2010, Volume 77, Issue 2
- 459-490 Strategic Voting over Strategic Proposals
by Philip Bond & Hülya Eraslan - 491-533 Generalized Non-Parametric Deconvolution with an Application to Earnings Dynamics
by Stéphane Bonhomme & Jean-Marc Robin - 534-559 Endowments, Output, and the Bias of Directed Innovation
by Bernardo S. Blum - 560-594 The Flat Rental Puzzle
by Sungjin Cho & John Rust - 595-632 Service Offshoring and White-Collar Employment
by Rosario Crinò - 633-664 Private Information, Wage Bargaining and Employment Fluctuations
by John Kennan - 665-696 Structural Vector Autoregressions: Theory of Identification and Algorithms for Inference
by Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha - 697-729 From Pigou to Extended Liability: On the Optimal Taxation of Externalities Under Imperfect Financial Markets
by Jean Tirole - 730-778 The Gambler's and Hot-Hand Fallacies: Theory and Applications
by Matthew Rabin & Dimitri Vayanos - 779-805 Information Acquisition and Under-Diversification
by Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh & Laura Veldkamp - 806-840 Politicians, Taxes and Debt
by Pierre Yared
2010, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-2 Jane Martin: Special Tribute
by Mark Armstrong - 3-29 Dynamic Matching and Evolving Reputations
by Axel Anderson & Lones Smith - 30-60 Competitive Non-linear Pricing and Bundling
by Mark Armstrong & John Vickers - 61-89 The Swing Voter's Curse in the Laboratory
by Marco Battaglini & Rebecca B. Morton & Thomas R. Palfrey - 90-126 Managerial Skills Acquisition and the Theory of Economic Development
by Paul Beaudry & Patrick Francois - 127-153 Non-Parametric Identification and Estimation of Truncated Regression Models
by Songnian Chen - 154-187 Millian Efficiency with Endogenous Fertility
by J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Eduardo L. Giménez & Mikel Pérez-Nievas - 188-217 Multi-Product Firms and Flexible Manufacturing in the Global Economy
by Carsten Eckel & J. Peter Neary - 218-244 Network Games
by Andrea Galeotti & Sanjeev Goyal & Matthew O. Jackson & Fernando Vega-Redondo & Leeat Yariv - 245-272 On-the-Job Search, Mismatch and Efficiency
by Pieter A. Gautier & Coen N. Teulings & Aico Van Vuuren - 273-304 Pairwise-Difference Estimation of a Dynamic Optimization Model
by Han Hong & Matthew Shum - 305-338 Optimal Monetary Policy with Uncertain Fundamentals and Dispersed Information
by Guido Lorenzoni - 339-371 Quantile Maximization in Decision Theory
by Marzena Rostek - 372-414 Dynamic Kidney Exchange
by M. Utku Ünver
2009, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 1175-1204 Robust Implementation in Direct Mechanisms
by Dirk Bergemann & Stephen Morris - 1205-1238 Thinking Ahead: The Decision Problem
by Patrick Bolton & Antoine Faure-Grimaud - 1239-1267 Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education
by Antoni Calvó-Armengol & Eleonora Patacchini & Yves Zenou - 1269-1295 Asymmetric Information and Adverse Selection in Mauritian Slave Auctions
by Georges Dionne & Pascal St-Amour & Désiré Vencatachellum - 1297-1320 Sovereign Debt without Default Penalties
by Alexander Guembel & Oren Sussman - 1321-1358 Labour Market Regulations and the Sectoral Reallocation of Workers: The Case of Trade Reforms
by Gueorgui Kambourov - 1359-1395 Strategic Communication with Lying Costs
by Navin Kartik - 1397-1429 Entry and Competition Effects in First-Price Auctions: Theory and Evidence from Procurement Auctions
by Tong Li & Xiaoyong Zheng - 1431-1459 Cheap Talk in the Classroom: How Biased Grading at School Explains Gender Differences in Achievements, Career Choices and Wages
by Lydia Mechtenberg - 1461-1489 A Truth Serum for Non-Bayesians: Correcting Proper Scoring Rules for Risk Attitudes
by Theo Offerman & Joep Sonnemans & Gijs Van De Kuilen & Peter P. Wakker
2009, Volume 76, Issue 3
- 851-878 Time-Varying Risk, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates in General Equilibrium
