September 1961, Volume 337, Issue 1
- 183-184 WALLACE MENDELSON. Justices Black and Frankfurter: Conflict in the Court. Pp. x, 151. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. $4.00
by Harold M. Dorr - 184-185 RICHARD P. LONGAKER. The Presidency and Individual Liberties. (Cornell Studies in Civil Liberty.) Pp. xii, 239. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1961. $4.50
by Benjamin Munn Ziegler - 185-186 ALFRED J. JUNZ (Ed.). Present Trends in American National Government: A Sym posium. Pp. 232. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. $4.00
by Lee S. Greene - 186-187 GOTTFRIED DIETZE, The Federalist: A Classic on Federalism and Free Govern ment. Pp. ix, 378. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1960. $6.50
by Leslie Lipson - 187-187 RICHARD L. TOBIN. Decisions of Destiny. Pp. 285. Cleveland: World Publishing Company, 1961. $5.00
by Ralph Adams Brown - 187-188 JEAN-BAPTISTE DUROSELLE. De Wilson à Roosevelt: Politique extérieure des États-Unis, 1913-1945. Pp. 494. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1960. 25 NF
by Oliver Benson - 188-189 WILLIAM J. BLOCK. The Separation of the Farm Bureau and the Extension Service: Political Issue in a Federal System. (Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. 47.) Pp. 304. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960. $5.00 clothbound; $4.00 paper-bound
by R.G.F. Spitze - 189-190 JOHN ISE. Our National Park Policy: A Critical History. Pp. xiii, 701. Balti more : Johns Hopkins Press for Re sources for the Future, 1961. $10.00
by Rudolph A. Clemen - 190-191 GEORGE SANSOM. A History of Japan, 1334-1615. Pp. xix, 442. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1961. $8.25
by Hilary Conroy - 191-192 HILARY CONROY. The Japanese Seizure of Korea, 1868-1910: A Study of Realism and Idealism in International Relations. Pp. 544. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1960. $7.50
by H. Arthur Steiner - 192-192 FRANK H. GOLAY. The Philippines: Public Policy and National Economic Develop ment. Pp. xviii, 455. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1961. $6.75
by Ernest Schein - 192-193 DONALD EARL WILMOTT. The Chinese of Semarang: A Changing Minority Com munity in Indonesia. Pp. xii, 374. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press
by Marjorie Topley - 193-194 SELIG S. HARRISON. India and the United States. Pp. xii, 244. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. $5.95
by Albert E. Kane - 194-195 K. SARWAR HASAN. Pakistan and the United Nations. (National Studies on International Organization.) Pp. ix, 328. New York: Manhattan Publishing Com pany for the Pakistan Institute of Inter national Affairs and the Carnegie En dowment for International Peace, 1960. $3.00
by Keith Callard - 195-196 GLANVILLE DOWNEY. A History of Anti och in Syria from Seleucus to the Arab Conquest. Pp. xvii, 752. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $15.00
by Franz Rosenthal - 196-196 KATHLEEN M. LANGLEY. The Industriali zation of Iraq. (Harvard Middle East ern Monographs, V.) Pp. xi, 313. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 1961. $5.50
by Lord Salter - 196-197 The Economic Development of Libya. (Report of a Mission Organized by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the Request of the Government of Libya.) Pp. xvii, 524. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press for The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1960. $7.50
by D. Hobart Houghton - 197-198 AUDREY I. RICHARDS (Ed.). East African Chiefs: A Study of Political Develop ment in Some Uganda and Tanganyika Tribes. Pp. 419. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960. $10.00
by G.F. Engholm - 198-199 ALAN P. MERRIAM. Congo: Background of Conflict. (Northwestern University African Studies, No. 6.) Pp. xiii, 368. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1961. $6.00
by Vernon McKay - 199-200 JEAN FOURASTIÉ. The Causes of Wealth. Translated and edited by Theodore Caplow. Pp. 246. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $5.00
by C. Addison Hickman - 200-201 Public Finances: Needs, Sources and Utili zation. (A report of the National Bu reau of Economic Research.) Pp. xiv, 512. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Uni versity Press, 1961. $10.00
by Robert Rockafellow - 201-202 E. JAMES FERGUSON. The Power of the Purse: A History of American Public Finance, 1776-1790. Pp. xvi, 358. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture at Wil liamsburg, Virginia, 1961. $7.50
