January 1946, Volume 243, Issue 1
- 27-39 The Right to Work
by John R. Ellingston - 40-46 The Five Economic and Social Rights
by C. Wilfred Jenks - 47-49 Freedom Is Unsafe Without Self-Government
by Karl Loewenstein - 50-52 International Protection of Basic Interests
by Warren A. Seavey - 53-59 Human Rights in Roman Law Countries
by Charles De Visscher - 60-66 Human Rights in England and the United States
by William Draper Lewis - 67-76 Political Structure in the Chinese Draft Constitution
by Chun-Mai Carsun Chang - 77-81 Human Rights in Islam
by Majid Khadduri - 82-86 Human Rights in the Cultural Tradition of Spanish America
by VÃctor Andrés Belaúnde - 87-95 Human Rights in Latin America
by Ciro AlegrÃa - 96-100 Protection of Human Rights Under the United States Constitution
by Noel T. Dowling - 101-106 The Writ of Habeas Corpus
by Charles E. Wyzanski - 107-111 The Writ of Amparo
by Carlos Sánchez Mejorada - 112-117 Historical Background of International Protection of Human Rights
by Edwin Borchard - 118-123 Human Rights in Mandated Territories
by William E. Rappard - 124-128 Protection of Minorities and Human Rights
by Pablo De Azcarate - 129-133 Upper Silesia Under the League of Nations
by Georges S. Kaeckenbeeck - 134-138 International Agreements Can Protect Specific Rights
by Roger N. Baldwin - 139-143 Pan-American Action for Protection of Human Rights
by Charles G. Fenwick - 144-149 Possible Functions of the Commission on Human Rights
by O. Frederick Nolde - 150-150 LAUTERPACHT, H. An International Bill of the Rights of Man. Pp. x, 230. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. $3.00
by Edwin Borchard - 150-151 BATES, M. SEARLE. Religious Liberty: An Inquiry. Pp. xviii, 604. New York: International Missionary Council, 1945. $3.50
by O. Frederick Nolde - 151-152 HOMAN, PAUL T., and FRITZ MACHLUP (Eds.). Financing American Prosperity. Pp. xi, 508. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1945. $3.00
by Paul Haensel - 152-153 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Delegation on Eco nomic Depressions. Report of the Dele gation, Part II, Economic Stability in the Post-War World. Pp. 319. New York: Columbia University Press, dis tributor, 1945. Cloth $3.00; paper $2.50
by Arthur R. Upgren - 153-154 BRYSON, LYMAN, LOUIS FINKELSTEIN, and ROBERT M. MACIVER (Eds.). Ap proaches to National Unity: Fifth Sym posium of the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Rela tion to the Democratic Way of Life. Pp. xxiv, 1037. New York: Harper and Bros., 1945. $5.00
by Howard E. Jensen - 154-154 BRAND, CHARLES J. What Economic Sys tem for America? Pp. xiii, 96. Wash ington, D. C.: The Author, Investment Building, 1945. $1.50
by Ernest H. Hahne - 154-155 SOULE, GEORGE. America's Stake in Brit ain's Future. Pp. 232. New York: The Viking Press, Inc., 1945. $2.75
by Mary E. Murphy - 155-156 PEFFER, NATHANIEL. America's Place in the World. Pp. 236. New York: Vik ing Press, 1945. $2.75
by D.F. Fleming - 156-157 EVANS, LUTHER H. The Virgin Islands. Pp. xi, 365. Ann Arbor, Michigan: J. W. Edwards, 1945. $3.50
by Chester P. Higby - 157-158 STRAUSZ-HUPÉ, ROBERT. The Balance of Tomorrow. Pp. viii, 302. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1945. $3.50
by Bernard Brodie - 158-159 BASCH, ANTONÃ N. A Price for Peace: The New Europe and World Markets. Pp. xii, 209. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1945. $2.50
by John P. Miller - 159-159 P E P. Economic Development in S.E. Europe. Pp. 165. London: Oxford Uni versity Press, 1945. $3.00
by Emil Lengyel - 159-160 CRESSEY, GEORGE B. The Basis of Soviet Strength. Pp. xi, 287. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill Book Co., 1945. $3.00
by Anatole G. Mazour - 160-161 SINGER, KURT. Spies and Traitors of World War II. Pp. vi, 295. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1945. $2.75
by J.P. Shalloo - 161-162 JANOWSKY, OSCAR I. Nationalities and National Minorities. Pp. xix, 232. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945. $2.75
