2018, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 200-205 Importance of Anger Management in Pre-School Childhood
by Munevver Mertoglu - 206-215 Analyzing the Relationship between International Accreditation and the Quality of High-End Business Talents in China
by SUN Xinqi & ZHU Wenzhong & PAN Wenchao - 216-226 Investigating Readiness for Acceptance of Change for the Adoption of Blackboard LMS at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
by Mohammed Ilyas - 227-238 Metadiscourse in the Academic Writing of Local and International Students at a University in Malaysia
by Muhamad Khairul Zakaria & Faridah Abdul Malik & Radzuwan Ab. Rashid & Zahariah Pilus & Nur Shahida Zakaria - 239-252 Effects of Utilizing the STAD Method (Cooperative Learning Approach) in Enhancing Students' Descriptive Writing Skills
by Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Mogana Sanai - 253-270 When Virtual Becomes Better than Real: Investigating the Impact of a Networking Simulation on Learning and Motivation
by Nahed F Abdel-Maksoud
2018, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 107-119 How Parental Education and Literacy Skill Levels Affect the Education of their Wards: The Case of Two Schools in the Effutu Municipality of Ghana
by Robert Andrews Ghanney - 120-133 Teacher Perception of Parents Involvement in their Children’s Literacy and their Reading Instructions in Kuwait EFL Primary School Classrooms
by Anaam Al-Fadley & Abeer Al-Holy & Amal Al-Adwani - 134-146 Assessing Situated Knowledge
by Walter M Geerts & Henderien W Steenbeek & Paul L. C van Geert - 147-166 Predictors of the Drop in School Marks in Secondary School: Evidence for Effects of Students’ Socio-Demographic Background
by Florian Klapproth & Romain Martin
2018, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 50-63 Community Involvement and Teacher Attendance in Basic Schools: The Case of East Mamprusi District in Ghana
by Anthony Kudjo Donkor & Biliman Izal Waek - 64-75 The Rwandan Secondary School Competence-Based Curriculum: Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes to Incorporate in the University of Rwanda-College of Education Programs to Align them with the Current Curriculum
by Cyprien TABARO - 76-83 Evaluation of the Goals of Art Education Programme in the North-East, Nigeria
by Nkem Udeani & Femi Kayode - 84-106 Assessing Key Performance Indicators in Government Secondary Schools of Matabeleland Region in Zimbabwe
by Lillie Beth Hadebe & Reinford Khumalo
2018, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-13 EFL Teachers Response to the Ecological Expectations of the Teaching Context at a Saudi University
by Ragia Magdeldin Youssef & Nadia Shukri - 14-27 Teacher Perceptions of the Impact of Peer Learning in their Classrooms: Using Social Interdependence Theory as a Model for Data Analysis and Presentation
by Maria Cockerill & Nicole Craig & Allen Thurston - 28-42 An Analysis of Common Errors in ESL Descriptive Writing among Chinese Private School Students in Malaysia
by Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Liang Lok Hui - 43-49 Should We Let them Play? Three Key Benefits of Play to Improve Early Childhood Programs
by Ruth Guirguis
2017, Volume 5, Issue 12
- 199-216 Childhood Adversity, Families, Neighborhoods, and Cognitive Outcomes: Testing Structural Models of the Bioecological Framework
by Mark W Olofson - 217-224 Virtual Learning Environment: Exploring the Role of Teacher as a Central Factor
by Ma Del Carmen Nolasco Salcedo
2017, Volume 5, Issue 11
- 182-188 Communicating Academic Achievement of Schools to Stakeholders: The Use of Weighted Average
by Michael Amakyi - 189-198 Making Schools More Girl Friendly: Exploring the Effects of Girl Friendly Space on School Attendance of Adolescent Girls
by Elijah Kipchumba & Munshi Sulaiman
2017, Volume 5, Issue 10
- 155-170 The Analysis of Entrepreneurship Program Within Higher Education (Institution Case Study of the Management of Business in Telecommunications and Informatics, Telkom University - Indonesia)
