2009, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 27-47 A Quantitative Analysis of Market Competition and Productivity
by Makoto Funakoshi & Kazuyuki Motohashi - 48-105 Effectiveness and Transmission Mechanisms of Japan's Quantitative Monetary Easing Policy
by Yutaka Harada & Minoru Masujima - 106-136 The Tax System and Labor Supply
by Masayoshi Hayashi
2008, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 3-21 Monetary Regimes and Inflationary Expectations
by Shumpei Takemori & Lioudmila Savtchenko - 22-63 Transition to the Gold Standard System and Korekiyo Takahashi's Opinion Statement
by Tsuneo Kamiyama - 64-106 Occupational Career Types of Baby-Boomers and Their Effects on Employment Pattern Selection
by Ma Xinxin - 107-132 The Effects of Regulation on Japan's Pharmaceutical Research and Development
by Ryuhei Wakasugi & Harue Wakasugi - 133-134 Author Index to , Volume 35
by The Editors
2008, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 3-33 Fact-Finding Based on Economic Circumstantial Evidence: Applying Economic Analysis to the Exchange of Information and Conjectured Bid-Rigging Mechanisms
by Koki Arai - 34-54 Lives of the Firehorse Cohort: What the Statistics Show
by Hideo Akabayashi - 55-86 The Endless Ice Age: A Review of the Cohort Effect in Japan
by Souichi Ohta & Yuji Genda & Ayako Kondo - 87-117 An Empirical Study on Long-Run Neutrality of Money in the Japanese Economy
by Jahanur Rahman & Toshihisa Toyoda
2008, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 3-4 Tatsuhiko Nariu's Economic Theory of Marketing and Distribution: Editor's Introduction
by David Flath - 5-22 The Economics of Marketing and Distribution
by Tatsuhiko Nariu - 23-38 Consumers' Information-Gathering Behavior and the Structure of Distribution Channels
by Tatsuhiko Nariu - 39-53 The Role of Reputation in the Market for Consumer Goods: Entry Barriers and the Wheel of Retailing
by Tatsuhiko Nariu - 54-67 Returns Policy, Information, and Communication
by Tatsuhiko Nariu - 68-86 The Complexity of Wholesale Distribution Channels in Japan
by David Flath & Tatsuhiko Nariu - 87-117 Long-Term Manufacturer-Distributor Relationships
by Tatsuhiko Nariu & Akio Torii
2008, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-28 Parallel Imports and the Japan Fair Trade Commission
by David Flath & Tatsuhiko Nariu - 29-58 Exercises in Futility: Postwar Automobile-Trade Negotiations Between Japan and the United States
by Donald Katzner & Mikhail Nikomarov - 59-98 Event Studies Concerning the Effects of the Thirty-Fifth Article of the Patent Law and the Employee-Invention System in Japan
by Fukuju Yamazaki & Ayako Inouye - 99-127 On the Oil Price-GDP Relationship
by Akira Maeda
2007, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 3-24 Boom and Bust in Marriages Between Coworkers and the Marriage Decline in Japan
by Miho Iwasawa & Fusami Mita - 25-56 Is the Full-Time Housewife a Symbol of a Wealthy Family?
by Miki Kohara - 57-75 Housekeepers' Capacity as a Supply of Labor
by Sigeto Tanak - 76-122 Marriage Behavior from the Perspective of Intergenerational Relationships
by Kazuyasu Sakamoto & Yukinobu Kitamura
2007, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 3-4 Guest Editor's Introduction
by Claude Lonien - 5-36 Chapter 1. The Old Japanese Model
by The Editors - 37-86 Chapter 2. The Economic and Sociologic Reasons Explaining the Structural Impediments in the Japanese Economy
by The Editors - 87-113 Chapter 3. What Is the Most Likely Future Trend of the Pillars of Japanese Management?
by The Editors - 114-117 Conclusion
by The Editors - 118-121 Bibliography
by The Editors
2007, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 3-6 Introduction
by Takashi Kadokura - 7-19 Chapter 1. What Is the Underground Economy?
