September 1947, Volume 253, Issue 1
- 202-203 YOUNG, C. R., H. A. INNIS, and J. H. DALES. Engineering and Society (with special reference to Canada). Pp. vii, 429. Toronto, Canada: The University of Toronto Press, 1946. $2.75
by Griffith Taylor - 203-204 WADE, MASON. The French-Canadian Out look. Pp. 192. New York: The Viking Press, 1946. $2.00
by Carl Wittke - 204-205 EWING, A. C. The Individual, the State, and World Government. Pp. viii, 322. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $4.00
by George F. Thomas - 205-206 CARLSTON, KENNETH S. The Process of International Arbitration. Pp. 318. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. $4.50
by R.F. Wood - 206-207 YPSILON. Pattern for World Revolution. Pp. 479. New York: Ziff-Davis Pub lishing Co., 1947. $3.50
by Ralph Haswell Lutz - 207-208 ROMMEN, HEINRICH A. The State in Catholic Thought. Pp. viii, 747. St. Louis and London: B. Herder Book Co., 1945. $6.00
by Francis W. Coker - 208-209 GAUS, JOHN MERRIAM. Reflections on Public Administration. Pp. 153. Uni versity, Alabama: The University of Ala bama Press, 1947. $2.00
by Ray F. Harvey - 209-209 COMMITTEE ON RECORDS OF WAR ADMINIS TRATION. The United States at War. Pp. xv, 555. Washington: U. S. Gov ernment Printing Office (Historical Re ports on War Administration, Bureau of the Budget No. 1), 1946. $1.00 paper- bound
by Leo Fishman - 209-210 BUCK, PHILIP W., and JOHN W. MASLAND. The Governments of Foreign Powers. Pp. viii, 439. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1947. $3.25
by Arthur D. Angel - 210-211 FITZGERALD, WALTER. The New Europe: An Introduction to Its Political Geog raphy. Pp. xiii, 298. New York: Harper & Bros., 1946. $2.75
by Winchester H. Heicher - 211-211 SCHUBART, WALTER. Europa und die Seele des Ostens. Pp. 317. Luzern, Switzer land: Vita Nova Verlag, 1938. Fr. 12.50
by John Brown Mason - 211-212 CARTER, GWENDOLEN M. The British Commonwealth and International Se curity: The Role of the Dominions, 1919-1939. Pp. xx, 326. Toronto, Canada: Ryerson Press for the Cana dian Institute of International Affairs, 1947. $4.00
by Richard H. Heindel - 212-213 GÜRSTER, EUGEN. Volk im Dunkel: Die geistige Tragödie des deutschen Volkes. Pp. 159. Luzern, Switzerland: Vita Nova Verlag, 1946. Fr. 9
by Adolf Sturmthal - 213-214 NEEDHAM, JOSEPH. History is on Our Side. Pp. 226. New York: The Mac millan Co., 1947. $2.75
by Conrad Henry Moehlman - 214-215 DULLES, ALLEN WELSH. Germany's Un derground. Pp. xiii, 207. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $3.00
by Oron James Hale - 215-215 POLLOCK, JAMES K., and JAMES H. MEISEL. Germany Under Occupation. Pp. 306. Ann Arbor, Michigan: George Wahr Publishing Co., 1947. No price
by William F. Sollmann - 215-216 HINDUS, MAURICE. The Bright Passage. Pp. xiv, 370. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1947. $3.00
by Josef HanÄ - 216-217 LACERDA, JOHN. The Conqueror Comes to Tea: Japan Under MacArthur. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1946. $2.75
by Allan B. Cole - 217-218 SUNDARAM, LANKA. India's Armies and Their Costs. Pp. 256. Bombay: Avanti Prakashan, 1946. Rs. 7/8
by Kingsley Davis - 218-218 HOGAN, WILLIAM RANSOM. The Texas Re public: A Social and Economic History. Pp. ix, 338. Norman, Oklahoma: Uni versity of Oklahoma Press, 1946. $3.00
by J.L. Waller - 218-219 POMEROY, EARL S. The Territories and the United States, 1861-1890: Studies in Colonial Administration. Pp. vii, 163
by George E. Mowry - 219-219 PECK, ANNE MERRIMAN. The Pageant of Middle American History. Pp. x, 496. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947. $4.00
by J. Fred Rippy - 219-220 KEEN, BENJAMIN. David Curtis DeForest and the Revolution of Buenos Aires. Pp. vii, 186. New Haven: Yale Uni versity Press, 1947. $3.00
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 220-221 AULT, WARREN O. Europe in Modern Times. Pp. xvi, 859. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1946. $5.00
