- 77 Monetary Policy in the Wake of Financial Liberalisation
by Adrian Blundell-Wignall & Frank Browne & Paolo Manasse - 76 The Dollar Position of the Non-U.S. Private Sector, Portfolio Effects, and the Exchange Rate of the Dollar
by Bixio Barenco - 75 Measuring Industrial Subsidies: Some Conceptual Issues
by Neil Bruce - 74 Industrial Subsidies in the OECD Economies
by Robert Ford & Wim Suyker - 73 The Saving Behaviour of Japanese Households
by Kenichi Kawasaki - 72 The Role of Indicators in Structural Surveillance
by Oecd
- 71 Modelling Business Sector Supply for the Smaller OECD Countries
by Raymond Torres & Peter Jarrett & Wim Suyker - 70 On the Sequencing of Structural Reforms
by Sebastian Edwards - 69 The Information Content of the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Theory and Practice
by Frank Browne & Paolo Manasse - 68 The Impact of Increased Government Saving on the Economy
by Richard Herd - 67 Saving Trends and Behaviour in OECD Countries
by Andrew Dean & Martine Durand & John Fallon & Peter Hoeller - 66 Potential Output in the Seven Major OECD Countries
by Raymond Torres & John P. Martin - 65 A Post Mortem on OECD Short-term Projections from 1982 to 1987
by B. Ballis - 64 Revised Groupings for Non-OECD Countries in OECD's Macroeconomic Model INTERLINK
by Paul O'Brien & Laure Meuro & Arthur Camilleri - 62 The Economic Dynamics of an Ageing Population: The Case of Four OECD Countries
by Alan J. Auerbach & Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Robert P. Hagemann & Giuseppe Nicoletti - 61 Ageing Populations: Economic Effects and Implications for Public Finance
by Robert P. Hagemann & Giuseppe Nicoletti
- 63 Modelling Housing Investment for Seven Major OECD Countries
by Thomas Egebo & Ian Lienert - 60 The OECD Compatible Trade and Production Data Base 1970-1985
by Claude Berthet-Bondet & Derek Blades & Annie Pin - 59 Eliminating the U.S. Federal Budget Deficit by 1993: The Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy
by Richard Herd & B. Ballis - 58 Empirical Research on Trade Liberalisation with Imperfect Competition: A Survey
by J. David Richardson - 57 An International Sectoral Data Base for Thirteen OECD Countries
by F. J. M. Meyer-zu-Schlochtern - 56 On Aggregation Methods of Purchasing Power Parities
by J. R. Cuthbert & M. Cuthbert - 55 Quantifying the Economy-Wide Effects of Agricultural Policies: A General Equilibrium Approach
by Jean-Marc Burniaux & François Delorme & Ian Lienert & John P. Martin & Peter Hoeller - 54 Tests of Total Factor Productivity Measurement
by A. Steven Englander - 53 Alternative Solution Methods in Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
by Richard G. Harris - 52 The So-Called "Non-Economic" Objectives of Agricultural Policy
by L. Alan Winters - 51 The Effects of Monetary Policy on the Real Sector: An Overview of Empirical Evidence for Selected OECD Economies
by Jean-Claude Chouraqui & Michael Driscoll & Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn - 50 Private Consumption, Inflation and the "Debt Neutrality Hypothesis": The Case of Eight OECD Countries
by Giuseppe Nicoletti - 49 Are Commodity Prices Leading Indicators of OECD Prices?
by Martine Durand & Sveinbjörn Blöndal
- 48 The Medium-Term Macroeconomic Strategy Revisited
by Jean-Claude Chouraqui & Kevin Clinton & Robert Bruce Montador - 47 A Review of the Simulation Properties of OECD's INTERLINK Model
by Pete Richardson - 46 Recent Developments in OECD's International Macroeconomic Model
by Pete Richardson - 45 International Investment-Income Determination in INTERLINK: Models for 23 OECD Countries and Six Non-OECD Regions
by David T. Coe & Richard Herd & Marie-Christine Bonnefous - 44 Price Determination in the Major Seven Country Models in INTERLINK
by Ulrich Stiehler - 43 Import and Export Price Equations for Manufactures
by Richard Herd - 42 OECD Economic Activity and Non-Oil Commodity Prices: Reduced-Form Equations for INTERLINK
by Gerald Holtham & Martine Durand - 41 A Revised Supply Block for the Major Seven Countries in INTERLINK
by Peter Jarrett & Raymond Torres - 40 Tax Reform in OECD Countries: Economic Rationale and Consequences
by Robert P. Hagemann & Brian R. Jones & Robert Bruce Montador - 39 Monetary Policy in the Second Half of the 1980s: How Much Room for Manoeuvre?
