1985, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 389-400 An Evaluation of the Effects of the EC Quota System on the Italian Dairy Market
by Cioffi, Antonio, et al - 401-410 The Effect of the Quota Policy on the Cattle Stock and Its Compositio n
by Ioannidis, Chris - 411-430 Inter- and Intra-sectoral Effects of Milk Quotas in the U.K. Milk Industry
by Bingley, Pam & Burton, Michael & Strak, John - 431-448 A Super-Levy System for the Dairy Sector: Consequences and Alternatives
by Oskam, Arie J - 449-460 Macro- and Micro-effects of the Super Levy in the Netherlands
by van der Giessen, Leen B & Post, Jaap H - 461-471 The Implementation of the EC Milk Quota
by Burton, Michael - 473-479 Experience with the Milk Quota System in Switzerland
by Rieder, Peter
1985, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 171-186 Imperfect Transmission of Policy Prices
by Colman, David - 187-205 The Value of Price Information in the Profitability of Hog Sales
by Baumann, Hannelore & Kinsey, Jean - 207-231 Production Functions and Rationality of Mixed Cropping
by Just, Richard E & Candler, Wilfred - 233-246 Locational Patterns of the Food-Processing Industry in Poland
by Nowak, Jan & Romanowska, Hanna - 247-263 Greek Agriculture and the CAP
by Georgakopoulos, Theodore A & Paschos, Panagiotis G - 265-282 Returns to Agricultural Research: The Case of Rice Breeding in Spain
by Herruzo, A Casimiro - 283-294 The Pricing of Pulpwood and Spatial Price Discrimination: Theory and Practice
by Lofgren, Karl Gustaf - 295-311 A Survey of Views of Agricultural Economists in Europe
by Herrmann, Roland, et al
1985, Volume 12, Issue 1-2
- 1-1 Agricultural Markets and Prices
by Ashton, John - 1-11 Markets and Prices: Links between Agriculture and the General Economy
by Josling, Tim - 12-14 Markets and Prices: Links between Agriculture and the General Economy: Opening of the Discussion
by Lama de Espinosa, Jaime - 14-15 Markets and Prices: Links between Agriculture and the General Economy: Comment
by Scheper, Wilhelm - 17-26 European Countries with Centrally-planned Economies: Markets and Prices
by Nazarenko, V I - 27-28 European Countries with Centrally-planned Economies: Markets and Prices: Opening of the Discussion
by Wos, Augustyn - 28-29 European Countries with Centrally-planned Economies: Markets and Prices: Comment
by Schinke, E - 31-44 Is Agricultural Production Responsive to Prices?
by Boussard, J M - 45-46 Is Agricultural Production Responsive to Prices? Opening of the Discussion
by Burger, Kees - 46-47 Is Agricultural Production Responsive to Prices? Comment
by Buckwell, Allan - 49-65 Agricultural Prices and Farm Incomes
by Tarditi, Secondo - 66-67 Agricultural Prices and Farm Incomes: Opening of the Discussion
by Schmitt, Gunther - 67-68 Agricultural Prices and Farm Incomes: Comment
by Tomczak, Franciszek - 69-81 Food Prices and the Poor in Developing Countries
by Pinstrup-Andersen, Per - 82-83 Food Prices and the Poor in Developing Countries: Opening of the Discussion
by Bale, Malcolm D - 83-85 Food Prices and the Poor in Developing Countries: Comment
by de Haen, Hartwig - 87-99 Agricultural Market Intervention and International Trade
by Koester, Ulrich - 100-101 Agricultural Market Intervention and International Trade: Opening of the Discussion
by Petit, Michel - 101-103 Agricultural Market Intervention and International Trade: Comment
by Viatte, Gerard
1984, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 367-394 European Community Grain and Meat Policies: Effects on International Prices, Trade and Welfare
by Anderson, Kym & Tyers, Rodney - 395-414 Stabilizing Producers' Revenue by Fixing Agricultural Prices within the EC?