by Walter P. Hall - 221-221 MANNING, CLARENCE A. The Story of the Ukraine. Pp. 326. New York: Philo sophical Library, 1947. $3.75
by O. Halecki - 222-222 LINK, ARTHUR S. Wilson: The Road to the White House. Pp. xviii, 570. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. $5.00
by Roy F. Nichols - 222-223 HATCH, ALDEN. Franklin D. Roosevelt: An Informal Biography. Pp. ix, 413. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1947. $3.00
by Boris Erich Nelson - 223-224 PALENCIA, ISABEL DE. Alexandra Kol lontay : Ambassadress from Russia. Pp. 309. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947. $3.50
by Harry Schwartz - 224-224 CHIANG MONLIN. Tides from the West: A Chinese Autobiography. Pp. vi, 282. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1947. $3.50
by John K. Fairbank - 224-225 EZEKIEL, MORDECAI (Ed.). Towards World Prosperity. Pp. xiv, 455. New York: Harper and Bros., 1947. $5.50
by Paul S. Peirce - 225-226 WRIGHT, DAVID McCORD. The Economics of Disturbance. Pp. ix, 115. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $2.50
by Theodore J. Kreps - 226-226 HAWTREY, R. G. Economic Rebirth. Pp. 161. London and New York: Long mans, Green and Co., 1946. $2.00
by Paul Knaplund - 226-227 RAYMOND, FRED I. The Limitist. Pp. 166. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1947. $2.00
by Eugene P. Chase - 227-228 LURIÉ, SAMUEL. Private Investment in a Controlled Economy: Germany, 1933- 1939. Pp. xi, 243. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1947. $3.00
by Kenyon E. Poole - 228-229 JACOBY, NEIL H., and RAYMOND J. SAUL- NIER. Business Finance and Banking. Pp. xviii, 241. New York: National Bu reau of Economic Research, 1947. $3.50
by Fred Rogers Fairchild - 229-229 RODGERS, CLEVELAND. American Planning: Past, Present, Future. Pp. xiii, 290. New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1947. $3.00
by William H. Stead - 229-230 SIMEY, T. S. Welfare and Planning in the West Indies. Pp. xi, 267. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947; Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1946. $4.75
by James G. Leyburn - 230-231 ORTIZ, FERNANDO. (Translation by Har riet de Onis.) Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar. Pp, xxi, 312, xiii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $4.00
by Roscoe R. Hill - 231-231 ABELARDE, PEDRO E. American Tariff Policy towards the Philippines, 1898- 1946. Pp. ix, 233. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947. $2.75
by Lennox A. Mills - 231-232 WILCOX, EARLEY VERNON. Acres and Peo ple: The Eternal Problem of China and India. Pp. 297. New York: Orange Judd Publishing Co., 1947. $3.00
by V.D. Wickizer - 232-233 SLICHTER, SUMNER H. The Challenge of Industrial Relations. Pp. ix, 196. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1947. $2.50
by Thomas R. Fisher - 233-233 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Public Investment and Full Employment. Pp. ix, 352. Montreal, Canada, 1946. $2.25
by C.R. Whittlesey - 233-234 SNIDER, JOSEPH L. The Guarantee of Work and Wages. Pp. xi, 191. Boston: Graduate School of Business Administra tion, Harvard University, 1947. $2.75
by Albion G. Taylor - 234-235 COMMITTEE ON LABOR MARKET RESEARCH (Louis J. Ducoff and Margaret Jarman Hagood). Labor Force Definition and Measurement: Recent Experience in the United States. Pp. x, 134. New York: Social Science Research Council (Bul letin 56), 1947. $1.00
by Z.C. Dickinson - 235-236 ARCHIBALD, KATHERINE. Wartime Ship- yard : A Study in Social Disunity. Pp. vi, 237. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Uni versity of California Press, 1947. $3.75
by Gladys Dickason - 236-237 NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD. Compulsory Sickness Compensation for New York State. Pp. vi, 184. New York (prepared for Associated Indus tries of New York State), 1947. No price
