April 2001, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 297-309 Managing Natural Catastrophe Risks: The Structure and Dynamics of Reinsurance*
by David Durbin
January 2001, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-7 Anticipating and Managing Risks in the 21st Century
by Denis Kessler - 8-16 24th Annual Lecture of The Geneva Association – Financial Regulation in the New Millennium*
by Stephen A Ross - 17-30 Comments on Stephen Ross's Paper on “Financial Regulation for the New Millennium”*
by Alfons Desiata & Gerry Dickinson & John H Fitzpatrick & Knut Hohlfeld - 31-36 Objectives and Developments in International Supervision of Financial Institutions*
by Andrew Crockett - 37-43 The Importance of Financial Services in the International Context: Challenges for Stability*
by Kaspar Villiger - 44-53 Financial Regulation and the Convergence Scenario*
by Arthur Ryan - 54-70 Insurance Regulation: Some Issues*
by Somesh K Mathur - 71-82 Rethinking Risk Management: The Combination of Financial and Industrial Risk*
by Jurgen Zech - 83-88 Technological Changes in IT and Their Influence on Insurance: The Change Ahead (I)*
by Henning Schulte-Noelle - 89-104 Technological Changes in IT and Their Influence on Insurance: The Change Ahead (II)*
by Max Taylor - 105-113 Public Policy Implications of the World's Ageing Populations*
by Stuart J Brahs - 114-125 Ideas for the Funding of Healthcare in the Context of the Ageing of the Population*
by V W FitzGerald - 126-131 The Ageing Population and the Future of Healthcare Plans
by J Francois Outreville - 132-144 Identification and Pricing of the Embedded Option in a Supplementary Disability Insurance
by Hans van Leeuwen & Michiel Lodewijk
October 2000, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 473-481 The WTO's Financial Services Agreement and the Imperative of Further Liberalization of Trade in Insurance and Reinsurance
by Max Taylor - 482-504 Insurance Regulation in the Public Interest: The Path Towards Solvent, Competitive Markets*
by Harold D Skipper & Robert W Klein - 505-516 U.S. Regulatory Proposal: Insurance Securitizations—Reinsurers' Perspective Outline*
by Bradley L Kading & Joseph B Sieverling - 517-538 A Model for the Detection of Insurance Fraud*
by El Bachir Belhadji & George Dionne & Faouzi Tarkhani - 539-567 Measuring Value Added in the Pensions Industry
by David Blake & John Board - 568-569 Comment on the Article ‘Measuring Value Added in the Pensions Industry’
by Matti Ruohonen - 570-581 Natural Disasters: Lessons from the Past – Concerns for the Future
by Wolfgang Kron - 582-601 Climate Change and the Insurance Industry*
by A. F Dlugolecki - 602-618 Implementing the Kyoto Mechanisms: Potential Contributions by Banks and Insurance Companies
by Josef Janssen - 619-628 Global Climate Change: Uncovering Hidden Investment Risk and Opportunity*
by Martin Whittaker - 629-636 Risk Management, Financial Markets and Insurance: The Hidden Linkages
by Peter L Bernstein
July 2000, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 315-334 The Present Situation of Insurance in India and Developments in Private Insurance in the Next Five to Ten Years
by Praveen Gupta - 335-355 China’s Insurance Market: Opportunity, Competition and Market Trends
by Yiming Shen - 356-368 The Twenty-First Century General Insurance Scenario in the Third World: The Case Study of the Indian Market
by R D Samarth - 369-395 European Merger Controls in Liberalized and Deregulated Insurance Markets: The Decision-Making Practice of the European Commission and the Future Outlook for the Delineation of the Market
by Frank Altemöller - 396-406 The S-Curve Relation Between Per-Capita Income and Insurance Penetration
by Rudolf Enz - 407-423 The Lifetime Redistributive Impact of Capital-Funded Dutch Supplementary Pensions*
by J H M Nelissen - 424-438 Evaluating the Long-Term Risk of Equity Investments in a Portfolio Insurance Framework
by Manuel Ammann & Heinz Zimmermann - 439-450 U.S. Alternative Risk Management Products: A Reinsurance Perspective*
by Bradley L Kading & Debra J Hall - 451-471 Remarks on Reinsurance Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preference Modelling and Defining Objectives
by Matthias Graumann
April 2000, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 163-165 Introduction to the Law and Economics Issue, Year 2000
by Gõran Skogh & Roger Van den Bergh - 166-179 On the Social Function and the Regulation of Liability Insurance
