Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 1288 Competitive Dynamics, IP Litigation and Acquisitions - The Struggle for Positional Advantage in the Emerging Mobile Internet
by Seppälä, Timo & Kenney, Martin - 1287 Will production relocate from Asia to Finland? Case Bicycle (in Finnish with English abstract and summary)
by Kalm, Matias & Seppälä, Timo - 1286 Expectations, Reality and Performance in the Finnish Biotechnology Business
by Nikulainen, Tuomo & Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Kulvik, Martti - 1285 Renewal and co-operation networks in Finnish industry - Observations from a corporate survey (in Finnish with English abstract and summary)
by Nikulainen, Tuomo & Salmi, Julia - 1284 The performance of trading firms in the services sectors Comparable evidence from four EU countries
by Damijan, Joe & Haller, Stefanie A. & Kaitila, Ville & Maliranta, Mika & Milet, Emmanuel & Rojec, Matija & Mirza, Daniel - 1283 A portrait of trading firms in the services sectors Comparable evidence from four EU countries
by Haller, Stefanie A. & Damijan, Joe & Kaitila, Ville & Kostevc, Črt & Maliranta, Mika & Milet, Emmanuel & Mirza, Daniel & Rojec, Matija - 1282 Targets, Models and Policies: A Quantitative Approach to Raising the EU Employment Rate
by Alho, Kari E.O. - 1281 Competitiveness and future challenges of Pohjois-Savo - A report for The Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo (in Finnish with English abstract and summary)
by Hernesniemi, Hannu & Kulvik, Martti & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1280 Kone- ja metallialan koulutuksen laadullinen ennakointi
by Hernesniemi, Hannu - 1279 How foreign companies in Finland differ from Finnish-owned enterprises? (In Finnish with English abstract)
by Kaitila, Ville - 1278 The Impact of Networking on Firm Performance - Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Firms in Emerging Technology Areas
by Kalm, Matias - 1275 Unravelling Organizational Consequences of PSI Reform - An In-depth Study of the Organizational Impact of the Reuse of Public Sector Data
by Veenswijk, Marcel & Koerten, Henk & Poot, Jaap - 1274 A New Narrative for Europe? Summary of a BRIE-ETLA Seminar
by Harakka, Timo - 1273 Sähkö-, elektroniikka- ja tietotekniikka-ala. Tuotantoketjut hajautuvat, osaamistarpeet muuttuvat
by Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1272 The Role of Data and Knowledge in Firms Service and Product Innovation
by Koski, Heli - 1271 Outsourcing, occupational restructuring, and employee well-being: Is there a silver lining?
by Böckerman, Petri & Maliranta, Mika - 1270 Merenkulun toimintaedellytykset, kilpailukyky ja julkisen talouden sopeuttamistoimet - Taustaselvitys valtiovarainministeriölle
by Hernesniemi, Hannu - 1269 Asevelvollisuus ja työmarkkinat: Varusmiespalveluksen vaikutus koulutukseen, työllisyyteen ja palkkaan
by Alho, Kari E.O. & Nikula, Nuutti - 1268 Queueing Systems with Fractional Number of Servers
by Naumov, Valeriy & Martikainen, Olli - 1267 Investments in Finland. Development and international comparison (in Finnish with English abstract and summary)
by Kaitila, Ville & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1264 Productivity: An International Comparison
by Hyvärinen, Jari - 1263 Innovaatiotoiminta - Suomi globaalitaloudessa. Loppuraportti
by Hyvärinen, Jari
- 1265 Fiscal sustainability and policy rules under changing demographic forecasts
by Lassila, Jukka & Valkonen, Tarmo & Alho, Juha M. - 1262 Optimal Resource Allocation in Multiclass Networks
by Naumov, Valeriy & Martikainen, Olli - 1261 Method for Throughput Maximization of Multiclass Networks with Flexible Servers
by Naumov, Valeriy & Martikainen, Olli - 1260 Does Marginal Cost Pricing of Public Sector Information Spur Firm Growth?