by Fernando Alvarez & Andrew Atkeson & Patrick J. Kehoe - 879-902 Structuring and Restructuring Sovereign Debt: The Role of Seniority -super-1
by Patrick Bolton & Olivier Jeanne - 903-935 Testing for Unit Roots in Small Panels with Short-run and Long-run Cross-sectional Dependencies
by Yoosoon Chang & Wonho Song - 937-971 Temptation-Driven Preferences
by Eddie Dekel & Barton L. Lipman & Aldo Rustichini - 973-992 A Theory of Liquidity and Regulation of Financial Intermediation
by Emmanuel Farhi & Mikhail Golosov & Aleh Tsyvinski - 993-1021 Voluntarily Separable Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
by Takako Fujiwara-Greve & Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara - 1023-1048 Transparency and Economic Policy
by Alessandro Gavazza & Alessandro Lizzeri - 1049-1070 Optimal Unemployment Insurance and Employment History
by Hugo A. Hopenhayn & Juan Pablo Nicolini - 1071-1102 Training, Wages, and Sample Selection: Estimating Sharp Bounds on Treatment Effects
by David S. Lee - 1103-1124 Learning to Wait: A Laboratory Investigation
by Ryan Oprea & Daniel Friedman & Steven T. Anderson - 1125-1147 Cooperation in Experimental Games of Strategic Complements and Substitutes
by Jan Potters & Sigrid Suetens - 1149-1174 Do Population Control Policies Induce More Human Capital Investment? Twins, Birth Weight and China's "One-Child" Policy
by Mark R. Rosenzweig & Junsen Zhang
2009, Volume 76, Issue 2
- 413-450 Simulated Non-Parametric Estimation of Dynamic Models
by Filippo Altissimo & Antonio Mele - 451-469 Large Stakes and Big Mistakes
by Dan Ariely & Uri Gneezy & George Loewenstein & Nina Mazar - 471-501 Structural Changes, Common Stochastic Trends, and Unit Roots in Panel Data
by Jushan Bai & Josep Lluís Carrion-I-Silvestre - 503-528 Efficient Intra-Household Allocations and Distribution Factors: Implications and Identification
by François Bourguignon & Martin Browning & Pierre-André Chiappori - 529-561 Legal Institutions, Sectoral Heterogeneity, and Economic Development
by Rui Castro & Gian Luca Clementi & Glenn Macdonald - 563-596 A Dynamic Model of Privatization with Endogenous Post-Privatization Performance
by Jiahua Che - 597-628 To Segregate or to Integrate: Education Politics and Democracy
by David De La Croix & Matthias Doepke - 629-668 Openness, Government Size and the Terms of Trade
by Paolo Epifani & Gino Gancia - 669-705 Detecting and Predicting Forecast Breakdowns
by Raffaella Giacomini & Barbara Rossi - 707-729 The Technology Cycle and Inequality
by Boyan Jovanovic - 731-759 Occupational Mobility and Wage Inequality
by Gueorgui Kambourov & Iourii Manovskii - 761-794 Optimal Dissent in Organizations
by Augustin Landier & David Sraer & David Thesmar - 795-827 Financial Markets and Wages
by Claudio Michelacci & Vincenzo Quadrini - 829-850 Superstars and Mediocrities: Market Failure in the Discovery of Talent -super-1
by Marko Terviö
2009, Volume 76, Issue 1
- 1-31 Investment Cycles and Sovereign Debt Overhang
by Mark Aguiar & Manuel Amador & Gita Gopinath - 33-62 A Solution Concept for Majority Rule in Dynamic Settings
by B. D. Bernheim & S. N. Slavov - 63-92 Assessing the Equalizing Force of Mobility Using Short Panels: France, 1990-2000
by Stéphane Bonhomme & Jean-Marc Robin - 93-113 The Welfare Effects of Incentive Schemes
by Adam Copeland & Cyril Monnet - 115-142 Political Dynasties
by Ernesto Dal Bó & Pedro Dal Bó & Jason Snyder - 143-179 Inequality in Landownership, the Emergence of Human-Capital Promoting Institutions, and the Great Divergence
by Oded Galor & Omer Moav & Dietrich Vollrath - 181-221 Measuring Strategic Uncertainty in Coordination Games
by Frank Heinemann & Rosemarie Nagel & Peter Ockenfels - 223-251 Knowing What Others Know: Coordination Motives in Information Acquisition
by Christian Hellwig & Laura Veldkamp - 253-281 The Theory of Assortative Matching Based on Costly Signals
by Heidrun C. Hoppe & Benny Moldovanu & Aner Sela - 283-317 The Burden of Knowledge and the "Death of the Renaissance Man": Is Innovation Getting Harder?
