2005, Volume 1
- 2005-1_4 Preconditions for appearance of clusters in the economy of the Krasnoyarsk kray
by I.S. Ferova - 2005-1_5 Evaluation of production potential of consumer cooperation
by O.O. Itsenkov - 2005-1_6 Siberian market of iron scrap
by Yu.P. Voronov & A.O. Dudoviyev - 2005-1_7 Integral indicators of the quality of life of regional population
by M.A. Isakin - 2005-1_8 Regional problems in policy of innovation
by N.V. Beketov - 2005-1_9 Participation of the state in science and education
by A.P. Dubnov & Yu.I. Nietrunenko - 2005-1_10 Promotion of innovation at the Siberian Branch of the RAS
by V.M. Zadorozhny & Yu. V. Loburets - 2005-1_11 Solvency of territorial units (the case of the Novosibirsk region)
by N.A. Kravchenko & Ye.A. Kolomak - 2005-1_12 Problems of railway high-speed running
by S.A. Bykadorov - 2005-1_13 Energy strategry of the Khabarovsk kray: main points
by V.I. Ishayev & P.A. Minakir & B.G. Saneyev & V.M. Slivko - 2005-1_14 The structure of city management
by V.G. Churkin & V.A. Shabashev - 2005-1_15 Evaluation of rational use of regional economic potential
by R.Ya. Kosterova & N.G. Berchenko - 2005-1_16 Cooperative government on the territories of indigenous peoples of the North
by T.S. Saratovsky - 2005-1_17 Regional rise in prices, 2000 - 2004
by S.A. Suspitsyn - 2005-1_18 Third Baikal Economic Forum
by V.P. Gukov - 2005-1_19 Social policy in the Russian North
by V.N. Kharitonova
2004, Volume 4
- 2004-4_1 Potentialities and limitations of spatial transformations in the economy
by S.A. Suspitsyn - 2004-4_2 Linkage between economic growth and poverty across the regions
by Ye.A. Kolomak - 2004-4_3 Russia's export of see food products to Japan: difference between statistics and reality
by N. Arai - 2004-4_4 Assistance to small innovative companies as a priority in the oil and gas sector at the regional level
by V.A. Kriukov & R.G. Zemtsov & A.N. Tokarev - 2004-4_5 Innovative activity at the research centers of the Siberian Division of the RAS
by G.A. Untura - 2004-4_6 Forest villages in the forest-poor areas of Western Siberia in new economic environment
by Yu.Sh. Blum & G.P. Gvozdeva & Ye.S. Gvozdeva & L.V. Mashkina & O.V. Mashkina - 2004-4_7 Development of coal heat power in Siberia
by V.N. Churashev & G.V. Chernova - 2004-4_8 Generation and consumption of electric power in Siberia: predictions and tendencies
by Ye.V. Lyubimova - 2004-4_9 Transport of Siberia: problems and prospects
by V.I. Suslov & A.V. Korzhubayev & V.Yu. Malov - 2004-4_10 Baikal-Amur railway: the present and the future
by K.L. Komarov - 2004-4_11 The theory of diffuse sets in the evaluation of large investment regional-transport projects
by S.V. Minin - 2004-4_12 The eastern track of oil pipelines: comparative economic efficiency of variants
by A.A. Gert & A.A. Ogly & V.N. Kharitonova & I.A.Vizhina & O.G. Nemova & P.N.Melnikov & P.A. Petrov - 2004-4_13 Amalgamation and merging of enterprises in the Siberian Federal District
by Ye.A. Solomennikova - 2004-4_14 Estimation of non-equilibrium in the development of economics of regional agro-industrial complex
by O.V. Kozhevina - 2004-4_15 The Canadian experience with positive programs to improve the labour market situation of indigenous peoples
by F. Abele - 2004-4_16 Regions of Russia in the first half-year of 2004
by K.P. Glushchenko - 2004-4_17 Ural in global economy
by A.A. Kin
2004, Volume 3
- 2004-3_1 Investment legislation: federal and regional aspects
by V.A.Matveyev - 2004-3_2 Competitive opportunities of regions
by S.G. Vazhenin & A.R. Zlochenko & A.I. Tatarkin - 2004-3_3 Basic models for evaluation of validity of economic decisions