by Charles Hoffman - 202-202 Clarence D. Long. Wages and Earnings in the United States, 1860-1890. (Na tional Bureau of Economic Research, No. 67, General Studies.) Pp. xvii, 169. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1960. $4.00
by Michael O'Connor - 202-203 Egal Feldman. Fit for Men: A Study of New York's Clothing Trade. Pp. vii, 138. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1960. $3.25
by Donald L. Kemmerer - 203-204 David Brody. Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era. (Harvard Historical Monograph, XLV.) Pp. vii, 303. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960. $5.00
by Frederick L. Ryan - 204-205 Sam H. Schurr and Bruce C. Netschert, with Vera F. Eliasberg, Joseph Lerner, and Hans H. Lansberg. En ergy in the Amercian Economy, 1850- 1975 : An Economic Study of Its History and Prospects. Pp. xxii, 774. Balti more : Johns Hopkins Press, 1960. $12.50
by C.P. Blair - 205-205 Walter Firey. Man, Mind and Land: A Theory of Resource Use. Pp. 256 Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $6.00
by Paul B. Sears - 205-206 Philip L. Wagner. The Human Use of the Earth. Pp. xv, 270. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $6.00
by Norton Ginsburg - 207-207 G. S. L. TUCKER. Progress and Profits in British Economic Thought, 1650-1850. Pp. vii, 205. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1960. $5.00
by Ronald L. Meek - 207-208 S. B. Saul. Studies in British Overseas Trade, 1870-1914. Pp. vi, 246. Liver pool : Liverpool University Press, 1960. 35s net
by Ida Greaves - 208-209 J. H. Dunning and C. J. Thomas. British Industry: Change and Development in the Twentieth Century. Pp. 232. Lon don : Hutchinson and Company, 1961. 30s net
by P. Sargant Florence - 209-211 Neil J. Smelser. Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An Application of Theory to the British Cotton Industry. Pp. xii, 440. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. $6.00
by Eric E. Lampard - 211-212 William H. Sewall and Oluf M. David- sen. Scandinavian Students on an American Campus. Pp. ix, 134. Min neapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1961. $3.50
by Eugene H. Jacobson - 212-213 Charles P. Loomis. Social Systems: Essays on Their Persistence and Change. Pp. xi, 349. Princeton, N. J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1960. $6.50
by Lewis A. Coser - 213-213 Irving Louis Horowitz. Philosophy, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge. (American Lecture Series, No. 442, Monograph in the Bannerstone Division of American Lectures in Philosophy.) Pp. xi, 169. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1961. No price
by Theodore Abel - 213-214 Bruno Bettelheim. The Informed Heart: Autonomy in a Mass Age. Pp. viii, 309. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $5.00
by W.G. Eliasberg - 214-215 Lewis Mumford. The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects. Pp. ix, 657. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. $11.50
by Gideon Sjoberg - 215-216 Hanan C. Selvin. The Effects of Leader ship. Pp. ix, 270. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $5.00
by Nicholas P. Pollis - 216-217 Chris Argyris. Understanding Organiza tional Behavior. Pp. xii, 179. Home- wood, Ill.: Dorsey Press (The Dorsey Series in Anthropology and Sociology), 1960. $5.00
by Albert H. Rubenstein - 217-217 Nathan Glazer and Davis McEntire (Eds.). Studies in Housing and Minor ity Groups. (Special Research Report to the Commission on Race and Housing.) Pp. xii, 228. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. $6.00
by Melvin Tumin - 217-218 The Race Question in Modern Science: Race and Science. Pp. 506. New York: Columbia University Press for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul tural Organization, 1961. $5.00
by Morroe Berger - 218-219 Lloyd Rodwin. Housing and Economic Progress: A Study of the Housing Ex periences of Boston's Middle-Income Families. (Publications of the Joint Center for Urban Studies.) Pp. x, 228. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press and Technology Press of the Mas sachusetts Institute of Technology for the Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1961. $7.50
by Grace Milgram - 219-219 Vaughn Davis Bornet. Welfare in America. Pp. xi, 319. Norman: Uni versity of Oklahoma Press, 1960. $4.95
by Samuel Mencher - 223-224 Letters to the Editor
by Hervé Alphand
July 1961, Volume 336, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James C. Charlesworth - 1-11 Are the Soviets Winning the Propaganda War?