by Benjamin F. Jones - 319-342 Slavery and Other Property Rights -super-1
by Nils-Petter Lagerlöf - 343-365 Valid Inference in Partially Unstable Generalized Method of Moments Models
by Hong Li & Ulrich K. Müller - 367-394 A Model of Asymmetric Employer Learning with Testable Implications
by Joshua C. Pinkston - 395-412 Learning by Holding and Liquidity
by Guillaume Plantin
2008, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 987-1009 Coalition Formation in Non-Democracies
by Daron Acemoglu & Georgy Egorov & Konstantin Sonin - 1011-1038 Networking off Madison Avenue
by Mohammad Arzaghi & J. Vernon Henderson - 1039-1067 How to Organize Crime -super-1
by Mariagiovanna Baccara & Heski Bar-Isaac - 1069-1080 Heterogeneity and the Non-Parametric Analysis of Consumer Choice: Conditions for Invertibility
by Walter Beckert & Richard Blundell - 1081-1084 On "Acquisition of Information in Financial Markets"
by Christophe Chamley - 1085-1120 The Demand for Sons
by Gordon B. Dahl & Enrico Moretti - 1121-1141 Living with Risk
by Larry G. Epstein - 1143-1179 Trading Population for Productivity: Theory and Evidence
by Oded Galor & Andrew Mountford - 1181-1214 Bank Credit Cycles
by G. B. Gorton & Ping He - 1215-1256 The Role of Portfolio Constraints in the International Propagation of Shocks
by Anna Pavlova & Roberto Rigobon - 1257-1285 Governing Adaptation -super-1
by Heikki Rantakari - 1287-1296 (A, f): Choice with Frames -super-1
by Yuval Salant & Ariel Rubinstein
2008, Volume 75, Issue 3
- 649-669 Tax Riots
by Marco Bassetto & Christopher Phelan - 671-697 Political Motivations
by Steven Callander - 699-728 A Spatial Theory of News Consumption and Electoral Competition
by Jimmy Chan & Wing Suen - 729-762 Stated Beliefs and Play in Normal-Form Games
by Miguel A. Costa-Gomes & Georg Weizsäcker - 763-788 Land Tenancy and Non-Contractible Investment in Rural Pakistan
by Hanan G. Jacoby & Ghazala Mansuri - 789-808 Time-Consistent Public Policy
by Paul Klein & Per Krusell & José-Víctor Ríos-Rull - 809-833 Inefficient Credit Booms
by Guido Lorenzoni - 835-864 Partial Identification in Monotone Binary Models: Discrete Regressors and Interval Data
by Thierry Magnac & Eric Maurin - 865-900 Make Trade Not War?
