April 2013, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 41-66 Love, war and cultures: an institutional approach to human evolution
by Ugo Pagano - 67-70 A note on the difference between human and non-human productive factors: Comments on ‘Love, war, and culture: An institutional approach to human evolution’
by Alberto Battistini - 71-81 Darwin, Marx and Pagano: a comment on “Love, War, and Cultures”
by Samuel Bowles - 83-89 The evolutionary roots of human hyper-cognition
by Herbert Gintis - 91-95 Sex on the brain: some comments on ‘love, war and cultures: An institutional approach to human evolution’
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 97-101 Hierarchical societies of primates: Comments on love, war and cultures
by Riccardo Pansini
October 2012, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 197-215 A model of decision making in an ecologically realistic environment: Relative comparison and the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives
by Avi Waksberg & Andrew Smith & Martin Burd - 217-241 Making profits working on patients’ expectations, a behavioral analysis of pharmaceutical clinical research
by Roberto Ippoliti - 243-256 Influence of body image in urbanized areas: differences in long-term changes in teenage body mass index between boys and girls in Japan
by Eiji Yamamura - 257-266 Regional culture and adaptive behavior of physicians
by Desmond Mascarenhas & Amoolya Singh - 267-285 Keeping the big fish: Economic and ecological tradeoffs in size-based fisheries management
by C. Mullon & J. Field & O. Thébaud & P. Cury & C. Chaboud - 287-293 Joan Roughgarden, The genial gene: deconstructing Darwinian selfishness
by Michael Ghiselin - 295-297 Johannes Hirata: Happiness, ethics and economics
by Dwight Lee - 299-301 Peter Corning: The fair society: the science of human nature and the pursuit of social justice
by Benjamin Hardisty
July 2012, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 101-114 Evolvability and progress in evolutionary economics
by Tim Cochrane & James Maclaurin - 115-128 Parental preference for investment risk incites family strife
by Scott Forbes - 129-146 Weather, investor irrationality and day-of-the-week anomaly: case of Indonesia
by Rayenda Brahmana & Chee-Wooi Hooy & Zamri Ahmad - 147-166 Measuring potential profits in a bioeconomic model of the mixed demersal fishery in the North Sea
by Trond Bjørndal & Daniel Gordon & Mintewab Bezabih - 167-181 Another Fatal Conceit: the lesson from evolutionary economics is bottom-up self-organization, not top-down government design
by Michael Shermer - 183-196 In defense of a libertarian welfare state: response to Michael Shermer
by Robert Frank
April 2012, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-20 Imitation and evolutionary stability of poverty traps
by Edgar Carrera - 21-40 Technology adoption and mitigation of invasive species damage and risk: application to zebra mussels
by Damian Adams & Donna Lee - 41-60 Cooperative and non-cooperative management of the Northeast Atlantic cod fishery
by Trond Bjørndal & Marko Lindroos - 61-75 Natural selection as a paradigm of opportunism in biology
by Joseph Bozorgmehr - 77-89 Toward a holistic nonprofit economics: insights from institutionalism and systems theory
by Vladislav Valentinov - 91-93 Honest signal theory, meet “The Family”
by Benjamin Hardisty - 95-99 John R. Searle: The making of the social world: the structure of human civilization
by Adam Gifford
October 2011, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 179-179 Editorial announcement
by Adam Gifford - 181-203 Consumer specialization and the Romantic transformation of the British Grand Tour of Europe
by Andreas Chai - 205-212 Murders, he wrote: a note on declining deadly violence
by James McClure - 213-232 Loss of economic rents in the global fishery
by Ragnar Arnason - 233-273 Survival, reproduction and congestion: the spaceship problem re-examined
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Gregory Ponthiere - 275-280 Melissa J. Brown (ed.): Explaining culture scientifically
by Adam Gifford
July 2011, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 79-95 The intertemporal allocation of consumption, time preference, and life-history strategies
by Junji Kageyama - 97-123 Sustainable use of renewable resources: an identity approach
by Isabel Almudi & Julio Sánchez Chóliz - 125-137 Information theory in ecosystems
by Arthur Michalowski - 139-160 When is fish quota enforcement worth while? A study of the Northeast Arctic cod
by Rögnvaldur Hannesson - 161-178 Joan Martinez-Alier and Ingo Ropke (eds.): Recent developments in ecological economics (2 vols.)