by Yu.S. Yershov & V.S. Zaikin & V.N. Pavlov - 2004-3_4 Region’s priorities in the management of its mineral sector
by A.A.Dementsev - 2004-3_5 Evaluation of the efficiency of taxation authorities’ activity
by A.P.Kireyenko - 2004-3_6 Environmental policy in coal mining regions of Siberia and the Far East
by N.M. Zhuravel & I.K. Klem-Musatova & V.N. Churashev - 2004-3_7 Human potential and demographic processes in Siberia
by S.V. Soboleva & O.V. Chudayeva - 2004-3_8 Prospects of Siberian companies to get access to the world stock market
by A.P.Dobrov - 2004-3_9 Social-economic aspects of concessions
by V.G.Varshavsky - 2004-3_10 Problems of formation of financial and investment resources of small towns in the Novosibirsk region
by A.S. Marshalova & A.S. Novosyolov - 2004-3_11 Regional disparities and social policy in the Siberian Federal District
by Z.I. Kalugina & S.V. Soboleva & V.S. Tapilina - 2004-3_12 Research Council of the RAS on Regional Development: origin, objectives, forms of activity
by A.G.Granberg
2004, Volume 2
- 2004-2_1 Diagnostics of regional finances
by V.I. Klistorin - 2004-2_2 Programming framework in the design and delivery of regional development
by V.E. Toskunova - 2004-2_3 Justification of managerial decisions on long-term social and economic development in oil and gas regions
by A.Ye. Sevastyanova - 2004-2_4 Integration of the national food market
by K.P. Glushchenko & A.Yu. Koneva - 2004-2_5 Infrastructure of the regional food market: analysis and assessment
by Yu.D. Shmidt - 2004-2_6 Problems in the estimation of human health
by S.V. Kaznacheyev - 2004-2_7 Teenagers’ social setting and risk of initiation of drug use
by G.P.Gvozdeva & M.V. Korotkikh & I.I. Kharchenko - 2004-2_8 Competition strategies of television companies of the Siberian Federal District: the Porter model
by Ya.R. London - 2004-2_9 Investment policy in the Khabarovsk krai
by A.B. Levintal - 2004-2_10 Budgetary aspects in the activity of local governments (the case of the Novosibirsk region)
by T.V.Sumskaya - 2004-2_11 Bankruptcy of regional enterprises: social and economic consequences
by S.N. Alpysbayeva & V.A. Munsh - 2004-2_12 Russian-Canadian program “Exchange of Experience in Northern Development”: objectives, tasks and first results
by V.Ye. Seliverstov - 2004-2_13 Transformation of the state northern policy
by V.N. Kharitonova & I.A. Vizhina - 2004-2_14 Where in Russia you fare well: analytical comments to the data of current statistics for 2003
by S.A. Suspitsyn
2004, Volume 1
- 2004-1_1 Federalism as the appropriate state structure for Russia
by V.Yu. Zorin - 2004-1_2 Federalism and regional policy under the strengthened power vertical
by V.Ye. Seliverstov - 2004-1_3 Regional economics and regional science in Russia: ten years later
by A.G. Granberg - 2004-1_4 Statistical measurements of regional appreciations and a posteriori assessment of priorities of federal social-economic policy
by S.A. Suspitsyn - 2004-1_5 Siberia as the eastern vector of the national economy
by V.V. Kuleshov & A.E. Kontorovich - 2004-1_6 Economic integration: regional aspect
by P.A. Minakir - 2004-1_7 Russian-Northeast-Asian energy cooperation
by B.G. Saneev - 2004-1_8 Rural labor market in modern Russia
by Z.I. Kalugina - 2004-1_9 Siberia as a factor in the Russian innovative progression: conceptual framework
by V.I. Suslov - 2004-1_10 Regional economic potential as basis of internal competitiveness
by S.V. Kazantsev - 2004-1_11 Analysis of statistical correspondence between ratings of investment climate and factual investments in regions