by George Rosen - 237-238 COMMITTEE ON MEDICINE AND THE CHANG ING ORDER, New York Academy of Medi cine. Medicine in the Changing Order. Pp. xix, 240. New York: The Common wealth Fund, 1947. $2.00
by Paul A. Dodd - 238-239 GERTH, H. H., and C. WRIGHT MILLS (Eds. and Trans.). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Pp. 490. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. $5.00
by Talcott Parsons - 239-240 JOHNSON, F. ERNEST (Ed.). Foundations of Democracy. Pp. ix, 278. New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies; distributed by Harper & Brothers, 1947. $2.00
by Seba Eldridge - 240-240 MACIVER, R. M. (Ed.). Unity and Differ ence in American Life. Pp. 168. New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies; distributed by Harper and Bros., 1947. $2.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 240-241 TANNENBAUM, FRANK. Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas. Pp. xi, 128, xi. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $2.00
by Forrester B. Washington - 241-242 JOHNSON, CHARLES S., and ASSOCIATES. Into the Main Stream. A Survey of Best Practices in Race Relations in the South. Pp. xiv, 355. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press, 1947. $3.50
by Ira de A. Reid - 242-243 COMMISSION ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. A Free and Responsible Press. Pp. xii, 138. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947. $2.00
by William Albig - 243-244 HOCKING, WILLIAM ERNEST. Freedom of the Press: A Framework of Principle. Pp. xi, 243. Chicago: University of Chi cago Press, 1947. $3.00
by Belle Zeller - 244-245 KINSLEY, PHILIP. The Chicago Tribune: Its First Hundred Years, Vol. III: 1880- 1900. Pp. xiv, 359. Chicago: The Chi cago Tribune, 1946. $3.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 245-245 MOSIER, RICHARD D. Making the Ameri can Mind: Social and Moral Ideas in the McGuffey Readers. Pp. vii, 207. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947. $3.00
by A.H. Hobbs - 245-246 TYLER, I. KEITH, and NANCY M. DASHER (Eds.). Education on the Air. Pp. 524. Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University, 1946. $3.50
by Paul A. Walker - 246-247 CONANT, JAMES B. On Understanding Sci ence. Pp. xv, 145. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1947. $2.00
by H.R. Crane - 247-247 OGDEN, JEAN, and JESS OGDEN. Small Communities in Action. Pp. xix, 244. New York: Harper & Bros., 1946. $3.00
by Elwood Street - 247-248 GLAISYER, JANET, T. BRENNAN, W. RITCHIE, and P. SARGANT FLORENCE. County Town: A Civic Survey for the Planning of Worcester. Pp. xii, 320. London: John Murray; distributed in United States by Transatlantic Arts, Inc., 1946. $6.30
by John P. Dean - 248-249 SMITH, NEWLIN RUSSELL. Land for the Small Man: English and Welsh Experi ence with Publicly-Supplied Small Hold ings, 1860-1937. Pp. 287. New York: King's Crown Press, 1946. $3.50
by Carey Mcwilliams - 249-250 NEAL, JULIA. By Their Fruits: The Story of Shakerism in South Union, Kentucky. Pp. 279. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1947. $3.50
by R.E.E. Harkness - 250-251 UNDERHILL, RUTH M. Papago Indian Re ligion. Pp. 359. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946 (vol. 33, Colum bia University Contributions to Anthro pology). $4.50
by A. Irving Hallowell - 251-252 KLUCKHOHN, CLYDE, and DOROTHEA LEIGHTON. The Navaho. Pp. xx, 258. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1946. $4.50
by E.H. Spicer - 252-253 HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J., and FRANCES S. HERSKOVITS. Trinidad Village. Pp. xiv, 351, xxv. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $4.75
by George E. Simpson - 253-254 SAVE, K. J. The Warlis. Pp. x, 280. Bombay: Padma Publications Ltd., 1945. $3.65
by W. Norman Brown
July 1947, Volume 252, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 1-10 What is the Purpose of the United Nations?