by Benjamin Leard
April 2011, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-15 Nineteenth century African-American and white US statures: the primary sources of vitamin D and their relationship with height
by Scott Carson - 17-29 A 4D natural selection model illuminates the enigma of altruism in the Shedao pit viper
by Deby Cassill & Benjamin Hardisty & Alison Watkins - 31-43 Copyright piracy as prey–predator behavior
by Francisco Vázquez & Richard Watt - 45-72 A bioeconomic model for determining the optimal response strategies for a new weed incursion
by Rohan Jayasuriya & Randall Jones & Remy Ven - 73-74 Richard Dawkins, The God delusion
by Deby Cassill - 75-77 Tim Harford: The logic of life: the rational economics of an irrational world
by Adam Gifford
October 2010, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 179-182 Toward a global fisheries economics: an introduction to the special issue
by U. Sumaila & Ragnar Arnason & Glenn-Marie Lange - 183-200 Food security implications of global marine catch losses due to overfishing
by U. Srinivasan & William Cheung & Reg Watson & U. Sumaila - 201-225 A bottom-up re-estimation of global fisheries subsidies
by U. Sumaila & Ahmed Khan & Andrew Dyck & Reg Watson & Gordon Munro & Peter Tydemers & Daniel Pauly - 227-243 Economic impact of ocean fish populations in the global fishery
by Andrew Dyck & U. Sumaila - 245-268 A global estimate of benefits from ecosystem-based marine recreation: potential impacts and implications for management
by Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor & U. Sumaila - 269-274 Paul J. Zak (ed.), Moral markets: The critical role of values in the economics
by David Levy
July 2010, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 77-100 Encephalization and division of labor by early humans
by John Hartwick - 101-117 Coevolution of product quality and consumer preferences
by Takanori Ida - 119-143 Economic models of fish shoal (school) size: a near comprehensive view of single species shoaling strategy
by Peter Mayer - 145-167 Bio-economic modelling of soil erosion externalities and policy options: a Tunisian case study
by Kamel Louhichi & Guillermo Flichman & Jean Boisson - 169-171 Read Montague: Why choose this book? How we make decisions
by Paul Zak - 173-177 Marc D. Hauser: Moral minds: How nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong
by Alexander Field
April 2010, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-28 The evolutionary patterns of political economy: Examples from Latin American history
by Anil Hira - 29-42 The evolution of cooperative hierarchies through natural selection processes
by Deby Cassill & Alison Watkins - 43-53 Labor markets and mating markets: Using taxes to reduce the male–female pay gap
by Aloys Prinz - 55-70 Cost benefit analysis of conservation efforts to preserve an endangered species: The Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Israel
by Nir Becker & Yael Choresh & Ofer Bahat & Moshe Inbar - 71-75 Gregory Clark: A farewell to alms: A brief economic history of the world
by Arnold Kling
December 2009, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 207-210 Editorial Announcement
by Janet Landa - 211-221 Seemingly altruistic behavior: selfish genes or cooperative organisms?
by Harold Demsetz - 223-248 Rationality and intertemporal choice
by Adam Gifford - 249-282 Reconciling psychology with economics: Obesity, behavioral biology, and rational overeating
by Trenton Smith - 283-288 Inframarginal values and demand: Contra Dwight Lee
by Philip Coelho & James McClure - 289-294 ‘Inframarginal values and demand: Contra Dwight Lee’: Response to Coelho and McClure
by Dwight Lee - 295-297 Why are men prone to deadly violence?