by G.A.Untura - 2004-1_12 Strategy of sustainable development of Novosibirsk
by V.F. Gorodetsky - 2004-1_13 Economic science in the Ural region
by A.I. Tatarkin
2003, Volume 4
- 2003-4_1 Development prospects for the economy of federal districts
by V.V. Kuleshov, V.D. Marshak - 2003-4_2 Use of mineral resources and problems of resource areas viewed from the position of Russian federalism
by V.A. Kryukov, A.N. Tokarev - 2003-4_3 Conceptual structure of the tourism phenomena in a region: methodology
by N.N.Danilenko, I.I. Dumova, R.R. Lipnyagova, A.D. Nikolayev - 2003-4_4 The economy of federal districts: comparative analysis
by V.I.Suslov, Yu.S. Yershov, N.M. Ibragimov, L.V.Melnikova - 2003-4_5 Analysis of "gas project" sustainability to possible changes in the economic environment
by T.N. Yesikova - 2003-4_6 Reconciliation of the federal/regional interests in oil and gas investment projects
by A.A. Dementsev - 2003-4_7 To move leasing to the market economy of Russia
by A.V. Zakharov - 2003-4_8 Regional television in the Siberian Federal District
by Ya.R. London - 2003-4_9 Taxation costs: measurement and assessment problems
by A.P. Kireyenko - 2003-4_10 Regional differentiation in the development of small business
by M.L. Yevalenko, A.K. Fominykh - 2003-4_11 Assessment of shadowy economy in the region's industry
by A.F. Shupletsov, S.A. Shamburov - 2003-4_12 Corporative strategy as a factor of integration of the textile industry
by Yu.A. Kobzar - 2003-4_13 Toward budgetary independence of municipal units
by D.P. Pupenko - 2003-4_14 Forecasting of Social-economic Development of a Multiple-functional City
by V.M. Pushkarev - 2003-4_15 Problems of investment-construction complex in an agro-business region
by N.A. Chertov
2003, Volume 3
- 2003-3_1 Social and economic development strategy for the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district
by A.E.Kontorovich & V.I.Syslov & A.M.Brehuntzov & I.L.Levinzon & A.G.Korzhubaev & V.N.Kharitonova & and V.N.Churashov - 2003-3_2 Reproduction aspect in regional policy
by N.I.Larina - 2003-3_3 Object-oriented approach to the study of economic efficiency of fundamental development
by Yu.P.Voronov - 2003-3_4 Legal status of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities
by O.A.Tarasov - 2003-3_5 Approach to the evaluation of "gas project" participants' interests: using a fuzzy-sets tool
by V.Yu.Malov - 2003-3_6 Northern supply for Russian north-eastern regions: improving an economic and managing mechanism
by I.B.Boger - 2003-3_7 Transport services to provide the trade between Siberia and Western China
by G.D.Kovaleva - 2003-3_8 Rural entrepreneurs in a local community
by O.P.Fadeeva - 2003-3_9 Trends in the of development small business
by M.V.Lyashenko - 2003-3_10 Loans as a domestic debt of constituent units of the Russian Federation
by F.A.Ushakov - 2003-3_11 Trends in the development of Transport infrastructure in the counfries of Eastern Asia
by T.D.Khuziyatov
2003, Volume 2
- 2003-2_1 Spatial effect of state regulation
by S.A.Suspitsin - 2003-2_2 Optimal planning of experiment in sectoral and regional studies: theory and application
by V.S.Zaikin & Yu.S.Yershov & V.M. Sokolov - 2003-2_3 Sakhalin and Russia: formation and evaluation of alternative organizational-economic mechanisms of consolidated development
by Ye.B.Kibalov & A.A. Kin - 2003-2_4 Development strategy of the Ural Federal District: growth potential
by V.L.Bersenev & S.G.Vazhenin & A.I.Tatarkin - 2003-2_5 The influence of political factors on region's economic growth
by Ye.A.Berezina & V.P.Ionkin - 2003-2_6 Prediction of economic damage from development of coal fields of the eastern regions