by Steven Shavell - 180-195 Private Arrangements to Cover Large-scale Liabilities Caused by Nuclear and Other Industrial Catastrophes
by Marcus Radetzki & Marian Radetzki - 196-202 Capping Environmental Liability: The Case of North American Nuclear Power
by Anthony Heyes & Catherine Liston-Heyes - 203-219 Global Change, Natural Disasters and Loss-sharing: Issues of Efficiency and Equity
by Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer & Aniello Amendola - 220-234 Environmental Harm and Financial Responsibility*
by Eberhard Feess & Ulrich Hege - 235-250 Large Companies and Insurance Purchases: Some Survey Evidence*
by Brian G M Main - 251-261 Risk Neutrality and Strategic Insurance
by Roland Kirstein - 262-272 Convergence in the Financial Services Industry*
by Lutgart Van den Berghe & Kurt Verweire - 273-287 Weather Derivatives: A Risk Management Tool for Weather-sensitive Industries
by Andreas Müller & Marcel Grandi - 288-295 To Insure or not to Insure? Considerations on Irrational Strategies to Take Out Insurance
by Michael Theil - 296-313 The Consensus Agenda for International Financial Stability
by Elliot Schwartz
January 2000, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction: Leaping Forward into the New Century
by Orio Giarini - 4-24 The Cost of Capital for Insurance Companies
by Walter Kielholz - 25-33 Comments on the Cost of Capital
by Jozef De Mey - 34-37 Capital Management and the Cost of Capital for the Insurance Industry
by Age Korsvold - 38-58 The Impact of Low Interest Rates on Insurers
by Jan H Holsboer - 59-62 The Implications of Lower Interest Rates for Insurers: A Comment
by Gerry Dickinson - 63-77 Consequences of the Reduction of Interest Rates on Insurance
by Sergio Siglienti - 78-103 The 1997 World Trade Organization Accord on Financial Services: Its Impact on and Implications for the World Insurance Industry*
by R Brian Woodrow - 104-115 International Investment, Trade Liberalization and Competition: Some Issues for the Insurance Sector to Consider
by Julian Arkell - 116-127 Optimal Health Insurance
by Mark V Pauly - 128-135 Environmental Liability Risk Management for the 21st Century
by Timothy Cuddihy - 136-153 The Catastrophe Risk Exchange (Catex) in New York: An Exchange and Electronic Processing System for Reinsurance Business
by Carsten Kretzler & Fred Wagner - 154-162 Effects of the Euro on the Insurance Industry*
by Klaus-Wilhelm Knauth
October 1999, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 437-438 Editorial
by Genevieve Reday-Mulvey - 439-447 Social Security and Private Insurance: The Great Change
by Denis Kessler - 448-460 The Future of Pensions and Retirement in Europe: Towards Productive Ageing
by Alan Walker - 461-472 Exit from the Labor Force for Older Workers: Can the NDC Pension System Help?
by Edward Palmer - 473-487 From PAYG to Funding in Italy: A Feasible Transition?
by Onorato Castellino & Elsa Fornero - 488-494 The Swiss Pension Scheme: Long-term Security Through Reform
by M Verena Brombacher Steiner - 495-509 Recent Reforms in Financing Pensions in Central and Eastern Europe
by Jens Bastian - 510-527 The Reality of Retirement in the United States: Lessons in Planning for Tomorrow
by Paul J Yakoboski - 528-533 Chile: Controversy, Difficulty and Solutions
by David Callund - 534-542 New Developments in Europe for Employment at End-of-Career
by Robert Anderson - 543-550 End-of-Career Management in German Enterprise
by Karl Kuhn - 551-579 Recent Trends in the Labour Force Participation of Older People in the UK
by Philip Taylor & Peter Urwin
July 1999, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 243-290 Repositioning of the Insurance Industry in the Financial Sector and its Economic Role
by Jan H Holsboer - 291-299 The Insurance Industry in the Financial Services Market
by Thomas Wellauer - 300-305 A Comparison of the Main European Financial Groups
by João Talone - 306-321 Disability Solutions on a Global Scale
by James F Orr - 322-326 The Privatization of Social Security
by Kurt Biedenkopf - 327-357 Portfolio Choice Models of Pension Funds and Life Assurance Companies: Similarities and Differences
by David Blake - 358-375 Annuity Markets: Problems and Solutions
by David Blake - 376-382 The Ubiquitous Role of Risk Management in the Modern Economy
by Jim Bannister - 383-396 Need for Risk Management by Governments: A Challenge for the 21st Century
by Tom Wilmot & Tony Paish - 397-406 Catastrophic Effects of Environmental Damage and their Consequences
by Werner Schenkel - 407-416 Ten Years of EMF Discussion in the Insurance Industry: Quo Vadis?
