2010, Volume 2
- 2010-2_21 Russian regions in the period between two crisis of 1998 and 2008
by S.A. Suspitsin ( )
2010, Volume 1
- 2010-1_1 Spatial structure of the society and territorial structure of the state
by V.N. Leksin ( ) - 2010-1_2 Evaluating inequalities in the municipal development
by N.V. Sidelnikov ( ) - 2010-1_3 Tools to forecast spatial development: practices and open questions
by B.V. Melentyev ( - 2010-1_4 Methodologies of analyzing inter-regional income inequalities
by K.P. Glushchenko ( - 2010-1_5 Project approach to spatial planning applicable at the level of an administrative area
by Yu.P.Voronov ( & A.P. Dolnakov( - 2010-1_6 Building agglomerations in the agrarian-industrial complex
by A.G. Farkov ( - 2010-1_7 Regulating regional foreign-economic activity: capacities and limitations
by I.O. Semykina ( - 2010-1_8 Patterns of consumption and patterns of distinction in the context of socially determined justifications for poverty and wealth
by O.G. Yechevskaya ( - 2010-1_9 Socio-economic grounds for regulation of reproductive behavior
by M.A. Lastochkina ( - 2010-1_10 Urban conglomeration as an object of sociological research
by N.L. Mosienko ( - 2010-1_11 Assessing the innovation system in Russian regions: present state and further development
by Yu.S. Serdyukova ( & O.V. Valieva ( & D.V. Suslov ( & A.V. Starkov ( - 2010-1_12 Assessing priorities of Siberian investment projects under incomplete Information
by A.V. Koleda ( - 2010-1_13 Tendencies in transformation of environmental management mechanism
by O.P. Burmatova ( - 2010-1_14 Key way to have more consolidated local budgets
by T.V. Sumskaya ( - 2010-1_15 Assessing social efficiency of rail transport in megalopolis
by K.M. Yepishkina ( - 2010-1_16 Electoral preferences of residents in municipal units
by К.V. Malov ( - 2010-1_17 Industrial clusters: how they operate and develop
by L.S. Markov ( & M.A. Yagolnitser ( & I.G. Teplova ( - 2010-1_18 Gold reserves and economic indicators of gold production
by N.Yu. Samsonov ( - 2010-1_19 Institutional transformations of educational services
by S.N. Gudak (
2009, Volume 4
- 2009-4_1 Economic development strategy for macroregion: approaches, structure and models
by V.I. Suslov ( - 2009-4_2 Sustainable spatial transformations in Russia: measurement concept and methodology
by S.A. Suspitsin ( - 2009-4_3 Inequalities in spatial development of regional centers and regional periphery
by A.N. Bufetova ( - 2009-4_4 World crisis and Russian spatial socio-economic development strategy
by A.G. Granberg ( & N.N. Mikheeva ( & P.A. Minakir ( & V.V. Kuleshov ( & Yu.S. Yershov ( & V.Ye. Seliverstov ( & V.I. Suslov & S.A. Suspitsin - 2009-4_5 Assessing socio-economic development in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation under new conditions
by V.D. Marshak ( - 2009-4_6 Selecting a scenario of industrial development in Sakhalin Oblast
by A.V. Khoroshavin ( - 2009-4_7 Siberian regions in foreign markets of food and agricultural raw material
by G.D. Kovaleva ( & V.Yu. Drobyshev - 2009-4_8 Natural resource development projects implemented in the Yamal-Nenetz Autonomous Okrug: export risks
by V.N. Kharitonova ( & I.M. Vizhina ( - 2009-4_9 Demographic situation in the Privolzhsky Federal District
by G.P. Polyakova ( - 2009-4_10 Structural features of modern sectoral markets in Russia
by A.T. Yusupova ( - 2009-4_11 Capacities and prospects of the innovation development in Siberia
by N.A. Kravchenko ( & G.A. Untura ( - 2009-4_12 Information analysis systems and regional e-government
by A.Ye. Sevastyanova ( - 2009-4_13 Improving the applied future energy consumption techniques
by Ye.V. Lyubimova ( or - 2009-4_14 Institutional features of building e-government at the municipal level