by N.M.Zhuravel & I.A. Kotenev - 2003-2_7 Working time as a resource of material well-being
by V.S.Tapilina - 2003-2_8 Unemployed rural population of the Novosibirsk region in a sociological survey
by M.V.Udaltsova & N.D. Inina & N.M. Volovskaya & L.K. Plyusnina - 2003-2_9 Spatial-strategic development of Russia: conflict-network paradigm of analysis
by A.P.Dubnov & A.V. Krainov - 2003-2_10 Siberian wood complex: from strategy of survival to development
by Yu.Sh.Blam & L.V. Mashkina & O.V. Mashkina - 2003-2_11 Problems of development of Siberian river transport
by G.S.Bykov & O.V. Kolodyazhnaya - 2003-2_12 A conception of strategic objective of local governments
by V.F.Novikova - 2003-2_13 Integration resource of Novosibirsk regional economic growth
by A.A.Gumerova & N.I. Larina - 2003-2_14 Studies of regional social and economic problems in the Siberian Division of the RAS
by M.Yu. Cherevikina
2003, Volume 1
- 2003-1_1 The economy of federal districts: financial aspect
by V.V.Kuleshov & V.D. Marshak - 2003-1_2 Siberia and the Far East: common problems and common features of economic growth
by A.G.Granberg - 2003-1_3 Development of mineral resources in the northern resource regions
by V.E.Toskunina - 2003-1_4 Consumer cooperation in the Republic of Buryatia: problems and prospects
by M.V.Khairullina - 2003-1_5 Budgetary security of the Yamalo-Nenets municipalities
by I.A.Vizhina & V.N. Kharitonova - 2003-1_6 Estimation of the investments required for the environmental security of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district
by Yu.B. Zolotovskaya - 2003-1_7 Power-and-heat generation and energy supply to the Yamalo-Nenets consumers
by Ye.V.Lyubimova & V.N. Churashev - 2003-1_8 Social and demographic situation in the Republic of Buryatia
by D.D.Mangatayeva & Ye.V. Chimitova - 2003-1_9 Two approaches to regional investment activity
by V.I.Klistorin & D.S. Sander - 2003-1_10 Leasing: theory and practice
by V.I.Suslov & M.S. Osadchii - 2003-1_11 Russian coke coals: production and consumption outlooks
by V.M.Markova - 2003-1_12 Problems of integration of the post-socialist Central Asian states
by T.Abdullayeva - 2003-1_13 A concert action of all level authorities as a crucial precondition for regional development
by M.Sh.Minasov
2002, Volume 4
- 2002-4_1 Market innovative climate in a region
by G.A.Untura - 2002-4_2 Development strategy for Siberia: comparison of variants and lines of further research
by Ye.B. Kibalov & V.V. Kuleshov - 2002-4_3 Russia's accession in the World Trade Organisation: economic consequences for regions
by Yu.S.Yershov & N.M. Ibragimov & L.V. Melnikov - 2002-4_4 Sakhalin: organisational-economic mechanism of management
by A.A.Kin & Ye.B. Kibalov - 2002-4_5 Economic development of the Russian part of the Euro-Arctic region
by V.S.Selin & A.V. Istomin - 2002-4_6 The effect of coal enterprises of Siberia and the Far East on the environment
by N.N.Zhuravel & I.K. Klem-Musatova & V.N. Churashev - 2002-4_7 The social situation of the Krasnoyarsk region
by N.Ya.Shaparev - 2002-4_8 Possible effective mechanism of taxation in a region
by A.P.Didovich - 2002-4_9 Regional forecasting: prices and outputs
by V.N.Pavlov & V.S. Zaikin & Yu.S. Yershov - 2002-4_10 Oil producing regions under changes in the taxation system
by A.N.Tokarev - 2002-4_11 The chemical complex of the Irkutsk region in the years of reforms
by M.A.Tarakanov - 2002-4_12 The strategy of economic development of the Irkutsk region in the beginning of XXI century
by V.P.Gukov & N.V. Smirnov - 2002-4_13 A new stage in the cooperation between the northern regions of Canada and of the Siberian Federal District