by Koski, Heli - 1259 How to Restore Sustainability of the Euro?
by Alho, Kari E.O. - 1258 Finpron vaikuttavuus - Finpron palveluiden käytön vaikutukset yritysten kansainvälistymiseen ja menestymiseen
by Hyytinen, Ari & Pajarinen, Mika & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1257 Importance of the Non-financial Value Added of Government and Independent Venture Capitalists
by Luukkonen, Terttu & Deschryvere, Matthias & Bertoni, Fabio & Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1256 Innovaatiotoiminta - Näkemyksiä hyvinvointialaan ja työelämän kehittämiseen
by Hyvärinen, Jari - 1255 Kilpailukyky ja globaalin toimintaympäristön muutos - Suomen koneteollisuus maailmantaloudessa
by Suni, Paavo & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1254 Europe Lagging Behind in ICT Evolution: Patenting Trends of Leading ICT Companies
by Seppälä, Timo & Martikainen, Olli - 1253 Firm Lifecycles and External Restructuring
by Hyytinen, Ari & Maliranta, Mika - 1252 Innovaatiotoiminta. Näkemyksiä ympäristö- ja energia-alaan
by Hyvärinen, Jari - 1251 Challenges of Nordic labour markets: A polarization of working life?
by Asplund, Rita & Barth, Erling & Lundborg, Per & Misje Nilsen, Kjersti - 1250 Real-time Wireless Acquisition of Process Data
by Zhang, Ye - 1249 Performance-related pay and gender wage differences
by Kangasniemi, Mari & Kauhanen, Antti - 1248 Intangible capital and wages: An analysis of wage gaps across occupations and genders in Czech Republic, Finland and Norway
by Asplund, Rita & Napari, Sami - 1247 The Perils of Altering Incentive Plans: A case study
by Kauhanen, Antti - 1246 The role of business subsidies in job-creation start-ups, gazelles and imcumbents
by Koski, Heli & Pajarinen, Mika - 1245 Should Sweden Join the EMU? An Analysis of General Equilibrium Effects through Trade
by Alho, Kari E.O. - 1244 Career and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data
by Kauhanen, Antti & Napari, Sami - 1243 Intangibles and the gender wage gap: An analysis of gender wage gaps across occupations in the Finnish private sector
by Asplund, Rita & Napari, Sami - 1242 Omistajuuden vaikutus suomalaisen työllisyyden kasvuun ja pysyvyyteen
by Pajarinen, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1241 Gender Differences in Careers
by Kauhanen, Antti & Napari, Sami - 1240 Who Captures Value in Global Supply Chains? Case Nokia N95 Smartphone
by Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki & Rouvinen, Petri & Seppälä, Timo & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1239 Suhdanne- ja rakennekriisi yhtä aikaa? Toimiala- ja yritysrakenteen muutokset taantumassa
by Maliranta, Mika & Mankinen, Reijo & Suni, Paavo & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1238 Structuring the Smartphone Industry. Is the Mobile Internet OS Platform the Key?
by Kenney, Martin & Pon, Bryan - 1237 Julkisen talouden rahoituksellinen kestävyys Suomessa
by Lassila, Jukka & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1236 Making sense of TTO production function: University technology transfer offices as process catalysts, knowledge converters and impact amplifiers
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Hermans, Raine - 1235 Do Business Subsidies Facilitate Employment Growth?
