July 2004, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 371-393 U.K. Annuity Rates, Money's Worth and Pension Replacement Ratios 1957–2002
by Edmund Cannon & Ian Tonks - 394-416 Surprises in a Growing Market Niche: An Evaluation of the German Private Life Annuities Market
by Hans-Martin von Gaudecker & Carsten Weber - 417-439 The Financial Sustainability of the Portuguese Social Security System
by Carlos Manuel Pereira da Silva & João Paulo Tomé Calado & Maria Teresa Medeiros Garcia - 440-454 A Search for the Root Causes of the Underdevelopment of the Hong Kong Annuity Market
by Michael Yue Yat Hui & Wai-sum Chan - 455-489 Alternative Compensation Mechanisms as Remedies for Uninsurability of Liability
by Michael G. Faure - 490-502 Life Sciences and GMOs: Still an Uninsurable Risk?
by Mark Cantley - 503-511 Uninsured Risks: Meeting the Special Challenges of an Organization Facing Potentially Destructive Damage
by David Kaye - 512-517 The Insurability of New Liability Risks
by Christian Lahnstein - 518-539 Flood Insurance and Government: 'Parasitic' and 'Symbiotic' Relations
by Colin Green & Edmund Penning-Rowsell - 540-581 Impact of a Fair Value Financial Reporting System on Insurance Companies: A Survey
by Gerry Dickinson & Patrick M. Liedtke - 582-595 Regulatory Dissonance and Challenges to Globalization: A Comparative Study of the United States and Indian Non-life Insurance Regulatory Frameworks
by Veena Raman
April 2004, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 151-153 The Law and Economics of Insurance: Catastrophic Risks, Competition on Insurance Markets and Insights from History
by Roger Van den Bergh - 154-168 In the Aftermath of Dresden: New Directions in German Flood Insurance
by Reimund Schwarze & Gert G Wagner - 169-182 Insurability and Regulatory Reform: Is the English Flood Insurance Regime Able to Adapt to Climate Change?
by Michael Huber - 183-201 Improving Risk Allocation Through Indexed Cat Bonds
by Martin Nell & Andreas Richter - 202-218 How Deregulation Shapes Market Structure and Industry Efficiency: The Case of the Italian Motor Insurance Industry
by Giuseppe Turchetti & Cinzia Daraio - 219-233 Information Exchange as Collusive Behaviour: Evidence from an Antitrust Intervention in the Italian Insurance Market
by Donatella Porrini - 234-246 The Emergence and Development of Fidelity Insurance in 19th-century Britain
by Greg Anderson - 247-257 Insurance as an Instrument of War in the 18th Century
by Geoffrey Clark - 258-272 Financial Stability and Insurance Supervision: The Future of Prudential Supervision
by Terri M Vaughan - 273-283 Regulations as a Source of Systemic Risk: The Need for Economic Impact Analysis
by Rolf Nebel - 284-299 Domestic Regulation and Insurance: The Case for a GATS “Reference Paper” for the Insurance Sector
by John Cooke - 300-312 Credit Derivatives, Insurance Companies and Liquidity Black Holes
by Avinash Persaud - 313-333 Insurance Fraud: Issues and Challenges
by Stijn Viaene & Guido Dedene - 334-341 Issue Management in (Re)Insurance: An Emerging Strategic Challenge
by Kai-Uwe Schanz
January 2004, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-4 Insurance Economics and Legal Systems
by Walter B Kielholz & Richard H Murray - 5-13 Insurance Economics and Legal Systems
by Michael A Butt - 14-21 Insurance Economics and Legal Systems
by Hans-Jürgen Schinzler - 22-30 Insurance Operations and the Asset Meltdown
by Denis Kessler - 31-35 Insurance Operations and the Asset Meltdown
by Thomas Sutton - 36-39 Ethics, Governance, Trust, Transparency and Customer Relations
by Henri de Castries - 40-44 Ethics, Governance, Trust, Transparency and Customer Relations
by Brian K Atchinson - 45-51 Ethics, Governance, Trust, Transparency and Customer Relations
by Jeremy Scott - 52-55 Ethics, Governance, Trust and Customer Relations
by Anton van Rossum - 56-62 Impact of Insurance Accounting on Business Reality and Financial Stability
by Jonathan Bloomer - 63-70 The Impact of Insurance Accounting on Business Reality and Financial Stability
by Gerd H&aauml;usler - 71-74 The Impact of Insurance Accounting on Business Reality and Financial Stability
by Lothar Meyer - 75-77 The Impact of Insurance Accounting on Business Reality and Financial Stability
by James J Schiro - 78-86 Current Priorities in International Standard Setting on Insurance Supervision