by Takashi Kadokura - 20-49 Chapter 2. Japan's Underground Economy
by Takashi Kadokura - 50-61 Chapter 3. What Is the Total Value of Japan's Underground Economy?: How Big Is the Underground Economy?
by Takashi Kadokura - 62-87 Chapter 4. Total Value of Activities and the Market
by Takashi Kadokura - 88-110 Chapter 5. The Underground Economy Around the World
by Takashi Kadokura - 111-119 Chapter 6. Future Outlook: Where Will the Underground Economy Go from Here?: What Factors Will Fuel the Underground Economy?
by Takashi Kadokura - 120-121 Afterword
by Takashi Kadokura - 122-124 References
by Takashi Kadokura
2007, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editor's Note
by David Flath - 4-45 Why Has Japan's Fertility Rate Declined?: An Empirical Literature Survey with an Emphasis on Policy Implications
by Yusuke Date & Satoshi Shimizutani - 46-81 The Economics of Education in Japan: A Survey of Empirical Studies and Unresolved Issues
by Takashi Oshio & Wataru Seno - 82-153 Analysis of Employment Patterns and the Changing Demographic Structure of Japan
by Rikiya Matsukura & Naohiro Ogawa & Robert Clark
2006, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Walter Hatch - 6-15 Do Corporations Belong to Their Shareholders?: U.S.-Style Shareholder Rights Orientation Will Not Become the Mainstream in the Twenty-First Century
by Katsuhito Iwai - 16-44 Equal Opportunity for Japanese Women: What Progress?
by Charles Weathers - 45-64 World Trade Organization and the Recycling Trade: Trade Measures for Global Environmental Preservation
by Nobuto Iwata - 65-74 Electronic Money and Monetary Policy
by Mitsuru Iwamura & Tsutomu Watanabe - 75-109 Spinning Its Wheels: Japan's Small State Meets the New Economy
by Andrew Dewit - 110-127 Research and Development and Innovation Boost Firm Value: The Goal of Technology Management Is Maximizing Firm Value
by Toshiaki Ikoma - 128-145 Renegotiating the Social Contract: Challenges to Health and Social Policy in Japan
by Chan Khoon - 146-147 Author Index to , Volume 33 (Spring 2005—Winter 2005-6)
by The Editors
2005, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 3-9 Guest Editor's Introduction: Is Japan Finally Catching Up on Service Innovation?
by Martin Schulz - 10-26 Has the Japanese Economy Turned the Corner?: An International Comparative Perspective on Japan's Productivity Revival
by Bart van Ark - 27-54 Banking Consolidation and Financial Innovation
by Martin Schulz - 55-74 The Development of Service Science
by Tadahiko Abe - 75-90 Collaborative System Integration Services
by Satoshi Hamaya - 91-118 Logistics Innovation Through Outsourcing
by Tatsuya Kimura
2005, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Walter F. Hatch - 6-17 Postal Service Privatization Is Nonsense: Funds Will Flow into the Public Sector as Long as Fiscal Investment and Loan Program Bonds Are Issued
by Yukio Noguchi - 18-25 Respecting Differences in the Anglo-American, European, and Japanese Models of Capitalism
by Mitsuhiko Tsuruta - 26-53 Distribution Keiretsu, Foreign Direct Investment, and Import Penetration in Japan
by David Flath - 54-66 Transplanting Keiretsu: Empirical Evidence from Southeast Asia's Auto Industry
by Walter F. Hatch - 67-93 Fight Deflation with Deflation, Not with Monetary Policy
by Jonathan E. Leightner
2005, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-5 Editor's Introduction
by Walter F. Hatch - 6-22 Why Did Japan's Fiscal Condition Deteriorate Markedly in the 1990s?: Changes in the Political Environment and Fiscal Policy
by Toru Nakazato - 23-23 Challenges to Japanese Compliance with the Basel Capital Accord: Domestic Politics and International Banking Standards
by Kentaro Tamura - 50-68 Reform of Banking Regulation in Japan in the 1990s: Has the Market Become Competitive?