by Koski, Heli & Pajarinen, Mika - 1234 Commercialization at Finnish Universities - Researchers Perspectives on the Motives and Challenges of Turning Science into Business
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Nikulainen, Tuomo
- 1233 The Research Environment in Flux Researchers Views on the Recent Changes in the Finnish Innovation System
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1232 Persistence of government funding in small business finance
by Ylhäinen, Ilkka - 1231 The role and renewal of polytechnics in Finland - results of the background survey
by Nikulainen, Tuomo & Salminen, Hannele & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1230 Wage formation and gender wage gaps: The changing role of human capital in the Finnish technology industry
by Asplund, Rita & Lilja, Reija - 1229 Why do firms invest in the Baltic Sea Region
by Kotilainen, Markku & Nikula, Nuutti - 1228 Japanese - Baltic Sea Region Film Co-production: Japanese views
by Niskanen, Eija & Kakeo, Yoshio & Petkovic, Silvana & Severns, Karen - 1227 Quality-adjusted similarity of EU-countriesŽ export structure
by Kaitila, Ville - 1226 Access to Business Subsidies: What Explains Complementarities and Persistency?
by Koski, Heli & Pajarinen, Mika - 1225 Business Subsidies in Finland: The Dynamics of Application and Acceptance Stages
by Koski, Heli & Tuuli, Jukka - 1224 Eläkevaroilla vauhtia Suomen talouskasvuun?
by Hyytinen, Ari & Määttänen, Niku & Lassila, Jukka & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1223 Hoivavakuutuksen tarve ja arvo erilaisille kotitalouksille
by Määttänen, Niku & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1222 Firm Growth and Profitability:The Role of Mobile IT and Organizational Practices
by Koski, Heli - 1221 The Effectiveness of the Finnish Pre-Seed and Seed Policy Schemes to Promote Innovative High-Growth Entrepreneurial Ventures
by Luukkonen, Terttu - 1220 Innovation Does Not Equal R&D. Strategic Innovation Profiles and Firm Growth
by Ketokivi, Mikko & Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki - 1219 Towards a Green Post-Crisis Economy - The Position of Finland in Environmental Technologies
by Palmberg, Christopher & Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1218 Conceptualising Mobility
by Deschryvere, Matthias - 1217 Supply, Complementaries, and Repetitiones of Public Support in Finland
by Koski, Heli & Pajarinen, Mika - 1216 Performance Measurement and Incentive Plans
by Kauhanen, Antti & Napari, Sami - 1214 The Outcomes of Individual-level Technology Transfer and the Role of Research Collaboration Networks
by Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1213 The Characterics of Finpro's Clients
by Hyytinen, Ari & Pajarinen, Mika & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1212 Cluster Sustainability in Peripheral Regions: A case study on Israel's and Finland's biotechnology industries
by Breznitz, Shiri M. & Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi - 1211 Palkkaerot palveluissa.Palvelualojen osa-ja kokoaikaisten työntekijöiden palkkarakenteen ja -kehityksen tarkastelua
by Jokinen, Juha-Pekka - 1210 Revealed Technological Advantage of the Finnish Industry
by Pajarinen, Mika - 1209 Price Formation and Market Functionality of Foodstuffs
by Kotilainen, Markku & Koski, Heli & Mankinen, Reijo & Rantala, Olavi
- 1208 How General Are General Purpose Technologies? Evidence from nano-, bio- and ICT-technologies in Finland
by Nikulainen, Tuomo & Kulvik, Martti - 1207 EU:n rahoituskehykset - Suomen asema seuraavalla kehyskaudella 2014-2020
by Kotilainen, Markku & Korkman, Sixten & Niemi, Jyrki & Nikula, Nuutti & Kaseva, Hannu & Kettunen, Lauri - 1206 Sources of Increased Wage Differentials in the Finnish Private Sector
by Asplund, Rita - 1205 Economic Impacts of Growth Entrepreneurship and Supporting Policies - A Preliminary Study
by Pajarinen, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri - 1204 Itsehoitolääkkeiden kaupan vapauttamisen merkitys kaupalle ja kuluttajille
by Mankinen, Reijo & Rantala, Olavi - 1203 Mobility of Corporate Headquarter Functions: A Literature Review
by Deschryvere, Matthias - 1202 Does Education Shield Against Common Mental Disorders?
