2007, Volume 4
- 2007-4_12 Models of positive structural shifts in a regional tourist industry
by S.N. Martyshenko & N.S. Martyshenko & E.G. Guse - 2007-4_13 Production administration: logistic approach
by E.A. Solomennikova - 2007-4_14 Corporate social responsibility as an institution of public-private partnership and efficient regional economic and social policy
by S.V. Bratyushchenko & V.E. Seliverstov - 2007-4_15 Agricultural policy in Great Britain
by Дж. Р.Франкс - 2007-4_16 Socio-economic development strategy for Siberia: urgent aspects
by E.A. Kazakevich & V.V. Psarev & T.V. Psareva - 2007-4_17 Siberian innovative forum: discussing problems and trends of Siberian region innovative development
by G.V.Bobylev
2007, Volume 3
- 2007-3_1 Milestones in the socio-economic development of the Novosibirsk Oblast over 70 years
by A.A. Kiselnikovand & I.V. Scherbak - 2007-3_2 Preplanning studies in regions: the experience of the Novosibirsk Oblast
by A.A. Kiselnikov & A.S. Novoselov & G.A. Untura - 2007-3_3 Immigrants in the Novosibirsk Oblast labor market: analysis of the expert polling
by S.V. Soboleva & O.V. Chudaeva - 2007-3_4 The transportation and logistic cluster in the Novosibirsk Oblast: model of its shaping and efficiency assessment
by E.B. Kibalov & K.L. Komarov & K.A. Pakhomov - 2007-3_5 Competitiveness of municipalities as a ground of spatial policy in regions
by A.S.Marshalova & A.S. Novoselov & V.N. Kharitonova - 2007-3_6 Assessing regional large-scale transportation projects: a factor of indeterminacy
by E.B. Kibalov & A. A. Kin - 2007-3_7 Fiscal policy in 2008-2010: improving intergovernmental relations
by S. V.Kazantsev - 2007-3_8 Natural gas policy in Russia and national interests
by V.I.Suslov - 2007-3_9 The Kovyktinsk gas condensate field: problems and perspectives
by A.G Korzhubaev & I.V. Filimonova - 2007-3_10 New trends in the socio-economic development of consumer’s cooperative societies
by A.P. Bernvald & L.P. Nagovitsina - 2007-3_11 Economic sociology: evolution and prospects
by T.I.Zaslavskaya - 2007-3_12 An integration process in education and subfederal potentialities
by T.G.Protsenko - 2007-3_13 A housing sector in regional economy: assessing its role
by T.Yu. Ovsyannikova & O.V. Kotova - 2007-3_14 Social partnership and professional education in the Tverskaya Oblast
by A.A.Kuzmina - 2007-3_15 Assessing efficiency of a regional investment policy: methodological and operational approaches
by R. M.Melnikov - 2007-3_16 Investment climate and investment behavior in the Siberian Federal District
by B.L. Lavrovsky & A.I. Shevchuk - 2007-3_17 Energy saving in Russian heat economy: problems and prospects
by V.A.Stennikov - 2007-3_18 Final use of energy in the Siberian Federal District
by E.V.Lubimova - 2007-3_19 Methodology for analysis of a civil ship market
by M.B.Bezuglova & M.V. Kovalenko & M.V. Voyloshnikov - 2007-3_20 Incentives and contradictions in municipal reforms
by T.A.Petrova - 2007-3_22 Social model of the European Union
by Stefano Agnoletto - 2007-3_23 Composite indices for RF regions in 2001-2009
by S.A.Suspitsin
2007, Volume 2
- 2007-2_1 Economic assessment of knowledge-based projects
by G.V.Bobylev & A.V. Kuznetzov & M.M. Morozova - 2007-2_2 Regional high-tech clusters: managing the effectiveness
by L.S. Markov - 2007-2_3 Balance between economic and fiscal situation in Russian regions
