June 2009, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 17-50 Vulnerability to Poverty in select Central Asian Countries
by Raghbendra Jha & Tu Dang - 53-55 China's economy, India's economy, comparative development
by Sean Dougherty & Vittorio Valli - 57-99 Comparing China and India: Is the dividend of economic reforms polarized?
by Sudip Ranjan Basu - 101-129 Structural Change and Economic Development in China and India
by Vittorio Valli & Donatella Saccone - 131-155 The integration of China and India into the world economy: a comparison
by Isabelle Bensidoun & Françoise Lemoine & Deniz Ünal - 157-173 The difficulties of the Chinese and Indian exchange rate regimes
by Ila Patnaik & Ajay Shah
December 2008, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 133-156 Regional school choice and school selectivity: how do they relate to student performance? Evidence from PISA 2003
by Maresa Sprietsma - 157-186 Wives' work and income distribution in European countries
by Silvia Pasqua - 187-249 Measurement and Analysis of Child Well-Being in Middle and High Income Countries
by Almas Heshmati & Arno Tausch & Chemen S. J. Bajalan - 251-267 Russia's transition process in the light of a rising economy: Economic trajectories in Russia's industry and agriculture
by Peter Voigt & Heinrich Hockmann - 269-290 Is economic convergence in New Member States sufficient for an adoption of the Euro?
by Marie-José Rinaldi-Larribe - 291-294 Book Review of: "Transition and Beyond. Essays in Honor of Mario Nuti", Saul Estrin, Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Milica Uvalic (Editors)
by Mario Ferrero - 295-298 Book Review of: "Contours of the World Economy, 1-2030 AD. Essays on Macro-Economic History", Angus Maddison
by Vittorio Valli
June 2008, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-32 The Determinants of Actual Migration and the Role of Wages and Unemployment in Albania: an Empirical Analysis
by Cristina Cattaneo - 23-56 Comparing Direct and Indirect Taxation: The Influence of Framing on Tax Compliance
by Robert Ullmann & Christoph Watrin - 57-71 Formal and Informal Institutional Change : the Experience of Postsocialist Transformation
by Bernard Chavance - 73-85 The Euro's Effects on Trade in a Dynamic Setting
by Sergio de Nardis & Roberta De Santis & Claudio Vicarelli - 87-105 Determinants of Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Russian Regions
by Svetlana Ledyaeva & Mikael Linden - 107-124 Twin Crises in Turkey: A Comparison of Currency Crisis Models
by Hakan Yilmazkuday - 125-129 Book review on: "The European Labour Market Regional Dimensions", Floro Ernesto Caroleo and Sergio Destefanis, Editors
by Peter Huber
September 2007, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 105-108 Comparing European Regions
by Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli - 109-147 European Region Types in EU-25
by Christine M. Aumayr - 149-178 Specialisation and Convergence in European Regions
by Enrico Marelli - 179-208 The Impact of Structural Funds Policy on European Regions' Growth : A Theoretical and Empirical Approach
by Mari Carmen Puigcerver-Penalver - 209-262 Labour Market Performance Differentials and Dynamics in EU-15 Countries and Regions
by Cristiano Perugini & Marcello Signorelli - 263-298 Regional Labour Market Developments in Transition: A Survey of the Empirical Literature
by Peter Huber - 299-317 Regional Labour Market Differences in Serbia: Assessment and Policy Recommendations
by Mihail Arandarenko & Milena Jovicic - 319-332 Explaining Spatial Variation in Business Performance in Great Britain
by Don J. Webber & Martin Boddy & Anthony Plumridge - 333-336 Book review on: "Germany's Economic Performance. From Unification to Euroization", Jens Holscher, Editor
by Vittorio Valli
June 2007, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-24 Determinants of Soviet Household Income
by Kenneth Smith - 25-38 The European Union and its Neighbours: Everything but Institutions?
