October 1996, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 435-468 Preventing Conflicts Between Generations
by Denis Kessler - 469-477 The Role of the Fourth Pillar in the Redesign of Social Security
by Yung-Ping Chen - 478-501 Managing an Ageing Workforce in Britain and France
by Anne-Marie Guillemard & Philip Taylor & Alan Walker - 502-523 Gradual Retirement in the OECD Countries, a Summary of the Main Results
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey & Lei Delsen - 524-533 New Trends in Gradual Retirement in Germany*
by Gerhard Naegele - 534-553 Gradual Retirement in Italy*
by Angelo Scarioni - 554-556 Partial Retirement and Public Policy – a Comment
by Peter Scherer - 557-575 End of Occupational Life and Transition to Retirement: a Challenge for Swiss Institutions?
by Maryvonne Gognalons-Nicolet & Xavier Gaullier & Anne Bardet Blochet
July 1996, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 303-307 Editors Introduction
by Howard Kunreuther & Paul R Kleindorfer & Ortwin Renn - 308-323 Rights, Solidarity and Cost-effectiveness: Ethical Guidelines for Sustaining Global Health
by Gunnar Bengtsson - 324-335 The EU Experience and the Challenges in Insuring Environmental Risks*
by Jürg Spühler - 336-340 The Contribution of Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) Insurance to Eco-Efficiency
by Peter Zweifel - 341-359 Managing the Environmental Aspects of a Business: a Framework of Available Tools
by P Hindle & B De Smet & P R White & J W Owens - 360-382 Environmental Risk Management in Commercial Enterprises
by Dirk Matten - 383-392 Measures of Endangerment*
by U Müller-Herold - 393-400 The Insurance of Natural Hazards: Proposals to an Appropriate Risk Partnership Between Insurers, Reinsurers, the Government and the Policyholders
by Burkhardt Meyer - 401-420 Large-scale Technological Risks A Challenge for Insurers and Reinsurers
by Heinz Huppmann & Georg Duesing - 421-429 The Role of Risk Management and Insurance: Looking Beyond the Neo-classical Views on the Economics of Uncertainty
by Orio Giarini
April 1996, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 155-157 Introduction
by Paul Fenn & Göran Skogh - 158-169 The Precautionary Principle: A Status Questionis*
by Herman Cousy - 170-179 Extended Producer Responsibility Recycling, Liability, and Guarantee Funds*
by Karl Lidgren & Göran Skogh & Walter Stahel - 180-181 A Comment
by Walter Stahel - 182-203 The “Polluter Pays Principle”: Should Liability be Extended When the Polluter Cannot Pay?
by James Boyd & Daniel E Ingberman - 204-223 Long-term Liability and the Choice of Liquidation*
by Robin Mason & Timothy Swanson - 224-239 The Ban of a Single Pesticide
by Arndt Rölike - 240-257 Optimal Liability: The Effects of Risk Aversion, Loaded Insurance Premiums, and the Number of Victims*
by Martin Nell & Andreas Richter - 258-270 Pensions as Insurance
by Richard Disney - 271-283 The Provision and Finance of Long-term Care in the United Kingdom
by David K Whynes - 284-292 Providing for Long-term Care: Insurance Vs. Trust Saving*
by Peter Zweifel
January 1996, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-21 19th Annual Lecture of the Geneva Association Insurance and Catastrophes*
by Richard Zeckhauser - 22-35 Solvency of Insurance Undertakings and Financial Groups
by Norbert Konrath - 36-49 The Prudence Concept in EC Insurance Accounts Law
by Hans-Joachim Welzel - 50-76 The Theoretical Considerations Underlying the Risk Reserve Process and the Practical Assessment and Control of the Capital Required (Risk-Based Capital)
by Eberhard Müller & Michael Reischel - 77-107 The European Internal Insurance Market: Expectations, Assessments and Consequences for Business Policy from the Insurers' Point of View Questionnaire Results
by Gerd Weidenfeld - 108-113 New Frontiers of Security for Banks and Insurance Companies
by Alfonso Desiata - 114-126 The Draft Pension Funds Directive and the Financing of Pensions in the EU
by Karel Lannoo
October 1995, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 407-413 Insurability and Uninsurability: An Introduction*
by Jan H Holsboer - 414-418 Insurability: Threats and Opportunities
by Neil Hamilton - 419-422 Insurability and the Economic Relevance of Insurance: A Historical Economic Perspective*
by Orio Giarini - 423-429 Insurance as a Product of National Values*
by Geert Hofstede - 430-438 The Paradox of Welfare and Insurance
by C J M Schuyt - 439-445 From Insurance State to Welfare State, and Back Again?
