2008, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 38-51 Economics Still Matters to Poorer Voters
by Larry Bartels - 52-80 Money Manager Capitalism and the Commodities Market Bubble
by L. Wray - 81-90 Reconciling Development, Global Climate Change, and Politics
by Jay Mandle - 91-104 Rethinking Fiscal Policy
by Thomas Michl - 105-112 The World Bank's New Poverty Estimates:
by Sanjay Reddy - 113-121 Questioning Bangladesh's Microcredit
by Rafiqul Molla & M. Alam & Abu Wahid - 122-123 The Case for Government
by Mike Sharpe - 124-128 Index to Volume 51 (January-December 2008)
by The Editors
2008, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-19 A Slow-Motion Recession: What Congress Can Do to Help
by Eileen Appelbaum & Dean Baker & John Schmitt - 20-39 The Fallacy of Sustainable Production of Biofuel Feedstock: You Putting a Tiger in Your Tank
by Timothy Dittmer & Charles Wassell - 40-64 The Corrosive Qualities of Inequality: The Roots of the Current Meltdown
by Michael Perelman - 65-69 How Much Defense Can We Afford?
by David Gold - 70-83 Trading of Innovations to Combat Globalization and Climate Change
by Balkrishna Rao & Anantha Sundararajan & Shrikanth Rao - 84-102 Is the WTO a Threat to the Environment, Public Health, and Sovereignty?
by Trish Kelly - 103-122 Global Trade and Financial Governance Together
by Barry Herman - 123-127 Will the New York Times Be Next?
by Dan Fraenkel - 128-130 Super-Bubble
by Mike Sharpe
2008, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-22 The Future of Inflation Targeting
by Adam Posen - 23-54 The First-World Debt Crisis of 2007-2010 in Global Perspective
by Robert Wade - 55-69 What Can We Really Learn from Growth Regressions?
by Francisco Rodríguez - 70-88 The State as Strategic Manager?
by Dan Breznitz & Carsten Zimmermann - 89-109 A New Dream of Europe? Invest in People!
by Günther Schmid - 110-118 Crude Oil Prices:
by Paul Davidson - 119-126 Reviews: Trade Theory Dissidents
by William Milberg
2008, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-26 Americans Worry:
by Robert Blendon & John Benson - 27-42 What We're In For:
by John Schmitt & Dean Baker - 43-56 Securitization, Liquidity, and Market Failure
by Paul Davidson - 57-79 The Great Divergence:
by Andrew Sum & Paulo Tobar & Joseph McLaughlin & Sheila Palma - 80-92 Lessons from Behavioral Economics
by Robert Frank - 93-114 Losing Faith in the Dollar:
by Robert Carbaugh & David Hedrick - 115-115 Racism and Polite Conversation
by Mike Sharpe
2008, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 3-6 Pusillanimous Stimulus
by Jeff Madrick - 7-9 Hard Times
by Mike Sharpe - 10-12 Public Investment as Stimulus
by Lawrence Mishel - 13-26 Why Thinking Like an Economist Can Be Harmful to the Community
by Stephen Marglin - 27-39 What Sustainability Should Mean
by Mary King - 40-68 Lessons from the Subprime Meltdown
by L. Wray - 69-84 The Interest Rate Channel in the New Monetary Policy Framework
by A. Angeriz & Philip Arestis & John McCombie & Warren Mosler - 85-96 EMU Convergence: Reason for Encouragement
by Robert Dunn - 97-109 Mitterrand's Turn to Conservative Economics: A Revisionist History
by Jean-Gabriel Bliek & Alain Parguez - 110-120 Review
by José Tapia
2008, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-25 The Decline of Good Jobs:
by John Schmitt - 26-44 The Importance of Accounting for Job Quality:
by David Howell & Mamadou Diallo - 45-68 The Erosion of Middle-Class Economic Security After 2001
by Christian Weller - 69-77 The Crisis of the European Union:
by Vincent Navarro & John Schmitt - 78-90 The Squandering of America's Assets
by Robert Kuttner - 91-109 Understanding the Credit Crunch as a Minsky Moment
by Charles Whalen - 110-115 A Sick Society
by Mike Sharpe
2007, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-13 The Failed Promise:
by Frank Levy - 14-50 Seeking Full Employment Again:
by Thomas Palley - 51-90 Demand-Led Growth, Government Intervention, and Public Investment: Broadening the Policy Choices for America
by Jeff Madrick - 91-108 Is the Sky Falling?:
by William Milberg - 109-120 Why We All Care About Inequality (But Some of Us Are Loathe to Admit It)
by Branko Milanovic - 121-123 The New New Deal: The Conscience of a Liberal by Paul Krugman
by Mike Sharpe - 124-128 Index to Volume 50 (January-December 2007)
by The Editors
2007, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-16 What the World Bank Should Do
by Robert Wade - 17-27 The Tyranny of Empire: Another View of Development
by Alice Amsden - 28-56 What One Hand Gives, the Other Takes:
by Ronald Mendoza - 57-72 The Tenth Anniversary of the Asian Financial Crisis: A Retrospective on East Asian Economic Performance
by Edsel Beja Jr. - 73-92 Learning to Learn: Undoing the Gordian Knot of Development Today
by Charles Sabel & Sanjay Reddy - 93-102 The Economics of Grade Inflation
by Steven Pressman - 103-114 Fill'er Up: A Study of Statewide Self-Service Gasoline Station Bans
by Robert Scott III - 115-118 Poor People
by Mike Sharpe
2007, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-16 The New Case for Keynesianism
by George Akerlof - 17-25 Economics for Humans:
by Julie Nelson - 26-48 Getting Immigration Reform Right
by Ray Marshall - 49-64 Low Savings or a High Trade Deficit?:
by Peter Dorman - 65-87 The Impact of Wealth Inequality on Economic Well-Being
by Edward Wolff & Ajit Zacharias - 88-111 A Hard-Nosed Look at Worsening U.S. Household Finance
by Eric Tymoigne - 112-114 America's Suicide Pact with George W. Bush
by Mike Sharpe
2007, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-25 How Americans View Their Lives
by Robert Blendon & John Benson - 26-42 The Real Dangers to the American Middle Class
by Jacob Hacker - 43-58 Strengthening America's Middle Class
by Eileen Appelbaum - 59-71 The Minimum Wage is a Middle-Class Issue
by Oren Levin-Waldman & Charles Whalen - 72-98 The Financial Vulnerability of Families
by Christian Weller & Kate Sabatini - 99-106 Old Europe Goes to Work
by John Schmitt & Dean Baker - 107-112 Economists Interviewing Economists
by Stephen Kinsella - 113-122 Does the Big Mac Predict Exchange Rates?
by Robert Dunn - 123-124 How to Become a Friend of the Next President
by Mike Sharpe
2007, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-19 The Challenge of Affluence: Interview with Avner Offer
by Avner Offer - 20-38 Woe for the Working Classes
by John Connor - 39-58 Aid Does Matter, After All: Revisiting the Relationship Between Aid and Growth
by Camelia Minoiu & Sanjay Reddy - 59-66 Reviews
by Shalendra Sharma - 67-85 The Post-Washington Consensus: Brand New Agenda or Old Wine in a New Bottle?
by Erlend Krogstad - 86-109 The Iranian Oil Bourse: A Threat to Dollar Supremacy?
by Robert Looney - 110-121 Microfinance: The Newest Financial Technology of the Washington Consensus
by Patrice Flynn - 122-125 From the Publisher: Iraqenomics
by Mike Sharpe
2007, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 3-5 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 11-15 Focusing on Health Care and Trade
by Dean Baker - 16-20 Look for a Good Deal on Social Security
by Jason Furman - 21-39 Why Europe Works Less and Grows Taller
by Thorvaldur Gylfason - 40-53 Talking Past the Middle
by Stephen Rose & Adam Solomon & Anne Kim - 54-75 One Nation Under Debt
by Christian Weller & Derek Douglas - 76-96 The Need for Better Internal Oversight of Corporate Lobbying
by Robert Repetto - 97-114 Employment Prospects in Information Technology Jobs for Non—College-Educated Adults
by Andrew Sum & Ishwar Khatiwada & Sheila Palma - 115-123 Making Globalization Work
by The Editors - 124-129 Milton Friedman: Not a Man for All Seasons
by Jeff Madrick
2006, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-19 Great Controversies: Developing Countries and the Collapse of the Doha Round: A Forum
by Yilmaz Akyüz & William Milberg & Robert Wade - 20-34 Great Controversies: Developing the Domestic Market
by Thomas Palley - 35-54 Great Controversies: Whither Social Europe?
by Jonas Pontusson - 55-77 Oil Debates: Reducing American Dependence on Oil
by Robert Carbaugh & Charles Wassell - 78-92 Oil Debates: The Great Oil and Gasoline Dilemma
by Edwin Reubens - 93-102 The Nurse Shortage Is a Crime
by Barbara Bergmann - 103-112 The Theology of Economics
by Duncan Foley - 113-117 On Negative Pricing
by Harry Greenfield - 118-121 From the Publisher: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
by Mike Sharpe
2006, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-18 Getting Inflation-Fighting Right
by Alan Blinder - 19-32 Learning About Bernanke
by Laurence Seidman - 33-52 New Attitudes About Inflation
by Philip Arestis & John McCombie & Warren Mosler - 53-70 Making Health Care Worse
by Elise Gould & Max Sawicky - 71-91 Economics: Diminishing Marginal Utility
by Matthew Drennan - 92-107 Plagiarism in the Economics Profession: A Survey
by Walter Enders & Gary Hoover - 108-120 French Youth Rise Up
by Pascal Petit - 121-125 The Heavy Burden of Wealth
by Mike Sharpe
2006, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-6 John Kenneth Galbraith, 1908-2006
by Mike Sharpe - 7-30 The Realist Approach of John Kenneth Galbraith
by Stephen Dunn & Andrew Mearman - 31-41 The Nanny State
by Dean Baker - 42-57 Why We Should Expand Trade Adjustment Assistance
by Greg Mastel - 58-72 Green Jobs: Public Service Employment and Environmental Sustainability
by Mathew Forstater - 73-85 Warehousing the Elderly
by Charles Stewart - 86-110 Better Measurements of Worth
by Lawrence Officer & Samuel Williamson - 111-124 Whose Information Age?: Employment Prospects for Non—College-Educated Women and Men
by Sharon Mastracci
2006, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-16 Reforming the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: Interview with Ngaire Woods
by The Editors - 17-25 Multinational Corporations and Global Poverty Reduction
by George Lodge & Craig Wilson - 26-47 The IMF's Return to Iraq
by Robert Looney - 48-67 How Americans Viewed Their Lives in 2005
by Robert Blendon & John Benson - 68-89 Historical Bookends: England and Japan
by Vincent Benziger - 90-104 A Better Way to Invest the Social Security Trust Fund
by Thomas Hungerford - 105-119 Aging and Social Security: Women as the Problem and the Solution
by Marianne Ferber & Patricia Simpson & Vanessa Rouillon - 120-122 Garbage: A Note on The Disposable American by Louis Uchitelle
by Mike Sharpe
2006, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-22 Labor Market Reforms: The Evidence Does Not Tell the Orthodox Tale
by Andrew Glyn & David Howell & John Schmitt - 23-32 The Depth and Breadth of the Financial Scandals: Interview with John Bogle
by The Editors - 33-51 How State Policies Can Raise Economic Growth
by Jamee Moudud - 52-62 Joseph Stiglitz and the Critique of Free Market Analysis
by Gerald Houseman - 63-67 Review
by Christian Weller - 68-79 Reflections on the Failures of Ocean Fisheries Management
by Giulio Pontecorvo & William Schrank - 80-101 Hedging Against Estimation Uncertainty
by Sam Rodgers - 102-111 A New Look at U.S. and European Unemployment
by Robert Horn & Philip Heap - 112-120 A Note on an Ethnic Homogeneity Kuznets Curve
by Thomas Tiemann & Jayoti Das & Cassandra DiRienzo - 121-122 The Country Left the Man
by Mike Sharpe
2006, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-15 What the Democrats Should Do: Interview with Robert Reich
by Robert Reich - 16-43 The Middle Class Falls Back
by Christian Weller - 44-73 Neocons and the Ownership Society
by L. Randall Wray - 74-89 How Do India and China Grow?
by Thorvaldur Gylfason - 90-118 The Problem with Growth as the Solution
by Richard Anderson-Connolly - 119-129 Review
by E.J. Nell & Willi Semmler - 130-131 FROM THE PUBLISHER: New Orleans: A Modest Proposal
by Mike Sharpe
2005, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 3-5 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-16 Why Is Industrial Policy So Unpopular?: Interview with Joel Rogers
by The Editors - 17-31 The Questionable Legacy of Alan Greenspan
by Thomas Palley - 32-49 A Ruse by Any Other Name: The Underground Economy
by R. T. Naylor - 50-63 The Dangers of Reducing Industrial Tariffs
by Ha-Joon Chang - 64-94 A Different View of Germany's Stagnation
by Eckhard Hein & Achim Truger - 95-113 Financial Market Puzzles May Affect World Growth
by Philip Arestis & Elias Karakitsos - 114-118 Review
by William Milberg - 119-120 FROM THE PUBLISHER: One President, Five Disasters
by Mike Sharpe - 121-124 Index to Volume 48
by The Editors
2005, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-11 The Age Bias in Academic Publishing
by Robert Dunn, Jr. - 12-38 Does Inequality Matter?
by Robert Hunter Wade - 39-61 Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment: Drawing Lessons from Europe
by Marcia Meyers & Janet Gornick - 62-78 Managerial Capitalism by Any Other Name
by Pascal Petit - 79-94 A Revisionist's View of the History of Economic Thought: Interview with Philip Mirowski
by Philip Mirowski - 95-112 Are College Textbooks Priced Fairly?
by Robert Carbaugh & Koushik Ghosh - 113-119 REVIEW: Fighting Unemployment: The Limits of Free Market Orthodoxy
by Stephen Rose - 120-120 FROM THE PUBLISHER: The Way Out of Iraq
by Mike Sharpe
2005, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-10 SHORT TAKES: A Nonexpert View of Social Security
by Charles Whalen - 11-25 THE WAR AGAINST POVERTY: The Encouraging Truth About Foreign Aid
by Shalendra Sharma - 26-50 THE WAR AGAINST POVERTY: Out of the Loop - Causes of Africa's Poverty and Isolation
by Vincent Benziger - 51-68 The Age Twist in Employment Rates, 2000-2004
by Andrew Sum & Ishwar Khatiwada & Sheila Palma - 69-87 Corporate Governance and Society
by Sanford Jacoby - 88-104 A Professional Ethics Code for Economists
by George DeMartino - 105-110 Review
by Martin H. Wolfson
2005, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-13 Robert Heilbroner, 1919-2005
by The Editors - 14-33 THE UNITED STATES TODAY : How Americans Viewed Their Lives in 2004
by Robert Blendon & John Benson - 34-49 THE UNITED STATES TODAY : Racial Discrimination Is Alive and Well
by Maria Krysan & Amanda Lewis - 50-83 How Do We Grow? : Jane Jacobs on Diversification and Specialization
by David Ellerman - 84-108 Is It Time to Export the U.S. Tax Model to Latin America?
by John Schmitt - 109-124 Why Are Developing Countries Still Negotiating? : The WTO's Successes at the Doha Round
by Trish Kelly - 125-130 REVIEW : John Kenneth Galbraith: His Life, His Politics, His Economics. BY RICHARD PARKER. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. Cloth, $35.00. 820 pages
by Mike Sharpe
2005, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 3-4 Letter From The Editor
by Jeff Madrick