- 186 Digital Identity Management for Natural Persons: Enabling Innovation and Trust in the Internet Economy - Guidance for Government Policy Makers
by Oecd - 185 Terms of Reference for the Review of the OECD Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Data Flows of Personal Data
by Oecd - 184 Virtual Worlds: Immersive Online Platforms for Collaboration, Creativity and Learning
by Oecd - 183 Next Generation Access Networks and Market Structure
by Oecd - 182 Fibre Access: Network Developments in the OECD Area
by Oecd - 181 National Broadband Plans
by Oecd - 180 International Mobile Data Roaming
by Oecd - 179 The Protection of Children Online: Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect Them
by Oecd - 178 Report on the Implementation of the OECD Recommendation on Cross-border Co-operation in the Enforcement of Laws Protecting Privacy
by Oecd - 177 National Strategies and Policies for Digital Identity Management in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 176 The Evolving Privacy Landscape: 30 Years After the OECD Privacy Guidelines
by Oecd - 175 Broadband Bundling: Trends and Policy Implications
by Oecd
- 174 The Information and Communication Technology Sector in India: Performance, Growth and Key Challenges
by Oecd - 173 Geographically Segmented Regulation for Telecommunications
by Oecd - 172 Internet Addressing: Measuring Deployment of IPV6: Measuring Deployment of IPV6
by Karine Perset - 171 The Economic and Social Role of Internet Intermediaries
by Karine Perset - 170 Developments in Cable Broadband Networks
by Hyun-Cheol Chung - 169 Wireless Broadband Indicator Methodology
by Oecd - 168 International Mobile Roaming Services: Analysis and Policy Recommendations
by Oecd
- 167 Smart Sensor Networks: Technologies and Applications for Green Growth
by Oecd - 166 International Mobile Roaming Charging in the OECD Area
by Oecd - 165 Indicators of Broadband Coverage
by Agustín Díaz-Pinés - 164 Network Developments in Support of Innovation and User Needs
by James Enck & Taylor Reynolds - 163 The Impact of the Crisis on ICTs and their Role in the Recovery
by Arthur Mickoleit & Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze & Cristina Serra-Vallejo & Graham Vickery & Sacha Wunsch-Vincent - 162 Measuring the Relationship between ICT and the Environment
by Sheridan Roberts - 161 Mobile Broadband: Pricing and Services
by Yasuhiro Otsuka - 160 The Role of Digital Identity Management in the Internet Economy: A Primer for Policy Makers
by Oecd - 159 Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth
by Dominique Guellec & Sacha Wunsch-Vincent - 158 Information Economy Product Definitions Based on the Central Product Classification (version 2)
by Oecd - 157 Broadband over Power Lines (BPL): Developments and Policy Issues
by Byung-Wook Kwon - 156 ENUM: Converging Telephone Numbers and Addresses in Next Generation Networks
by Thomas de Haan - 155 Towards Green ICT Strategies: Assessing Policies and Programmes on ICT and the Environment
by Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze - 154 The Role of Communication Infrastructure Investment in Economic Recovery
by Taylor Reynolds - 152 Network Externality Premiums and International Telecommunication Traffic Exchange
by Oecd - 151 The Influence of Market Developments and Policies on Telecommunication Investment
by Yoshikazu Okamoto
- 150 RFID Guidance and Reports
by Oecd - 149 OECD Policy Guidance for Addressing Emerging Consumer Protection and Empowerment Issues in Mobile Commerce
by Oecd - 148 Shaping Policies for the Future of the Internet Economy
by Oecd - 147 The Seoul Declaration for the Future of the Internet Economy
by Oecd - 146 Broadband and the Economy
by Oecd - 145 Internet Address Space: Economic Considerations in the Management of IPv4
by Oecd - 144 RFID Applications, Impacts and Country Initiatives
by Oecd - 143 Public Rights of Way for Fibre Deployment to the Home
by Oecd - 143 Droits de passage sur le domaine public pour le déploiement de la fibre jusqu'au domicile
by Ocde - 142 Évolution des technologies de la fibre et de l'investissement en ce domaine
by Ocde - 142 Developments in Fibre Technologies and Investment
by Oecd - 141 Global Opportunities for Internet Access Developments
by Oecd - 140 Measuring Security and Trust in the Online Environment: A View Using Official Data
by Oecd - 139 Measuring User-Created Content: Implications for the ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals Surveys
by Oecd - 138 L'idenfication par radiofréquence (RFID) : Sécurité de l'information et protection de la vie privée
by Ocde - 138 Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID): A Focus on Information Security and Privacy
by Oecd - 136 Measuring the Impacts of ICT Using Official Statistics
by Oecd
- 137 IPTV: Market Developments and Regulatory Treatment
by Oecd - 135 Broadband and ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals
by Oecd - 134 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Implementation in Germany: Challenges and Benefits
by Oecd - 133 Catching up in Broadband - What Will it Take?