by V. Filippov ( - 2009-4_15 Two-level enterprise management system in the context of network-economy
by Yu. V. Yakubovsky ( & M.A. Matokhin ( - 2009-4_16 Inequalities in Eastern and Central European research area
by G. Horvath ( - 2009-4_17 Financial anti-crisis measures in Heilongjiang Province
by Ma Yujiung ( - 2009-4_18 Diversified oil policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by R.B. Zhumagulov ( - 2009-4_19 North and South: human dimension of global cooperation
by S. Soboleva (
2009, Volume 3
- 2009-3_1 Innovation mesa-economic systems: institutional specifics, cluster models, and development
by L.S. Markov & M.A. Yagolnitser & V.M. Markova & I.G. Teplova. - 2009-3_2 Towards methodology of the research and regulation of spatial development
by V.N. Leksin - 2009-3_3 Russian federalism: regional policy of supporting municipal units
by V.I. Klistorin - 2009-3_4 Comparative assessment of post-crisis restart of regional economic growth (perspectives for the near future)
by S.A. Suspitsin - 2009-3_5 Some fragments of the latest trends in regional development
by Ye.A. Postnikova & Ye.A. Shiltsin - 2009-3_6 Analyzing factors of regional competitiveness
by Ye.A. Kolomak - 2009-3_7 Integrated assessment of large regional projects
by V.Yu. Malov & B.V. Melentyev & O.V. Aleshina - 2009-3_8 Regulating the foreign economic activity in Sakhalin Oblast
by I.E. Urubkova - 2009-3_9 Vocational education in the innovation development context: labour market’s demand
by N.D. Vavilina - 2009-3_10 Labour resources in the innovation and traditional sectors of regional economy
by N.M. Arsentyeva & V.V. Busygin & I.I. Kharchenko - 2009-3_11 Russian railway system development strategy: South-East vector
by Ye.B. Kibalov & V.P. Nekhoroshev - 2009-3_12 Cargo traffic in Khabarovsk Kray: trends in its forming and servicing
by A.B. Bardal & V.D. Kalashnikov - 2009-3_13 Transportation-and-logistics centers projects: assessing their expecting efficiency
by M.V. Pyataev - 2009-3_14 Solving the problem of oil-dissolved gas utilization: interests and role of oil-producing sectors
by A.N. Tokarev - 2009-3_15 Tools for managing regional enterprise efficiency
by A.G. Goncharuk - 2009-3_16 Fiscal and tax management of small and medium business under the crisis in Kazakhstan
by M.M. Khalitova - 2009-3_17 Understanding aboriginal educational outcomes: the role of social capital
by J. White - 2009-3_18 Integrated projects for the Ural, Siberian and Far East Branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences considering as the ways of research cooperation on spatial development patterns
by Ye.L. Andreyeva
2009, Volume 2
- 2009-2_1 Strategic aims of the long-term development in Siberia
by V.V. Kuleshov & V.I. Suslov & V.E. Seliverstov - 2009-2_2 Two-sector model of the development in natural resource regions
by N.N. Mikheeva - 2009-2_3 Informational socio-economic monitoring system for a region
by A.E. Bondarev - 2009-2_4 Equalization of fiscal capacities of municipalities: current problems
by T.V. Sumskaya - 2009-2_5 Strategic variants of social development in Siberia
by Z.I. Kalugina & T.Yu. Cherkashina - 2009-2_6 Priorities and key orientations of Siberian demographic policy
by S.V. Soboleva - 2009-2_7 West Siberia and Far East Natural Gas Production Strategy: key provisions
by A.E. Kantorovich - 2009-2_8 Assessing energy demand elasticity of major industrial producers in Russia
by A.V. Mishura - 2009-2_9 Expecting climate changes in the Arctic: socio-economic consequences
by V.V. Vasilyev & V.S. Selin & E.B. Tereschenko - 2009-2_10 Anti-recessionary measures of municipalities