by Joseph S. Roucek - 162-162 WHITAKER, ARTHUR P. (Ed.). Inter- American Affairs, 1944. Pp. ix, 284. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. $3.00
by Samuel Flagg Bemis - 162-163 VLEKKE, BERNARD H. M. Evolution of the Dutch Nation. Pp. xii, 377. New York: Roy Publishers, 1945. $3.50
by Albert Hyma - 163-164 GADGIL, D. R. Federating India. Pp. 107. Poona, India: Gokhale Institute of Poli tics and Economics, 1945. Rs. 6
by Albert E. Kane - 164-165 PALENCIA, ISABEL DE. Smouldering Free dom: The Story of the Spanish Repub licans in Exile. Pp. vii, 264. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1945. $3.00
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 165-165 BALLOU, ROBERT O. Shinto: The Uncon quered Enemy. Japan's Doctrine of Racial Superiority and World Conquest with Selections from Japanese Texts. Pp. xi, 239. New York: The Viking Press, 1945. $2.75
by Harley Farnsworth Macnair - 166-166 ABRAHAMSEN, DAVID. Men, Mind, and Power. Pp. viii, 155. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1945. $2.00
by Fritz Morstein Marx - 166-167 CHANDLER, ALBERT R. Rosenberg's Nazi Myth. Pp. ix, 146. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1945. $1.75
by M.F. Ashley Montagu - 167-168 VANSITTART, THE RT. HON. LORD. Bones of Contention. Pp. vi, 157, viii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945. $2.75
by Abba P. Lerner - 168-168 MONTAGU, M. F. ASHLEY. Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race. Pp. xiv, 304. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. $3.25
by Louis L. Snyder - 168-169 HUNTINGTON, ELLSWORTH. Mainsprings of Civilization. Pp. xii, 660. New York : John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1945. $4.75
by Frank H. Hankins - 169-170 BUCHANAN, NORMAN S. International In vestment and Domestic Welfare. Pp. xvi, 249. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1945. $2.75
by Amos E. Taylor - 170-171 MOSAK, JACOB L. General Equilibrium Theory in International Trade. Pp. xiii, 187. Bloomington, Ind.: Principia Press, 1944. $2.50
by W.F. Stolper - 171-172 BEARD, CHARLES A. The Economic Basis of Politics. Pp. 114. New York: Al fred A. Knopf, 1945. $1.75
by Elmer D. Graper - 172-172 MERRIAM, CHARLES E. Systematic Poli tics. Pp. xiii, 348. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945. $3.75
by Lane W. Lancaster - 172-173 LEWISOHN, SAM A. Human Leadership in Industry: The Challenge of Tomorrow. Pp. viii, 112. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $2.00
by Alfred McClung Lee - 173-174 DIMOCK, MARSHALL E. The Executive in Action. Pp. ix, 276. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $3.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 174-175 BAKER, JOHN CALHOUN. Directors and Their Functions, A Preliminary Study. Pp. xiii, 145. Boston, Mass.: Graduate School of Business Administration, Har vard University, 1945. $2.50
by Elvin F. Donaldson - 175-176 MAY, EARL CHAPIN. Principio to Wheel ing, 1715-1945. Pp. xiv, 335. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $3.00
by Ralph C. Epstein - 176-177 OXFORD UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF STA TISTICS. The Economics of Full Em ployment. Pp. vii, 213. Oxford, Eng land : Basil Blackwell, 1945. 12s. 6d
by W.H. Stead - 177-177 PETERSON, FLORENCE. American Labor Unions. Pp. ix, 338. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $3.00
by Herman Feldman - 177-178 SHEPARD, WARD. Food or Famine: The Challenge of Erosion. Pp. x, 225. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945. $3.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 178-179 BAILEY, JOSEPH C. Seaman A. Knapp: Schoolmaster of American Agriculture. Pp. xvi, 307. New York: Columbia Uni versity Press, 1945. $3.25
by Fred A. Shannon - 179-179 WARD, LEO R. Ourselves, Inc. Pp. x, 236. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $2.50
by Leland J. Gordon - 179-180 WRIGHT, LOUIS B., and JULIA H. MACLEOD. The First Americans in North Africa. Pp. xii, 227. Princeton: Princeton Uni versity Press, 1945. $3.00