by Bert de Vries - 446-453 Uninsurability: a Growing Problem
by Arend J Vermaat - 454-462 The Limits to Insurability from a Law and Economics Perspective
by Michael G Faure - 463-473 Impact of Catastrophes on the Reinsurance Industry
by John Engeström - 474-480 Catastrophe Insurance System in France
by Serge Magnan - 481-487 Great Hanshin Earthquake - A Japanese Insurer's View*
by Takashi Kagawa - 488-494 Coping with Economic and Monetary Instability - Conditions of Monetary Stability - Can they be Reached?*
by Helmut Schlesinger - 495-500 Europe on Its Way to a Single Currency*
by Cees Maas - 501-503 Comments on the European Project of Monetary Unification
by Robert Raymond - 504-508 Investing in Emerging Markets: What Lessons Can we Learn from the Recent Unstable Period?*
by Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani - 509-516 The Challenge of Educating the Leaders of Tomorrow*
by Antonio M Borges - 517-523 The Promotion of Insurance Economics within Universities and Learning Institutions
by Orio Giarini
July 1995, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 251-260 14th Geneva Lecture of the Geneva Association on Transnational Mergers and Transnational Experience in Insurance*
by J L M Bartelds - 261-268 Gene Technology: Possibilities and Limitations*
by Richard Braun - 269-273 Biotechnology for Insurers: Reflections and Suggestions*
by Mark F Cantley - 274-278 Genetics & Life and Health Insurance International Aspects*
by Yves Chiche - 279-283 The Cost of Risk and the Concept of Risk Partnership*
by John W Reid - 284-284 Some Comments on John W. Reid's Paper
by Luigi Selleri - 285-297 EC Safety Management Research*
by S T Cole & P J Wicks - 298-305 Validation of Computational Analysis Procedures with Respect to Product Liability and Consequential Loss*
by Anup Puri - 306-314 Risk Management Behaviour and Company Policy for Insurance - a Part of Business Decision-Making*
by Arto Suominen - 315-324 Risk Management: the State of the Art in Italy*
by Paola Tagliavini - 325-335 Natural Hazards as the Cause of Toxic Spills in the United States, with some Notes on Liability*
by Pamela S Showalter - 336-347 The Environmental Insurance Markets in the U.S. and Western Europe: A U.S. Underwriter's Observations
by William Kronenberg, - 348-373 Environment and Insurability Strengths in Insurance?*
by David Clement - 374-392 Environment and Insurability The Application of Risk Management Principles to Running an Insurance Company*
by John D Arpel - 393-401 Reinsurance of Environmental Risk Pricing and Risk Assessment*
by Reiner Bellenbaum
April 1995, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 127-140 The life insurance industry in South Africa
by A Reg Munro & Anton M Snyman - 141-147 Emerging Insurance Markets in Far East
by Ben Ho - 148-165 Challenges and Prospects of Developing in Asian Countries in the Non-Life Reinsurance Markets
by M S Wijenaike - 166-179 Understanding the Korean Insurance Market and Its Future Outlook
by Hyung-Sup Shim - 180-186 The Development of a Vietnamese Insurance Industry Organisation, Operation and Prospects
by Daniel Bucheton & Duc Cominh - 187-196 Underwriting Motor Profitability - The Malaysian Approach -
by Lim Chia Fook - 197-229 Captive Insurance Tax Policy: Resolving a Global Problem
by M Moshe Porat & Michael R Powers - 230-245 The Cost Structure of Distribution Systems in the U.S. Property/Liability Insurance Market
by Arthur M B Hogan & Peruvemba K Satish & Robert C Witt
January 1995, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-6 The Dynamics of the Scandinavian Insurance Market: Some Observations
by Björn Wolrath - 7-15 Effects of the Deregulation of Supervision on the Selling of Insurance
