1988, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 23-47 Aspirations of Women Executives: A U.S.-Japan Comparison
by Haruo Takagi - 48-78 Status Acquisition of Business Elites
by Yoshihiro Yamamoto & Takenori Takase
1988, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-35 Research and Development and Innovations in High Technology Industry: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry
by Ryuhei Wakasugi - 36-64 Replacement Investment and International Competitiveness of Firms
by Kazayuki Suzuki & Tsutomu Miyakawa - 65-92 What Technology Has Postwar Japan Learned from the U.S.?
by Yoshiro Hoshino
1988, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 3-48 Changes in Japanese-Style Labor-Management Relations
by Ken Sakuma - 49-102 The Cluster Specialist System
by Masumi Tsuda - 103-104 Index to Japanese Economic Studies, Volume XVI (Fall 1987-Summer 1988)
by The Editors
1988, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 3-38 Competition in Japan's Securities Industry: A Historical Overview
by Megumu Sudo - 39-75 Deregulation and Reorganization of Japan's Financial System
by Hiroya Ueno - 76-97 The Financial System of Japan: A New View
by Royama Shoichi
1987, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 3-37 The Corporate Network in Japan
by Ken'ichi Imai - 38-73 Wage Flexibility and Employment Changes
by Asao Mizuno
1987, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-33 Cities under Contemporary Japanese Capitalism
by Ken-ichi Miyamoto - 34-59 Japan's Fiscal Policy: An International Comparison
by Naohiro Yashiro - 60-77 Japan's Financial System: A Micro Approach
by Kazuhito Ikeō - 78-99 Japan's Public Debt Management: New Developments
by Masataka Nakajima
1987, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 3-37 Functions of Corporate Headquarters: Concentration in Tokyo
by Tadao Miyakawa & Naohisa Wada - 38-51 Theory and Fact on Family's Residential Location
by Yoko Moriizumi - 52-66 Japan's Urban Policy
by Takahiro Miyao - 67-96 Japanese Financial Innovation
by Satoru Yoshida - 97-98 Index to , Volume XV (Fall 1986-Summer 1987)
by The Editors
1987, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 3-28 Employment Adjustment in Japanese Manufacturing
by Eiko Shinozuka - 29-57 The Effect of Wages on Employment in Japan
by Kuramitsu Muramatsu - 58-96 Debtor America and Creditor Japan: Will There Be a Hegemony Change?
by Yoshikazu Miyazaki
1986, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 3-48 Competitive Strategy of Japanese Business
by Ishii Junzo - 49-65 The Balance Sheet of the Yakuza Business
by Hiroshi Takeuchi - 66-89 The Underground Economy in Japan
by Tatsuya Yasukōchi
1986, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-41 Crosscultural Interface Management: The Case of Japanese Firms Abroad
by Kichiro Hayashi - 42-75 Functions of the Japanese Stock Market
by Yasuhiro Yonezawa & Junko Maru - 76-101 The Challenge of Japanese Small Business
by Hideichiro Nakamura
1986, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 3-50 R & D and Technology Policy in Japan
by Masanori Yoshikai - 51-81 Industrial Policy in Japan
by Komiya Ryutaro - 82-83 Index to Japanese Economic Studies, Volume XIV (Fall 1985-Summer 1986)
by The Editors
1986, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 3-51 A Study on Divestitures by Japanese Corporations in Foreign Countries: I. Japanese direct foreign investment and divestiture
by Mitsuhiko Yamada - 52-82 Japanese-Style Direct Foreign Investment
by Kiyoshi Kojima
1985, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 3-29 Changing Fortunes of Occupations in Japan
by Toshio Sanuki - 30-55 Is Japan's Income Distribution Equal? An International Comparison
by Tadao Ishizaki - 56-99 Myths of Affluence and Equality
by Masako Ozawa
1985, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 3-33 The Labor Force Survey and Unemployment: A Philosophical Note
by Koji Taira - 34-61 Is Japan's Unemployment Rate Too Low?