by E.A. Postnikova & E.A. Shiltzin - 2007-2_4 Tax climate and the economy of the Siberian Federal District
by A.V. Tereshin - 2007-2_5 Agglomerative and network-based structure of the populated localities: new opportunities in Southern Siberia
by A.G. Farkov - 2007-2_6 Exotic hedging options in the foreign economic activity: comparative analysis
by M.A .Kaneva - 2007-2_7 Imitation modelling approaches to the assessment of foreign exchange risks
by T.S.Tkachenko - 2007-2_8 Assessing demand for Russian wood on Asian-Pacific markets: methodical approaches
by A.S. Lipin - 2007-2_9 Local community: socio-territorial structure and real boundaries
by N.L.Mosienko - 2007-2_10 Social nets in local community
by M. V. Naumova - 2007-2_11 Issues of shaping demand for social services
by N.S. Mikhailova - 2007-2_12 Reproductive human potential in the Vologodskaya Oblast
by M.A.Lastochkina & А.A. Shabunova - 2007-2_13 Personal relations on labor market and individual’s strategies of employment
by P.E.Lavrusevich - 2007-2_14 Modernizing management in oil-ad-gas complex in the Chechen Republic
by M.A.Khamuradov - 2007-2_15 Regional insurance companies: assessing their investment potential
by O.Yu.Ryzhkov - 2007-2_16 Novosibirsk City’s innovation system: features and further development
by E.S.Gvozdeva & L.S. Markov & T.A. Shtertzer - 2007-2_17 New ecologically clean energy technologies: assessing their effectiveness
by V.M. Markova - 2007-2_18 Development strategies of the innovation companies
by O.V. Valieva - 2007-2_19 Sustainable development in local communities: regulating institutional conditions
by A.V. Kobkova - 2007-2_20 Analysis of Novosibirsk City’s budget
by T.V.Sumskaya - 2007-2_21 Influence of socio-economic factors on individual’s electoral behavior
by K.V.Malov - 2007-2_22 Integral approaches in the organization theory
by M.I. Gaskova - 2007-2_23 Regional economies in 2006 and their development prospect
by S.A.Syspitsyn
2007, Volume 1
- 2007-1_1 On genesis of regional studies in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
by V.V.Kuleshov - 2007-1_2 Traditional centralism or new regionalism: approaches to the regional development policy
by A.N.Shvetzov - 2007-1_3 Regional market structure: reproduction aspect
by A.S.Novoselov - 2007-1_4 Subfederal administrative regulation: theory and Russian practice
by E.A.Kolomak - 2007-1_5 Spatial and regional economics: unresolved problems
by V.I.Klistorin - 2007-1_6 Measurement and analysis of the threshold indicator values for regional clusters
by S.A.Suspitsin - 2007-1_7 Modeling spatial development of national and world economies: evolution in approaches
by A.G.Granberg - 2007-1_8 Siberia as a Russian colony
by V.I.Suslov - 2007-1_9 Institutional and economic issues of forming oil-and-gas cluster in Western Siberia
by V.A.Kryukov - 2007-1_10 Knowledge-based economy as a key element of a new regional economy
by G.I. Untura & A.V. Evseenko - 2007-1_11 Architectonics of adaptive mechanisms in social systems: sociological discourse
by L.V.Korel - 2007-1_12 Deprivation in rural communities in the context of failing agricultural enterprises
by Z.I.Kalugina - 2007-1_13 Social consequences of the city-forming-sector liquidation for local industrial communities
by A.I.Tatarkin & N.I. Perminova - 2007-1_14 The development of new oil-and-gas centers in Eastern Russia and the oriented east export of oil, gas and oil products: forecasts