by Johansson, Edvard & Böckerman, Petri & Martelin, Tuija & Pirkola, Sami & Poikolainen, Karí - 1201 Product Complexity in the Adoption of User-Customized Systems
by Gamharter, Benedikt & Koski, Heli & Kretschmer, Tobias - 1200 The Role of Product Innovation on the Diffusion of Mobile Telephone
by Koski, Heli & Kretchmer, Tobias - 1199 Innovative Work Practices and Sickness Absence: What Does a Nationally Representative Employee Survey Tell?
by Böckerman, Petri & Johansson, Edvard & Kauhanen, Antti - 1198 Työmarkkinoiden kehityksen kokonaistaloudellinen tausta ja lähivuosien sopeutuminen
by Alho, Kari E.O. & Kiander, Jaakko - 1197 The Finnish Paradox: The Curious Absence of High- Growth Entrepreneurship in Finland
by Autio, Erkko - 1196 Evaluating National Innovation Systems - Key Insights from the Finnish Innoeval Survey
by Kotiranta, Annu & Nikulainen, Tuomo & Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Deschryvere, Matthias & Pajarinen, Mika - 1195 A Comparative Survey of Structural Characteristics of Finnish University Departments
by Deschryvere, Matthias - 1194 Paikkatietojen yhteiskäyttö ja jakeluperiaatteet - Hinnoitteluperiaatteiden analyysi ja kansantaloudellisten vaikutusten simulointi
by Hermans, Outi & Hermans, Raine - 1193 Distance-related Barriers and the Internationalisation of Finnish MNEs
by Lundan, Sarianna M. - 1191 Commercialising Eco-Efficient Nanotechnologies in the Construction Industy - The case of glass-processing in Finland
by Palmberg, Christopher - 1189 Tax Incentives as Innovation Policy Tool
by Tanayama, Tanja & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1188 Finnish University Technology Transfer in a Whirl of Changes - a Brief Summary
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi - 1187 Changed Labour Market Conditions for the Highly Educated? - A Study of Postgraduate Degree Holders in Finland 1990-2004
by Stén, Susanna - 1185 Rationales and Instruments for Public Innovation Policies
by Takalo, Tuomas - 1184 The Effects of General and Firm-Spesific Training on Wages and Performance: Evidence from Banking
by Jones, Derek & Kalmi, Panu & Kauhanen, Antti - 1183 Yliopistollinen teknologiansiirto muutosten pyörteissä. Näkemyksiä SHOK korkeakoulukeksintölain ja yliopistolain vaikutuksista tutkimus- ja innovaatiotoimintaan
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi - 1182 Towards Demand Based Innovation Policy? The Introduction of SHOKs as Innovation Policy Instrument
by Nikulainen, Tuomo & Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi - 1181 Sosiaalitilit ja moraalikato
by Lassila, Jukka & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1180 Power over Pensions? Who Should Decide and How?
by Korkman, Sixten - 1179 Which Companies Receive Public Support in Finland
by Pajarinen, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1178 Globalization, Creative Destruction, and Labor Share Change: Evidence on the Determinants and Mechanism from Longitudinal Plant-level Data
by Maliranta, Mika & Böckerman, Petri - 1177 Työpaikka- ja työntekijävirrat ja tehtävärakenteiden dynamiikka Suomen yrityssektorilla
by Maliranta, Mika - 1176 Managerial Practices, Performance and Innovativeness: Some Evidence from Finnish Manufacturing
by Koski, Heli & Marengo, Luigi & Mäkinen, Iiro - 1175 Organizing High-Tech R&D - Secrets of Successful Innovation Alliances
by Harison, Elad & Koski, Heli - 1174 New Product Development and Firm Value in Mobile Handset Production