by Knut Hohlfeld - 87-101 Operational Risk Control Business Opportunity and Challenges for the Insurance Industry
by Dimitris N Chorafas - 102-114 Perception of Risks
by Ortwin Renn - 115-127 The Economics of Annuities
by Richard Taylor - 128-149 Insuring Liability Risks
by Tom Baker
October 2003, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 551-552 Editorial
by Geneviève Reday-Mulvey - 553-557 Older Workers, Employer Behaviour and Public Policy
by Philip Taylor - 558-574 France: Struggling to Find a Way Out of the Early Exit Culture
by Anne-Marie Guillemard - 575-595 Ageing Workforce: Firm Strategies and Public Policy in Germany
by Winfried Schm&aauml;hl - 596-611 Managing an Ageing Labour Force: The Interplay between Public Policies and the Firm's Logic of Action — The Case of Japan
by Masato Oka & Takeshi Kimura - 612-624 Age Discrimination in the Labour Market and Policy Responses: The Situation in the United Kingdom*
by Philip Taylor & Alan Walker - 625-639 Ageing and Work in Canada: Firm Policies*
by Victor W. Marshall & Joanne Gard Marshall - 640-651 Labour Market Transitions and the Erosion of the Fordist Lifecycle: Discarding Older Workers in the Automobile Manufacturing and Banking Industries in the United States
by Jill Quadagno & Melissa Hardy & Lawrence Hazelrigg - 652-672 Why is the Employment Rate of Older Swiss so High? An Analysis of the Social Security System
by David Dorn & Alfonso Sousa-Poza - 673-676 Concluding Remarks: Company Practices and Public Policies Regarding Age: Lessons Drawn from Comparisons
by Anne-Marie Guillemard - 677-681 Pension Economics: The Relativity of Time and Risk
by Patrick M. Liedtke - 682-685 Whither the Pension Reform Debate? Some Reflections
by Dalmer D. Hoskins - 686-695 Raising the Age of Retirement to Ensure a Better Retirement
by Pierre Pestieau - 696-711 Pensions and Development in the South
by Armando Barrientos - 712-726 Pensions in North Africa: The Need for Reform
by Houssi Chourouk - 727-733 Analysing French Pension Reforms
by Anne Lavigne
July 2003, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 369-373 Insurance Misunderstood
by Patrick M Liedtke - 374-381 The Role of Insurability and Insurance
by Walter R Stahel - 382-393 Climate Change and the Financial Services Sector: An Appreciation of the UNEPFI Study
by Andrew Dlugolecki & Thomas Loster - 394-412 Innovation, Insurability and Sustainable Development: Sharing Risk Management between Insurers and the State
by Kristina Dahlström & Jim Skea & Walter R Stahel - 413-425 A Safety Management System Model with Application to Fire Safety Offshore
by Alan N Beard & Jaime Santos-Reyes - 426-447 War and Terrorism Insurance: Plans for Long-term International Stability and Affordability*
by Harold Caplan - 448-471 Moral Hazard in Liability Insurance
by Christopher Parsons - 472-480 Changing Risk Patterns and Behaviour: Regulator and Market Failure in the Provision of Pensions
by Jyoti M Navare - 481-494 Integrated Distribution of Insurance and Financial Services and Value Creation: Challenges Ahead
by Isabella Falautano & Emanuele Marsiglia - 495-501 The Creation of Value through a Specialized Distribution Network*
by Giovanni Perissinotto - 502-509 Irish Life: Paradise Lost and Regained
by David Went - 510-520 Outsourcing of Insurance Claims: A U.K. Case Study
by John Hood & William Stein - 521-533 The Economics of Capital Regulation in Financial Conglomerates*
by Alan D Morrison - 534-549 30th Anniversary of The Geneva Association – Operating Today and Tomorrow
by Patrick M Liedtke
April 2003, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 151-175 The Search for an International Accounting Standard for Insurance: Report to the Accountancy Task Force of the Geneva Association
by Gerry Dickinson - 177-179 Editorial
by Christophe Courbage - 180-193 Market Insurance, Public Insurance and the Rate of Technical Change in Medical Care
by Mark V Pauly - 194-202 Medical Innovation: A Challenge to Society and Insurance
by Peter Zweifel - 203-221 The Impact of Genetic Testing on Healthcare Insurance
by Michael Hoy & Fabienne Orsi & François Eisinger & Jean Paul Moatti - 222-237 Medical Progress and Supplementary Private Health Insurance
by Reiner Leidl - 238-253 The Meaning of Longevity in Centenarians*
by Vincenzo Marigliano & Laura Tafaro & Ilaria Trani - 254-274 Ageing and the Challenges of New Technologies: Can OECD Social and Healthcare Systems Provide for the Future?