by Sadanori Nagayama - 62-73 Unemployment Rates of Japan and the United States
by Kenji Tominomori - 74-100 On Recent Studies of Unemployment in Japan
by Akira Ono
1985, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 3-31 Japan's System: The Case of the Automobile Industry
by Koichi Shimokawa - 32-53 The Organization of Parts Purchases in the Japanese Automotive Industry
by Banri Asanuma - 54-78 The Contractual Framework for Parts Supply in the Japanese Automotive Industry
by Banri Asanuma - 79-80 Index to , Volume XIII (Fall 1984-Summer 1985)
by The Editors
1985, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 3-33 Japanese Agriculture: Fallacy of the Revitalization Argument
by Ikutsune Adachi - 34-66 Japanese Agriculture: It Can Be Revitalized
by Yoshikazu Kano - 67-104 The "Softization" of the Japanese Economy
by Ryuichiro Tachi
1984, Volume 13, Issue 1-2
- 2-2 Note
by The Editors - 3-44 6 Multinational Management
by The Editors - 45-71 7 Competition Strategy
by The Editors - 72-103 8 New-product Development
by The Editors - 104-144 9 Long-range Planning
by The Editors - 145-178 10 Organizational Structure and Resource Structure
by The Editors - 179-196 11 Personnel Management System
by The Editors - 198-199 Appendix A Organization Chart of Hitachi Ltd (1982)
by The Editors - 200-205 Appendix B
by The Editors
1984, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 3-49 Capital and Finance of Japanese Business
by Takaaki Wakasugi - 50-90 Japan's Giant Enterprises—Their Power and Influence
by Takatoshi Nakamura - 91-92 Index to , Volume XII (Fall 1983-Summer 1984)
by The Editors
1984, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 3-20 Female workers as Described in a Help-Wanted Information Magazine
by Eiko Shinotsuka - 21-63 Social Relations and Japanese-Style Management: Internal and External Ittaika-Mode Relations of Japanese Enterprises
by Kohzo Nishida - 64-79 Japanese-Style Management and Its Transferability
by Naohito Suzuki
1983, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 3-32 The Japanese Financial System: Past, Present, and Future
by Shoichi Royama - 33-80 Strategic Adaptation to Environment: Japanese and U.S. Firms Compared
by Tadao Kagono & Ikujiro Nonaka & Kiyonori Sakakibara & Akihiro Okumura
1983, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-25 Three Chinas" and "one Russia
by Akira Ishii - 26-53 The USSR's External Economic Relations and Japan
by Kazuo Ogawa - 54-70 Japan's Trade Mission to Moscow, February 1983: What did it Accomplish?
by Keisuke Suzuki & Ken'ichirō Yokowo - 71-85 External Elements of China's Economic Policy and Japan's Financial Assistance to China
by Kosaku Matsumoto
1983, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 3-57 The Formation of Worker Skill in Small Japanese Firms
by Kazuo Koike - 58-84 A Comparison of the Labor Market in Japan and the United States
by Isao Obhashi - 85-86 Index to Japanese Economic Studies Vol. XI (Fall 1982-Summer 1983)
by The Editors
1983, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 3-47 The Housing Land Shortage in Japan — A Myth
by Yuzuru Hanayama - 48-74 Is Japan's Economic Strength Fortuitous?
by Hideichiro Nakamura - 75-104 Quality Control in Japan: The Case of Fuji Xerox
by Yotaro Kobayashi
1982, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 3-84 The Japanese Labor Market
by Haruo Shimada & Atsushi Seike & Tomoko Furugori & Yukio Sakai & Toyoaki Hosokawa
1982, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-36 The Inflation Debate in Japan
by Yoshio Suzuki - 37-77 The Structure of Managerial Control
by Tadanori Nishiyama - 78-106 Diversification Strategies and Economic Performance
by Hiroyuki Itami & Tadao Kagono & Hideki Yoshihara & Akimitsu Sakuma - 107-110 Editor's Notes
by The Editors
1982, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 3-52 The Grand Strategy of Japanese Business
by Yasuo Okamoto - 53-82 Interfirm Relations in an Enterprise Group
by Hiroshi Okumura - 83-101 How the Toyota Production System was Created
by Taiichi Ohno - 105-118 Editor's Note
by Kazuo Sato - 119-119 Topics of Special Issues
by The Editors - 120-127 Index of Authors
by The Editors - 129-130 Index to Japanese Economic Studies Vol. X
by The Editors
1982, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 3-52 The Reform of Japan's Public Administration and Finance: A Critical Assessment
by Tadao Uchida - 53-85 Japan's Fiscal Crisis
by Yukio Noguchi - 86-107 The Real Reason for Japan's Success in Economic Growth
by Isamu Miyazaki
1981, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 3-24 Stagflation in Japan
by Seiji Shimpo - 25-48 The Japanese Economy's Resiliency Since the Oil Crisis
by Takao Komine - 49-79 Japan's Wage Determination Reexamined
by Kazutoshi Koshiro - 79-84 Postscript
by The Editors - 85-86 Editor's Comment
by K. S.