by Kevin Clinton & Jean-Claude Chouraqui - 38 Tracking the U.S. External Deficit, 1980-1985: Experience with the OECD INTERLINK Model
by Pete Richardson
- 37 Internationalisation of Financial Markets: Some Implications for Macroeconomic Policy and for the Allocation of Capital
by Mitsuhiro Fukao & Masaharu Hanazaki - 36 The Government Household Transfer Data Base 1960-1984
by Rita Varley - 35 Wealth and Inflation Effects in the Aggregate Consumption Function
by G.H. Holtham & H. Kato - 34 Pure Profit Rates and Tobin's q in Nine OECD Countries
by James H. Chan-Lee - 33 Mécanismes de transmission et effets macro-économiques de la politique monétaire en France : Les principaux enseignements économétriques
by Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn - 32 The Formulation of Monetary Policy: A Reassessment in the Light of Recent Experience
by Paul Atkinson & Jean-Claude Chouraqui - 31 The OECD Compatible Trade and Production Data Base 1970-1983
by Anders Brodin & Derek Blades - 30 Public Debt in a Medium-Term Context and Its Implications for Fiscal Policy
by Jean-Claude Chouraqui & Brian Jones & Robert Bruce Montador - 29 Method of Calculating Effective Exchange Rates and Indicators of Competitiveness
by Martine Durand - 28 Exchange Rates and Real Long-Term Interest-Rate Differentials: Evidence for Eighteen OECD Countries
by David T. Coe & Stephen S. Golub
- 27 Commodity Prices in INTERLINK
by Gerry Holtham & Tapio Saavalainen & Paul Saunders & Helen Sutch - 26 Aggregate Supply in INTERLINK: Model Specification and Empirical Results
by John F. Helliwell & Peter Sturm & Peter Jarrett & Gérard Salou - 25 Écarts entre les importations et les exportations dans les statistiques du commerce extérieur du l'OCDE
by Derek Blades & Marina Ivanov - 24 Flexibilité du marché du travail et chocs extérieurs sur les prix
by F. Klau & Axel Mittelstädt - 23 Changes in the Composition of Output and Employment
by Axel Mittelstädt & Françoise Correia - 22 Les prix de l'énergie : Evolution et perspectives
by Axel Mittelstädt - 21 Taux d'intérêt réels et perspectives de croissance durable
by Paul Atkinson & Jean-Claude Chouraqui - 20 Profits and Rates of Return in OECD Countries
by James H. Chan-Lee & Helen Sutch - 19 Nominal Wage Determination in Ten OECD Economies
by David T. Coe & Francesco Gagliardi - 18 Base de données compatibles sur le commerce et la production de l'OCDE
by Derek Blades & Wendy Simpson
- 17 Real Gross Product in OECD Countries and Associated Purchasing Power Parities
by Peter Hill - 16 Monetary Policy in the OECD INTERLINK Model
by Adrian Blundell-Wignall & M. Rondoni & Helmut Ziegelschmidt & J. Morgan - 15 Structural Budget Deficits and Fiscal Stance
by Patrice Muller & Robert Price - 14 La conduite de la politique monétaire dans la phase actuelle de reprise économique
by Paul Atkinson & Jean-Claude Chouraqui - 13 The Demand for Money and Velocity in Major OECD Countries
by Adrian Blundell-Wignall & M. Rondoni & Helmut Ziegelschmidt - 12 Taux d'activité : Analyse et projections
by James H. Chan-Lee - 11 L'action exercée par l'Etat sur la redistribution du revenu
by Peter Saunders
- 10 Dynamique des prix et structure industrielle : Une analyse théorique et économétrique
by David Encaoua - 9 Medium-Term Financial Strategy: The Co-ordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies
by Jean-Claude Chouraqui & Robert Price - 8 Simulation des effets macro-économiques d'une forte baisse des prix pétroliers
by Flemming Larsen & John Llewellyn - 7 The Determinants of Exchange Rate Movements
by Graham Hacche - 6 Souplesse de la production et inflation : Etude globale
by David T. Coe & Gerald Holtham - 5 Prix des ressources naturelles et politique macroéconomique : Les enseignements de deux chocs pétroliers
by John Llewellyn - 4 Service Lives of Fixed Assets
by Derek Blades - 3 Wage Formation in France: Sectoral Aspects
by Patrick Artus - 2 Capital, Energy and Labour Substitution: The Supply Block in OECD Medium-Term Models
by Patrick Artus - 1 Utilisation des élasticités de la demande dans l'estimation de la demande de l'énergie
by Axel Mittelstädt