by Stephane Jacobzone - 275-293 Private Compulsory Long-term Care Insurance in Germany
by Helga Riedel - 294-303 Ageing, Disability and the WHO's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
by Jerome E Bickenbach & Somnath Chatterji & Nenad Kostanjsek & T Bedirhan Üstün - 304-315 Health as Human Capital and its Impact on Economic Performance
by David Bloom & David Canning - 316-330 Pharmacogenetics: A New – or not so New?—Concept in Healthcare
by Klaus Lindpaintner - 331-338 Reconstructing the Body: Costs, Prices and Risks
by David F Williams - 339-350 How Medical Progress Impacts on Society and Insurance: The French Case
by Richard Guédon & François Peythieu - 351-367 Demographic Developments, Full Funding and Self-Regulation: The Foundations of the Social Health Insurance of the Future
by Wilfried Johannssen
January 2003, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-4 Global Financial Architecture: Implications for Regulation, Supervision and Accountancy Issues*
by Hans–Jürgen Schinzler - 5-15 Additional Remarks and Comments on Global Financial Architecture
by Knut Hohlfeld & Robert Mendelsohn & Daniel G Schanté - 16-25 Global Pension Schemes: How Governments and Insurers are Responding to the Global Aging Problem*
by Arthur Ryan - 26-38 Additional Remarks and Comments on Global Pension Schemes The French Case
by Gilles Benoist & Richard Harvey & Filomeno Mira - 39-46 Insurance Technology Strategy: Time to Re–evaluate*
by Ronald Pressman - 47-57 Additional Remarks and Comments on Insurance Technology Strategy
by Hugo Andersen & Claude Bébéar & Ewald Kist - 58-64 Additional Remarks and Comments on Global Expansion and the Impact on the Insurance Value Chain: the Reassessment of Business Models and the Revisiting of the Value Proposition
by Brian M O'Hara & Jean–Philippe Thierry - 65-70 The Aftermath of September 11: The Impact on and Systemic Risk to the Insurance Industry
by Jozef De Mey - 71-80 Government Insurance versus Market Insurance*
by George L. Priest - 81-86 Challenges to Financial Stability*
by Geoffrey Bell - 87-93 The Complexity of Managing a Global Company: Regional Exposure vs. Global Exposure*
by Gérard de la Martinière - 94-101 Strategic Positioning in a Liberalizing Market to Serve the Needs of the Industry*
by N Rangachary - 102-110 The Broader Cultural Context of Insurance: Insurance and Religions
by Jean-Pierre Daniel - 111-126 Call Centers: A Case Study on the Interplay Between Organization and Information Technology
by Matthias Graumann & Hans-Jrgen Arnold & Nicole Beltjes - 127-150 Pension Funds in France: Still a Dead End?
by Anne Lavigne
October 2002, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 477-485 Global Aging and the Rise of the Developing World
by Paul S Hewitt - 486-511 The Global Retirement Crisis
by Richard Jackson - 512-533 Older Workers: Trends and Prospects
by Philip Taylor & Sol Encel & Masato Oka - 534-539 Assessing the Suitability of the Elderly for Employment
by Yoshio Yazaki - 540-554 Four Pillars, Four Solutions: Pension Reform and Insurance Opportunities
by Boris Dunnewijk - 555-570 Incentives to Contributing to Supplementary Pension Funds: Going Beyond Tax Incentives
by Clara Busana Banterle - 571-579 The Challenge of Increasing Life Spans for Employment and Pension Schemes: An Open Letter to All Those Who Are, or Will Be, 65*
by Orio Giarini - 580-581 The Ninth Joint Conference on Risk and Insurance of the Geneva Association and the European Association of Law and Economics
by Henrik Lando - 582-601 A Transaction Cost View of Title Insurance and its Role in Different Legal Systems
by Benito Arruñada - 602-608 When is the Preponderance of the Evidence Standard Optimal?