by Edwin Mills - 299-304 Don Ross, Economic theory and cognitive science: Microexplanation
by Adam Gifford - 305-307 Ken Binmore, Does game theory work? The bargaining challenge
by Bernhard Voelkl
August 2009, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 105-134 Comparative economics: evolution and the modern economy
by Geerat Vermeij - 135-164 An empirical investigation of organizational memetic variation
by Jill Shepherd & Bill McKelvey - 165-183 A game-theoretic model of coalition formation among primates
by Giorgos Stamatopoulos & Abhijit Sengupta & Erin Vogel & Charles Janson - 185-190 Convergent cultural evolution and multilevel selection: Reply to comments on Janet Landa’s ‘The bioeconomics of homogenous middleman groups as adaptive units: Theory and empirical evidence viewed from a group selection framework’
by David Wilson - 191-199 Homogeneous middleman groups as superorganisms, endogamous ethnic groups, and trust networks: Reply to comments on Janet Landa’s target article, ‘The bioeconomics of homogeneous middleman groups as adaptive units’
by Janet Landa - 201-205 Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Ethical Brain
by Adam Gifford
April 2009, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-21 Happiness and declining inframarginal values
by Dwight Lee - 23-42 Evolutionary perspectives on salary dispersion within firms
by Kevin Kniffin - 43-63 Diversity, persistence and chaos in consumption patterns
by Francisco Fatás-Villafranca & Dulce Saura & Francisco Vazquez - 65-93 Modeling economic and agro-environmental dynamics of potato production systems
by Mohammad Khakbazan & Cliff Hamilton & Alan Moulin & Ken Belcher & Ramona Mohr & Karl Volkmar & Dale Tomasiewicz - 95-98 Alan Grafen and Mark Ridley (eds.), Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think: Reflections by Scientists, Writers, and Philosophers
by Michael Ghiselin - 99-102 Richard A. Lanham, The Economics of Attention: Style and Substance in the Age of Information
by David Hirshleifer - 103-103 Making economic sense of brain models: a survey and interpretation of the literature
by Werner Neu
December 2008, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 199-202 Group selection: Theory and evidence. An Introduction to the Special Issue
by Janet Landa & David Wilson - 203-238 Why multilevel selection matters
by Alexander Field - 239-257 Play locally, learn globally: group selection and structural basis of cooperation
by Jung-Kyoo Choi - 259-278 The bioeconomics of homogeneous middleman groups as adaptive units: Theory and empirical evidence viewed from a group selection framework
by Janet Landa - 279-285 Is group selection necessary? An alternative interpretation of homogeneous Middleman groups: Comments on Janet Landa’s paper
by Richard Epstein - 287-290 Biological and cultural group selection: Comments on Janet Landa’s paper
by Alexander Field - 291-292 Adaptation in human societies: Proximate versus ultimate causation: Comments on Janet Landa’s paper
by Peter Corning - 293-295 Quantifying the study of cultural group selection: Comments on Janet Landa’s paper
by Christopher Boehm - 297-301 Demonstrating group selection: A comment on Janet Landa’s ‘The bioeconomics of homogenous middleman groups as adaptive units’
by Richard Sosis & Paul Swartwout - 303-306 Genes and homogeneous trading groups: A comment on Janet Landa’s target paper
by Frank Salter - 307-314 Charles J. Lumsden and Edward O. Wilson, Genes, Mind, and Culture: 25th Anniversary Edition
by Adrian Bell & Peter Richerson
August 2008, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 101-126 A bioeconomic study of numeracy and economic calculation
by David Harper - 127-144 A potential limit on competition
by Christian Cordes - 145-163 Animal rationality and implications for resource management: the case of biological reserves for moose and pine
by Eric Nævdal - 165-192 Making economic sense of brain models: a survey and interpretation of the literature
by Werner Neu - 193-198 Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd, Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution
by Adam Gifford
April 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-21 Primates’ fertilization systems and the evolution of the human brain
by Alberto Battistini & Ugo Pagano - 23-49 Accounting for economic evolution: Fitness and the population method
by John Metcalfe - 51-69 In search of general evolutionary principles: Why Darwinism is too important to be left to the biologists
by Geoffrey Hodgson & Thorbjørn Knudsen - 71-96 Alternative evolutionary theories: A historical survey
by Georgy Levit & Kay Meister & Uwe Hoßfeld - 97-99 Richard Layard, Happiness: Lessons from a New Science
by Dwight Lee
December 2007, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 201-203 Ecological Economics: An Introduction to the Special Issue
by Eric Miller & Peter Victor - 205-225 Towards Sustainability Economics: Principles and Values
by Peter Söderbaum - 227-244 Feminist Ecological Economics and Sustainability
by Patricia Perkins - 245-263 Improving Human Wellbeing and Ecosystem Health on BC’s Coast: The Challenge Posed by Historic Resource Extraction
by Tom Green - 265-277 Money as Social Exergy
by Eli Spiegelman & George Spiegelman & Jonah Spiegelman
August 2007, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 85-107 Mind-Dependence. The Past in the Grip of the Present
by Roberta Patalano - 109-144 Synergy Goes to War: A Bioeconomic Theory of Collective Violence
by Peter Corning - 145-167 Neuroeconomics as a Natural Extension of Bioeconomics: The Shifting Scope of Standard Economic Theory
by Jack Vromen - 169-185 Taxonomizing the Relationship Between Biology and Economics: A Very Long Engagement
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 187-189 Book Review: Peter A. Corning. 2005. Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. vii+545 pp. $70 (cloth), $28 (paperback)
by Frederic Pryor
April 2007, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-18 Lunacy in the Stock Market—What is the Evidence?
by Anthony Herbst - 19-37 A Test of Two Skew Models to Explain Cooperative Breeding
by Deby Cassill & Indira Kuriachan & S. Vinson - 39-51 A Global Ex-vessel Fish Price Database: Construction and Applications
by U. Sumaila & A. Marsden & Reg Watson & Daniel Pauly - 53-67 Utility, Fitness, and Immigration: Reply to Salter
by Paul Rubin - 69-74 Proximate and Ultimate Utilities: A Rejoinder to Rubin
by Frank Salter - 75-77 Book Review: Paul Seabright. 2004. The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life. Princeton University Press, Princeton. x + 304 pp. Paperback edition. $18.95
by Mark Toma - 79-84 Book Review: Phillip J. Nelson & Kenneth V. Greene. 2003. Signaling Goodness: Social Rules and Public Choice. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 264 pp. $60.00
by Douglas Whitman
December 2006, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 197-218 Charles Kingsley and the Theological Interpretation of Natural Selection
by David Levy & Sandra Peart - 219-251 Organizational versus Market Knowledge: From Concrete Embodiment to Abstract Representation
by Max Boisot & Yan Li - 253-268 Gender Imbalance: The Male/Female Sex Ratio Determination
by Yong Yoon - 269-274 The Male-Female Pay Gap Driven by Coupling between Labor Markets and Mating Markets
by Steven Frank & Richard Mckenzie - 275-282 Book Review
by Dan Chiappe & Kevin Macdonald - 283-285 Book Review
by Deby Cassill - 287-289 Book Review
by Robert Yarbrough
August 2006, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 101-119 Why Skew Selection, a Model of Parental Exploitation, Should Replace Kin Selection
by Deby Cassill - 121-132 An Analytical Foundation of the Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey Model
by Thomas Eichner & Rüdiger Pethig - 133-145 Corruption and Age
by Benno Torgler & Neven Valev - 147-165 Information Structure and the Tragedy of the Commons in Resource Extraction
by Rabah Amir & Niels Nannerup - 167-179 Optimization of Harvesting Return from Age-Structured Population
