June 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 117-124 Drivers of manufacturing firm's productivity in Germany and Poland: evidence from survey data
by Aleksandra Skorupinska & Joan Torrent Sellens - 125-146 Fast food in Tbilisi
by Ulrica Soderlind - 147-151 The Impact of customers' relation quality and sensing on the marketing performance for micro industries development in Banten Province, Indonesia
by Suherna & Weksi Budiaji - 152-157 Production of cotton fiber and increasing possibilities of its revenue (The case of Samarkand region, Uzbekistan)
by Abdusame Tadjiev Abduxamidovich & Olim Murtazayev & Husan Akbarov Uzbekxonovich & Ozod Tursunov Matlubovich - 158-164 Theoretical aspects of innovative trends and features of the transport services on the modern transport market
by Ekaterine Tavberidze - 165-173 A modern architectural practice at the beginning of the twentieth century
by Sidonia Teodorescu
December 2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 4-14 The Leslie model and population stability: an application
by Angrisani Massimo & Di Palo Cinzia & Fantaccione Roberto & Palazzo Anna Maria - 15-23 The decision-making method, another argument for the business success
by Canco Irina - 24-31 Universities and firms in the Trnava self-governing region: aspects of co-operation
by Jana Cerna - 32-40 Brand value co-creation factors: stakeholder approach
by Migle Eleonora Cernikovaite - 41-74 Social capital and poverty reduction: empirical evidence from Senegal
by Barassou Diawara & Saeki Chikayoshi & Kobena Hanson - 75-85 Shaping public policy in the context of welfare state transformation
by Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru - 86-100 Prospects of Russian industrial development on the global market (the case of business aviation industry)
by Anna A. Dokukina - 101-110 A performance model to evaluate intellectual capital
by Luminita-Maria Gogan & Anca Draghici - 111-120 Social economy entities: a worldwide overview
by Alina Aurelia Grigore - 121-130 Which forces drive the banks to new investments? Innovation mechanisms banks use to succeed challenges
by Orkida Ilollari (Findiku) & Gentiana Gjino - 131-139 The use of international experience managing organizational capital in enterprises
by Iryna Ianenkova - 140-150 A cluster of configurations and reconfigurations gaining ground through Globalization. How is the family being transformed?
by Dragos Lucian Ivan - 151-159 Does the contagion effect of the Balance of Payment crisis exist? Ukrainian case
by Vasyl Khomiak - 160-171 Democracy and economic freedom in a global modernization process: the case of Ukraine
by Olena Liakhovets - 172-179 Education regarding taxation from the attitude and intuition to experiment
by Oana-Ramona Lobont & Nicoleta Claudia Moldovan & Ioana Vladusel - 180-190 Effects of informality in Albania's small enterprises
by Brunilda Muca & Galantina Doraci - 191-202 Migrant remittances and human capital investments
by Cephas Naanwaab & Osei Agyeman Yeboah - 203-216 On intergenerational mobility in Italy: what a difficult future for the young
by Federica Roccisano - 217-222 Education for active citizenship in national and European context
by Cristina Barna - 223-233 Empowering youth leadership for democracy sustainability
by Manuela Epure - 234-239 Semiotics and leadership: making meaning for the young generation
by Ruxandra Vasilescu - 240-242 Book review: Jana Gasparikovs, Jana M. Safrankova, Zdenka Matouskovs 'Innovative mission in education and science'
by Cristina Barna
June 2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 4-14 Space and virtuality: new characteristics of inequalities in the information society and economy
by Akos Jakobi - 15-32 Religious values, secular education and development:empirical evidence from some Latin American countries
by Luigi Aldieri & Giuseppina Autiero - 33-43 Comparative analysis of the degree of international capital mobility in Tunisia and Morocco: revised Feldstein Horioka approach