by A.I. Tatarkin & V.S. Bochko - 2009-2_11 Human migration from the Kyrgyz Republic to Russia: socio-economic consequences
by U.Zh. Ergeshbaev - 2009-2_12 Conceptual base of the Program on “Fundamental Issues of Spatial Development: Interdisciplinary Aspect” issued by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
by A.G. Granberg - 2009-2_13 Assessing sustainable transformations in socio-economic space
by S.A. Suspitsin - 2009-2_14 Shaping an integrated transportation space in Russia in the context of economic development in Russian eastern regions
by V.Yu. Malov & E.B. Kibalov - 2009-2_15 Mechanisms to stimulate innovations in the Siberian mesoeconomic systems
by V.I. Suslov & L.S. Markov - 2009-2_16 Siberian socio-economic development and the system of global and Russian economic relations
by V.I. Suslov & S.A. Suspitsin & V.E. Seliverstov - 2009-2_17 Spatial structure of Russian economy and inter-regional and inter-sectoral relations: analysis and forecast
by V.I. Suslov - 2009-2_18 Shaping a multilevel system of strategic planning: methodology, tools and institutions
by V.E. Seliverstov - 2009-2_20 2008: some economic results
by S.V. Kazantsev - 2009-2_21 Mortgage: results and prospects
by A.Yu. Pypin - 2009-2_22 Siberian Federal District: shifting development trajectory
by A.A. Kiselnikov - 2009-2_23 Financial and economic crisis: attempting to assess its influence on the regional development
by S.A. Suspitsin & V.I. Suslov
2009, Volume 1
- 2009-1_1 Mergers and acquisitions: assessing economic efficiency
by R.M.Melnikov - 2009-1_2 Siberian economy structure as mirrored by tax statistics
by B.L. Lavrovsky & E.V. Uvarova - 2009-1_3 Conceptual models for strategic forecasting and indicative planning of the regional development
by S.A.Suspitsin - 2009-1_4 Promissory investments for better knowledge economy
by G.A.Untura - 2009-1_5 Cooperation between frontier regions of Russia and Mongolia
by N.I.Atanov - 2009-1_6 Factors of reproductive activity of population: analysis of regional differentiation
by A.M. Ilyshev & A.P. Bagirova - 2009-1_7 Population of the third age: present socio-economic situation (a case-study for Novosibirsk)
by S.V.Soboleva & D.V. Malyutina & D.V. Denisova & S.K. Malyutina - 2009-1_8 Oil-and-gas transportation systems in Russia: potential for its development
by V.I. Suslov & A.G. Korzhubaev - 2009-1_9 Energy sector growth
by O.O.Smirnova - 2009-1_10 Climate changes in the North of Russia: risks and threats
by R.Kh.Tsalikov - 2009-1_11 Socio-economic development in municipal units: issues of governance
by A.S. Marshalova & A.S. Novoselov - 2009-1_12 Assessing the ratings of consumer’s cooperation institutions
by M.I.Drozdova - 2009-1_13 Private-public partnership in agriculture: the regional pilot project
by V.I. Psarev & E.A. Vavilin & A.A. Pritula & E.A. Kazakevich - 2009-1_14 Fiscal federalism in Germany: topical trends of how it develops
by G. Ferber & K. Baranova - 2009-1_15 Risks and capital costs: how JEREMIE fund initiative helps to create SME capital
by G.Michalsky - 2009-1_16 Federalism and regional policy in modern Russia
by V.E.Seliverstov - 2009-1_17 The development of Siberia and the Far East in Russia as a priority task
by A.A.Kin - 2009-1_18 Baikal region: problems and prospects
by A.K. Tulokhonov & M.V. Slipenchuk - 2009-1_19 Rapid assessment of probable impact of the financial crisis on the long-term development in the Novosibirsk Oblast
by S.A.Suspitsin
2008, Volume 4
- 2008-4_1 New concept of regional policy in the Russian Federation
by V.E.Seliverstov - 2008-4_2 Indicative planning development models for resource regions
by V.L. Beresnev & S.M. Lavlinsky & S.A. Suspitzin - 2008-4_3 Federalism and economic reforms in Russia