by Mariana Yosephine Frima & Astri Ghina - 171-181 A Study on the Relationship between Problem Solving Skills and Multiple Intelligences of High School Students
by Hakan Karatas & Mehtap Bademcioglu & Suleyman Celik
2017, Volume 5, Issue 9
- 138-145 Appraisal of Government Feeding Programme on Increased School Enrollment, Attendance, Retention and Completion among Secondary School Students in Maiduguri, Borno State
by Sumayya Abdulkarim Tijjani & Amina Kaidal & Hussaini Garba - 146-154 Investigating Linguistic Errors in English Composition: A Case Study of Non-English Department EFL Undergraduate Students
by Sabar Manik & Normina Purba & Rostina
2017, Volume 5, Issue 8
- 118-126 Global Readiness among Preschools Children in Malaysia
by Rohaty Mohd Majzub & Azhar Md Adnan & Sopia Mohd Yassin - 127-137 Perceptions of the Open Distance and E-Learning Model at a South African University
by Maureen Fikile Kunene & Neil Barnes
2017, Volume 5, Issue 7
- 104-109 Effects of Mentoring and Gender on the Achievement of Low-Performing Students in Biology
by Jegede S.A & Olu-Ajayi F.E - 110-117 Challenges to E-Learning in Public Secondary Schools in Edo State in The 21st Century
by Adavbiele Justina Ajegbelen
2017, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 88-94 Do Preschool Teachers' Education Affect their Classroom Practices and Career Paths?
by Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Zahyah Hanafi & Sopia Md Yassin - 95-103 Testing the Factorial Equivalence of the Collegiate Learning Assessment Performation Task Diagnostic Instrument Across Lower Class and Upper Class Predominantly Black College Students
by Maurice Y Mongkuo & Meya Y Mongkuo
2017, Volume 5, Issue 5
- 69-78 The Impact of Powerpoint Use on Teacher Sense of Efficacy
by Angelos Konstantinidis & Dimitra Theodosiadou & Agoritsa Papachatzi & Christos Pappos - 79-87 The Representation of Gender in a Popular Primary School EFL Textbook Series in China
by Tao Xiong & Jing He & Lekai Li
2017, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 45-60 Educationally Game-Based Learning Encourages Learners to be Actively Engaged in their Own Learning
by Ann Hilliard & Harriett F Kargbo - 61-68 Hidden Experiences of Doctoral Students in Research Courses
by Fatemeh-Al-Sadat Robati & Forouzan Tonkaboni
2017, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 29-39 Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Supervising Graduate Students Enrolled in African Universities
by Bacwayo K. E & Nampala P & Oteyo I. N - 40-44 Effective Application of Local Teaching Aids for Cost Control in Learning Islamic Studies in Nasarawa State, Nigeria
by Abdullahi Adamu Sulaiman & Muhammad Alhasan Yunus & Aliyu Umar
2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 16-20 The Extent to Which Parental Involvement Influences Transition of Pupils from Lower to Upper Primary in Manga District Schools
by Charles Mang’era Abaya & Evans Nyagaka Nyaboga & Peterson Ondieki Osero & Thomas Omao Getabu - 21-28 Entrepreneurial Behavior amongst Students of Community Colleges in Malaysia
by Rasmuna Hussain
2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 Impact of Classroom Environment on Childrens Social Behavior
by Samuel O Obaki - 8-15 Advanced Education and Training Programs to Support Renewable Energy Investment in Africa
by Daniel Kimuli & Resty Nabaterega & Noble Banadda & Isa Kabenge & Adipala Ekwamu & Paul Nampala
2016, Volume 4, Issue 12
- 268-280 Repositioning School Based Teacher Management in Kenya: Global Practices and Approaches
by Mercy M Mugambi & Robert Joseph Ochieng
2016, Volume 4, Issue 11
- 262-267 Benchmarking in Physical Education Teacher Education Program
by Sharma Kalpana & Ajit K & Mann Jyoti
2016, Volume 4, Issue 10
- 243-261 An Investigation into the Challenges Faced by a Funding Agency in Designing and Implementing a Succession Planning Programme
by Teboho Jackson Monareng & Rory Dunn
2016, Volume 4, Issue 9
- 234-242 Technological Skills in the Academic Performance of Students
by Urbano Luna-Maldonado & Héctor Flores-Breceda & Juan Antonio Vidales-Contreras & Humberto Rodríguez-Fuentes & Alejandro Isabel Luna-Maldonado