by Sarra Ben Slimane & Moez Ben Tahar & Zied Essid - 44-52 The ICT use in the implementation of Directive 2011/24/EU
by Ana Pinto Borges & Claudia Cardoso - 53-60 Employee motivation and organizational performance
by Ovidiu Iliuta Dobre - 61-68 Learning about volunteering – a path to personal development
by Manuela Epure - 69-75 EU regional policy and the opportunities for socio-economic development of municipalities in Bulgaria
by Veneta Gaydardzhieva - 76-82 Explicit Nexus between morality and emotion
by Ghai Sakshi - 83-91 Financial crisis. Implementation of macro- and micro-prudential regulation
by Orkida (Findiku) Ilollari & Gentiana Gjino - 92-99 Indicators of quality of work as predictors of quality of life
by Alina Mariuca Ionescu - 100-105 Cooperation is essential for 2 centigrade degrees Target: a new perspective from the Dynamic Game Model
by Jin Zhugang & Can Wang & Wenjia Cai - 106-111 Affiliate marketing in the context of online marketing
by Vladimira Jurisova - 112-120 Quality in schools
by Daniela Kollarova & Magdalena Ungerova - 121-129 Industrial dynamics in Bulgaria – the connection between past and future: The Case of Food and Beverage Industry
by Diana Kopeva & Dimitar Blagoev & Nikolay Sterev - 130-135 Disability as a risk factor on the access to labor market
by Loredana Adriana Tudorache & Ruxandra Folostina & Junona Tutunea & Horatiu Sima - 136-143 A mathematical model for consumers based on aspiration adaptation theory and bounded rationality
by Nicolas Marciales Parra - 144-151 Evaluation of performance and efficiency of the CRM
by Renata Miklencicova & Bronislava Capkovicova - 152-161 Socio-economic justice perception in Lithuania: individualism and collectivism models
by Rudzkiene Vitalija & Migle Eleonora Cernikovaite - 162-169 Wine tourism, a possible advantage of the Timis County
by Cipriana Sava - 170-178 Towards a sustainable well-being
by Cristina Roxana Tanasescu & Camelia Oprean - 179-189 Global macroeconomic interdependence: a minimum spanning tree approach
by Tiago Trancoso
Decembre 2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 5-10 Towards the European integration model perspectives
by E. S. Akopova & S.E. Akopov - 11-15 Improving the accuracy of consensus forecasts for the EURO area
by Mihaela Bratu (Simionescu) - 16-24 New technologies on the way of higher education expansion
by D. V. Bogdanov - 25-31 Social factors influence on economic growth. The case of Romania
by Bogdan-Ion Boldea - 32-41 Integration of western Balkan countries into the European system of digital data archives in social sciences: the case of Serbia
by Aleksandra Bradic-Martinovic & Aleksandar Zdravkovic - 42-48 Content Management System for E-Business
by Radu Bucea-Manea-Tonis & Rocsana Bucea-Manea-Tonis - 49-56 Optimization of a tour in a distribution network
by Catalin-Gabriel Chirea & Gabriel Bazacliu - 57-64 The FDI profile in the Romanian manufacturing sector
by Aniela Raluca Danciu & Vasile Alecsandru Strat - 65-78 Management issues of smart growing business: knowledge-oriented employees as a critical competitive factor
by Anna A. Dokukina - 79-86 Competitive analysis of economic development of Serbia and EU depending on the possibility of using strategy Europe: 2020 in Serbia
by Srdjana Dragomirovic - 87-92 Regional development in economic core regions
by Katarina Durkova & Ludmila Cabyova & Eva Vicenova - 93-96 The interpretative valences of the relationship between sustainable development and the quality of life
by Vladimir-Aurelian Enachescu & Diana Andreia Hristache & Claudia Elena Paicu - 97-107 Population ageing - a demographic trend with various consequences
by Manuela Epure - 108-113 Effects of the free trade agreements on the development of the agriculture sector in the Balkan region
by Ndoc Faslia & Fran Brahimi - 114-118 Future of science and society
by Jana Gasparikova - 119-129 Innovation in multi–channel retail banking. The bank wins or loses customers
by Gentiana Gjino & Orkida Ilollari - 130-144 How does education affect labour market outcomes?