by E.A.Kolomak - 2008-4_4 Interregional aspects of present development of the Russian economy
by Yu. S.Ershov - 2008-4_5 Issues concerning a development strategy for the Siberian Federal District
by V.V. Kuleshov & V.D. Marshak - 2008-4_6 Assessing the multiplier effect obtained by regulating measures for regional food security
by M.A. Kiseleva & T.G. Skurikhina - 2008-4_7 Russian middle class: dynamics and peculiarities of its reproduction
by V.S.Tapilina - 2008-4_8 Factors affecting public health in Russian regions
by L.K. Kazantseva & T.O. Tagaeva - 2008-4_9 Analyzing push-pull migration in the Moscow region
by Yu.Yu. Shitova & Yu.A. Shitov - 2008-4_10 Local community of an academic type: assessing its development
by E.E.Goryachenko - 2008-4_11 Technology Park: views as academic community see it
by E.C. Gvozdeva & G.P. Gvozdeva - 2008-4_12 Legal regulation of investment activity in the units of the Russian Federation
by I.A.Vizhina - 2008-4_13 Analysis and assessment of regional innovation potential: methodical approaches
by E.P Amosenok & V.A. Bazhanov - 2008-4_14 Rehabilitation of socio-economic situation in regions: institutional capacities
by N.I.Perminova - 2008-4_15 Elaboration and implementation of complex programs for socio-economic development in municipal units: methodological approaches to cooperation of public authorities and business
by T.V. Psareva & N.V. Sushentseva - 2008-4_16 Spatial policy of RF units: better using of competitive advantages of municipal units
by A.S. Marshalova & V.N. Kharitonova - 2008-4_17 Backbone elements of the transportation system in megapolis
by A.E.Mastilin - 2008-4_18 A technique for calculation of cost of medical services paid by municipalities
by T.N.Gavrilyeva - 2008-4_19 Strategic importance of fresh water for regional development
by V.A.Vasilenko - 2008-4_20 Trade policy of diversified companies
by Yu. V.Malykhin - 2008-4_21 Developing the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea shelf: unresolved problems
by O. I. Egorov & O.A. Chigarkina
2008, Volume 3
- 2008-3_1 Regional markets: theoretical issues of their study
by A.S. Novoselov - 2008-3_2 Regional touristic projects: optimizing their investment structure
by S.N. Martyshenko & N.S. Martyshenko - 2008-3_3 New stage of debates about federalism in Russia
by V.I. Klistorin - 2008-3_4 Ratings of RF units: methodical issues of their assessment
by Yu.P.Voronov - 2008-3_5 Net savings as an indicator of the sustainable regional development
by M.S.Alekseychuk - 2008-3_6 Regional industrial policy: assessing the coordination of economic interests of players
by Yu.A. Fridman & G.N. Rechko & O.A. Biyakov & Yu. Sh. Blam - 2008-3_7 A coal-mining region in the post restructuring period
by S.N.Tsvetkova - 2008-3_8 Prospects in the development of Siberian forestry in the context of changing foreign market environment
by A.S. Lipin & E.G. Gayduk - 2008-3_9 Theory of institutional transformations and role of a state in modern economy
by O.A.Bessonova - 2008-3_10 Demographic safety in Russia and its regions: factors, problems and indicators
by S.V. Soboleva & O.V. Chudaeva - 2008-3_11 Economic and statistical analysis of the agrarian development in Russia (on data of censuses and current statistics)
by A.A. Kiselnikov & I.V. Kurtsev - 2008-3_12 Circumpolar Trunk Railway: analysis of internal and external effects
by A.I.Shipilina - 2008-3_13 Forecasting the demand for energy sources in balance with their prices
by E.V.Galperova & Yu. D. Kononov & O.V. Mazurova - 2008-3_14 Principles of public audit of local governments