by Dieter Kohl - 417-435 Competing Through Marketing Adoption: A Comparative Study of Insurance Companies in Belgium and Spain
by Clara-E García & Jaime Rivera Camino & Victor Molero
April 1999, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 131-139 Risk, Time, and Reversibility
by Peter L Bernstein - 140-144 A Comment on Peter Bernstein's “Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk”
by Orio Giarini - 145-162 The Development of European Private Sector Insurance over the Last 25 Years and the Conclusions that Can be Drawn for Business Management Theory of Insurance Companies
by Dieter Farny - 163-166 Some Observations Concerning the Privatization of Social Security Systems
by Klaus Heubeck - 167-181 A Bill for the Reform of the German Insurance Contracts Act – Separation of Investment Activities and Risk Business
by Dieter Hesberg & Walter Karten - 182-188 Discounted Downside Risk: The Time Dimension of Asset–Liability Management
by Robert van der Meer & Meije Smink - 189-202 The Influence of Information Highways on Management Practice in the Insurance Industry
by Bertrand Venard - 203-215 Risk Management and Insurance Solutions for Space and Satellite Projects
by Oliver Schoffski & Andre Georg Wegener - 216-227 Government Ownership of Insurance Companies in Nigeria: A Critique
by Chibuike Ugochukwu Uche - 228-242 Insurance Spirals and the London Market
by A D Bain
January 1999, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-1 A New Venture for the Geneva Papers
by Orio Giarini - 2-26 Intergenerational Transmission Models: A Survey
by Anne Laferrere - 27-49 Wealth Accumulation by Age Cohort in the U.S., 1962–1992: The Role of Savings, Capital Gains and Intergenerational Transfers
by Edward N Wolff - 50-63 Bequests and Aggregate Wealth Accumulation in Germany
by Anette Reil-Held - 64-76 Age, Wealth Inequality and Life-Cycle Modelling
by James B Davies - 77-94 Survey Information on Household Assets: Some Irish Lessons
by Brian Nolan - 95-113 Mandating Retirement Provision: The Australian Experience
by Hazel Bateman & John Piggott - 114-130 Privatizing Social Security: A Critical Assessment
by Pascal Belan & Pierre Pestieau
October 1998, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 467-468 25 Years of the Geneva Association
by Claude Bébéar - 469-472 How Does the Future Look?
by Ruy de Carvalho - 473-474 25th Anniversary of the Geneva Association
by Sir Brian Corby - 475-476 25 Years of The Geneva Association
by Dieter Farny - 477-478 The Value of Geneva Association Membership and the Bond of Information on Insurance
by John Robins - 479-489 Challenges in Insurance Markets
by Antoine Bernheim - 490-495 Will the International Financial Markets Replace Traditional Insurance Products?