by Philippe Martin & Thierry Mayer & Mathias Thoenig - 901-928 Asymptotic Least Squares Estimators for Dynamic Games -super-1
by Martin Pesendorfer & Philipp Schmidt-Dengler - 929-955 When is it Optimal to Abandon a Fixed Exchange Rate? -super-1
by Sergio Rebelo & Carlos A. Végh - 957-984 A Continuous-Time Version of the Principal-Agent Problem
by Yuliy Sannikov - 985-985 Market Size, Trade, and Productivity (DOI:10.111/j.1467-937x.2007.00463.x)
by Marc J. Melitz & Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano
2008, Volume 75, Issue 2
- 339-369 Microstructure Noise, Realized Variance, and Optimal Sampling
by F. M. Bandi & J. R. Russell - 371-389 Revealed Preference Analysis of Characteristics Models
by Laura Blow & Martin Browning & Ian Crawford - 391-413 Durable-Goods Monopoly with Varying Demand
by Simon Board - 415-442 Multiple Lenders and Corporate Distress: Evidence on Debt Restructuring
by Antje Brunner & Jan Pieter Krahnen - 443-473 International Risk Sharing and the Transmission of Productivity Shocks
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Luca Dedola & Sylvain Leduc - 475-498 Sequential Common-Value Auctions with Asymmetrically Informed Bidders
by Johannes Hörner & Julian Jamison - 499-527 When Does One Bad Apple Spoil the Barrel? An Evolutionary Analysis of Collective Action
by David P. Myatt & Chris Wallace - 529-557 An Assignment Theory of Foreign Direct Investment
by Volker Nocke & Stephen Yeaple - 559-578 Consumption Commitments and Employment Contracts
by Andrew Postlewaite & Larry Samuelson & Dan Silverman - 579-596 Statistical Discrimination with Peer Effects: Can Integration Eliminate Negative Stereotypes?
by Shubham Chaudhuri & Rajiv Sethi - 597-628 Optimal Electoral Timing: Exercise Wisely and You May Live Longer -super-1
by Jussi Keppo & Lones Smith & Dmitry Davydov - 629-647 A Model of Money and Credit, with Application to the Credit Card Debt Puzzle
by Irina A. Telyukova & Randall Wright
2008, Volume 75, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Announcement
by Antoni Calvó-Armengol - 3-28 Ambiguity Without a State Space
by David S. Ahn - 29-64 Identification of Search Models using Record Statistics
by Gadi Barlevy - 65-98 Social Preferences, Skill Segregation, and Wage Dynamics
by Antonio Cabrales & Antoni Calvó-Armengol & Nicola Pavoni - 99-116 A Theory of Endogenous Commitment
by Guillermo Caruana & Liran Einav - 117-132 Racial Preferences in Dating
by Raymond Fisman & Sheena S. Iyengar & Emir Kamenica & Itamar Simonson - 133-164 Manipulation and the Allocational Role of Prices
by Itay Goldstein & Alexander Guembel - 165-199 Vertical Contracts in the Video Rental Industry -super-1
by Julie H. Mortimer - 201-228 Cultural Integration and Its Discontents
by Timur Kuran & William H. Sandholm - 229-258 Labour Unrest and the Quality of Production: Evidence from the Construction Equipment Resale Market
by Alexandre Mas - 259-293 Optimal Delegation
by Ricardo Alonso & Niko Matouschek - 295-316 Market Size, Trade, and Productivity
by Marc J. Melitz & Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano - 317-331 Capacity Choice Counters the Coase Conjecture
by R. Preston Mcafee & Thomas Wiseman
2007, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 1005-1033 Rational Pessimism, Rational Exuberance, and Asset Pricing Models
by Ravi Bansal & A. Ronald Gallant & George Tauchen - 1035-1058 A Non-Parametric Test of Exogeneity