by V.L. Tambovtsev & T.D. Basnina & E.P. Vigushina & S.A. Ivaniva & V.S. Mankov & E.E. Polyanskaya & N.V. Sukhanova & A.P. Sysoev - 2008-3_15 Assessing the efficiency of the development management in municipal units (case-study for Altai Krai)
by E.V.Kuratchenko - 2008-3_16 New in regional studies published in English
by M.V.Lychagin & V.I. Suslov & A.M. Lychagin
2008, Volume 2
- 2008-2_1 Siberian vector of economic science
by A.G.Aganbegyan - 2008-2_2 Economic-mathematical studies in Siberia: phases in their forming and progress
by V.V.Kuleshov - 2008-2_3 Studies of territorial systems
by S.A.Suspitzin - 2008-2_4 Methodological issues of regional administration
by A.S.Novoselov - 2008-2_5 Economic sociology school in Novosibirsk at the turning-point of epochs: addressing current challenges
by Z.I.Kalugina - 2008-2_6 Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering: milestones in its evolution over 50 years
by A.A. Kin & L.A. Sergeeva - 2008-2_7 Economic-mathematical studies of multiregional systems
by A.G. Granberg & V.I. Suslov & S.A. Suspitzin - 2008-2_8 Comparative assessment of regional economies
by S.V.Kazantzev - 2008-2_9 Modeling federal support for regions (a case-study for Siberian Federal District)
by B.L. Lavrovsky & E.A. Postnikova - 2008-2_10 Myths and “reefs” about Russian regional development and regional policy
by V.E.Seliverstov - 2008-2_11 Regional proportions of Russian economic growth
by N.N.Mikheeva - 2008-2_12 Economic-statistical analysis of the agrarian development in Siberia (on national census and regular statistics)
by A.A. Kiselnikov & I.V. Kurtzev - 2008-2_13 Ownership in consumer cooperative societies
by L.I.Danilova - 2008-2_14 On the Northern Siberia Trunk-railway Concept
by E.B. Kibalov & A.A. Kin & K.L. Komarov - 2008-2_15 Contours of regional competition
by S.G. Vazhenin & I.S. Vazhenina - 2008-2_16 Developing the oil-and-gas potential of Western Siberia and Yakutia: problems and capacities
by A.E. & Sevastyanova & V.V. Shmat & V.I. Konstantinov - 2008-2_17 Perspectives of Russian natural-gas supply to the countries of Asia-Pacific Region
by A.E. Kontorovich & A.G. Korzhubaev & L.V. Eder - 2008-2_18 Innovations as a base to optimize and harmonize operating rates
by V.V. Titov - 2008-2_19 Mining as a primary cause of well-being in the North-West Territories, Canada
by D.Paget - 2008-2_20 Strategic planning and assessment of regional programs: Canadian practices
by A.A.Gumerova
2008, Volume 1
- 2008-1_1 Dynamic model for technological basis of regional economy
by A.V. Koleda - 2008-1_2 Meso-economic systems: issues of typology
by L.S. Markov & M.A. Yagolnitzer - 2008-1_3 Financial decentralization and economic growth in regions of the Russian Federation
by A.V.Belov - 2008-1_4 Local governance institutions: their role in the development of federative relations
by V.I. Klistorin & T.V. Sumskaya - 2008-1_5 About rhetorical character of Russian regional studies and regional policy
by L.V.Melnikova - 2008-1_6 Actors of knowledge economy: roles of middle class
by T.Yu.Cherkashina - 2008-1_7 How to use regional innovation potential: conditions and factors
by G.V. Bobylev & A.V. Kuznetsov & N.V. Gorbacheva. - 2008-1_8 Issues of building technological parks (Academgorodok, Novosibirsk City as a sample)
by D.V. Suslov & Yu.S. Serdyukova & A.V. Starkov - 2008-1_9 Banking services in Russian regions
by D.G.Anoshin - 2008-1_10 Developing the Kovyktinsky field: ecological and economic after-effect
by I.A. Vizhina & Yu.B. Zolotovskaya - 2008-1_11 Energy-saving technologies: assessment of ecological and economic efficiency
by N.M. Zhuravel & G.V. Chernova - 2008-1_12 Discussing ecological consequences of project implementation: role of public opinion
by V.A.Vasilenko - 2008-1_13 Tools for assessment of use of local fuel-and-energy resources