by George V. Allen - 12-22 Soviet-American Economic Competition in Uncommitted Countries
by Clarence B. Randall - 23-29 The United States Foreign Aid Program: An Appraisal
by Henry S. Reuss - 30-39 Communism and the West in Asian Countries
by Arnold J. Toynbee - 40-52 Political Developments in the Sino-Soviet Bloc
by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski - 53-61 Is Cleavage Between Russia and China Inevitable?
by Lord Lindsay - 62-74 Western Military Strength and Security
by Leverett Saltonstall - 75-82 Why Uncommitted Countries Hold that They Are Not "Neutral"
by Marko Nikezic - 83-97 Will Most Uncommitted Nations Remain Uncommitted?
by E.M. Debrah - 98-105 Will Latin America Continue to Adhere to the West?
by José A. Mora - 106-113 The Role of the United Nations in the East-West Dispute
by Clark M. Eichelberger - 114-126 The United States and the United Nations
by Francis O. Wilcox - 127-136 The United Nations Since 1945: An Appraisal
by Alfred J. Hotz - 137-143 Will the Political Scientist Fill the Void?
by Paul W. Walter - 144-153 Western Diplomacy Since 1945
by Quincy Wright - 154-162 World Order: The Need for a Bold New Approach
by Grenville Clark - 163-169 Some Recent Works in Political Science
by Lee S. Greene - 170-171 International Relations
by Karl W. Deutsch - 171-172 ROBERT W. TUCKER. The Just War: A Study in Contemporary American Doc trine. Pp. 207. Baltimore: Johns Hop kins Press, 1960. $5.00
by John Miller JR - 172-173 JOHN LUKACS. A History of the Cold War. Pp. 288. Garden City, N. Y.: Double- day & Company, 1961. $3.95
by Alvin Z. Rubinstein - 173-174 ROBERT T. HOLT and ROBERT W. VAN DE VELDE. Strategic Psychological Opera tions and American Foreign Policy. Pp. x, 243. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960. $5.00
by William Albig - 174-175 ELLIOT R. GOODMAN. The Soviet Design for a World State. Pp. xviii, 512. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. $6.75
by Otto Heilbrunn - 175-175 LOUIS FISCHER. Russia, America, and the World. Pp. 244. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960, 1961. $4.50
by John Spanier - 175-176 American Government and History
by Oscar Glantz - 176-178 LAURIN L. HENRY. Presidential Transi tions. Pp. xviii, 755. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1960. $7.50
by E.E. Schattschneider - 178-178 W. BROOKE GRAVES. Major Problems in State Constitutional Revision. (Spon sored by Pi Sigma Alpha, The National Political Science Honor Society.) Pp. xiv, 306. Chicago: Public Administra tion Service, 1960. $6.50
by Henry Teune - 178-179 T. HARRY WILLIAMS. Americans at War: The Development of the American Mili tary System. Pp. xi, 105. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 1960. $3.50
by Fairfax Downey - 179-180 ROBERT G. McCLOSKEY. The American Supreme Court. (The Chicago History of American Civilization.) Pp. x, 260. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960. $5.00
by Robert J. Harris - 180-180 THEODORE DRAPER. American Communism and Soviet Russia: The Formative Period. Pp. 558. New York: Viking Press, 1960. $8.50
by O.H.K. Spate - 180-181 D. JOY HUMES. Oswald Garrison Villard, Liberal of the 1920's. (Men and Move ments Series.) Pp. xiii, 276. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1960. $4.50
by Alan P. Grimes - 181-182 ARTHUR S. LINK. Wilson: The Struggle for Neutrality, 1914-1915. Pp. x, 736. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1960. $10.00
by Russell H. Fifield - 182-182 LAWRENCE H. LEDER. Robert Livingston, 1654-1728, and the Politics of Colonial New York. Pp. x, 306. Chapel Hill: Uni versity of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American Culture at Williamsburg, Virginia, 1961. $6.00