by Koski, Heli & Kretschmer, Tobias - 1146 Suomalaisen innovaatiojärjestelmän mosaiikki - alueellisten teemavalintojen tarkastelu
by Harmaakorpi, Vesa & Hermans, Raine & Uotila, Tuomo
- 1173 Cost Competitiveness of Chinese and Finnish Paper and Paper Product Manufacturing
by Ahveninen, Harri & Suni, Paavo & Zhao, Yanyun & Wu, Yilin - 1172 Cost Competitiveness of Chinese and Finnish Fabricated Metal Industries
by Li, Enjing & Suni, Paavo & Zhao, Yanyun - 1171 Cost Competitiveness of Chinese and Finnish Chemical Industries
by Li, Enjing & Suni, Paavo & Zhao, Yanyun - 1170 Regional and Global Patterns of Internationalisation of Finnish MNEs
by Lundan, Sarianna & Tolvanen, Juha - 1169 Forecasting Economic Impact of Climate Policy
by Rantala, Olavi - 1168 Labour Force Paths as Industry Linkages: A Perspective on Clusters and Industry Life Cycles
by Maliranta, Mika & Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1167 Who Is Afraid of Globalisation? Finns´ Hopes & Fears and Realized Impacts
by Kotiranta, Annu - 1166 Domestic Employment Effects of Offshoring: Empirical Evidence from Finland
by Deschryvere, Matthias & Kotiranta, Annu - 1165 The Impact of Technological and Non-Technological Innovations on Firm Growth
by Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki & Martikainen, Olli - 1164 Marginal Intra Industry Trade Expansion and Productivity Growth
by Kaitila, Ville - 1163 Domestic R&D Employment Effects of Offshoring R&D Tasks: Some Empirical Evidence from Finland
by Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki & Deschryvere, Matthias - 1162 The Impact of Council Voting Rules on EU Decision-Making
by Widgrén, Mika - 1161 Do Benevolent Aspects Have Room Explaining EU Bydget Receipts?
by Kauppi, Heikki & Widgrén, Mika - 1160 Performance of Analyst's Earnings Forecasting - Evidence from the Finnish Emerging Markets 1987-2005
by Kepsu, Mikko & Schadewitz, Hannu & Vieru, Markku - 1159 A Historical Perspective on Patents and Industry Growth in Finland - Connections and Lags
by Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1158 Firms and Consumers in the Financial Crisis - Effects, Reactions, and Outlooks
by Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki & Kotiranta, Annu & Nikulainen, Tuomo & Pajarinen, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri - 1157 Does Inter-Organizational Networking Support Regional Development? Evidence from a Survey of Finnish Enterprises
by Pajarinen, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri - 1156 Offshoring, Relocation and the Speed of Convergence in the Enlarged European Union
by Alho, Kari E.O. & Kaitila, Ville & Widgrén, Mika - 1155 Mapping of the PhDs in the Private Sector. A Literature Review
by Stén, Susanna - 1154 The Home Country Employment Effects of Internationalisation - A Literature Review
by Kotiranta, Annu & Lundan, Sarianna & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1153 Does Finland Suffer from Brain Drain?
by Johansson, Edvard - 1152 Labour Productivity and Firm Entry and Exit in Manufacturing
by Nevalainen, Anni - 1151 Is Service Innovation Different?
by Leiponen, Aija - 1150 Development of Competition and the Micro-Level
by Maliranta, Mika - 1149 Different Types of Venture Capital Investors and Value-added to High-Tech Portfolio Firms
by Luukkonen, Terttu - 1148 Value Creation in the Interface of Industry and Academy - A Case Study of Intellectual Capital of Technology Transfer Offices At US Universities
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Hermans, Raine - 1147 Education - A Job Market Signal?