by Jürgen Zech - 496-499 Emerging Regions and Insurance: a Reflection on Latin-American Markets
by Filomeno Mira - 500-505 At the Turn of the Century: Reflections on the Insurance Industry in Society
by Björn Wolrath - 506-518 Shaping the Future for the Insurance Sector
by Lutgart Van den Berghe - 519-529 The Economic Role of the Insurance Sector in the Risk Transfer - Capital Market Nexus
by Gerry Dickinson - 530-539 Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today
by Norman A Baglini - 540-567 Risk and Insurance Economics 25 Years After
by Henri Loubergé - 568-573 Trends in Financial Services*
by Sir David Walker - 574-607 Risk Securitization An Alternative of Risk Transfer of Insurance Companies
by Fred Wagner - 608-611 The IAIS - Tasks and Aims*
by Knut Hohlfeld - 612-623 The IAIS Survey on Reinsurance Supervision An Overview of the Findings
by R C L Bakker & H J M Teeuwen
July 1998, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 299-299 Message
by Raymond Barre - 300-304 The Geneva Association: Setting Standards for 25 Years
by Drs. Jan Holsboer - 305-308 A Personal Biographical Note on the Long March Toward Risk Management in the New Service Economy
by Orio Giarini - 309-317 The Strategic Development of Insurance Markets: Some Reflections with Particular Focus on Commercial Risks and Risk Financing Innovations
by Walter B Kielholz & Kai-Uwe Schanz - 318-330 A 25 Years (and more) in Reinsurance Looking Back and Looking Forward*
by Fedor Nierhaus - 331-355 Insurance and the Euro
by Michel Albert & Patrick Lefas - 356-363 An Outlook on the Private Life Insurance Business in Japan
by Terumichi Tsuchida - 364-365 The Twenty-fifth Birthday of The Geneva Association
by Fabio Padoa - 366-367 25th Anniversary of the Founding of The Geneva Association
by Julius Neave - 368-370 A Few Remarks on 25 Years of The Geneva Association
by Reimer Schmidt - 371-371 A Tribute to The Geneva Association
by John J Roberts - 372-373 Renewed Challenge
by Rony Castro de Oliveira Lyrio - 374-375 25 Years Geneva Association An Unprecedented Period of Fundamental Change in Insurance Business
by Herbert Schimetschek
April 1998, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 147-151 Current Problems in the Law and Economics of Private Insurance: an Introduction
by Herman Cousy & Paul Fenn & Roger Vandenbergh - 152-168 Long Tail (Liability) Risks and Claims Made Policies
by Jaap Spier - 169-177 Insuring the Uninsurable? The Appeal of the Circumstances Clause
by Geert Schoorens & Caroline Van Schoubroeck - 178-181 Comments on the Appeal of the Circumstances Clause and the Uninsurability of Long Tail Risks
by Gerhard Wagner - 182-195 Long Tail Risks and Endogenous Liabilities: Regulating Looting
by Timothy Swanson & Robin Mason - 196-209 Asymmetric Information, Moral Hazard and the Insurance of Legal Expenses*
by Roger Bowles & Neil Rickman - 210-223 Insuring Litigation Risk: Some Recent Developments in England and Wales*
by Neil Rickman & Paul Fenn - 224-246 Information Disclosure in a Competitive Insurance Market - The Government Role
by Kruno Kukoc - 247-264 Development Risks, Strict Liability, and the Insurability of Industrial Hazards
by Göran Skogh - 265-293 The Applicability of the Principles of Private Insurance to Social Health Care Insurance, Seen from a Law and Economics Perspective*
by Michael G Faure
January 1998, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-13 On the Reform of Solvency Rules for Insurance Undertakings in Europe Comments from the View Point of the Insurance Industry
by Norbert Konrath - 14-33 Insurance in the Light of Financial Theory and Innovation
by Ambroise Laurent - 34-51 The Corporate Demand for Insurance: A Strategic Perspective
by S G Ashby & S R Diacon - 52-67 The Reinsurer's Strategic Objectives An Analysis Applying the Theoretical Framework of Prescriptive Decision Theory
by Matthias Graumann - 68-80 Size and Concentration Patterns of the World's Largest Reinsurance Companies
by J. François d'Outreville - 81-102 Internet Insurance Whitepaper How to Build Insurable Internet Business*
by Steven B Adler & Richard A Sand - 103-111 Insurability of Risks on the Information Highway, from the User's Point of View*
by Christian Mehl - 112-122 Risks in Teleworking on the Information Highway*
by Simon Robinson - 123-140 The Evolution of Health Insurance in the United States*
by Ronald E Compton & Neil Schlackman
October 1997, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 463-476 A Risk Focused Approach by the State on the Subject of Sustainability
by Henk C van Latesteijn - 477-495 Some Thoughts on Sustainability, Insurability and Insurance
by Walter R Stahel - 496-500 The 1995 Report on the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Working Group II - Chapter 17 - Financial Services
by Andrew F Dlugolecki - 501-514 Natural Disasters and the Greenhouse Effect: Impact on the Insurance Industry and Possible Countermeasures
by Gerhard A Berz - 515-522 How to Expand the Limits of Insurability*
by Walter T Karten - 523-535 Efficiency and Productivity of the Insurance Industry in the OECD Countries
by Olivier Donni & Fabienne Fecher - 536-552 An Analysis of the Difference in Solvency Experience of U.S. and Canadian Life Insurers
by Anne E Kleffner & Jerry L Jorgensen - 553-570 Attitudes to Risk and Insurance in Chinese Households and Enterprises
by G A Whitmore & Yuan Wei & Jin Yongjin - 571-590 Market Orientation and Business Performance in the Spanish Insurance Sector
by Nora Lado Coustré & Miguel Ángel Martínez Martínez
July 1997, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 307-313 Principles and Economic Effects of Private and State Systems
by Eamonn Butler - 314-326 Private Versus State Systems for Industrial Accidents: The Belgian Case
by Claude Desseille - 327-335 Elements of an Effective Workers' Compensation System
by Peter A Garza-Zavaleta - 336-347 Private Versus Public Systems for Industrial Accidents and Invalidity Insurance: — The German Solution —
by Günther Sokoll - 348-367 Private Versus State Systems for Industrial Accidents and Invalidity Insurance in the U.K
by Chris Williams - 368-377 The Netherlands Recover from their Illness
by A C Blom - 378-391 The Service Liberalisation Agenda of the World Trade Organisation What are the Issues?