by James Burnham - 11-15 U. N.'s Purpose: Another View
by George Soule - 16-20 Ideological Conflicts Within U.N
by Robert Henry Hadow - 21-29 The International Monetary Fund: The First Year
by Harry D. White - 30-34 International Trade Practices Under the ITO Charter
by Raymond F. Mikesell - 35-44 The Role of the United States in World Trade
by Morris S. Rosenthal - 45-52 Impressions of the United Nations
by Helen Gahagan Douglas - 53-62 Human Rights and the United Nations
by Taraknath Das - 63-65 The United Nations and the World's Children
by Aake Ording - 66-70 Colombia in the United Nations
by Edmundo De Holte-Castello - 71-77 The United Nations and Some Main Trends of Our Time
by Eelco N. Van Kleffens - 78-83 Basic Problems of the United Nations
by V.K. Wellington Koo - 84-92 Disarmament and Security
by Alexander Cadogan - 93-96 An Evaluation of the Security Council
by Norman J.O. Makin - 97-105 The United Nations Charter: A Growing Document
by Clark M. Eichelberger - 106-107 BURNHAM, JAMES. The Struggle for the World. Pp. vi, 248. New York: The John Day Co., 1947. $3.00
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 107-107 MALLORY, WALTER H. (Ed.). Political Handbook of the World. Pp. 214. New York: Harper & Bros. for Council on Foreign Relations, 1947. $3.50
by J. Eugene Harley - 107-108 WORLD PEACE FOUNDATION. International Organization, Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. v, 278. Boston, February 1947. $1.25 paper. Publication February, June, and September. $3.50 per year
by Milton M. Gordon - 108-109 HUXLEY, JULIAN. UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy. Pp. 62. Washington : Public Affairs Press, 1947. $2.00 cloth; $1.00 paper
by Harold Benjamin - 109-110 DEPARTMENT OF STATE. International Agencies in which the United States Participates. Pp. iv, 322. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office (Pub. 2699), 1946. 65 cents. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Participation of the United States Government in International Conferences: July 1, 1941-June 30, 1945. Pp. vii, 232. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office (Pub. 2665, Conference Series 89), 1947. $1.00
by Andrew F. Rolle - 110-111 PATON, GEORGE WHITECROSS. A Text-Book of Jurisprudence. Pp. x, 528. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1946. $6.00
by Robert J. Harris - 111-111 CURTIS, CHARLES P., JR. Lions Under the Throne. Pp. xviii, 368. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1947. $3.50
by Franklin L. Burdette - 111-112 KONVITZ, MILTON R. The Constitution and Civil Rights. Pp. viii, 254. New York: Columbia University Press, 1947. $3.00
by William F. Swindler - 112-113 BINKLEY, WILFRED E. President and Congress. Pp. viii, 312. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $4.00
by William G. Tyrrell - 113-114 POLLARD, JAMES E. The Presidents and the Press. Pp. xiii, 866. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $5.00
by W. Brooke Graves - 114-115 BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH. Kentucky City Finances. Pp. xii, 275. Lexington: University of Kentucky and Kentucky Municipal League (Bulletin No. 12), 1946. $2.50
by Luther Gulick - 115-116 GOBLE, GEORGE WASHINGTON. The Design of Democracy. Pp. viii, 248. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1946. $2.75
by Oliver P. Field - 116-117 LANDY, A. Marxism and the Democratic Tradition. Pp. 220. New York: International Publishers, 1946. $2.50
by George F. Thomas - 117-118 CARR, EDWARD HALLETT. The Soviet Impact on the Western World. Pp. 113. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946. $1.75
by Karl Scholz - 118-118 ARNALL, ELLIS GIBBS. The Shore Dimly Seen. Pp. 312. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1946. $3.00