by Edgar Jannott - 16-29 Liability-driven Performance Attribution
by Auke Plantinga & Robert van der Meer - 30-44 Financing of Insurance Companies
by E C Lekkerkerker & J F M Peters - 45-56 The European Single Insurance Market
by Mark J Boléat - 57-73 Insurance Services in the Uruguay Round Services Negotiations: An Overview and Assessment of the Final Agreement
by R Brian Woodrow - 74-83 Considerations on the Significance for Insurance Law of the Consequences of Economic Studies*
by Reimer Schmidt - 84-100 Organization and Strategy in Insurance Empirical Research into the Sector in Spain
by Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez
October 1994, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 379-393 14th Annual Lecture of the Geneva Association: Uncertainty under the Welfare State - Policy-induced Risk - *
by Assar Lindbeck - 394-396 Uncertainty under the Welfare State by Assar Lindbeck
by Denis Kessler - 397-407 Work and Income in the Third Age - an EU Perspective*
by Alan Walker - 408-432 The Role for Paid Employment for Women and Men in their 50s and 60s in the UK Around the Millenium and Beyond*
by Chris Trinder - 433-471 Options for Extending the Working Period and Flexibilising the Transition to Retirement in the German Insurance Industry - the Current Situation and Assessment for the Future -*
by Winfried Schm&aauml;hl & Jutta Gatter - 472-480 Research into the Work Performance of Older Employees
by Peter Warr - 481-489 Continuing Training until End-of-Carreer: A Key Policy for the Fourth Pillar*
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey - 490-495 Financing Long-Term Care: An Intragenerational Social Insurance Model
by Yung-Ping Chen - 496-502 Age Discrimination Against Older Workers in the European Union
by Elizabeth Drury
July 1994, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 235-243 On Risk and Uncertainty in Modern Society*
by Sir Brian Corby - 244-256 The Role of Government in the United States in Addressing Natural Catastrophes and Environmental Exposures
by Franklin W Nutter - 257-286 A Global Trend: Privatization and Reform of Social Security Pension Plans
by W G Poortvliet & T P Laine - 287-303 Challenges for Insurers in the Nineties
by Henning Schulte-Noelle - 304-333 Insurance: The Future Has Begun
by Felix Mansilla - 334-356 Challenge to the Future
by Josei Itoh - 357-364 The Need for Insurers to Change
by Dean O'Hare
April 1994, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 127-134 Some Strategic Issues in the Insurance Industry Today
by Eugenio Coppola di Canzano - 135-143 The Internal Market for Insurance: A Reality?*
by Humbert Drabbe - 144-155 Implications and Conceptual Characteristics of the December 19, 1991 Directive on the Annual Accounts and Consolidated Accounts of Insurance Undertakings
by Hans-Joachim Welzel - 156-177 Theories of Regulation: Some Reflections on the Statutory Supervision of Insurance Companies in Anglo-American Countries
by M B Adams & G D Tower - 178-195 Bancassurance in Britain and France: Innovating Strategies in the Financial Services
by Glenn Morgan & Andrew Sturdy & Jean-Pierre Daniel & David Knigths - 196-214 Aspects of Multicultural Marketing of Insurance Companies
by Ute Werner - 215-231 The Development of the Chinese Insurance Industry: Its Structure, Performance and Future
by Y M Niu
January 1994, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-21 Supervision of Financial Conglomerates - Remarks on Solvency Control and Alleged Double Gearing - *
by Dieter Hesberg & Walter Karten - 22-36 Prices, Distribution Channels and Regulatory Intervention in European Insurance Markets
by J Finsinger & F A Schmid - 37-45 Should a Regulatory Body Control Insurance Policies Ex Ante or Is Ex Post Control More Effective?