by Herrmann, Roland & Schmitz, Peter Michael - 415-437 The EC's Potential Role in Food Security for LDC's: Adjustments in Its STABEX and Stock Policies
by Koester, Ulrich & Valdes, Alberto - 439-453 Poverty, Agriculture, and Economic Development: A Survey
by Von Witzke, Harald - 455-464 Input Substitutability in the EC Compound Feed Industry
by Surry, Yves & Moschini, Giancarlo
1984, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 261-283 An Application of Public Choice Theory to the Question of CAP Reform
by Senior Nello, Susan - 285-301 Measuring Country Exposure to Commodity Price Uncertainty
by Gordon, Kathryn & Lagrange, Sylvie & Riboud, Christophe - 303-322 Resource Shifts under Tariff Liberalization and Turkey's Comparative Advantage in Agriculture
by Baysan, Tercan - 323-342 Analysis of the Intrasectoral Income Differences in West German Agriculture
by Cordts, W & Deerberg, K-H & Hanf, C-H - 343-351 Supply Response in the Irish Dairy Sector: A Comment [Response of Irish Creamery Milk Supply to Price Changes]
by Oskam, A J - 353-357 Supply Response in the Irish Dairy Sector: A Reply [Response of Irish Creamery Milk Supply to Price Changes]
by Cuddy, Michael P
1984, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 121-127 Major Factors behind the Problems of the Common Agricultural Policy
by Larsen, Arne - 129-140 The Role of the CAP in the Process of European Integration
by Koester, Ulrich - 141-150 The Reform of the CAP: National Interests and Financial Implications
by Marsh, John S - 151-157 North-South Balances and Conflicts within the Community
by Bergmann, Denis - 157-168 Guarantee Thresholds: A Device for Solving the CAP Surplus Problem?
by Tangermann, Stefan - 169-176 Cereal Substitutes, Fat Tax and Price Distortion
by de Veer, Jan - 177-186 The Agri-monetary System-A Reinterpretation
by Sheeny, Seamus - 187-193 Gradual Re-nationalization of the CAP?
by Bublot, Georges - 195-205 Agricultural Problems in EC Enlargement: The Case of Greece
by Sarris, Alexander H - 207-216 Long-term Goals for the CAP
by Ritson, Christopher & Fearne, Andrew - 217-234 A Lower but More Balanced Protection for European Agriculture
by Mahe, Louis P - 235-243 Direct Financial Support to Agriculture
by Tarditi, Secondo - 245-254 Towards a Better Structural Policy
by Barbero, Giuseppe & Croci-Angelini, Elisabetta - 255-259 The Siena Memorandum on 'The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.'
by Barbero, Guiseppe, et al
1984, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-16 Does It Pay to Stabilise the Price of Vegetables? An Empirical Evaluation of Agricultural Price Policies
by Shalit, Haim - 17-28 Endowments and Timber Supply
by Lofgren, Karl Gustaf - 29-42 Dynamic Relationships of Rice Import Prices in Europe
by Brorsen, B Wade & Chavas, Jean-Paul & Grant, Warren R - 43-64 Changes in Food Consumption Patterns in the OECD Area
by Blandford, David - 65-83 A Model of Income Distribution in Agriculture: Theory and Evidence
by von Witzke, Harald - 85-105 Farm Supply Response in Kenya: Acreage Allocation Model
by Narayana, N S S & Shah, M M - 107-118 The Implications of Estimating Market Demand Curves by Least Squares Regression
by Shonkwiler, J S & Taylor, T G
1983, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 303-323 Reflections on the Methodology of Agricultural Policy Research
by Hagedorn, Konrad - 325-356 A Guide to LDC Food Balance Projections
by Fox, Glenn & Ruttan, Vernon W - 357-376 Estimating Demand for Agricultural Commodities in Thailand, Combining Time-Series and Cross-Section Data
by Kennes, Walter - 377-388 The Costs and Benefits of the CAP: Greece's Experience in 1981
by Georgakopoulos, Theodore A & Paschos, Panagiotis G - 389-402 Modelling Credit and Private Investment in Greek Agriculture
by Baltas, N C
1983, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 197-222 Crop Production and Input Requirements in Developing Countries
by Bruinsma, Jelle, et al - 223-247 Agricultural Protectionism in Developed Countries: Analysis of Systems of Intervention
by Harling, Kenneth F - 249-269 Functions of the Food-processing Industry in Promoting the Development of Agricultural Regions in Poland
by Rouba, Helena - 271-280 An Analysis of Technical Efficiency on a Sample of Greek Farms
by Kontos, A & Young, T - 281-293 The Economic Spacing of Trees and Other Crops
by Tisdell, C A & De Silva, N T M H - 295-301 Regional Disparities in Western European Agriculture
by Bonnieux, F & Rainelli, P
1983, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 97-121 Is European Community Food Aid in Dairy Products Cost-Effective?