by Charles M. Thomas - 183-183 CHARLES GRIER SELLERS, JR. (Ed.). The Southerner as American. Pp. ix, 216. Chapel Hill: University of North Caro lina Press, 1960. $5.00
by Ella Lonn - 183-184 JANE LUCAS DE GRUMMOND. The Baratari ans and the Battle of New Orleans. Pp. xi, 180. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1961. $4.50. CHARLES B. BROOKS. The Siege of New Orleans. Pp. x, 334. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1961. $6.50
by Ralph Adams Brown - 184-185 European Government and History
by Robert E. Scott - 185-186 K. C. WHEARE. The Constitutional Struc ture of the Commonwealth. Pp. xiv, 201. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. $4.00
by Arthur N. Cook - 186-186 GÖTZ VON PÖLNITZ. Die Fugger. Pp. 392. Frankfurt am Main: Heinrich Scheffler, 1960. No price
by Arthur Leon Horniker - 187-187 WALTER ANSEL. Hitler Confronts Eng land. Pp. xii, 348. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1960. $7.50
by Louis Morton - 187-188 R. V. BURKS. The Dynamics of Commu nism in Eastern Europe. Pp. xii, 244. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1961. $5.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 188-189 CYRIL E. BLACK (Ed.). The Transforma tion of Russian Society: Aspects of So cial Change Since 1861. Pp. vii, 695. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960. $9.75
by William Ebenstein - 189-190 E. F. JACOB (Ed.). Italian Renaissance Studies. (A Tribute to the Late Celia M. Ady.) Pp. 507. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1960. $12.50
by Gray C. Boyce - 190-190 A. H. M. JONES. Studies in Roman Gov ernment and Law. Pp. viii, 243. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960. $6.00
by A.E.R. Boak - 190-191 Latin America
by Lowry Nelson - 191-192 ROBERT F. SMITH. The United States and Cuba: Business and Diplomacy, 1917- 1960. Pp. 256. New York: Bookman Associates, 1960. $5.00
by Dana G. Munro - 192-193 CHARLES M. LESLIE. Now We Are Civil ized : A Study of the World View of the Zapotec Indians of Mitla, Oaxaca. Pp. xi, 108. Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1960. $3.95
by Oscar Lewis - 193-193 HAROLD COURLANDER. The Drum and the Hoe: Life and Lore of the Haitian People. Pp. xv, 371. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. $10.00
by Geoffrey Gorer - 193-194 RICHARD N. ADAMS, JOHN P. GILLIN, ALLAN R. HOLMBERG, OSCAR LEWIS, RICHARD W. PATCH, and CHARLES WAGLEY. Social Change in Latin Amer ica Today: Its Implications for United States Policy. Pp. xiv, 353. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960. $5.00
by Arthur P. Whitaker - 194-195 DAVID H. ZOOK, JR. The Conduct of the Chaco War. Pp. 280. New York: Book man Associates, 1960. $6.00
by Leo B. Lott - 195-196 Africa and Asia
by K.A. Busia - 196-196 KALU EZERA. Constitutional Develop ments in Nigeria: An Analytical Study of Nigeria's Constitution-Making Develop ments and the Historical and Political Factors That Affected Constitutional Change. Pp. xv, 274. Cambridge, Eng land: Cambridge University Press, 1960. $5.50
by W.R. Crocker - 196-197 VIRGINIA THOMPSON and RICHARD ADLOFF. The Emerging States of French Equa torial Africa. Pp. xii, 595. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1960. $8.75
by D.W. Bittinger - 197-198 GEORGE H. T. KIMBLE. Tropical Africa, Vol. I: Land and Livelihood; Vol. II: Society and Polity. Pp. 603, 506. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1960. $15.00
by Carroll Quigley - 198-199 EDWARD and MILDRED RENDL MARCUS. Investment and Development Possibili ties in Tropical Africa. Pp. 286. New York: Bookman Associates, 1960. $7.50