by A.E. Kontorovich & A.G. Korzhubaev. - 2007-1_15 Social and economic development in the Irkutsk Oblast in the context of ecological restrictions
by I.I.Dumova - 2007-1_16 Optimizing the planning of an enterprise: the assessment of its effectiveness
by V.V.Titov - 2007-1_17 Transformation of enterprises into firms: problems
by N.A.Kravchenko - 2007-1_18 Survey of history of the programming documents and studies concerning the Siberia and its regions development
by V.E.Seliverstov - 2007-1_19 Survey of Northern economic studies: from planning economy to market one
by V.N.Kharitonova - 2007-1_20 Energy Concept for Eastern Russia: scientific and practical approaches to its implementation
by B.G.Saneev - 2007-1_21 Controlling: its development in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by S.D.Tashenova
2006, Volume 4
- 2006-4_1 Macroeconomic Estimations in Siberian Development Strategy
by S.A. Suspitsyn - 2006-4_2 Regional Policy in Russia: Choosing a New Model
by V. Ye. Seliverstov - 2006-4_3 Russian Federal Districts: Peculiarities of Economic and Social Development
by Yu.S.Ershov & N.M.Ibragimov & L.V.Melnikova - 2006-4_4 Economic Growth in the Far East: Favorable Conditions and Constrains
by N.N. Mikheeva - 2006-4_5 Image as a Competitive Regional Resource
by B.C. Vazhenina & S.G. Vazhenin - 2006-4_6 Socio-Economic Issues of Agrarian Regions
by S.G.Golovina - 2006-4_7 Novosibirsk Oblast Development Strategy: Extreme Scenarios within Socio-Economic Development Strategy
by S.A. Suspitsyn - 2006-4_8 The Agroindustrial Complex in Novosibirsk Oblast: Resources and Scenarios of Its Development
by V.I. Suslov & D.A. Fomin & K.K. Kostikov & Yu.P. Voronov - 2006-4_9 Social Functions of Confidence
by A.A.Dvorianov - 2006-4_10 Outlining the Future of Rural Community in Siberia
by Z.I. Kalugina & O.P. Fadeeva - 2006-4_11 Changes in Siberian Fuel Balance: Ecological and Economic Consequences
by N.M.Zhuravel & Merkuliev A.V. - 2006-4_12 Building a Regional Business Community: Institutional Problems
by G.B.Kozyreva - 2006-4_13 Fixed Capital Investments: Siberian Federal District and Russia
by G.P Litvintseva - 2006-4_14 Adequate Resources Provision of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline
by A.A.Gert & P.N. Melnikov & O.G. Nemova & K.N. Volkova & M.Yu. Sobolev & N.A. Suprunchik - 2006-4_15 Completing the Amur-Yakytia Trunk-Railway Project: Economic Efficiency
by I.A.Popov - 2006-4_16 Perspectives in Power Provision of Siberian Federal District
by V.N. Churashov & B.M. Markova - 2006-4_17 Developing Regional Policy on Fuel Market: Dry Gas Fuel instead of Gasoline
by S.N.Chirikhin - 2006-4_18 Socio-Economic Development in Northern Russia in New Economic and Political Context
by A.V. Istomin & V.S. Selin & E.I. Zaytseva - 2006-4_19 Traditional Aboriginal Economies in Market Economy: Russian Realities and World’s Experience
by P.V.Sulyandziga - 2006-4_20 Opportunities for Sustainable Development in Depressed Northern Regions
by S.P. Bystritsky & A.B.Ermolin & B.K. Zausaev
2006, Volume 3
- 2006-3_1 Region as a basic term of regional reproduction theory
by A. Novoselov - 2006-3_2 Federal conditional programs of regional development: problems and prospects
by R. Melnikov - 2006-3_3 Regional development and quality of economic growth
by V. Klistorin. - 2006-3_4 Strategic objectives and potential for the Novosibirsk Oblast development