by H.A. Wieschhoff - 180-181 SARGENT, PORTER. Between Two Wars: The Failure of Education, 1920-1940. Pp. 608. Boston: The Author, 1945. $5.00
by Read Bain - 181-182 DONHAM, WALLACE B. Education for Re sponsible Living. Pp. xii, 309. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1944. $3.00
by T.R. McConnell - 182-182 HARVARD COMMITTEE. General Education in a Free Society. Pp. xix, 267. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1945. $2.00
by John E. Pomfret - 182-183 EMERSON, HAVEN. Local Health Units for the Nation. Pp. viii, 333. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1945. $1.25
by W. Wallace Weaver - 183-184 CASSIDY, HARRY M. Public Health and Welfare Organization in Canada. Pp. xi, 464. Boston: Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1945. $5.00
by Robert W. Kelso - 184-184 BARKER, ERNEST. The Development of Public Services in Western Europe, 1660-1930. Pp. viii, 93. New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. $1.50
by William Anderson - 184-185 GLUECK, SHELDON and ELEANOR T. After- Conduct of Discharged Offenders. Pp. xvi, 114. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1945. $2.50
by George B. Vold - 185-186 Alcohol, Science and Society. Pp. xii, 473. New Haven: Quarterly Journal of Stud ies on Alcohol, 1945. $5.00
by J.A. Kindwall - 186-187 FAUGHT, MILLARD C. Falmouth, Massa chusetts. Pp. 190. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1945. $2.75
by J. Ellis Voss
November 1945, Volume 242, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Robert B. Mitchell - 1-6 What Are Cities For?
by Charles S. Ascher - 7-17 The Nature of Cities
by Chauncy D. Harris & Edward L. Ullman - 18-24 Population Trends and City Growth
by Abram J. Jaffe - 25-29 Industrial Expansion and Location
by Glenn E. Mclaughlin - 30-45 Natural Resources and Urban Development
by Otis W. Freeman - 46-52 The Challenge of Advancing Technology
by Bernhard J. Stern - 53-66 Emerging Developments in Intercity Transportation
by Harold M. Mayer - 67-78 Uses and Sources of Electric Power
by M.M. Samuels - 79-87 Government in the Future City
by Victor Jones - 88-95 Municipal Land Policy and Control
by Myres S. McDougal - 96-100 City Building and Renewal
by Joseph D. McGoldrick - 101-103 Citizen Participation in City Planning
by Tracy B. Augur - 104-115 Good Neighborhoods
by Catherine Bauer - 116-128 Moving People and Goods in Tomorrow's Cities
by Harold M. Mayer - 129-138 Educational, Cultural, and Recreational Services
by Reginald R. Isaacs - 139-148 Health and Welfare Services
by Ellen C. Potter - 149-162 Changing City Patterns
by Martin D. Meyerson & Robert B. Mitchell - 163-206 Book Department
by N/A
November 1945, Volume 242, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-142 Index To Subjects, Contributors, Titles, and Names
by N/A - 143-180 Index To Book Reviews
by N/A
September 1945, Volume 241, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Paul Russell Anderson - 1-7 National Security in the Postwar World
by Paul Russell Anderson - 8-14 Universal Military Training in Modern History
by Robert A. Graham - 15-25 Procurement of Manpower in American Wars
by Lewis B. Hershey - 26-34 The Plan of the Armed Services for Universal Military Training
by John J. McCloy - 35-45 Universal Military Training and Military Preparedness
by Oswald Garrison Villard - 46-57 The Value of Universal Military Training in Maintaining Peace
by Mary Earhart - 58-66 Universal Military Training and American Foreign Policy
by Halford L. Hoskins - 67-71 Arming Against Russia
by Norman Thomas - 72-76 The Issue Should Be Decided Now
by Randall Jacobs - 77-85 The Issue Should Be Decided Later
by Francis J. Brown - 86-94 Public Opinion Toward Compulsory Peacetime Military Training
by Hedvig Ylvisaker - 95-101 A Sociologist Looks at Conscription
by Willard Waller - 102-112 The Economic Implications of Universal Military Training
by Rainer Schickele & Glenn D. Everett - 113-122 Education—By Whom, For What?