by Oecd - 132 Report on Second Roundtable on Economics for Consumer Policy
by Oecd - 131 Report on OECD Member Countries' Approaches to Consumer Contracts
by Oecd - 130 L'élaboration de politiques de protection des infrastructures d'information critiques
by Ocde - 130 Development of Policies for Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures
by Oecd - 129 ICTs and Gender
by Oecd - 128 Is China the New Centre for Offshoring of IT and ICT-Enabled Services?
by Oecd - 127 Fixed-Mobile Convergence: Market Developments and Policy Issues
by Oecd - 126 Mobile Multiple Play: New Service Pricing and Policy Implications
by Oecd - 125 The Spectrum Dividend: Spectrum Management Issues
by Oecd - 124 Mobile Commerce
by Oecd - 123 Policy Considerations for Audio-visual Content Distribution in a Multiplatform Environment
by Oecd
- 122 Potential Impacts of International Sourcing on Different Occupation
by Oecd - 121 Report on the Cross-Border Enforcement of Privacy Law
by Oecd - 120 Simplifier les notices d'information sur la protection de la vie privée: Rapport et recommandations de l'OCDE
by Ocde - 120 Making Privacy Notices Simple: An OECD Report and Recommendations
by Oecd - 119 Digital Broadband Content: Digital Content Strategies and Policies
by Oecd - 118 Future Digital Economy: Digital Content Creation, Distribution and Access - Conference Conclusions
by Oecd - 117 Online Payment Systems for E-commerce
by Oecd - 116 Report on a Roundtable on Demand-side Economics for Consumer Policy
by Oecd - 115 Report on Disclosure Issues Related to the Use of Copy Control and Digital Rights Management Technologies
by Oecd - 114 Report of the OECD Task Force on Spam: Anti-Spam Toolkit of Recommended Policies and Measures
by Oecd - 113 Rethinking Universal Service for a Next Generation Network Environment
by Oecd - 112 Digital Broadband Content: Public Sector Information
by Oecd - 111 The Secondary Market for Domain Names
by Oecd - 110 Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID): Drivers, Challenges and Public Policy Considerations
by Oecd - 109 Policy Considerations of VoIP
by Oecd - 108 The Implications of WiMAX for Competition and Regulation
by Oecd - 107 The Share of Employment Potentially Affected by Offshoring: An Empirical Investigation
by Oecd - 106 The Policy Implications of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
by Oecd - 105 Telecommunication Regulatory Institutional Structures and Responsibilities
by Oecd - 104 VoIP: Developments in the Market
by Oecd - 103 Examen des politiques à l'égard des consommateurs : Rapport sur les campagnes d'information sur les consommateurs relatives aux escroqueries ('scams')
by Ocde
- 103 Examining Consumer Policy: A Report on Consumer Information Campaigns Concerning Scams
by Oecd - 102 The Promotion of a Culture of Security for Information Systems and Networks in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 101 Technologies fondées sur la biométrie
by Ocde - 100 OECD Report on Digital Music: Opportunities and Challenges
by Oecd - 99 Spam Issues in Developing Countries
by Oecd - 98 Online Computer and Video Games
by Oecd - 97 Digital Broadband Content: Mobile Content
by Oecd - 96 New Perspectives on ICT Skills and Employment
by Oecd - 95 Secondary Markets for Spectrum: Policy Issues
by Oecd - 94 Growth in Services - Fostering Employment, Productivity and Innovation
by Oecd - 93 Development of Voice over WiFi by Integrating Mobile Networks
by Oecd - 92 OECD Workshop on Consumer Dispute Resolution and Redress in the Global Marketplace: Background Report
by Oecd - 91 Potential Offshoring of ICT-intensive Using Occupations
by Oecd - 90 Regulatory Reform as a Tool for Bridging the Digital Divide
by Oecd - 89 Next Generation Network Development in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 88 ICT, E-Business and SMEs
