Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 333 School selectivity and mental health: Evidence from regression discontinuity design
by Tiina Kuuppelomäki - 332 Behavior and Effectiveness of Decentralized Employment Offices
by Ohto Kanninen & Hannu Karhunen & Jeremias Nieminen - 331 Multiple job holding in the changing labour market – evidence from Finland
by Merja Kauhanen
- 330 Identification of fiscal SVARs in small open economies using trading partner forecast errors as instruments
by Henri Keränen & Sakari Lähdemäki
- 329 The long shadow of high stakes exams: Evidence from discontinuities
by Hannu Karhunen & Artturi Björk - 328 The Effect of Relabeling and Incentives on Retirement: Evidence from the Finnish Pension Reform in 2005
by Ohto Kanninen & Terhi Ravaska & Jon Gruber & Satu Nivalainen & Roope Uusitalo - 327 Occupational Mobility of Routine Workers
by Terhi Maczulskij - 326 Discrete earnings responses to tax incentives: Empirical evidence and implications
by Tuomas Kosonen & Tuomas Matikka
- 325 VAR-malli Suomen makrotalouden lyhyen aikavälin ennustamiseen
by Miia Korhonen - 324 Labor-Market Returns to Higher Vocational Schooling
by Petri Böckerman & Mika Haapanen & Christopher Jepsen - 323 Job Displacement, Inter-Regional Mobility and Long-Term Earnings
by Petri Böckerman & Tuomas Kosonen & Terhi Maczulskij - 322 Domain-specific risk and public policy
by Petri Böckerman & Ohto Kanninen & Ilpo Suoniemi - 321 Top incomes and income dynamics from a gender perspective: Evidence from Finland 1995–2012
by Terhi Ravaska - 320 The Role of Natural Resources and Geography for Productivity in Developed Countries
by Sakari Lähdemäki & Eero Lehto & Eero Mäkynen - 319 VAR-malli Suomen kansantalouden VAR-malli lyhyen aikavälin ennustamiseen
by Miia Korhonen
- 318 Missing Miles: Evasion Responses to Car Taxes
by Tuomas Kosonen & Jarkko Harju & Joel Slemrod - 317 What Goes Up May Not Come Down: Asymmetric Incidence of Value-Added Taxes
by Tuomas Kosonen & Youssef Benzarti & Dorian Carloni & Jarkko Harju - 316 How can one make work decent? Evidence from a trade-union led intervention in Zambia
by Fidelis Landy & Mari Kangasniemi & Jukka Pirttilä - 315 Do good working conditions make you work longer? Evidence on retirement decisions using linked survey and register data
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas - 314 Where do workers from declining routine jobs go and does migration matter?
by Merja Kauhanen & Terhi Maczulskij - 313 Harsh times: Do stressors lead to labor market losses?
by Petri Böckerman & Terhi Maczulskij - 312 Intergenerational mobility and equal opportunity, evidence from Finland
by Ilpo Suoniemi - 311 Firm types, price-setting strategies, and consumption-tax incidence
by Tuomas Kosonen & Jarkko Harju & Oskar Nordström Skans - 310 Does Job Support Make Workers Happy?
by Petri Böckerman & Alex Bryson & Antti Kauhanen & Mari Kangasniemi - 309 Traditional convergence tests with Penn World Table 9.0
by Sakari Lähdemäki
- 308 Within and Between Firm Trends in Job Polarization: Role of Globalization and Technology
by Terhi Maczulskij & Mika Maliranta & Sari Pekkala Kerr - 307 Evaluation of development co-operation to strengthen trade unions in Zambia – a methodological approach and results from a baseline study
by Mari Kangasniemi & Jukka Pirttilä - 306 Tulopolitiikka, funktionaalinen tulonjako ja palkkamaltti Suomessa vuosina 1962–2014
by Pekka Sauramo - 305 Työttömyyden kustannukset, työttömyysturvan vaikutus työmarkkinakäyttäytymiseen ja työvoimapalvelut
by Matti Kari - 304 Ketkä jäävät työttömyyskassojen ulkopuolelle?
by Terhi Maczulskij - 303 Are jobs more polarized in ICT firms?
by Petri Böckerman & Seppo Laaksonen & Jari Vainiomäki
- 302 Seniority rules, worker mobility and wages: Evidence from multi-country linked employer-employee data
by Petri Böckerman & Per Skedinger & Roope Uusitalo - 301 Who chooses to become a public sector employee?