by Clay, Edward J & Mitchell, Mark - 123-139 The Welfare Costs of the CAP for Developing Countries under Alternative Policy Regimes: The Case of Turkey
by Togan, Subidey - 141-150 A Critique on the 'Study of the Regional Impact of the CAP.'
by Plascasovitis, Ilias - 151-163 Growth and Equity in Agricultural Development: A Survey of the 18th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 24 to September 2, 1982
by von Witzke, Harald - 165-173 The Worsening Financial State of the Multinational Tractor Industry
by Sievers, Manfred - 175-184 An Area Response Model for Perennial Plants and Its Application to Spanish Oranges and Mandarins
by Albisu, Luis M & Blandford, David
1983, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-14 Models for Agricultural Policy: The CARD Example
by Heady, Earl O - 15-31 Fundamental Changes in Price Relationships: An Investigation of the UK Feed Grain Market, 1971-72 to 1978-79, Using Spectral Analysis
by van Dijk, G & Mackel, C - 33-53 International Trade, Gross Substitutability and the Domestic Farm-Retail Price Margin
by Chambers, Robert G - 55-68 Dutch Agriculture Edging in the Eighties
by van Riemsdijk, J F - 69-78 Fruit-Tree Replacement in Discrete Time: An Application in Central Macedonia
by Manos, B & Papanagiotou, E
1982, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 365-413 Analysis of demand and supply in the dairy sector of the Netherlands
by A.J. Oskam & E. Osinga - 415-442 The ORANI approach to quantitative modelling of the Australian agricultural sector
by D. P. Vincent - 443-465 Economic aspects of policies to control nitrate contamination resulting from agricultural production
by Hartwig De Haen - 467-477 Limitations on the purchase of agricultural land and their effect on land pricesAn empirical research into the effectiveness of the criteria proposed in a new land transfer law in the Netherlands
by Jan S. Knipscheer & Cees P. Veerman - 479-480 Book reviews
by Denis K. Britton - 481-482 Book reviews
by D. S. Thornton - 483-484 Book reviews
by L. H. G. Slangen
1982, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 255-270 Regional redistributive effects of common price support policies
by S. Tarditi & E. Croci Angelini - 271-300 Modelling demand and price equations of the Italian agricultural sector
by Ernesto Felli & Giovanni Piersan - 301-312 Analyzing the pricing efficiency in spatial markets: Concept and application
by Sanjeev Gupta & Rolf A.E. Mueller - 313-326 Structural changes in import market shares for apples in the United Kingdom
by Michael Atkin & David Bladford - 327-346 Commodity cycles as random processes
by Frederic L. Pryor & Frederick Solomon - 347-351 Facts and Opinions about the Common Agricultural Policy
by Carl Thomsen - 352-354 Book reviews
by Günther Schmitt - 355-356 Book reviews
by K.J. Poppe
1982, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 127-155 Power inputs from labour, draught animals and machines in the agriculture of the developing countries
by Nikos Alexandratos & Jelle Bruinsma & Janos Hrabovszky - 157-181 The benefits of the CAP for developing countries: A case study of the Ivory Coast
by H. Dick & E. Gerken & D.P. Vincent - 183-204 The EC sugar market policy and developing countries
by Ulrich Koester & Peter Michael Schmitz - 205-220 Supply response and efficiency gains from storage operations: A simulation analysis
by David Bigman - 221-231 Response of Irish creamery milk supply to price changes
by Michael P. Cuddy - 233-236 The marginalization of Belgian farms (1962/63–1977/78)
by Georges Bublot - 237-239 The economics of agricultural policy by Graham Hallet
by L. Martens - 240-241 Food Policies by John R. Tarrant
by N. Berkely Hill - 242-244 Agriculture in Western Europe: Challenge and response 1880–1980 by Michael Tracy
by S.L. Louwes
1982, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 7-24 Management bias and returns to scale in a Cobb-Douglas production function for agriculture
by P.J. Dawson & J. Lingard - 25-40 Intertemporal pricing efficiency in agricultural markets: The case of slaughter hogs in West Germany
by Sanjeev Gupta & Rolf A.E. Mueller - 41-63 Regionally differing optimal prices in an economic community