by Soichiro Kozuka - 69-106 The Failure of the Japanese "Big Bang": Bureaucracy-Driven Reforms and Politician Intervention
by Itaru Okamoto - 107-123 Front Door, Back Door: The Reform of Postal Savings and Loans in Japan
by Gregory W. Noble
2005, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Walter F. Hatch - 5-11 A Critical Point on the Horizon for Interdependent Japan-U.S. Markets
by Ryuichiro Matsubara - 12-35 Fractional Integration and Cointegration in the Japanese Exchange Rate Market
by Luis A. Gil-Alana - 36-95 Downsizing the Construction State
by Jeff Kingston - 96-108 Japan's Changing Economy and Women Workers
by Machiko Osawa - 109-110 Author Index to Volume 32
by The Editors
2004, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 3-4 Guest Editor's Introduction
by David Flath - 5-26 On the Length of Wholesale Marketing Channels in Japan
by Akio Torii & Tatsuhiko Nariu - 27-48 Japanese Distribution Channels : Structure and Strategy
by Masayoshi Maruyama - 49-75 Retail Store Density in Japan
by Kenji Matsui & Tadashi Yukimoto - 76-91 Characteristics of the Japanese Supermarket and the Learning Process of Foreign-Affiliated Large Store Retailers
by Yoshinobu Sato - 92-104 Channel Culture and Economic Performance in a Competitive Environment : Toyota and Nissan
by Tatsuhiko Nariu & Kaoru Ueda - 105-124 National Brands and Private Brands Communication in Japan
by Keisuke Suyama & Haruo Umemoto & Yuya Suzuki
2004, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Walter F. Hatch - 5-52 The Emergence and Proliferation of Free Trade Agreements in East Asia
by Shujiro Urata - 53-63 The Political Economy of Subregional Economic Cooperation in East Asia
by Zhao Hong - 64-85 Creating an East Asian Regionalism: The Institutionalization of ASEAN + 3 and China-Japan Directional Leadership
by Takashi Terada - 86-97 Japan's Agenda for Asian Regionalism: Industrial Harmonization, Not Free Trade
by Walter F. Hatch - 98-112 Political Dynamics of Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia: A Comparative Perspective
by Jennifer A. Amyx - 113-138 The Issues and Prospects of International Migration in East Asia
by Shoichi Ito
2004, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-4 Foreword
by Martin Schulz & Tatsuya Kimura - 5-44 Industry in Japan : Structural Change, Productivity, and Chances for Growth
by Tatsuya Kimura & Martin Schulz - 45-75 Why Did Japanese Industry Lose Out in the Global Competition During the 1990s? : Current Problems and Prospect for Recovery
by Risaburo Nezu - 76-86 The Effect of Information and Communication Technology on the Japanese Economy
by Kazunori Minetaki - 87-131 Changing the Rules of the Game : The Reform of Corporate Governance in Japan
by Martin Schulz - 132-152 Japanese Manufacturers Shift Toward a Global Operation Model
by Satoru Hayashi - 153-155 Japan's Industrial Restructuring : Results and Policy Recommendations
by Martin Schulz
2003, Volume 31, Issue 3-4
- 3-4 Editor's Introduction
by Walter F. Hatch - 8-50 How Globalization Will Change Japan-China Trading Patterns
by Hidehiko Mukoyama - 51-59 Sino-Japanese Economic Relations : Problems and Prospects
by Kenji Hattori - 60-66 Complementarity in Sino-Japanese Relations : Toward a Win-Win Game
by C.H. Kwan - 67-76 The Leading Players in a Technology Superpower : Making Manufacturing a "Creative Industry"
by Yukinori Kuwano - 77-107 The Future of Japan-China Trade and the Industrial Structure of Both Countries
by Kyoji Fukao - 108-119 China and Japan in the Age of Globalization
by Ryosei Kokubun - 120-123 FTAs Take Off in East Asia : The Absence of a Japan-China FTA Is a Loss
by Toshiya Tsugami - 124-125 Comment on Tsugami's "FTAs Take Off in East Asia"
by Edward Lincoln - 126-150 Constructing Regional Interests in Japan and China
by Saori N. Katada - 151-151 Author Index to Volume 31
by The Editors
2003, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 3-11 Introduction
by Gregory P. Corning - 12-51 Chapter 2. Techno-Globalism in the Triad
by The Editors - 52-96 Chapter 6. The Real World Computing Program
by The Editors - 97-100 References
by The Editors
2003, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-6 Editor's Introduction
by Walter F. Hatch - 7-13 How to Beat Deflation Take Action with Unconventional Monetary Policies
by Takatoshi Ito - 14-25 The Fate of Structural Reform
by Hiroshi Kato - 26-58 The Underlying Cause of Deflation Structural Factors or Monetary Policy?