1981, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-30 The Uniqueness of Japanese-style Management
by Mitsuhiko Yamada - 3-10 Editor's Introduction
by Kazuo Sato - 31-52 Japanese Firms in Asia
by Shin'ichi Ichimura - 53-81 Human Resources Management in Overseas Japanese Firms
by Hideo Ishida
1981, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 3-51 Japan's Defense Industry
by Kazuo Tomiyama - 52-87 Japan, China, and Korea
by Masanori Moritani - 88-89 Postscript
by Masanori Moritani - 90-91 Index to Japanese Economic Studies Vol. DC (Fall 1980-Summer 1981)
by The Editors
1981, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 3-60 A Survey of Macroeconometric Forecasting Models of Japan
by Kazuo Sato - 61-86 Research on Japan's General Trading Firms
by Hideki Yoshihara - 87-113 The Distribution of Assets in Japan
by Noriyuki Takayama
1980, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 3-27 A Japan-Europe Comparison of Female Labor-Force Participation and Male-Female Wage Differentials
by Kazuo Koike - 28-61 Male-Female Wage Differentials in Japan
by Naohiro Yashiro - 62-87 Determinants of Female Labor-Force Participation
by Shunsaku Nishikawa & Yoshio Higuchi - 88-88 Editor's Note
by The Editors
1980, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-44 The Behavior of General Trading Companies as Reflected in Lumber Prices
by Hiroshi Mori - 45-67 Changes in the Yen Valuation and Japan's Distributive Mechanism
by Nagahide Shioda - 68-85 Japanese Multinational Enterprises
by Sadayuki Sato - 86-119 Japanese Multinationalization
by Itarō Irie
1980, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 3-41 Japan's Alarming Turn to the Right
by Ryutaro Komiya - 42-81 Japanese Studies in Labor Economics
by Kazutoshi Kōshiro - 82-117 A Reexamination of the Unique Features of Japan's Corporate Financial Structure A Comparison of Corporate Balance Sheets in Japan and the United States
by Iwao Kuroda & Yoshiharu Oritani - 118-119 Index to Japanese Economic Studies Vol. VIII (Fall 1979-Summer 1980)
by The Editors
1980, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 3-4 Editor's Note
by K. S. - 5-27 Modern Civil Law and the Contemporary Economic Mechanism, as Viewed in Japan
by Ken'ichi Miyazawa - 28-66 Employment Adjustments from the Perspective of Labor Law and Labor-Management Relations
by Yoshito Yamamoto - 67-94 The Law and Economics of Traffic Accidents in Japan
by Koichi Hamada
1979, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 3-4 Editor's Note On Japan's Labor Policy
by Kazuo Sato - 5-47 Recommendations on Japan's Labor Policy
by The Editors - 48-82 The Maturation of Society and Labor-Management Relations
by Hiroshi Hazama
1979, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-7 Is Japanese-Type Management Really Japanese?
by Moriaki Tsuchiya - 8-41 The Japanese Business as a "Capsule"
by Moriaki Tsuchiya - 42-93 The Levels of Living and Welfare in Japan Reexamined
by Naomi Maruo
1979, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 3-32 Japanese-Style Management: Principle and System
by Masumi Tsuda - 33-50 A Critique of Theories of the Japanese-Style Management System
by Kuniyoshi Urabe - 51-75 Decision Rules in the Japanese Budgetary Process
by Yukio Noguchi - 76-88 Monetary Policy in Japan
by T. Bingham - 89-90 Index to , Volume VII (Fall 1978-Summer 1979)
by The Editors
1979, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 3-29 The Aging of Population and Economic Growth in Japan
by Hiroshi Ohbuchi - 30-70 Policy-Induced Growth and the Older Generation
by Yasukichi Yasuba - 71-125 The End of the Seniority-Related (Nenko) Wage System
by Ryohei Magota
1978, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 3-9 A Note on the Communist View of the Japanese Economy
by Kazuo Sato - 10-88 Proposals for the Japanese Economy
by The Editors
1978, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-41 A Japanese-American Comparison of Management Productivity
by Hiroyuki Itami - 42-90 Japan's Industrial Relations
by Kazuo Koike
1978, Volume 6, Issue 3-4
- 3-67 Japan's Industrial Organization
by Ken'ichi Imai - 68-109 Japan, Incorporated and Postwar Democracy
by Hideichiro Nakamura - 110-173 Characteristics of Japanese-Style Management
by Hiroshi Hazama - 174-175 Index to Japanese Economic Studies, VOL. VI (Fall 1977-Summer 1978)
by The Editors
1977, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 3-41 Banking Behavior Under Constraints
by Hidekazu Eguchi & Koichi Hamada - 42-70 Window Guidance of the Bank of Japan
by Bunji Kure - 71-92 Effectiveness of "Lending Window Operations" as a Restrictive Monetary Policy Measure
by Akiyoshi Horiuchi - 93-103 Comments on Effectiveness of the Window Guidance
by Hidekazu Eguchi - 104-104 Afterword
by K. S.