by V. Kuleshov & V. Seliverstov - 2006-3_5 Classification of reserves and resources of the hydrocarbon material
by A. Kontorovich & A. Korzhubaev & L. Eder - 2006-3_6 Problems of the youth employment in provincial regions
by T. Protsenko - 2006-3_7 “Hard luck story” of abandoned villages (sociological study)
by Z. Kalugina & O. Fedeeva - 2006-3_8 Subjective quality of life: integrated and particular indicators
by T. Cherkashina - 2006-3_9 Child and juvenile neglect in the Vologda Oblast
by K. Gulin & V. Popova - 2006-3_10 The financing of innovation projects through credit banks
by F. Ushakov - 2006-3_11 Hydropower industry development in the Siberian Federal District: priorities and limitations
by E. Lubimova - 2006-3_12 Vertically integrated structures in agriculture regarded as a way to overcome the crisis phenomena
by E. Aunapu - 2006-3_13 Problems of tariff policy in municipal units
by O. Molchanova - 2006-3_14 Technique for distribution of regional financial support funds among municipal units in Yakutia
by N. Gavril’eva & P.Gulyaev - 2006-3_15 Autonomies in Northern Canada and Russia: a comparative analysis
by G. Wilson - 2006-3_16 Coordination of corporate, federal and regional interests in selecting a rout of Eastern pipe-lines
by V. Kharitonova & I. Vizhina & O. Kotsebanova & A. Ponomarev - 2006-3_17 Socio-economic development of the oil-and-gas producing regions in Siberia: analysis, modeling and management
by A. Kin
2006, Volume 2
- 2006-2_1 Interregional financial balance: expanded opportunities of economic forecasts
by B. V.Melentyev - 2006-2_2 Federalism and Russia’s economic development
by L.Polishchuk - 2006-2_3 Recent tendencies in the sphere of intergovernmental budgetary relations
by B. L.Lavrovskii & Ye. A. Postnikova - 2006-2_4 The situational analysis of economy diversification in the oil-and-gas resource region
by A. Ye. Sevastyanova & V. V.Shmat - 2006-2_5 The model of concession agreement in oil pipeline transport: verification of economic efficiency
by A. S.Ponomaryov - 2006-2_6 A concept of the Siberian foreign economic activity
by G. D. Kovalyova - 2006-2_7 The estimation of balanced transport tariffs in coal exports
by A. S. Lipin - 2006-2_8 Immigrant flows in the Siberian Federal District: quantitative and qualitative assessments
by S. V. Soboleva - 2006-2_9 A study of the deviant behavior among the inhabitants of the Vologda oblast
by O. I. Falaleyeva & K. A. Gulin & M. V. Morev - 2006-2_10 The integral estimation of the innovation potential of Russia’s regions
by E. P. Amosenok & V. A. Bazhanov - 2006-2_11 Variants of the master area route Eastern Siberia – Pacific ocean oil pipeline: geological environmental assessment
by M. I. Kuz’min & B. G. Saneeev & L. A. Platonov & K.G Levi & M. M. Mandelbaum - 2006-2_12 Altai crossborder biosphere territory: ideas of preservation and development
by Yu. I. Vinokurov & B. A. Krasnoyarova & S. P. Surazakova - 2006-2_13 The effect of the tax system on investment opportunities and the efficiency of enterprises
by V. V. Titov - 2006-2_14 Directions in better management of clothing industry
by V. T. Stepanov - 2006-2_15 Model legislation in the field of local governance in the Russian Federation
by Ye. V. Shestakova - 2006-2_16 The economic and social meaning of the housing reform
by A. S. Marshalova - 2006-2_17 Indigenous Siberian people: are they pariah of Century XXI?