by George C. Osborn - 118-119 PETRULLO, VINCENZO. Puerto Rican Paradox. Pp. vii, 181. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1947. $3.00
by D. Barlow Burke - 119-120 MEEK, C. K. Land, Law and Custom in the Colonies. Pp. xxvi, 337. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947; Oxford, 1946. $6.00
by Eric Beecroft - 120-121 MAKLAKOV, V. A. Vtoraia Gosudarstvennaia Duma (The Second State Duma). Pp. 258. Paris: La Renaissance, 1946. No price
by D. Fedotoff White - 121-121 SIMMONS, ERNEST J. (Ed.). USSR: A Concise Handbook. Pp. viii, 494. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1947. $4.50
by Harry Schwartz - 121-122 STERN, BERNHARD J., and SAMUEL SMITH (Eds.). Understanding the Russians: A Study of Soviet Life and Culture. Pp. viii, 246. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1947. $2.75
by E.C. Helmreich - 122-123 THOMSON, DAVID. Democracy in France: the Third Republic. Pp. 283. London: Oxford University Press, 1946. $4.00
by Gordon Wright - 123-124 McNEILL, WILLIAM HARDY. The Greek Dilemma: War and Aftermath. Pp. 291. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1947. $3.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 124-124 SPEISER, E. A. The United States and the Near East. Pp. xi, 263. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947. $2.50
by Emil Lengyel - 124-125 ANTONIUS, GEORGE. The Arab Awakening : A History of the Arab National Movement. Pp. xi, 471. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1946. $4.50
by A.O. Sarkissian - 125-126 TWITCHELL, K. S. Saudi Arabia, With an Account of the Development of Its Natural Resources. Pp. xiii, 192. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1947. $2.50
by Halford L. Hoskins - 126-126 MACNAIR, HARLEY FARNSWORTH (Ed.). China. Pp. xxix, 573. Berkeley: University of California Press (United Nations Series), 1946. $6.50
by Allan B. Cole - 126-127 TA CHEN. Population in Modern China. Pp. ix, 126. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1946. $2.50
by Kingsley Davis - 127-128 SILBERNER, EDMUND. The Problem of War in Nineteenth Century Economic Thought. Pp. xiv, 332. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1946. $3.00
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 128-129 War Reports of George C. Marshall, H. H. Arnold, and Ernest J. King; foreword by Walter Millis. Pp. 801. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1947. $7.50
by Ralph Adams Brown - 129-130 WOODWARD, C. VANN. The Battle for Leyte Gulf. Pp. xii, 244. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $4.00
by Norman D. Palmer - 130-131 MORGENSTERN, GEORGE. Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War. Pp. xv, 425. New York: The Devin-Adair Co., 1947. $3.00
by Oron J. Hale - 131-131 ELIOT, GEORGE FIELDING. The Strength We Need. Pp. 261. New York: The Viking Press, 1946. $3.00
by William P. Maddox - 131-132 BORDEN, WILLIAM LISCUM. There Will Be No Time: The Revolution in Strategy. Pp. xiii, 225. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946. $2.50
by Ansley J. Coale - 132-133 MITCHELL, DONALD W. History of the Modern American Navy: From 1883 Through Pearl Harbor. Pp. xiv, 477, xxv. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1946. $4.50
by Leland P. Lovette - 133-133 LIVEZEY, WILLIAM E. Mahan on Sea Power. Pp. xiii, 334. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. $3.50
by Jeter A. Isely - 134-134 NICOLSON, HAROLD. The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity, 1812-1822. Pp. 312. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1946. $4.00