by Oecd - 87 Compétences et emploi dans le domaine des TIC
by Ocde - 87 ICT Skills and Employment
by Oecd
- 101 Biometric-based Technologies
by Oecd - 86 Les TIC, le commerce électronique et les PME
by Ocde - 86 ICT, E-Business and Small and Medium Enterprises
by Oecd - 85 Development of Third-Generation Mobile Services in the OECD
by Oecd - 84 Generic Top Level Domain Names: Market Development and Allocation Issues
by Oecd - 83 The Implications of Convergence for Regulation of Electronic Communications
by Oecd - 82 Peer to Peer Networks in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 81 Report on non-OECD Countries' Spam Legislation
by Oecd - 80 The Development of Broadband Access in Rural and Remote Areas
by Oecd - 79 Digital Delivery of Business Services
by Oecd - 78 Note de synthèse pour l'atelier de l'OCDE sur le spam
by Ocde - 78 Background Paper for the OECD Workshop on Spam
by Oecd
- 77 Broadband and Telephony Services Over Cable Television Networks
by Oecd - 76 The Benefits and Costs of Structural Separation of the Local Loop
by Oecd - 75 Broadband Driving Growth: Policy Responses
by Oecd - 74 Developments in Local Loop Unbundling
by Oecd - 73 Consumer Policy Considerations on the Importance of Accurate and Available WHOIS Data
by Oecd - 73 Considérations du point de vue de la politique à l'égard des consommateurs sur l'importance d'avoir des données Whois exactes et disponibles
by Ocde - 72 Mettre les TIC à profit dans une économie numérique
by Ocde - 72 Seizing the Benefits of ICT in a Digital Economy
by Oecd - 71 Development of Wireless Local Area Networks in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 70 Comparing Domain Name Administration in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 69 Review of the Development and Reform of the Telecommunications Sector in China
by Oecd - 68 Universal Service Obligations and Broadband
by Oecd - 65 Dispositions juridiques liées au règlement alternatif des litiges entre entreprises et consommateurs relatifs à la vie privée et à la protection des consommateurs
by Ocde
- 67 Access for Business
by Oecd - 65 Legal Provisions Related to Business-to-Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution in Relation to Privacy and Consumer Protection
by Oecd - 64 Report on Consumer Protections for Payment Cardholders
by Oecd - 63 Résolution en ligne des litiges liés au commerce électronique : règlement alternatif des litiges (RAL) - Les questions à se poser
by Ocde - 63 Resolving E-commerce Disputes Online: Asking the Right Questions about ADR
by Oecd - 62 L'échange de trafic Internet et le développement de la concurrence dans les télécommunications internationales de bout en bout
by Ocde - 61 Exemples de bonnes pratiques relatives aux lignes directrices de l'OCDE régissant la protection des consommateurs dans le contexte du commerce électronique
by Ocde - 61 Best Practice Examples under the OECD Guidelines on Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce
by Oecd - 60 Trends in IP Technology: Their Impact on the Traditional Telephony Carrier
by Oecd - 59 Cybersquatting: The OECD's Experience and the Problems it Illustrates with Registrar Practices and the 'Whois' System
by Oecd - 58 Internet Traffic Exchange and the Development of end-to-end International Telecommunication Competition
by Oecd
- 66 Rapport sur les contrats régissant les flux transfrontières de données dans le cadre plus général des mécanismes de protection de la vie privée sur les réseaux mondiaux
by Ocde - 57 The Internet and Business Performance
by Oecd - 56 The Development of Broadband Access in the OECD Countries
by Oecd - 55 Cross-border Co-operation in Combatting Cross-border Fraud: The US/Canadian Experience
by Oecd - 55 Coopération bilatérale pour combattre la fraude transfontière: l'expérience des Etats-Unis et du Canada