by Per-Olof Bjuggren & Dan Magnusson & Carl Martin Roos - 46-59 Ex Post Control of Insurance in Belgium
by Herman Cousy & Hubert Claassens - 60-69 Compensation for Personal Injuries: A Review of Recent Legal and Insurance Developments in the UK*
by Roger Bowles - 70-84 Audit Fee Determination and Governance Structure: Empirical Evidence from UK Insurance Companies
by N O'Sullivan & S R Diacon - 85-98 The Burden of Proof and the Liability Rule for Suppliers of Services in the EEC
by Christopher Curran
October 1993, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 323-343 Private Insurance and Social Insurance Sectors in Latin America
by Rony Castro de Oliveira Lyrio - 344-374 Insurance System Reform and The Future of the Life Insurance Business in Japan
by Terumichi Tsuchida - 375-387 A Japanese Perspective of Risk and Insurance
by Atsushi Inatomi - 388-398 Specialization and Diversification in Financial Services Some Recent, Practical Experiences in the Netherlands
by J H Holsboer - 399-402 La Bancassurance, à la fortune du mot
by par Jean Peyrelevade - 403-411 Quantitative Accumulation – Qualitative Jump New Social Challenges Facing the Insurance Industry
by Peter Frey - 412-414 The Consumer Movements and the Impact on Insurance: An American Point of View
by Robert C Winters - 415-422 Reengineering and Insurance: Solving Problems, Seizing Opportunities
by Ronald E Compton - 423-425 Risk and Society: A View from Switzerland
by Robert Baumann - 426-431 Reinsurance Worldwide – Opportunities, Risks and Perspectives
by Dieter Göbel - 432-438 Consumer Protection and Insurance Supervision
by Peter Pfund - 439-442 Consumers and Insurers – The Role of Insurance Supervision
by Knut Hohlfeld - 443-448 Large Industrial Risks, Catastrophes and Environmental Threats, Defining Insurability, the Role of Private Insurance Industry and the State
by Ernesto Jutzi - 449-453 Large Industrial Risks, Catastrophes and Environmental Threats; defining Insurability, the Role of private Insurance Industry and the State
by Filomeno Mira Candel - 454-465 Catastrophes naturelles: le projet de loi à l'étude en Italie
by par Dario Gaverbi
July 1993, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 215-215 Message
by de Raymond Barre - 216-216 Message
by Raymond Barre - 217-218 Grussadresse
by von Raymond Barre - 219-223 Les vingt Ans de l'Association de Genève
by par Fabio Padoa - 224-228 The Geneva Association – Twenty Years on
by Fabio Padoa - 229-232 Ein Wort am Wege der Genfer Vereinigung
by von Reimer Schmidt - 233-236 Reflections on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Geneva Association
by Reimer Schmidt - 302-316 Research Programme on Social Security, Insurance, Savings and Employment – The Fourth Pillar
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey
April 1993, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 95-106 8th Geneva Lecture* Insurance Distribution Networks in Europe Current and Future Trends
by Michel Albert - 107-114 Patterns of Internationalisation in Insurance*
by J F M Peters - 115-128 Topical Issues Concerning Environmental Liability and its Insurance*
by Hans-Dieter Sellschopp - 129-138 16th Annual Lecture of the Geneva Association* The Financial Situation and Perspectives in Eastern Europe
by John S Flemming - 139-143 The Supervision of Financial Conglomerates
by Klaus-Wilhelm Knauth & Hans-Joachim Welzel - 144-157 Strategies and Techniques for Asset-Liability Management: an Overview
by Robert van der Meer & Meye Smink - 158-173 Price Regulation in US Automobile Insurance A Case Study of Massachusetts Private Passenger Automobile Insurance 1978–1990*
by Richard A Derrig, - 174-189 Electronic Communications in the Insurance Markets
by Douglas Shillito - 190-207 Life Insurance in the UK: The Role of the Actuary and the Single Market
by Steven Haberman
January 1993, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-5 Introduction
by Dieter Farny - 7-56 Enterpreneurial Insurance: A New Paradigm for Deregulated Markets
by Roland Eisen & Wolfgang Müller & Peter Zweifel
October 1992, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 443-445 The Law and Economics of Environmental Policy
by Michael G Faure - 446-467 The Comparative Efficacy of Tort Law and Regulation for Environmental Protection*
by Donald N Dewees - 468-484 A Socio-Economic Analysis of Controls on Land Use around Hazardous Installations
by Philippe Rocard & Henri Smets - 485-498 Using Economic Incentives to Regulate the Municipal Solid Waste Stream
by Peter S Menell - 499-513 Compensation for Damages Caused by Nuclear Accidents: A Convention as Insurance
by Michael G Faure & Göran Skogh - 514-529 Policing the North Sea: The Impact of Fisheries Protection Activity
by Paul Fenn - 530-550 Personal Injury Compensation A Summary of the Geneva Association's Comparative Study
by Werner Pfennigstorf
July 1992, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 299-313 Rethinking Risk Management*
by H Felix Kloman - 314-321 Toward a Holistic Approach to Total Risk Management*
by Yacov Y Haimes - 322-328 Comparative Product-Life-Cycle Confrontation of Risks*
by William W Lowrance - 329-334 Risk Management in the United Kindom - a Personal Retrospect
by Dennis Farthing - 335-342 Risk Management from a Technological Perspective
by Vernon Leslie Grose, - 343-354 Taking Aim at Environmental Risks: Questions of Feasibility and Desirability
by Adam M Finkel - 355-361 The Past and Future of Loss Financing
by James V Davis, - 362-365 Is Good News No News?