by Vernon J. Puryear - 134-135 MADISON, CHARLES A. Critics and Crusaders : A Century of American Protest. Pp. xii, 572. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1947. $3.50
by Robert W. Kelso - 135-136 HOLBROOK, STEWART H. Lost Men of American History. Pp. xiv, 370. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946. $2.50
by Ralph Volney Harlow - 136-136 COX, JAMES M. Journey Through My Years. Pp. xi, 463. New York : Simon and Schuster, 1946. $4.50
by Ransom E. Noble JR - 136-137 FEILING, KEITH. The Life of Neville Chamberlain. Pp. ix, 475. London: Macmillan & Co., 1946. $6.00
by Preston Slosson - 137-138 PATTERSON, ERNEST MINOR. An Introduction to World Economics. Pp. xv, 704. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $5.00
by John Parke Young - 138-139 HEILPERIN, MICHAEL A., The Trade of Nations. Pp. xix, 234. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $3.00
by John Donaldson - 139-139 MANTOUX, ÉTIENNE. The Carthaginian Peace—or the Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes. Pp. xx, 210. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. $4.50
by Robert B. Warren - 139-140 TINBERGEN, JAN. International Economic Co-operation. Pp. 208. Amsterdam and New York : Elsevier, 1945. $4.00
by W.F. Stolper - 140-141 BURNS, ARTHUR F., and WESLEY C. MITCHELL. Measuring Business Cycles. Pp. xxvii, 560. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. $5.00
by Hans A. Adler - 141-142 MILLS, FREDERICK C. Price-Quantity Interactions in Business Cycles. Pp. xiii, 140. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. $1.50
by K.E. Boulding - 142-143 KUZNETS, SIMON. National Product Since 1869. Pp. xvii, 239.. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. $3.00
by Ralph Carr Fletcher - 143-144 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH. Economic Research and the Development of Economic Science and Public Policy. Pp. xi, 198. New York, 1946. $1.00
by A.B. Wolfe - 144-144 FEIS, HERBERT. Seen From E.A.: Three International Episodes. Pp. xi, 313. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. $2.75
by C.P. Kindleberger - 144-145 PRIME, JOHN H. Investment Analysis. Pp. xiii, 442. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946. $4.65
by Lucile Bagwell - 145-146 TROXEL, EMERY. Economics of Public Utilities. Pp. xiv, 892. New York: Rinehart and Co., 1947. $5.75
by Horace M. Gray - 146-147 WHITE, JOSEPH L. Analysis of Railroad Operations. Pp. xviii, 306. New York : Simmons-Boardman Publishing Co., 1946. $5.00
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 147-147 DAGGETT, STUART, and JOHN P. CARTER. The Structure of Transcontinental Railroad Rates. Pp. viii, 165. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1947. $4.00
by D. Philip Locklin - 147-148 CALIFORNIA STATE RECONSTRUCTION AND REEMPLOYMENT COMMISSION. The Steel and Steel-Using Industries of California. Pp. viii, 408. Sacramento, California, 1946. $1.50
by Philip Neff - 148-149 BOEKE, J. H. The Evolution of the Netherlands Indies Economy. Pp. x, 180. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1946. $2.50
by Amry Vandenbosch - 149-150 TEAGUE, WALTER DORWIN. Land of Plenty. Pp. vi, 319. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1947. $3.00
by Joseph Mayer - 150-151 FELLNER, WILLIAM J. Monetary Policies and Full Employment. Pp. xx, 268. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1946. $3.50
by W.F. Stolper - 151-152 WOOTTON, BARBARA. Freedom Under Planning. Pp. vii, 180. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1945. $2.00
by Joseph Mayer - 152-153 WARNER, W. LLOYD, and J. O. Low. The Social System of the Modern Factory. Pp. xvi, 245. New Haven: Yale University Press (Yankee City Series, Vol. IV), 1947. $3.00