by Leino, Topias - 1145 Interaction between Housing Prices and Household Borrowing in Finland
by Oikarinen, Elias - 1144 High Growth Firms and Job Creation in Finland
by Deschryvere, Matthias - 1143 Public R&D Subsidies and Employment Growth - Microeconomic Evidence from Finnish Firms
by Koski, Heli - 1142 Public R&D Funding and Entrepreneurial Innovation
by Koski, Heli - 1141 Ikääntyneiden varallisuus ja sen muuttaminen kulutukseksi
by Määttänen, Niku & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1140 IT Outsourcing in Finnish Business
by Maliranta, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri & Airaksinen, Aarno - 1139 Säänneltyä joustavuuutta: hankemekanismit kansainvälisessä ilmastopolitiikassa
by Marjosola, Heikki - 1138 Large Corporations in the Finnish Economy
by Pajarinen, Mika & Ylä-Anttila, Pekka - 1137 Suomen työeläkejärjestelmän stokastinen kestävyysanalyysi
by Lassila, Jukka & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1136 Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts: An Overview
by Valentini, Fransesca - 1135 Does Open Innovation Foster Productivity? Evidence from Open Source Software(OSS) Firms
by Harison, Elad & Koski, Heli - 1134 Työolot ja tuottavuus - työpaikkavirtojen nosteessa vai puristuksessa?
by Ilmakunnas, Pekka & Johansson, Edvard & Maliranta, Mika - 1133 Agglomeration and Specialisation Patterns of Finnish Biotechnology. On the Search for an Economic Rationale of a Dispersed Industry Structure
by Tahvanainen, Antti-Jussi & Hermans, Raine - 1132 Durable Goods and ICT: The Drivers of Euro Area Productivity growth?
by Jalava, Jukka & Kavonius, Ilja Kristian - 1131 The Incidence and Determinants of Employee Involvement - Evidence from Finnish Manufacturing Sector
by Jones, Derek C. & Kalmi, Panu & Kato, Takao & Mäkinen, Mikko - 1130 Biotekniikan ennakointi
by Hermans, Rainen & Kulvik, Martti & Tahvanainen, Antti - 1129 The Labour Market Consequences of Self-employment Spells: European Evidence
by Hyytinen, Ari & Rouvinen, Petri - 1128 Regulation of Energy Prices in Russia
by Alho, Kari E.O. - 1127 Applying the Swedish Pension Brake
by Lassila, Jukka & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1126 Does Mass-media Fuel, and Easy Credit Facilitate, Impulse Buys?
by Huovinen, Pasi & Rouvinen, Petri - 1125 Sosiaalietuuksien rahoituksen alueelliset kuluttajahintavaikutukset
by Rantala, Olavi - 1124 Trade with the West and Russia - A Long-term Perspective on Finnish Economic Growth, Fluctuations and Policies
by Alho, Kari E.O. - 1123 Measuring Productivity - Finland in an International Comparison
by Kaitila, Ville & Nevalainen, Anni & Maliranta, Mika & Mankinen, Reijo - 1122 Tax/benefit Systems and Growth Potential of the EU
by Alho, Kari E. O. - 1121 The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Firm Performance - Preliminary Evidence from Finland
by Jones, Derek C. & Kalmi, Panu & Kato, Takao & Mäkinen, Mikko - 1120 Sukupuolten ammatillinen segregaatio Suomen yksityisellä sektorilla vuosina 1995-2004
by Napari, Sami - 1119 The software industry in Finland
by Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki & Martikainen, Olli - 1117 Gender Differences in the Career Development of Young White-collar Workers
by Nykänen, Pia - 1116 Is Inter-firm Labor Mobility a Channel of Knowledge Spillovers? Evidence from a Linked Employer-Employee Panel
by Maliranta, Mika & Mohnen, Pierre & Rouvinen, Petri
- 1115 Growth Prospects of Emerging Market Economies in Europe - How Fast Will They Catch up with the Old West?
by Kaitila, Ville & Alho, Kari E. O. & Nikula, Nuutti - 1114 Does Foreign Presence Stimulate Creative Destruction in Local Markets
by Maliranta, Mika & Nurmi, Satu - 1113 Opening Economy and Regional Development - Comparative Advantage and Agglomeration Forces as Location Factors in Finland
by Widgrén, Mika & Kotilainen, Markku & Nikula, Nuutti & Kaitila, Ville - 1112 Alchol Consumption and Sickness Absence: Evidence from Panel Data
by Johansson, Edvard & Böckerman, Petri & Uutela, Antti - 1111 It Takes Three to Tango in Employment: Matching Vocational Education, Organizations and Students and Companies in Labour market
by Maliranta, Mika & Nurmi, Satu & Virtanen, Hanna - 1110 Does Female Leadership Boost Firm Profitability?