by V.Ye.Seliverstov & V.I. Klistorin
2002, Volume 3
- 3-34 Transformation of federalism and regional policy at the turn of the centrury
by V.I.Klistorin & V.Ie. Seliverstov - 34-67 The development strategy for the Far East and Trans-Baikal areas out to 2010
by P.A.Minakir & N.N. Mikheeva - 67-87 Econometric analysis of the degree of integration of the national market
by K.P.Glushcenko - 87-99 The effect of direct foreign investments on Siberian foreign trade
by G.D.Kovaliova & T.A. Iakunina & O.I. Volkova - 99-113 The Chita region: the potential of economic development
by L.A.Bondarenko & T.G. Ratkovsky - 113-121 The social-economic characteristics of the Irkutsk students
by V.G.Saraiev & Ie.N. Mironova & D.V. Saraiev - 121-132 Banking activity in the regions
by Ie.S.Bernshtam & A.N. Luzanov - 132-147 Energy strategy the Russian: vested…interests of the resource territories
by V.A.Kriukov & A.Ie. Sevastianova & V.Iu. Silkin & V.V. Shmat - 147-163 The role of mechanical engineering in the industrial policy of the Tomsk region
by E.P.Amosenok - 163-170 The Baikal economic forum: the strategy of integration between the Russian eastern region with the APN countries
by V.D.Krivov - 170-177 Globalisation of the world process: the conflict-network paradigm
by A.P.Dubnov & A.V. Kranov
2002, Volume 2
- 3-25 Integration of economic policy in the context of globalisation and regionalisation
by N.I.Larina - 25-45 Approaches to the evaluation of priorities in regional investment policy
by S.A.Suspitsin - 45-60 Consequences of Russian economy fragmentation
by M.K.Bandman & V.Iu. Malov & B.V. Melentiev - 60-65 The Kaliningrad region: federal and regional aspects of development
by L.A.Krotov - 65-72 Prospects of economic growth for the Magadan region
by V.I.Goncharov & N.V. Galtseva & G.N. Iadryshnikov - 72-87 Households incomes and development of social facilities in the "The Far East and Trans-Baikal Area" program
by N.N.Mikheeva - 87-102 The diagnosis of the economic security of basic services in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Iakutia)
by V.N.Kharitonova & I.A. Vizhina - 102-114 Management of forest complex at the regional level
by N.Ie.Antonova & A.S. Sheinhaus - 114-118 Problems of classified cities
by L.V.Koval - 118-130 Main tendencies in the regional development of the Republic of Belarus
by V.Ia.Asanovich & V.V. Valetko - 130-194 Russia in the globalised world: new requirements to development strategy
by L.S.Vartazarova & V.D. Krivov & G.I. Klimanova et al
2002, Volume 1
- 3-17 Region as a centre of nascent competitive advantage
by G.A.Untura - 17-32 Interregional economic relations in the years of reforms: status quo and prospects
by V.I.Suslov & Iu.S. Iershov & N.M. Ibraguimov & L.V. Melnikova - 32-52 A comprehensive assessment of Sakhalin bonds with Russia vs. the rest of the world
by A.A.Kin & E.B. Kibalov - 52-65 Formation of competition environment in the Russian oil sector: regional aspects
by V.Iu.Silkin - 65-79 A comparative assessment of living standards in Siberia: counter estimations
by Iu.P.Voronov - 79-97 The problem of choice out of forest policy alternatives
by Iu.Sh.Blum & L.V. Mashkina & O.V. Mashkina - 97-103 Financial-industrial integration as a factor spurring capital investment in the real sector of the economy
by Iu.I.Bernadsky & O.V. Tereshchenko - 103-118 Oil and gas industry development in the east of Russia
by B.G.Saneev & M.M. Mandelbaum & L.A. Platonov & A.M. Kler & S.P. Popov & A.D. Sokolov & N.I. Ilkevich & V.P. Gukov & V.P. Larionov & N.A Petrov - 118-125 Comparative efficiency of long-distance transportation of national gas and coal