by Calvin W. Stillman - 199-200 South Africa and the Rule of Law. Pp. 239. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, 1960. $1.00
by Gwendolen M. Carter - 200-200 LORNA HAHN. North Africa: Nationalism to Nationhood. Pp. xii, 264. Washing ton, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1960. $6.00
by Edgar J. Fisher - 201-202 ALASTAIR M. TAYLOR. Indonesian Inde pendence and the United Nations. Pp. xxix, 503. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell Uni versity Press under the auspices of The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1960
by Irene Tinker - 202-202 BERNARD FALL. Le Viet-Minh: La ré publique démocratique du Viet-Nam, 1945-1960. (Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 106.) Pp. xi, 376. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1960. 19.00 NF
by Philip W. Thayer - 202-203 RICHARD C. ALLEN. Korea's Syngman Rhee: An Unauthorized Portrait. Pp. 259. Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1960. $3.75
by Kyung Cho Chung - 203-204 RUTH FRANCIS WOODSMALL. Women and the New East. Pp. xvi, 436. Washing ton, D. C.: Middle East Institute, 1960. $5.50
by Aileen D. Ross - 204-206 Sociology
by Harold L. Wilensky - 206-206 WILLIAM T. HAGAN. American Indians. (The Chicago History of American Civi lization.) Pp. viii, 190. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1961. $6.00
by John Collier SR - 206-207 RUTH GLASS, assisted by HAROLD POLLINS. London's Newcomers: The West Indian Migrants. (Centre for Urban Studies, University College, London, Report No. 1.) Pp. xiii, 278. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. $4.00
by Arnold M. Rose - 207-208 KEVIN LYNCH. The Image of the City. Pp. vii, 194. Cambridge, Mass.: Tech nology Press and Harvard University Press, 1960. $5.50
by Catherine Bauer Wurster - 208-209 BEVERLY DUNCAN and PHILIP M. HAUSER. Housing a Metropolis—Chicago. Pp. xxii, 278. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $7.50
by J. Marshall Miller - 209-209 LEWIS F. RICHARDSON. Statistics of Deadly Quarrels. Edited by Quincy Wright and C. C. Lienau. Pp. xxv, 307. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1960. $12.50
by Philip C. Sagi - 209-210 HERMANN MANNHEIM (Ed.). Pioneers in Criminology. (The Library of Criminol ogy, No. 1.) Pp. xii, 402. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1960. $7.50
by George B. Vold - 210-211 KURT H. WOLFF (Ed.). Émile Durkheim, 1858-1917: A Collection of Essays, with Translations and a Bibliography. Pp. xiv, 463. Columbus: Ohio State Uni versity Press, 1960. $7.50
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 211-212 RICHARD T. MORRIS, assisted by OLUF M. DAVIDSEN. The Two Way Mirror: Na tional Status in Foreign Students' Ad justment. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1960. $4.50
by F.B. Waisanen - 212-212 E. M. JELLINEK. The Disease Concept of Alcoholism. Pp. 246. New Haven, Conn.: Hillhouse Press on behalf of the Christopher J. Smithers Foundation, 1960. $6.00
by Selden D. Bacon - 213-213 P. GROS. Televisie: Parlement, Pers, en Publiek. Pp. x, 332. Assen: Van Gorkum Company, 1960. F4.95
by Ernest M. Kuhinka - 213-214 MARY CAPES and A. T. M. WILSON (Eds.). Communication or Conflict: Conferences, Their Nature, Dynamics and Planning. Pp. xi, 228. New York: Association Press, 1960. $4.00
by Charles S. Ascher - 214-215 Demographic and Economic Change in De veloped Countries: A Conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research. Pp. xi, 536. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1960. $12.00
by Sidney Goldstein - 215-216 JERZY ZUBRZYCKI, assisted by NANCY KUSKIE. Immigrants in Australia: A Demographic Survey Based Upon the 1954 Census. Pp. xviii, 118. Mel bourne: Melbourne University Press on behalf of the Australian National Uni versity, 1960. $10.50