by William Foote Whyte - 153-153 METZ, HAROLD W., and MEYER JACOBSTEIN. A National Labor Policy. Pp. ix, 164. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1947. $2.25
by Gordon S. Watkins - 153-154 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS FOUNDATION. Relationships Between Supervisory Management and Shop Stewards (the sixth in a series of public forums on "Human Problems in Business and Industry"). Pp. 65. New Wilmington, Pa., 1946. 75 cents. GREENMAN, RUSSELL L., and ELIZABETH B. GREENMAN. Getting Along With Unions. Pp. ix, 158. New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1947. $2.50
by Kurt Braun - 154-155 EHRMANN, HENRY W. French Labor: From Popular Front to Liberation. Pp. xiv, 329. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. $4.00
by W. Henry Cooke - 155-156 WUNDERLICH, FRIEDA. German Labor Courts. Pp. x, 252. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1946. $3.50
by Adolf Sturmthal - 156-157 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Nutrition in Industry. Pp. 177. Montreal, Canada (New Series No. 4), 1946. 6s
by Margaret G. Reid - 157-157 HARDING, T. SWANN. Two Blades of Grass. Pp. xv, 352. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. $3.50
by A.F. Vass - 157-158 TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J. A Study of History (Abridgement of Vols. I-VI by D. C. Somervell). Pp. xiii, 617. New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1947. $5.00
by W. Rex Crawford - 158-159 LUNDBERG, GEORGE A. Can Science Save Us? Pp. 122. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1947. $1.75 cloth; $1.00 paper
by James W. Woodard - 159-160 CUBER, JOHN F. Sociology: A Synopsis of Principles. Pp. xiv, 590. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1947. $4.00
by Oscar Wesley - 160-160 FEIBLEMAN, JAMES. The Theory of Human Culture. Pp. xiv, 361. New York : Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1946. $5.00
by Bernhard J. Stern - 160-161 WILLIAMS, G. CROFT. A Social Interpretation of South Carolina. Pp. xi, 238. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1946. $3.00
by E.W. Gregory JR - 161-162 ATWOOD, J. HOWELL, AND OTHERS. The Racial Factor in Y.M.C.A.'s: A Report on Negro-White Relationships in Twenty-four Cities. Pp. xii, 194. New York: Association Press for Bureau of Records, Studies and Trends, National Board of Y.M.C.A.'s, 1946. $2.25
by William K. Hefner - 162-163 SOPER, EDMUND DAVISON. Racism: A World Issue. Pp. 304. New York & Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press; 1947. $2.50
by Frank H. Hankins - 163-164 FLOYD, ARVA C. White Man-Yellow Man. Pp. 207. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1946. $1.75
by Albert E. Kane - 164-164 DUNHAM, KATHERINE. Journey to Accompong. Pp. ix, 162. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1946. $2.50
by George E. Simpson - 164-165 BECKER, HOWARD. German Youth: Bond or Free. Pp. xiii, 286. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. $4.00
by Louis L. Snyder - 165-166 JOHNS, RAY. The Co-operative Process Among National Social Agencies. Pp. xii, 290. New York: Association Press, 1946. $3.00
by Arthur Dunham - 166-167 HAYES, WAYLAND J. The Small Community Looks Ahead. Pp. xii, 276. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1947. $3.00
by Paul H. Landis - 167-168 GATES, REGINALD RUGGLES. Human Genetics. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 742; Vol. II, pp. vi, 1518. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1946. $15.00
by Frank H. Hankins - 168-169 BARKER, ROGER G., BEATRICE A. WRIGHT, and MOLLIE R. GONICK. Adjustment to Physical Handicap and Illness: A Survey of the Social Psychology of Physique and Disability. Pp. xi, 372. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1947. $2.00