by Terhi Maczulskij - 300 Income mobility, dynamics and risk over the working life: income insurance from taxes and cash transfers in 2001–2008
by Ilpo Suoniemi - 299 Personality characteristics and long-term labor market outcomes: Evidence from twins
by Terhi Maczulskij & Jutta Viinikainen - 298 Eurooppalainen palkkavertailu ammateittain: tuloksia EU-SILC-aineistosta
by Tomi Husa - 297 A Kink that Makes You Sick: the Effect of Sick Pay on Absence in a Social Insurance System
by Petri Böckerman & Ohto Kanninen & Ilpo Suoniemi - 296 High education and public sector employment: Evidence from Finland using data on twins
by Terhi Maczulskij - 294 Using twins to resolve the twin problem of having a bad job and a low wage
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas & Jari Vainiomäki - 293 Finnish fiscal multipliers with a structural VAR model
by Markku Lehmus
- 292 A Kink that Makes You Sick: The Incentive Effect of Sick Pay on Absence
by Petri Böckerman & Ohto Kanninen & Ilpo Suoniemi - 291 Migration experience, occupational attainment and subjective perceptions of occupational downgrading
by Merja Kauhanen & Mari Kangasniemi - 290 Returns to return migration: wage premium of Estonian return migrants from Finland
by Merja Kauhanen & Mari Kangasniemi - 289 Työssäkäyvien köyhyys Suomessa 1990–2010
by Heikki Palviainen - 288 Erilaisten malliperheiden ostovoiman kehitys 2006–2014 – tuloksia ja huomioita
by Tomi Husa
- 287 Does higher education enhance migration?
by Petri Böckerman & Mika Haapanen - 286 Permanent income, redistribution and income risk: Empirical analysis on the role of age and social protection benefits (ESSPROS) using Finnish Panel data in 1995–2008
by Ilpo Suoniemi - 285 Trade unions in the south and co-operation between unions in the South and in the North: A survey of the economics literature
by Mari Kangasniemi & Jukka Pirttilä - 284 Revealed preferences for redistribution and government’s elasticity expectations
by Olli Kärkkäinen
- 283 Characteristics and labour market performance of the new member state immigrants in Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom after the enlargement of 2004
by Merja Kauhanen & Mari Kangasniemi - 282 Who leaves and who stays? Outmigration of Estonian immigrants from Finland and its impact on economic assimilation of Estonian immigrants in Finland
by Merja Kauhanen & Mari Kangasniemi - 281 Collectively agreed wages in Finland
by Pekka Sauramo - 280 Stature and life-time labor market outcomes: Accounting for unobserved differences
by Petri Böckerman & Jari Vainiomäki - 279 The impact of the near superior’s management on worker wellbeing, retirement intentions, and establishment productivity
by Merja Kauhanen - 278 Job satisfaction and wage dispersion
by Mari Kangasniemi - 277 Outsourcing, Occupational Restructuring, and Employee Well-being – Is There a Silver Lining?
by Petri Böckerman & Mika Maliranta - 276 Income mobility, income risk and age – Finnish experiences in 1995–2008
by Ilpo Suoniemi - 275 The impact of inequality on the municipal income tax in Finland
by Eero Lehto - 274 The Effect of Job Displacement on Couples’ Fertility Decisions
by Kristiina Huttunen & Jenni Kellokumpu - 273 Age segregation and hiring of older employees: low mobility revisited
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Seija Ilmakunnas
- 272 Involuntary temporary and part-time work, job quality and well-being at work
by Merja Kauhanen & Jouko Nätti - 271 The Welfare Effects of Health-based Food Tax Policy
by Ilpo Suoniemi & Kaisa Kotakorpi & Tommi Härkänen & Pirjo Pietinen & Heli Reinivuo & Jukka Pirttilä - 270 The effect of polytechnic reform on migration
by Petri Böckerman & Mika Haapanen - 269 The relationship between labour share and unemployment: the role of wage-setting institutions
by Pekka Sauramo - 268 Hiring older employees: Do incentives of early retirement channels matter?