by Natali Hritonenko & Yuri Yatsenko - 181-188 Book Review
by Beth Yarbrough & Robert Yarbrough - 189-191 Book Review
by John Gowdy - 193-196 Book Review
by Adam Gifford
April 2006, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-19 Evolutionary Theory and Economic Policy with Reference to Sustainability
by John Gowdy - 21-33 Sexual Selection and Economic Positioning
by Neil Niman - 35-53 Implementing a Stochastic Bioeconomic Model for the North-East Arctic Cod Fishery
by Kanaganayagam Kugarajh & Leif Sandal & Gerhard Berge - 55-65 Using Genetic Algorithms to Estimate and Validate Bioeconomic Models: The Case of the Ibero-atlantic Sardine Fishery
by Marcos Álvarez-Diaz & Marcos Dominquez-Torreiro - 67-83 Mindreading and Manipulation in an Ecology of Prisoner’s Dilemma Games: Laboratory Experiments
by Mikhail Myagkov & John Orbell - 85-90 Book Review: Thrainn Eggertsson. 2005. Imperfect Institutions: Possibilities and Limits of Reform. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI. vi + 272 pp. Cloth: $65.00; Paper: $27.95
by Robert Yarbrough - 91-94 Book Review: Matt Ridley. 2003. Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human. Harper Collins, New York. 336 pp. $26.95
by M. Norman - 95-99 Book Review: Ulrich Witt. 2003. The Evolving Economy: Essays on the Evolutionary Approach to Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, ix+405 pp. $125.00
by J. Metcalfe
December 2005, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 209-214 Professor Jack Hirshleifer (1925–2005): A Life Remembered
by Harold Demsetz - 215-220 The Economics and Bioeconomics of Classification: Introduction
by Janet Landa & Michael Ghiselin - 221-238 The Economics and Bioeconomics of Folk and Scientific Classification
by Michael Ghiselin & Janet Landa - 239-270 The Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism Needs Better Categories: Clearing up the Confusions that Result from Blurring Analytic and Lay Concepts
by Francisco Gil-White - 271-307 Toward a Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Organizational Life
by Ian McCarthy - 309-334 Codification, Abstraction, and Firm Differences: A Cognitive Information-based Perspective
by Max Boisot & Yan Li - 335-358 The Sensory Order and other Adaptive Classifying Systems
by Thomas McQuade & William Butos
January 2005, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 113-127 Towards a Theory of Revealed Economic Behavior: The Economic-Neurosciences Interface
by Joost Pennings & Philip Garcia & Eligius Hendrix - 129-155 The Role of Culture and Meaning in Rational Choice
by Adam Gifford - 157-160 A Very Simple Model for Declining Mean Fitness
by M. Norman - 161-178 The Bioeconomics of Marine Reserves: A Selected Review with Policy Implications
by R. Grafton & Tom Kompas & Viktoria Schneider - 179-195 Assimilation of Time Series Data into a Dynamic Bioeconomic Fisheries Model: An Application to the North East Arctic Cod Stock
by Al-Amin Ussif & Leif Sandal & Stein Steinshamn - 197-200 Book Review: Bobbi Low. 2000. Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior. Princeton University Press, Princeton. Paperback edition. $20.95
by Nancy Folbre - 201-203 Book Review: Frans B. M. de Waal & Peter L. Tyack (ed.) 2003. Animal Social Complexity. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. xiv + 616 pp. $49.95
by John Alcock
January 2005, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-38 Teaching Bioeconomics
by Robert Yarbrough - 39-40 Comment on Robert Yarbrough’s ‘Teaching Bioeconomics’
by Michael Ghiselin - 41-44 Teaching Bioeconomics: A Political Scientist’s Experience Teaching Evolutionary Psychology
by John Orbell - 45-72 The Behavioral Foundations of Retaliatory Justice
by Vincy Fon & Francesco Parisi - 73-84 The Social Gene
by Deby Cassill - 85-98 From Libertinism to Marital Commitment: The Economics of Marital Search with Heterogeneous Agents
by Gaelle Guirriec & Nicolas Vaillant - 99-102 Book Review: Marc Hauser. 2000. Wild Minds: What Animals Really Think. Henry Holt and Company, New York, 315 pp. $15.00 (Paperback)