by A.J. Brumbaugh - 123-130 Professional Army Versus Military Training
by Hajo Holborn - 131-137 Wanted: An Over-All Plan of National Defense
by Ernest H. Wilkins - 138-143 Military Training Through the National Guard
by Omar B. Ketchum - 144-150 National Security and Great Britain
by A.P. Young - 151-159 National Security and the Soviet Union
by John N. Hazard - 160-166 National Security and France
by André Mesnard - 167-168 H. r. 515
by N/A - 169-198 Book Department
by N/A
July 1945, Volume 240, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-6 New Tools for Peaceful Settlement
by Sarah Wambaugh - 7-10 America's Second Chance
by Emily Taft Douglas - 11-19 Spring Leaves on Dumbarton Oaks
by Philip C. Nash - 20-26 Powers or Peoples: The Issue of the Peace
by Leland Rex Robinson - 27-36 The Economic Side of Stable Peace
by Eugene Staley - 37-42 Bretton Woods and a Durable Peace
by Mabel Newcomer - 43-50 Functional International Organization
by Howard S. Piquet - 51-54 Labor Problems—Now and Postwar
by Robert J. Watt - 55-63 The United States and Britain's Economic Policy
by George Soule - 64-72 Anglo-American Co-operation in the Middle East
by J.M. Landis - 73-78 British Foreign Policy in Europe
by Michael Wright - 79-85 Emerging Europe
by Louis Dolivet - 86-88 The Role of Small Nations
by Halvdan Koht - 89-98 The Case for a Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine
by Louis E. Levinthal - 99-108 Compromise in Palestine
by Morris S. Lazaron - 109-115 Latin America and Postwar Organization
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 116-130 Latin American Labor Comes of Age
by David Efrón - 131-134 Education as an Aid to Co-operation
by Galo Plaza - 135-135 HANSEN, ALVIN H. America's Role in the World Economy. Pp. 197. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1945. $2.50
by Mabel Newcomer - 135-136 ZURCHER, ARNOLD J., and RICHMOND PAGE (Eds.). America's Place in the World Economy. Pp. xi, 250. New York: New York University, 1945. $3.00
by Hans A. Adler - 136-137 BOULDING, KENNETH E. The Economics of Peace. Pp. ix, 278. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1945. $2.75
by Robert Rockefellow - 137-138 BRANDT, KARL. The Reconstruction of World Agriculture. Pp. viii, 416. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1945. $4.00
by Eric Englund - 138-138 SCHULTZ, THEODORE W. (Ed.). Food for the World. Pp. xiv, 353. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1945. $3.75
by John Lindberg - 138-139 KNORR, K. E. Tin Under Control. Pp. xi 314. Stanford University, Calif.: Food Research Institute, 1945. $3.00
by John Donaldson - 139-140 HALM, GEORGE N. International Monetary Cooperation. Pp. vii, 355. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1945. $4.00
by S.D. Southworth - 140-141 DAVIS, HARRIET E. (Ed.). Pioneers in World Order. Pp. x, 272. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. $2.75
by Clyde Eagleton - 141-141 BRIERLY, J. L. The Outlook for Inter national Law. Pp. 146. Oxford, Eng land : Oxford University Press, 1944. 6 shillings
by Edward Littlejohn - 141-142 HUDSON, MANLEY O. International Tri bunals. Pp. xii, 287. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1944. $2.50
by Arnold J. Lien - 142-142 GOLDSCHMIDT, SIEGFRIED. Legal Claims Against Germany. Pp. viii, 213. New York: The Dryden Press, 1945. $3.00
by Hans A. Adler - 142-143 SHIRLAW, G. B., and L. E. JONES. You and the Peace. Pp. vi, 177. New York : The Macmillan Co., 1944. $1.75. DOBERER, K. K. The United States of Germany. Pp. 167. London: Lindsay Drummond Ltd., 1944. 7s. 6d
by Walter C. Langsam - 143-144 HARRIS, H. WILSON. Problems of Peace. Pp. xii, 116. New York: The Macmil lan Co., 1944. $1.10
by A.O. Sarkissian - 144-145 WELLES, SUMNER (Ed.). An Intelligent American's Guide to the Peace. Pp. v, 370. New York: The Dryden Press, 1945. $3.75
by Edith Wynner - 145-146 STAPLETON, LAURENCE. Justice and World Society. Pp. 150. Chapel Hill: Univer sity of North Carolina Press, 1944. $2.00
by Thomas A. Cowan - 146-146 VAN ZANDT, J. PARKER. The Geography of World Air Transport. Pp. viii, 67. Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1944. $1.00