by Seiji Shinpo - 59-68 Japan's Confidence Crisis
by Keiichiro Kobayashi - 69-81 Comment on Richard Werner's "The Enigma of Japanese Policy Ineffectiveness: The Limits of Traditional Approaches, Not Cyclical Policy"
by William W. Grimes - 82-96 Response to William W. Grimes, "Comment on Richard Werner's 'The Enigma of Japanese Policy Ineffectiveness: The Limits of Traditional Approaches, Not Cyclical Policy'"
by Richard A. Werner
2002, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 3-37 Post-Crisis Banking Sector Restructuring and Its Impact on Economic Growth
by Richard Werner - 38-60 Aspects of Career Development and Information Management Policies at the Bank of Japan
by Richard Werner - 61-87 A Discussion of Anil K. Kashyap's Paper "Sorting Out Japan's Financial Crisis"
by Richard Werner - 88-89 Author Index to Volume 30 (JanuaryFebruary-NovemberDecember 2002)
by The Editors
2002, Volume 30, Issue 4-5
- 3-4 Preface
by Kazuo Sato - 5-29 Background
by The Editors - 30-46 The Japanese Economy
by The Editors - 47-67 Historical Heritage
by The Editors - 68-94 Nation Building
by The Editors - 95-116 Economic Changes to Catastrophe
by The Editors - 117-135 The War Economy and the Postwar Reform, 1937-1951
by The Editors - 136-160 Rapid Growth, 1952-1974
by The Editors - 161-180 Slow Growth, 1975-1995
by The Editors
2002, Volume 30, Issue 3
2002, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 3-28 The Relationship Between Private and Public Financing for Small Businesses
by Kenji Kutsuna - 29-41 Whither Trade Policy with Japan?
by Edward Lincoln - 42-78 Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Contradiction of Japan's Modern Welfare State
by Takaaki Suzuki - 79-104 The Force of Business: Are Multinationals Policymakers?
by Patricia Nelson
2002, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-7 Guest Editor's Introduction
by Walter Hatch - 8-21 Nonperforming Loans Versus Economic Recession
by Koichi Hamada - 22-24 Prime Minister Koizumi, You Are Wrong
by Shizuka Kamei - 25-95 The "Enigma" of Japanese Policy Ineffectiveness
by Richard Werner
2001, Volume 29, Issue 5-6
- 3-4 Introduction
by Richard Katz - 5-19 Chapter 2 Update. Dualism Worsens in the 1990s
by The Editors - 20-28 Chapter 3 Update. Hollowing Out Accelerates in the Late 1990s
by The Editors - 29-47 Chapter 4 Update. Japan's Shrinking Weight in the World Economy
by The Editors - 48-121 Chapter 8 Update. Anorexia
by The Editors - 122-139 Chapter 11 Update. Japan's Peculiar Trade
by The Editors - 140-187 Chapter 12 Update. Is Japan Becoming More Globalized?
by The Editors - 188-189 Author Index to Volume 29 (January/February-November/December 2001)
by The Editors
2001, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 5-32 Transformation in Latin America
by Marianne Wiesebron - 33-53 Mercosur/l at Crossroads
by Paulo Vizentini - 54-66 Mercosur/l and Latin American Integration
by Paul Cammack - 67-75 Who Is Integrating Whom?