by Henrik Lando - 609-625 Insurance of the Costs of Pharmaceuticals in the Netherlands: A Law and Economics Perspective
by N J Philipsen & M G Faure - 626-637 An Economic Analysis of a Swedish Hydropower Plant Liability Case
by Adam Mantaye - 638-668 Toward Free Trade in Services: Emerging Insurance Markets in Asia
by W Jean Kwon - 669-687 Evolution and Innovation in Insurance Management: The Italian Case
by Roberto Pontremoli
July 2002, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 295-303 Bancassurance: The New Challenges
by Gilles Benoist - 304-306 Development of Bancassurance in Canada
by Bernard Dorval - 307-309 Development of Caissassurance in Quebec
by François Joly - 310-319 Multinational Insurance Groups: The Main Problems for Supervisors
by Giovanni Manghetti - 320-336 Prudential Practices and Financial Stability: Some Conceptual Issues
by Somesh K Mathur - 337-348 The General Agreement on Trade in Services: A Review of its Textual Clarity and Consistency
by Julian Arkell - 349-357 Liability and Insurance after September 11: Embracing Risk Meets the Precautionary Principle
by Tom Baker - 358-382 Liability Rules, Compensation Systems and Safety at Work in Europe
by Chris Parsons - 383-394 Fraud Risks in E–commerce Transactions
by Wolfgang Wopperer - 395-412 Law, Politics and Life Insurance Consumption in Asia
by Damian Ward & Ralf Zurbrueg - 413-434 The Role and Powers of the Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission in the Administration of Insurance Law in China
by Jeffrey E Thomas - 435-443 Risk and Enterprise Value
by Henry Essert - 444-466 Size and Efficiency in European Long–term Insurance Companies: An International Comparison
by S R Diacon & K Starkey & C O'Brien - 467-476 Risk Management: From Portfolio Strategy to Value–creating Systems Strategy
by Eskil Ullberg & Enrique Rodriguez & Nils Stormby
April 2002, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 147-151 Protecting Natural Capital: An Editorial and Introduction
by Norman A Baglini - 152-180 Environmental Risk Management: A Critical Part of Corporate Strategy
by Dan R Anderson - 181-195 The Use of Computer Modeling in Estimating and Managing Future Catastrophe Losses
by Karen M Clark - 196-214 Environmental Risk Management for Developing Countries
by Paul K Freeman & Howard Kunreuther - 215-245 Defending Claims for Environmental Damage Under First-Party Property Insurance Policies in the United States
by William H Howard & Margaret A Mackowsky - 246-254 Environmental Conservation and the Risk Industry: A Natural Alignment of Interests
by James W Hutchin - 255-267 Carbon-Based Conservation Strategies in Latin America: An Innovative Tool for Financing Environmental Conservation
by Sheldon M Cohen - 268-274 Insurance, Risk Management and Culture
by Walter R Stahel - 275-282 Does WTC Matter for the Investment Policy of P/C Insurance Companies?
by Paul M Achleitner & Jorg H Biebel & Daniel Wichels - 283-287 The Role of Government in Financing Catastrophes
by Frank W Nutter - 288-294 The Public Role of Insurers in Man-Made Catastrophes
by Gordon Stewart
January 2002, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-4 Special Editorial: Towards the New Insurance World
by Patrick M Liedtke - 5-28 One Region, One Money: Implications of Regional Currency Consolidation for Financial Services*
by George M von Furstenberg - 29-45 Comments on the 25th Annual Lecture
by Brian K Atchinson & Kevin T Cronin & Ernst M Cisiszar & Gerry Dickinson & Robert J Gibbons & Daniel E Nolle - 46-52 Remarks on the Development of Global Regulation for Financial Services Industries and its Impact on Insurance
by Claude Bébéar - 53-65 Comments on Global Regulation
by Carlo Acutis & Kevin T Cronin & Knut Hohlfeld & Gijsbert J Swalef - 66-72 The Longevity Challenge: Consequences for Health and Life Insurance*
by João Talone - 73-77 Comments on the Longevity Challenge
by Gilles Benoist & Val Gooding - 78-88 The Debate on Global Warming
by Richard Harvey & Michael Butt & Bo Ingemarson - 89-101 The Debate on the Insurance Value Chain
by Anton van Rossum & Henri de Castries & Robert Mendelsohn - 102-112 Reinventing Re/Insurance for the Twenty-First Century*
by Alan Punter - 113-121 The Case for Liberal Reinsurance Regulation
by Rolf Nebel - 122-133 Regulating Reinsurance in the Global Market
by Marie-Louise Rossi & Nicholas Lowe - 134-145 The Customer Shall Lead: E-Business Solutions for the New Insurance Industry*
by Thomas Kaiser
October 2001, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 515-516 Editorial
by Genevieve Reday-Mulvey - 517-528 The Insurance Discourse and Social Security
by Mikael Forss & Esko Kalimo & Tapani Purola - 529-546 The Impact of Ageing Populations on the Economy, a European Perspective: From Baby Boom to Baby Bust?