by Claude E. Puffer - 146-147 COLTON, ETHAN T. Toward the Under standing of Europe. Pp. 86. New York: Association Press, 1944. $1.00
by Arthur Freud - 147-148 GUÉRARD, ALBERT. Europe Free and United. Pp. xi, 206. Stanford Univer sity, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1945. $2.50
by Emil Lengyel - 148-148 STEEL, JOHANNES. The Future of Europe. Pp. 253. New York: Henry Holt & Co., Inc., 1945. $3.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 148-149 MONTROSS, LYNN. War Through the Ages. Pp. xiv, 941. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. $5.00
by Edith Wynner - 149-150 PAUL, LESLIE. The Annihilation of Man. Pp. vii, 214. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1945. $2.50
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 150-151 GLUECK, SHELDON. War Criminals: Their Prosecution and Punishment. Pp. viii, 250, xii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1944. $3.00
by Abe McGregor Goff - 151-151 GROSS, FELIKS. Crossroads of Two Conti nents. Pp. viii, 162. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1945. $2.00
by Harry N. Howard - 151-152 STEVENS, EDMUND. Russia is no Riddle. Pp. xvii, 300. New York: Greenberg, 1945. $3.00
by Paul Haensel - 152-153 WHITE, W. L. Report on the Russians. Pp. 309. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1945. $2.50
by D. Fedotoff White - 153-154 ROWE, DAVID NELSON. China Among the Powers. Pp. x, 205. New York: Har court, Brace and Co., 1945. $2.00
by Harley Farnsworth Macnair - 154-155 TONG, HOLLINGTON K. (Ed.). China Af ter Seven Years of War. Pp. vii, 246. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945. $2.00
by David Te-Chao Cheng - 155-156 SCHMITT, BERNADOTTE E. (Ed.). Poland. Pp. xix, 500. Berkeley, Calif.: Univer sity of California Press, 1945. $5.00
by Thaddeus Mitana - 156-157 JACOBY, GERHARD. Racial State. Pp. xii, 355. New York: Institute of Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress, 1944. $3.00
by Vlastimil Kybal - 157-158 LYND, HELEN MERRELL. England in the Eighteen-Eighties. Pp. viii, 508. New York: Oxford University Press, 1945. $4.50
by Carl F. Brand - 158-159 NICHOLS, BEVERLEY. Verdict on India. Pp. viii, 304. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1944. $2.50
by Albert E. Kane - 159-161 BEAGLEHOLE, J. C. (Ed.). New Zealand and the Statute of Westminster. Pp. xx, 195. Wellington: Victoria University College, 1944. 10s. 6d
by Edward Littlejohn - 161-162 CLOKIE, H. McD. Canadian Government and Politics. Pp. viii, 351. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1944. $3.50
by William Anderson - 162-163 RYERSON, STANLEY B. French Canada: A Study in Canadian Democracy. Pp. 256. New York: International Publishers, 1944. $2.50
by Everett C. Hughes - 163-163 HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. (Ed.). Economic Problems of Latin America. Pp. xiv, 465. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1944. $4.00
by Alfred Manes - 163-165 OLSON, PAUL R., and C. ADDISON HICK- MAN. Pan American Economics. Pp. v, 479. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1943. $3.50
by Richard F. Behrendt - 165-165 ELLSWORTH, P. T. Chile: An Economy in Transition. Pp, xi, 183. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945. $3.00
by Alfred Manes - 165-166 SOULE, GEORGE, DAVID EFRÓN, and NOR MAN T. NESS. Latin America in the Future World. Pp. xiii, 372. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1945. $3.50
by Alfred Manes - 166-166 BERNSTEIN, HARRY. Origins of Inter- American Interest, 1700-1812. Pp. viii, 125. Philadelphia: University of Penn sylvania Press, 1945. $2.00
by A. Curtis Wilgus - 166-167 ORIZU, A. A. NWAFOR. Without Bitter ness : Western Nations in Post-War Af rica. Pp. xiv, 395. New York: Creative Age Press, Inc., 1944. $3.00
by H.A. Wieschhoff - 167-168 TREWARTHA, GLENN T. Japan: A Physi cal, Cultural, and Regional Geography. Pp. xv, 607. Madison, Wisconsin: Uni versity of Wisconsin Press, 1945. $5.00