by Karl Frenz - 65-86 The Israeli meat sector: An econometric model
by Amir Shmueli & Charles S. Tapiero - 87-101 Input-output studies of agriculture in regional economy — some problems of method
by Ewa Rablnowicz - 103-105 Single equation demand estimation
by T. Young - 107-109 Agricultural product prices by William G. Tomek and Kenneth L. Robinson
by U. Koester - 110-112 National Staatliche Landwirtschaftsförderung Und Europäische Agrarpolitik — Zum Problem der Kompatibilität nationaler Beihilfen mit der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik by Eckard Seebohm
by D. Goemann - 113-115 MOIRA model of international relations in agriculture by Hans Linnemann, Jerrie de Hoogh, Michiel A. Keyzer and Henk D. J. van Heemst
by Wilhelm Scheper
1981, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 453-473 Polish agriculture in the 1970s and the prospects for the early 1980s
by B. Simatupang - 475-497 Appraising a regional development programme—The case of the Scottish Highlands and Islands
by John Bryden - 499-518 Agricultural planning for regional balance
by Lars Olof Persson & Olof Bolin - 519-525 The rational cavist
by W. C. Labys & B. C. Cohen & C. W. Yang - 527-530 Book reviews
by Gerrit Meester - 531-532 Book reviews
by U. Koester - 533-534 Book reviews
by M.T.G. Meulenberg
1981, Volume 8, Issue 2-3
- 131-136 Regional development in the economic policy of Yugoslavia
by Milovan Zidar - 137-153 Agriculture and regional development in Europe — The role of agricultural economists
by Michel Petit - 155-170 Strong agricultures but weak rural economies — The undue emphasis on agriculture in European rural development
by Gerald Wibberley - 171-176 Opening of the discussion on the plenary paper by Gerald Wibberley
by M.E. Chassagne - 177-196 Origins and mechanisms of reproduction of the regional discrepancies in agricultural development in Europe
by Marcel L. Mazoyer - 197-198 Opening of the discussion on the plenary paper by Marcel L. Mazoyer
by V.J. Nazarenko - 199-209 Regional disparities in agriculture
by P.H. Dabrowski - 211-212 Opening of the discussion on the plenary paper by P.H. Dabrowski
by Olof Bolin - 213-246 Regional policy in EC countries and Community Regional Policy: A note on problems and perspectives in developing depressed rural regions
by Giuseppe Orlando & Gervasio Antonelli - 247-249 Opening of the discussion on the Plenary paper by G. Orlando and G. Antonelli
by G.M. Bueno - 251-281 Agricultural policies and their regional impact in Western Europe
by Günther Weinschenck & Jutta Kemper - 283-285 Opening of the discussion on the Plenary paper by G. Weinschenck and J. Kemper
by F. Lechi - 287-314 The regional economic development and political aims, methods and measures in the regional development of agriculture: The Yugoslav example
by Duˇan Tomić - 315-323 Theory and models of regional economic analysis and planning
by M. Urban & G. Van Leeuwen - 325-332 Documentation and statistics; typology and descriptive models
by G. Boddez & T. Budin - 333-338 Resources, natural environment, land use and energy
by J. Vallat & L. Martens - 339-347 Food processing and marketing in relation to regional problems
by C. Csaki & E. Dimou - 349-357 Relations between agricultural and non-agricultural activities
by V. Stipetic & J. Bryden - 359-366 Social problems, living conditions
by G. Barbero & T. Zimbrek - 367-375 Regional planning and agricultural policy
by D.K. Britton & A. Brun - 377-382 Mountain and hill areas
by H. Popp & J. Valarche - 383-389 Less-favoured areas in Northern climates
by W. Jorgenson & A. Matthews - 391-399 Less-favoured areas in Southern climates
by R. Esteruelas & D. Agostini - 401-408 Regional problems in high income countries and specific areas
by D. Bergmann & D. Everts - 409-424 Theory, analysis and methodology
by Jan De Veer - 425-434 General report on policy aspects
by Michael Tracy - 438-438 Foreword
by G. Barbero
1981, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-26 Macroeconomic influences on future agricultural prices in the European Community
by Mark Langworthy & Scott Pearson & Tim Josling - 27-39 Risk response in Kenyan agriculture: The case of major export crops