1977, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-40 Establishment of the Big Business System
by Tadao Kiyonari & Hideichiro Nakamura - 41-41 Editor's Note
by K. S. - 42-60 Evaluation of the Policymakers
by Tsuneo Iida - 61-81 Options for the Future of the Japanese Economy and Society
by Kimihiro Masamura
1977, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 3-40 Environmental Pollution in Japan
by Hikaru Shoji & Kenichi Miyamoto - 41-70 Toward Japanese-Type Multinational Corporations
by Kiyoshi Yamazaki & Noritake Kobayashi & Teruo Doi - 71-86 Is Stabilization Policy Possible in Japan?
by Yoichi Shinkai - 87-88 Index to Japanese Economic Studies, Vol. V (Fall 1976-Summer 1977)
by The Editors
1977, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 3-47 Japanese Industrial Relations Revisited
by Mikio Sumiya - 48-65 Seniority-Based Wages in Japan — A Survey
by Yoko Sano - 66-95 Labor Markets, Trade Unions and Social Justice
by Solomon Levine & Koji Taira - 96-104 Economists and Society in Postwar Japan
by Yasukichi Yasuba
1976, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 3-63 Conception and Evaluation of Japanese Industrial Policy
by Hiroya Ueno - 64-82 "Industrial Organization" by Caves and Uekusa
by Eleanor Hadley
1976, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-3 Poverty in Japan
by Sueo Sekiguchi & Kazuo Sato - 4-6 General Introduction
by Sueo Sekiguchi - 7-18 I. Personal Consumption: Nutritional Level
by Teruaki Masumoto - 19-31 II. Personal Consumption: Housing
by Mitsutoshi Koyama - 32-42 III. Social Overhead Capital
by Taichiro Ogawa - 43-54 IV. Distribution of Income and Wealth
by Munemichi Inoue - 55-69 V. Social Security: Medical Services
by Eiko Shinozuka - 70-81 VI. Social Security: Nonmedical Services
by Sueo Sekiguchi
1976, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 3-43 Japan's Changing Growth Factors and its Future Prospects
by Kamekichi Takahashi - 44-62 Why are They "General Trading Firms
by Eisuke Daido - 63-80 The Lineage of Japanese Economics
by Tsuneo Iida - 81-82 Index to Japanese Economic Studies, Vol. iv (Fall 1975-Summer 1976)
by The Editors
1976, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 3-27 The Stabilization of Tax Structures
by Hiromitsu Ishi - 28-67 Inequity In Distribution of The Corporate Tax Burden
by Mari Nishino - 68-89 Can Japanese Agriculture Be Revived?
by Keiichi Sakamoto - 90-100 The State of Economic Studies In Japan
by Kazuo Sato
1975, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 3-26 Japan's Fiscal System: An International Comparison
by Susumu Sato - 27-58 Fiscal Policy in Postwar Japan
by Sei Fujita - 59-82 Welfare: Social Security, Social Overhead Capital, and Pollution
by Shigemi Jinushi
1975, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-22 On the Evaluation of the 360-Yen Exchange Rate
by Miyohei Shinohara - 23-51 Japanese Overseas Enterprises in Developing Countries Under Indigenization Policy - the African Case
by Katsu Yanaihara - 52-95 Direct Foreign Investment in Japan
by Sueo Sekiguchi & Koji Matsuba
1975, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 3-3 Editor's Note
by K. S. - 4-37 Japan's Energy Policy
by Masao Sakisaka - 38-82 Japan's Overseas Resource Development Policy
by Masaru Saito - 83-126 Environmental Regulations And Japan'S Industry And International Trade
by Sueo Sekiguchi - 127-128 Index To , VOl. III (Fall 1974-Summer 1975)
by The Editors
1975, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 3-31 The Financial Mechanism of Japan: Survey and Synthesis of Major Issues
by Shoichi Royama - 32-58 Price Changes in a Dual Economy
by Ryoshin Minami & Akira Ono - 59-87 Problems of Overpopulation and Depopulation
by Tsuneo Unno
1974, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 3-67 IRON and Steel: Industrial Organization
by Kenichi Imai - 68-81 Industries Studies of Japan: A Survey
by Toshimasa Tsuruta - 82-87 A Note on Economic Periodicals in Japan
by Kazuo Sato