by Clayton D. Carus - 168-169 GUTKIND, E. A. Creative Demobilization. Vol. I, Principles of National Planning. Pp. xvi, 331; Vol. II, Case Studies in National Planning. Pp. viii, 280. New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. Two Volumes, $12.00
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 169-169 BERGENGREN, ROY F. I Speak for Joe Doakes. Pp. x, 167. New York: Harper and Bros., 1945. $2.00
by Arthur E. Albrecht - 169-170 NIEBUHR, REINHOLD. The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness: A Vindication of Democracy and a Critique of Its Traditional Defense. Pp. xiii, 190. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944. $2.00
by Harvey Pinney - 170-171 CHASE, STUART. Democracy Under Pres sure. Pp. ix, 142. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1945. $1.00
by Harwood L. Childs - 171-172 RUML, BEARDSLEY. Tomorrow's Business. Pp. 238. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1945. $2.50
by Paul Haensel - 172-173 LEVY, HERMANN. Retail Trade Associa tions : A New Form of Monopolist Or ganization in Britain. Pp. x, 265. New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. $4.00
by Reavis Cox - 173-174 KENNEDY, VAN DUSEN. Union Policy and Incentive Wage Methods. Pp. 260. New York: Columbia University Press, 1945. $3.00
by Chas W. Lytle - 174-175 KNIGHT, FRANK H., and THORNTON W. MERRIAM. The Economic Order and Religion. Pp. viii, 275. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $3.00
by Ephraim Fischoff - 175-175 RAUCH, BASIL. The History of the New Deal, 1933-1938. Pp. xi, 368. New York: Creative Age Press, Inc., 1944. $2.50
by Charles W. Shull - 175-176 HANNAFORD, EARLE S. Conference Leader ship in Business and Industry. Pp. xvii, 289. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1945. $3.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 176-177 URWICK, L. The Elements of Administra tion. Pp. 132. New York: Harper & Bros., 1944. $2.00
by Luther Gulick - 177-178 STERN, BERNHARD J. American Medical Practice in the Perspectives of a Cen tury. Pp. xvi, 156. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1945. $1.50
by Geoffrey May - 178-179 MILLETT, FRED B. The Rebirth of Liberal Education. Pp. ix, 179. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1945. $2.00
by Thomas Woody - 179-180 TARTAKOWER, ARIEH, and KURT R. GROSS- MAN. The Jewish Refugee. Pp. xiii, 676. New York: Institute of Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress, 1944. $5.00
by Hertha Kraus - 180-181 NORTHRUP, HERBERT R. Organized Labor and the Negro. Pp. xviii, 312. New York: Harper and Bros., 1944. $3.50
by E. Franklin Frazier - 181-182 BROWN, FRANCIS J., and JOSEPH S. ROUCEK (Eds.). One America: The History, Contributions, and Present World Prob lems of Our Racial and National Mi norities. Pp. xvi, 717. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1945. $3.75
by William C. Smith - 182-183 DEAN, JOHN P. Home Ownership: Is It Sound? Pp. xiv, 215. New York: Harper & Bros., 1945. $2.50
by Charles S. Ascher - 183-183 ROSENMAN, DOROTHY. A Million Homes a Year. Pp. x, 333. New York: Har court, Brace & Co., 1945. $3.50
by Charles S. Ascher - 183-184 MUMFORD, LEWIS. City Development. Pp. 248. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1945. $2.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 184-185 LEE, ALFRED McCLUNG, and NORMAN D. HUMPHREY. Race Riot. Pp. xi, 143. New York: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1943. $1.50
by E. Franklin Frazier - 185-186 LINTON, RALPH. The Cultural Background of Personality. Pp. xix, 157. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc., 1945. $1.50
by George E. Simpson - 186-186 WEST, RANYARD. Conscience and Society. Pp. vi, 261. New York: Emerson Books, Inc., 1945. $3.00
by Huntington Cairns
May 1945, Volume 239, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Task Before the Veteran and Society
by Wilma T. Donahue & Clark Tibbitts - 10-19 The Physically Disabled
by Technical Information Divisionoffice Of The Surgeon General, U. S. Army - 20-28 The Mentally or Emotionally Handicapped Veteran
by William C. Menninger - 29-37 The Socially Maladjusted Veteran
by Norman Cameron