by A.M.Kler & B.G. Saneev & A.D. Sokolov & E.A. Tiurina - 125-136 Integration of power generation of Russia's eastern regions in the space of North-Eastern Asian countries
by L.S.Beliaeva & Ie.D. Volkova & N.I. Voropai & A.Iu. Ognev & S.V. Podkovalnikov & V.A. Saveliev & V.V. Selifanov & V.V. Trufanov - 136-148 The role of renewable sources of energy and of energy supply to the eastern regions of the country
by I.Iu.Ivanova & S.P.Popov & T.F. Tuguzova - 148-160 Institutional prerequisites for support of the problem areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan
by G.K.Kuatbaieva - 160-176 A cluster approach to food industry management formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by S.B.Akhmetzhanova - 176-193 Energy-saving in the Novosibirsk region: potential and reality
by N.I.Pliaskina
2001, Volume 4
- 3-18 Analysis and forecast of social-economic development by use of Markov models: Interregional aspect
by Iu.S.Iershov & V.S. Zaikin & V. N. Pavlov & V.M. Sokolov - 18-35 Economic grounds for fiscal federalism
by V.I.Klistorin - 35-100 Scientific basis for strategy of the social-economic development of Siberia
by N.L.Dobretsov & A.E. Kontorovich & A.G. Korzhubaev & V.V. Kuleshov & V.Ie. Seliverstov & V.I. Suslov - 100-121 Principles for building an organisational structure of management in the Siberian federal district: An attempt at expert evaluation
by V.I.Goriachenko & Ie.B. Kibalov - 121-139 Beta-analysis of an hierarchy of social-economic units
by P.S.Rostovtsev - 139-163 Life longevity of Siberian regions' population in 1989-1999: Basic trends
by S.V.Soboleva & N.Ie. Smirnova - 163-176 Competitiveness of regions connected with the military sector
by S.V.Kazantsev & Ie.A. Kolomak - 176-194 Assessments of economic performance of the Irkutsk oblast
by I.I.Dumova
2001, Volume 3
- 3-21 Regional programming and spatial differences: limitations and opportunities
by S.A.Suspitsyn - 21-35 A conception of budgetary management in a region
by V.Ie.Seliverstov & S.A. Suspitsy & V.I. Klistorin - 35-44 Evolution in center/region relations in Russia
by L.M.Kapustina - 44-54 Economic losses caused by administrative barriers to enterprise activity
by V.L.Tambovtsev - 54-75 The economy of Russia's eastern enclave: stance and prospects
by A.A.Kin & N.N. Mikheeva - 75-99 Institutional framework and social base of rural new enterprise formation
by Z.I.Kalugina - 99-119 Immediate priorities of interregional policy
by N.V.Bobyleva & B.V. Melentiev - 119-128 The role of energy resources of eastern regions in the solution of national economic problems
by B.G.Saneev - 128-136 The role of Siberian energy resources in the national fuel and energy complex
by A.V.Lagerev & B.G. Saneev & V.N. Khanaeva - 136-143 Fuel and energy complex of Eastern Siberia and the Far East: prerequisites and external conditions
by Iu.D.Kononov - 143-173 Territorial energy-production complexes as a prospective form of spatial organization of regional industrial forces
by G.V.Agafonov & M.K. Bandman & V.V. Vorobiova & V.Iu. Malov & B.G. Saneev - 173-186 Region as a new element of regional policy in Hungary
by D.Horvat
2001, Volume 2
- 3-14 The effect of macro economic parameters on regional economy
by V.D.Marshak - 14-21 Financial competency of the Russian Federation subject
by Iu.A.Krokhina - 21-28 A new configuration of Russian strategic interests in the Arctic region
by V.M.Kolunin - 28-38 Changing the tariffs on electric power: possible consequences for regional economy
by Ie.V.Galperova & Iu. D. Kononov