by Richard Blundell & Joel L. Horowitz - 1059-1087 Estimating Macroeconomic Models: A Likelihood Approach
by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde & Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez - 1089-1124 Technology—Policy Interaction in Frictional Labour-Markets
by Andreas Hornstein & Per Krusell & Giovanni L. Violante - 1125-1147 Coalition Formation with Binding Agreements
by Kyle Hyndman & Debraj Ray - 1149-1174 Consensus Consumer and Intertemporal Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Beliefs
by Elyès Jouini & Clotilde Napp - 1175-1194 Changing One's Mind when the Facts Change: Incentives of Experts and the Design of Reporting Protocols
by Wei Li - 1195-1227 Technology Shocks and Job Flows
by Claudio Michelacci & David Lopez-Salido - 1229-1257 Cross-Border Mergers as Instruments of Comparative Advantage
by J. Peter Neary - 1259-1274 The Control of Politicians in Divided Societies: The Politics of Fear
by Gerard Padró i Miquel - 1275-1303 Learning Under Ambiguity
by Larry G. Epstein & Martin Schneider - 1305-1327 Firm Location and the Creation and Utilization of Human Capital
by Andres Almazan & Adolfo De Motta & Sheridan Titman - 1329-1354 Leaning Against the Wind
by Pierre-Olivier Weill
2007, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 653-684 Bandwagons and Momentum in Sequential Voting
by Steven Callander - 685-704 Evolution of Preferences -super-1
by Eddie Dekel & Jeffrey C. Ely & Okan Yilankaya - 705-731 Optimal Information Disclosure in Auctions and the Handicap Auction
by Péter Eső & Balázs Szentes - 733-762 Self-Correcting Information Cascades
by Jacob K. Goeree & Thomas R. Palfrey & Brian W. Rogers & Richard D. McKelvey - 763-789 Estimation and Forecasting in Models with Multiple Breaks
by Gary Koop & Simon M. Potter - 791-819 Institutional Quality and International Trade
by Andrei A. Levchenko - 821-855 Are Preferential Trade Agreements with Non-trade Objectives a Stumbling Block for Multilateral Liberalization?
by Nuno Limão - 857-895 Household Intertemporal Behaviour: A Collective Characterization and a Test of Commitment
by Maurizio Mazzocco - 897-935 Measuring Peer Effects on Youth Smoking Behaviour
by Ryo Nakajima - 937-963 Relational Incentives and Moral Hazard in Teams
by Luis Rayo - 965-980 The Mean Voter Theorem: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Convergent Equilibrium
by Norman Schofield - 981-1004 Dividing Online and Offline: A Case Study
by Ginger Zhe Jin & Andrew Kato
2007, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 345-390 Dynamic Security Design: Convergence to Continuous Time and Asset Pricing Implications
by Bruno Biais & Thomas Mariotti & Guillaume Plantin & Jean-Charles Rochet - 391-415 Uncertainty and Investment Dynamics
by Nick Bloom & Stephen Bond & John Van Reenen - 417-445 Collective Labour Supply: Heterogeneity and Non-Participation
by Richard Blundell & Pierre-Andre Chiappori & Thierry Magnac & Costas Meghir - 447-476 Foundations of Dominant-Strategy Mechanisms
by Kim-Sau Chung & J.C. Ely - 477-506 Cities, Workers, and Wages: A Structural Analysis of the Urban Wage Premium
by E. D. Gould - 507-535 Building the Family Nest: Premarital Investments, Marriage Markets, and Spousal Allocations
by Murat Nick & P. Randall Walsh - 537-566 Learning by Doing vs. Learning About Match Quality: Can We Tell Them Apart?