by Z. I. Kalugina & S. V. Soboleva & V. S.Tapilina - 2006-2_18 Pussia's regions on the way to doubling of economic potential Some results of the regional development in Russia in 2005
by S. A. Suspitsyn
2006, Volume 1
- 2006-1_1 The formation of the technological basis of region’s economy
by V.S.Zverev & B.L.Lavrovskii & V.I.Suslov & G.A.Untura - 2006-1_2 Siberia in geopolitical theories: blessing, burden, evil for Russia
by A.P. Dubnov & V.A. Dubovtsev - 2006-1_3 Regional policy under unitary federalism
by N.I.Larina - 2006-1_4 Spatial transformations of Russia’s economy in extreme scenarios of its development: the problem and empirical estimations
by S.A.Suspitsin - 2006-1_5 Institutional framework in the use of mineral resources in Russia: results and consequences
by V.A.Kryukov - 2006-1_6 Strategic projects of the development of the key economic complexes of Siberia
by V.V.Kuleshov - 2006-1_7 Forms of the foreign trade activity used by enterprises of the Siberian Federal District
by L.I.Lugacheva & Ye.A. Solomennikova - 2006-1_8 The youth behavioral patterns in the sphere of education and in the labor market: mechanisms and factors of formation
by N.M. Arsentyeva & V.P. Busygin & I.I. Kharchenko. - 2006-1_9 The formation of regions’ competitive advantages
by A.I.Tatarkin - 2006-1_10 The measurement of the efficiency of cluster’s information technologies
by L.S. Markov & M.A. Yagolnitser - 2006-1_11 The main stages in the development of a regional advertisement market
by A.V.Naumova - 2006-1_12 Oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan: Status quo and prospects of development
by O.I. Yegorov & O.A. Chigarkina - 2006-1_13 Issues in the development of Tofalaria – an area of the traditional management of nature
by I.I. Dumova & V.M. Parfenov & T.S. Saratovskaya. - 2006-1_14 The economics of crime: the new perspectives
by A.Bonanno - 2006-1_15 A tariff pause of natural monopolies
by V.M.Zubov - 2006-1_16 Summary indexes for the RF regions across federal districts, 2005
by S.A.Suspitsin
2005, Volume 4
- 2005-4_1 Analysis of the dynamics of regional economic differentiation: foreign approaches and domestic practice
by R.M.Melnikov - 2005-4_2 A vague approach to certainty characteristics in economic decisions
by V.S. Zaikin & V.N. Pavlov. - 2005-4_3 The Siberian Federal District: status quo and perspectives of development
by Yu.S. Yershov & N.M. Ibragimov & L.V. Melnikova - 2005-4_4 Institutional conditions in the sphere of use of mineral resources in Russia: systemic character in theory, fragmentation in reality
by V.A.Kryukov - 2005-4_5 Optimization in provision of regional programs of development under narrow budgetary financing
by N.M. Zubarev & A.F. Shupletsov & S.A. Bragin - 2005-4_6 Management of self-employment in a region
by N.M. Volovskaya & M.V. Udaltsova & L.K. Plusnina & A.V. Rusina - 2005-4_7 Development strategies for Siberia: macroeconomic and spatial projections
by V.I. Suslov & S.A. Suspitsyn - 2005-4_8 Export of wood products of the Siberian Federal District
by Yu.Sh. Blum & T.I. Babenko & L.V. Mashkina. - 2005-4_9 The situation and behavior of the poor in the labor market
by A.M.Sergiyenko - 2005-4_10 The system of social protection: a research approach
by Ye.A. Morozova - 2005-4_11 Living standards in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): normative and legal framework
by V.D. Borisov - 2005-4_12 The oil and gas sector of the Tomsk region
by Pushkarenko & A.B. & V.I. Filatov & and V.Z. Yampolskii - 2005-4_13 Regional aspects of the global process of forest certification
by I.P. & Kulyasov & A.A. Kulyasova & S.S. Pchelkina - 2005-4_14 Strategy in the development of cooperative production in the Republic of Buryatia
by M.V.Namkhanova - 2005-4_15 Issues of legal framework of the life activity of Russian aboriginal peoples after changes made in the federal legislation
by M.A.Todyshev - 2005-4_16 Problems of the development of the rural side in the Republic of Dagestan
by Sh.I.Sharipov - 2005-4_17 Regional economic policy in China: a strategy of revival of north-eastern areas
by T.D.Khuziyatov - 2005-4_18 Receptiveness of regional economies to investments in fixed capital
by S.A. Suspitsyn
2005, Volume 3
- 2005-3_1 Russian federalism: programs and initiatives