by Alina Mariuca Ionescu - 145-149 CSR communication and its impact on corporate image
by Vladimira Jurisova & Katarina Durkova - 150-157 Risk management under the conditions of globalization
by E. Yu. Lopatina - 158-165 Inward foreign direct investments to Serbia – investigating motives in the past and prospects for the future
by Ivan Milenkovic & Dragana Milenkovic - 166-169 Effects of informality on Albania s labor market
by Brunilda Muca & Sajmir Hoxha & Galantina Doraci - 170-180 Architecture, a career option for women? Romania case
by Raluca Livia Niculae - 181-190 Testing the financial market informational efficiency in emerging states
by Camelia Oprean - 191-197 Benchmarking as a factor of an economic crisis consequences' levelling
by V. N. Ostrovkaya - 198-207 Elaborate cluster policy – new vision for the regional development
by E. G. Popkova & M. K. Romanova & L. I. Kukaeva - 208-216 Management of musical education at early ages
by Felician Rosca & Madalina Dorgo - 217-224 The durable development of cultural tourism in Timisoara and its surrounding area: capitalizing on the existing assets and resources
by Cipriana Sava & Luiza Caraivan - 225-235 Model for optimization of biomass utilization of energy production by energetic and economic requirements
by Istvan Takacs & Erika Nagy-Kovacs & Ervin Hollo & Sandor Marselek - 236-246 Adoption of logistic principles in WOODY-biomass energy clusters
by Zsolt Tegla & Istvan Hagen & Ervin Hollo & Katalin Takacs-Gyorgy - 247-255 The new approaches in econometric research of financial markets. Distributed volatility
by V. I. Tinyakova - 255-263 Monograph Review: Koloman Ivanica et al. – 'New model of socioeconomic sustainable development of the Slovak Republic'
by Cristina Barna & Ruxandra Vasilescu
July 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 4-13 Tax incentives, discriminatory factor prices and the regional economic problem: the case of Greece
by Thomas A. Anastassiou - 14-21 Social economy: going local to achieve the Strategy Europe 2020. Romania Case
by Cristina Barna - 22-34 Indian experience of sustainable and inclusive economic growth – an evaluation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
by D.S.Bhupal - 35-42 Search Engine Optimization in the current socio-economic challenges
by Rocsana Bucea-Manea-Tonis - 43-54 The Impact of FDI on the labor market in Central and Eastern Europe during the international crisis
by Lenuta Carp - 55-67 Promoting Dobrogea region as a constituent part of the 'Silk Road' – an engine for socio–economic and cultural cooperation in the globalization context
by Camelia Ditu Furtuna & Elena-Cristina Mahika - 68-76 Managing human resources in the knowledge-based economy
by Ovidiu-Iliuta Dobre - 77-86 Social and online media research – data, metrics and methods
by Georgeta Drula - 87-94 Effects of market share on the bank’s profitability
by Evgeni Genchev - 95-106 Entrepreneurial behavior at people with visual disabilities from Romania
by Alina Gîmbuta - 107-112 Mapping through experimental evidence schemes that influence sociological migration between East and West
by Ivan Dragos Lucian - 113-121 Industrial dynamics in Bulgaria – the connection between past and future: The case of food and beverage industry
by Diana Kopeva & Dimitar Blagoev & Nikolay Sterev - 122-127 Beyond constructivism: expanding the boundaries of international relations theory
by Nicole V.T. Lugosi - 128-138 Organizational environment for knowledge management
by Nadia Mironova - 139-143 Informality effects in the economy of Albania in light of world s economic crisis
by Brunilda Muça & Galantina Doraci - 144-152 Gender issues in architectural education: feminine paradigm
by Raluca Niculae - 153-161 Neighborhood quality determinants. Empirical evidence from the American Housing Survey
by Alexandrina-Ioana Scorbureanu & IOn Scorbureanu - 162-169 The necessity to humanize current capitalism paradigm
by Mikuláš Sedlák - 170-183 Georgia s food and drinking culture in the eyes of Nikoloz Pirosmani
by Ulrica Söderlind - 184-194 Rust Belt Politics: The national NAFTA debate during recent US presidential election cycles
by James Tanoos - 195-202 An inexhaustive criticism of the standard economic theory from an Austrian perspective related to growth and development
by Ana Iolanda Voda & Catalin Chiriac
December 2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 5-7 Europe 1957, 2011 and 2020: a Christmas carol - Foreword