2016, Volume 4, Issue 8
2016, Volume 4, Issue 7
- 216-222 Role of Attitude, Interest and Peer Pressure in Academic Outcomes of Girls in Gem Sub - County, Kenya
by James Ochieng Sika & Constantine Wasonga Opiyo
2016, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 207-215 Managing Academic Service Delivery in South-South Nigerian Universities for National Education Transformation
by Basil A Akuegwu & Felix D Nwi-Ue
2016, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 167-182 Effects of Two Methods of Instruction on Students’ Critical Response to Prose Literature Text in English in Some Secondary Schools in Benin City
by Ezeokoli F.O & Igubor Patience - 183-206 Skills that Matter and Will Last a Lifetime
by Robert W Service & James P Reburn
2016, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 134-147 Development of a Rating Scale for Measuring Teacher Classroom Autonomy in Secondary Schools in Southwestern Nigeria
by Ruth Olufunmilayo Diyan & Alaba Adeyemi Adediwura - 148-153 Evaluation of the Attitude of Candidate Preschool Teachers Towards Physical Exercise Subject
by Erdoğan Tozoğlu & Gökhan Bayraktar & Öner Gülbahçe & M. Ertuğrul Öztürk - 154-166 Factors that Influence Teachers’ Perceptions of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in Mathematics Teaching in Kenyan Secondary Schools
by Leonard Mwathi Kamau & Peter Kimani & Priscilla Muthoni
2016, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 90-105 The Impact of Text Type and Difficulty on Metacomprehension among 10th Grade Students
by Shafeq Alawneh & Safaa Yadak - 106-111 The Implication of Customer Service in Higher Education: Review Paper
by Shifa Wahab - 112-116 New Features of Sprint Technological Development and Stagnant Causes and Countermeasures of Men’s 100-Meter Sprint in China
by Ke Zhang & Yan-Hua Guo - 117-126 Internationalizing Teacher Education: A U.S. – Vietnam Case Study
by Cameron White - 127-133 Preference of Learning Styles and its Relationship with Academic Performance among Junior Secondary School Students in Dutse Local Government Area, Jigawa State, Nigeria
by Joy N Njoku & Basiru Abdulhamid
2016, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 47-54 Influence of Laboratory Method on Students’ Mathematical Creativity in Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa State
by Ado I. B & Nwosu S. N - 55-70 Problems of Gifted Students at King Abdullah II Schools for Distinction: Students Perspective
by Mohammad Nayef Ayasreh & Abdallah Hussein El-Omari - 71-83 Quality Assurance in Higher Education Using Business Intelligence Technology
by Admir Šehidić & Emina Junuz - 84-89 Disaster Management: Planning and Communication Approaches Used in Organizations in Kenya
by Beatrice N Manyasi & Truphena Eshibukule Mukuna
2016, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-11 Mainstreaming ICT Mobile in Teaching Large Classes in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania: The Case of Ardhi University
by Sophia R Lukwale - 12-20 The Training Dilemma: Three Teachers’ Views of CPD
by Ramesh Rao Ramanaidu & Kuruvilla C.K Joseph & Ravichantiran Arujunan - 21-36 Self-Efficacy of English Listening Skills in Japanese College EFL Learners
by Yuichi Todaka - 37-46 Reconceptualising Student Success
by MCN Phewa
2015, Volume 3, Issue 12
- 296-310 Digitization and Preservation as Means of Accessing Information in Nigerian University Libraries: A Case Study of Bayero University, Kano and Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
by Abdulsalami T Lucky & Nwachukwu V.N & Paulina F Salami
2015, Volume 3, Issue 11
2015, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 268-275 Teachers’ Maxims in English Language Teaching; a Challenge in Education for Social Transformation in Kenya
by Beatrice N Manyasi
2015, Volume 3, Issue 9
2015, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 241-249 Principals’ School Plant Management and Academic Performance of Biology Students in Public Secondary Schools in Uyo Senatorial District, Akwa Ibom State
by Ngozika A Oleforo & Maria Emmanuel Maxwell
