- credresearchpaper47 Determinants of Online Shopping Behavior
by Maximilian von Ehrlich, Frederic Kluser - credresearchpaper46 The Importance of EU Cohesion Policy for Economic Growth and Convergence
by Maximilian von Ehrlich - credresearchpaper42 Cross-Border Shopping: Evidence from Household Transaction Records
by Frederic Kluser - credresearchpaper40 Spatial Frictions in Retail Consumption
by Frederic Kluser, Tobias Seidel, Maximilian v. Ehrlich
- credresearchpaper45 The Investment Competition among Swiss Ski Areas
by Pascal Troxler, Marcus Roller, Monika Bandi Tanner - credresearchpaper44 The Development of Ski Areas and Its Relation to the Alpine Economy in Switzerland
by Pascal Troxler, Marcus Roller, Monika Bandi Tanner - credresearchpaper43 The Impact of Weather Forecasts on Ski Demand
by Pascal Troxler - credresearchpaper41 Differences-in-Differences with multiple Treatments under Control
by Marcus Roller, Daniel Steinberg
- credresearchpaper39 Pre-Crisis Determinants of Tourism Resilience
by Marcus Roller - credresearchpaper38 The Fragility of Urban Social Networks - Mobility as a City Glue -
by Pierre Magontier, Maximilian v. Ehrlich, Markus Schl pfer - credresearchpaper37 The Unintended Consequences of Post-Disaster Policies for Spatial Sorting
by Marcel Henkel, Eunjee Kwon, Pierre Magontier - credresearchpaper36 Interpretable Prediction of Urban Mobility Flows with Deep Neural Networks as Gaussian Processes
by Aike Steentoft, Bu-Sung Lee, Markus Schl pfer - credresearchpaper35 Estimation of direct net effects of events
by Marcus Roller
- credresearchpaper34 Transformation in Industrial Towns in Slovenia and Switzerland
by Arnault Morisson, David Bole, Jani Kozina, Maru a Golu a, Clara Turner, Heike Mayer - credresearchpaper33 The Role of Local Public Goods for Gender Gaps in the Spatial Economy
by Fabian Bald, Marcel Henkel - credresearchpaper32 Quantifying Land Use Regulation and its Determinants - Ease of Residential Development across Swiss Municipalities
by Simon B chler, Maximilian v. Ehrlich
- credresearchpaper31 The trade effects of skilled versus unskilled migration
by Peter H. Egger, Maximilian v. Ehrlich, Douglas R. Nelson - credresearchpaper30 Swiss Trade During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Early Appraisal
by Konstantin B chel, Stefan Legge, Vincent Pochon, Philipp Wegm ller - credresearchpaper29 Does media coverage affect governments preparation for natural disasters?
by Pierre Magontier - credresearchpaper28 The Effect of Outward Foreign Direct Investments on Home Employment: Evidence using Swiss Firm-Level Data
by Preetha Kalambaden, Daniel Steffen - credresearchpaper27 Place-Based Policies and Spatial Disparities across European Cities
by Maximilian v. Ehrlich, Henry G. Overman - credresearchpaper26 Redevelopment Option Value for Commercial Real Estate
by Simon B chler, Alex van de Minne, Olivier Sch ni
- credresearchpaper25 The Geography of Housing Subsidies
by Yashar Blouri, Simon B chler, Olivier Sch ni - credresearchpaper24 The Amplifying Effect of Capitalization Rates on Housing Supply
by Simon B chler, Maximilian v. Ehrlich, Olivier Sch ni - credresearchpaper23 Calling from the outside: The role of networks in residential mobility
by Konstantin B chel, Maximilian v. Ehrlich, Diego Puga, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
- credresearchpaper22 Entrepreneurship and ageing: Exploring an economic geography perspective
by Heike Mayer, Birgit Leick - credresearchpaper21 Policy Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
by Yasmine Willi, Marco P tz, Heike Mayer - credresearchpaper20 D veloppement conomique en p riph rie et nouvelles dynamiques urbain-rural. Le cas de la r gion de la Gruy re (Suisse)
by Delphine Rime
- credresearchpaper19 The Distributional Effects of Early School Stratification Non-Parametric Evidence from Germany
by Marcus Roller, Daniel Steinberg - credresearchpaper18 The Effect of a Second Home Construction Ban on Real Estate Prices
by Daniel Steffen - credresearchpaper17 On the optimal design of place-based policies: A structural evaluation of EU regional transfers
by Yashar Blouri, Maximilian von Ehrlich - credresearchpaper16 Does Proximity to Foreign Invested Firms Stimulate Productivity Growth of Domestic Firms? Firmlevel Evidence from Vietnam
by Stephan Kyburz, Huong Quynh Nguyen - credresearchpaper15 Post-industrial globalization and local milieus: A typology
by Delphine Guex, Olivier Crevoisier - credresearchpaper14 Entrepreneurship in the periphery: The role of pre-entry experience and home advantage for newly founded firms
by Antoine Habersetzer, Rikard Eriksson, Heike Mayer
- credresearchpaper13 Cities and the Structure of Social Interactions: Evidence from Mobile Phone Data
by Konstantin Buechel, Maximilian von Ehrlich - credresearchpaper12 Fast Track to Growth? The Impact of Railway Access on Regional Economic Development in 19th Century Switzerland
by Konstantin Buechel, Stephan Kyburz - credresearchpaper11 The Housing Market Impacts of Constraining Second Home Investments
by Christian A. L. Hilber, Olivier Schoeni - credresearchpaper10 What kinds of regional innovation systems occur around federal agencies?
by Martin Warland - credresearchpaper09 The persistent effects of place-based policy: Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebiet
by Maximilian von Ehrlich, Tobias Seidel - credresearchpaper08 Financial Development and Inequality in the Global Economy
by Maximilian von Ehrlich, Tobias Seidel - credresearchpaper07 Effects of EU Regional Policy: 1989-2013
by Sascha O. Becker, Peter H. Egger, Maximilian von Ehrlich
- credresearchpaper06 Entrepreneurship in Peripheral Regions: A Relational Perspective
by Sandra Buercher, Antoine Habersetzer, Heike Mayer - credresearchpaper05 Income Taxes, Sorting, and the Costs of Housing: Evidence from Municipal Boundaries in Switzerland
by Christoph Basten, Andrea Lassmann, Maximilian von Ehrlich
- credresearchpaper04 Productivity Growth, Human Capital, and Technology Spillovers
by Harald Badinger, Peter Egger, Maximilian von Ehrlich - credresearchpaper03 Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines Ressourcenansatzes der Nachhaltigkeit
by Jean-David Gerber, St phane Nahrath - credresearchpaper02 Does Physician Dispensing Increase Drug Expenditures?
by Boris Kaiser, Christian Schmid - credresearchpaper01 Regional Implications of Financial Market Development: Industry Location and Income Inequality
by Maximilian von Ehrlich, Tobias Seidel