by A.A. Lukyanetz & V.G. Potar & A.G. Chernov & A.A. Shumsky - 2008-1_14 Transforming the relations between Aboriginal peoples and resource-users: from assertion of rights to modern participatory forms
by V.A. Kryukov & A.N. Tokarev - 2008-1_15 Modeling and programming complex in spatial economic studies
by A.A.Kin
2007, Volume 5
- 2007-5_1 New techniques for measuring spatial transformation of economy
by S.A.Suspitzin - 2007-5_2 Regional programs and strategies: Far East
by P.A.Minakir - 2007-5_3 Oil-and-gas complex of the Eastern Siberia: regional economic effects and risks
by V.N. Kharitonova & I.A.Vizhina & O.F. Kotzebanova - 2007-5_4 Far East Federal District: building the strategy for higher competitiveness of seaside regions
by I.P.Chernaya - 2007-5_5 Transportation complex of the Asian part of Russia: assessing its role in the country’s economy
by V.Yu. Malov & B.V. Melentiev - 2007-5_6 Food markets in Russia: dynamics of their integration
by K.P. Gluschenko & A.E. Khimich - 2007-5_7 Development trajectory of Russia in the context of general theory of institutional shifts
by O.E.Bessonova - 2007-5_8 Human capital: assessing its impact on incomes of the population in Russian regions
by A.V.Koritzky - 2007-5_9 Analysis of the development of power sector in the context of national economic interrelations: application of intersectional and interregional models of optimization
by N.I. Suslov & A.A. Chernyshov & V.F. Buzulutzkov - 2007-5_10 Regional clusters and regional production complexes as forms of regional structure of industry
by N.I.Larina - 2007-5_11 Eastern Oil Superproject: problems and solutions
by B.V.Robinson - 2007-5_12 Models of positive structural shifts in a regional tourist industry
by S.N. Martyshenko & N.S. Martyshenko & E.G. Guse - 2007-5_13 Production administration: logistic approach
by E.A. Solomennikova - 2007-5_14 Corporate social responsibility as an institution of public-private partnership and efficient regional economic and social policy
by S.V. Bratyushchenko & V.E. Seliverstov - 2007-5_15 Agricultural policy in Great Britain
by Дж. Р.Франкс - 2007-5_16 Socio-economic development strategy for Siberia: urgent aspects
by E.A. Kazakevich & V.V. Psarev & T.V. Psareva - 2007-5_17 Siberian innovative forum: discussing problems and trends of Siberian region innovative development
by G.V.Bobylev
2007, Volume 4
- 2007-4_1 New techniques for measuring spatial transformation of economy
by S.A.Suspitzin - 2007-4_2 Regional programs and strategies: Far East
by P.A.Minakir - 2007-4_3 Oil-and-gas complex of the Eastern Siberia: regional economic effects and risks
by V.N. Kharitonova & I.A.Vizhina & O.F. Kotzebanova - 2007-4_4 Far East Federal District: building the strategy for higher competitiveness of seaside regions
by I.P.Chernaya - 2007-4_5 Transportation complex of the Asian part of Russia: assessing its role in the country’s economy
by V.Yu. Malov & B.V. Melentiev - 2007-4_6 Food markets in Russia: dynamics of their integration
by K.P. Gluschenko & A.E. Khimich - 2007-4_7 Development trajectory of Russia in the context of general theory of institutional shifts
by O.E.Bessonova - 2007-4_8 Human capital: assessing its impact on incomes of the population in Russian regions
by A.V.Koritzky - 2007-4_9 Analysis of the development of power sector in the context of national economic interrelations: application of intersectional and interregional models of optimization
by N.I. Suslov & A.A. Chernyshov & V.F. Buzulutzkov - 2007-4_10 Regional clusters and regional production complexes as forms of regional structure of industry
by N.I.Larina - 2007-4_11 Eastern Oil Superproject: problems and solutions
by B.V.Robinson