by Ocde - 54 Inventaire des lois, politiques et pratiques régissant la protection des consommateurs dans le contexte du commerce électronique
by Ocde - 54 Inventory of Consumer Protection Laws, Policies and Practices Applied to Electronic Commerce
by Oecd - 53 Interconnection and Local Competition
by Oecd - 52 B2B E-Commerce in Publishing, Retail Distribution and Pharmaceuticals Distribution in France
by Oecd - 51 Les rôles des infrastructures de télécommunication et d'information dans le développement du commerce électronique
by Ocde - 50 ICT Standardisation in the New Global Context
by Oecd - 49 Understanding the Digital Divide
by Oecd
- 46 La publicité et le marketing en ligne visant les enfants
by Ocde - 46 Online Advertising and Marketing Directed Toward Children
by Oecd - 45 Electronic Commerce: Initial Survey of Unilateral Liberalisation and Facilitation Measures
by Oecd - 44 A Global Action Plan for Electronic Commerce: Prepared by Business with Recommendations for Governments
by Oecd - 43 A Review of Market Openness and Trade in Telecommunications
by Oecd - 42 Conditional Access Systems: Implications for Access
by Oecd - 41 Building Infrastructure Capacity for Electronic Commerce: Leased line developments and pricing
by Oecd - 40 Economic and Social Impact of E-commerce: Preliminary Findings and Research Agenda
by Oecd
- 39 Mesurer le commerce électronique
by Ocde - 39 Measuring Electronic Commerce
by Oecd - 38 Dismantling the Barriers to Global Electronic Commerce, Turku (Finland): 19-21 November 1997 - Conference Report
by Oecd - 37 Content as a New Growth Industry
by Oecd - 36 Measuring Electronic Commerce: International Trade in Software
by Oecd - 35 Internet Voice Telephony Developments
by Oecd - 34 Internet Traffic Exchange: Developments and Policy
by Oecd - 33 Le secteur du logiciel : un profil statistique pour certains pays de l'OCDE
by Ocde - 32 Electronic Commerce: Prices and Consumer Issues for Three Products: Books, Compact Discs and Software
by Oecd
- 31 Webcasting and Convergence: Policy Implications
by Oecd - 30 Internet Domain Names: Allocation Policies
by Oecd - 29 Sacher Report
by Oecd - 28 New Technologies and their Impact on the Accounting Rate System
by Oecd - 27 Measuring Electronic Commerce
by Oecd - 26 Access to and Use of Information Technologies at Home
by Oecd - 25 Global Information Infrastructure -- Global Information Society (GII-GIS): Policy Requirements
by Oecd
- 24 Alternative Local Loop Technologies: A Review
by Oecd - 23 Mobile Cellular Communication: Pricing Strategies and Competition, ICCP No. 39
by Oecd - 22 The Role of Information in Telecommunications Regulations
by Oecd - 21 OECD Reflections on the Benefits of Mobile Cellular Telecommunication Infrastructure Competition
by Oecd - 20 Information Infrastructure Policies
by Oecd - 19 Payments for Goods and Services on the Information Superhighway: Reproduction Rights and Remuneration in the Electronic Marketplace
by Oecd - 18 Global Information Infrastructure and Global Information Society (GII-GIS): Statement of Policy Recommendations Made by the ICCP Committee
by Oecd
- 17 Satellite Communication: Structural Change and Competition
by Oecd - 16 Restructuring in Public Telecommunications Operator Employment
by Oecd - 15 International Telecommunication Pricing Practices and Principles: A Progress Review, No. 36
by Oecd - 14 Price Caps for Telecommunications: Policies and Experiences, No. 37
by Oecd - 13 Mobile and PSTN Communication Services: Competition or Complementarity?
by Oecd - 12 The Economic and Regulatory Aspects of Telecommunication Numbering
by Oecd - 11 The Changing Role for Telecommunications in the Economy: Globalisation and its Impact on National Telecommunication Policy
by Oecd - 10 International Infrastructure Competition
by Oecd - 9 IT Diffusion Policies for SMEs
by Oecd - 8 IT Policies: Organisation Structure in Member Countries
by Oecd