in California
by Dean E. McHenry - 232-235 Sectionalism in State Politics
by George W. Bemis - 236-238 Geographic Basis for a Unicameral Legislature
by W.W. Mather - 239-250 Industrialization in Southern California
by Philip Neff - 251-259 Problems of the Postwar Capital Market
by Cecil L. Dunn - 260-267 California's Local Revenue Problem
by Joseph O. McClintic - 268-306 Book Department
by N/A
September 1946, Volume 247, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-4 The Return of the Government
by Arthur Wauters - 5-11 The Christian Social Party (P.S.C.)
by Auguste Edmond De schryver - 12-16 The Socialist Party
by Victor Larock - 17-20 The Communist Party
by Jean Terfve - 21-25 The Liberal Party
by René Drèze - 26-29 Economic Problems of Liberated Belgium
by Fernand Baudhuin - 30-36 Financial Reconstruction of Belgium
by Maurice Frère - 37-42 The Battle of Coal
by Jean Vercleyen - 43-46 The Battle of Supplies
by Frédéric Osterrieth - 47-55 The Socialist and Communist Trade Unions
by Joseph Bondas & Paul Finet - 56-61 The Christian Trade-Union Movement
by Henri Pauwels - 62-68 The Co-operatives
by Emile Dutilleul - 69-72 Collaboration Under Enemy Occupation
by René Marcq - 73-77 The Punishment of Collaborators
by Pierre Vermeylen - 78-86 Readjustment Problems of the Repatriates
by Guillaume Jacquemyns - 87-91 Food and Nutrition
by E.J. Bigwood - 92-97 Health Problems
by René Sand - 98-102 Medicine and Medical Research
by Jean La Barre & Paul Bastenie - 103-106 Housing and Reconstruction
by Adolphe Puissant - 107-110 The Educational Problem
by J.J.N. Kuypers - 111-116 Belgian Youth Movements and Problems
by C. Van der bruggen & Louis C. Picalausa - 117-124 Social Security in Belgium
by Henri Fuss - 125-127 Social Security Program: Employers' View
by Maurice Van der rest - 128-130 The Flemish Movement
by Gustave Van geyt & Felix Rousseau & Georges Smets - 130-131 The Walloon Movement
by Felix Rousseau - 132-133 Conclusions
by Georges Smets - 134-141 The Miners: Social Aspects of a Labor Problem1
by Guillaume Jacquemyns - 142-147 Belgian Agriculture
by Louis Delvaux - 148-154 Belgium's Unemployment Problem
by Léon-H. Dupriez - 155-159 Economic Problems in the Long Pull Ahead
by Jean-Charles snoy D'oppuers - 160-164 Belgium's Role in Europe
by F. Van langenhove - 165-170 Belgium and the United Nations
by Walter Loridan - 171-178 Belgian-American Relations, 1944-45
by Grégoire Koulischer