by Julian Arkell - 392-399 A Pioneer's View of Financial Services Negotiations in the GATT and in the World Trade Organization: 17 Years of Work for Something or Nothing?
by Harry L Freeman - 400-412 The World Trade Organization and Liberalisation of Trade in Insurance Services: Impact and Implications of the 1995 Protocol on Financial Services*
by R Brian Woodrow - 413-425 The EU Proposal for a Council Directive on Export Credit Insurance: A Critical Evaluation
by David Camino & Clara Cardone
April 1997, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 151-176 Rethinking Society's Management of Catastrophic Risks*
by Howard Kunreuther - 177-186 About the Insurability of Catastrophic Risks*
by Christian Gollier - 187-189 Comments on Howard Kunreuther's Article
by Göran Skogh - 190-193 The American Legal System and the Insurability of Environmental Damage and Catastrophic Loss
by George L Priest - 194-210 Market-Based Environmental Audits and Environmental Risks: Implementing ISO 14000*
by Paul R Kleindorfer - 211-222 Environmental Liability Insurance as a Handmaiden to International Trade and Investment
by Mark W Pauly - 223-237 Insurance Markets and Climate Change
by Neil Doherty - 238-267 Legislation and Practice Concerning Natural Disasters and Insurance in a Number of European Countries*
by C Van Schoubroeck
January 1997, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-16 Insurance Derivatives and Securitization: New Hedging Perspectives for the US Cat Insurance Market
by Walter Kielholz & Alex Durrer - 17-25 The Context for Trading Insurance Risks
by Prakash Shimpi - 26-37 Reinventing Reinsurance Using the Capital Markets
by Richard E Smith & Emily A Canelo & Anthony M Di Dio - 38-45 Social Security and Social Costs: Towards Radical Reform of the System
by Claude Bébéar - 46-59 Financing Old-age Dependency in Europe: Towards Overall Management of Old-age
by Jacques Blondeau & David Dubois - 60-68 Remarks on the American Risk Based Capital Model
by Brian K Atchinson - 69-75 Security of Insurers: The American Risk Based Capital Model versus the European Model of Solvability for Property and Casualty Insurers
by Dieter Farny - 76-85 Some Issues in Risk-Based Capital
by G M Dickinson - 86-106 A Consideration of Pension Credit and Termination Insurance in the UK
by Steven Haberman - 107-127 The Phenomenon of Whiplash and the Compulsory Third Party Liability Insurance: An Interim Report from the Netherlands
by F Th Kremer & D van der Kwaak - 128-142 Life Insurance Asset-Liability Management: An International Survey
by M Smink & R A H van der Meer
October 1996, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 435-468 Preventing Conflicts Between Generations
by Denis Kessler - 469-477 The Role of the Fourth Pillar in the Redesign of Social Security
by Yung-Ping Chen - 478-501 Managing an Ageing Workforce in Britain and France
by Anne-Marie Guillemard & Philip Taylor & Alan Walker - 502-523 Gradual Retirement in the OECD Countries, a Summary of the Main Results
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey & Lei Delsen - 524-533 New Trends in Gradual Retirement in Germany*
by Gerhard Naegele - 534-553 Gradual Retirement in Italy*
by Angelo Scarioni - 554-556 Partial Retirement and Public Policy – a Comment
by Peter Scherer - 557-575 End of Occupational Life and Transition to Retirement: a Challenge for Swiss Institutions?
by Maryvonne Gognalons-Nicolet & Xavier Gaullier & Anne Bardet Blochet
July 1996, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 303-307 Editors Introduction
by Howard Kunreuther & Paul R Kleindorfer & Ortwin Renn