by Edmund Des. Brunner - 216-217 Economics
by Marten S. Estey - 217-217 EASTIN NELSON (Ed.). Economic Growth: Rationale, Problems, Cases. Pp. xv, 288. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1960. $5.00
by John M. Hunter - 217-218 ROBERT THEOBALD. The Rich and the Poor: A Study of the Economics of Rising Expectations. Pp. xii, 196. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1960. $4.50
by Nathaniel M. McKitterick - 218-219 ALEXANDER ERLICH. The Soviet Indus trialization Debate, 1924-1928. (Russian Research Center Studies, 41.) Pp. xxiii, 214. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uni versity Press, 1960. $6.00
by Joseph S. Berliner - 219-220 JAN M. MICHAL. Central Planning in Czechoslovakia: Organization for Growth in a Mature Economy. Pp. xii, 2 74. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1960. $5.75
by Gregory Grossman - 220-221 HARVEY J. LEVIN. Broadcast Regulation and Joint Ownership of Media. Pp. xvii, 219. New York: New York University Press, 1960. $4.50
by Frederic E. Merwin - 221-221 LAND ECONOMICS INSTITUTE. Modern Land Policy. Pp. x, 449. Urbana: Uni versity of Illinois Press, 1960. $8.50
by Shaw Ltvermore - 221-222 RAYMOND VERNON. Metropolis 1985: An Interpretation of the Findings of the New York Metropolitan Region Study. Pp. xiii, 252. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1960. $5.00
by Harold Barger - 222-223 Philosophy and Education
by Ronald Gross - 223-224 RICHARD H. Cox. Locke on War and Peace. Pp. xx, 220. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. $5.60
by W.M. Simon - 224-224 M. N. ROY. Politics Power and Parties. Pp. 216. Calcutta: Renaissance Pub lishers, 1960. Rs 750
by Thomas A. Rusch - 224-225 FRANK MACKINNON. The Politics of Ed ucation : A Study of the Political Ad ministration of the Public Schools. Pp. viii, 187. Toronto: University of To ronto Press, 1960. No price
by H. McD. Clokie - 225-226 WILLIAM J. McGLOTHLIN. Patterns of Professional Education. Pp. xviii, 288. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1960. $6.75
by George D. Braden - 226-227 ALCO D. HENDERSON. Policies and Prac tices in Higher Education. Pp. xiii, 338. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960. $5.75
by Robert E. Mason
May 1961, Volume 335, Issue 1
- 1-7 Why?
by John F. Melby - 8-20 Who Is He?
by Kenneth Holland - 21-27 The First Fifteen Years of the Fulbright Program
by J. William Fulbright - 28-32 The Two-Week Orientation Center Program
by Forrest G. Moore & Clarke A. Chambers - 33-37 The Four-Week Mixed Program
by George P. Springer - 38-41 The University of Hawaii Orientation Center
by Sumie F. Mccabe - 42-53 The Academic Performance of Foreign Students
by Ivan Putman JR - 54-65 The Community's Role in Cross-Cultural Education
by Katherine C. Bang - 66-70 The Peculiarities of Geography: Africa
by Gordon P. Hagberg - 71-75 The Peculiarities of Geography: Asia
by Robert Blum - 76-80 The Peculiarities of Geography: Europe
by Edouard Morot-Sir - 81-85 The Peculiarities of Geography: Latin America
by Joe W. Neal - 86-90 The Peculiarities of Geography: The Middle East
by Harold B. Minor - 91-98 Foreign Student Adviser : A New Profession?
by James M. Davis - 99-111 The American Goes Abroad
by Donald J. Shank - 112-121 What Others Are Doing
by Oliver J. Caldwell - 122-131 The Multilateral Approach
by Alan J.A. Elliott - 132-140 The World Looks at the American Program
by Charles H. Malik - 141-152 Cultural Communication and New Imperatives
by Richard A. Humphrey - 153-165 Anatomy of the Problem: Who Should Come?