by Steven Janke - 103-106 Book Review: Dean Falk. 2000. Primate Diversity. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 415 pp.$ 40.00
by Vicki Bentley-Condit - 107-107 Book Review: Thomas Junker & Uwe Hossfeld. 2001. Die Entdeckung der Evolution: Eine revolutionäre Theorie und ihre Geschichte. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 264 pp.€ 29.90
by Michael Ghiselin
January 2005, Volume 6, Issue 3
September 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 235-238 Cognition and Rules: Introduction
by Adam Gifford - 255-274 Knowledge as a Path-Dependence Process
by Salvatore Rizzello - 275-294 Intersubjectivity and Embodiment
by Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 295-316 Cognition and Extended (NSNX) Rational Choice: Some Early Results
by Howard Margolis
October 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 239-254 Some Reflections on F.A. Hayek's The Sensory Order
by Bruce Caldwell - 333-334 Book Review: John Alcock. 2001. Animal Behavior. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, 543, pp. $84.95
by Leslie Meek
April 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
May 2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 109-135 What Makes Humans Economically Distinctive? A Three-Species Evolutionary Comparison and Historical Analysis
by Christopher Boehm - 137-139 Response to Christopher Boehm's Comments
by Frederic Pryor - 141-141 Brief Commentary on Pryor's Paper
by Scott Gordon - 143-163 The Human Adaptation for Culture and its Behavioral Implications
by Christian Cordes - 165-194 Coexistence of Strategies and Culturally-Specific Common Knowledge: An Evolutionary Analysis
by Angelo Antoci & Pier Sacco & Luca Zarri - 195-226 Achievement Bias in the Evolution of Preferences
by Edward Castronova - 227-228 Book Review: Haim Ofek. 2001. Second Nature, Economic Origins of Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, x+264 pp. $74.95 (cloth) $27.95 (paper)
by Gordon Tullock
2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 The Bioeconomics of Social Behavior: Introduction
by Jack J. Hirshleifer & Paul J. Zak - 3-38 Duplication, Growth and 'Total Return Economics'
by Gordon P. Getty - 39-63 How Love Evolved from Sex and Gave Birth to Intelligence and Human Nature
by Cort A. Pedersen - 65-96 Toward a 0-super-th Law of Thermodynamics: Order-Creation Complexity Dynamics from Physics and Biology to Bioeconomics
by Bill McKelvey - 97-104 Book Review: Richard C. Lewontin. 2000. The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism and Environment. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 136 pp. $22.95
by Elisabeth A. Lloyd
May 2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 83-96 Skew Selection: Nature Favors a Trickle-Down Distribution of Resources in Ants
by Deby Cassill - 97-145 What Does it Mean to be Human? A Comparison of Primate Economies
by Frederic Pryor - 147-148 Conceptual Frameworks for Thinking about Primate Economies: Comments on Pryor's Paper
by David Wilson - 149-150 Response to David Wilson's Comments
by Frederic Pryor - 151-164 Why Ants Do but Honeybees Do Not Construct Satellite Nests
by Janet Landa & Gordon Tullock - 165-191 Homogeneity and Heterogeneity Within and Across Boundaries and Shorelines: Ensemble of Darwin's Finches and Human Transaction Types
by Beth Yarbrough & Robert Yarbrough - 193-214 Ecological Transfers in Non-Human Communities Parallel Economic Markets in a General Equilibrium Ecosystem Model
by John Tschirhart - 215-217 Book Review: Lynn Trainor. 2001. The Triplet Genetic Code: Key to Living Organisms. World Scientific Publication Co., Ontario, Canada
by Romeu Guimarães
October 2002, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 191-194 Biology versus Economics and Culture in Research on the Family
by Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman - 195-222 The Economics Of Partner Out Trading in Sexual Markets
by Samuel Cameron - 223-239 Couple Formation in France: The Changing Importance of Labor Market Early Career Path
by Olivia Ekert-Jaffé & Anne Solaz