by Andre Kolodziejak - 8-13 The efficiency of economy and living standard of the Slovak Republic in the context of EU in the years 2005-2010
by Mikuláš Sedlák - 14-22 Europe 2020 Strategy - support for the development of the employment strategy in Romania
by Mirela Ionela Aceleanu - 23-37 The national strategy of tourism development in Algeria: issues, opportunities and limitations
by Kamel Bouadam - 38-43 The use of modern management tools, a crucial factor to facing challenges
by Irina Canco & Olgerta Visi - 44-52 Structural reforms proposed by the International Monetary Fund and their impact on Romanian economy during the last financial crisis
by Lucretia Mariana Constantinescu & Leonardo Badea & Violeta Dragoi - 53-62 The demographic challenge on pension systems: empirical results from Italy
by Cinzia Di Palo - 63-69 Innovation profile and competitiveness of Russian enterprises: on the issue of knowledge-driven performance in business
by Anna A. Dokukina - 70-78 The Role of entrepreneurship and education – a way out of the crisis
by Jana Gasparikova - 79-86 A strategic modeling of the Tunisian married-women labor supply process
by Dhouha Haj Ali - 87-94 A tableau of historical evolution within the EU: on the brink of a distillation or on the cliffs of glory
by Ivan Dragos Lucian - 95-103 European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing: how is the EU connecting the dots between smart innovation and ageing boom
by Karolina Lagiewka & Jorge Pinto Antunes - 104-110 Analysis of motivation in some processing enterprises
by Bislim Lekiqi & Stavri Afezolli - 111-120 The Hungarian minority question in Slovakia and Romania
by Nicole V.T. Lugosi - 121-128 Governance and the European Commission’s 2020 strategy
by Caius Tudor Luminosu - 129-138 Research on opinions and attitudes of bookseller and increasing retail sales in the sales of books, through staff training
by Hristina Mihaleva - 139-148 Environmental aspects of the globalization process
by Eva Romancikova & Jana Mikocziova - 149-159 A socio-cultural perspective of the musical arts, from the historic Banat region, in the European cultural context
by Felician Rosca & Roxana Ardeleanu & Madalina Dorgo - 160-166 Traditional textile art between sustainability and economic growth
by Alexandra-Andreea Rusu - 167-176 Changes in private returns to education caused by the tertiary education expansion in Slovakia
by Miroslav Stefanik - 177-182 The Aegean crises’ effects on social behaviour. Stereotyping the alterity: the case of the Greek printed media (1974-1996)
by Oana Camelia Stroescu - 183-191 Business strategy in explicit description as an illustration of companies´ behaviors
by Slavik Stefan & Roby Zuzana - 192-197 Foreign direct investment inflows and macroeconomic risks in Ukraine
by Iuliia Tkachenko - 198-205 Emergence and development perspectives of the third sector in Bulgaria
by Darina Zaimova
July 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-10 Structural trends for European Research Area: cross-cutting themes and changing structures for research
by Emilian Dobrescu & Cristina Barna - 11-28 What can existing overeducation tell us about the situation in supply and demand of tertiary educate
by Miroslav Štefanik - 29-37 Pedagogic innovation through simulated enterprises – a prerequisite for higher education economic adaptation to the requirements of the knowledge society
by Cristina Ganescu & Silvia Dugan & Laura Dindire - 38-46 The Virtual Architectural Studio – An Experiment of Online Cooperation
by Raluca Livia Niculae - 47-62 The Quality Services Vector - A Performance Source For The Banks In Romania
by Dragoi Violeta & Constantinescu Lucretia Mariana - 63-69 Determinants of inequality in Italy: An approach based on the Shapley decomposition
by Martina Celidoni & Isabella Procidano & Luca Salmasi - 70-80 Modeling Risk Patterns of Russian Systemically Important Financial Institutions
by Henry Penikas & Irina Andrievskayaa & Richard Connolly & Sergey Aivazian - 81-86 Sustainable development – a priority for the Romanian tourism strategy
by Ioana Cristiana Patrichi - 87-96 Ecotourism – conservation of the natural and cultural heritage
by Cristina Barna & Manuela Epure & Ruxandra Vasilescu - 97-122 The Gastronomic man and Georgia’s food culture
by Ulrica Söderlind - 123-128 Marketing Decision Support Systems and the New Economic Challenges
by Rocsana Bucea-Manea-Tonis & Radu Bucea-Manea-Tonis