October 1991, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 500-503 A Lawyer's Vision, and a Claimant's Nightmare
by Gerfried E Brunn
July 1991, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 263-281 Market Size and Concentration: Insurance and the European Internal Market 1992 *
by Roland Eisen - 282-292 Economies of Scale in Italian Non-Life Insurance*
by Luigi Prosperetti - 293-301 Some Considerations on Productivity and Performance in Insurance
by Antonio Borghesi - 302-314 Economies of Scale in UK Life Insurance Companies: An Empirical Approach
by Geraldine Kaye - 315-326 Scale Economies and Performance in the French Insurance Industry
by F Fecher & S Perelman & P Pestieau - 327-338 Economies of Scale and Economies of Diversification in Insurance Business: Some Elements of Valuation
by Robert Teyssier - 339-350 Insurance Economics Between Theoretical Ambitions and Empirical Relevance*
by Elmar Helten
April 1991, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 143-153 Comments to the Studies on the Performance of the Insurance Industry
by Denis Kessler - 154-165 Technological Imperatives, Productivity and Insurance Costs*
by William J Baumol - 166-169 Technological Imperatives, Productivity and Insurance Costs: A Comment
by Pierre Pestieau - 170-172 A Comment on Technological Imperatives, Productivity and Insurance Costs
by Denis Kessler - 173-190 Productivity Growth, Capital Intensity, and Skill Levels, in the U. S. Insurance Industry, 1948–86
by Edward N Wolff - 191-206 Measures of the Insurance Sector Output
by Andreas Hornstein & Edward C Prescott - 207-235 Measuring the Output of Life Assurance Companies*
by C D O'Brien - 236-256 Scale and Scope Economies in the Canadian Property and Casualty Insurance Industry
by Jean Marc Suret
January 1991, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-19 The Welfare Economics of Controls on Brokers' Commissions*
by H S E Gravelle - 20-38 The Effects of No Fault on Automobile Insurance Loss Costs
by J David Cummins & Mary A Weiss - 39-58 The Insurance of Fines: the Case of Oil Pollution*
by Michael Faure & Günter Heine - 59-72 Insurance and the Institutional Economics of Financial Intermediation
by Göran Skogh - 73-84 Fifth Geneva Lecture: A Competitive Insurance Market in the Former GDR - an Analysis of the Situation in Autumn 1990*
by E h Reimer Schmidt - 85-92 The Czechoslovak Insurance Industry and Insurance Science at the Dawn of a New Epoch*
by Vojtech Bocinsky - 93-99 Alte Traditionen und neue Tendenzen in der ungarischen Versicherungswirtschaft
by Eva Ebli - 100-113 Stand und Perspektiven der Versicherungswirtschaft in Polen
by Andrej Gawronski - 114-119 Moderne Probleme der Entwicklung des Versicherungswesens in der Sowjetunion
by L I Reitman
October 1990, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 359-363 The AXA Group Strategy
by Claude Bebear - 364-371 Third Geneva Lecture The International Strategy of European Insurance Companies*
by Enrico Randone - 372-389 Fourth Geneva Lecture: Corporate Strategy of European Insurers*
by Dieter Farny - 390-398 Ecu-Denominated Insurance Contracts: Issues and Potential
by Gerard M Dickinson - 399-401 The Use of Ecu in Insurance Contracts in Italy
by Fabio Padoa - 402-406 The Ecu as a Currency for Financial Transactions: An Overview*
by Sir George Blunden - 407-427 Insurance Perspectives on an Integrated Hazardous Waste Management Strategy*
by Neil Doherty & Paul Kleindorfer & Howard Kunreuther
July 1990, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 215-218 Comparative Liability Studies: Challenges and Limitations
by Werner Pfennigstorf - 219-275 Liability Procedures: The Position Applying in the United Kingdom
by John E J Baggs & Kenneth S Cannar - 276-291 Some Characteristics of the Dutch System for Compensation of Damage
by John H Wansink & Robert A Salomons & Theo Kremer - 292-329 Liability Procedures and Alternatives in the Federal Republic of Germany
by Werner Pfennigstorf - 330-336 Liability Insurance in the Federal Republic of Germany
by Ernst Klingmüller - 337-343 Regional Variations of Compensation Awards: The Quantum of Damages in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims in Western Europe
by Paul Szöllösy - 344-352 Tort Liability and Alternative Approaches to Compensation: Summary of a Comparative Survey of Foreign Systems at Work
by Werner Pfennigstorf
April 1990, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 95-99 Introduction: the Opportunities of the Four Pillars' Strategy*
by Orio Giarini - 100-113 Work and Retirement: Future Prospects for the Baby-Boom Generation
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey - 114-121 New Technologies and Aged Workers
by Luigi Frey - 122-138 Solutions to the Coming Crisis in Social Security: Save Today or Work Tomorrow?
by Denis Kessler - 139-157 Part-Time Early Retirement in Europe
by Lei Delsen - 158-197 Prolonged Lifetime Employment and Flexible Transition from Labour Force Participation to Retirement in View of Future Requirements of the Labour Market and Old Age Pensions*
by Jürgen Kruse & Werner Steinjan - 198-201 From Research to Practical Application: A comment*
by Gerhard Laskowski - 202-210 The Fourth Pillar and the UK Insurance Industry
by Amin Rajan & Penny van Eupen
January 1990, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-21 Alternative Liability Regimes for Medical Injuries
by Patricia M Danzon - 22-26 Medical Negligence: Evaluating Alternative Regimes
by H S E Gravelle - 27-40 Medical Indemnity Insurance in the UK: a Public Choice Approach
by Roger Bowles & Philip Jones - 41-52 Bargaining Behaviour by Defendant Insurers: an Economic Model
by Paul Fenn & Ioannis Vlachonikolis - 53-54 On “Bargaining Behavior by Defendant Insurers: An Economic Model”
by Patricia M Danzon - 55-80 Medical Malpractice in Canada, 1971 – 1987*
by Peter C Coyte & Donald N Dewees & Michael J Trebilcock - 81-83 Comment: Medical Malpractice in Canada, 1971–1987
by Lois Quam