by Jan Mantel - 547-564 Will it Last? An Assessment of the 2001 German Pension Reform
by Holger Bonin - 565-574 Pension Reform in Japan at the Turn of the Century
by Noriyuki Takayama - 575-586 Privatizing Pensions in the United States: Shifting Sands for Policy Makers?
by Lucy apRoberts - 587-610 The New Pension System in Argentina: Experiences and Lessons*
by Rafael Rofman - 611-622 A European Code of Good Practice on Age and Employment (for Older Workers)
by Elizabeth Drury - 623-641 Ageing Workers in Finland and in the European Union: Their Situation and the Promotion of their Working Ability, Employability and Employment
by Juhani Ilmarinen - 642-655 Beyond Lifetime Employment*
by Atsushi Seike - 656-666 Funding Long-term Care in the United States: The Role of Private Insurance*
by Yung-Ping Chen - 667-683 Long-term Health and Social Care for the Elderly: An International Perspective*
by Laurence Assous
July 2001, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 311-322 Integrated Financial Services – A Framework for Success: Synergies in Insurance, Banking, and Asset Management
by Ewald Kist - 323-326 The Organization of Insurance Companies: Points for Discussion on Mutuals, Demutualization and Beyond*
by Antoine Hennequin & Patrick Peugeot - 327-328 Comments to “The Organization of Insurance Companies: Mutuals, Demutualization and Beyond”
by Miguel Angel Martinez - 329-333 The European Commission's Action Plan for Financial Services*
by Patrick Pearson - 334-345 What is the Economic Meaning of the Precautionary Principle?
by Nicolas Treich - 346-359 The Role of Insurance in Ensuring Financial Market Liquidity
by Philippe Trainar - 360-366 Enterprise Risk Management: Its Origins and Conceptual Foundation*
by Gerry Dickinson - 367-372 Ethical Behavior, Corporate Culture and Financial Services
by Norman A Baglini - 373-385 Hedging Natural Catastrophe Risk in Developing Countries
by Paul K Freeman - 386-388 Hedging Natural Catastrophe Risk in Developing Countries: Comment
by David L Durbin - 389-409 Consumer Perceptions of Financial Risk
by Stephen Diacon & Christine Ennew - 410-417 The Future of Active Global Ageing: Challenges and Responses
by Patrick M Liedtke - 418-434 The Controversy of Funding Versus Pay-As-You-Go: What Remains of the Debate?
by Jan B Kuné - 435-440 Longevity: Causes, Consequences and a New Reliable Calculation Method*
by Wolf-Rüdiger Heilmann & Caspar Sieger - 441-451 A Note on Private vs. Public Health Insurance Schemes for the Elderly: Partial vs. General Equilibrium Effects
by Per-Olov Johansson - 452-458 An Economist's View on Risk Perceptions for Severe Accidents
by Henri Louberge - 459-466 The Economics of Innovation in Health and Insurance Markets
by J-François Outreville - 467-479 Insurance and Transition Economics: The Insurance Market in Russia
by François-Xavier Albouy & Dimitri Blagoutine - 480-489 Korean Experiences in Life Insurance Sector Reforms after the Financial Crisis*
by Wondon Lee - 490-504 Reinsurance in Nigeria: The Issue of Compulsory Legal Cession
by Chibuike U Uche & B E Chikeleze - 505-513 A New Approach to Insurance in Rural Africa
by Hans Hoogeveen
April 2001, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 145-155 Insurance and Reinsurance at the Dawn of the 21st Century
by Jacques Blondeau - 156-172 Understanding the New Service Economy: Economics, Technology and Risk Management
by Orio Giarini & Patrick M Liedtke - 173-183 Convergence in the Financial Services Industry*
by Lutgart Van den Berghe & Kurt Verweire - 184-205 Financial Services in the Virtual World
by John Ginarlis - 206-231 Executive Management in Insurance Entities: A Comparative Study of Mutual Companies and Joint-Stock Companies in Spain with a View to the 21st Century Market
by Miguel Ángel Martínez & Irene Albárran & David Camino - 232-251 Insurance: Accounting, Regulation, Actuarial Science
by Alain Tosetti & Thomas Behar & Michel Fromenteau & Stéphane Ménart - 252-258 The Insurance Industry in the development of the Czech Economy*
by Karel Zeman - 259-267 From Producing Safety to Managing Risks*
by Bruno Porro & Thomas Epprecht - 268-276 Managing Technological Risks: A Challenge for Professional Engineering Insurers
by Detmar Heidenhain - 277-296 Mitigation and Financial Risk Management for Natural Hazards*
by Howard Kunreuther