by Alberto Chilosi - 39-64 Inflation Targeting, Between Rhetoric and Reality. The Case of Transition Economies
by Daniel Daianu & Laurian Lungu - 65-89 Growth Prospects in China and India Compared
by Richard Herd & Sean Dougherty - 91-99 Current Account Dynamics and the Feldstein and Horioka Puzzle: the Case of Greece
by Anastasios Mastroyiannis
December 2006, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 131-170 Alternative Composite Lisbon Development Strategy Indices: A Comparison of EU, USA, Japan and Korea
by Almas Heshmati & JongEun Oh - 171-195 Trade in Southeast Europe : recent trends and some policy implications
by Milica Uvalic - 197-238 Institutional Change and Governance Indexes in Transition Economies: the case of Poland
by Pasquale Tridico - 239-261 How Tight is Too Tight? A Look at Welfare Implications of Distortionary Policies in Uzbekistan
by Edward R. Gemayel & David A. Grigorian - 263-288 Government-Business Relations and Catching Up Reforms in the CIS
by Alexander Libman - 289-314 Specialization and Growth Perspectives in the South Mediterranean Area
by Massimo Tamberi
June 2006, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-14 Pro-poor Growth during Exceptional Growth. Evidence from a Transition Economy
by Paolo Verme - 15-29 Properties of the Histogram Location Approach and the Extent and Change of Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the EU
by Andreas Behr - 31-49 A Tax Evasion - Bribery Game: Experimental Evidence from Ukraine
by Volodymyr Bilotkach - 51-74 Professor Gerschenkron goes to Brussels. Russian Catch-up Economics and the Common European Space
by Stefan Hedlund - 75-102 Institutional Change and Economic Transition: Market-Enhancing Governance, Chinese-Style
by Joachim Ahrens & Philipp Mengeringhaus - 103-129 Human Capital in Russia
by Bernardina Algieri
December 2005, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 139-175 Pay Inequality in Europe 1995-2000: Convergence Between Countries and Stability Inside
by James Galbraith & Enrique Garcilazo - 177-202 Reforms and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Complementarity, Sequencing and Speed
by Karsten Staehr - 203-219 China in the international fragmentation of production: Evidence from the ICT industry
by Alessia Amighini - 221-243 Balassa-Samuelson Meets South Eastern Europe, the CIS and Turkey: A Close Encounter of the Third Kind?
by Balázs Égert - 245-260 Hub-and-Spoke or else? Free trade agreements in the 'enlarged' European Union
by Luca De Benedictis & Roberta De Santis & Claudio Vicarelli - 261-279 Concentration in Knowledge Output: A case of Economics Journals
by Paul Gopuran Devassy Bino & Sasidharan Subash & Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
June 2005, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-16 Russia: An Abnormal Country
by Steven Rosefielde - 17-39 Impact of regulated price adjustments on price variability in a very low inflation transition economy: Case of Armenia
by Aghassi Mkrtchyan - 41-65 The Measurement of Co-Circulation of Currencies and Dollarization in the Republic of Armenia
by Hakob Zoryan - 67-82 The evolution of competition in banking in a transition economy: an application of the Panzar-Rosse model to Armenia
by Armenuhi Mkrtchyan - 83-110 Core inflation in a small transition country: choice of optimal measures
by Gagik G. Aghajanyan - 111-136 European Economic Policies at Work : the costs of Price Stability and Budget Consolidation
by Carlo Altavilla & Ugo Marani
December 2004, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 155-173 Corporate and public governances in transition: the limits of property rights and the significance of legal institutions
by Jean-Francois Nivet - 175-193 Price and Income Elasticities of Russian Exports
by Bernardina Algieri - 195-215 Measuring and Analyzing Poverty
by Sanjaya Acharya - 217-241 Managerial ownership and corporate performance in Slovenian post-privatisation period
by Marko Simoneti & Aleksandra Gregoric - 243-278 Employment Performance and Convergence in the European Countries and Regions
by Cristiano Perugini & Marcello Signorelli
June 2004, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-31 Would a Second Transition Stage Prolong the Initial Period of Post-socialist Economic Transformation into Market Capitalism?
by Wladimir Andreff - 33-58 Policy Diversity as an Engine of Development
by Daniel Daianu - 59-86 Comparative Economic Systems and the New Comparative Economics
by Bruno Dallago - 87-106 The Experience of Rising Inequality in Russia and China during the Transition
by James K. Galbraith & Ludmila Krytynskaia & Qifei Wang - 107-125 Outsourcing and Information Management
by Alessandro Innocenti & Sandrine Labory - 127-143 Good Governance, Welfare, and Transformation
by Hans-Jurgen Wagener