by Marianne Wiesebron - 76-78 About the Authors
by The Editors - 79-82 List of Abbreviations
by The Editors - 83-100 Bibliography
by The Editors
2001, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 5-20 The Political Economy of "East Asian" Cooperation
by Tsutomu Kikuchi - 21-47 Japan and Latin America
by Mitsuhiro Kagami - 48-68 An Assessment of the Impact of China's WTO Accession
by Yang Zerui
2001, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 3-4 Preface
by Kurt Radtke & Marianne Wiesebron - 5-27 Introduction and Overview
by Kurt Radtke - 31-53 The WTO, Governments, and Global Business
by Raymond Feddema - 54-74 Deepening of Multilateral Integration in the WTO
by Gerrit Faber - 75-97 The European Union's New Strategies Toward Emerging Asia and Latin America
by Pitou Van Duck
2001, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-19 Crisis? What Crisis?
by Edith Terry - 20-47 The International Economy and Monetary Policy from Now On
by Toru Nakakita - 48-86 Restructuring the Ministry of Finance and Revising the Bank of Japan Law
by Toru Nakakita
2000, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 3-34 Chapter 7. METI and Industrial Policy in Japan: Change and Continuity
by Mark Elder - 35-58 Chapter 8. Industry Rules: From Deregulation to Self-Regulation
by Ulrike Schaede - 59-84 Chapter 9. Changing Japanese Corporate Governance
by Christina Ahmadjian - 85-96 Chapter 10. Conclusions: Permeable Insulation and Japan's Managed Globalization
by Ulrike Schaede & William Grime - 97-98 Author Index to The Japanese Economy, Volume 28 (January/February 2000—November/December 2000)
by The Editors
2000, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 3-26 Sword and Shield: The WTO Dispute Settlement System and Japan
by Saadia Pekkanen - 27-49 Adjustment Through Globalization: The Role of State FDI Finance
by Mireya Solís - 50-83 Integrated Production in East Asia: Globalization without Insulation
by Patricia Nelson
2000, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 3-17 Chapter 1. Introduction: The Emergence of Permeable Insulation
by Ulrike Schaede & William Grime - 18-45 Chapter 2. Japanese Policy Making in a World of Constraints
by William Grimes & Ulrike Schaede - 46-75 Chapter 3. Internationalization as Insulation: Dilemmas of the Yen
by William Grimes
2000, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 3-31 Disturbances in the Financial System and Corporate Finance
by Katsumi Matsuura - 32-68 Transformation of an Internal Model Under Crisis Management
by Asako Takada - 69-93 Why Don't Japanese Banks Earn Enough?
by Yuko Kawamoto
2000, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 3-38 Japan's Post-Graduate Labor Market, 1960-1990, A Historical Analysis
by Sean Culhane - 39-75 Inequality, Ideology, Autarky, and Structural Change
by Carl Mosk - 76-96 How Asia Got Rich
by Edith Terry
2000, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-37 Human Resources Management of Japanese Multinationals
by Dipak Basu & Victoria Miroshnik - 38-69 Global Environments for Japanese Multinational Companies
by Dipak Basu & Victoria Miroshnik - 70-99 Expansion of Japanese Foreign Investments
by Dipak Basu & Victoria Miroshnik
1999, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 3-20 Chapter 21. Top-Level Decision Making
by Makoto Ohtsu & Tomio Imanari - 21-37 Chapter 22. Late Career Diversity
by Makoto Ohtsu & Atsuko Nagano - 38-56 Chapter 23. Continuity and Change in Japanese Values and Society
by Makoto Ohtsu & Shigeya Adachi & Atsuko Nagano - 57-76 Chapter 24. Change of Japanese-Style Management
by Makoto Ohtsu & Takuhiko Matsunaga - 77-91 Conclusions: From Developmental Capitalism to Globalism?
by Makoto Ohtsu & Tomio Imanari - 92-93 Author Index to The Japanese Economy, Volume 27 (January/February—November/December 1999)
by The Editors
1999, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 3-21 Chapter 16. Career Progress and Change, 1981-90
by Makoto Ohtsu & Shigeya Adachi