by Elinor K. Wolf - 166-181 Recent Developments in the Field of History
by Lynn M. Case - 182-186 Report of the Board of Directors to the Members of The American Academy of Political and Social Science for the Year 1960
by N/A - 187-188 HANS J. MORGENTHAU. The Purpose of American Politics. Pp. xi, 359, viii. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1960. $4.50
by Henry M. Wriston - 188-189 VERNON VAN DYKE. Political Science: A Philosophical Analysis. Pp. xi, 235. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1960. $5.00
by David E. Apter - 189-189 JOSEPH TUSSMAN. Obligation and the Body Politic. Pp. vi, 144. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. $4.00 cloth bound; $2.25 paper-bound
by Lane Davis - 189-190 DONALD SHEEHAN and HAROLD C. SYRETT (Eds.). Essays in American Histori ography. (Papers Presented in Honor of Allan Nevins.) Pp. x, 320. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. $6.00
by Richard C. Wade - 190-191 LEE BENSON. Turner and Beard: Ameri can Historical Writing Reconsidered. Pp. xiii, 241. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960. $5.00
by Howard R. Lamar - 191-192 GEORGE DANGERFIELD. Chancellor Robert R. Livingston of New York, 1746-1813. Pp. viii, 532. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1960. $10.00
by Lawrence H. Gipson - 192-193 ALLAN NEVINS. The War for the Union, Volume II: War Becomes Revolution. Pp. xiv, 557. New York: Charles Scrib ner's Sons, 1960. $7.50
by Jay Luvaas - 193-193 KARL M. SCHMIDT. Henry A. Wallace: Quixotic Crusade, 1948. (Men and Move ments Series.) Pp. xii, 361. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1960. $5.50
by Murray Polner - 193-194 JOHN H. FENTON. The Catholic Vote. New Orleans, La.: Hauser Press, 1960. $4.75
by Peter H. Odegard - 194-195 STEPHEN HORN. The Cabinet and Con gress. Pp. viii, 310. New York: Co lumbia University Press, 1960. $6.00
by Nelson Poynter - 195-195 STANLEY KELLEY, JR. Political Campaign ing : Problems in Creating an Informed Electorate. Pp. x, 163. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution, 1960. $3.50
by Charles W. Shull - 196-196 EUGENE C. LEE. The Politics of Non- partisanship: A Study of California City Elections. Pp. xiii, 232. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. $4.75
by Clara Penniman - 196-197 ERNEST R. MAY (Ed.). The Ultimate De cision : The President as Commander in Chief. Pp. xvii, 290. New York: George Braziller, 1960. $6.00
by Julius W. Pratt - 197-198 HELEN SHIRLEY THOMAS. Felix Frank furter: Scholar on the Bench. Pp. xiv, 381. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1960. $6.50
by Henry M. Holland JR - 198-198 EDGAR MCINNIS, RICHARD HISCOCKS, and ROBERT SPENCER. The Shaping of Post- war Germany. Pp. 195. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960. No price
by Franklin L. Ford - 198-199 ARNOLD J. HEIDENHEIMER. Adenauer and the CDU: The Rise of the Leader and the Integration of the Party. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1960. Guilders 19-
by Norbert Muhlen - 199-200 JACQUES FREYMOND. The Saar Conflict, 1945-1955. Pp, xxviii, 395. New York: Frederick A. Praeger under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for Interna tional Peace, European Center, 1960. No price
by William Diebold JR - 200-201 W. J. STANKIEWICZ. Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century France: A Study of Political Ideas From the Monarcho machs to Bayle, as Reflected in the Tol eration Controversy. Pp. x, 269. Berke ley and Los Angeles: University of Cali fornia Press, 1960. $6.00
by Roland H. Bainton - 201-202 ARTHUR H. FURNIA. The Diplomacy of Appeasement: Anglo-French Relations and the Prelude to World War II, 1931- 1938. Pp. ix, 454. Washington, D. C.: Washington University Press, 1960. $6.00
by Vernon J. Puryear - 202-203 D. E. BUTLER and RICHARD ROSE. The British General Election of 1959. Pp. viii, 293. London: Macmillan and Com pany, 1960. $6.75
by Ernest Davies - 203-204 D. F. MACDONALD. The State and the Trade Unions. Pp. vii, 199. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1960. $4.50
by Richard W. Lyman - 204-204 FRANKLYN ARTHUR JOHNSON. Defence by Committee: The British Committee of Imperial Defence, 1885-1959. Pp. 416. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. $8.00