by V.I.Klistorin - 2005-3_2 Cognitive analysis of situational governance in the tariff policy in the regional power market
by Ye.L. Yerofeyev & A.G. Chernov & V.G. Rotar & A.A. Lukyanets & A.A. Shumsky. - 2005-3_3 Institutional setting and mechanisms of implementation of Strategy of Social-economic Development of Siberia
by V.Ye.Seliverstov - 2005-3_4 Dynamics in the size of population and formation of the regional labor potential (the case of the Vologda region)
by M.A.Kopeykina - 2005-3_5 Reform in the Russian public health: social consequences of commercialization
by S.Yu. Kovalyov & I.Yu. Blam & I.N. Zaitseva. - 2005-3_6 Directions of innovative development of the Siberian research-industrial complex
by N.L. Dobretsov & G.N. Kulipanov & V.M. Fomin & V.M. Zadorozhny. - 2005-3_7 Estimation of development prospects for the railway system in Russia’s Transportation Strategy
by E.B. Kibalov A.A. Kin & S.A. Bykodorov - 2005-3_8 Pre-project evaluations of regional investment initiatives
by A.V. Koleda & S.A. Suspitsyn. - 2005-3_9 Assessment of coal methane emission in Kuzbas
by N.M.Zhuravel - 2005-3_10 Economic ethics and corporate culture against the evils of criminalization in the Russian transitive economy
by V.A. Dubovtsev & A.D. Kolobov. - 2005-3_11 Regional aspects of financial structuring of business capital
by S.Yu.Kunitsyna - 2005-3_12 Agro-industrial policy in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
by L.I.Danilova - 2005-3_13 Formation of financial flows in the development of strategy of municipal development
by A.S.Marshalova - 2005-3_14 Economic estimation of life conditions in the Russian North
by V.N. Kharitonova & I.A. Vishina. - 2005-3_15 Principles of efficient economic development for the aboriginal communities in the Canadian North
by A. Lakhani & R. Higgins. - 2005-3_16 Index-deflators of the gross regional product in 2001-2004
by S.A.Suspitsyn
2005, Volume 2
- 2005-2_1 The economic growth in a system of regions: a theoretical model
by R.M. Melnikov - 2005-2_2 Problems and perspectives of the state administrative reform
by V.T.Kadokhov - 2005-2_3 Regional development funds as an instrument of financial aid to local budgets
by V.V. Klimanov & B.V. Sychov - 2005-2_4 Social development of Siberia: horizons and strategies in the beginning of the 21st century
by Z.I. Kalugina & S.V. Soboleva & V.S. Tapilina & O.E. Bessonova & G.P. Gvozdeva - 2005-2_5 Perspectives of subsidy-free development of the Republic of Tyva
by B.M. Markova & V.N. Razbegin & V.N. Churashov & M.A. Yagolnitser - 2005-2_6 Behavior of prices in the secondary market of housing in Novosibirsk
by K.P.Glushchenko - 2005-2_7 Interregional evaluation of foreign trade projects
by Yu.V. Malov & B.V. Melentiev - 2005-2_8 Factors underlying the poor state of health of the residents in Siberia
by V.P.Kaznacheyev - 2005-2_9 Birth rate in the Republic of Komi: trends and projection
by L.A.Popova - 2005-2_10 Regional variation in well-being in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by S.N. Alpysbayeva & B.N. Akmoldina - 2005-2_11 Partnership of state with private entrepreneurs in transport
by V.G.Varnavsky - 2005-2_12 State-private partnership in the sphere of innovations: regional aspect
by G.A.Untura - 2005-2_13 Interrelationship of state finances and finances of enterprises: analysis of social efficiency of investment projects: analysis of social efficiency of investment projects
by T.S.Novikiva - 2005-2_14 Orientation to the diversity of the entrepreneurial community as the precondition for efficiency of the tax system
by A.P. Kireyenko - 2005-2_15 Indicators of region’s competitiveness: European approach
by D.Sapik - 2005-2_16 Institutional field of positive programs for northern indigenous peoples in the sphere of mineral extraction
by V.A. Kryukov & A.N. Tokarev - 2005-2_17 Investment projects of the unified Krasnoyarsk krai
by A.A.Kin - 2005-2_18 Tabulated indices of economic state of the regions of the Russia in 2004
by S.A.Suspitsyn
2005, Volume 1
- 2005-1_1 The meta-systemic approach to evaluation of region’s level
by T.A. Vaneyeva - 2005-1_2 The set of documents for coordination of regional development
by N.I. Larina - 2005-1_3 The current transfer mechanism
by B.L. Lavrovsky & Ye. Postnikova & Ye. Gubareva