2015, Volume 3, Issue 7
- 235-240 Self-Concept as a Correlate of Secondary School Students Academic Performance in Mathematics
by Anigala Anino
2015, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 224-234 Availability and Use of Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Primary Schools in Nandi North District, Kenya
by Hilda Ng’etich Tuimur & Bernard Chemwei
2015, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 212-223 Marketing Strategies And Students’ Enrolment in Private Secondary Schools in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State, Nigeria
by Uchendu Chika C & Nwafor Innocent A & Nwaneri Mary G
2015, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 168-181 Assessing School Leadership Challenges in Ghana Using Leadership Practices Inventory
by Alexander Kyei Edwards & Samuel Kwadwo Aboagye - 182-198 Challenges of Writing Dissertations: Perceptual Differences between Students and Supervisors in a Ghanaian Polytechnic
by Edem Maxwell Azila-Gbettor & Christopher Mensah & Simon Mesa Kwodjo Avorgah - 199-211 Drug Use and Anti-Social Behaviour as Correlates of Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Biology in Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State
by Aminu L Sharehu & Emmanuel E Achor & Comfort Onah
2015, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 114-121 Effective Use of Teaching Methodologies in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Classrooms in Nigeria: A Panacea to Vision 20:2020
by M.A Yusha’u - 122-128 The Potential of E-Learning in Meeting the Needs of Migrant Communities
by Abdallah Alasraj & Hael Alharbi - 129-142 Effects of Self-Management and Social Skills Training on the Reduction of Adolescents’ Conduct Disorder
by Egbochuku Elizabeth Omotunde & Oizimende Philomena & Josephine Oliha - 143-155 Managing the Nigerian Tertiary Education for National Transformation through Effective Continuous Staff Training and Development (CSTD)
by Rev Fr Ofojebe W.N & Chukwuma E.T.C - 156-167 Information and Communication Technology challenges and Strategies among Office Technology and Management Educators in Nigerian Polytechnics
by Amiaya Anita Ogheneovo
2015, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 66-79 Relationship between Selected Total Quality Management Practices Employed By Public Secondary Schools Principals and Students’ Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kiambu County, Kenya
by Margaret W Ruinge & Gerald N Kimani - 80-84 Relationship between Self-Efficacy Belief and Academic Achievement of Distance Learners in National Teachers Institute (NTI) Adamawa State, Nigeria
by Yusufu Gana Balami - 85-89 Teaching of Mathematics and Physics in Secondary School through Research and Study Paths
by María Paz Gazzola & María Rita Otero & Viviana Carolina Llanos - 90-103 How to reach and Teach African American Students in Today’s Schools
by Ruben Gentry - 104-113 Regulatory Roles of the National Universities Commission and the Quality of Nigerian University Education
by Ibijola Elizabeth Yinka
2015, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-16 Overcoming Domestic Labour among Secondary School Students in Kenya
by Benard Omenge Nyatuka - 17-27 A Critical Review of the School-Based Assessment in Brunei Darussalam
by Haji Mohammad Redzuan Haji Botty & Masitah Shahrill - 28-35 Analysis of Integrated Science and Computer Science Students’ Academic Performances in Physics in Colleges of Education, Nigeria
by Aina Jacob Kola - 36-47 Student- Teacher and Student- Student Interaction in Second Language Teaching- Learning Environment: A Micro-Teaching Case Study
by Salwa Al Darwish - 48-65 Episodic Memories among First and Fourth Graders Early Childhood University Student Teachers, Concerning Teachers’ Behaviors: A Mixed Method Approach
by Domna Kakana & Christina Roussi-Vergou & Fotini Garagouni-Areou & Anastasia Mavidou
2014, Volume 2, Issue 12
- 264-274 Quality Assurance in Curriculum Implementation of Accounting Courses in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions
by Michael Chidiebere Ekwe & Chigozie Kenneth Abuka - 275-288 Development of Competence Balance-Oriented Integrative Thematic Learning Tools to Foster Critical Thinking Skill and Positive Character of Elementary School Students
by Waspodo Tjipto Subroto & Nasution & Wahyu Sukartiningsih
2014, Volume 2, Issue 11
- 243-249 Application of PBL Method in Beverage Technology Teaching
by Youwei Yu & Jincai Zhou - 250-263 Developing Pre-Service Teachers Awareness and Change of Gender-Oriented Perceptions
by Eti Gilad
2014, Volume 2, Issue 10
- 222-233 Coping in Silence: Challenges Faced by Pregnant-Students at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana
by Kobina Esia-Donkoh & Kweku Esia-Donkoh & Hagar Asare - 234-242 Career/Vocational Guidance/Counselling: A Tool for Functional Education and Graduate Employability
by Ali Hassana Oseiwu
2014, Volume 2, Issue 9
- 192-212 Students’ Perception of Girlchild Affirmative Action in High Schools in Masvingo Urban, Zimbabwe
by Maxwell Constantine Chando Musingafi & Rachael Mafumbate - 213-221 Improving SME’s Capacity through Learning and New Technologies
by Ileana Hamburg
2014, Volume 2, Issue 8
- 174-183 The Effect of Synchronous and Asynchronous Peer Feedback on Translation Students’ Vocabulary
by Bahman Gorjian & Shahram Payman - 184-191 Teachers’ Perception on Laws and Education in Nigeria
by Patrick Oladunjoye & Nnenna Ngozi Benwari
2014, Volume 2, Issue 7
- 147-158 Teacher Preparation Programs and Technology Integration: Best Practices for Curriculum Design
by Heidi L Schnackenberg & George Still III - 159-173 Positioning Mauritius as a Knowledge Hub in the Context of Globalisation
by Deepa Gokulsing
2014, Volume 2, Issue 6
- 126-136 Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Academic Communities: Grounded Theory
by Negin Jabbary & Mehrdad Madhoshi - 137-146 Using Cooperative E-Learning Teaching Strategy to Enhance Students’ Creativity in Secondary School Biology: A Study of Selected Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya
by William Orora & Fred N Keraro & Samuel W Wachanga
2014, Volume 2, Issue 5
2014, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 67-95 Learning Analytics in Practice: Development and Implementation of A Support System to the Management of the Teaching Activity
by Sergio Andre Ferreira & Antonio Andrade - 96-103 Contrastive Linguistic English Phonology Vs. Arabic Phonology
by Mona M Hamad
2014, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 42-50 Reflective Practice in Teacher Education in Ghana
by Michael Amakyi & Alfred Ampah-Mensah - 51-66 Gender and Location Influence on Ghanaian Students’ Perceptions of Energy and Classroom Learning
by Kodjo Donkor Taale
2014, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 21-34 Incorporating Error Analysis Approach into the Teaching of Practical Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools in Makurdi Nigeria: Any Effect on Achievement?
by Emmanuel E Achor & Rose U Kalu - 35-41 Counselling Against Dropout among Secondary School Students in Edo State
by Oliha Josephine A & Audu Vivian I
2014, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-8 Responsibility Formation in Medical Students in the Course of Foreign Language Study
by Oksana Isayeva - 9-20 Teacher CPD across Borders: Reflections on How a Study Tour to England Helped to Change Practice and Praxis among Jamaican Teachers
by Paul Miller & Ian Potter
2013, Volume 1, Issue 9
- 101-109 Comparative Analysis of Learning Styles of Students of USA and Bangladesh
by Quamrul H Mazumder
2013, Volume 1, Issue 8
2013, Volume 1, Issue 7
- 75-86 Poster Presentations Improve Engineering Students’ Communication Skills
by Tharwat M EL-Sakran & David Prescott
2013, Volume 1, Issue 6
2013, Volume 1, Issue 5
2013, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 44-50 Tablet Technologies and Education
by Heidi L Schnackenberg
2013, Volume 1, Issue 3
2013, Volume 1, Issue 2
2013, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-13 Effectiveness of E-Learning in Teaching Chemistry with Reference to Certain Selected Variables
by Krishna Kumar R & Jaya Kumar R