by Judith Lichtenberg & Douglas MacLean - 366-370 Education in Risk Management
by Gordon C A Dickson - 371-385 An Analysis of the Climate Change Issue
by J L Rasmussen - 386-392 Greenhouse Effects on Natural Catastrophes and Insurance
by Gerhard A Berz - 393-405 Insurance Implications of Climatic Change
by Andrew F Dlugolecki - 406-414 Sea-Level Changes and Forecasting Floodrisks
by M J Tooley - 415-434 Case Study: The Management of Risks to Employees and Consumers of the Catering Industry in the United Kingdom and France*
by Alan Gordon
April 1992, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 163-177 Worldwide EDI Standards and the Insurance Marketplace
by Robert E Merriman - 178-199 Insurance and the European Community
by William E Pool - 200-207 Insurance Activities in OECD*
by André Laboul - 208-214 The Uruguay Round and the Liberalization of Trade in Insurance Services*
by Mario A Kakabadse - 215-231 An Examination of U.S. Insurance Regulation and Taxation vis-à-vis Selected GATT Principles
by Harold D Skipper, & Lisa A Gardner - 232-243 The Development of Insurance Markets of Developing Countries: UNCTAD's Activities in the Field of Human Resources Development*
by Michel Couroux & J François Outreville - 244-256 The Role of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the Management of Maritime Risks *
by Agustín Blanco-Bazán - 257-266 MIGA: Long Term Political Risk Insurance for Investments in Developing Countries
by Leigh P Hollywood - 267-274 Worldwide Insurance - A Better Solidarity
by Ruy de Carvalho - 275-284 Quo Vadis? A View from India on General Insurance Industry in Developing Countries
by R D Samarth - 285-293 A Dynamic World Insurance Industry Essential to Stable Growth? A Comment from a Practitioner
by John M Stoker
January 1992, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-25 The Changing Ages of Man
by Xavier Gaullier - 26-39 A Two Decade Comparison of Work After Retirement in the United States*
by Kathryn Anderson & Richard Burkhauser & George Slotsve - 40-80 Aging and the Four Pillars in Japan
by Isao Shimowada - 81-104 Changing the Retirement Age in Germany
by Winfried Schm&aauml;hl - 105-118 The Fourth Pillar in France in the 1990's: Favourable Trends and Current Obstacles
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey - 119-142 Integration of the Disabled in the Work Process: The Dutch Policy*
by Lei Delsen & Saskia Klosse - 143-154 Ageing and the Costs of Health Care in the Future: The Case of Holland
by G W de Wit
October 1991, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 391-395 6th Geneva Lecture Issues for the 1990s: Perspective of a Global Insurer
by M R Greenberg - 396-400 The Relevance of a Multilateral Services Trade Agreement for the World Economy
by Sir Brian Corby - 401-405 Remarks on the Uruguay Round Negotiations
by Charles R Carlisle - 406-413 Deregulation of Financial Services and Liberalization of International Trade in Services
by Francis Lohéac - 414-418 How the Uruguay Round Services Negotiations Will Affect Worldwide Insurers
by Oakley Johnson - 419-423 Services, Globalization and Regulation
by J Saint-Geours - 424-447 Overseas Investors in the U.S. Insurance Market
by John O Nigh - 448-461 Strategic Planning in the Malaysian Insurance Industry
by A R M Zabid & S Kamaruddin & O Maizon & R A Ghaffar - 462-474 The Meaning of the Common Market for the European Insurance Consumer
by G W de Wit - 475-492 The Civil Liability of Suppliers of Services within the European Communities and its Impact on Liability Risk and Insurance*
by John Cowell - 493-499 Uniform Liability Rules for Service Providers: A Preliminary Comment
by Werner Pfennigstorf