by Éva Nagypál - 567-595 Preferences Over Sets of Lotteries -super-1
by Wojciech Olszewski - 597-624 Urban Structure and Growth
by Esteban Rossi-Hansberg & Mark L. J. Wright - 625-652 Vertical Relationships between Manufacturers and Retailers: Inference with Limited Data
by Sofia Berto Villas-Boas
2007, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 1-30 International Equity Flows and Returns: A Quantitative Equilibrium Approach -super-1
by Rui Albuquerque & Gregory H. Bauer & Martin Schneider - 31-66 Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous Firms
by Andrew B. Bernard & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott - 67-91 Interest Rates, Irreversibility, and Backward-Bending Investment
by Raj Chetty - 93-111 On Price Caps Under Uncertainty
by Robert Earle & Karl Schmedders & Tymon Tatur - 113-145 Elimination of Social Security in a Dynastic Framework
by Luisa Fuster & Ayşe İmrohoroğlu & Selahattin İmrohoroğlu - 147-172 Harmful Addiction
by Faruk Gul & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 173-206 Costly Signalling in Auctions -super-1
by Johannes Hörner & Nicolas Sahuguet - 207-235 To Leave or Not to Leave: The Distribution of Bequest Motives
by Wojciech Kopczuk & Joseph P. Lupton - 237-253 Beyond Icebergs: Towards a Theory of Biased Globalization
by Kiminori Matsuyama - 255-281 On the Theory of Strategic Voting -super-1
by David P. Myatt - 283-318 Optimal Welfare-to-Work Programs
by Nicola Pavoni & G. L. Violante - 319-344 Wishful Thinking in Strategic Environments
by Muhamet Yildiz
2006, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 849-868 Undescribable Events
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli - 869-891 Equilibrium Directed Search with Multiple Applications
by James Albrecht & Pieter A. Gautier & Susan Vroman - 893-906 Non-Bayesian Testing of a Stochastic Prediction
by Eddie Dekel & Yossi Feinberg - 907-940 Efficient Tests for General Persistent Time Variation in Regression Coefficients
by Graham Elliott & Ulrich K. Muller - 941-960 Income Distribution and Demand-Induced Innovations
by Reto Foellmi & Josef Zweimuller - 961-981 The Relevance of a Choice of Auction Format in a Competitive Environment
by Matthew O. Jackson & Ilan Kremer - 983-1007 A Model of TFP
by Ricardo Lagos - 1009-1038 How Changes in Financial Incentives Affect the Duration of Unemployment
by Rafael Lalive & Jan Van Ours & Josef Zweimuller - 1039-1056 Monotone Equilibrium in Multi-Unit Auctions
by David McAdams - 1057-1084 Forecasting Time Series Subject to Multiple Structural Breaks
by M. Hashem Pesaran & Davide Pettenuzzo & Allan Timmermann - 1085-1111 Sequentially Optimal Mechanisms -super-1
by Vasiliki Skreta - 1113-1131 The Market for Quacks
by Ran Spiegler
2006, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 549-576 Are Chinese Cities Too Small?
by Chun-Chung Au & J. Vernon Henderson - 577-610 Executive Compensation and Short-Termist Behaviour in Speculative Markets
by Patrick Bolton & José Scheinkman & Wei Xiong - 611-633 On the Nature of Capital Adjustment Costs
by Russell W. Cooper & John C. Haltiwanger - 635-667 Semi-Parametric Comparison of Stochastic Volatility Models using Realized Measures
by Valentina Corradi & Walter Distaso - 669-688 Words, Deeds, and Lies: Strategic Behaviour in Games with Multiple Signals
by John Duffy & Nick Feltovich - 689-714 Contracting with Diversely Naive Agents
by Kfir Eliaz & Ran Spiegler - 715-741 The Elusive Gains from International Financial Integration
by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas & Olivier Jeanne - 743-767 Optimal Redistributive Taxation in a Search Equilibrium Model
by Mathias Hungerbühler & Etienne Lehmann & Alexis Parmentier & Bruno Van Der Linden - 769-791 Does Auctioning of Entry Licences Induce Collusion? An Experimental Study
by Theo Offerman & Jan Potters - 793-821 Inattentive Producers
by Ricardo Reis - 823-845 Information Markets and the Comovement of Asset Prices
by Laura L. Veldkamp
2006, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 295-327 Firm Turnover in Imperfectly Competitive Markets -super-1
by Marcus Asplund & Volker Nocke - 329-355 Bid-Ask Price Competition with Asymmetric Information between Market-Makers
by Riccardo Calcagno & Stefano Lovo - 357-380 Social Learning and Norms in a Public Goods Experiment with Inter-Generational Advice -super-1
by Ananish Chaudhuri & Sara Graziano & Pushkar Maitra