by Kotiranta, Annu & Kovalainen, Anne & Rouvinen, Petri - 1109 Intangible Investment of Finnish Businesses in 2004: An Experiment with Micro-level Data
by Maliranta, Mika & Rouvinen, Petri - 1108 Intellectual Capital and Productivity: Identification and the Measurement of the Relationship at Company-level
by Lönnqvist, Antti - 1107 Is There a Motherhood Wage Penalty in the Finnish Private Sector?
by Napari, Sami - 1106 A Maximum Entropy Approach to the Indenitication of Productive Technology Spillovers
by Fernández Vázquez, Esteban & Los, Bart - 1105 Training and Hiring Strategies to Improve Firm Performance
by Maliranta, Mika & Asplund, Rita - 1104 Economic Inequality and Health: Looking Beyond Aggregate Indicators
by Böckerman, Petri & Johansson, Edvard & Helakorpi, Satu & Uutela, Antti - 1103 Intangible Capital in the Finnish Business Sector 1975-2005
by Jalava, Jukka & Aulin-Ahmavaara, Pirkko & Alanen, Aku - 1102 Do Technology Diffusion Theories Explain the OSS Business Model Adoption Patterns ?
by Koski, Heli - 1101 Identifying Nanotechnological Linkages in the Finnish Economy - An Explorative Study
by Nikulainen, Tuomo - 1100 The Home Country Effects of Internationalisation
by Lundan, Sarianna M. - 1099 Understanding Strategies of the Venture Capital Investors in Helping Their Portfolio Firms to Become International
by Luukkonen, Terttu - 1098 An Equity Perspective on Access to, Enrolment in and Finance of Tertiary Education
by Asplund, Rita & Ben-Abdelkarim, Oussama & Skalli, Ali - 1097 Should Finland Introduce an R&D Tax Credit? Reflections Based on Norwegian R&D Tax Policy
by Møen, Jarle - 1096 International and Comparative Viewpoint on Productitive Development in Finland
by Huovari, Janne & Jalava, Jukka - 1095 Green House Gas Emissions and the Economic Impacts EU Climate Change Policies
by Rantala, Olavi - 1094 Kasvihuonekaasupäästöt ja EU:n päästörajoituspolitiikan taloudelliset vaikutukset vuoteen 2012
by Rantala, Olavi & Suni, Paavo - 1093 Gender Differences in Early-Career Wage Growth
by Napari, Sami - 1092 Aging, Labor Turnover and Firm Performance
by Ilmakunnas, Pekka & Maliranta, Mika - 1091 Private-collective Software Business Models: Cordinatitons and Commercialization via Licensing
by Koski, Heli - 1090 Factor Intensity of Comparative Advantage in Industrialised Countries
by Kaitila, Ville - 1089 Vapaaehtoinen eläkesäästäminen tulevaisuudessa
by Lassila, Jukka & Määttänen, Niku & Valkonen, Tarmo - 1088 Oil Prices and the Russian Economy. Some Simulation Studies with NiGEM
by Suni, Paavo - 1087 Free Trade between the EU and Russia - Sectoral Effects and Impacts on Northwest Russia
by Kaitila, Ville - 1086 Modes, Challenges and Outcomes of Nanotechnology Transfer - A Comparative Analysis University and Company Researchers
by Palmberg, Christopher - 1085 Do Stock Opiton Schemes Affect Technical Inefficiency? Evidence from Finland
by Mäkinen, Mikko - 1084 CEO Compensation, Firm Size and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finnish Panel Data
by Mäkinen, Mikko - 1083 Specialisation in Finnish Foreign Trade - Who Do We Compete With?
by Kaitila, Ville - 1082 Determinants of Manufacturing-R&D Co-location
by Ketokivi, Mikko & Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki