2001, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 14-23 Europe Will Tighten More
by Robert Dunn Jr - 24-38 Reforming Globalization
by Jay Mandle - 39-50 Another Failure of the Washington Consensus on Transition Countries:
by J. Barkley Rosser Jr & Marina Vcherashnaya Rosser - 51-72 Monitoring Compliance with International Labor Standards
by Erin Burnett, James Mahon Jr - 73-84 The Cost of Living and Hidden Inflation
by James Devine - 85-124 Competition: The Hidden Costs of the Invisible Hand
by Michael Perelman
2001, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 3-5 Letter From The Editor
by The Editors - 6-18 Responding to Seattle: Interview with Jagdish Bhagwati
by The Editors - 19-34 Regulating Capital Flight
by Eric Helleiner - 35-55 How Bad Are Welfare-State Institutions for Economic Development? The Amazing Vitality of the European Tigers
by Ronald Schettkat - 56-89 The Missed Lessons of the Mexican Peso Crisis
by Shalendra Sharma - 90-116 Did the 1990s Inaugurate a New Economy?
by Harold G. Vatter & John F. Walker - 117-124 A Road Less Traveled: The Institutionalist Walter Adams
by Roger Spencer - 125-128 Reviews
by The Editors
November 2000, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-14 An Agenda for the President
by Thomas Kochan - 15-37 Doing Something about Long Hours
by Lonnie Golden & Deborah Figart - 38-57 The Consequences of Capital Liberalization
by Lance Taylor - 58-64 Democracy or Wealth: A Case Study
by Gerald Houseman - 65-75 Who Doesn’t Have a Bank Account?
by Thomas Hungerford - 76-92 Exchange Rate Regimes and Capital Controls
by Matías Vemengo & Louis-Philippe Rochon - 93-108 Ukraine: Europe’s Forgotten Economy
by James Dean - 109-114 Surrogate Demand: A Note on Demand Theory
by Harry Greenfield - 115-122 Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to the Congress February 2000
by James K. Galbraith - 123-125 Index to Volume 43 (January-December 2000)
by The Editors
September 2000, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-19 A Critique from the Inside
by Henry Kaufman - 20-30 How the National Science Foundation Funds Research in Economics
by Howard Wachtel - 31-59 A New Economic Reality: Penal Keynesianism
by L. Randall Wray - 60-91 Yes! Consumption Taxes Are Regressive
by Howard Chernick & Andrew Reschovsky - 92-106 United States-China-Taiwan: A Precarious Triangle
by Murray Weidenbaum - 107-117 The Supply-Side Effect of a Stock Market Crash
by Dean Baker - 118-120 Market Whys and Human Wherefores: Thinking about Markets, Politics, and People by David Jenkins
by Edward Chase
July 2000, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-21 What Have We Learned from the Disappearance of the Deficits?
by Benjamin Friedman - 22-42 The Mainstream Was Surprised
by Thomas Palley - 43-61 The Emergence of Universal Owners
by James Hawley & Andrew Williams - 62-76 Can China Avert Crisis?
by James Dean - 77-87 Temporary Relief from Exports
by Greg Mastel & Andrew Harig - 88-107 The IMF and Global Financial Crises
by Joseph Joyce - 108-120 A Case against U.S. Dollarization
by George von Furstenberg - 121-127 Social Security: The Phony Crisis by Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot
by Michael Meeropol
May 2000, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 5-27 A Russian Optimist
by Padma Desai - 28-43 Reprivatizing Russia
by Marshall Goldman - 44-82 Reforming International Financial Architecture
by Jane D’Arista - 83-90 Tight Money in Europe
by Robert Dunn - 91-106 The New Enemy of Privacy: Big Bucks
by Amitai Etzioni - 107-114 World Investment Report, 1999
by Gerald Epstein
March 2000, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-16 The Long-Term Outlook for Stocks
by Peter Diamond - 17-48 Full Dollarization: Fad or Future?
by Željko Bogetić - 49-66 Welfare States, Economic Growth, and Scholarly Objectivity
by Walter Korpi - 67-85 The Forgotten Merits of Manufacturing
by Eamonn Fingleton - 86-96 The Minimum Wage Can Be Raised
by Oren Levin-Waldman - 97-130 Poverty Ain’t What It Used to Be
by Garth Mangum & Andrew Sum & Neeta Fogg - 131-134 Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism by Walter LaFeber
by Edward Chase
January 2000, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeff Madrick - 6-31 Three Nobel Laureates on the State of Economics
by Robert Solow - 32-43 Does Wage Flexibility Really Create Jobs?
by Andrew Glyn & Wiemer Salverda - 44-92 Globalization, Liberalization, and Inequality: Real Causes
by Frances Stewart & Albert Berry - 93-104 The Risks of Pension Privatization in Britain
by James Schulz - 105-124 The Triumph of the Rentiers?
by Ha-Joon Chang & Chul-Gyue Yoo - 125-129 The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L. Friedman
by Robert Dunn
November 1999, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 6-25 End of the Expansion: Soft Landing, Hard Landing, or Even Crash?
by Thomas Palley - 26-67 Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
by Joseph Stiglitz - 68-79 Profits, Not Inflation, Will Be the Problem
by Albert Wojnilower - 80-102 No Cheers for Full Employment
by Dimitri Papadimitriou - 103-111 Class Conflict and the “Natural Rate of Unemployment”
by Robert Pollin - 112-124 The Economic Report of the President: A Review
by James Galbraith - 125-127 The Social Health of the Nation: How America Is Really Doing by Marc Miringoff and Marque-Luisa Miringoff
by M.E. Sharpe - 128-131 Index to Volume 42 (January-December 1999)
by The Editors
September 1999, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-15 Boredom-An Overlooked Disease?
by Tibor Scitovsky - 16-20 The Commitment to Innocent Fraud
by John Kenneth Galbraith - 21-28 The Manichaean Character of Economics
by Charles Kindleberger - 29-33 Two Gods That Fail
by Paul Samuelson - 34-49 The American Stock-Flow Trap
by John Eatwell & Lance Taylor - 50-62 Elections as a Public Good
by Jay Mandle & Jon Mandle - 63-79 The Need for Innovation-Based Growth in Europe
by Jan Fagerberg - 80-93 International Labor Standards and Child Labor
by Kaushik Basu - 94-101 The Grameen Bank and Women in Bangladesh
by Abu Wahid - 102-113 The Obstacles to Development in the Balkans
by Jonathan Moore - 114-119 From the Ashes of the Old: American Labor and America’s Future by Stanley Aronowitz
by Bill Luker
July 1999, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-28 A Tour of International Financial Reform
by Richard Cooper - 29-43 An Easy Monetary Policy in the European Union?
by Robert Dunn - 44-59 The Asian Financial Crisis and the Virtues of Democracy
by Dani Rodrik - 60-81 Competition in the World Jetliner Industry
by John Olienyk & Robert Carbaugh - 82-101 Is There a New Economy?
by Kevin Stiroh - 102-117 The Role of Flexible Production in Earnings Inequality
by Stanley Masters - 118-121 Myths of Rich and Poor: Why We’re Better Off than We Think by W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm
by Edward Chase
May 1999, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 6-13 Healthy Stock Returns in a Slow-Growing Economy?
by Dean Baker - 14-33 Did the Clinton Rising Tide Lift All Boats?
by Marc-André Pigeon & L. Randall Wray - 34-52 Robert Heilbroner: Worldly Philosopher
by Robert Pollin - 53-62 The End of the Worldly Philosophy
by Robert Heilbroner - 63-83 The Roads Aren’t Free
by Clifford Cobb - 84-94 The U.S. Steel Industry and Antidumping Law
by Greg Mastel - 95-99 Robert Eisner: An Appreciation
by James Galbraith - 100-103 Wassily Leontief: An Appreciation
by James Galbraith - 104-107 Remembering Wassily Leontief
by M.E. Sharpe - 108-119 Turbulence in the World Economy by Robert Brenner
by James Crotty - 119-130 Robert Brenner Replies
by Robert Brenner
March 1999, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 6-22 New York City’s Economic Dependence on Wall Street
by Deputy Comptroller - 23-40 Who Wins the Nobel Prize?
by Johan Van Gompel - 41-51 Amartya Sen, Economics Nobel Laureate 1998
by Kaushik Basu - 52-57 Abolish the Nobel Prize for Economics
by Barbara Bergmann - 58-76 The International Financial Crisis
by George Soros - 77-101 Economic Anorexia: Japan’s Real Demand Problem
by Richard Katz - 102-129 A New Deal for a New Economy
by Stephen Herzenberg & John Alic & Howard Wial - 130-135 Created Unequal: The Crisis in American Pay by James Galbraith
by Thomas Palley
January 1999, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 6-13 What the Election Told Us
by Ruy Teixeira - 14-33 The Market Turn Without Neoliberalism
by Carlos Salinas de Gortari & Roberto Mangabeira Unger - 34-42 How Do We Understand Russia’s Crisis?
by Esther Kingston-Mann - 43-54 The Consequences of the Euro
by Jerome Sheridan - 55-80 Foreign Investment and Human Rights
by Debora Spar - 81-91 What Economists Don’t Know about Growth
by Moses Abramovitz - 92-109 Toward an Efficiency Week
by Robert Lajeunesse - 110-115 The Age-Adjusted Unemployment Rate: An Alternative Measure
by Robert Horn & Philip Heap - 116-118 Human Development Report 1998
by M. E. Sharpe - 118-122 Generating Jobs: How to Increase Demand for Less Skilled Workers Edited by Richard Freeman and Peter Gottschalk
by Stephen Rose - 122-125 The Trouble with Capitalism: An Enquiry into the Causes of Global Economic Failure by Harry Shutt
by Edward Chase - 126-127 Reader’s Response
by Robert Solomon & Theodore Pelagidis & Robert Solomon
November 1998, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-8 The Computer-Driven Productivity Boom
by Dean Baker - 9-13 The Russian Ruble and Why It Collapsed
by Marshall Goldman - 14-26 The Gathering Support for Capital Controls
by Robert Wade & Frank Veneroso - 27-38 How Vulnerable Is Wall Street?
by Leon Levy - 39-59 The United States Is Not Ahead in Everything That Matters
by John Schmitt & Lawrence Mishel - 60-74 Consumption Taxes: Do They Spur Growth?
by Susan Wieler - 75-87 Homemaker as Worker in the United States
by Margaret Coleman - 88-120 Education, Skill, and Wage Inequality
by Sanford Jacoby & Pete Goldschmidt - 121-128 The Great Betrayal: How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed to Gods of the Global Economy by Patrick Buchanan
by Murray Weidenbaum - 129-132 Index to Volume 41 (January-December 1998)
by The Editors
September 1998, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-15 Should We End Social Security?
by Amitai Etzioni - 16-44 Improving Worker Welfare in the Age of Flexibility
by Annette Bernhardt & Thomas Bailey - 45-58 The Neglect of Care-Giving
by Nancy Folbre - 59-71 Building Prosperity from the Bottom Up
by Thomas Palley - 72-86 Macroeconomics: Was Vickrey Ten Years Ahead?
by David Colander - 87-98 The Economic Report of the President for 1998: A Review
by James Galbraith - 99-112 Calculating the Price of Everything: The CPI
by Daniel Mitchell - 113-120 Who Is the Practitioner of Political Economy?
by Daniel Klein - 121-124 The Truman Show
by M. E. Sharpe - 124-129 Plenty of Nothing: The Downsizing of the American Dream and the Case for Structural Keynesianism by Thomas Palley
by Dean Baker - 130-131 Reader’s Response
by John M. Balder
July 1998, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-13 The New Economy Does Not Lurk in the Statistical Discrepancy
by Dean Baker - 14-30 Culture Counts
by David S. Landes - 31-41 The Noncompetitive Health-Care Market
by Eli Ginzberg - 42-65 Computers: Waiting for the Revolution
by Jeffrey Madrick - 66-75 “Eurosclerosis” Versus U.S. Dynamism
by Vicente Navarro - 76-89 European Unemployment: Myths and Realities
by Theodore Pelagidis - 90-100 The New Dance of the Millions: The Asian Crisis
by Michael Pettis - 101-116 Welfare Reform and Low-Income Noncustodial Fathers
by Elaine Sorensen & Robert Lerman - 117-127 The Dark Side of Business Flexibility
by Bennett Harrison - 128-133 The Commanding Heights: The Battle between Government and the Marketplace That Is Remaking the Modem World. By Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw
by Edward T. Chase - 134-135 Reader’s Response
by Tibor Scitovsky
May 1998, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-10 What Did We Gain from Zapping the Deficit?
by Peter Bernstein - 11-34 Disturbing Currents in Modern Economics
by Mark Blaug - 35-45 The Problems with Formalism
by Mark Blaug - 46-62 Why Economists Disagree
by John Tiemstra - 63-84 Race, Cognitive Ability, and Wage Inequality
by Patrick L. Mason - 85-99 Are the Working Poor Lazy?
by Marlene Kim - 100-112 Downsizing in the Past
by Sanford Jacoby - 113-117 The Communist Manifesto: A Modern Edition by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
by M. E. Sharpe - 118-123 The Macroeconomics of Saving, Finance, and Investment. Edited by Robert Pollin
by Michele Naples
March 1998, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 6-11 The Boskin Commission after One Year
by Dean Baker - 12-14 Cleaning up the Atmosphere
by Tibor Scitovsky - 15-43 Policy Implications of the Tequila Effect
by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis - 44-60 Why Left-Wing Moralists and Right-Wing Academics Are Wrong about Asia
by James Dean - 61-80 Income Distribution, Capital Accumulation, and Growth
by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - 81-94 Has Globalization Gone Too Far?
by Dani Rodrik - 95-117 The Stock Market Won’t Beat Social Security
by John Mueller - 118-124 Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. By Jared Diamond
by M.E. Sharpe
January 1998, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 3-4 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 5-6 Readers Respond
by Stavros E. Kontos & Louis A. Millican - 7-18 Zero Is Not the Optimal Rate of Inflation
by Thomas Palley - 19-37 The New Economics of Voting
by Ruy Teixeira - 38-54 Fiscal Policy Will Matter
by Wynne Godley & George McCarthy - 55-58 Reflections on the Balancing Act
by George Brockway - 59-68 What to Do with the Surplus
by Max Sawicky - 69-90 The Rise and Fall of the Swedish Model
by Rudolf Meidner - 91-104 A High-Wage Path to Economic Growth and Development
by Morris Altman - 105-119 Contrary Opinion
by Kent Jones - 120-123 The Computer Revolution: An Economic Perspective by Daniel E. Sichel
by Robert Solow
November 1997, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 3-5 Letter from the Editor
by Jeffrey Madrick - 6-20 Explaining the Recent Decline in Welfare Caseloads
by Alberto Martini & Michael Wiseman - 21-31 Manias and How to Prevent Them
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 32-52 Financial Market Volatility and Monetary Policy
by John M. Balder - 53-62 Tax Waste, Not Work
by M. Jeff Hamond & Stephen J. DeCanio & Peggy Duxbury & Alan H. Sanstad & Christopher H. Stinson - 63-84 A Progressive Consumption Tax
by Laurence S. Seidman