by L. Guy Brown - 169-169 BECK, BERTRAM M. Short-Term Therapy in an Authoritative Setting. Pp. 112. New York: Family Service Association of America, 1946. $1.25
by Vernon E. Keye - 169-170 ARTHUR, GRACE. Tutoring as Therapy. Pp. ix, 125. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1946. $1.50
by Frederick H. Allen - 170-171 MANNHEIM, HERMANN. Criminal Justice and Social Reconstruction. Pp. x, 290. New York: Oxford University Press for the International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction, 1946. $4.00
by John B. Waite - 171-172 BUTTS, R. FREEMAN. A Cultural History of Education. Pp. ix, 726. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1947. $4.00
by O.C. Carmichael - 172-172 CANTOR, NATHANIEL. Dynamics of Learning. Pp. x, 282. Buffalo, N. Y.: Foster & Stewart, 1946. $3.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 172-173 JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. Education and World Tragedy. Pp. viii, 178. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1946. $2.50
by Robert Rockafellow - 173-174 Letter to the Editor
by Hans J. Morgenthau
May 1947, Volume 251, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Louise M. Young - 1-9 Woman's Role in Society
by Mary R. Beard - 10-16 Present-Day Thinking on the Woman Question
by Margaret Perry Bruton - 17-23 Victories on the International Front
by Dorothy Kenyon - 24-34 Some Demographic Aspects of the Changing Role of Women
by Irene B. Taeuber & Hope T. Eldridge - 35-43 Women in the Labor Force
by Frieda S. Miller - 44-52 Who Works and Why
by Hazel Kyrk - 53-60 Equal Pay for Women Workers
by Dorothy S. Brady - 61-69 The Economic Contribution of Homemakers1
by Margaret G. Reid - 70-78 Women in Labor Unions
by Gladys Dickason - 79-86 Women as Citizens
by Kathryn H. Stone - 87-93 Women in the Political Parties
by Marguerite J. Fisher - 94-103 Participation of Women in Government
by Florence E. Allen - 104-112 Women's Impact on Public Opinion
by Kathleen McLaughlin - 113-119 Battles Won and Lost
by Marynia F. Farnham - 120-127 Reflections on the Law of the Family
by Harriet S. Daggett - 128-136 Changing Conceptions of the Family
by Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg - 137-142 Women and the Community
by Helen C. White - 143-152 What Is Women's Education?
by Katharine Elizabeth McBride - 153-156 An Experiment in Educational Techniques
by Chase Going Woodhouse - 157-164 Educational Implications of Women's Military Training
by Dorothy Schaffter - 165-173 Education and Employment Opportunities for Women
by Marguerite Wykoff Zapoleon - 174-177 Vocational Rehabilitation of Women
by Tracy Copp - 178-185 Women and Adult Education
by Cyril O. Houle - 186-186 BRUMBAUGH, SARA BARBARA. Democratic Experience and Education in the Na tional League of Women Voters. Pp. x, 115. New York: Teachers College, Co lumbia University, 1946. $2.00
by Louise M. Young - 186-187 STRECKER, EDWARD A. Their Mothers' Sons. Pp. 220. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1946. $2.75
by Ray H. Abrams - 187-188 LUNDBERG, FERDINAND, and MARYNIA F. FARNHAM. Modern Woman: The Lost Sex. Pp. vii, 497. New York: Harper & Bros., 1947. $3.50
by Arnold W. Green - 188-188 FISHMAN, NATHANIEL. Marriage: This Business of Living Together. Pp. 368. New York: Liveright Publishing Corpo ration, 1946. $3.00
by Evelyn Millis Duvall - 188-189 MACIVER, R. M. The Web of Govern ment. Pp. ix, 498. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1947. $4.50
by C. Hartley Grattan - 189-190 GOGUEL, FRANÇOIS. La politique des partis sous la IIIe république. 2 vols. Pp. 428 (Vol. I); 350 (Vol. II). Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1946. No price
by Gordon Wright