by Walter Millis - 204-206 LLOYD P. GARTNER. The Jewish Immi grant in England, 1870-1914. Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1960. $5.00
by Bernard D. Weinryb - 206-206 HERMAN AUSUBEL. In Hard Times: Re formers Among the Late Victorians. Pp. x, 403. New York: Columbia Univer sity Press, 1960. $7.50
by R.G. Cowherd - 206-207 The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol ume X: The Zenith of European Power, 1830-1870. Edited by J. P. T. Bury. Pp. xxi, 765. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1960. $7.50
by Mildred Campbell - 207-208 GEORGE Z. F. BEREDAY, WILLIAM W. BRICKMAN, and GERALD H. READ (Eds.), assisted by INA SCHLESINGER. The Changing Soviet School: The Compara tive Education Society Field Study in the U. S. S. R. Pp. xvii, 514. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1960. $4.50 clothbound; $3.50 paper-bound
by George S. Counts - 208-209 RAYMOND BLOCH. The Origins of Rome. (Ancient Peoples and Places.) Pp. 212. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960. $6.50
by Michael H. Jameson - 209-210 STEVEN RUNCIMAN. The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946. Pp. xii, 319. Cambridge, England: Cam bridge University Press, 1960. $5.50
by Kristof Glamann - 210-210 GEORGE PETER MURDOCK (Ed.). Social Structure in Southeast Asia. (Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, No. 29.) Pp. ix, 182. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1960. $5.00
by Robbins Burling - 210-211 SUZANNE LABIN. The Anthill: The Human Condition in Communist China. Trans lated from the French by Edward Fitz gerald. Pp. x, 442. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1960. $6.75
by H. Arthur Steiner - 211-212 DOUGLAS S. PAAUW. Financing Economic Development: The Indonesian Case. Pp. xxxiv, 474. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press for the Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960. $6.75
by Everett D. Hawkins - 212-213 CHARLES WOLF, JR. Foreign Aid: Theory and Practice in Southern Asia. Pp. xix, 442. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Uni versity Press, 1960. $7.50
by Gustav F. Papanek - 213-214 ALLEN S. WHITING. China Crosses the Yalu: The Decision to Enter the Korean War. Pp. x, 219. New York: The Mac millan Company for the RAND Corpo ration, 1960. $7.50
by Shen-Yu Dai - 214-215 RODERICK MACFARQUHAR. The Hundred Flowers Campaign and the Chinese Intel lectuals. Pp. xi, 324. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1960. No price
by A.C. Scott - 215-216 ROBERT JAY LIFTON. Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of "Brainwashing" in China. Pp. x, 510. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1961. $6.95
by Howard L. Boorman - 216-216 THEODORE H. E. CHEN. Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals. Pp. xiii, 247. New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. $5.00
by Robert C. North - 216-217 ROBIN GOLLAN. Radical and Working Class Politics: A Study of Eastern Aus tralia, 1850-1910. Pp. xi, 226. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1960. $6.50
by Aaron Wildavsky - 217-218 GWENDOLEN M. CARTER. Independence for Africa. Pp. xix, 172. New York: Fred erick A. Praeger, 1960. $4.50 cloth bound ; $1.65 paper-bound
by Virginia Thompson - 218-219 KURT GRUNWALD and JOACHIM O. RONALL. Industrialization in the Middle East. Pp. xx, 394. New York: Council for Middle Eastern Affairs Press, 1960. $7.00
by Douglas D. Crary - 219-219 CARLTON J. H. HAYES. Nationalism: A Religion. Pp. xi, 187. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1960. $5.00
by George N. Shuster - 219-220 STEWART C. EASTON. The Twilight of European Colonialism: A Political Analy sis. Pp. xvi, 571. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. $7.50
by Nicholas Mansergh - 220-221 DON TAYLOR. The Years of Challenge: The Commonwealth and the British Em pire, 1945-58. Pp. 255. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960. $4.50
by Eric Beecroft - 221-221 PAUL F. POWER. Gandhi on World Affairs. Pp. vi, 128. Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1960. $3.25
by Joan V. Bondurant - 221-222 FREDERICK C. BARGHOORN. The Soviet Cultural Offensive: The Role of Cul tural Diplomacy in Soviet Foreign Policy. Pp. vii, 353. Princeton, N. J.: Prince ton University Press, 1960. $7.50
by Ivar Spector