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Seija Ilmakunnas - 267 Tax Policy and Employment: How Does the Swedish System Fare
by Jukka Pirttilä & Håkan Selin - 266 Työn vastaanottamisen kannustimet Suomessa
by Olli Kärkkäinen
- 265 Reasons for using part-time work in the Nordic establishments. Does it make difference for workers and companies?
by Merja Kauhanen & Anita Haataja - 264 Labour or consumption taxes? An application with a dynamic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents
by Markku Lehmus - 263 Income mobility, persistent inequality and age, recent experiences from Finland
by Ilpo Suoniemi & Juha Rantala - 262 Job security and employee well-being: Evidence from matched survey and register data
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas & Edvard Johansson - 261 Public provision, commodity demand and hours of work: An empirical analysis
by Ilpo Suoniemi & Jukka Pirttilä - 260 Wage Growth and Mobility Between and Within Firms by Gender and Education
by Merja Kauhanen & Sami Napari - 259 Electricity prices in the Finnish retail market
by Eero Lehto - 258 Structural change in Finnish manufacturing: The theory of the aggregation of production functions and an empirical analysis with a plant-level panel
by Pekka Sauramo & Mika Maliranta
- 256 The Finnish incomes policy as corporatist political exchange: development of social capital and the social wage
by Jaakko Kiander & Pekka Sauramo & Hannu Tanninen - 255 Innovative Work Practices and Sickness Absence: What Does a Nationally Representative Employee Survey Tell?
by Petri Böckerman & Edvard Johansson & Antti Kauhanen - 254 The employment effects of low-wage subsidies
by Kristiina Huttunen & Jukka Pirttilä & Roope Uusitalo - 253 Predictors of sickness absence and presenteeism: Does the pattern differ by a respondent’s health?
by Petri Böckerman & Erkki Laukkanen - 252 International outsourcing and labour demand: Evidence from Finnish firm-level data
by Petri Böckerman & Elisa Riihimäki - 251 The Impact of Dividend Taxation on Dividends and Investment: New Evidence Based on a Natural experiment
by Seppo Kari & Hanna Karikallio & Jukka Pirttilä - 250 Does the value-added tax shift to consumption prices?
by Matti Virén - 249 Labour Taxation and Employment: An Analysis with a Macroeconomic Model for the Finnish Economy
by Markku Lehmus - 248 The International Financial Crisis: THE CASE OF ICELAND – Are there Lessons to be Learnt?
by Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson - 247 Globalization, creative destruction, and labor share change: Evidence on the determinants and mechanisms from longitudinal plant-level data
by Petri Böckerman & Mika Maliranta
- 246 Tax progressivity and recent evolution of the Finnish income inequality
by Ilpo Suoniemi & Marja Riihelä & Risto Sullström - 245 Who stay unwillingly in a job? A study based on a representative random sample of employees
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas & Markku Jokisaari & Jukka Vuori - 244 What makes you work while you are sick? Evidence from a survey of union member
by Petri Böckerman & Erkki Laukkanen - 243 The return to the technological frontier: The conditional effects of plants’ R&D on their productivity in Finnish manufacturing
by Petri Böckerman & Eero Lehto & Janne Huovari - 242 The incentive effects of tightened UIB entitlement rules – Empirical evidence from three Nordic countries
by Merja Kauhanen & Iben Bolvig & Inés Hardoys & Reija Lilja & Marianne Røed - 241 Nostaako asumistuki vuokria? Tutkimus Turun seudun vuokra-asuntomarkkinoista
by Samuli Hiekka & Matti Virén - 240 Hyvinvointivaltiomallit ja talouden toiminta
by Hannu Tanninen - 239 Does outward foreign direct investment reduce domestic investment? Macro-evidence from Finland
by Pekka Sauramo
- 238 Minimum wages and youth employment: Evidence from the Finnish retail trade sector
by Petri Böckerman & Roope Uusitalo - 237 Tulojen muuttuminen eläkkeelle siirryttäessä
by Ilpo Suoniemi & Juha Rantala - 236 Baby and Pay: The Family Gap in Finland
by Jenni Kellokumpu - 235 Miten työnteko saadaan kannattamaan? Laskelmia sosiaaliturvan ja verotuksen muutosten vaikutuksista työllisyyteen ja tulonjakoon
by Tuulia Hakola-Uusitalo & Pertti Honkanen & Markus Jäntti & Anna Mattson & Jukka Pirttilä & Marja Tuovinen - 234 Signaling or human capital: Evidence from the Finnish polytechnic school reform