by Thomas Mayer & Klaus-Otto Junginger-Dittel - 41-55 Direct income transfers for the agricultural sector in less-favoured areas (DIT-LFA)The Council directive no. 268/75 EEC, title II: A comparison between and within Member Countries
by W. Peters & U. Langendorf - 57-83 The efficiency of the Common Agricultural Policy
by K.J. Thomson & D.R. Harvey - 85-97 An application of the Market Share Approach to the demand for soyabean and rapeseed oil
by Karl D. Meilke & G.R. Griffith - 99-109 Influence of butter and margarine prices on the demand for butter in Belgium
by J. Vertessen - 111-113 Book reviews
by D.M. Winter - 115-117 Book reviews
by J. Viaene
1980, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 365-375 Factor substitution in Mexican agriculture
by Bernhard Fischer - 377-393 Part-time farming in developed countries
by Laurent Martens - 395-411 Agricultural policy uncertainty and the risk averse firm
by Dr. DONALD MACLAREN - 413-432 Forecasting the agricultural structure using empirical transition matrices
by Daniel Thorburn - 433-448 Food consumption subsidy programs as a means of agricultural surplus disposal for the European Community
by Rolf Alter & Sylvia Lane - 449-451 Book reviews
by Berkeley Hill - 453-455 Book reviews
by E. Tollens - 457-459 Book reviews
by S. Tangermann
1980, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 229-265 Agricultural sector programming models: A review
by Roger D. Norton & Gerhard W. Schiefer - 267-288 The relationship between farm and retail prices in the Spanish broiler chicken industry: An application of the Box-Jenkins approach
by DANIEL PEÑA & Professor JOSÉ SUMPSI - 289-313 Information, hierarchical model structures and forecasting: A case study of the stock of dairy cows in England and Wales
by A. J. Rayner & R. J. Young - 315-332 Agricultural marketing teaching in the United Kingdom
by Michael Haines - 333-340 Specification of trade in intermediate by-products in aggregate models of supply: A case study
by C. -H. Hanf & R. A. E. Mueller - 341-346 Estimating the demand functions for fresh citrus
by John C. S. Tang - 347-350 Agriculture and the food industry: A note on the 17th SIDEA Conference
by Margaret Loseby - 351-353 Book reviews
by G. Van Dijk - 355-358 Book reviews
by Donald Maclaren
1980, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 109-146 Aggregate factor input and productivity in agriculture: A comparison for the EC-member countries, 1963–76
by R. Behrens & H. De Haen - 147-175 A computerised planning method for risky investments
by Wilhelm Brandes & Hans-Joachim Budde & Eberhard Sperling - 177-184 A methodological approach to evaluating horizontal and vertical integration in agriculture in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
by Paul Wiedemann - 185-202 Stabilization and welfare with trade, variable levies and internal price policies
by David Bigman - 203-211 Computerized farm management tools: Forecasting the demand
by Bo Öhlmér & Sherill B. Nott & Stephen B. Harsh - 213-220 Computerized farm management information systems
by Bo Öhlmér
1980, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-27 Price distortions in developing countries: A bias against agriculture
by Ernst Lutz & Pasquale L. Scandizzo - 29-39 Agricultural commodity supply regulation and inflation control
by R. Mcfall Lamm - 41-54 The influence of the large scale mechanization of ware potato growing upon supply responsiveness in The Netherlands (1955–1978)
by F.A.J. Van Den Bosch & C.A.P. Veerman - 55-77 Towards a reconciliation of economics and ecology
by Peter Söderbaum - 79-82 Dynamics of farm income dispersion: A comment
by Harald Von Witzke - 83-87 Dynamics of Farm Income Dispersion: Reply
by Jean-François Sneessens - 89-91 Book reviews
by Eckart Neander - 93-95 Book reviews
by H.A. Luning - 97-98 Book reviews
by Josef Scherer
1979, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 399-433 Development problems of the agricultural sector in labour-managed market economies: The case of Yugoslavia
by Günther Weinschenck - 435-452 Linear risk programming in supply response analysis
by C.-Hennig Hanf & Rolf A.E. Mueller - 453-465 Decline and recovery of Jordanian vegetable exports
by Ronald W. Ward