by Ulla Hämäläinen & Roope Uusitalo - 233 Labour Market Effects of Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience
by Petri Böckerman & Ulla Hämäläinen & Roope Uusitalo - 232 The Impacts of M&As on R&D investments
by Eero Lehto - 231 Leaky Bucket in the Real World: Estimating Inequality Aversion Using Survey Data
by Jukka Pirttilä & Roope Uusitalo - 230 Current wage pressures in some EU countries
by Pekka Sauramo - 229 The effect of unemployment benefits on re-employment rates: Evidence from the Finnish UI-benefit reform
by Roope Uusitalo & Jouko Verho - 228 The determinants of nurses’ transitions into and out of health care
by Kenneth Snellman - 227 Unemployment and self-assessed health: Evidence from panel data
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas - 226 The long-term effects of the depression on the labour market outcomes for nurses
by Kenneth Snellman - 225 Empirical Macroeconomic Model of the Finnish Economy (EMMA)
by Markku Lehmus
- 224 Interaction of Job Disamenities, Job Satisfaction, and Sickness Absences: Evidence From a Representative Sample of Finnish Workers
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas - 223 How Successful is the Dual Income Tax? Evidence from the Finnish Tax Reform of 1993
by Jukka Pirttilä & Håkan Selin - 222 Education policy and intergenerational income mobility: Evidence from the Finnish comprehensive school reform
by Sari Pekkala & Tuomas Pekkarinen & Roope Uusitalo - 221 Enemy of Labour? Analysing the Employment Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions
by Petri Böckerman & Eero Lehto - 220 The long-term effects of the depression on the labour market outcomes for nurses
by Kenneth Snellman - 219 Micro-level evidence on wage rigidities in Finland
by Petri Böckerman & Seppo Laaksonen & Jari Vainiomäki - 218 Where Did the Physicians Go? A Study of the Response to Regional Earnings Differences
by Kenneth Snellman - 217 Too Much, Too Soon? Polytechnic Graduate Placement in Finnish Manufacturing
by Petri Böckerman - 216 The Choice Between the In-house Provision and the Competitive Out-house Provision of Public Services
by Eero Lehto
- 215 School Choice and Segregation: Evidence from an Admission Reform
by Martin Söderström & Roope Uusitalo - 214 Unemployment Duration and Business Cycles in Finland
by Jouko Verho - 213 Union Membership and the Erosion of the Ghent System: Lessons from Finland
by Petri Böckerman & Roope Uusitalo - 212 Pawns and Queens Revisited: Public Provision of Private Goods When Individuals Make Mistakes Abstract: This paper analyses the optimal tax policy and public provision of private goods when individuals differ in two respects: income-earning ability and rationality. Publicly provided goods should be overprovided or subsidised, relative to the decentralised optimum, if society’s marginal valuation of them exceeds the individual valuation and if these goods help relax the self-selection constraints, formulated in a new way. Optimal marginal income tax rates are shown to di¤er from the standard rules if publicly provided goods and labour supply are related
by Jukka Pirttilä & Sanna Tenhunen - 211 On Publicly Provided Services – Public or Private Production?
by Eero Lehto - 210 Elusive Effects of Unemployment on Happiness
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas
- 209 Productivity in the Finnish Manufacturing Industry 1975–2003
by Jukka Jalava - 208 Job Disamenities, Job Satisfaction and on-the-Job Search: Is There a Nexus?
by Petri Böckerman & Pekka Ilmakunnas - 207 Palkkanormit ja palkanmuodostus Suomessa
by Pekka Sauramo
- 340 Education, Gender, and Family Formation
by Hanna Virtanen & Mikko Silliman & Tiina Kuuppelomäki & Kristiina Huttunen - 339 Debt Burden of Job Loss in a Nordic Welfare State
by Terhi Maczulskij & Ohto Kanninen & Hannu Karhunen & Ossi Tahvonen - 338 Anatomy of An Anonymous Hiring Pilot
by Ohto Kanninen & Sanni Kiviholma & Tuomo Virkola - 337 Effect of Secondary Education on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills
by Ohto Kanninen & Hannu Karhunen & Jeremias Nieminen - 336 Effect of Secondary Education on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills
by Jani-Petteri Olllikainen & Tuomas Pekkarinen & Roope Uusitalo & Hanna Virtanen - 335 Income-well-being gradient in sickness and health
by Petri Böckerman & Ohto Kanninen & Ilpo Suoniemi - 257 Top income shares and mortality: Evidence from advanced countries
by Petri Böckerman